Play Granblue
Play Granblue
No thanks, I have sex. And self-respect.
narumaya (or whatever the fuck her name is) vanilla doujin by fatalpulse when
How do I apply to become one of asanagi's girls?
I do and I have all of those girls, well V.Medusa, not the OG, also damn 12k for April Fools is nice
Left to right: Medusa, Vania, Narmaya
>I have sex. And self-respect
Choose one
I tried two times but the UI is so garbage I can't
Worse, there was an fanmade extension that improved the UI however the company went apeshit since for them is illegal and threatening the so original content.
>TFW got lured into gachashit by female Draphs
when it gets a proper game
Sad they are in decline.
>tfw never get the characters I want
Even with all the draws from the 5th anniversary I didn't get anyone I really wanted.
Me in the back
I sparked 300 rolls and got what I wanted. You should do that instead of wasting it. Grand Ferry, Kuvira and Monkey.
>Self respect
Why would you lie on a anonymous image board?
>ebin out of faceless beefcaek patting shortstakc maymay
How many of these images will he make.
Fuck off.
Best girls are in the place.
Me in the back
Gonna marry this idiot
Thanks, I will. It'll give me something to do between sex sessions with my girlfriend.
In context, the girl in the middle is getting old and wants to marry a man. They do some april's fool joke but Siero/Vyrn state those who make bridal jokes never get to marry ever and she just start crying.
>want to spark monki and sheep
>monki is on rate up so I could get her if I sparked right now
>only have 244 rolls
Goddamn it
how do i dislike this post
>artist who suffers from extreme female sameface meanwhile each of the mega ultra giganiggers that he draws are unique in looks and personality
why do people like his art again? He's clearly a closet homo when you compare the amount of effort that he puts into the dudes vs. the women
You got the april fools crystals already?
so she's like an incel but woman
Actually I only play FGO grancuck😃
You clearly sacrificed one of those to obtain the other.
>cows are big already
>inflate their tits anyway and draw them off model
worst shit
I play both and more.
Is the shortstack in this picture in a relationship with the blue haired dude? I noticed almost all the doujins of her were with him instead of the self insert
2017 player here is this grid still fixable by today's standards? I don't have ixaba or have any desire to save up to spark or buy a ticket for it
all these great artist of grub and you picked
>japanese shadman
>tfw no midget big tiddy Draph gf
then you are a gachaneet
don't @ me
Is there no way to play on pc without chrome?
I also play console games and ones in steam. I was gridding with the phone while finishing DMC5, you can easily do that with those with auto mode.
5* Vampy is really good, I'm glad
I fucking HATE m2.
I bet all you dumb fucks couldn't even be in the top 100 for puzzle enigma like me.
between dejeeta, vampy, and grea my dick can't take anymore and i dont even play.
is it as good as azur lane?
RIP then
They're partners as mercenaries
People kinda expect them to be a couple but then both got cgs for valentines/white day with the mc
Think it made the artist for most of the doujins of both in panda mad too
Well they spend a good chunk of the first story arc as your team rocket
I'm glad Asanagi is at least trying to draw unique faces now. That Medusa and Vampy are cute and relatively on-model, Naru is way off though but whatever it's an ero doujin design.
I tried it but gachashit is just not for me. Oh well, at least granblue seems like a really popular thing for porn artists these days so I'm good.
Arulumaya is the best thing to come out of this
Gacha is good if you have some sort of office job with down time.
Does it have sexy milfs?
Gameplay in is better, girls are also better developed as characters but AL has a higher concentration of cute lolis. It's not really fair to compare them since they're in completely different genres, on different platforms and made by different countries.
I already can't get a single SSR mana weapon or Baha horn after a shit ton of raids, I have absolutely no luck in that kind of grind game.
Azur Lane is really low effort shit compared to granblue.
Its only advantage is the fact that it lets you roll for shit really often compared to most other gachatrashes.
SSR Camieux fucking when?
I actually stopped playing GBF.
I just couldn´t stand the grind anymore.
I still login for event that give you free rolls.
i have every version of her and plan to leave her benched for life.
Right after SSR Jin and Walder
Baha horn has really, really fucking low drop rate from flip chest, a bit higher on red (though I still get rusted weapon most of the time anyway).
You have highest chance getting from host red box (that being said I still ended up with 2 fucking rusted weapons from red box more often than not).
shit sucks. i spent a whole day joining m2 raids and only gained enough anima for three bahu raids in which i only got one horn.
>building magna at all
>not rolling 2 of the OP primal weapon then sparking for the 3rd and Birthday suptixing the 4th
I finished my Fallen Sword dark grid last week and it feels good. Also have my choice of Baha and Hades, though with Baha getting his 5* I think 1 of each is by far the best now. You're actually need a lot of cap up because of how strong it is in addition to the usual echoes/crit/etc.
Baha horn comes from the same chest as rusted weapons which is a guaranteed drop. You can just leech them, it's a 1/11 drop chance basically.
She has my favorite design but my autism keeps me from enjoying her doujins because I can’t self insert as gran
It's funny whale such as yourself were nowhere to be seen when there was mass scale shilling to new players.
I have a girlfriend but I still fap to Granblue, sex with one person gets boring if you don't have a good mix of porn.
Glorious spats
I am but I wasted all my shit trying to get monki. Didnt get shit from that compulsive pull. maybe next year lmao.
why would I
FGO has a cute dog mascot
>bampy is the tallest girl there
jesus christ
gbf has one too, and to make the joke complete she's completely useless. Trust me I've tried.
i know right?
Sorry m8, this thread is just for shitposting
OP doesn't actually care if you play
If you want a serious answer try the GBF /vg/ thread
Depends what you mean by fixable, it's definitely playable but you'll never be competitive without Ixabas
Can you post it so I can see?
Zodiac will only be females?
ah damn i gave up after the powercreep characters and weapons but my friends keep telling me to rejoin
I’ve only spent $90 on the game, all buying suptix, and I’ve been playing 3 years. If you think that makes me a whale then you’re nuts.
post 6 year olds
>shilling gacha shit
the absolute state of Yea Forumseddit
If arcade shit and MMO shit is allowed, gatchas are fine.
Yaia is popular enough to show up in unrelated events, I wonder if she’ll make it into Relink with it’s dozens of gacha characters promised.
I’d honk her nook
>gacha shit
Excuse me?
But do you have sex with short cow-titted girls? Anyone can have sex with some gross 4/10 ogre woman but what's the point when you can't have an attractive big titty GF?
I play shadowverse just because it has a vampy skin :^)
cute ladivas
why is water charlotta doing light ougi?
Summer Vampy soon
Generic """story""" box does the spin as her signature move, see WMtSB part 3, it's not just light box.
Its just one retard shilling pairing like the other dude/girl making all sibling to fuck each others.
It will be his sister (male)
Yes, this one might be the rat for next year. Probably dark.
Um, getting fucked in the ass by your black boyfriend doesn't count, sweety.
I'm just glad she's getting love in GBF again. No longer power creeped.
This dude loves short stacks and feet
I want to naizuri this vampire.
Thats why I like new upgrades, sadly they do one per month. Lily will get the other for april.
five star Kokkoro when?
Little brothers should go to bed, this is bampy's time for love
I really like the one where Gran fucks him so hard up the ass that his dicklet prostate orgasms the instant he bottoms out.
But dark ultima dagger is now meta so Veight is shining too?
Just need a cute new skin to push him little more
All I know about Granblue is this doujin
Why should I play this game?
>Vampy in a swimsuit.
>momi0's artwork of vampy with a cocklock
my penis is go right now.
Based and nookypilled.
The only flaw is that it has too much vampy desu
I already tried Shadowverse and that was dogshit that they kept making worse. I don't see how adding more gacha will be any better.
>play mobage to get skinner box progressions and titty pics
>go on danbooru and search for fanart
The question is, how much of a faggot do you have to be to do #1?
GBF is first and foremost a browser game, not a mobile game. It's also one of the most F2P friendly gacha out there, they constantly throw truckloads of free shit at you. Compared to the jewery of something like FEH or F/GO it's not even close. You also don't skip any gameplay by paying, you still have to raid for shit the same as everyone else.
>he says posting ecchishit in an offtopic thread
Don't you have an april fools thread to be participating in, faggot? I'm sure you were one of the many who were only ironically pretending to be fucked by black anons.
Sorry bro, I hope you can forgive me.
>offtopic thread
GBF is one of the most popular video games on the planet, your autistic screeching won't change that.
good one
me on the bottom
I want to watch Medusa get destroyed by Asanagi
>Japanese Shadman
April fools is over you gay nigger
Based and ultimately chadpilled
You won't lure me in
>another erune
I know zodiacs are supposed to be animals, but it would be kinda cool to get human, especially for Rat.
I won't unless I get more thicc dragon and her tail.
Have some SOIYA as an offering.
Who cares, being F2P still means you're getting buttfucked by a progression loop, even if it is more friendly than others. Furthermore the gameplay is still trash. Being free doesn't matter if it's not good.
This game doesn't matter but for titties, which I can get for free online with a search bar.
There's a free event with a number of female characters and Sturm straight out says they're just partners.
If you don't like classic RPGs that's fine, but it's still a good game. There is no loop, there is a clear early, mid and endgame. The only exception would be when they added ultimate bahamut, which moved the endgame further.
She has brilliant moon as a "regular" super and noble execution as a cinematic special.
So why was cagliostro's family so jealous that he got to be a loli?
mad that Cag "tainted" the ways of alchemy
But he was the father of it. how can he ruin it?
And now (s)he's gonna taint Clarisse with his 20 cm futa ouroboros.
Havent you ever seen some really great artist ruin their own great story with some bullshit later?
That way
no if its the creator it's only an improvement.
What a responsible lady not to give himself some kinda hyper ouroboros.
Shes so precious
>japanese shadman
She'll be riding on Dan oji-san's shoulders as a mobile gun-turret
If you had any form of self-respect then you wouldn't be posting here
based and bisexualpilled
Wait a minute... that outfit... that pose...
I desperately need more doujins with bisexual shotas in my life
I have probably spilled a gallon of semen to Veight in this doujin by this point.
>feminist numale skirting around the real reason why he hates asanagi
you fags are so disingenuous
I do
These erunes need clothes with backs.
no. they don't.
There is one like that and shes is the best one too
this is a fake erune!
I don't know man, should I? Serious question.
I see it plays on Chrome, does it play well on mobile version of the browser as well?
Only the uggos
I want to do all of the things to Ferry.
Its very real one
The fact that her back is covered is what makes it so lewd and great, i want to see it bare but i cant
>>I have self respect, sex, and Im on Yea Forums
>she sees your annual wage
>tfw actually just got Vampy
Thanks Asanagi senpai
one can dream
>somehow didn't get vampy from the 100 draws
>got 4 hallessenas and vampy from 100draw
feels alright senpai
got bampi, djanu and the chainsaw girl, I'm sorry for you.
I think I got 5 halles, Amira and Dark Jannu
I got her in exactly the final 100 rolls.
Funny part is before I rolled I was looking at the characters you could spark thinking if I should do it, and I checked Vampy's profile just before getting her in the roll.
Still though what I want really is fucking Bahamut!
I'm jealous
>already had vampy
>got 3 bye bye
>dark janu
>got only 2 djannu gold moons
>my sword is now just 2* and its not worth a bar
aahhh i wanted to 4* it
She's not very good if that helps
It was with a 50% discount spark, I love her too much
Fact: Shorter women are healthier, have more endurance and produce better offspring
Tall women are made for work
Short women are made for love
They were waiting for me to fucking spark, I swear it
Eventually user, have patience.
She and her sisters are super popular, and her sisters got their first and second SSR variants respectively. She'll probably get a Water SSR at some point to match her two sisters.
The shorter the better
>still hasnt uncapped Yuel
>no Summer Jeanne
They really need to animate the SkyBlue Trilogy. Dat character development
Please nigga, look at Veight. Pouring a gallon of spunk in him and Vampy is 100% pure straight.
Asanagi has done a title that was relatively vanilla-ish. It's just that Asanagi's form of 'vanilla' is along the lines of really passionate, mindbreaking hatesex.
Fuck off this is a bi game
I wanna mash a potato
go be gay elsewhere.
It's alright. Still better than the app version.
I hope she gets a 5 star or costumes or anything. I know they said they would have to think of a way to balance 5 stars with flash/premium characters which is fine I first thought, but then I remembered that the zodiacs are in premium and they have 5 stars so that reason is completely retarded now. So they might as well just start giving 5 stars to characters in those pools now and Black Knight would genuinely benefit from one.
>it's another lowain bros event episode
What a fun time that event was.
Can't wait to see what it will be like when Moose's collab starts.
Well, you can always pretend the don't exist by filtering/sorting them by level in the party menus. That's how I do it for most of them.
Lowain bros are great.
>tfw i've become so lonely and insecure that i can almost sympathize with these people
where did it all go so horribly wrong
>hating the bros
I feel weak. How can you enjoy this game, knowing that the girls' purity has been defiled? They're used goods. Leftovers. They're like a used condom you find in a public bathroom, there's no point to it. Why are so many great artists wasting their time drawing this filth?
>japanese shadman
I hate the art style.
Also fuck off cygame shillbot.
My sister who's a legal dwarf is 145 cm tall....
Some of them are still pure, but not for you.
I live of the mac system so it's all good.
I really dislike how story mode "plays", just let me read the game instead of forcing easy story battles with trash loot.
This team is pretty fun. Ougis every 2-3 turns. Really helps my newbie ass out
Thankfully that only happens in the old event stories and early mainstory
If you play the current event story it doesnt have any forced fights at all
>not casual Jeanne
it's trash
This one only wants your dick.
The fuck are you doing here then?
I'm bored with granblue
I want to play something else
>not self-inserting as the male MC who most of the girls want or at least like in-canon
>not using headcanon to make the rest of the girls want you too
>4 results for JAPANESE SHADMAN
fuck you all
At least the art is good, shad couldnt hope to draw as good as asanagi
>People whinng to this when the Honaka Va was a fcuking jav whore.
does it have giant shortstacks?
What did they mean by this?
Keeping her safe from harm, smart!
They've gotten people into pits and backs, their next target is feet.
Giant shortstacks? Got any pictures?
That artist is 10
The beato doujins are my favorites
>having sex
Play Paladins instead
>playing gachashit
I'm not opposed to spinoffs like the figther or the ARPG, will try those if they're good.
and the doujins, pretty quality stuff
>And self-respect.
But you're on this site
Any code that featuring her?
I just like the shortstacks.
big draph milkers
>Japanese Shadman
Big loli draph milkers.
how does one even get into a gacha game when it's multiple years old and probably powercreeped to hell and back
The autisum of lovelivefags is certainly a sight ro behold.
>6yr old
is vampy tier 1 in this i got her but i technically already have dark jeanne, orchis, summer zooey and titty dwarf
King of potate
got a problem with that?