>two upcoming Persona 5 games/projects
>Joker in Smash among the most iconic video game characters
>everyone wants Persona 5 on their platform
Feels good to be a Persona-Chad. It literally replaced Final Fantasy as the most iconic jrpg series.
SMT-chads also welcomed, I hope we get smtV news soon
Two upcoming Persona 5 games/projects
Other urls found in this thread:
Final Fantasy has been dogshit for about 10 years, so I'm not surprised that it's overshadowed
>everyone wants Persona 5 on their platform
You’re wrong, Sonybros doesn’t beg for a Persona 5 port.
>Xenoblade is better Action RPG
>TMS has better music
>SMT is better than persona in any other aspect
Just move one my man
>action RPG
>action rpg
>10 years
Try 20. FFVII was the last good Final Fantasy.
Not as good as Lavenza sitting on your lap.
T. Zoomer, FF was literally bigger then Mario in the 90s & Early 2000s. You were getting a masterpiece every single year, it was untouchable. Only thing that even compared was Zelda, which is why there were so many OOT vs FF7 debates. It will never be surpassed on the vidya mount rushmore, no matter how shit it continues to be. That’s how fucking iconic Final Fantasy is
But they DO want it to be exclusive on their own.
>It literally replaced Final Fantasy as the most iconic jrpg series.
what kind of bubble do you live in?
I only want Persona 1 and 2. Fuck that teenage garbage that is 3 to 5.
Keep trying
Where the fuck is SMTV
PS4 owner here. I don't give a fuck if it's exclusive or not. It's a good game. I just want people to stop talking about platforms all the time. Talk about Joker in Smash or your favourite confidant or the OST.
>Comparing Persona to action RPG
>Comparing Persona chad music to idol shit
>Spin off overshadows main franchise and retards can't get over it
Absolute brainlet.
Persona 5 being good is only half the story here, you're ignoring that FF13 and 15 are absolutely awful.
Had FF remained the quality of its older titles then that wouldn't be the case.
Yeah I like Persona 5 but 2 million sales globally isn't really THAT much at the end of the day.
And lets not forget that it took 8 years between P4 and P5. The Persona series almost died. It skipped an entire gen!
The SMTfags are dead bro. Don't rub it in they will cry about it.
Still is, Every FF game grosses over 500 Million dollars. 4-5 have grossed over 1 billion. Persona 5
can’t even sell 3 million copies
>that's how fucking iconic Final Fantasy is
I've been playing all kinds of JRPGs since the mid 90s, and I have to say I got pretty bored of them around the time FFXII came out. Even the SMT series wasn't that great after awhile. P5 reignited something though. It's so polished, there are so many options in battle, and it just never feels like a chore to play. It's one of the first truly great JRPGs since the PS1 era.
> Xenocringe 2
>I care so much about shallow aesthetics that I'm willing to defend a gameplay garbage fire like P1 (which incidentally has a fully teenage cast, and P2 is at least half teen as well, and both have predictable one-dimensional cookie cutter anime-tier plots)
Just don't play video games then you fucking faggot.
>Persona 5 The Royal
>Includes new Social Link with palace/dungeon like Marie in P4G
>Persona 5 S
>Switch exclusive, includes all new scenario with a female MC and the content from The Royal, launch later than P5R
>Joker in Smash among the most iconic video game characters
lol april fools was yesterday.
P5 was on PS3 :^)
I actually played it that way
Anyone else beat this game back in 2017 april and haven't touched it since? Don't get why this series gets such high scores
FF’s place on Mt. Rushmore was taken by Resident Evil after FF10/2-15. They were so horrible that they disgraced its brand worse then Sonic
>It skipped an entire gen!
But I played it on my PS3.
Lmfao. Just Lmfao. Just say its a casualised for babbys like you thats why it doesn't feel like a "chore" to play.
Final Fantasy XXX (30) when?
I wish they gave us time to miss these characters before all these spin offs/anime. Like the games oly came out 2 years ago.
But then again, the quicker they get all these out, the sooner we get a persona 6.
Hopefully people will finally play the SMT franchise now
Actually 3 years ago
Don't even joke about that. I ain't buying a Switch for one game.
Yeah but you're forgetting the fact that for ATLUS 2mil being sold is a LOT. It's one of, if not THE most successful games they've ever mad. It utterly blows every past Persona game out to the water. And the fact that there's this much hype around P5R despite no one having a fucking clue what it is says a lot. The intiital teaser for it has almost a million views, and it's a fucking announcement for an announcement.
When was the last time you heard someone talk about Final Fantasy?
Face it, ATLUS is gaining momentum, and Persona 5 is their ticket to the big bucks. It's no wonder they're milking it so hard
Persona 5: (S)till only on Playstation
Yeah, I forgot about the japan release.
>outside of ports, the only megaten entry we had that wasn't mainline or persona was TMS
Where's my SRPG on the switch or raidou 3
>Joker in Smash among the most iconic video game characters
Yeah, most iconic characters such as Incineroar and Corrin.
persona 4 was better than 5 imho
>people who own a console that has a game on it are not hoping for a port of the game to their console
Imagine my shock.
You are right, one of the last big releases.
True but the next gen had already started when P5 came out.
Lavenza is flat! FLAT!
>hahahahaha nope you're not getting our game on your platform, Nintendo, but enjoy this shovelware spinoff on your dead previous handheld instead
>oh but hey thanks for paying US and giving us further sales royalties for the additional exposure you cucks
>oh and uh don't expect SMTV anytime soon either rofl, we're too busy propping up the moderate success of P5 as our equivalent of FF7 and thus exploiting the crap out of it
I agree with this nigger for once.
FFXV was the blunder of the century, however you want to call it, but it sold 8.4 million units since launch till last november.
Atlus is just making indie numbers.
Oh boy I can't wait to play the same game again.
>It literally replaced Final Fantasy as the most iconic jrpg series
But this time they shoehorned a heroine as a subtle nod to older megami tensei games!
The Boomer meme would be more appropriate.
Final Fantasy only achieves these numbers in sales by name. I have at least five friends who bought FFXV because it was "muh FF" and they have been regretting the purchase until nowadays.
You forgot about Marth, Ike, Roy, Chrom, Lucina and Robin.
>we might actually have to wait until late April for Joker gameplay in Smash (Best Buy pulled their Joker render from their weekly ad, suggesting that they showed it far earlier than Nintendo wanted)
>at this rate we might actually not get Pack 2's reveal in April
>that would leave May open, in time for the Fire Emblem Expo
imagine still defending a wiiu rpg that got overshadowed by XBX
you can also fuck your teacher in the Switch
It’s pretty obvious that’s Edelgard will be the next DLC character to line up with the release of Three Houses.
Man, fuck Persona. Shitty ass games
Literal retard.
Never played Persona 5 but I love the style. Hoping it gets a Switch port so I can play it without having to use my little brother's console lol
Either way a TH pick could go is fucking awful. Edelgard is a meme pick only bandwagoned since she was the first face people saw, and Byleth is yet another fucking FE swordie.
>Final Fantasy only achieves these numbers in sales by name
That's LITERALLY the definition of being "iconic" you stupid fucking nigger
That's why Persona still hasn't replaced FF as an iconic JRPG
Which is the point of the thread
All characters will be from new franchises
SMTV news never ever
No. Characters will simply be new to the series. Reggie was re-emphasizing the point Sakurai made in the November Direct: since Everyone is Here already, there won't be veterans or Echoes in the Fighters Pass.
only XIII and XIV are really bad if we're being honest but this is Vee
See ya in 2020 when challenger pack 5 turns out to be yet another 3rd party character :)
Kill yourself nigger, Fire Emblem is diarrhea.
>everyone wants persona 5 on their platform
I don't. I've never given a fuck about the series and never will.
no u
Way to gloss over Packs 2-4 :)
I can confirm this. I bought FFXV on release day just because holy shit finally THE next Final Fantasy game. I only got to chapter 3 and dropped it the fuck off.
no they won't.
>but another FE rep would be awesome for le epic salt xd
What I mean is that even if they put a label on a piece of shit with the words "Final Fantasy" this will sell well. I don't care if Persona will or will not replace FF, but it does not change the fact that the latest FFs are so bad they don't deserve what they sold.
Most ps4 users don’t have this mindset. The P5R trailer is filled with comments of people begging to not port the game to the switch
the last DLC character being third party doesn't stop the other three from being first party.
This. So many dumbass zoomers in this thread.
Stop trying so hard to fit in
I prefer Justine
I just want to finally see SMT5
And I hope we get a Devil Survivor 3
Alright I'll answer seriously cuz why not
I never said Reggie straight up said all characters will be from new franchises, I said it's going to be the case.
It's already confirmed that all of them will be characters you wouldn't anticipate, characters like Joker. It's also confirmed that each of them will bring a stage, and NEVER did a character from an already represented franchise bring a stage alongside them.
Based off this, Ockham's Razor indicates that all DLC will be from new franchises. Especially since we got a character like Joker who doesn't have much to do with Nintendo and is clearly there to make Personafags buy Smash. The other 4 DLC will probably have this idea behind them too.
Source: your ass.
SMT is shit now how does it even compare? Persona literally makes SMT look like the spinoff.
>Persona literally makes SMT look like the spinoff.
By what? Budget?
Uh, no. Second character practically got 'officially' leaked already by being in the game files.
Popularity. Face it people are being introduced to SMT through Persona 5.
It's true that Reggie brought up the "wouldn't anticipate" nugget, but Sakurai contradicted it when he said he didn't factor in surprise with his picks from Nintendo's list.
No, not really. The combat system is still stripped out of complexity in comparison. Same with difficulty, stories keep being shitty, demon showcase... Only thing it has is flair.
Grinch confirmed
>>everyone wants Persona 5 on their platform
>This is how P5R can still be released on the Switch
Nobody wanted Joker in Smash
Atlus paid their way into it to help advertise Persona
Just because Sakurai didn't care about surprising people doesn't means the characters aren't surprising from an outsider's perspective - Reggie's perspective.
And while I'm against patternfagging in general I'm confident this one's a reliable one. See you in a year.
I want to know what the fuck 13c.jp is. It's definitely related to Persona but is it 1-3 remakes or what fucking announce it already you hacks.
chads don't call themselves chads
> Nobody asked
Sorry your shit pick didn't get in. Keep crying faggot LMAO.
I want Raidou 3 too
And something akin to DDS
I would give my left nut for SMTV and P5 on pc
Everyone wanted Joker in but didn't see it actaully happening till the day of the gay awards.
10 years ago i'd agree but since FF13+ its been eroded to nothing. Nowadays people talk only about the old stuff in FF, new projects are mostly ignored or derided, like the FF7 remake never coming out
This is what snoyim think like. Disgusting, isn't it
>the upcoming persona announcement will be either ps4 or mobile
>no persona game coming to switch ever
lol nintenkids should start get ready for those sony wojaks.
Spoken like a true beta
Well, too bad because Persona is the only thing that sells now. Hope you enjoy P5R, P5S, P5AO, P5U, P5DC, and P5V5
>SMT is better than persona in any other aspect
That's just nonsensical. They're too different from one another for one to be better than the other in every aspect, because there's a lot of aspects in one that aren't even present in the other, and what aspects they share have different approaches taken towards them because of how different the games are from one another. The only thing that feels really fair to compare between the two in my eyes are the fusion systems, which I think is a bit better in P4G and 5 anyway, even if IV:A is better from a QoL perspective.
I just beat P5 for the first time a few days ago. It was a lot of fun. I'm glad it never got spoiled for me. Can't wait for P5R.
>Oda's hat doesn't have Get Smoked on it
I can't begin to fathom what was going through the mind of whoever made this image when they excluded this.
>tfw no p5 portable on the vita
I do like that image, but the three things I dislike are the no "Get Smoked", the fact that Igor looks kinda weird, and the fact that Makoto is tasting the soup right from the ladle what the fuck are you doing Makoto use a spoon
I highly doubt we'll ever get either of them, and I'm glad in the case of DDS, but I do have some hope that they'll put out at least one MegaTen spinoff that's not Persona after they're done with SMTV, they finally have the HD Demon models which would have been a big obstacle in making a spinoff in the past, so hopefully they can do what they did with the PS2 and take advantage of the fact they can re-use them so much letting them put out some more spinoffs.
>persona 1 on vita (psp)
>persona 2 on vita (psp)
>persona 3 portable on vita (psp)
>persona 4 golden on vita (vita)
>no persona 5 on vita
To be fair, I played it on my Vita via remote play.
i dont own a ps4 and i heard remote play is kinda laggy and buggy if you try to play outside.
Dragon Quest is still more iconic.
> In Japan
Nobody likes a generic boring series here.
>everyone wants Persona 5 on their platform
I don't
I want SMTV
Yeah, generally it's best to do remote play in a situation where you have the best wi-fi connection possible. ...Which means that I mostly played on the couch/bed
It's dead user. Face the music.
No one is delusional enough to think P3/4 hold a candle to P5 popularity right ?
>no one thinks these ps2 games are more popular than this ps4 game right?
No shit sherlock
Fucking why?
Did they forget Persona Q 1 & 2 already exist?
Hell Nintendo even gave them they’re own limited edition 3DS
They wanted to buy Atlus and Namco but got cock blocked by anti-monopoly laws
>Feels good to be a Persona-Chad. It literally replaced Final Fantasy as the most iconic jrpg series.
Actually, Fire Emblem has gained momentum and sells better now. Nintendo always wins baby.
Why is Persona so great bros?!
I'm glad DDS had an "end" and had the Quantum series.
But yeah, I'd like to see them make something new with the models, PS2 era was great in a sense since the models were there for those spinoffs of any sort, and sprites pretty much have this philosophy since Devil summoner
Remember all those Sim dates on Newgrounds with Anime girls?
It’s like that except sometimes you have to do turn based combat
>Xenoblade is better Action RPG
xenoblade is trash, and persona isn't an action rpg anyway.
>TMS has better music
tms is based around idols and music. it better have a good soundtrack.
>SMT is better than persona in any other aspect
i love smt, but that's not true. persona is better at making consistently memorable characters, which is pretty important in a jrpg. and if we compare recent games, apocalypse is easily worse than p5.
meanwhile in reality, nobody even raises an eyebrow anymore when a new final fantasy comes out. the hype isn't even close to what it used to be. it's been all downhill since tidus' laugh.
persona q and q2 are only on 3ds because they're etrian odyssey reskins, which means they're built around a map-drawing gimmick that only works with the 3ds' dual screens.
No, fuck you and check this 5. Persona games are garbage.
as a resident Genofag I'm hyped as shit that SMT/Persona got a rep, I didn't expect it to be joker but I'm looking forward to what he brings to the table. Giving new IPs love in Smash is what the DLC should be about.
What's he saying?
>2 more p5 games before smtv
This can’t be. Persona is just a fucking spin-off. We were supposed to be the main series...
I hope joker brings jack frost with him to smash
Best regards,
>Persona S.
I didn't see that coming.
What is it?😿
>Move on
Move on for what reason? P5R is coming soon, we're also probably getting another spin off, and P6 is in the future. Persona has never been better friendo.
SMT drools. Persona 5 rules.
PSA: The only reason anyone considers P5 better than P3 or P4 is simply because the graphics in P5 is almost 2 entire console generations better than P4 is.
P4 still has a more cohesive story, a better cast, less cringey dialogue and better balanced dungeouns than P5 has and unless P5R re-hauls at least two entire dungeons, changes several character story lines, makes more Confidant arcs directly interact with the story and doesn't make it piss easy for any braindead Monkey to max your social stats, it's going to stay that way.
P5 has been and always will be my biggest gaming disappointment. I waited almost 10 fucking years for a new Persona game and what I got instead was nuetered down SMT with a 3rd grade visual-novel tier plot line.
Nothing will ever be more agitating than the absolute fucking asspull that they did after the last dungeon. Yea, fucking P4 was kinda reaching with The Answer but P5 didn't even fucking try to explain why you had to fight god. It was literally "Okay great you finally beat the main villain! Now here fight god because you do that in every Persona game. Sorry we spent like 95% of our budget on just the graphics design so you're just going to have to fight him without any real reason."
There's other blatant bullshit and retard moments in P5 that are just absent in P4 because P4 didn't try to make itself as some grandiose and epic adventure like P5 wanted itself to be.
It legitimately feels like Atlus didn't put any real thought in what this game oughta be outside of "Hey let's try and copy the french art style and have some vague callouts to the "noble thief" genre of fiction."
Like people say that P3's protagonist was most likely autistic or had asberger but at least no one won't say that he didn't have at least some personality and cohesion to his character.
Joker's personality is literally nothing beyond "This dude got fucked on by bad goberment now he hates adults."
Fuck P5 honestly. It ruined this series and any discussion.
Not popularity wise, but P3/4 definitely are better than P5 in certain aspects
>It literally replaced Final Fantasy as the most iconic jrpg series.
Second most iconic, you mean.
>Okay great you finally beat the main villain! Now here fight god because you do that in every Persona game.
Disagree, I thought it was a better setup than P4 at least. "Igor" was there from the beginning and it made sense story wise that he would reveal himself and you'd have to fight him. P4 literally pulled that shit out of NOWHERE with no indication that someone else was pulling the strings.
They could've both been done better though. P3 did it really well.
I did too, looks pretty good on ps3
Except for loading screens tearing pretty badly
I prefer 5's gameplay and everything else about 4
>Overhyping jrpg series over other jrpg series
Jrpgs are overrated. That said, he got in because he's the most recent jRPG thing people even talk about. Mother 3? That was eons ago. Xenoblade? lol. Dragon Quest? Permission to not care until Square Enix bothers out of their ass to implement that shit anywhere other than Japan as anything mainstream. FF is losing steam, no wonder.
X was, if you liked VII there's no reason why you'd hate 8-10, it's all the same shit. None of the plots are good.
Why do brainlets always bring up Tidus' laugh? It is clearly appropriate given the context of the situation.
Whether someone brings this up as a complaint is a good indicator that they have never actually played the game and only watch le epic youtube bideos on the subject.
FFX has plenty of things to complain about, this is not one of them.
Complaining about the boobs when the face is all wrong.
The weakest of baits.
Persona 5 is the game of this generation
Defend this then.
Oh yeah, "that" happened
>unironically using TMS
There are more good games in the FF series than Persona, and probably SMT too. There was literally no point in stating anything about FF. They aren't similar and you can like both.
Persona 5 Royal is either an enhanced version or some weird sequel for the PS4. It doesn't make any sense for P5S to be a port for the Switch, when there might be an enhanced version coming to PS4. They aren't going to have a whole day just to show off a teaser for a port. So, Persona 5 will continue to be a PS4 exclusive, which is great.
>another announcement for an announcement that you need to watch a Nico Nico restream for
Getting so tired of this company.
>PQ reference
that didn't age well
Hopefully R fixes a lot of the problems I had with the game
Nothing looks dumber than people trying to put underwear on Aigis.
Anyone actually thinking Persona is overshadowing Final Fantasy is literally braindead.
Diehard Personafags live in a bubble and just smell each other's farts all day.
The normalfags can keep that FF shit. Its not edgy and fedora enough for us gamers.
More people enjoyed Persona 5 than enjoyed FFXV despite the huge difference in sales. That’s why you see people still raving about 5 to this day.
>most iconic jrpg
Just lol
Hold on you're actually on to something.
Ever since Persona 3 released we've had active Persona threads every week for years up to today. I think in gamespot there was a massive Persona 4 community although I forget since I don't visit anymore.
Meanwhile, FF games barely get discussed anymore. The FF6 guys stopped, the FF11 MMO guys are no longer around. Nobody's talking about 14. FFT got destroyed when FFTWotL came out. People eventually stopped posting about how bad FF8 is because of Junction and Squall being the most handsome guy in the ball. FFX used to get some actual good threads every few weeks or so because its the only good modern FF, but Super Best Friends played through it last year and nowadays we only get racist Wakka posted.
And lastly the hopeful Versus threads were turned into FFXV threads and they're the worst threads of them all.
I guess when Persona 5 lands on Switch this state of things will end for good. Just like with Souls games before PC.
FF is (in my opinion) one of those things a lot of people will buy out of nostalgia or curiosity. I knew two friends who picked up FF13 day 1 because it was just the new FF game for example. Plus I think that overall (and this is just my opinion) Persona has a little more to talk about as a whole.
>replaced Final Fantasy
One, literally, ONE (1) game. A solid 9/10 but still, ONE game. Fucking chill
I was about to mention that the only reason we're all still buying FF is due to nostalgia. Looking at you FF7 Remake.
Its hard to believe people still line up for FF after being burned by 12, 13, 13-2, LR, and 15. This doesn't include the bad spinoffs like Dirge of Cerberus and the pay to win mobage.
I guess this is where SE's massive marketing team takes over. They even made a movie for FFXV. And it was bad.
its the style/polish that carries the gameplay in P5 but for real its slightly less mechanical gameplay-wise than SMT but somehow more fun.
Wasn't XV pretty bad too?
Yes. Most FF are actually bad JRPGs when you play their competitors' stuff.
What kind of fag are you?
That weird green haired loli bitch from the intro will come and fuck your day up now. It will be her or Tiki with dragon powers and they'll be alternate skins for one another.
What if it's Anna instead? Givin she's essentially the FE mascot and will most definitely be in the game. R-right g-g-guys?
I would be fine with this if they gave her a bow, axe or a fucking bag/pouch of coins, so long as it's not another sword because it gets a bit stale. They should also have her skins be different models of Anna throughout the franchise instead of her being a blue recolour or her being a different shade of fucking red.
joker IS the SMT representative sadly enough which is a shame since if they chose a non powered comp user they could have had demons be used for many of the smts rep but nope had to get a lame ass persona character instead but whatever i guess.
Joker can still use different Personas too, so I guess you're cool with it. Nice, Joker's the best choice they could have made.
R is going to be a vita port
Anna would be amazing, idgaf is the FE roster is overblown
Could you imagine the butthurt? Atlus would be so based.
Well, what do you expect?
They want big names for Smash and Persona is most certainly a big name. Same reason they went with Cloud as the FF rep as opposed to Terra, Cecil, Kain or WoL.
>playing gayArrrPeeeGeeez
I'd rather play JRPGs than shit like Madden or FIFA
persona 5 arena when
Nobody can be this dumb. Joker was picked because he's recognizable. You really think people are gonna recognize Demi-fiend from a game only selected people played over a game that's know world wide. Sorry guy but that's the reality even Sakurai is a personafag so just deal with it.
blocks your path
>I'd rather play shit than cancer
From IV to X
Everything else
Fight me with this playing in the background
Fucking this, shove out your shovelware Arcsys and get a real new game going.
>The Persona series almost died.
>milked with several spinoffs and a rerelease
Is this sarcasm? I mean, you're not wrong with FF still making iron man numbers despite modern square but still
>Primary weapon is a bow
>Smash attacks are a giant bag of coins or her axe from Heroes
>Specials could be using staves to debuff opponents or the levin sword to shoot lightning bolts
>Final smash is her getting in one of those ballista tanks with other Anna's and shooting money everywhere
But no, we got fucking CHROM instead
>Joker can still use different Personas too
I'll fucking rage if it turns out that he only uses Arsene.
I want jack frost as a persona for fucks sake
Haha, good one man. You're funny. Anyone ever tell you that? That you're funny? Boy I wonder...
Thank you for having good taste men.
Not just SEETHING this far into the thread my man. Boy what a life..
But Persona 3 is better, put that on the Switch instead.
you're welcome, my dude.
SMTfags are something else. Joker is more marketable than anything SMT has ever produced. It's that simple.
P3 did it better because P5 was essentially copying P3.
However you feel, you should always feel/know your place as a casualized SMT that keeps getting easier and has less entertaining dialogue/demon interactions.
Just let them be bitchbabies about their series not being as popular. It just proves our point they're unironic faggots.
Name one with more modern staying power to the point kids who saw a Pokemon movie long ago are now watching new ones with their kids and moneysinking the same products? Name one with enough notoriety to get a South Park episode.
I would buy 2 copies
switchniggers would be heard screaming for miles
atlus please. P5 on vita would honestly break this board
Isn't that from Persona?
I think so. Looks like the doll that you can put on your shelf in P4 and buy from crane machines in P3 and P5.
Is coming to Steam stop pretending like SEGA doesn't want that PC money.
Can I get it irl to put on my shelf?
Yeah. They sell it in the official Atlus USA online store.
Side note did you know Mara got a very high quality figure recently? I guess he was really popular.
>let's announce yet another P5 game
>Re:Fantasy, SMT V, what's that?
The absolute state of this fucking company
I have a Mara figure. It's got a suction cup on the bottom and 5 inches of insertable length.
The game came out three years ago, and frankly that's a retarded-ass complaint