You weren't THAT gullible to take this "next level" bait, right?
They just wanted to scan your PC and Steam files and send them to Epic, if you didn't have their launcher installed.
You weren't THAT gullible to take this "next level" bait, right?
They just wanted to scan your PC and Steam files and send them to Epic, if you didn't have their launcher installed.
Other urls found in this thread:
If it only removed the game for people who stole it then what's the issue?
>Steam makes a mistake and games get heavily discounted
>They take the L and let you keep the games
>Same thing happens with Epic and they just rip it straight out of your library
>buy TV for very cheap price mentioned in store
>day later salesman comes to your house and takes away the TV, saying they made a mistake when pricing it
That's not how it fucking works, Epic. People can sue them for this.
>Regular Store
>Item is mistakenly labelled free.
>Customers go through the normal process at checkout and leave store with product.
>Supervisors realize mistake but honor purchase and try to solve problem by placating other customers coming for free thing with a deal or something.
>Epic Games Store
>Item is mistakenly labelled free.
>Customers go through the normal process at checkout and leave store with product.
>Tim Sweeny runs out into the parking lot, punches his customers in the face and yanks the item out of their hands.
>not just pirating every videogame you want to play
the state of Yea Forums, folks. enjoy your DRM and buggy $60 ripoffs.
Well I made an account just for this and most likely use it now. Opsie
That's what's going on.
Pretty weird move from them honestly.
I thought they were pumped chock full of dosh from their chink overlord. Should've just taken the loss and spin it into positive PR or some shit.
Pretty sure this ''error'' was just a way to get people to start using the egs.
Big difference there. Even with a heavy discount it still costs something, therefore not as many people will go to buy it and download it, so there is still money being made.
If something's free, the news spreads like wildfire and anyone who had a passing interest in the game can go "Yeah sure, I'll download that", and a horde of downloads happen, making neither Epic nir the publishers and devs any money, and denying them potential future customers.
That's a massive false equivalence and you know it. Epic might be shitty about some things but that's an unfair comparison. Plus you're way overestimating the store's generosity.
Execpt that they said that somthing like this wouldn't happen unlike on steam where it doesn't happen but what is one lie more on the pile, right
>That's a massive false equivalence
No it's not.
In a regular store they would just tell you at checkout that its a mistake and its not acualy free.
They can easy just say someone misused a price tag gun.
Especially if its a product worth more than 5$.
In fact when was the last time you ever saw a real life store offer something substantial for free.
I imagine some people would get mad and throw a hissy fit but those are probably entitled Midwestern women or special snowflakes.
Disgusting behaviour from Epic. I'm deleting my entire library and closing my account after this.
>heavy discount it still costs something, therefore
Pure speculation on your part. The argument is solid, and consumer law is very clear on this. The seller is at fault if an item is incorrectly priced, regardless of the scope of the error
Fuck off Billy.
But that would be before/during the transaction, not after like what Epic did.
>In a regular store they would just tell you at checkout that its a mistake and its not acualy free.
>They can easy just say someone misused a price tag gun.
Maybe in burgerlan. In germanistan the customer is still in the right that if a pricetag says it's cheaper it has to be treated that way at the checkout.
>just tell you at checkout that its a mistake and its not acualy free
Ofcourse they would. It would then be up to the purchaser to have knowledge of the law. Ive brought items that were vastly underpriced, and were clearly genuine mistakes. I took pictures on my phone as evidence, and politely and calmly asked for a manager.
Ofcourse the manager does not want to concede, but as i said knowledge of consumer law is your alley. I got the item discounted, and a employee was immediately sent to change the price tag.
Im a man who earns wages by the hour, and a multi-billion dollar store lost out on what amounts to 0.00001% of lost revenue.
>I've never worked retail.
Sometimes the person at the register doesn't know that shit was tagged wrong. Sometimes the boss has to make a compromise for the customers.
>When was the last time you ever saw a real life store offer something substantial for free.
Two months ago.
Jesus, can they do anything right? Literally just one thing?
The only false equivalence here is the joke about Tim punching you in a parking lot.
> Go into Gamestop.
> See a game for $0.00
> Pick it up, put it on the counter.
> Had over $0.00.
> Walk out of the store.
> Put it on your shelf at home.
> Gamestop breaks into your house, steals it back from you and demands you pay to access your game again.
> Screams in Chinese at you when you ask how they found out where you live.
You fools! This was just a scheme to get people to download the epic store client. They got their foot in the door now and it cost them nothing.
>can they do anything right?
They can rape the consumer effectively
What a TERRIBLE analogy.
>Screams in Chinese at you when you ask how they found out where you live
Grow a sense of humor, Tim.
Maybe a spine to go with it so you can stop kneeling in front of Mao.
> Screams in Chinese at you when you ask how they found out where you live.
What did you steal?
Does Steam have something similar in EULA?
>Epic may modify, suspend, discontinue, substitute, replace, or limit your access to any aspect of the Software or Services at any time. You acknowledge that your use of the Software or Services does not confer on you any interest, monetary or otherwise, in any aspect or feature of the Software or Services, including but not limited to any in-game rewards, achievements, character levels. You also acknowledge that any character data, game progress, game customization or other data related to your use of the Software or Services may cease to be available to you at any time without notice from Epic, including without limitation after a patch, update, or upgrade is applied by Epic. Epic does not have any maintenance or support obligations with respect to the Software or Services.
I knew it was gonna happen, but it was worth a try. Oh well.
I'm gonna buy it either way desu
>will bend over backwards to make the developer and publisher happy
>can't be assed to do anything for consumers
This is why I hate them. They'll give the devs a break but won't give consumers one.
What Epic has done is actually illegal. Once the purchase and receipt have been confirmed, by law the store -no matter what, whether it's a retail chain or an online shop- has to honor the purchase. They've effectively robbed you if they return the product afterwards.
US law probably won't enforce this, but Euro anons can absolutely fuck Epic for this if they get in contact with the right people.
Nigga I have had enough retail people sell me shit at stupidly low prices to know they will honor whatever the UPC says when it scans. I got a 150 dollar mouse for 30 bucks on because of it.
> Screams in Chinese at you when you ask how they found out where you live.
They can remove games if you got the mtrough stolen keys or CC fraud. And only if they can prove that it happened. Otherwise they would at least vioalte EU consumer rights.
When you get a VAC or you act just mean to everyone you'll get your community privileged suspended. So you can't talk to people, edit your profile, ect. You're pretty much muted. You still get to keep your games though.
>Chinklets trying so hard to say "NOR NOR, RIS IS NOT DA RAW, RE CAN TAKE BACK AR GAMES AT ANY TIME"
>Store has price listed at $0
>Customer notices and brings it to counter
>Store clerk says it's a mistake and changes the price, doesn't allow person to buy product
>Store has price listed at $0
>Customer notices and brings it to counter
>Store clerk sells it at $0
>Customer walks out door
>Clerk remembers that's wrong and snatches game off customer
>100% illegal
Euro anons, spread the word and sue these fuckers. Not even AMAZON is protected against shit like this.
>The Jew cries in anger when his argument is rebuffed.
When I worked in a hobby shop four years ago we had this exact situation. I was sorting inventory and when I came out front the dumbass at the register didn't give a second thought to the comics that had somehow been marked as free instead of buy one get one free. Manager had to hash a deal out with the kids who wanted to get a bunch of free comics and we didn't go fucking track down the people who already left with comics. Last time I saw something substantial being given out for free was at the local bookstore, they were outright giving away books they had way too many copies of on a first come first serve basis. It's got a coffee shop attached to the side and I'm sure more than a few people either bought something else while they were inside (like the shit near the register, Pokemon cards, mags, keychains, etc) or got a drink.
In Spain even mislabeled prices in ads or magazines are bounding. Even if it is a genuine mistake or it says something like "except printing issues". You can go to the store with the proof and if it official they must sell it at that price if there is stock of that item.
Why are you so retarded? It's and online transaction. Every online transaction can be refused, if the system made a flaw or you can't deliver.
Only if you have a legally binding contract, both parties have to agree if they want to change something. But if you just buy something in the store, you don't have a legally binding contract until you have an official message telling you that you have to purchased something.
BUT there is one more thing you don't understand. EGS only sells licences. Licences are a piece of shit and the EGS can pretty much terminate your licence any time they want. A licence depends on their TOS. Just read their TOS and you see that you are fucked even with a legally binding contract, because you only buy a licence.
You can't purchase something that's free.
Big brain post. Its called viral marketting.
This is comparable to when backdoors are discovered in certain systems and then the company says it was a random error.
If you have a receipt, yes you can.
Pretty sure it's illegal and they have to honor their previous offer.
You guys know you can buy shit from their website without the launcher, right? If you installed the launcher on your PC just to get Detroit, you're a moron.
>Every online transaction can be refused, if the system made a flaw or you can't deliver.
No it can't you stupid fucking retard, try actually working a day of retail. If the customer has purchased the product at $0 and there is a receipt of that transaction, you have entered a binding legal contract with that customer for the purchase. Taking back the product is ILLEGAL from the customer.
$0 is still classed as a purchase, brainlet. The customer has a receipt, they own the product.
If you own something, they can't take it away from you, regardless of how much you pay.
If you walk through Walmart, get to the exit and they decide all that air you've been breathing wasn't supposed to be free, it doesn't give them the right take all that air back and suffocate you.
You know you fucked up when cykas call you out
>It's and online transaction.
And what? A transaction is a transaction, moron. The price you pay for things online is in real money. Listed prices are final, and they have to honor them.
I nomrally don't have a problem with the ebig games store like most steamdrones do, but this is grounds for a class action lawsuit.
I worked at Amazon's online customer support for six months and you are so wrong it's unreal. All purchases have to be honored when payment has been completed, even if that payment was zero. It is literally the law.
>But if you just buy something in the store, you don't have a legally binding contract until you have an official message telling you that you have to purchased something.
Good thing that at least that art works ain the epic store and everyone who did get it free should have an invoivce of it.
rine ends here
I'm surprised they don't have a legal team on hand to stop them from doing stupid shit like this.
But I want to show them online.
when the like button would finally be useful it is gone
A digital download costs exactly $0.
The pricetag is also binding, even if it's mislabelled. You are a consumer whore who doesn't even know his rights.
>he thinks he actually argued his case
They gave you what you wanted so you would shut the fuck up.
This is the company that wants to replace Steam.
>Why are you complaining about having to use another free launcher bro?
The team is probably Tim and only him. Just like him being the pr team.
>A digital download costs exactly $0.
And that is still listed on a receipt.
That is still classed as a legally binding purchase.
$60 discounted to $.57 isn’t exactly making good money, stop making excuses for greed
I must admit, he has a really punchable face.
>>Store clerk says it's a mistake and changes the price, doesn't allow person to buy product
Wrong, dipshit. They still have to honour the marked price.
why are steamcucks so desperate and insecure? are you mad that your 1k game launcher will be obsolete soon?
Consumers are cattle
Stores have a right to refuse service to anyone, dumbass. They aren't legally obligated to sell you shit.
If it will be ever obsolete, we will pirate.
>They just wanted to scan your PC and Steam files and send them to Epic, if you didn't have their launcher installed.
How the fuck would that work
Nope, by trading standard law the store has 24 hours of noticing the mistake to rectify the price discrepancy. If the price is still wrong after that period, you have to honour it for as long as it's up. At least this is how it works in the UK.
It's still very illegal to sell a product, even at zero, and then demand the customer return it though. Once that product has been bagged and tagged, the customer is fully protected by the law.
Question, is it out yet?
Because if its not i'm pretty sure that Epic has right to cancel up to the release date.
If the combined words of THQ's Twitter account and 8ch AMA, Randy Pitchford and the going ons with The Outer Worlds hooking up Steam achievements the day before the exclusivity announcement, Epic is going to the publishers instead of the devs. I think Epic can't be asked to give a fuck about the devs either, and are more willing to deal with publishers if given the chance.
Yeah, why are you agreeing with me? I was arguing against the idea that there was some kind of goods lost in the process. It would cost ebin exactly $0 to honor those purchases up to the point where they realised their mistake and fixed it, but they decided to go all vigilante instead.
Now they could potentially face legal fees, which is going to cost more than just letting it go.
>Because if its not i'm pretty sure that Epic has right to cancel up to the release date.
Nope, if you have a receipt confirming the transaction, they have no legal grounds to revert the transaction. They can 100% be sued for this.
But do you need a loicense for that purchase?
It's not. There isn't even a release date or a price yet, you can't even preorder.
Where did you get that information from, though? Do you have a source?
>Stores have a right to refuse service to anyone, dumbass.
No, they don't, anti-discrimination laws and all that. They also don't have a right to mislabel products then change the price at the counter. It's illegal as fuck, and you're a criminally stupid shit.
Wrong, in Germany the price-tag is an "offer" which can be changed during check-out.
not really, no.
You can pre order shit, and retail shop can contact you telling that your order cannot be fulfilled. It's not binding up to the point of delivery in real world.
Why are you trying to change the subject?
Get me my Chloe SFM stat, mustards.
depends on your country of origin, I know my countries laws. I know that pre orders can be terminated by the consumer at any point this means same can be done by the seller.
Buy a PC and get it you'reselve, consoleyokel.
>target a few years ago labeled nintendo 3ds's for $20
>customers came in and bought the mislabeled systems
>they had to honor it and thousands of customers got a cheap 3ds
It's literally binding as soon as any monetary exchange is made, including zero.
>and retail shop can contact you telling that your order cannot be fulfilled
This is not the same thing, this is a terrible strawman. This is a "we are completely incapable of fulfilling your order, here is a refund because we cannot complete the transaction."
If the store has the product, they cannot decline it because you've purchased the product at a price discrepancy. They can deny it beforehand, but as soon as it's confirmed and they can fulfil it, it's legally binding.
>Supervisors realize mistake but honor purchase and try to solve problem by placating other customers coming for free thing with a deal or something.
On what fucking planet does this happen?
If a customer walked off with something for free then the server would get reprimanded and possibly fired for the mistake. On top of that they would keep a closer eye on whoever is in charge of labelling and make sure none of those items have any kind of reduction that they aren't meant to have.
> this is a terrible strawman.
Don't use words you do not understand.
>they cannot decline it because you've purchased the product at a price discrepancy
Cite me that law.
>Stores have a right to refuse service to anyone
akschually, that has been made completely illegal in all al europe after the whole "jews are banned from stores and public buildings" thingy during ww2.
>what is a "unverbindliche Preisempfehlung"
This. Don't forget that haggling is perfectly legal in Germany, even if almost nobody does it.
>in Europe
Europe isn't homogeneous country, maybe in Germany it was made a law but not in Europe.
>that has been made completely illegal in all al europe
>Don't use words you do not understand.
Same to you
>If a business incorrectly labels something with the wrong price, and it is lower than the price charged at the till, you do not have an automatic right to buy the goods at the marked price. As long as the business tells you before your money is taken that the higher price applies, you can decide not to buy it.
>As long as the business tells you before your money is taken that the higher price applies
Suck my fucking nuts. Once the money is taken, it's legally binding. This includes, once again, zero.
I always do it when I detect some minor cosmetic issues I find on the product.
$0 taken is is not money taken
Literally from your own link
>If a business incorrectly labels something with the wrong price, and it is lower than the price charged at the till, you do not have an automatic right to buy the goods at the marked price
>your money is taken
No money has been taken. The law does not apply.
>Once the money is taken, it's legally binding
>zero money was taken
Is kicking yourself in the nuts some favorite pasttime of yours?
That’s not true at all. The retail shop breaches the contract, and then the law goes from there i that case. The contract is made at the point of agreement. Not at the time of shipping.
Do sellers in your country put up deliberately fake prices on a regular basis? Countries vary on how that works.
Steam: 1
Epic incels: 0
>>As long as the business tells you before your money is taken that the higher price applies
Can you not read? Here let me capitalise it for you.
Still produces a receipt, still becomes a legally binding transaction.
Half of these store killing laws only exist in Germany as it is.
>buy it
>before checkout
>this here is happening after checkout
>Chang can't comprehend such simple words
Truly amazing.
>The contract is made at the point of agreement. Not at the time of shipping.
No, you or seller has right to cancel order up until the shipment has been sent, you can still send it back after it came but that is irrelevant at this point.
>Do sellers in your country put up deliberately fake prices on a regular basis? Countries vary on how that works.
Mistakes can happen, sometimes they do.
That is correct, the store doesn’t get to unwind completed transactions at the “incorrect “ price either though.
If they take your money, they can't change their fucking minds, retard. It says clear as day in that quote. They can deny service before any money is exchanged, but they can't go back on it once it's bought.
May I know when something similar happened to Steam?
no they can't lmao what dream world do you live in
>If they take your money
Which they didn't.
Thank All*h that no money was taken so according to your own shit no contract was formed. Dodged the bullet pretty closely there not really but I dout a brainlet like you can understand it anyway
Did people know that you can watch that movie for free on Youtube?
This is why pre ordering isn't exactly straight cut thing. When does checkout happen for a pre order?
It happens sometimes during sales where you end up with some games having 95% discount instead of 50 or 60% for an hour r so until they revert it back. As far as I know they've never revoked the games from those who bought them.
Wasn't Disgaea 5 free due to a mistake at one point?
God you're so stupid. You have no idea how laws work.
Laws are to be taken by word. That means if they say "your money", they fucking MEAN your money.
If the law would include 0.00 purchases, it would SAY so.
If that would be the case they would SPECIFY that. That's how a fucking law works you moron.
Just download Epicstore already you dumb goyim
Someone has never gotten in on any pricing mistakes.
>T-there was no money taken!
Sorry Chinks, this is not how it works. You can keep kicking your feet and saying "but no money was taken!" That doesn't make the transaction NOT a transaction. Once it's through the tilling system and a receipt is produced, it's a legally binding transaction. What, do you think I'm legally allowed to confiscate a product from a customer who purchased it for free accidentally? lmao, retards Slants. Try working in stores and not factories with zero safety.
I understand that there's a possibility that Epic can get sued over deleting the purchased game, but the real question is will anyone actually sue them?
You do realise that pricing mistakes aren't honored in real, physical stores right?
>Laws are to be taken by word
>Europe isn't homogeneous country
you dont know how EU works. when eu legislates the member countries have to implement that law in 2 years. currently you cant refuse services because that'd be discrimination, only exception is for troublesome customers who have to be confirmed by officers anyway
>You do realise that pricing mistakes aren't honored in real, physical stores right?
As a retail employee, you realise they are 100% honored when the customer has went through the system as a purchase, yes?
Please show me a law that states explicitly that the transaction itself is what makes it legally binding, not actual money being exchanged. I'm waiting.
Nobody can cite any law that says that Epic cannot cancel pre orders, in any country. So far it looks like Epic did nothing wrong.
>this is not how it works
Then where was there an exchange of money. If you can't find it then you don't have much of a point do you.
Never happened to me nor to someone I know
Couldn't find anything about it user, sorry for my autism
All it needs is enough complains in some EU countries consumer protection group to get the EU moving. Tough it'll take a few years until something really "happens".
EU never created a law like that.
Law like that would have NEVER passed in EU.
They 100% are. I've worked a shitty retail job, and there's been a few times where the customer got a lower price for a product due to a pricing mistake.
So, when does the "competition" start becoming good for the consumer? Where are the tangible benefits for the buying public? Has a price war occurred? Are they one-upping each other on customer service?
All I've seen so far is shamelessly pro-industry rhetoric from Epic and aggrieved neutrality from Valve.
>Article 13
>You do realise that pricing mistakes aren't honored in real, physical stores right?
Weird, I've gotten 3DS systems that were practically free, $150 toy sets for my relative's kids for $15, all sorts of other shit. Did you also miss out on the $20 Joycons? Seems like they do honor them, as everyone else in this thread is telling you.
Maybe this is an issue where you're basing this on what happens in Chinesebugmanland and not in a real country like Burgerville?
Please show me a law stating that it's legally 100% okay at all times for a retailer to confiscate free goods at any time with no protections to the customer, even when it wasn't a mistaken purchase.
Right now you are creating a scenario where, if a store offered you some food for free and produce a receipt, they could take it back at any time. Guess what, that's illegal.
Let me guess, German right? That's the only place that is under some kind of ridiculous obligation to honor mistakes. I've personally worked a fair bit from toy stores to supermarkets to hardware stores and none of them ever honored mistakes.
>European version of millennium copyright act
What about it?
Fuck bug people and fuck epic
hopefully, at the very least for the reason that it's a really bad precedent to set
A law like that could very easily pass in the EU if it was advertised as fighting discrimination. Although why the EU, what was supposedly a trade union, is able to dictate laws to countries is another thing.
I remember buying Ori and the Blind Forest for roughly a dollar during some mixup at the start of a sale. Very shortly after, the price was corrected. It's rare but it does happen. Maybe not so much anymore though.
>Please show me a law stating that it's legally 100% okay at all times for a retailer to confiscate free goods at any time with no protections to the customer, even when it wasn't a mistaken purchase.
See It specifically mentions when money is exchanged.
Was this actually a thing or is this just some out of date april fools joke?
Epic doesn't want competition, they want a monopoly. GOG and Steam were competition. There's been times when a game has been on sale on both GOG and steam, and GOG was a lower price/better sale, so I bought the GOG version. Then there's been the opposite.
>A law like that could very easily pass in the EU if it was advertised as fighting discrimination.
Nope, Italians and Danish would never pass a law like that
>is able to dictate laws to countries is another thing.
Because every member country agreed to that.
You cannot deny service to anyone based on age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, political views etc, only to troublesome customers
art 187 TULIPS
and I know you dumb burgers have the same shit so dont talk out of your ass
Pre ordering actually is different on some systems because of special shit in the Eula.
The simple case is if you pay the full amount first and get it later.
If you pay a small amount say 5 dollars, it would usually be at the first click. You pay, you get a receipt, you promise to pay the rest, they promise to deliver. Valid contract.
Not him but buying online and having something delivered isn't the same as a physical retailer. Once it's sent out they can't get that back but at a real store they'll check the prices first and tell the customer what it really costs and if they still want it at that price.
And if you think that would hold up in a court of law, you're an idiot. I've worked at dozens of retailers, and every single time even when the product was free, we had to honor the price.
>If the shop sold you an item at a lower cost than they meant to, you don’t have to give it back - they’re only legally entitled to ask you for more money if you’d talked about the price (eg £100) and they ended up charging you much less instead (eg £10).
>walk into restaurant
>chef offers you free food
>spend 20 minutes waiting for your free food
>when the free food finally arrives the chef takes the food off your plate and takes it back to the kitchen
>you ask the chef what the fuck he is doing
>"I made a mistake, oops. Would you like anything else?"
>Valid contract.
You are forgetting that contracts can be nullified. When and why can pre order contract be nullified is the question.
>There are literally people in this thread defending anti-consumer corporate practices that governments protect you against today
Uh.. I suppose I could bring this up when I need to. Thank you user.
>currently you cant refuse services because that'd be discrimination
Except you can and many places do.
Also the EU can't pass real laws, at best they're guidelines.
Burgers don't have the right to refuse to serve food and shit. in some EU countries there are no limitation to why you can reject to serve anyone, you have right to say NO without giving a reason.
>they want a monopoly
Nearly every private enterprise wants this. It isn't unique here.
But I take the point that it wants to grab as many exclusives as possible, which is anti-consumer douchebaggery of the highest order. (That's part of its pro-developer, anti-consumer stance.)
Depends on the jurisdiction. In the us, they’d be sued, 100 percent , probably class action. Epic would be foolish not to cut a deal.
Eu and Russia? Not so sure.
Server would get reprimanded, possibly, if the discrepancy was huge and they didn't call a manager. If the system allowed the transaction without any fiddling by the employee, the employee did nothing wrong. The person that mis-tagged the item would probably get in trouble, though.
Also, usually unless its a 500$ tv for basically nothing, the supervisor or manager that gets called over to the till just lets it slide, especially if they send someone back and find that everything is priced thus. They'll only change it if its totally the wrong tag and clearly an accident, and even then only if its worth riling up a customer
>Not him but buying online and having something delivered isn't the same as a physical retailer.
I'm not talking about buying anything online. I'm talking about going into a store and buying things. Are you seriously telling me that you've never heard of these pricing mistakes? This happens at least a couple of times a year.
>but at a real store they'll check the prices first
Yeah, that's the issue: The system that they check has the price wrong. That's why they can scan an $80 set of Joycons and only charge you $20 for it. We aren't talking about physical price tags being wrong.
>Nope, Italians and Danish would never pass a law like that
italians already have a law like that, you retard, so all the other countries
some time ago an ice cream shop refused to serve salvini
he didnt make a big deal but they clearly said it was illegal according to their civil code, can be santioned from 500 to 3k eruos
They even removed it from my purchase history
But it was real
actually I got sleeping dogs a month after release for 99% off because of a glitch and got a steam link and a game for $5 because of a glitch and they honored it both times
In case you retards haven't noticed, that is an easily digestible form of consumer rights for retards. It is not the full legally defining law which would be dozens of pages long explaining every single scenario.
>I've worked at dozens of retailers, and every single time even when the product was free, we had to honor the price.
Yeah and you probably live in Germany where they're still desperate to make people forget about Hitler. Meanwhile in countries without guilt retailers do not honor mistaken pricing unless said mistake is that the item is on offer but isn't labelled as such.
Also there's no reason why that wouldn't hold on court. If money wasn't taken from the customer then its fair game.
The corporate dick sucking is real user, why do you think conseul wars are a thing in the first place? People identify with a brand, no matter how faceless and uncaring, because they want to feel special. It’s obviously gotten bad enough that people will just mindlessly defend horrible practices because big daddy cooperation would never do them wrong!
nope, even if the US, if you have SOLD the product at that price and the transaction is complete, you can't do shit about it. you are literally breaking the fucking law dude.
>italians already have a law like that, you retard,
Nah, they have discrimination laws, they do have right to refuse service.
Not forgetting at all. The question of if you have a valid contract is all Im dealing with. The consequences of a breach are separate. And a breach does NOT always lead to nullification anyways.
The link is from the UK you moron. I also wouldn't be bragging about having shittier consumer rights
Nah us burgers have this happen all the time, most companies just kinda go “eh fuck it”
>Are you seriously telling me that you've never heard of these pricing mistakes?
You're not too smart are you.
Pricing mistakes do in fact happen but they aren't under any obligation to honor it in real stores and more often than not they'll investigate it first to verify.
Unless you're in a third world country or Germany.
Knowing that you need to archive your purchase history is actually interesting.
>If money wasn't taken from the customer then its fair game.
God help you if you think that basic summary is the full law.
>I can prove you wrong
>but I won't do it because I don't want to
Great talking to you steamdrone.
That's why I didn't say breach, because that implies some party of the contract didn't fulfil their end of the bargain. I'm talking about nullification of a contract.
>if you have SOLD
We aren't talking about a sale.
This is a hypothetical where a customer walks to the cashier and expects to pay for an item that has been priced wrong.
I’m not that guy, but it works that way in America too. What third-world country do you come from?
It was a thing, I had it in my library and under my purchase history, but it's gone now.
Nah more likely the register tech will go “huh, ok must be a sale”, and just move on, also again your bragging about having fewer rights, stop it you look retarded
>under any obligation to honor it in real stores and more often than not they'll investigate it first to verify.
Weird, seems like here in the U.S. you can just buy the item as usual and proceed on your way. If a manager catches wind of it they may pull the products from the shelves if customers haven't already grabbed them up, otherwise they're fucked.
I don't know how it works in Chingchong shitholes though, I only know how it works in the U.S.
shady as fuck
So what you're saying is that you refuse to prove your own point.
>We aren't talking about a sale.
Poland as well. Printed price tag is the most important, even if it's wrong. They will try to say otherwise at the checkout but that's illegal.
>they do have right to refuse service
only for
Except as provided by articles 689 and 691 of the penal code, the operators cannot
, without a legitimate reason, refuse the services of their own business
as for legitimate reason, only dress code and public security (eg drunk person) is accepted
But nothing was sold? There is nothing to buy but thin air.
If the transaction has happened they have to honour it, it's the fucking law. Fuck in the UK if the item is priced incorrectly on the shelf, I've been told to mark it down to the shelf price even if the system is bringing up the normal price. Note: under no circumstances can we over charge the customer, if the price on the shelf is higher than the system price.
>where they're still desperate to make people forget about Hitler
Lmao I wish. They remind you on every fucking occasion. It's full on NEVAR 4GET and you have no idea what you're talking about if you think the opposite is the case.
SeeIt's incredible how Chinks bounce around like frogs and conveniently ignore what's put in front of them.
The retard-tier summaries are to give 70 IQ brainlets like yourselves a quick understanding of the law. They are not the defining law which protects you which will be dozens of pages long.
This is a BIG sign that Epic would screw us royally if any licensees are about to be expired. Chinks don't give a fuck about it cuz they got your money. Unlike Steam, they would let you to keep it forever if it was mistake or that licensees has been expired.
Epic Games Store would be the game version of Apple iTunes Store. - Apple can delete purchased movies from your library without telling you and denying refunds.
Oh god are you actually going to argue that data/code isn’t real
No. I'm arguing there is nothing to be sold, there is no stock. AKA games isn't out yet.
It’s how shills work, they ignore logic for their own narrative
>laws aren't real if we're not selling a real product
Maybe this is some ancient slanty proverb.
No they don't, they are entitled by law on having back that product especially if the price tag was obviously wrong.
The law protect buyers and sellers.
And how exactly does that change the fact that there was no exchange of money?
I know you think you're being smart but you're dancing around that point which is a crucial part of both links you sent.
Not only did you do a food analogy, you are also retarded.
Did you close out your tab? Generally at a restaurant, you pay after you eat. Unless you had some sort of verifiable agreement beforehand, they can absolutely take something back to the kitchen. I'm not sure the rules if you ordered pancakes and got a 16 oz porterhouse instead and they tried to take it back after you started eating it, but I imagine they could charge you for the porterhouse, since you obviously knew you didn't order it but you ate it anyway.
Imagine living in a world where retail staff can wrestle you to the ground in the parking lot and take back the potatoes you purchased because they were actually $10 instead of the $1 you paid.
>> Screams in Chinese at you when you ask how they found out where you live.
based and redpilled
Chinks knew those mutts are fucking gullible for letting them having their personal data.
>After bug enabled free purchase
Well that's a rude thing to say about Zhang Wei Wang!
The only one thinking he's smart here is you. Several retail staff in this thread have told you what the law is, and what they have to do in this scenario, and here's you with no knowledge on the subject saying "b-but no money was exchanged!" It literally doesn't fucking matter, the transaction was produced and completed, a receipt was produced. It's all legally binding and the customer doesn't have to return shit.
I’m not implying jack shit. Breach has a very SPECIFIC fucking legal definition, nullification also has a very specific legal definition.
Zero implications. This is as fundamental as the law gets.
t. T15 student.
Pre-orders are literally you being sold the game and being told you'll get it at a later date. As soon as you pre-order, you've completed the transaction and it cannot be walked back on.
>chef offers you free food
Except it wasn't meant to be free so it's more like
>walk into restaurant
>sneak past waiters
>steal food and sit at the table pretending to be a real customer
>chef takes away food and ejects you from store.
Then answer the fucking question if you are a student, you should know this.
>it wasn't meant to be free
>the price on the menu said it was free
You mean every country that isn't Africa, America or Germany? Because those are the only countries that wouldn't check the price before selling.
>Item being listed as free and taken as free is stealing
steamtards reach new levels of patheticness day after day. at this point you people are on the level of grandpa's playing bingo talking about how Obama was secretly a muslim terrorist who wants to put you in gas chambers.
Pretty much only you and you still haven't come up with anything supporting your point>the price on the menu said it was free
That is nice you are repeating what everyone else does, but actually providing some sort of evidence would be magnificent.
>Because those are the only countries that wouldn't check the price before selling.
Absolutely fucking irrelevant to the scenario at hand. Once it is purchased, you cannot do shit and the customer can walk out with that price being agreed upon.
digital cucks, not even once
>Epic store is this absolutely garbage
>"But it's totally good for PC gaming!"
>Because those are the only countries that wouldn't check the price before selling.
There is nothing to check. The whole point is that the system that keeps track of the price is wrong.
Back to Bugtown with you!
>Literally not knowing what bait and switch is
>buy game
>say word
>money stolen
>see free game
>read license terms
>complete legally binding transaction that says I'll be given access to the product and items cam be revoked only with a 90 days notice under legitimate reasons
>have game
>removed from library
seriously question, why are you shilling and defending corporations?
Depends on the mistake.
If the tag on the item is incorrect by an obvious amount, they'll check to see if its an individual problem or if they entered it in the system wrong. If its that one product, just tagged with another item's tag or tagged stupidly off-price, they'll change it. If its that price in the system, they'll usually honor it, since that's technically the "right" price until they fix the error.
And since this problem wasn't a problem of some asshole with a price gun throwing a $1.99 sticker on a hard copy, but was the actual system allowing a transaction for zero dollars, it went through. Stores aren't obligated to give you a retarded discount, but usually they do because it was their own fuckup and its easier to just let it slide. Especially big companies.
I like how you keep adding countries to the list. Add the UK to the "awful"list of countries that have consumer rights as well faggot.
Have you looked at the specific terms by which they offer the pre-orders? Might be a case like in Scamstarter where they technically aren't selling you anything.
This is why I have Deus Ex. I can't remember the details, but it was during a sale for like 75% off, then they bumped it up to 90% for a flash sale but I assume accidentally did 90% of the 75% off price. Got it + DLC for practically nothing. Still have it.
>Pretty much only you and you still haven't come up with anything supporting your point
I've come up with two links, and you literally got hung up on the word "money" because a children's tier summary used it. Despite the fact that summary is not the full law, and the other link never used that term. You are retarded, a straight up cognition draining sponge not fit to wipe people's asses with.
Because they get paid.
Game deserves to be free like everything is in a communist utopia.
>Absolutely fucking irrelevant to the scenario at hand.
Of course it's relevant. We're all talking about mistakes being honored which doesn't really happen, any store would check it first before selling it.
If the menu says it's free, I get the food, and then the restaurant tries to charge me for the food after I've eaten it, that's illegal. Straight up false advertising, I have direct proof that the food was listed as free.
Thank you for showing an imageof your false flag you retard
Price tag fuckery is not a valid reason? Seems like it should be.
>these retards saying countries having consumer rights are shit
Jesus chang subtler next time
When if you ordered, waiting for your order and waitress comes to you and says price was a mistake?
Based. Piracy is the moral choice these days.
If the transaction is completed, the store doesn’t get to unwind it.
It's weird how Epic went from a mediocre dev team that's only relevant for their game engine to this shady Chinese puppet that steals private info from kids. I guess Fortnite showed their true colors
Kickstarter is based around investing in a none existing product.
Detroit: Become Human does exist and is listed on the store. Unless Epic removes the entire game from the store and never sells the game ever, stating it was never supposed to be there, then they may have some sort of defence. As it stands though, this is a bog standard pre-order and they're breaking the law
Is there a receipt of my transaction with them?
Then I can walk out or pay for the food. I haven't consumed the product. But that wasn't the initial scenario, was it? Idiot.
Then that’s fine, you haven’t recived your product and can’t choose weither you still want it or not
Indeed. That's how they could get away with removing Order of War: Challenge from users that paid for it.
Kickstarter can get away with that scam because they aren’t a store.
It wouldn’t shock me if epic or whatever tried putting that shit in their Eula
Assuming it's a fancy restaurant, the bill is produced last. This isn't McDonalds.
They gave up quick with the “we care” front when people saw right through it
We rove you rong time.
It's a scenario that represents Epic store more closely. Product that is promised to you isn't ready, mistake is being spotted and acted upon ASAP.
in that case as a customer you call the "guardia di finanza" that checks if it's actually a fuckup and not a way to attract clients or other shady shit
So then Epic is in the right.
You are both wrong, the law is ambiguous for online retailers. For some fucking reason.
In other words, terms of service apply. So if Epic didn't foresee this could happen, they have no right to take away games from people, it was their fault, not the customer's.
Dark Souls
Valiant Hearts
Oh shut up retard
Except the receipt is produced at the point of pre-order which makes the transaction final. Everybody who pre-ordered the game got a receipt in an email.
Denying the purchase is breaking the law.
No? That isn’t the actual scenario so please quit pointlessly defending shadly buisness practices
This is where the law is stupid. I feel like anybody in their right mind knows this was just a fuck up that people were taking advantage of, and would say the purchase is void.
>they have no right to take away games from people
And they didn't, the game isn't out yet.
>which makes the transaction final
You keep saying that, but don't have anything to show for it.
Wrong. The epic situation is that the customer has already completed the transaction. The restaurant situation is the transaction hasn't been completed yet. Epic is breaking the law, the restaurant is not. Not hard to understand
What did those niggers buy then?
so what you're saying is that epic is trash and valve and gabe (because he is the one making the decisions) are based as af
How is transaction completed if Epic didn't provide goods? All that was complete is you placed order for a game.
The fuck do you want user, photocopied pages from a law book stating such?
>Epic has to remove it from the purchase history to have any leg to stand on
Considering they just go “opps guess that’s our fault” and just change the price back, yes
an online lex would be enough, but yes. I want the fucking law that you seem to know but wish not to share with others.
*tips tinfoil hat.*
Nice to see Yea Forums's selective Capitalist values task force is out.
>Denying the purchase is breaking the law.
Except there wasn't a purchase. The game isn't out and money hasn't been exchanged. That's basically the equivalent of going into a store, switching labels, expecting to get it at that price and then taking a cancelled receipt for it saying that you did purchase it.
You keep denying basic fucking law because you're a clueless retard who hasn't worked a deny in his life. Once that customer has the receipt, the transaction is final, you've confirmed the order and are processing it. Amazon, one of the biggest companies in the world, has to abide by this. I've gotten so much shit for 90% of from that site, and only one time was my order "denied." I called them up, explained the situation and they honored it because they know it's the law.
>All that was complete is you placed order for a game.
Yes and Epic agreed that you would get the game at a specific date, for that agreed on price. Transaction is complete. Not hard to understand
>Sum Ting Wong made an error
>He then fucks it up even more
EGS seems to be a rollercoaster of fun
Please commit soduku
Bingo. Contract is made at the time of order.
Restaurant says it will breech contract.
Diner could ok the breech, which means nullifying the contract. Back to zero. Diner can walk out.
Literally nothing for nothing.
Which is why you shouldn't pre order.
I got Quake 1 and 2 for a negative amount
>The game isn't out and money hasn't been exchanged
>Doesn't understand what a transaction is
Once a receipt is produced like , they have to honor it.
t. worked at Amazon customer support for six months.
I never denied any law, I was asking to for proof that doesn't seem to be anywhere in this thread. Asserting something without evidence can be disregarded without evidence.
This just screams of scrambling following some assholes taking drastic action without checking with their legal department first.
>food analogy
So many seething chinks itt
>Once a receipt is produced like #, they have to honor it.
False. A receipt itself isn't a sign of a finalised transaction.
>Burden of proof
The laziest of counter arguments
They actually went one step beyond. They didn’t just add an entry that said canceled. They fucking rewrote the transaction history as if it didn’t exist.
>False. A receipt itself isn't a sign of a finalised transaction.
bruh, what do you think a receipt is?
Seriously, god forbid a country/company not constantly fuck over the customers
>I have no evidence
Good to know
>le kys
Steamcel ass status: BLASTED!
Epic chads get to play Borderlands 3 first. You may return to the back of the bus.
Nah mate you are 100% denying law. You're just being a pedantic fuck trying to weasel out of a L.
>I never denied any law, I was asking to for proof that doesn't seem to be anywhere in this thread
Because the only proof any single one of these retail staff could possibly give you is the documents they've had to sign which are confidential to every one of them because of signatures. Why is it so hard to believe literal wagies who have been working for years?
Yes it is, it is literally when the receipt is produced. It is straight evidence of the transaction being completed.
>A receipt itself isn't a sign of a finalised transaction
>Amazon customer support
Amazon has no choice in that regard. Also amazon frequently changes prices after preorders have been placed changing the initial receipt.
a documentation of payment, a 100% optional piece of paper.
They always jump on the weakest argument and ignore the good ones
Epic gives games away for free all the time. This isn’t a safe assumption. We also have contract law to prevent fuckers from advertising a fake price, then claim it was a mistake or trying to change price mid transaction.
Us deals with this with lawsuits. Eu tends to go with fines.
I could ask you the same question especially in regards to pre orders where the transaction isn't complete until you receive the product itself.
>chinks cant understand consumer law
i constantly forget that insects have no rights in their country
>A receipt itself isn't a sign of a finalised transaction.
A receipt is literally the printed final agreement of a transaction.
Same user. No, it is completely illegal to deny pre-orders to people who already paid and then make them pay more. If you paid $40, you will not pay more if the pre-order price increases after the fact. The transaction has been completed and the receipt produced, it is not possible to charge you more without breaking the law unless you yourself cancel the pre-order.
>Why is it so hard to believe literal wagies who have been working for years?
Because I have worked in retail too, and I asked 300bux for 30bux item and to this day I don't know if I would be in the right to refuse to give his money back if he ever came back. Just because you work doesn't mean you know jack shit.
user, it's not called a payment receipt, it's called a transaction receipt. It's literally in the name.
Maybe you know it as Jiāoyì
Not him but they're usually given before you receive the product and leave the store with the items.
Shhh Chang can’t comprehend not being fucked my daddy government
>and I asked 300bux for 30bux item and to this day I don't know if I would be in the right to refuse to give his money back if he ever came back
No, in fact if he ever went back and asked for a refund on the extra amount he paid you 100% have to give him his money back.
The epic spammer is in the thread. Being a pedantic bitch who demands the same evidence every thread is his thing. We already had a full ucc drop earlier.
>Also amazon frequently changes prices after preorders have been placed changing the initial receipt.
Now you're just making shit up. Not only would that be illegal pretty much everywhere in the west, Amazon makes it a fucking point that if you pre-order something you will get it at the advertised price, and not something higher should it increase later on.
Actually it's called receipt and it's 100% optional.
>and I asked 300bux for 30bux item and to this day I don't know if I would be in the right to refuse to give his money back if he ever came back
You would absolutely be in the wrong to deny the person his $270 back. It's illegal to charge the customer for more than the product is actually worth.
Fuck even apple isn’t that stupid/evil
Dark Souls 3 + DLC in the Mexican store. A friend gifted me for 1 dollar or 2
>you're just making shit up
You're joking right.
Its literally part of their whole pre order guarantee if the price changes.
oh Christ don’t give chang ammunition
>it's another "The video game industry thinks they're special and shouldn't adhere to basic retail practices that everyone else adheres to" episode
Here is where I think I need to tell you more to this story. I pulled up the book with the prices, I checked the price and showed it to him and told him "it's 300bux", small problem is that I didn't see 1000/per price on the top. But I could make a case that it was verbally agreed upon.
What happened is that they gave keys for the demo, and they didn't notice that, if you modified the exe, you could play the entire game
You should reread that post.
>Its literally part of their whole pre order guarantee if the price changes.
Dude, used-to-be Amazon employee here again. If you pre-order a game for $40, we cannot make you pay more if the price increases to $50. It is literally illegal because we agreed to your transaction.
That's what I meant. Did I use the wrong words or waht? You preorder something a month before release at 5$ you will get it at 5$, doesn't matter if the price increses a week later on.
You're still in the wrong. Said customer is 100% backed by law to get his money back since you overcharged him.
Not him but no one said anything about it being higher. If an item is lowered in price before release but you already pre ordered they'll give you money back which does in fact invalidate the first receipt.
Still overcharged, customer can still get their money back.
The only time this law doesn't apply is when a computer system says so. A computer system trumps all written prices and price tags.
probably, but he never came back so I pretty much scammed him.
>It’s a “chang gets blown the fuck out, but someone makes a weak argument so they ride the thread out ignoring actual points and tear the weak argument apart episode”
I hate those
Yes, but if he ever came back you can't just go "no take backsies"
At least you admit to your heritage
after three years I could. Because law.
I'm actually impressed, you've now managed to shill your clickbait site for 275 days consecutively, and often several times a day. That takes dedication.
It was a pre-order so Epic is free to cancel it if they want.
Winnie The pooh
user, if you were to post the tiananmen square pasta they would still be here.
The thing is, the person never made a weak argument. Finding the actual legal documentation for consumer rights for shit like this is nigh impossible, and all publicly available copies are dumbed down and make several assumptive word usages that Chang can cling on to.
What about it?
Receipt is produced at point of order, it's legally binding.
The receipt is optional, but a company trying to argue that the terms of a contract are more favorable to it than what the receipt shows, or that the transaction didn’t happen is in for a bad time.
that's rich, coming from a mentally ill discord resetera tranny who wants to establish a fascist jewish communist transracial world government that would make China look like a school yard bully in comparison
That only works when reducing the price. In the UK we are allowed to reduce the price of an item either during or even after the transaction. Taking the product back or increasing the price is illegal as fuck. Reducing the price is a sign of good faith in most cases rather than being law.
do you count polygon, kotaku, pcgamer, ign too?
I did just as you posted actually lel
Fair enough
Pre-orders work differently than normal orders.
They deleted that receipt/transaction on my account! FUCK EPIC! FUCK CHINKS!
I am done with chink store.
Don’t make me post the pasta again chang
How so? You’re not going to claim it’s a donation like Kickstarter are you?
>Reducing the price is a sign of good faith in most cases rather than being law.
Which would mean that a receipt isn't final.
Which is the point.
Only for the fact that you agree on getting the item at a later date, rather than immediately. Everything else is the exact same.
You notice how the customer gets to keep the product? It isn't pried away from his hands?
Threads heavily shitposted in, usually 404d due topics always bleeds into non-vidya. Sorry Billy, but you can't whatabout this, as I've seen you do these past couple of months. You should try 8ch, though they know about the tranny you dated some years ago.
Fuck epic but please GOD do not support Google.
But physical stores will generally roll over for the customer because it’s good for PR, Epic is only loyal to devs and their Chinese masters
But enough about OAG
No you moron a receipt IS FINAL. You usually get ANOTHER RECEIPT when a price is reduced. The customer could 100% refuse the price drop if they wanted.
Amazon can't do anything about that though unless you're trying to say they control mailing services.
For this entire thread myself, I've been trying to find the actual black and white documentation. I haven't found shit except for alternative "consumer help" websites that explain in very dumbed down terms what you're covered for. It doesn't go into the specifics of things such as items listed as free or anything like that.
However, I'm more inclined to trust retail staff over an Epic shill when they say free items are also counted as legally binding transactions.
It works differently in the sense that if a game you've pre-ordered gets cancelled, you can't demand that they continue making the game because you pre-ordered it. Pre-orders are non-binding contracts.
>deleting receipts
Class action here we goooooo
>But physical stores will generally roll over for the customer
Not really. If its a system mistake they won't notice and when they eventually do the item will be removed or priced correctly immediately.
You will only find disappointment with the epic games launcher
And they will find all your Steam data
I hope this is unironic.
>I did just as you posted actually lel
And they're still here.
you didn't answer the question.
The main thing you all should be taking away from this is that Epic can and will take your games whenever they fucking want to.
holy shit
thats why a game bundle i was looking to buy was 90%+ off
paid 8$ instead of 160$ or something like that
Publishers not devs.
...this explains the unadulterated bullshit that my last alibaba transaction was. That’s just how China rolls.
So...can epic revoke subnautica and all those other free games? Call it a pricing error?
>In a regular store they would just tell you at checkout that its a mistake and its not acualy free.
I got a controller for -$5.00 at Gamestop once. That's horseshit.
>buying things from epic
>even when its free
you have yourself only to blame
i ratter buy a used ps3 than play it on epic
If they wanted to, absolutely.
they don't need to call it an error
Someone post that image of the Russian user explaining why you shouldn't trust chinks ever
Yes. And there is nothing you can do about it. Should've read the ToS before accepting them.
Considering how anti consumer they are they can revoke those and ask for your anal virginity.
ToS doesn't trump actual law.
I am not arguing about take backsies if a store is dumb. I'm saying that usually a mistag in the system goes through.
>go to restaurant
>eat meal
>receipt says that meal is free
>leave restaurant
>drive home
>an hour later a man kicks down door
>"I'm the restaurant's manager"
>punches you in stomach until you vomit half-digested food
>"we made a mistake in our pricing. We'll have to take this back."
>manager scoops up vomit in his hands
>presents it in front of your face
>"you can have it back if you pay our current price."
Literally the same thing
Based food analogy poster
>hat's basically the equivalent of going into a store, switching labels, expecting to get it at that price
That only applies in this case if someone actually hacked into Epic's servers and changed the price themselves.
In this case, it was an employee putting the wrong price label on the wrong product.
If it's caught before it's paid for, the customer has the option to pay normal price for it or not take it. If they're already paid for it, there's nothing the company do, they legally purchased it, have a receipt, and the bets they can do is run back and more sure the price is correct on the rest of the product.
>hire prostitute
>pay the mutually agreed to amount
>give her the ole dickens
>she suddenly remembers she charges twice the amount paid
>pimp tries to shove the semen back into my dick
Fucking gamestop.
>Wife gives birth to our son
>Live a happy life together
>on his 20th birthday, the doctor kicks the door down
>apparently there was a pricing error when we paid the bill
>tries to shove me son back into my wife, but tells me once he's back in there he'll do the birthing again for the regular price
Thanks Obama
Fuck you, russians ae based and the nicest posters on this site.
>They take the L
You're trying too hard.
I am critisizing his redditspeak, not his point. Retard
This is the second dumbest thing in the entire thread. Contracts are non binding because they’re fucked up or illegal.
I think there was a time a game was discounted over 100% on Steam by mistake.
>drive car
>get in car wreck
>car totalled
>Progressive insurance covers everything
>get new car of same make and model
>drive my sweet new ride around for a few months
>one day a white truck with blue trim runs a red light at an intersection and T-bones me
>last thing I remember that day is the disgusting sound of my neck snapping
>next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed
>doctor comes in
>"you've been in a coma for 5 years. Before we run tests on you, you have a visitor with an urgent message"
>doctor exits
>in walks Flo from Progressive
>"Turns out we made a little woopsie with your deductible, so we had to reset your vehicular status"
>despite being paralyzed, I can just barely look out the window into the parking lot by straining my eyes
>see Flo drive away in a white truck with blue trim
So if I went to the self serve checkout and the price came up as $5 instead of $500, I never questioned it and walked out would the store consider that stealing and try to take the product back/make me pay the extra $495? Why would this ever be allowed?
Dark Souls 3.
I bought a copy for me and my bud.
They sold hundreds bucks software for a dollar once if I remember correctly. Snoy vegas pro or something.
Epic are beyond scummy, Valve themselves always 100% honors purchases, regardless of pricing mistakes
Self-serve checkouts are a little trickier. That being said, you get a receipt so technically they have to honor it, though most places selling stuff that expensive usually don't have self-checkouts.
I wasted my time writing about how I didn't waste my time making a shitty epic store account for a shitty David Cage game, and was rewarded with this outcome, I'd say the pay off was worth it.
>Screams in Chinese at you when you ask how they found out where you live.
>t. steamcuck twisting a bug as truth
>tfw all i need is a crack now since i downloaded the game from their launcher
they can remove it from my library but they can't forcibly remove it from my computer
It's garbage anyway.
It the receipt is legit, it would hold up in court that the Item is yours for $5
correction: it's free garbage
Stop cluttering your pc, user.
>that one coupon bug that let you get as many 20 dollar games on Origin for free
>still have all those games to this day
>tfw even EA FUCKING EA honored a price bug
Imagine being worse than EA of all companies
you can't stop me
My tummy's rumbling from all the chuckling
In Stalker threads maybe, yeah
kys reddit
The chinese can pronounce R.
Lee is a common name there innit?
>trusting chinks
I rather not have any of their games, not even pirated copies
Dark Souls 3
Sleeping Dogs
Valiant Hearts
to name a few
I got a $179 lamp for $1 like 5 months ago due to a pricing mistake by a store. No matter how they scanned it, it would always come up as a dollar. Hilariously enough I was able to use a 10% discount card on top of it so it was actually 90 cents plus tax. Great bargin. (I still haven't installed it though)
>Been using steam since 2003
>For years people have been telling me that Valve can take away my games at any time and there's nothing I can do about it
>Haven't had a problem for 16 years
>Epic store has been live for 3 months
>This shit
Calm down Timmy.
I have the epic launcher installed since I've used UE4 for years so Wu already knows everything about me, but you're fucking blind if you can't see how their business practices are scummy and anti-consumer as fuck.
>t. impotent mongoloid posting incoherent garbage
Most stores honor the price for that customer but immediately remove the item from sale or fix the price
can somebodythe forbidden chinese words so chinese epic shills can leave the thread?
Since when is Detroit on PC what the fuck
>the store consider that stealing and try to take the product back/make me pay the extra $495?
The store COULD consider it, but contract law is not on their side.
They could ASK you to, but they can't force you.
There's an exception, and thats if you fuck with the pricing tags.
Has been announced two weeks ago or so. QD took their soul back from Sony and gave it to NetEasy chinks instead. It's not out yet, though.
Anyone who doesn't exclusively run pirated games on a clean, dedicated machine shouldn't be paying vidya.
>shouldn't be paying vidya.
>shouldn't be paying vidya.
I mean..... yeah.
Fuck off bugmen
Here you go, bro
the real question is, why do leftists suck corporate dick 24/7?
My L key is unreliable. I have new keyboard on order. When it fails and it's not a misspelling I don't always catch it.
>lpaying vidya.
too bad I already watched it
But did you watch every single outcome or did you watch some braindead LPer who makes the same boring ass choices everyone else chooses instead of taking kino routes?
Neo-tribalism is real user, without anything to identify with, people will take anything, including brands
>Store has price listed at $0
>Customer notices and brings it to counter
>Store clerk says it's a mistake and changes the price, doesn't allow person to buy product
>what are false advertising lawsuits
>Screams in Chinese at you when you ask how they found out where you live.
>for people who stole it
Epic store took back copies people stole from Gamestop? That's incredible.
How long until the One Angry /pol/tard cropped poster is banned?
Chinks gonna chink
But it clearly says it was a bug and not an offer.
That's not false advertising. As someone who has worked in retail for 20 years, you are exactly the kind of miserable uneducated faggot that I hate, spouting buzzwords to try to scare stupid employees into giving you your way. I bet you also threaten to "call the BBB," too, right? A price sign is not an advertisement, and no, I'm not obligated to sell you something for a specific price, especially when the sign is so blatantly a mistake. I also don't have to sell you something for a lower price because it's stocked in the wrong spot or someone (probably you in the first place) swapped the tag with another item. No, it isn't free if it doesn't ring up and no, you don't get a discount because the box is crumpled a bit, and no, you can't have a discount or buy it at all if its expired because I'm not allowed to sell you that shit, even if you "sign something." We don't have anything "in the back" and we don't know when the fuck we're getting more and no, you can't have fucking double-bagged paper, and you don't need help to your god damn car.
God, I hate asshole customers like you who think they know how everything works.
>itt people who know nothing about how retail works trying to lecture people on how retail works
What a bitter geezer you are. Don't mistake your shitty store policies for even the simplest genuine education in contract law.
Well, don't forget that something like a quarter of all the posts here are probably by the epic spammer, and he's an infamous retard.
>google does something with their own cut of the money
You can still have a transaction without one party getting anything for it you cuck.
This shit right here is why I GoG or die.
>he doesn't run the launcher in a sandbox
>On what fucking planet does this happen?
The civilized world. Are you from Ghana or something?
You can't unwind a purchase without the consent of the other party though. Not without a trial. What they did was highly illegal but they will probably get away with it because no one is actually holding tech-companies to account when they break the law.
More importantly, downloading and using the epic loader IS a benefit that Epic is getting out of it.
Considering that we have dudes claiming that "pre orders are non binding contracts", I'm guessing China.
What? They gave you back $5 AND the controller?
>Do sellers in your country put up deliberately fake prices on a regular basis? Countries vary on how that works.
When I heard Detroit was free I thought it was some kind of crazy marketing stunt from epic seeing they've been doing tons of those lately.
>>A price sign is not an advertisement
>The ad on TV says $399
>The salesman says $399
>The item has a big label saying $399
>But they bill you $500 anyways
Even you can see that this wouldn't work out for the company.
>One time went to Best buy with my dad to buy a ps2.
> Went early because family wanted to get breakfast
>Look at the ps2
>Someone put the decimal in the wing place
>Instead of 200$ it was 20$
>Tell my dad that a mistake
>Dad grabs the price tag with the bar code and goes to pay
>Excuse me sir that's not the right price
>It says right here on the tag YOU made
>Manager comes by
>After some hushed whispers they relent and give us the ps2
Epic is in the wrong, they should just eat the loss
When there was a bug with 99% discount on GTAV (when it was recently released) volvo took back the copies and refunded the money.
based boomer dad
Except in this scenario the customer would ask for a refund or get the courts involved. Not reach over into the till and just jank his money back out.
Epic would have had to have gotten the courts permission or ask the costumer for permission to annul the transaction. By tempting them with a discount on other games or something. Them just taking it from your library without your consent is them 100% in the wrong.
There was bug once with Tropico 4 (?), the game was free and you could get multiple copies of it.
I think it was humble bundle bug.
There was also same bug with Limbo.
An unfilial merchant nestorian shanyu Wei general was approaching Changban bridge, known Shu-Han clay. "Before I begin my assault, you must kowtow to Prime Minister Cao Cao and accept that he was the most filial and righteous scholar-gentleman the Tianxia has ever known, even more deserving of the position than the sage ministers of Chu and Zhou!"
At this moment a brave, filial, loyal general who had served 25 northern campaigns and understood the teachings of the Sun Bin Fa and fully upheld the Han barred the bridge and held up his polearm. "Let anyone who seeks death come face Zhang Fei!"
The Wei general smirked quite usurperly and smugly replied: "the prime minister has issued an edict naming you traitor, you stupid Yellow Turban."
"Wrong. Cao Cao has usurped the throne and trampled the dignity of the imperial majesty, ten-thousand years of life to his glory!"
The Wei general was visibly shaken and dropped his sword and copy of Sima Yi's orders. He galloped in retreat crying those Wei crocodile tears. The same tears Wei generals cry for the Xuchang "court" (who today live in such rebellion that most do not sacrifice to the imperial progenitor) when they jealously try to compose memorandums to the hostage throne. There is no doubt that at this point our general, Xiahou Jie, wished he had supported the imperial house and become more than a traitor to the Han. He wished so much that he had not betrayed the Son of Heaven, but he himself had petitioned for Wei's ascendancy!
The common people applauded and all kowtowed to Chengdu that day and accepted Liu Bei as the Imperial Uncle. A phoenix named "Pang Tong" flew onto the bridge and shed a tear on the peach garden. The Sworn Brothers oath was recited several times, and Liu Bang himself showed up and founded a dynasty that would last 10,000 years across Tianxia. The Wei general lost his courage and died the next day. He died of fright and traitorousness and was tossed into Diyu for all eternity.
Wan sui!
Based and cutepilled
would be much funnier
I've read like, 7 Chinese-made stories in my life, and this is impeccably written like all of them. Bravo.