April 2019... I am forgotten
What the fuck went wrong?
April 2019... I am forgotten
Is eternal
Really awful writing. Removing Drive forms was a mistake too.
Sekiro came and btfo of this shit game
Literally every game released so far in 2019 btfo of KH.
the game is too easy, even on Proud.
Waiting for Critical mode patch before doing a second run
suuuureeee it did Barry
There's daily threads for it though?
Because there is no reason to replay it until Crit is out. What the fuck am supposed to do? Level 1 meme runs?
>Ugly plastic looking UE4 visuals
>Awful writing even by KH standards
>Uninspired new outfits
>No FF characters
>No Disney villian fights(except Davy Jones
>No coliseum
>Secret boss is just a buffed up heartless
>Even less justification for needing to visit the Disney world's than previous titles
>Less worlds overall than any mainline entry
The whole thing feels like it was made by interns that never played a KH game.
>The whole thing feels like it was made by interns that never played a KH game.
also known as Osaka team.
Newfag here. Why do most people play critical and proud mode? I only played KH1 (PS2) on normal.
Pretty much everything people expected was handled like shit.
>the box
Fan expectation: It's MoM's heart or body or something wacky
Nomura: lol, buy KH 4 goyi... I mean gaijin
Fan expectation: Oh man, actual character development I hope Aqua continues calling out Mickey's bullshit
Nomura: lol, Sora beats the darkness out of her with a stick after using his plot teleportation powers
>Roxas and Xion's return
Fan expectation: Sora gives in to the darkness or otherwise sacrifices a part of himself again to let Roxas and Xion exist
Nomura: lol, they just appear in the graveyard at the end, idk
>Kairi and Lea training
Fan expectation: Finally Kairi gets to be useful and I'm sure Lea will do literally anything besides make le wacky 4th wall jokes
Nomura: lol, they job and die
Fan expectation: She's on the cover so she's going to do something important, right?
Nomura: lol, just an optional cutscene with a generic star soul
>Lingering Will
Fan expectation: XEHANORT!!!!!!! *proceeds to fucking demolish his possessed self again*
Nomura: lol, he disappears and jobs offscreen after the worst animated cutscene in the game
The whole game was a goddamn mess of shit like this.
Its not forgotten obviously because we have this same thread every single fucking day.
And yet they can barely even last a full hour.
>Awful writing even by KH standards
The writing has been getting worse with every new installment, so it's not even surprising.
The Vanitas Mod is a better game than KH3
The game was trash and got mopped by dmc, Sekiro and every game that will release this year.
It's a single-player game that has gotten no new content, what did you expect? It isn't being talked about because there's no reason to talk about it. Everything's been said. When critical mode comes out then we'll have reason to talk about it again.
>People don't post much in a shitposting thread
Oh wow what a shock
>No FF characters
>No Disney villian fights(except Davy Jones
>No coliseum
>Secret boss is just a buffed up heartless
This shit is the worst, not having a Sephiroth fight is unforgivable
Because it's shit and everyone would rather just forget it existed.
Imagine being so delusional that you actually thought a big budget SE game in 2019 would be good
>durr you're just shitposting
3 was awful, learn to deal with it. I will never forgive Nomura for this shit.
RE2 remake is still getting pretty consistent threads despite also being a single player game that came out at the same time
Waiting on Critical. Discussion will pick up then for a little at least to discuss the best ways to abuse the combat system.
Everyone who wanted it already played and talked about it non-stop for a couple of weeks.