>Sucked so bad at Sekiro he had to give it to the interns
What's this guy's name?
Well deserved honestly
Furious Francis
>caring about what this greasy spic says
Go back to R*ddit.
That's fine. Different people are allowed to like different games.
Four Hour Fernando
the only relevant opinion itt
The Angry Spic
Probably got stuck on an ogre.
I don't think I've ever watched a single Dissatisfied Diego video in my life but those seem like accurate scores to me, what's the issue?
Sekirobros, How could this happen?
It's not like there's a huge amount of new games out right now and he doesn't have the time. He's LITERALLY such a casual faggot that he can't play Sekiro properly and has to outsource it to his sidekick.
he even got a fucking D rank on Devil Hunter mode
based game "journalist"
of course he enjoyed a game more that was piss easy
Sekiro is great but yeah, it's probably an 8/10.
I have pretty high standards for games and very rarely buy games at full price from larger studios, but I very much enjoyed my time with Sekiro.
Just an all-around solid game, with lots of DLC and sequel potential.
they are not reviewed by the same person. joe reviewed dmc 5 meanwhile delrith was the one who reviewed sekiro.
this guy is normie journo tier
I can tell, because Sekiro is a legit 8/10 and Other Jose doesn't seem as retarded as Regular Jose.
He's so bad at video games that somebody else had to review it for him, that's a YIKES from me!
Bloodborne is highly overrated, if Sekiro had more incentive to replay the game it would be no doubt better.
Fromsoft decided to make a single player only game when a huge reason the Souls series is so popular is the PvP
Imagine your entire youtube gig being about video games, but somehow still being such a casual shitter that Sekiro is too hard for you and you have to leave the review to someone else.
How did this fat fuck even gain any popularity
>Bloodborne PVP is shit
>Dark Souls 3 PVP is even more shit
But Soulsborne is all about PVP tho! Even though the only entry with half decent pvp (footsie game, whiff punishable moves, less i-frames, more active hitboxes, more punishable healing, stronger magic attacks) is Dark Souls 2 and is often regarded as the worse one in the series.
Do people really like PvP so much? I always thought that it's by far the weakest point in souls games and it fucking sucks compared to PvE
Sekiro isn't even that hard after you get its mechanics down to muscle memory and stop freaking out to the sound of perilous attack warnings.
Joe doesn't even play Souls games. He gave up on DaS because he was shit at it and it wasn't fast enough for him.
Dark Souls 2 is easily the best game in the series I completely agree. Most replayability and variance in builds.
Worst bosses.
Ugliest game.
Worst levels.
Worst lore/story.
Forgettable NPCs and quests.
Most gank squads.
It's a bad game.
Giving sexiro lower than 9 should be a crime. There’s litetally no flaws. Reused ninja bosses? They’re fun to fight, so its ok. 4 headless? 2 of them are underwater and fun af. No customization? Well, he’s a shinobi.
> bad at souls
>it wasn't fast enough for him
Funny. He gave up on Sekiro because it was too fast for him. He's just bad at video games and avoids any form of challenge.
He's also a piece of shit human being. I had the fat fuck in an online coop game once. He was streaming it (of course). One of his viewers offered to donate 20$ to ruin the game and grief us and he didn't even hesitate. Fuck him.
Other Joe is a bro though
Pissed Jose
>One of his viewers offered to donate 20$ to ruin the game and grief us and he didn't even hesitate.
Fucking BASED Joe making this faggot seethe.
Joseph "Joe" Vargas aka Angry Joe
Excuse my boy he's not a soulsborne type of guy, i think that's why he hasn't made a review on souls games, his verdict must have been influenced by his frustration, please no hate
Come again?
I give both games a 9
Both have amazing gameplay but suffer from bad art direction
Sekiro could have more depth while DMC should have allowed all characters playable in all stages
Divergence mode is coming, nigga.
I'll believe it when I see it
Mode for retarded mentally ill trannies? Naaaaaaaaaaaah
Mad Max camino de furia
Perturbed Pamela
You think he realizes that Other Joe is infinitely more like able and funny than he is?
Fatty Fernandez
Why do you think he keeps him around?
Peeved Pedro is closer to old Yea Forums than every newfag on this board.
>no flaws
>can't fuck kuro
>no flaws