Is he right? Should games be accessible to all people...

Is he right? Should games be accessible to all people? To not have an easy mode is like having a soup restaurant but they only give you forks and not spoons. Sure you can eat soup with a fork but it's so much harder than with a spoon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>food analogic

>disabled people

Games are for mass market consumers not the sub 1% who can’t use their fucking hands

>lower motor skills or who are just newer or worse at games in general
now comes the part what we used to call "learning" back in the day

I suppose people with learning disabilities are entitled to reading Umberto Eco, too?

>Games should have an easy mode because it's unfair to the disabled!
Guess again bitch

Literal retards shouldn't be playing video games.

>every game is for me
>i'm the target of every product, spot, commercial

More like a customer is so retarded he doesn't know how to use a fucking spoon and is asking to be spoonfed by the staff

this is all unironically nintendo's fault for bringing all the casuals into gaming with the wii and degrading the hobby. now there's a bunch of casuals who think every game should be easy instead of accepting that there's room for both games like animal crossing and games like sekiro in the industry.

Is this about sekiro again? Why would you want a game from people famous for making difficult games if you are bad at video games?

Nah, I don't complain either about all the western A games being made for braindead retards which results in me not being able to enjoy it and the resulting hard mode is always total shit and just tacked on to pretend the game can be challenging.

Remember that its because of US and their progressive dumbing down of population we are suffering retards like the one in OP and subsequently mass produced more "accessible" soulless AAA games.

Nobody fucking cares about the subhuman tards. Cripples should just go and fucking die.

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This kind of journalists just want to rush through the game and publish their clickbait shit as soon as possible.

This is like complaining about not being able to play soccer in a wheelchair. Fuck off retards

>demand movies be catered to me
>demand music be catered to me
>demand the NFL recruit me
I know audiobooks are a thing but that's a different market.

But if you don't want to learn and get better at Sekiro you aren't going to enjoy it. That IS inherent to the enjoyment of that game. It's not gatekeeping, it's the fucking gate.

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If you're disabled you have worse things to worry about than not being able to play video games.

So why are healthy people not allowed in the paralympics?
>b-but it's just us that are at a disadvantage
You're lucky you're allowed to live at all, even comfortably at it. You can do so much already that retards couldn't do just a few years back.
Fuck off retards, humanity doesn't need to fit everything for the bottom of the barrel. The moment you give those subhumans a finger they take the entire hand.

>censored name

If this was some niche indie release, they wouldn't give a crap about it being difficult

They only care because it's a big-name famous title that DARES to reach for audiences that aren't them. It angers them to see something successful despite not catering to them.

>To not have an easy mode is like having a soup restaurant but they only give you forks and not spoons. Sure you can eat soup with a fork but it's so much harder than with a spoon.
>normal mode doesn't have a spoon

>Umberto Eco
>hard to understand
you have to be 18 to post here

If you truly love a game you wouldn't need to beat it. But what would a whore know about love?

>he says completely ignoring the fact that most of these LMAO SO EASY nintendo games put a mark of shame on you for using the god modes and beating the game unlocks a second round with hard as fuck levels

To continue in other words, these people seem to think there's some secret enjoyment factor to be found in games like Sekiro that's being hidden behind the difficulty from less-skilled players. They see that as an inequality, not realizing the enjoyment factor is the very thing they're complaining about.

They don't realize that people who are disabled and/or have lower motor skills as well as people who are bad at games aren't being denied the entertainment, they're given the exact same opportunity as everyone else. Their proposed solution is to remove the core of what makes the game entertaining in the first place.

No. He's a massive leftist faggot. Not everything is or should be accessible to everyone. Get fucked.

Difficulty modes are unnecessary. Games are always better when they're made with one difficulty in mind

>Thinks age has anything to do with intelligence
You have to be 18 to post here.

The only pathetic thing is people not being willing to learn and man their lazy asses up.

The game should be played the way the creator of the game intended it to. It's like making an M rated movie PG so everyone can watch it.

I just wanna point out that the whole "disabled people NEED an easy mode" thing is always said by people who are in fact not disabled.
It's almost like THEY want an easy mode so they don't have to try so hard and they're virtue signaling to try and make it happen. HMMMM

>Just ignore disabled folks and those with low motor skills.
Erry day

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It was always going to end like this. First they made it so that developers couldn't make what they want when it comes to characters, story and such and now they are going for more trivial things like difficulty. Every faggot being allowed a voice on this planet was a mistake.

It's because of public schooling. Socialism. The same kind pumping out cucked morons in Europe every day.


It's hard if you don't read pasta.

you've already embarrassed yourself, no need to dig yourself deeper

Kinda like buying a guitar and then complaing you cant play it.

It's up to the game developer for me. If they want to put a easy mode than go ahead,but if they don't than that's to bad and you need to get over it. Let them make the game how they want. If its to hard for you than play something else. Why should they cater to what you want?

Yeah I think some video games being beyond their potential to master is probably pretty low on the table of concerns for the impaired

Meanwhile, they know they're shit, and only want to "beat it" because they know it's hard.
If they genuinely loved it, they would git gud or accept it.

Here's a quadriplegic beating a late game boss

A change that destroys the game's enjoyability for 99% of the population to cater to the 1% is bad.

>White man
Why am I not surprised

Someone here used a roller coaster analogy yesterday that I really agreed with. Fast rides make me sick, so Disney should make Space Mountain slower. Also they should turn on the lights because I don't like the dark, and have an alternate, smoother track so I don't get bumped around.
What? They won't MAKE a new track for me? Well that's real nice for everyone afraid of the dark who also gets motion sick. I guess ALL those people who paid to get into the park won't get to ride every ride, that's just bullshit!

Standardized schools really were a mistake. Teachers get blamed when niggers that are dumb because they're fucking niggers don't do well, so the schools just lower everything to the lowest common denominator so it looks like they're doing better

>twitter screenshot

>an intricate instrument that takes years of practice to master
>some kids game where you play as a cup
come on dude

Games should be accessible to all people but that doesn't mean every game must cater to people who are shit at games. My roommate has one hand and still plays sekiro so there really isn't any reason to make it easier. disabled people don't need easier games, they need better controllers. Easier games are for fucking retards (gaming journos) who don't even enjoy games which is why they constantly demand games change.

>they dont deserve to enjoy things
Bitch its a fucking video game about stabbing people.
And its a video game thats from the ground up build around its difficulty
Literally nothing is lost if you don't like it., just move on. Stop acting so entitled.
And you can't tell me that after Souls games are a thing another game from that company with the same kind of difficulty surprised you, after spending 60 on it.

I dont understand why these ridiculous game journalists think that they can bully niche game into adding easy mode into a game clearly designed for people who dont like easy games
All the blue checks need to be gassed
Literally all of reality has to agree with them
Its insane

>why doesnt x have an easy mode?
>surely I will get what I want by attacking the community around it
LMAOing at their life

Video games are just waggling sticks and pressing buttons. If you are physically incapable of performing those two actions, I'm sorry. There's still a wealth of books and films you can enjoy in this world in place of video games.

>Easier controls for the disabled
This is fine
>For newer people or people with less motor skills
My motor skills fucking suck and I can still beat hard games with practice. Holy shit fuck these people who want shit just handed to them in every game.

WHY the fuck do these people feel entitled to have every genre open to them? Imagine if they pushed this for Dwarf Fortress

>handicapped people can't play difficult games because I guess being crippled means they're retarded
What happened to handicapable?
Why's this guy such a bigot?

They have literally the same mentality as real incels. Both demand that people bend for them.

Someone post the retard this.

That happened at my local public school, it was one of the best in the state and then they started bussing niggers to it and they lowered all the standards just so the niggers could graduate. Non black Parents started pulling their kids out and putting them in private schools and now the entire school is a nigger school that can't even keep teachers and all the niggers are blaming the Asians, Latinos and whites for "fleeing". blacks really don't get that their existence lowers the quality of life for everyone else.

What's next? Retards demanding that puzzle games should have an easy mode?

>disabled people really want to play video games so l demand the whole industry adopt their game design to their needs
yeah i bet they'd like to have sex too, maybe go out and blow a cripple, lady and see how much he cares about dark souls after

These posts shouldn't even be made, you just give them ideas of what to demand next. You think them demanding easier puzzle games sounds far fetched and ridiculous but these people live for shit like this, having things changed to cater to them makes them feel important.

They're just as bad.

People are not made equal. That's a race to the bottom.

More games exist and are made than ever before. There are options. You also always have the option to cheat if you need to play the game that badly.

Why yes, we should ignore disable people. We already gave the middle finger to natural selection just to let them live, what more do they want?

The ones at hood schools like that are. I dont fuck with Mexican gangs. They're scary as hell

It's not even disabled people though, some disabled youtuber made a video defending sekiro and saying it shouldn't be easier because disabled people don't need easier, with the new Xbox controller and pc controls they can actually play a lot of games much better now. When you look at who is actually pushing this shit it's pasty little twink journos who can't even get past the tutorial of cuphead lol.

Attached: quality journalism.webm (640x360, 2.32M)

I wouldn't know, the school was entirely white when I graduated in 2008. Didn't start going to shit until like 2010.

git gud gaybo

Games are art, so yeah. I believe all of humanity is entitled to free and open access to it.

there are plenty of games cripples can play. Like Kingdom Hearts or the latest Sony movie game

No. Coddling doesnt help, and this generation needs to learn not everything is made for them. Different people choose different things. Sometimes this means one game is for you, and the other isnt.

Alternatively, I'd like to see them add hardcore mode to Nintendogs and Animal Crossing. You know, its gotta be fair and accessible to everyone, even "hardcore" gamers.

Access yes, meddling with the artist no.
>Mr Beksinski, your works are too heavy for me, I demand you start painting pretty flowers instead!

So I guess music should be dumbed down, as the deaf cannot experience it in the same way as a none-disabled person can.

Is he looking down on disabled people by assuming that they are incapable of completing a game on harder difficulties just because of their disabilities? Sounds pretty bigoted to me desu.

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I suggest to add gaming journalist to the list of disabilities for their lack of motor skills and an inability to grasp new concepts.

What game is she bad at again?

Games should be accessible to all varieties. MGS series did this perfectly where Very Easy was a piss easy game and Extreme is going to give you an incredibly different game altogether from Very Easy and beat your ass down until you get good at it.

A fucking cripple beat Sekiro. If you cant you are pathetic and a cripple has more worth than you.

>Animal Crossing (hardcore mode)
>Hunger meters
>Villager permadeath

You may have stumbled upon a new meme

If they can obtain the game, they do have free and open access to it. I can by manga in Japanese but I'm not going to complain that I can't read it, and the language should be "made easier" by lowering it to infant levels. The manga would lose value and made worse.


are you shitting me? this shit is easier than Bloodborne.

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The middle paragraph, but unironically.

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I mean, if I feel the game is too hard for me to enjoy I'll either use cheats or use Cheat Engine to modify the game fully to my liking. In the end it doesn't really matter that much.

Why does the world coddle the weak so much? 7 billion people on the planet and they want to put the physically challenged, mentally deranged, and straight up just mentally retarded on a pedestal. We will never advance with so while holding onto so much chaff.

They have access to it.
Wether they have the capabilities to unravel it its on them.

quadriplegic generally means someone who can't move any of their 4 limbs, but I guess someone with less than full paralysis counts too (didn't know that)

good for that guy though, i love seeing shit like this

Like it or not, developers have ZERO obligation to cater to wider audiences. They are free to make the games they want to make and target the specific groups they want to target. That could come with fewer sales in the end and if they're fine with that, then it's their decision. On the flipside of that, targeting a specific demographic versus a broader audience could work out better for them because providing an uncompromised vision to the demographic they want may reach more people than attempting to please everyone. When you aim to please everyone, you will often please no one and it could mean fewer sales than had they targeted a specific demographic. Either way, it's their game and they are free to make it the way they want.

To add to that, the customer is also responsible for how their money is spent. If you "paid $60 to not be able to beat a game" because it was too hard, that's on you for not doing your fucking research before making a purchase. I do think that flexing your e-peen with "git gud" or acting like you're better than somebody because you can beat a hard game is childish and stupid but I don't think devs should ever have to create an easy mode if it's not something they want to have in their game and anyone who's buying From games without knowing what they're getting into has no one but themselves to blame.

No, we just need to have standardized haptic feedback devices made so deaf people can instead feel the music, and all music needs to be made specifically to be enjoyed with those devices even at the expense of audio quality.

Isn't caring for our weak is what differentiate us from animals? We're literally the only species who will put so much resources towards providing disabled members of society with care.

The irony in this post is hilarious. Single player fags are dumb as fuck.

All poetry should come with a detailed explanation of the thoughts and ideas being conveyed. Or you're a bigot.

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It’s not they’re fault you’re unable to choose anything but “easy” game mode when it’s provided to you

faggots make it sound like 80% of the population are crippled

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what the fuck does "headass" even mean? why do these zoomers keep making up words?

animals are 100% about efficiency. caring for the meek is inefficient. the only difference between us and animals is we can sustain this lack of efficiency for a lot longer, but we will crash eventually.

my take on this is that, for starters, you cant please everyone, either you make 1 group mad, or make the other mad, so its a no win situation.

that said, having difficulties is a good option, thing is that with education, making things to easy actually stunts the persons learning ability and for the person who is actually more skilled it makes things boring. you have to find a balanced between what is easy and what is hard and the thing is people are just different, there are tons of disabilities as well so making the perfectly balanced game is near imposible.

gaming is not as important as education so education will continue trying to find that balance, with gaming and other activities, people should learn that there are somethings they just cant do or they have to adapt to them, take Brolylegs and Street Fighter 4, the guy was a great player and he played with his tongue and 1 hand.

the thing is, gaming while for everyone, people have to learn to invest time into something in order to get better a it, you cant expect to be good at chess without having played many, many matches or read up on some strategies, why should gaming be the same?

>and all music needs to be made specifically to be enjoyed with those devices even at the expense of audio quality.
So dumb down music for deaf people. Got it.

You know what I find amazing about the people who make these arguments, aren't usually disabled, and use them as an object for their own flaws.

yup . Its funny how journo's can speak for disabled people

It's consolebab problems

why not just play another game?
also if disability is an issue, its not the game's fault, its the fault of the input device. unless its a visual problem and all games these days have lighting settings
the exception to all of this are people who are literally braindead and can't react to shit.
a person with poor motion control in their hands aren't slow in the head, they just need a better controller

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Imagine being so bad at video games you need to parade around cripples as a reason for why YOU need an easy mode

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He is using disabled people as his shield to attack people who simply have a different opinion or interpretation of what games are, while virtue signaling. Isn't this social media in a nutshell though? Even scorechads in this thread are getting outclassed.

I'm waiting for the moment those people will get mad at treadmills not being disabled friendly.

we should strap wheelchairs on the top of horses so they can race
we should gas the surving jews

nobody should be left out of nothing

His main literary theory work is pretty complex yes.

>why isn't the competitive gaming community more inclusive? they need to think about how disabled people feel that they can't be the best players as well

That should depend solely on the game developer and what he wants or doesn't want to enable. There's plenty of devs and games to choose from, not everything should cater to those that aren't able bodied or capable.

OR, and I'm just going out on a limb here, people could maybe just accept that not every game is made for them, and move on with their lives. Video games are the only medium out there where people seem to think that should be able to play everything at all times.

This. I don't think I'd understand a book in intermediate quantum mechanics book because I'm not familiar with the basics. Should the author change the content of the book so I can understand it, or be forced to write a second version of the book that I can learn from? Fuck no. Not every single piece of media content out there needs to cater to me. That's the definition of entitled.

I'm not against accessibility options (alternate controller mappings, colorblind mode, etc.) or difficulty options if the developer wants to add those features. But there's no reason to force difficulty options, especially if it compromises the developer's vision of how the game should be.

They have access to it, they are just incapable of enjoying it due to personal biases or physical deficiencies.

>if I spend $60 on release because I see all the cool gamers hyping it up then I'm entitled to see the ending of the game
What do you even gain from finishing a game like Sekiro on an easy mode? You can only relate to other people's experiences on the shallowest levels like "oh yeah that boss was a thing that happened", the cool internet cred they want really isn't worth shit.

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Disabled people can still play video games

That's why trainers exist

argument over, go home now anons

I don't enjoy playing the trial and error games, so I don't play them. I don't bitch about their gameplay because it isn't for me. There's thousands of alternatives out there spanning decades, just go play something else ffs.

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Single player games have no real difficulty, as you're just facing a bot that either will or will not let you win, since it can cheat or not follow the same rules the player has to as far as animations for recovery/blocking/whatever anytime it wants and has literally inhuman reaction times even if it has to. All victory is gained either through never changing pattern exploitation, finding things that "break" the AI itself, or the enemy in question just being some mindless fodder with no AI to begin with.
As the only real difficulty to be had in games is through multiplayer against another human opponent, single player games are really only valuable as experiences and therefore difficulty mods don't actually change anything about them.
Difficulty in games only makes people mad because they suck at multiplayer and desperately need to cling to being able to beat up a bot better than someone else.

more like ffxv. literally anyone can hold o to win.

Because they want to be apart of the hype and the fun and post about it on social media. Can you imgaine playing video games your whole life and not even be good at them? Shits pathetic.

Name one game from the past 5 years that does this

These people need to shut the fuck up. Not every game is for everyone. It's entirely up to the developer if they want to add additional difficulties, and it heavily depends on genre.

get over it already

>cheat engine
that's almost as pathetic as the people crying for easy modes.
"consolebabs" have save editors that do the same thing. the type of people whining about this have never heard of them and would never hack their consoles to use them anyway.

Average rando opponent is worse than AI.

>How is it possible that I can't beat someone who actually made the effort to learn some theory at chess?
>how outrageous! We should have an easier version of chess so that everyone can win!
Mark my words, someone who has never touched a chessboard will say this sooner or later, if somebody didn't already

I still stand by my belief that adding an easy mode is a cool thing to do. I wouldn't use it, but the fact more people would buy souls games is always good. I'm not some elitist baby that worries someone else is playing a video game differently than me

Everything doesn't have to be for everyone.

Souls games were built around the idea of dying and trying over and over, it was a part of the theme of the game with persistnce and going hollow once you give up. Introducing easymode or "storymode" where you can just walk through everything without ever dying would run contrary to its narrative devices and the theme of the game itself. Not everything needs an easy mode.

Sometimes failing, returning and succeeding is an essential part of the experience and the game would be fundamentally worse if you went straight to success.

You know what will happen right? This board will implode.
>oh that boss? you had trouble with him? he was SO EASY lmao
>while the shitter plays on the easy difficulty


This is ridiculous. I've seen a fucking BLIND person play and beat Ocarina of Time. These people literally need to just get good or not give a fuck and play something else.

There's a difference between accessibility and difficulty. Accessibility, as in providing for the disabled is good since more people can play the game. Difficulty is something entirely different, and having multiple difficulty options leads to less focused game design. Are they too hard to distinguish?

souls and sekiro have easy modes already

>Sure you can eat soup with a fork but it's so much harder than with a spoon.
Just grab the bowl and drink the damn soup from it. Who needs a spoon?
>Is he right?
Probably not. Not all activities and hobbies can be made accessible. You can't translate a movie or a painting to a purely audible or tactile format without losing a ton in the process. You can't pull a race of people jumping only in their right leg with people who can't use their right legs.
Likewise, some video games' core lies in their learning curves or input mastery. You should get the satisfaction of overcoming the difficulty. Removing these characteristics is like removing puzzles from a puzzle game. Imagine Portal where you beeline from one elevator to the next with no limitations until it's over. Sure, you get to see Aperture Science, but you miss out on the actual thinking with portals.
Those with handicaps should accept the fact they're handicapped and therefore cannot do everything a normal person can.

So no, he's not right. And you're a faggot.

Just because it would be an easier mode, doesn't mean it would be a walk in the park. Look at dmc, of course I played devil hunter first, then son of sparda, probably gonna try to beat all difficulties. I don't care if someone only plays it on human

>Using the fork
Fuck the fork just drink from the bowl

>make Dork Souls with easymode and no online and everything is incredibly consequence-free
>nobody cares anymore

Disabled """""people""""" need to be executed or sterilized for the good of the gene pool. The human race will never ascend to its full potential as long as genetic invalids exist and are capable of breeding.

Not video games.

Any normal human being can adapt and play games like the ones he's bitching about. That reviewer is just a lazy piece of shit looking for an easy paycheck.

>amerifats respond by crying about niggers and socialism
Every time

Wow, this guy is awesome.

Leaning on people with disabilities to make your argument instead of admitting your own unwillingness to improve is incredibly pathetic and insecure.

>Just because it would be an easier mode, doesn't mean it would be a walk in the park
Hah. You think vidya "jounalists" would be satisfied with "slightly easier"?

They want literal babby tier before they'll stop complaining, and even then they'll just move on to the next thing to complain about. There is no satisfying these "people".

>lose an arm in a car accident
>to the gas chamber with you

I found a rubik's cube for OP.

Attached: 1x1x1-rubiks-cube.jpg (379x400, 22K)

He sounds disabled himself

Who the fuck gives a damn about the disabled

t. disabled user
Be fucking glad society has a place for you and you have food and roof above your head

Yea I’m sure game developers should’ve had all of God’s creatures in mind when developing a video game. It’s not fair that my dog can’t enjoy video games that it wants to really like

Am i handicapped if it took me literally 16 tries to beat the 2nd hornet fight in hollow knight?


Who cares, it would be an option, would not affect anyone that doesn't want it. I think as long as they disable the online for easy mode it's fine

there's already a mode for people with fucked up arms and nervous systems. it's called 'youtube'.
buying a high speed action game that you literally can't play because you're disabled is exactly like buying a bike or a fucking squat rack. if you spent $60 on a product you know you can't use then you're a fucking retard (that might be your disablity) and no you don't deserve shit.
of course he's being disingenous anyway. none of these faggots care about accessiblity. he wants an easy mode for himself because despite being able bodied he's still an entitled faggot who wants a trophy for participating and he'll happily pretend it's all for a noble cause because that's the kind of boylent he is.

It's the new flavor of "my daughter definitely came up to me and asked why she can't play as a girl in X"
These scummy argument tactics are a natural thing to them

>would not affect anyone that doesn't want it
Hw is this still an argument? Time spent developing and tuning the easy mode is time better spent on other things

>being this much of a servile cuck

Guys why are you arguing about this post made by someone who is clearly mentally disabled. You shouldn't take it seriously just as you wouldn't let someone mentally disabled be presid


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Man dabs on retards while not being able to physically dab.
Fucking worthless.

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>Just grab the bowl and drink the damn soup from it. Who needs a spoon?

what if it's one of those fucked up bowls with wide flat edges

should all women be forced to have sex with incels
it's not fair if they dont
some people are just ugly or have lower social skills, they dont deserve to enjoy sex because fucking reasons i guess?

>would not affect anyone that doesn't want it
Sure it does. I enjoy seeing people complain about their own incompetence.

Say they did the laziest easy mode, simply multiplying player damage and health, it is not a waste of time to do something that would take a half hour at most and bring in more players. Stop being a whiny little bitch

Even crippled kids in literal shithole countries can play videogames without limbs, shit has no excuse

You're the one acting like a whiny little bitch tho😃

If you're continuing to play horrible players you're either a horrible player yourself getting matched with them, or playing a large scope games such as a BR in which case the majority don't matter and you'll lose to the few good players in that particular match.

I'm not even saying it's necessary, you're the one complaining that a hypothetical easy mode makes you enjoy a game less

Puzzle games do have easy modes you retard.
It's called checkers.

Imagine these people in the NES days, when brutal difficulty was the norm and few people saw many ending screens.

Attached: smug notes.jpg (120x117, 3K)

Ah, there seems to have been a misunderstanding, I don't play games with "matchmaking" as I am not a zoomer.

>Rejecting an easy fuck that hard
Come on, it's like you want to die a virgin or someshit. Cripples are some of the most desperate people in the world for sex, and you should be thankful for that because no normal girl would ever fuck you and your virgin ass.

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I'm just imagining Christopher Reeves strapped onto a horse with Michael Caine yelling at him to "Learn to pick yourself back up!" So thanks for that image.

You don't *deserve* to have entertainment catered to your specific limitations as playing videogames is not a fundamental human need.
I sympathize with disabled people whose only joy in life is videogames and I wish they'd have access to more of them, however the idea that developers should be obligated to compromise on their vision and include an easy mode because of some contrived moralfaggot conclusion is dubious, to say the least.

Oh so you willing join servers with subpar players because you're shit, I understand now.

>would not affect anyone that doesn't want it
Half the reason these people want an easy mode is so that they can try to feel included in all the buzz surrounding Sekiro, so yes them playing a nerfed version of the game and then trying to relate with your experience does affect you

Yes, checkers is a solved game, but almost two decades of computing was needed and I doubt any human player could memorize 10^14 positions, so the problems of "more theory studied=better at the game" still remains


>playing castlevania 64 as a little kid
>playing on easy
>get just over half way through
>"thanks for playing, easy mode stops here"
>I have to replay everything in normal mode just so I can continue and see the ending
>I fucking did it too
and that's how I learned not to be a fucking bitch. I think these faggots would be a lot happier if they just didn't touch japanese games at all. it's a different mentality.

>Be gayjorno
>Always hype developers vision
>Developers Invision hard game
>Start loosing shit about how games should have easy mode
Poetic justice


>Plays xbox

These people need to be rounded up into labour camps and work for free

How pretentious can you be, that someone playing a game differently than you upsets you when they talk about it

>faggots on twitter demand an easy mode
>add a harder mode
>call it 'normal'
>the original mode is now 'easy'

So get a shiny controller tuned for you disability, games shouldn't be dumbed down so people that literally can't play them can now stumble through them. What, should every game have "Normal" and "Literal fucking retard" mode?

>Is he right? Should games be accessible to all people?

Legally blind fag here.



The motherfuckers who are asking for "accesibility" are dickless retards asking for BITCH MODE and using us as an excuse.

For the first two, we actually DO have that shit. We pick movies with lots of sound, and get someone to explain the shit that's happening on screen. Similarly, noobcakes can just summon a blue soul our use a fucking cheat engine, or buy a programmable controller. Hell, I could probably compete in tranny speedrun competitions, now that tool assisted speedruns are a thing. But all that shit is on MY end, and I can handle my shit.

And as for the third, REAL justice is the right to try out for the NFL and get our asses kicked just like everyone else on the field.

Because those someones are faggots

And then Yea Forums fags complain about easy mode

losing an arm is the ultimate primer to play Sekiro.

Accessibility: for people with disabilities who presumably want to play the game but not actually change the game
Easy Mode: for people who are completely able but are too stupid to actually be good at basic problem solving in video games
Accessibility for something like Sekiro wouldn’t presumably affect the gameplay but an easy mode would

>this guy also plays on xbox

>someone enjoying something I like makes me enjoy it less

It's more that it's annoying to try to talk to someone about it if your experiences were both different. "Oh I played on Easy" is a gate that just shuts down any chance to share funny stories about struggling through it

You know what I want to know, did these faggots not play porn flash games?
Back in my day if you woke the sleeping girl up you had to restart EVERYTHING, you earned your porn and this shit was harder than regular games after my flash game phase I've never complained about game difficulty since

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That's right. If a retard start doing the fun thing you are doing then it's not fun anymore it's just lame

>yeah bro
>pathetic af

Maybe don't sound like a retard and I'll take you seriously

I haven’t played it, I mean from in general are associated with difficulty
>inb4 soulsborne is ez
It is on average harder than most other popular games

>Can move his hands
It'd be paraplegic, no?

Funny how it's only non disabled people bitching about this.

>lower motor skills
Not my problem, develop better ones. Entirely possible.
>newer or worser at games
LITERALLY get good, fuck off.
>physically disabled
Microsoft is literally making a controller for them too, even the most severely crippled deranged Bent up clothes hanger lookin ass motherfucker can play games now.
>mentally disabled
Go do retard things that don't involve games like flinging boogers at a wall then try to lick them off.

I dont even like fromsofts games, i think they're clunky, slow, unintuitive, poorly designed TRASH, but pandering to the low end is why games are sterile, uncreative, and boring now. Go away, find another hobby. This push for ultra inclusive bullshit has to end, natural selection exists for a reason.

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And you are doing a great job keeping that gate

Everyone played SF4 on xbox, it's the one used at tournaments because it's the one with best framerate.

Might be "Functionally quadrapegic" or something, he very clearly has severely limited movement. I just looked it up and it's the "Partial or total loss of all four limbs".

They wouldn'tv'e been into games. The problem arising is there's a whole swathe of people only playing games they don't wanna be left out and because they think it's the cool thing to do at that moment. It's gone beyond playing a game for the sake of the game now. I don't think many people realize that yet. Many enjoy the hype and chatter, and the ability to say "yeah, I got that as well!" more than playing.

There's a reason why even million sellers of even the most commercialized games like Uncharted 4 have stats where most players didn't make it half way through. Or million selling, hyped up fighting games that less than 50% even play online. It's pure hype for most people.

They wanna be in threads while they're playing the game, with others doing the same, telling people how deep they are into the world and how engrossing it is. It's about HYPE for most people. Casuals-even the ones on game forums-are hype addicts. That's why they want easy difficulties. So they can blow through the game and not miss out on the next hype train.

This is a silly argument

Why have games at all if everyone always wins? Why not just watch a movie?

So the people in the Olympics should give up because the special Olympics exist

Drink from one of the corners.

They're separated for a reason, no one watches the special olympics

Thanks it makes for a good place to watch these people struggle more than the cripples they try to speak for

Disabled people are too busy dealing with daily life hardships to care about non issues.

>incompetent retards trying to use disabled people as an excuse to push their agendas

truly pathetic.

How easy is easy enough? Press x to win

>choosing to fuck a cripple
More pathetic than remaining virginal.

I know

paying money does not entitle you to have fun

>developer adds easy mode after game jouno complaints
>it's actually hell difficulty

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>they never played the game with the girl stuck in the window

I'm not even saying add it for cripples, some people are just worse at vidya

I knew a guy that did the same thing in the webm. He was a dunderhead with fetal alcohol syndrome. Not a bad guy, just dumb.

Should classic literature have have sent me "easy mode" editions for idiots?

You might be too cucked to realize it, but truth be told, armless women give amazing footjobs. You'd be a fool to miss out on that shit.

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>If a retard start doing the fun thing you are doing then it's not fun anymore it's just lame
>retards do the Olympics
>no one watches the special Olympics (false, but also implies people watch the Olympics, unaffected by the fact that retards are doing the same events)

>Easy mode for disabled people
Disabilities are a pretty broad field. What disabilities? What kind of Easy Mode is suggested here that would somehow make a game more approachable equally for, say, Blind people, deaf people and people with crippled limbs?

"Make an easy mode for people with disabilities" what a naive and ignorant suggestion that implies people with disabilities are somehow one big group that can be catered to with a simple solution.

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Can't wait for cool epic memers to oppose this by just shitting all over disabled people who aren't even the ones to be making these arguments like they generally do whenever some fuckin journo comes out supposedly on the side of some minority.

See, the thing with accessibility with games is that it's rare you should have to change the game itself (with colourblind modes or etc), accessibility isn't ever just about adding an easy mode, that's bullshit and frankly ableist in itself, very condescending to think "Oh just make it easy for them"
No accessibility is usually all about input methods, special controllers and so on.
Subtitles for the deaf, visual narration for the blind and maybe UI changes for hard of sight or people with reading difficulties.
Truth is people are playing games like cuphead or sekiro just fine with their personalised set ups or other assistance.

Journos really need to not have this be the hill they decide to die on cause it's an embarrassment, stop using the needy as a means for your own personal gain, it's disgusting and pathetic, we all know what you really want is an easy game experience so you can blast through these games and make your job easier.

Like fellas we don't even need to pull out the "fuck minorities" arguments on this shit, because they're just plain incorrect, if someone is unable to play a game just making it easy isn't truly how you solve their problem, that's a shitty half assed bandage that is unlikely to help, if rare cases where someone is just unable to play a game, that's just a sad reality of life, not every product can or should be everyone.

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Funny part my best friend who’s wheelchair bound has 0 issues
She’s literally has muscle troubles and still bodied people online

lolled af ´´disabled people´´

Look, I'm all for providing peripherals for those who have difficulty holding a controller to play Sekiro, but it is asinine to assume for them that they want a design that exclusively caters to them. Of fucking course I want them to have a similar experience, but that's not a universally mandatory element to game design.

stop playing into the journalists hands you fucking retard
they WANT you to start shitting on minorities, they're counting on it, because it makes their argument easier when their oposition is just being a big fucking childish prick about it.

>food analogy

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you aren't the target demographic for every game out there.
How hard is this to realize?

How did you type your post?

There's a nigga called brolylegs that plays street fighter competitively that bodies people using his fucking mouth only because he has a gimp body. There's a gold video on youtube where he bodies low tier god online and he gets so fucking mad.

BINGO. He's a condencncending asshole who knows JACK SHIT about disabilities.


I took about that many, 12 to 16 tries, and I'm legally blind. You just suck. It's still better than the journalists though.

ACCESSIBILITY MODE: all spoken language replaced with ASL and signed english.

Go look up Deaf porn. Turn the volume WAY up first.

The edglords were going to post that shit no matter what.

I stay away from social media but can you tell me, does a terribly posed, poorly structured argument like this one, posed as an attack, to a straw man, does it get btfo'd in the comments? Or are poor statements like this lauded?

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I don't get these people, if you want an easy mode because trying to get better at a game/genre takes more time/effort than you're willing to put in then just say that. Personally I think every game should have difficulty modifiers where possible to allow people to play a game at whatever level they like with a set default.

Should multiplayer games give advantages to disabled players? Should non-English movies be dubbed over for the sake of partially sighted people who can't read subtitles?
Should all books which use complex language be re-written in simpler language so people don't have to miss meaning or research the words they don't understand?
I'm not opposed to easy modes, I don't use them so it doesn't effect me, but to dumb everything down in the name of inclusivity is inevitably going swallow development time or increase the budget. If a developer doesn't want to include one, then fuck you.
If a hard game is too hard for you, git gud or play a different game.

Don't buy it. That is it. If you don't enjoy the game, don't play it. Someone else might enjoy it.

>Games are art

Ah yes, i too equate the fucking "Birth of Venus" by Botticelli (1400) with Fortnite

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people like you are just giving them ammunition to keep fighting this dumb fucking farce
>muh natural selection
Nah dog that's not how natural selection works at all, it's not just a tool to kill off people you personally deem unfit for life go read a book it's a little more complicated than that
Hint: You'll notice that disabled people still exist and it's not because "we some how circumvent natural selection"

How are games not art?

Pretty sure Fortnite has a bigger cultural impact, so it succeeded more at appealing to people's senses than some old painting

Subtitles are accessibility
Audio cues are accessibility
Removing all gameplay in the name of accessibility is not fucking accessibility
That’s horseshit

Well, that mass marketing campaign MS spent tens of millions of dollars on with that disabled capable controller didn't really do much because in the end it doesn't matter, also disabled people who also want to play games either find a way to play in spite of their disability, or they don't play games at all. It's cool if it's something minor, grimrock's classic movement style control comes to mind.

I have one hand and I bet I could beat that shitstain at any fighting game he chooses. Probably most FPS too (besides fortnite cause fuck building). The issue is people who don't fit into the camp they try to whiteknight ending up speaking for a group of people they don't belong to, and fucking everything up for everyone. Seriously, I've been playing games fine for 30 years now, just about. With one hand. It would have been cool if a game had an option to play with one hand, but it never even crossed my mind that it would be a thing, because not everyone has one hand, probably not even a remotely sizable chunk of their market. I'm not a little bitch, and I understand that it's not profitable.

Just because I can't see doesn't mean I can't type. Hell, I could dictate to the computer if I felt like it. As far as the screen, even your retail copy of windows has a built in narrator.

I actually do have enough vision to sort of read, but shitposting needs more speed than one. word. at. a. time.

>it's NINTENDO'S fault that people are asking for easy modes for my PS4/XBONE/PC games

Facebook is a real fucking cespool my dude. Youtube comments seem pleasant in comparison. People in the comments probably agree with her because they shared the same retarded sentiment beforehand. I think people are hesitant to disagree with people because their real names are tied to it. If you want to give yourself a rare strain of super cancer then I recommend browsing the feminist and socialist facebook pages.

Why is "dipshit" and "headass" always used by completely retarded people?
>Dude, you don't play games, you're not even interested in them, the point here is to learn. If you're not interested, don't play.

>Is he right?

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Games aren't hard enough to warrant an easier game mode, you should learn how to play the game so your skills improve like the developers intended.
And obviously game developers aren't obligated to cater to disabled people who can't even play 99% of video games. It's fine however if there are devs that are able to bring them some interactive experience.

This is a problem that existed long before Facebook or the Internet, user.

you should put that up. sekiro has a one armed man like me. See this? I'm giving you fuckheads the middle finger here. I don't have a hand, so you'll have to take my word on it.

It is fine if a game wants to have an easy or "story" mode for people who suck.

It's also fine if a game doesn't.

Why do you need to be able to complete a game?
I've never beaten Tetris The Grand Masters, but I still love Terris.

>their opposition
when your 'opposition' is a gigantic faceless online horde you can cherrypick whatever the fuck you want to paint them however you want. frogposters are gonna be faggots regardless.

Member when games used to have cheat codes before achievements and microtransactions ruined them?

I no longer enjoy cooking since blue apron made it easy for others to cook
>how you retards actually sound

>Disabled folks

Shit man, are all movies going to need to start describing the scenery for blind people then?

Fingers aren’t limbs so they don’t count
If your arms and legs have limited motion
You’re a quadriplegic

jesus christ, dude

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because the greatest games can't even compare to mediocre examples of actual artistic mediums.
Game devs are hacks who couldn't make it in their desired field.

I would not survive

>Well, that mass marketing campaign MS spent tens of millions of dollars on with that disabled capable controller didn't really do much because in the end it doesn't matter
>tens of millions of dollars
Stop pulling numbers out your ass, there's no indication that MS spent anywhere near that amount of money advertising. I also just searched on YouTube and got dozens of results showing disabled people using XAC to play games with.
> disabled people who also want to play games either find a way to play in spite of their disability
That's literally what XAC does you retard

See like, that's the fucked up part. The souls/Sekiro games are some of the few that HAVE this level of difficulty and everyone wants those games to change it. It kinda baffles me.

Yeah I tend to do that just because it makes people uncomfortable. I mained oro in sf3 and I can't tell you how many times I'd ham up missing my other arm. people would feel bad and try to avoid parrying or let me get hits in, then when I slam my shoulder stump on the cab and start mashing out combos they realize i'm not a fucking 3 year old. it's like handling retards. treat them like they're retarded, they're going to get mad. treat them like they're equal to you, even if you think they're not. That's all most people want, disabled or not.

gamedevs, how can they even compete?

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there are ways to make things more accessible without sacrificing the challenge, sadly, it requires good design
of course no one wants to acknowledge this

Nah, that's retarded

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they can't.
Video games are as much art as are football or monopoly.

>there's no indication ms spent anywhere near that amount of money advertising
did you not watch the documentary they also paid to have made where they interviewed the R&D heads who mentioned it was a multi-million dollar project? Or are you going to tell me plastic coils really cost that much money to develop and that it wasn't spent in marketing?

counter-strike 1.3 is art comparable any classic literature, poetry, or music I've ever encountered. You're just tasteless.

>because the greatest games can't even compare to mediocre examples of actual artistic mediums.
I'd love to hear what your definition of art is and how it somehow discounts video games

Yeah and all characters should know and perform sign language while delivering normal dialogue for hearing impaired individuals

only Civ 4 has artistic merit.
99% of video games are toys for children.

>Implying Monopoly isn't a satirical work presented as a simple board game.

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It's more a question of target audiences and demograpbics than accessibility.

Look at it like this: if the Souls series wasn't hard, then no one would care to play it. Not nearly as much, anyway.
As it stands, anyone can pick up a souls game and play it, but only those who addapt to the challenge, or think outside the box beat them.
Including an easy mode could make it so that normies and "I WANNA BE COOL TOO GAIS!!!" Types can beat the game, but they still missed the genuine experience. Know what I mean?

Playing souls on easy mode would be like watching a condensed version of star wars where the whole series takes 2 hours to view.
Or like when you ask someone if they've ever read the lord of the rings, and they say "yeah, the movies were GREAT!"
It's no longer the same thing. It's the diet version that misses the entire point of the true experience.

Peraonally, I play both easy and hard games, and it depends on my mood. Harder games are aimed more at young men than anyone, so why take that from them? Diversity isn't about making every single thing try to apeal to everyone; it's about making a diverse amount and variety of products that each appeal to different groups and offer those interested totally new and unexpected experiences.

If you don't like that some games are hard, then just don't play them.
I personally don't lile WRPGs, but I don't bitch and moan because they exclude me by making them. I just play something else.
Stop being so fucking entitled.

you're starting to sound like op

I think we should include blind gamers and focus on sound only games this point.

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>did you not watch the documentary they also paid to have made where they interviewed the R&D heads who mentioned it was a multi-million dollar project?
Dude not even that guy but you were talking about money spent advertising. Now you're massively moving those goalposts to make this about R&D? For shame.

man why is civ 4 so good. I can't get even remotely invested in games of civ 5 or 6. I always end up going back to 4. Is it the nimoy narration? I don't get what c auses it to be so much better.

unironically kill yourself.

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I do miss this even aside from the easy mode argument.

All games are art, that doesn't mean all games are good, you pretentious yeasty cunt

moon physics on THPS made me realize how detailed the in game world was for a fucking stonerplank game

>Everyone knows that the game is hard
>The game never once hides this
>Buys game
>Complains that it's hard and needs an easy mode because they're wasting their money otherwise
>Tries to hide behind disabilities needing an easy mode

I'm saying what the R&D team said, not that they spent million on R&D, but that it was a multi-million dollar project.
the actual device is a board with two enormous plastic cut out coils, and a shit ton of jacks that you ahve to plug devices into to function as buttons. It's no different than a big ass cable splitter with some fucking plastic buttons included on it. They spent tons of money on ads (superbowl ads I'll mention, in case you forgot already), and sent them out to nearly every disabled youtuber and streamer out there.

Football should then allow disabled people in mech suits. Also as an indie dev why should I put in the extra work. I don't feel like it fuck off.

>thinking there's any profound artistic merit in games at all
>says 99% games are for children
is this bait or a new form of super ironic posting?

Explain why this is art

you aren't an artist, code monkey.
even Planetscape Torment reads like a high-schooper wrote it.

That's like saying people with nut allergies should be able to eat peanuts.
Life is not fair, and has no obligation to be.

Yeah now you're justifying you moving the goalposts that much. Oh and you have no proof for literally anything you're saying by the way. Seriously, for shame user. I expected better.

These people aren't even going to care anymore once the new flavor of the month is out. They just desperately want to be part of the hype. Also it's cowardly as fuck to hide behind disabled people to try to justify your point.

>what your definition of art is and how it somehow discounts video games

Art is:


And only very recently also comics as a subgenre

Videogames are a mass of coding with sound effects and visuals but they are way too vague and different from each other to be defined as an artistic medium

Big dick energy

there's a player without one hand in an active roster, no excuse

while that obviously has artistic merits, you seem to be unable to see things with less obvious ways of expressing ideas etc, things that are not so easily said. You can proudly compare that sculptor to the scrawlings of emily dickinson and say you're right, but you're just missing the point.

Because it's trying to deliver a message to the viewer through sculture

That's not a definition that's a list. What qualifies those things as art and video games as not art? You can make the same argument for theater and cinema after all.

>reads like a high-schooper wrote it
So does basically anything coming from the Romantic era.
Is Romanticism retroactively not art now?

>but they are way too vague and different from each other to be defined as an artistic medium
>music is art though, no real differences in there

>literally everyone missing the point on purpose
Man-children at their best

no it does not, pseud

>no proof
Yeah man I wish I ignored the content MS put out.
sorry i'm not spoonfeeding you though faggot, but here, I'll help you out:
Go look up a teardown of the XCA controller, you'll see that it's two enormous plastic buttons on a PCB that essentially serves as a hub for all the other devices you have to plug in (that they don't include, so you get a two button controller if you buy it)
that'll get you started on the way to seeing the bullshit.

where's animation?

>but they are way too vague and different from each other
Unlike fucking music, paintings, sculptures and literature. Wow what a dumb argument. Also give your own personal definition of art so we can make fun of you.

Ok, metal gear solid delivers a message to the players through gameplay and dialogue

>Is Romanticism retroactively not art now?
Yes actually.😃

Some games aren't even accessible to able bodied gamers.

I bet your ass that half of Yea Forums couldn't pick up a pre 2010 fighting game and be successful at a local tourney.

because videogames are toys.
is a laptop 'art'? It plays sound and displays graphics as well.

>still no proof
Yeah you're not spoonfeeding me because this is complete bullshit and there's nothing to show.
>G-go find my evidence for me
I'm not sponfeeding YOU faggot. This was your argument to begin with.

>Shitty AAA commercial copypasted shooters that come out yearly made for 12 year olds who yell nigger nigger nigger on the mic are on the same level of Donatello and Leonardo Davinci

Do you not hear yourselves

This shit makes me want to vomit. Retards who get mad at lack of easy mode when there are a zillion other games out there to play. Watch a fucking LP. You're lucky enough to be able to afford vidya.

I'll body you in any Tekken pre 5 with my nose shut

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>still no definition
I understand you don't want people to cal you a dumbass more, but c'mon at least try

>Go look up Deaf porn. Turn the volume WAY up first.
Hell no, I know what that shit sounds like already. Besides, that's irrelevant if I want to fuck an armless chick unless she's also deaf.

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A laptop, like you, is a tool

This. Fuck burgers.

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>Yeah bro just ignore disabled folks or people with lower motor skills or who are just newer or worse at games in general they don't deserve to enjoy things ever
This, but unironically. Anyone who fails at focus tested mass produced LGBT movieshit deserves to get trashed and crippling media for cripples is such a ridiculous concept you don't see it anywhere but in this godforsaken industry.

hard mode is not a soup with a fork.
hard mode is when you're served a baked fish with bones instead of fish sticks.

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If an ancient jar is "art" then so is a laptop, its design is not merely functional but aesthetic

go to art school if you're looking to define abstract concepts, dumbass.

This is postmodern art because anything is art

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>don't buy it then, it wasn't made for you

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Developers shouldn't have to compromise their vision for you. And yes, I think that adding an easy mode compromises their vision, if their vision involves making a difficult game.

and a video game is an executable file, reductive babby.

wwhat if i want challenge to be an integral part of the experience?

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>I don't need to qualify or explain myself
And this is why nobody's taking you seriously user.

When you stick it in their butt and they don't know

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you said that MS spent tens of millions on advertising
your proof of this is a MS engineer who said the XAC was a multi-million $ product

serious question: are you retarded as well as handicapped?

games dont need an easymode since streaming is a thing. if you cant beat a game go be a faggot and watch it on youtube. people who want to downgrade their experience with easymode shouldnt have any qualms with removing the gameplay aspect altogether. challenging video games should be allowed to take you to places that ONLY a skilled player gets to experience first hand.

I've been playing Guilty Gear since #Reload (2003) and I'm still grinding Λ Core Plus since the release over 10 years ago just to see myself improving over time because I really love that game: I can confirm that '09rs can't comprehend putting years of dedication into something before you play like "those dudes at EVO"
Also Xrd is bad

This I asked my friend with Ceberal palsey what’s her opinion.
She doesn’t care.
She’s just mad some of the cunt was doing her make up in the handicapped stall and she almost pissed herself waiting

>what is industrial design
stay in school, friend. Even cars start as clay sculptures, that doesn't make them artful, despite the vast complexity and the amount of professions involved in designing one.

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Easy mode is having a robot hold the spoon for you and literally baby-feed you the soup

this isn't reddit anymore, pal, it was just a holiday event👌

>because videogames are toys.

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Sure, the more people sharing the experience, the best, the products of human advance should be disponible for everyone to experience if they want to. So make them accessible, and we would pirate it for everyone. Games should have hard, normal, easy modes AND special modes for people with dissabilities, Xbox is doing a fucking great work with their new adaptable controller, but thats only one step. Also, it doesnt afect negatively anyone to have different game modes.

then what are they, exactly?

every fighting game dev is now on a race to the bottom to make the most accessible fighter, probably in part due to loud idiots like op's poster. i say let the experiment run its course, because at the end of the day these people will have to come to terms witht he fact that there is something compelling about difficulty.

"Headass"? What the fuck?
There's nothing wrong with having different products for different people. Difficulty options is a great fit for many games. For others it isn't.

>cars aren't sculpture

>Calling the other person reddit when you're backed into a corner
Yikes! Just accept that you're a fuckup user

I eat ramen with a fork when I'm not using chopsticks.

Music is just vibrations

Ah... the classic "I pretend is a common cause to hide my own stupidity".

This, if you want to play hard or normal, it doesnt affect you if the game also have a dissability mode.

Why is this trash being shilled so much

>just cater to the lowest common denominator, how could this possibly be a bad thing

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>it's an abstract concept, but I can tell you exactly what does and doesn't qualify

wooden bucks and clay prototypes perhaps.
mass produced sheet metal stamps welded together aren't.

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holy shit imagine being dumber than a dove

my main concern is that it's rarely handicaped people who complain, mostly because they try to solve the problem actively instead of making everyone else feel bad with passive-aggressive tweets




so are you just a butthurt artist or something?

Tell that to the one armed girl who ran no hit bloodborne.

>be bad at Action games, terrible reflexes
>try out Dark Souls
>get wrecked
>practice fighting the enemies a while, learn managing stamina, parrying and more
>beat Asylum Demon
>go from there
>beat the game
>and then beat DS2 and DS3
Maybe if people didn't give up immediately they might actually learn how to play the game. The worst kinds of games are ones designed so that anyone mashing a button can beat.

>disabled folks or people with low motor skills
aka games journalists with a useless journo degree from karl marx university who are resentful they can't change the world with hard hitting reporting so they bitch and moan about fucking whatever on clickbait . gov

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Mass produced art/experiences, just like Warhols work. Art can have maket intentions.

So an AI reads our shit posts to you?

by that logic every product ever thought up by man is art.

Can you write in english please?

Yes. I have no trouble defining it like this, why do you?

nah. Art is a nepotistic money laundering scheme, I just enjoy what it once was.

Katawa Shoujo isn't real life.❌

should spicy food be eliminated because some whites cant handle it

Game journalists with a liberal arts degree who are upset that their clickbait articles aren't going to somehow magically create world peace and harmony.

Thank God, too.

because that isn't the case.

by definition it is. self expression through creation is such a vague concept that even your faggy pretentious posts count as art. I'm sorry you wasted your life on your art degree or whatever the fuck it is that makes you so yeasty about this topic.

where is my Dino?

I think it depends, if it have artistic intentions, then is art. But not all explotation of aestethics constitute an artistic work.
But, you can have a mass produced product WITH artistic intentions and market intentions, just like Warhol.

the only thing yeasty ITT are your tuna flaps.

behold retard
thanks chieftain

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You joke, but it's true.
>why doesn't this 2D platformer have a 3D mode?
>it's not fair that I can't enjoy this game to the full because it was designed without me in mind
Games that are difficult (ie. VVVVVV, Darksouls, etc.) have the tough difficulty baked into its description/tags/community. Game journos moaning about difficulty in Known to be hard games would be like buying Mass Effect and complaining that you didn't want to play a space opera.
Also, game journos who suck at games shouldnt be playing them. Imagine people defending a BBC journalist despite them asking stupid questions and dropping their mic.

Why isn't it the case? Give a concrete argument.

I'm sure this sounded smarter in your head, but you're stating the obvious


I wish i had him on FB to tell him to shut the fuck up

There's literal tens of thousands of good games, if Sekiro (this is obviously about Sekiro) is too hard, why not play a different one that caters to a lower skill level?

>exposing mutts
How can one man be so based?

You and I know he can't do that, he's just butthurt no one is taking him seriously


It doesnt affect you if the game has different modes, dont be a dick. If you wanna play normal on hard, good for you, but some people needs a special mode and special controllers like the xbox adaptable one.

Most games don't have a (genuine balanced) hard mode to appeal to me.

I haven't got any issues with an easy mode, but not all games appeal to all people.

Play another goddamn game holy shit.

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I was firmly in the "give it an easy mode" camp until I played it for more than five minutes and realized these people are just brain dead

Based. Anyone with literally ANY LEVEL of motor control can play a game like bloodborne, if you have to wire up your fucking eyelid sensor to interpret your eye movements you can play these games.

They aren't even demanding from a reaction based standpoint. They just require a minute amount of perseverance.

Ghfdhgdyy gdgf

>I want to play this game
>no not like that, easier!
>WAY easier, to the point the gameplay becomes irrelevant
...why do you even want this

Play a game catered specifically towards your casual ass

It's hilarious because a game being the slightest bit difficult is an actual handicap for them because they don't actually play video games and it pisses them off

What a cool guy.


Not every game needs to cater to every person. Part of the charm of games like Sekiro is that you CAN'T just turn down the difficulty. You either get good enough to progress, or you don't progress. A difficulty setting would water that down.

>presented as counter-argument to specific argument
>doesn't address the argument
>just states the opposing point
>hurf durf fuckin reasons
Anyone who does this should kill themselves.

Not everything is meant for everyone. It's just a fact of life that you aren't always the intended audience for a product. People should actually look into what they're buying and make sure it's actually suitable for them instead of just blindly buying shit and expecting it to cater to them just because they spent money on it.

Only thing that I can see from these people bitching is more accessibility to controls which honestly should have been available for a long time now outside of pc gaming

imagine being so fat you look at difficulty modes and see food

The truth is that video games ARE art, contrary to what low IQ fags with abnormaly high estrogen levels might think art doesn't have any inherent qualities, it can be "good" art, it can be "bad" art and it can be neither. While you might think that vidya is a low tier artistic medium (and on average i would be somewhat inclined to agree) it IS still a artistic medium with theoreticaly "unlimited" potential.

If i shit on a plate and say it's art and come up with some bullshit about how that's a metaphor for the downfall of industrial society and the decay of the west (and im pretty sure some one done it before) it will be considered art and to the distaste of pretentious faggots, there is nothing they can do about it.

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There are people who play with their fucking feet. Fuck that dumb nigger 14 year old thinking he's deep and intelligent, being disabled means you can't do certain shit. Fuck you.

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Has someone compiled a list of articles complaining about Sekiro's difficulty? I'm lazy, meaning I'm disabled and need to be catered to.

Fucking cheat engine ffs why is this shit so hard for these people

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does anyone else find it funny that the only time we hear about accessibility for disabled gamers is when games journalists have a new souls game to review

>food analogy
If anything it’s like you going to a restaurant and asking the waiter to spoon feed you

Good. Difficulty in games shouldn't be some moral virtue signalling bullshit like you're trying to make it. It should be about fun

>since reload
>xrd sucks
>still grinding ac+

My nigga

I consider myself a casual level player at tekken so you probably could.

That said I am looking forward to samsho footies.

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Accessibility isn't a gameplay issue, it's a controller issue

>outrage zoomers so desperate they trek Facebook now for things to scream about
As expected of a phonezoomey

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>people with lower motor skills
aka women

came to post this

What an absolute chad

I think fromsoft should humor them.

No grappling hook, prosthetics or parrying because that's too hard. Just r1 spam and bosses can't block. To make sure they don't get confused out there in the world, a constant dead space-style indicator where they should go next, in bright neon colors. When they stray too far from this path, teleport them back before they get confused.

No one should be shitting on disabled gamers
They already accept they’ve been dealt a bad hand both metaphorically and in many cases quite literally and don’t really complain to begin with

This dude exists too. Some FFags said he does ok.

Pretty much.

No, not every game has to cater to every one. Can't play fighting games? Don't play fighting games and play some turn-based game instead. Games are a luxury/privilege, not a right.

>just ignore disabled folks or people with lower motor skills
can and do

I used it myself, but some people are too stupid to understand how to use it, some are unaware and the rest are console players.

How about instead of complaining about the game design, we make controllers appropriate for those who are physically disabled instead?
And as far as reaction time goes, I have always had low reaction time ever since I was a kid. Its video games that require a high level of reaction time that have allowed me to improve my reaction time. Its still dogshit, sekiro is currently kicking my ass because of it, but I'm still enjoying it because I slowly but surely get better.

What an entitled little cunt.

Fuck that weak shit.. I expect and want you to shit on me EXACTLY as much as any other gamer. No exceptions. Leaving my disiability out would be like leaving out your three dads and your vegan physique.

Fuck off communist retard

sorry you had to write all this to seem like a true paragon but you're actually a dumb faggot who missed the subtext

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Big Black Cock?

Easy modes aren't accessibility. Let's say someone has motor impairment and straight up can't push buttons fast enough and can't dodge attacks, what does an easy mode offer them?
>More health / lower enemy damage
That's allowing more mistakes, not actually helping the disabled person with their problem.
>Less enemy placements
Still fucked when they come up against certain enemies. All you're doing is taking away regular gameplay from them.
>Worse enemy AI
Again, you're mostly just reducing the frequency of certain attack animations playing out. Or making the enemies easier to cheese.

I'm sure the counter argument would be "well maybe those things would make dealing with the disability easier" but then they're just openly admitting that they just don't want to deal with something hard.
Also anyone that thinks the point of a videogame is the destination not the journey is a turbo-retard anyway.

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>and a dicklet

I understand wanting to make games accessible to those who would otherwise not be able to play or enjoy a game, but there are games released every single day, and ultimately it's the creator's (developer's) choice whether these options would compromise the experience. Hate to be this faggot, but the relative difficulty of enemies in soulslike games has been stated to be a large contributing factor to the atmosphere, which is one of the single biggest draws of the game. It's not hard for its own sake, but rather to reinforce the themes of Lordran.
Accessible controllers like that modular Xbox one that just came out help, but there are going to be some games that the handicapped cannot reasonably expect to play, and while that sucks, it's more important to me that developers have the same absolute control and freedom of expression over their creation that traditional artists enjoy. It's their vision, not yours or mine.

Who in the fuck even is this and why should I care? We really need an eceleb board. These endless waves of twittershit screencap threads are out of hand.

>And only very recently also comics as a subgenre
comics are currently the anti-art

they mostly want an easy mode because they are journalist fucks who just want to play through the game quickly on babby difficulty to write their shitty clickbait review
who else would complain they have to spend more time with the game they bought for 60 bucks?

To these people it's just about getting to the end credits. They don't really seem to get the value in gameplay or anything, if everyone can't easily get to the end and beat the game then it's not accessible and therefore a bad game for anyone who's not good skilled at it.

>the videogame was the friends we made along the way

not even an e-celeb just a literal who, OP is outragefag

Jesus Christ, imagine being mad on behalf of people who can't git gud in vidya and using the word "pathetic" while doing it lmao

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Can you get better at eating soup with a fork?

>never been to a restaurant where you drink soup straight out of the bowl
>making food analogies

speaking of soup, here is some baste

I missed seeing sound arguments on Yea Forums.

>easy mode
>no hardcore mode, only one difficulty mode for all players


I respectfully disagree. If cinema was the definitive art form from the 20th century, video games are undoublty the art form of the one from this one. Globalization has made interactivity the core of contemporary society and culture. None of the previous art forms can adress or accurrately the spirit of a time on which everyone can publish or edit a photograph, a video, a book an article and whatnot. The internet changed everything and the cultural form that represents this is videogames.

Should war movies take out the war because a vietnam vet with ptsd wants to watch it?

huy fong need to make a sriracha sauce that isn't hot

Games should be designed to be difficult FIRST. The hardest difficulty should be the intended difficulty.
Then make lower difficulties based off of the hard mode.
It's easier to scale down game balance than it is to scale up.

easy mode without achievements or cutscenes

I wouldn't ask a cripple to participate in a marathon, is what I'm saying.

cripples have been able to beat sekiro tho

>only one difficulty mode for all players
I prefer this to having multiple modes.

But that's not a good thing. If there was some way a cripple could somehow still participate in a marathon and have fun then that would be a good thing

It's more like having a soup restaurant and only having spoons, and not having funnels on request.

>not being able to beat the game you want to love
>you want to love

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this and the said difficulty mode should be hard mode

Mein nigers

No. Humanity needs to cater to the able not the disabled. The disabled literally has no future or add to society

>If there was some way a cripple could somehow still participate in a marathon and have fun then that would be a good thing
What if the cripple wants to win?

There are Olympic assisted runners missing legs who can technically run faster than any intact human alive, because they have fucking springs for legs. How the fuck do you balance something like that?

>cripples cant participate in marathons
They can tho, wtf. Do you live in cave

I'm honestly just appalled people simply can't beat modern games. How? I'm not trying to be elitist, most games now are literally made FOR these retarded game journalists, just how? How are they not beating these games?

Yeah obviously you have to find some way to do it that doesn't fuck anything up. So the question is can you allow more people to enjoy Sekiro without fucking anything up for existing fans? The answer is probably yes.

>So the question is can you allow more people to enjoy Sekiro without fucking anything up for existing fans? The answer is probably yes.
Depends on the changes. Letting people re-map on consoles? Sure. Giving players an easy mode toggle? Not so much.

There's a world of difference between having a color-blind mode so some players can actually see the warnings they otherwise can't tell apart, and having an auto-dodge mode so those players don't even have to see the warnings. One is accessibility, the other is casualisation, and the latter negatively impacts all the regular players of a game too, because it diminishes the achievement.

Art is something you must engage with, and from that quality all art is interactive. I would argue that movies and games, art which does the heavy lifting for the viewer, is actually worse off for it.

My hands cramp up after like 20 minutes of holding a controller.
I already know to stay away from action games because I’ll never pass the tutorial. I’ve been struck on the 1st fighter of mike Tyson’s punch out for almost 20 years.
That’s why I play turn based games
Simple, I get to play at my pace and enjoy a magical world not game over screens

How sad do you have to be to care about "achievement" in a game like Sekiro? At least play an actual hard game or become a speedrunner or something

>only 40% of players beat genchiro
maybe he is

>So the question is can you allow more people to enjoy Sekiro without fucking anything up for existing fans? The answer is probably yes.
And the answer is Youtube

I suppose pic in op wants surfing and snowboarding to be accessible by wheelchairs now?

>At least play an actual hard game
That's the thing, those don't even really exist anymore because savestates invalidated most of the difficulty. Now the best you can do is meme shit like Kaizo or Boshy.
>or become a speedrunner or something
Rote memorisation and muscle memory for the sake of grinding a popular game thousands of times until all the stars align and you get perfect luck is not an "achievement". It's an embarrassment.

At least say something like high score hunting, but even then most games with any community are all about kill screens.

Unironically, yes if they cannot take care of themselves. Society cannot simultaneously thrive and waste resources on defective members/free riders.

We actually have that. And it's not by demanding that every single slope on the mountain have wheelchair access, or that every beach have a power tow.

I literally saw a disabled guy beat sekiro, this entire thing is invalid. A person being bad, is not a reason to make it easier

>enemy deal 0.9x damage
>player deals 1.1x damage
here's your easy mode

best post ITT

My first experience with this argument was with Guitar Hero. Someone was putting together a lawsuit because they bought a game to play a song they couldn't unlock. No other type of medium blocks you from the part you want unless you're good enough to get to it. Of course we understand that to be the nature of video games and part of the appeal, adding value to experience by making it so that you must be skillful to fully experience it, but the "consumer rights" crowd make a decent point from a marketing perspective. Accessibility doesn't have to take away from a game, but if you ever play in "please hold my hand" mode, your file should be marked by it. It's like if you ever use a cheat code in some games that rank your performance your rank is forever "cheater".

It actually pisses me off when people like this bring up the disabled. If this guy was disabled then sure, but just presuming that the disabled will hate hard games is fucking stupid.

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git gud

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I agree with him, more games should be playable with one hand

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But that's largely our motives for making society better. Making it better for them because they are our friends and family if not us. If we aren't there now we're going to get their in the future.

I don't see any disabled people complaining about this, just game journalists and trannies.

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>but the "consumer rights" crowd make a decent point from a marketing perspective.
No, they don't. This is like saying that you should be entitled to a refund for a movie if you didn't understand it, or worse, just didn't enjoy it.

games used to only have one difficulty. I've never beat ghosts n goblins but if i want to see the end i can look up a speed record or a live stream. Look up how to beat bosses. Helps me with sekiro desu.

people did dark souls on twitch/with a banana. It's not a question of being disabled, it's a question of being retarded.
Skill will always find a way

How do you know that every twitter retard doesn't have a disability?

Fuck off, at least have it be 0.9x enemy health. Why would you have 1.1x damage when enemies do 0.9x damage?

You know how some people on Yea Forums when you tell them "get gud" they flip their shit? This is pretty much exactly like that.

>ablebodied shitters hiding behind people with actual disabilities
is there a name for this?


>from a marketing perspective
As in if you make your games more accessible or have easily available options for accessibility, you'll sell more.

what's the difference

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the difference is that there are disabled people that have beaten sekiro

How do you know they don't have a disability?

This might be a sound argument for anybody arguing that we should make these games easier

What's being argued for by reasonable people though is that options aren't a bad thing (unless implemented poorly)

most of the people whining about easy modes don’t present the case with ”as a person who suffers from...” it’s always ”what if someone who suffers from...” hence I assume the writer fully ablebodied and a shitter at games

>>As in if you make your games more accessible or have easily available options for accessibility, you'll sell more.
This is an awful mentality to have, pencil pushers deserve death.

What if the only reason people buy your games is for the challenge? If you make a game everyone can beat easily, you might see a momentary increase in sales as casuals flood in, but then you're going to lose all your hardcore sales instantly and face a wave of bad press that will mean your next title will sell nothing, because the casuals won't even hear about it.

They clearly have a mental disability.

>should there be an obligation
Lol no.
>is it a good idea from a marketing / sales perspective
Yes, assuming the implementation is cheap enough.

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That's a weird assumption to make as some would be sensitive about their autism or IDD.

If you buy it for the challenge, play on Dante Must Die mode.

That exact same logic for single player games can be applied to multiplayer games. In fact in a balanced game exploitation of intelligence is the only way to win, ever. How artificial it is is irrelevant.

>>If you buy it for the challenge, play on Dante Must Die mode.
Might as well say Pokemon is a hardcore game if you do Nuzlocke runs.

Optional challenge is meaningless.

If I gave enough of a fuck I COULD tell my computer not to read that word out loud, but hell, I survived the crash between my little pony and the neo nazi part of the site, and give no fucks no more.

Because these intersectinonal fuckers would be flying that shit on the flagpole everywhere like fucking genderfluid furries. And they wouldn't be making such ass retarded shit in the punchbowl statements. I haven't seen this much condensation since Jerry Lewis layed off the shit with the MDA.

ITT: psychopathic spergs argue selfish reasons against accessibility, proving once again that you don't deserve to ever be touched by a female

Even your whore mother shouldn't touch such a worthless parasite

That definition fits 99% of video games.

>want to play the game
>go see specs
>minumum cpu for intel is a 3.1 dual core
>for amd is a 3.5 six cores
excuse me what the fuck?
Why this disparity between AMD and intel?

Dante must Die mode is an actual difficulty mode in the game, Nuzlocke runs are completely player-made. That seems kinda silly to say.

I remember playing DS1 in a pc so fucking bad that the game ran in slow motion, and still i beat it, and i loved it.

>you don't deserve to ever be touched by a female
why i don't deserve to touch myself?

>It you buy it for the challenge play it on the hardest setting
WOW that's a crazy thought bro

>Optional challenge is meaningless.
That's incredibly untrue. Hard mode, challenge modes, new game plus, side quests, and optional bosses all enrich games with optional challenge and provide extra bragging rights.

Dont meercats tend to their sick and elderly?

Plus Dante Must Die mode isn't a player-made challenge

Even assuming your stereotyping mass assumptions are right, we only see one cherrypicked example in this thread.

I know that sounds like an easy go-to and I agree with the sentiment but they actually do that you know

ask any chef how they feel about microwave dinners

it literally did mr underage tryhard