>game dont tell you about hidden stats/math going on in the background
Examples like fake percentage displayed in Fire Emblem series
Game dont tell you about hidden stats/math going on in the background
the comic is right you know
if you need to count calories to improve your physique you have inferior beta genes and deserver to fail
>Don't have any discipline or set any goals
>Instead be fat and miserable like me
Femoid thinking in a nutshell, folks.
>Instead be fat and miserable like me
she is clearly not miserable you miserable fat cunt that basically just wants everyone else to be just as fat and miserable because you are miserably fat.
>fat people think they are in the position to lecture people on how to manage their weight
i hate women
Spotted the skinnyfat who can't lift lmao1pl8
planning your meals for the week while counting calories is the best way to save money and improve health
>she is clearly not miserable you miserable
no well adjusted thin person needs to draw children's pictures that lambast dieting methods
You either have a learning disability or you need to start reading more than half the words you want to understand user.
What it should be
>Don't calorie count
>Just work out a lot no matter the calories
post the edits
>so not miserable she needs to make this comic
I literally lost 60 pounds doing light exercise and counting calories after a period of four months. These people are retarded.
No game tells you the math going on behind it. You can see percentages but never really what the formula is.
Post the /fit/ edit, the one with the aftermath
or just dont eat the cookie you fat fuck
>counting calories doesn't guarantee weight loss
the absolute coping from ham planets
diet is 99% of weight loss, you can lose weight while sat on your fat ass on a pc all day
Incel spotted. Run laugh at his virginity protocol.
Literally just stop drinking soda and stop eating pure carbs(rice, pasta, potatoes) and you're guarenteed to lose weight.
you don't even know the situation if you don't count calories, though the comic is a straw man because eating 1 cookie is never the problem
post body
>Counting calories doesn't guarantee weight loss
It literally does, your body cannot override the laws of physics no matter how many tumblr posts you read about it. How many calories you burn is a different topic.
oh boy the ketofag is ever present, even on Yea Forums
You can tell by the distribution of fat to the gut area that this is a male.
>can only do 15 push ups
>if i work out then its an excuse to shovel more candy down my gullet
these are the worst type of lardos
What? Eat vegetables and fruits alongside the diet. I never said shit about eating fat.
Just dont intake excess carbs from what I mentioned unless you know you're going to be doing strenuous activities.
If you stop eating as much your body goes into starvation mode which makes it conserve more so you won't lose weight.
Your stomach isn't a furnace it doesn't burn everything into calories, depending on your hormones, gut flora, etc you can absorb 100% or 10% of what you eat.
It could be.
you're gonna make it just keep trying
If your Calories out is 2000, and your calories in is 1700, you will not lose weight for a long time. Your body will know what's up and adjust your calories out by 300, far before the amount of fat that takes 300 calories to upkeep is burned.
so what
Starvation mode doesn't kick in unless you are massively in caloric deficit. And even then you'd lose weight in starvation mode, just more painfully.
thats why you count calories
you are making sure you are under your maintenance intake but not so low that your body starts hoarding fat
its why retards think dieting doesn't work because they just eat way too little without counting and think that will make them thinner faster
Holy shit, are you suggesting your body magically generates calories from nowhere to prevent you losing weight at a caloric deficit?
I don't exercise much outside of walking the neighborhood daily but I'm eating less, cutting out soda, and drinking more water. Down 30 lbs from last summer. Still overweight, but the progress is reassuring that I can make a difference.
>game has some sort of manufacturing skill
>make the same shit a million times over
>am now immediately proficient in materials and tools I've literally never used because it's part of the same skill
What games are there that require you to actually learn the tools / ingredients you're using rather than just generic cooking / smithing / alchemy skills?
Cultist sim doesn't tell you the percentages, but it is justified since much of the game is about presentation and mystery.
Having numbers would take away from the magic of it.
What it isn't justified in is always having a fail chance, fuck that shit.
I made it all up.
Actually, fasting is better for long term weightloss than calorie reduction as primary.
Do half push ups (legs stay on the ground) until your arms are ready for the real deal.
>stop intaking calories
>my stomach all of a sudden enters into CONSERVE MODE
>I cannot lose weight anymore
>my stomach creates energy from nothing, sustaining me
>scientists harness this energy from every fatty who swear calorie counting doesn't work
>energy crisis solved
that's total fucking bullshit what the hell are going on about
300 - 500 under your normal is the perfect amount under for weight loss
>Manlet gets fat from one cookie
Get better metabolism son
Just wondering. What did you do for your light exercise.
but thats the push up girls do
If I can do 15 normal aren't they ready?
My impression was weightlifters will do ~5 reps of a weight for best progression, I can't overweight pushup for 5 reps but doing 15 seems beter than doing 30 half or whatever.
Unless I could only do like 2x normal then half would make sense.
Yeah but willpower is another factor. Most people can't handle a sudden shift like that in their day-to-day routine. Reduction is more practical, albeit less efficient.
damn you just figured out why it's diet + exercise and not just diet
I find fasting easier than trying to eat just a little.
Just don't prepare anything or go into kitchen. I accidentaly fast every weekend cause I'm lazy.
This is as retarded as reasoning that "healthy people also get cancer". Healthier lifestyles lower your risk, and being cautious about calories lessens the possibility of weight gain. But then this comic also fails to take into account the source/type of calorie. Simple carbs will cause an insulin spike i.e. signalling the body to store fat.
that picture is so fucking stupid. counting calories should enforce you to stop shoveling fucking garbage into you instead of having to double think shoving that fucking cookie in your mouth. also helps you get into good eating habits and having a steady diet to the point where you can just stop fucking counting
t. counted calories lost 40 lbs
there is literally nothing wrong with being a disgusting lardass
Alternate between the two so you can build endurance and strength
it's not even hard to fast, pick one day a week to eat nothing but egg whites and that's protein sparing fasting in a nutshell
More like
>stop intaking calories
>body decides it's time to stop spending energy on useless shit like cognitive clarity or making you not want to kill yourself
>just power through the 6 months of crippling depression and fatigue bro
you get depressed because you're a fat fuck addicted to food
You can be fat all you want as long as you acknolewdge the fact and accept that you don't deserve special treatment for it like it's some sort of uncurable disease.
>does the equivalent of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise
holy shit just lift weights before. I don't even do aerobics and I stay under 160lbs just by lifting and I drink all the fucking time and my genetics are shit.
>clearly not miserable
Like you right?
Get over yourself fatty, stop chugging soda
How shitty is your diet bro?
He isn't wrong, fructose and glucose create citrine which results in VLDL (visceral fat)
yeah you can burn visc fat with exercise but it's a lot easier if you aren't fighting yourself by creating more of it
You are not wrong, but that one tiiiiny little grey text at the bottom left panel tells you she wants to lose weight and is just making a shit excuse to be fat.
If you dont mind being fat then be fat and happy, but if you do mind being fat dont make excuses to keep your fatty habits.
>c-cc-counting calories totally wont help me not being fat yeah.
Why are you guys bullying us fatties? We're all virgin losers here. I'm 35 and a balding loser, food is all I have that I enjoy, that and video games... and monster may have a lot of calories but it helps me stay alert at work.
I always do weight training just so I can get my exercise faster.
Even the image itself says you can burn it off during a fucking commercial break if you just run instead of going light, and that just pushing yourself hard with just body weight instead of light exercise.
If you stop filling your car with gas it enters conservation mode and your car can magically drive 10,000 miles on a single tank.
The thing is, I didnt say shit about replacing it with fat like ketofags do.
Generally most people arent super active and thus dont need carbs from grains, just eat vegetables(non tubules) and get carbs from them.
>coping this hard
>not miserable
Ok, fatty, whatever you say.
Where does the 300 calorie deficit come from?
The opposite. When you're a ham planet your body is working at low efficiency and only converting a portion of your food to calories. When you're in starvation mode it kicks it up to high gear and converts most or all of what you eat to calories.
Most women seem to think doing overly strenuous exercise will turn them into the hulk, even while being jealous and catty to fit women.
That's why there are so many industries selling them hour long workouts that are barely better than just walking around while playing with your phone instead.
>Counting calories doesn't guarantee weight loss
t. fatty
Literally dropped my calorie intake from the average male 2500 down to 1000 and the weight has fucking flown off of me. Exercise isn't even that needed.
>stop intaking calories
>be used to a constant stream of endorphins from eating whatever enters your body's immense gravitational pull
>convince yourself that cake is medicinal, resume inhaling calories
Redpill me on carbs, Yea Forums
>all the fatty coping in this thread
How do you get rid of skinny fat I wanna get a lil bit of adbs as well
He is right tho, genetic fat is real, and it never goes away, your body just kills muscle while on a cut so your lifts are the same or worse while your tummy does not go away.
I eat what I want and exercise 6 hours a week in a gym. Zero issues, if anything I wish I'd gain more weight to build more muscle mass.
Okay, do 5 sets of 15 when you work out or work chest with bench press, inclide db press and db flys so you can do more. Everybody starts somewhere user.
Honestly would don't even need to get weights or leave the house if you don't want to though.
As long as you are willing to push yourself and keep doing harder exercises as you advance.
>If I can do 15 normal aren't they ready?
They're ready.
Go forth.
And that is how you know someone talking about fat being genetic is talking shit
lol this
I kept thinking working out was stupid until I did it and now I have NO MORE PAIN IN MY MUSCLES EVER even tho I sit on my PC 90% of the time.
End it now you little faggot
"Revenge Value" in KH2FM
which would be significantly less retarded if bosses didn't instabreak out your combos for free damage. Most action games do almost the exact same thing as revenge values you just don't have to play around it because devs aren't retarded and actually WANT players to extend combos, to that end they just reset the fight to neutral rather than using counterintuitive player-punishing
>start lifting and eating more to put on some muscle weight
>exact same weight 3 months later
what the fuck im eating like 500 odd calories more and barley scraping 20 minute workouts do i really need to eat more?
good on you bro
I feel like most people ignore that calorie counting is a big part of building muscle mass and being a higher tier athlete.
Many people trying to push their body to peak performance have trouble physically consuming all the calories they need to sustain themselves and their activity.
Really just lifting? No sort of pushups amor sit-ups just focus on the arm area?
>Counting calories doesn't gaurantee weight loss
This reads like someone who's mad as fuck that they have to stop ordering big macs 4x a week so they have to rationalise that losing weight is complicated as fuck.
Somebody post the full version
Fuck, that means my body will adjust and hold onto those 1400 cal then, slowing my metabolism to nothing?
>taking 20 minutes of math, philosophy and spiritual self searching to decide if you will eat a cookie or not
You are the miserable one, m8lad.
Based and redpilled💯
Abs are more about pushing down your bodyfat percentage.
Also no, you work out all your muscle groups, lifting doesn't just mean the couple arm workouts gymrats do to have show muscles.
there are lifting exercises that use muscles in your whole body, like squats and dead lifts.
>500 jumping jacks
nigga that's like an insane amount of exercise.
Like 100+ calories.
>the comic is right you know
>"counting calories doesn't guarantee weight loss"
Yeah, nah, its retarded. Not that you HAVE to, but if you do calorie control right its physically impossible for you not to lose weight.
where do you think you are user?
Yea Forums is literally the worst place on the internet filled with idiots, underages, discord trannies and redditors
>i have 1k cals left
>dinner will be 600
>i can eat this 200 cal cookie
20 minutes of intense maths there lad
>adjust your calories out by 300
how? It just shuts down a few vital organs?
>tfw the calorie intake needed was so hard it was the reason I slowed down on powerlifting and became more casual
holy fuck I'm out of shape
Your mom😂
I thought squats focus more on toning your butt
anyone really trying to lose weight wouldn't have fucking loose cookies and candy laying around
this litteraly never work out
eat whatever i want when i want pretty shitty eatting habbits
been same weight for like 4+ years
and was actually annoreix at a point where everyone kept telling me they could see my bones through my skin
i dont get how people get fat
>Counting calories doesn't guarantee weight loss
well that's true after counting these you have to no fucking eat like a whale
>if your 6-pack is not totally visible, you have tummy, period.
>Going through all these mental gymnastics just to eat a fucking 1300 calorie cookie
Just don't eat the cookie you dumb fat bitch
that's ok, we won't judge if you start exercising and improve yourself.
>one cookie
Let's be real here. If you could eat just one cookie you wouldn't be a fat ass counting calories. The problem is you eat a bag of cookies in one sitting, and then you have a huge dinner five minutes later, and then you eat another bag of cookies for dessert.
Pull-ups (pull-ups not chin-ups or kipping) work out the abs, arms, and back
Okay on the topic of calories, what is the deal with diet soda? It says it's 0 calories but I know it's still supposed to be like pretty bad for you
More like being a flabby skinnyfat. If you want a defined belly, you need muscle
yes, but not exclusively. You use your back muscles, your stomach muscles and your leg muscles quite a bit during squats
Squating with weights will use a ton of muscles throughout your body.
Why do you think people end up fucking up their upper body with bad form?
No it doesn’t you retard.
Fat storage cells don’t go away, but what tumblr fails to mention when playing this excuse is that the fat they store does.
id go fucking nuts just trying to count up to 500 doing them.
god just get a fucking jump rope at that point.
Do you know how calories are calculated?
They burn the ingredient in a fire, as fuel, and measure how much energy is created. This is a very ballpark estimation of what the body gets. Its a guesstimate at best. But its gospell for you. And thats not even counting the manufacturer doing the math to decide what number to write on the packaging (which nobody checks if its anywhere near correct).
Imagine having a calorie budget lmao
Please don't do this to me user.
Not trying to sound like a fat coper or apologist but here's why I don't work out
>I don't see a real need to have muscle in the modern day
>It's very hard to convince myself to do something that I feel is utterly pointless
>I don't like being around people when I'm sweaty and shit.
I totally understand why people would want to do it, it's just not my cup of tea
I do calorie count and eat right, though.
It has a lot of sodium which I don't think it's good for your body.
I replaced sodas with sparkling water and I'm healthy & good.
Technically there's no calories in it, but you might get cancer in a decade so who knows.
>Examples like fake percentage displayed in Fire Emblem series
Some of the games have true hit, where the percentage shown is the real hit rate. 2 hit RN just feels better though, even if it's inaccurate.
I exercise at home mostly because it improves how I feel mentally and physically, don't really care about making myself huge.
>tfw too lazy to spend couple of hours on light exercise
>tfw heart paranoia so can't do intense exercise for less time
Most games do this whether you recognize it or not
Do not read nutritional facts on diet shit. Google it
Nutritional facts are as scant as they are legally allowed to be. They say 0 calories because they legally can. there are calories, but they are "sneaky" and exploit a loophole in FDA regulation.
here's a huge benefit you might have not considered. Exercising regularly gives you a serotonin rush, so you feel pretty good after a workout. Getting that rush regularly improves your outlook on life, makes you more confident and less frustrated/not as easily irritated which can have quite a big butterfly effect on your life. You become a more positive person overall.
It uses various types of sugar that your body can't process, you pass the shit right back out.
There may be health effects, but no one has yet been able to show concrete evidence of such. We will probably know more in a decade or two more research.
It can be fun, and it's mentally invigorating
You don't have to lifts weights to build up muscle either, much less to exercise
artificial sweeteners are legit poison. You might as well be sweetening your drinks with leaded mercury.
and people who think diet soda is actually dieting are just lazy assholes who lack the will to lose weight in the first place. Drink a regular soda and limit your serving sizes to just one.
>retards ITT think the only difference between 1000 calories of refined wheat and 1000 calories of leafy greens is micronutrients
>One cookie is 1300 calories
Americans, I...
I am legit high functioning autist and I really don't like feeling powerful emotions.
It makes me feel really out of control.
Should I try and lose the belly fat before trying to get abds?
>do drugs
>stay stressed, depressed and miserable
>eat less
>lose weight
It's pretty easy.
This shit sucks however. I've lost 30+ lbs and the belly is still there. It's legit the only fucking part I want to get rid of and the only part that's not cooperating.
>only 1300
Damn I need to update my bulking routine
It's a really big cookie.
>counting calories doesnt work!
Literally fucking retarded, I was a 250lbs NEET 5 months ago, 4 months ago I got a job, and 2 months ago I started to just eat less and count calories and now I'm down to 218lbs, not stopping until I get to 170.
I do nothing but sit at a desk all day and I'm losing weight. This is just fatass logic
I remember some basketball player (can't remember if it was barkley or shaq) one said their diet was "if it tastes good I spit it out."
Counting calories and planning your exercise routine around a single cookie is fucking retarded but wanting to lose weight while eating cookies anyway isn't much better. A proper diet frankly matters more than exercise at the end of the day.
>couple of hours on light exercise
Light exercise shouldn't take a couple of hours. I run a mile and a half and that only takes fifteen minutes at most. Even when I lifted weights it took about an hour to do. Honestly it doesn't take much time out of the week to regularly exercise. It takes four, maybe five hours at most.
Fuck you bub, I drink diet sodas regularly and am losing weight just fine.
You made a 210,000 calorie deficit in 4 months. 52,500 a month, an average of 1750 a day, without ever going over, with just "light exercise." You just be either obese or a miracle worker.
Me too about half a year ago. Everyone always says you feel a lot healthier and more energetic but I feel the same minus the fat on my neck and sides
Yeah that's what I figured, that the artificial sweeteners were carcinogens or something. I mean not to exaggerate but I love soda more than life itself, so if I indulge like on my birthday I whole ass it and get the regular kind
There is nothing wrong with having a big soft tummy.
But there is something wrong with being an emotionally unstable fat coper/apologist
Depends on the look you're going for.
>couple of hours
You can be perfectly healthy with as little as twenty minutes exercise per day.
You won’t win any competitions but with a good diet to compliment it you’ll be healthy
Honestly, your goal should be to get healthy. To answer your question, your visceral fat (belly fat) won't affect you abdominal gains so long as you do exercises at the metabolic fat burning rate. In other words, keep your heart rate at ~100-130 while working out and the fat will soon go away.
You'd be surprised at the calorie requirements of morbidly obese people. Some can lose weight even still eating 4000 calories a day
>Counting calories doesn’t guarantee weight loss
It’s literally the only method that does.
>he doesn't consider 250 burpees light exercise
>Counting calories doesn't guarantee weight loss
Why is it impossible for these fucking people to actually think?
The fat in their brain makes them dumb
Don't worry lads, you'll never be this guy
So many things are wrong with your question.
You can't "lose belly fat" first, or second, or third. When you lose weight, you lose fat everywhere on your body. Arms, legs, belly, all at once. No matter what exercise you do.
You already have abs. Everyone does. You just need to get your overal bodyfat down to 19% to see it. Your bodyfat will not get that low just by exercising. You need to change your diet hardcore. Chicken and rice all day every day. Exercising will just speed up the process of losing weight. But the chicken and rice diet is key. You literally cannot do it without a similar diet.
Hey good luck. Hope you keep it off for good and don't instantly rebound to your old weight like Jonah Fucking Hill.
This is the most bourgeois post I’ve ever had the displeasure of gazing upon.
>mfw require so many calories a day that my body has evolved to convert ambient radiation into ATP
Losing weight IS the way to get abs.
Abs start showing around 18% body fat, and if you’re lifting regularly you’ll have something to show for it when you get there.
is 10 minutes of walking really the same as 500 jumping jacks?
theres no fucking way thats real
>Yea Forums is by far the fattest board
A bit shocked as I'm an underweight doomer
I think it's a routine, not a "pick your poison"
>beetus blood erodes small vessels
>brain is made entirely of small vessels
Good a theory as any
Shut up fatty
-t. Lost 50 lbs on Keto
>Tfw was drinking a whole 2 liter of soda a day, 800-1200 calories of soda a day
>Am obese now, having to count calories if I want rapid weight loss(1500 calories a day plus exercise)
>I just wanna get back to 150 pounds and be able to eat 2000-2400 calories a day everyday
5'10 and 228, down from 249 last month
>wrist starts hurting after 5
>tfw I can finally do 50 push ups again
>235 lbs
>weapon reach isn't given in weapon stats
>inventory portraits aren't very good
>go whole swinging a shortsword when you could have had a greatsword