What Job changes do you want in Shadowbringers? Personally I'd like some more utility Spells for Red Mage.
Final Fantasy XIV
Other urls found in this thread:
>yoshi feet
Why are people in Jenova SO SHIT?
They suck and they're passive aggressive when you call them out on it.
Dumb cunt's BF cheating on her :) Like if she got what she had coming to her for liking "manly men"
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I could ask the same of you, scrubby passive aggressive Jenovalet.
Theyre cute. Would suck on them
why is (server) so shit they all do (thing that one person did one time)
Hint: I'm not from Jenova
T. from Jenova
Fuck you folks, you're all strangely obnoxious.
>tfw stuck in Chaos because UCOB static is autistic for housing
I want this to become a real thing now
Remove the skillspeed penalty for Riddle of Fire.
There I fixed MNK
Where can I find a static that will take someone that wants to learn to tank, but hasn't tanked any Extreme or Savage content yet?🙁
>saves Final Fantasy TWICE
Anything with Alisaie in a miniskirt has my approval.
What are the odds?
>wants to make final fantasy more fantasy again instead of modern day memeshit
Yoshi might actually save the main franchise
more like xvi becomes a botch job and they pin all the blame on yoshi then fire him japanese style despite saving the company
Assuming you've done the stuff as a dps or healer (it's actually really fucking easy to switch between tanking and healing compared to switching to/from dps), just hop in some random party finders and give it a go to get some experience, this tier hasn't exactly been the easiest on tanks but it's still not hard. If you haven't done any extreme/savage content at all, then finding a static is probably putting the cart before the horse, but you might be able to find some ultra casul statics looking for members.
He was just a puppet when he was taken over for XIV, he was there to take the fall if it did go tits up again instead of losing someone good.
>botch job
Unlikely XV suffered from the development team being shuffled around too much, Yoshi is a legit autist though and wouldn't allow it to happen and keeping everyone organized and focused and not constantly switching gears or working with vague direction is a massive part of game development
Maybe after the next mmo fails and gets rebooted
This. It might not be the hypest shit like anything that Nomura touched, but you can be damn sure it's coming out on time.
We are currently in the catch-up phase of an expansion. Lots of people are returning or getting into the game to prep for ShB. This is a good time for you to gain experience with pugs via Party Finder. Just start joining shit. Fuck up, learn. Fuck up, learn. And so on. Most people that don't learn are the ones that quit. End Game raiding is more about just sticking to it and learning how things run. If you're serious about EX/savage raiding, you'll expect to spend 6 months to 1 year "learning" for the avg. FFXIV player.
Best possible outcome.
>healer roulettes are faster than tank roulettes
Why is this allowed
he cute
I just want monk to be fun man, for a supposed fast martial artist he feela super slow, he needs better attack animations and more kicking techniques
I mean they've only opened recruiting now that they've finished all the planning for the game, so they seem to have a proper development structure. Yoshi-p is on the board as well and is dedicated as fuck to his projects, so he's obviously gonna see it through to the end and beyond, whatever it is.
>Update: Judging from the positions Square Enix is recruiting for on the project, Game Watch reported that it’s highly likely the project will turn out to be an action game.
>Back in a 2016 Famitsu interview, Naoki Yoshida said that after seeing non-Japanese games such as the new God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn at E3 2016, he felt frustrated that Square Enix didn’t have similar games to show. Yoshida claimed that he will definitely make a similar AAA game within the next 3 to 5 years, or else people wouldn’t believe in him and Square Enix anymore. It’s highly likely this is the project he was talking about.
>Source: Square Enix via Renka Schedule
>better attack animations
Monk animations are some of the most polished animations in the game out of all jobs though. Not stupidly over the top and you feel like a proper hand-to-hand fighter. Art in simplicity.
But, I already don't believe in him. Yeah, he turned a rushed game into a WoW clone, causing it to be accessible enough for drooling retards to enjoy playing it.
But he's show that this was the extent of his skill. Copy and paste.
Anything more complex scares him.
Anything requiring though and skill scares him.
> for a supposed fast martial artist he feela super slow
I always thought of monk as a martial artist who delivers precise and strong blows to damage specific places (aka positionals) and this why they're kinda slow
Who is going to take his place in xiv?
Full revamp of SMN, removing Arcanist legacy, removing permanent egis and building the job around trances and abilities/spells that incorporate egi's in their visual effects.
Sadly it'll never happen and all I have to look forward to is egi glamours being delivered 3 years late.
Monks are supposed to be sanic fast. In 2.X if you got your skillspeed high enough you would actually run out of TP in most boss fights or in the coils. THATS what it felt like to be fast. Now every expac they nerf skillspeed further into the ground and fuck monk up even further with skillspeed debuffs on their major damage dealing mechanic and skill.
A full blown pet turret.
How's samurai? Just hit 50.
No one. He's basically a studio head at this point and just has another project being done under his supervision, just like FFXI, the FFXI mobile game and the Dragon Quest Builders games. He's not all that involved in the non-FFXIV ones, we assume, but he still has one of the final words on them. I assume he'll be closely involved in any "large-scale HD title for next generation" as it'll probably be the biggest and most expensive project his new 3rd Division will deal with, but he may not be director on it or anything.
good damage not much utility so only the most autistic of autistic raiders wont take you though most people will just assume you're shit anyway
which jobs are the best at clearing big packs of trash mobs in dungeons? one friend says its BLM, another says its SMN, usually I see SCH on top in many cases, how do the melee and ranged compare?
I see. I kind of want to play one, are they a hard class to learn?
The new hatching-tide glam is pretty nice.
it's easy enough to learn
Not at all. Everything flows together pretty well.
Yoshi will actually die if he works on both xiv and xvi. Dude already looks tired af everytime.
>eggshit hamfisted onto it
SAM doesn't get fun until you start getting your spender skills at 62. Until then you're just 123ing to build up a resource you cant even use.
Not really. They're much easier than MNK and don't require a good connection like NIN.
Fuck. I didn't even notice that giant fucking egg. Into the trash it goes.
Then a SAM I shall be, thanks all.
He survived rebuilding a AAA MMORPG in under 3 years. He'll be fine.
that's the only thing that sets it apart from the rest of the overdesigned trash in this game
>all the bandwagoners will jump from RDM to DNC
>no longer have to compete with 23984298 other casters for gear
You basically have 3 combos, and you get a symbol for completing each one. You then press a button to do a big dick damage attack that consumes the 3 symbols. You also have an action that lets you just press the finishers for each combo and get the symbols as well.
It's super straightforward and then you get another meter that gives you some variety later on (60-70).
tfw actual RDM main but get treated like a second class citizen because "everyone has an RDM"
>the never ever even liked or cared for dancer
Now hopefully RDM gets enough complexity to separate good from bad RDMs while not ruining the flow with forced buff or dot management
Why do people jack off over Uemetsu's music when Soken is way better
both are good stop being a fag
>Adding complexity.
This upcoming job rework is going to strip out half the remaining complexity, and we all know it.
Soken is boring and doesn't even last that long
If the genderlocked outrage has an impact. It’s possible.
Because they're thinking of all the stuff Uematsu did in the past. Only his recent stuff hasn't been very good.
Cant agree, snap punch is a shitty kata that breaks the flow of the animations, he need a right cross or an uppercut
>Stormblood removes skill bloat
>Mid Stormblood he adds it back by letting us use all the traits
Aah I want to transfer but then again all my friends are on my current server.
But a fresh start on a new server with new people sounds so nice.
Add them to cross server friend list/linkshell and then transfer. Whats the difference
>Whats the difference
These two things called Chaos and Light
>messing around with the character tool since a friend gave me a link to it
>try making a midlander
>mfw it's actually kind of cute
damn it i dont wanna switch off elezen cause being this short after so long feels weird
It's all of the Squawk Leonsh@rts "learning" to tank for GUN. I for one, welcome the faster queue times as a healer main.
Convince them to transfer to your datacenter
Half of them are germans and they like to cozy up with other germans
I'm in a opposite situation where I made a cute minimum height lala in the character creator but I don't want to switch off from being a Midlander because the camera difference is jarring.
People only care enough to get viera men.
no people only care enough to get "smol" viera men if they were just tall like the females they would still riot
What is the best Light server? Got tired of frenchniggers in my groups and want to migrate
Anyone else still hype for the expansion despite knowing that it's going to be the same shit as always with nothing to do after a week?
Yes. If you don't like the same shit as always then you shouldn't be playing MMOs.
I always have something to do in-game
Odin probably.
>being hyped for a XIV expansion
It's like being hyped for lunch when it's the same damn thing you've been eating for the past week, but you still want it cause it's lunch dammit.
Fuck never. Why does every one who outcried wants a fucking tranny viera? They are supposed to be battle-hardened warriors, ffs
>friends list is nothing but (DELETED) or "Unable to Retrieve"
You underestimate the amount of people who enjoy fur/beast races. Look at GW2 charr
I`ll flip the coin, then.
they don't actually care which is even more funny because they are always going "b-but muh lore yoshi!"
Odin has faggy swedes
Phoenix has manly finns
Considering all I want is more story and Job tweaks; yes, very much so.
I see a lot of gay art.
The screenshots look pretty neat though.
This. The premise of the story this time is way more interesting than SB even if the patch finale was a little weak compared to the previous ones. I'm also looking forward to Ishgard becoming an active hub again since Ishgard is comfy as fuck.
I literally only see people asking for little boy viera here. Everyone else wants tall bishonen guys. Elezen but better.
i've seen it everywhere, i think i've seen it more on the forums and twitch than anywhere else
>Yea Forums has the biggest group of annoying faggots
Who could have guessed? Have you seen /vg/?
Literally all I want is more primal egis
Reading patchnotes is 30% fun for me. Other 70% is actually playing the game
Well, they're delusional. Yoshi himself said very recently that if they do males, they'll resemble elezen.
welcome to your new (almost) prime time, eu friends
might as well transfer to NA
I bet it'll be cheap as fuck. A Phoenix reskin for Garuda, a Sephirot reskin for Titan and a Zurvan reskin for Ifrit. And they'll all look shit.
you can't tell them that or else they'll start saying the devs are sexist or some shit that being said most of the people that want shota viera are either smelly fujoshi or faggots
At least I no longer have to deal with Moogle Frenchies.
>prime time
>2 in the afternoon.
How does it feel to be retarded?
All the classes changed to be able to do more than one thing and ditching the dumb locked in stone one role per job system.
it's 4
nearly all of the japanese comments I've seen on how they want male viera to look said they want shota or to be similar to alphinaud
>Still no response from based yoshida.
You faggots aren't getting anything.
3pm for me, prime time is usually around 5-6 I find
Server time disagrees with you, eastern shitter.
everyone wants bishonen guys, but no one ever plays them, all they want to play are cute girls, there's a reason why catgirls and female au ra are the most popular
Have you tried waiting for the Europeans to get home from work after a hard day of providing for you?
he's too busy working on xiv versus
server time is gmt you dummie, only western africa and iceland observe it
It's 4pm in Spain.
That's about the same amount as Aether PF right now.
>Jihli Aliapoh
Is Aliapoh a name given to orphans or something? Or is she actually related to Khloe and Zhloe?
I just beat Shinryu and did my level 70 class quest. What should I do now ? Also I haven’t unlocked ANYTHING yet.
Nobody cares at all and yoshida knows this.
what does jp pf usually look like? filled to the brim?
Mooncat families are fucking huge.
He did talk about it though. He said how they'd look, explained the gender lock circumstances, and said they'll think about the other genders but have to figure out the current workload first.
JP use duty finder
There are a lot of Aliapohs.
Finish the msq.
get ready for shadowbringers by following this checklist
the dev pipeline is far too long in xiv so it'll take like 6 months before they can even consider working on other genders.
you're fucking retarded
RDM is perfect how it is, I can't imagine how they are going to add anything without fucking it up
I don't expect them until 6.0
I know you guys dont like him. But his interview with Yoshi kinda reveals a lot about the races implementation and whether or not we get the other gender of those races (spoilers: not likely any time soon). Questions and Answers here:
>Dancer will share gear with Bard and Machinist (Aiming).
BTFO in May when Yoshi-P reveals they're Scouting, and DRG is added to Striking to balance everything out.
New races were a mistake.
What a genius idea to make 3 very distinct jobs share gear. I'm sure that will work out even better than it already does.
>we get reverse genders of the old races next expansion instead of new ones, and they are just shitty edits of the male Elezen and female Roe
Thanks crybabies.
>Chaos PF is twice as busy
>But half of it is retarded frenchies who can't spell a single word in the description correctly
>Chaos has a lot more actually skilled pro raiders
>But most of them are in statics and don't go in PF
>Light has a lot more PF raiders
>But many of them are tryhards who preach the current meta yet suck at actually playing
I'm torn about where to go.
you don't make your bard look fabulous? go farm the amon hat right now.
Buy a 280 green weapon from the market board. It will last you for at least the next month unless you have someone to carry you through raids.
>Ghimlit Dark for expert daily
>get to the end, where the mech self detonates and Hien limit breaks it for us
>actually Lyse does it this time
Is it supposed to be random or something?
Why haven't I seen this version until now?
I'm talking about monks, sams and dragoons.
We are never getting new races regardless, shitface. They've said this over and over.
all three can do it, i usually see chimatsuri
>Caring about what he says in PR interviews
They aren't doing shit that's just him explaining to faggots not to expect anything.
oh yeah thats stupid, just add another class that uses maiming already.
a random npc does the limit break each dungeon.
it's either lyse, yugiri, or hien that does it.
Gunbreaker would have been about the only possibility for that but it turned out a tank.
If nothing else I appreciate the honest reason for not doing them here instead if the 'wouldn't fit the lore' bull.
>got grouped with an entire group of japs on NA
Why would they do this? None of them spoke english
what server(s) were they all on?
didnt this nigger got moved to the xvi team? is xiv finally going to die?
fuck the xiv community where did the fun people from the ol days go
They were from Goblin
on one hand the "we'll look into feedback" seems more like a pr talk to quell the outrage and hope it dies down. at the same time, he can't really give a solid yes or no answer so soon, especially with the new races not even being out yet.
He's working 4 jobs.
Truly a quality post
>starts going to the right location
>decides to come back for one last auto attack
>fucks everything up because of an extra 2k damage or something
>we realize that RDM was too easy and boring, so we'll add buff timers you have to maintain for max damage and access to new ability
Thanks based YoshiP. Just give all jobs 25 timers to keep up. That's how you create ceilings right?
the only thing revealing is that yoshida drops the pants-on-retarded reasoning that it's BECAUSE OF THE LORE. no, it's because of money, resources, and time. And now that we know Yoshida's 3rd Development Division is working on FFXVI, we're definitely not getting boy bunnies or girl ronso anytime soon.
Easy to play, hard to master.
What are some signs that a player is terrible at the game?
Every DPS is required to follow the 123 145 146 pattern
Well, yeah. We've known since day one that SE is siphoning all the resources they can away from 14 into other projects.
They put as little effort as they can get away with into 14. So, I'm not going to be surprised when with this next patch, they only do a single dungeon per patch. They're already down to 1.5/patch. And it isn't like dungeon quality went up as quantity went down. They're still the same old "single hallway, with gating mechanism so the players won't just skip all the trash fights."
Shit dps.
not using aoes in dungeon
they don't ask questions
You mean 1-2-3, 1-q-e, 1-q-r?
i hate this so fucking much i remember heavensward release and how shitty its post release content was and the rumors of how heavensward and xiv profit was being channeled into xv develoent
They don't use diversion
Fuck you I cleared O12S weekly until I got everything I wanted
They primarily focus on the sole aspect of their job role.
Tanks: Only use aggro combos and threat tools and go overboard with defensive cooldowns
Healers: Only cast heals, little to no dps abilities used at all (also massive overheal)
DPS: Sole attempt to do damage and fail to handle mechanics (also shit dps numbers)
the last msq patch was underwhelming, especially since masked man could have just told us to go to CT instead of saying "throw wide the gates." then we're getting reskinned version of eorzean zones. no healers and i doubt the healer balance is going to work
fuck off and die with your shitty looking MNK gear
SCH still being king is all that matters. Suck my dick, heallets.
>the last msq patch was underwhelming
The last MSQ was the best one this expansion you retard
>What Job changes do you want in Shadowbringers?
How about finishing BLU and making it a real class you fucking hacks
nvidia says the benchmark is coming next month
>move my alt to check out Chaos
>looks nice enough, prep my main for departure
>three day lockout
What the fuck, every single piece of information specifically said that transferred characters can't be moved for again for three days. Nothing implied that the service itself would stop.
BRD/MCH that dont use their spammable AoE on adds
MNKs that dont use Internal Release and Riddle on adds
Tanks that dont use their longest cds on bosses even if they are going to die
Ninjas that dont use their doton or cannot place it right
As someone who recently leveled NIN from 50 to 70, purely from MSQ dungeons, I can say with confidence that anyone who plays male miqote or female Au Ra are most likely to be terrible.
So May like everyone here expected to begin with.
Stand in fire
Dps higher
immediate tell for me is when its a male cat/aura paladin that does stupid shit like go around in circles and stutter pull using tank control scheme and they never use anything besides their aggro combo
No that would be 4.1 due to it's conclusion of Raubahn and Nanamo's arcs.
The fight against not-Zenos lacked real stakes or weight and was frustratingly interrupted by not-G'raha Tia proving not-Zenos to be no threat to a fully able WoL. The Ghimlit Dark is moving without major incident and all the cool reveals where in 4.4. The only good part of this patches story was Varis "One Race" Zos Galvus telling the alliance to fuck off.
In comparison to 2.5 and 3.5 this shit was weak.
>existing races will never get more customization because of faggots crying about male vieras now
>4.1 good
>Varis "One Race" Zos Galvus telling the alliance to fuck off
I see you're a memeing faggot
>Oh no I'm late for my coma.
They're a "WoW Refugee".
Existing races will never get more customization because they don't feel like doing it.
How do I make gil? I'm constantly broke, gathering stuff to level crafting is slow as shit even using leves and buying is too expensive so far I have BTN to 70 and CRP to 55 everything else is in the mid 30s
statistics disagree with you
I'd love warrior to get changed. Hitting a tard rage button every 90s just feels lame.
I hate Alisaie and Alisaiefags.
Post Sadu's big black cock
I hope that this blows up in the JP community and they do publish at least a one off, they've already drawn a few pages not like the couldn't make it a short one shot
WARfags will cry if they`ll make it more complicated
For non-crafters there's an easy way to make money.
>Do duty roulettes and greed on everything
>Convert old gear into company seals
>Convert company seals into crafting materials to throw on the market board
>Use the tomestones from those duty roulettes for more crafting materials to throw on the market board
>Check the challenge log for easy pocket change each week
>Keep your retainers out on ventures constantly
>If you have maxed out the Doman reconstruction you can toss items their way for free money each week
Individually they don't make much money, but it quickly adds up.
Do daily crap. As much of it as you can stand.
They're all a decent infusion of cash.
Grinding all your crafts to within 10 levels of cap so you can repair your gear instead of paying to have it repaired will save you money in the long run. (Especially if you do the Daily GC Seal turn ins)
Crafting FOR money, sadly is only really ever bleeding edge armor and consumables. Which require bleeding edge crafting gear to HQ, and a solid rotation to ensure you can do it regularly.
If you do nothing else, the daily GC seal turn ins will be worth a fair part of a level. Double if you turn in an HQ item. Doubled again if it has a star that day.
What is Sadu supposed to be?
People are drawing new Alisaie stuff?
I'd like for them to make the game good again so I actually have a desire to log in like I used to. But they wont. They'll make it worse. I have no optimism for the job changes after what they did in Stormblood.
She's got more doujins than even some of the scion females.
Me being stuck in Castrum Abania for 70 minutes because the Au Ra healer didn't know how to heal or draw cards is all the evidence I need.
What are best retainer jobs besides fishing?
>Tanking Ghimlit Dark
>Keeping an eye on the NPCs because I never really paid attention to what they do during the run
>Get to that part
>Kan-E-Senna casts her bubble
>Everyone but Aymeric gets under it
>He's too busy beating down a guy than to do mechanics
A little bit because of their asshole April Fools manga.
>one player bad
>therefore all players bad
nice caveman tier logic
They are going to ruin it. They always ruin things. This game is in a perpetual state of being ruined more and more as time goes on.
RDM feels like a lv50 job at lv70, although I feel like that was by design. It's pretty boring to play coming from another DPS class.
be happy we get new hairstyles, some MMO's don't even bother with that.
too bad only racial hairstyles are good
That was just one out of many that I've encountered.
Where did you see this on their site?
male character
Will FFXIV ever be good again?
Fuck you nigger, you don't pay my sub.
Armor is more important than a weapon for a tank right?
BLM here, all other DPS roles (except sometimes SMN) are total trash and you should kill yourself if you play anything other than BLM (and sometimes SMN)
>Easy to play, easy to master
Fixed. Just spend your Kenki during the party's burst window. Wowsoskilledwow
I'd rather be mediocre at the game than mentally ill in life desu
Nah, it's pretty much the same priority for all jobs.
>Weapon(+Shield if PLD) > Left side armor > Waist > Right side accessories
Nothing is more important than your weapon. You can buy a full set of 380 if you want and have the money.
Fuck you, you need my trick attack
The damage of your weapon is what almost every single skill keys off of.
Followed by your class's main stat.
Yes, tanks need their armor relatively up to date. And once you reach "endgame" armor is easier to come by than weapons.
But, the game is so homogenized that every class gears the same way.
That's the beauty of jobs like BLM, SAM and SMN. We don't need your fucking fluffing to do well in whatever group content we do.
*ting* *ting* *ting*
I would like everyone's attention please. Won't take but a while. Please raise a toast while I say
FUCK frenchmhiggers, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out
>i'm sane that's why I'm shit
good meme
Are you ready to welcome XBros to our game?
If that's your takeaway, you may need help.
when shadowbringers comes out
Cry more bitch nigga
No we don't lol
>he doesn't play a female toon
Not him but I'm sane and you're shit😃
Wouldn't it be funny if they finally grew up but got custom Elezen models so that they don't look wonky?
Alisae has to different flavors
>snarky and smol
>absolute cinnamon roll
so that's why he's called the black wolf. also, i wonder if he specifically requested lupin to be added into his ranks since they're go with his wolf team?
Where are my fellow Lalafell enthusiast at?
No i'm not
Legend btw
Won't happen unless they do a timeskip. Elezen canonically don't get their final growth spurt until age 20.
>Want to play elezen because of aymeric and haurchefant
>Can't deal with big necks and that weird run animation
sad desu
more like potatoe
You forgot the third flavour: total spaghettilord
I don't believe you. Shadowbringers has already done a 180 from looking like the best expansion to looking like the worst expansion, which would be a feat considering how shit Stormblood has been.
God is there anything worse than female roes?
Male Roes.
Male miqo'te
>Personally I'd like some more utility Spells for Red Mage.
So you'd like RDM to deal even less damage than other casters and be solidified as an exclusively content learning job? Honestly though RDM has: a decent heal, quick raises, Embolden, what else do they need? Enfeeblements?
Yeah: you, faggot
I too can buy titles. Also
>not The Ultimate Legend
Pffft hahaha
male roes
Time to admit your secret guys, what's the longest you've played non-stop during early access, day 1? I've done 22 hours.
You mean male Lalafells
faster limit break charges for more Vermillion Scourges
My RDM probably outdamages your best DPS by at least 1k
>youtube culture war grifters making videos on the genderlock "outrage"
I played on through the weekend last time.
>being this triggered I called male chars and pld, whm, rdm bad
I cleared uwu
I played this game for a long time and the only male characters who can be competent are unfortunately always lala
mr shitface isn't a culture war grifter, you dumbass.
Female Miqote
A vocal minority
Should I bother starting savage now? Im around ilvl 383 with my DRK and PLD, only doing dailies. Im used to savage since I did all ARR ones and Deltascape, but its so late in the expansion I feel Ill only get shitters on PF and I don't really want to start a static now.
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
A XIV version of this is needed.
here's your female hrothgar bro
I'm here to laugh at you.
>missing the point
The point is these fucking culture war vultures are misrepresenting the issue and turning it into another battleground for their bullshit, and they're bringing their retarded followers. So now if you don't like gender lock you're a lefty retard, and if you do like gender lock, you're based and redpilled.
there are some people who'll be switching to Hrothgar just to spite viera
With that shitty model? Nah brah. We're here to laugh at YOU.
>still 3 months before I can play Gunbreaker
Guess I'll go replay FF VIII to keep me busy.
I am kind of expecting to log on today and find out my FC has moved to Light without telling me
Most people don't care what they say and everyone knows Twitter is a blight.
we don't need any more controversy
Is she handing that guy a huge black dildo?
>new expansion
>AMAZING NEW FEATURE: twins grow up with a promise of custom models
>they're just red and blue ribboned Aymerics
I'm gonna give you my cock in your throat is what I'm gonna do
>Most people don't care
More like most people do care but not enough to stop playing the mmo they've invested years of their lives into.
its a dilator
Seriously, who's gonna play these except hardcore furries? They look fucking awful.
Not that the Viera looked that good/fitting either, modded Skyrim tier.
I know you're joking, but I'm not going to google what a dilator looks like.
You're no different than the people you bitch about, neither of you have lives, and think you speak for everyone.
Nobody gives a flying fuck and at worst shrugged their shoulders.
>Seriously, who's gonna play these except hardcore furries?
They type of people who do retarded shit to "own the libs"
futa female roes who don't take no for an answer
Both Hrothgar and Viera look better than any other race we have at the moment.
Do I have to remind you that Au Ra horns are still locked to faces?
rape is so romantic
rdm will never be relevant as long as its only shtick is raise and summoner exists
I'm getting nervous at the attention she is being given, in game and even out.
Where do I sign up?
t. likelet
I feel like Paladins are still the weakest of.tank classes. Every other tank class outshines it in end game content and especially DPS. They need buff.
People like me who wanted a playable beast race?
the game has really captured the round faced soiboy market
I’m thinking about making one because I always like playing big manly beast races.
I'm sure it's just because they realised they accidentally made a 10/10 cinnamon roll
If twins ever grow up Yoshi better watch his back
you have cover and veil, you're just too dumb to realize just how good pld actually is
Jesus, did this place really go full reddit yesterday?
And their lives are more fulfilled than yours. What's your point?
just means its going to hurt when you kill her as Titania and she slowly fades away ala FF10 pyreflies
>Caring this much about what race people play
>People like me who wanted a playable beast race?
you mad
people unironically want it back
people-turned-primal don't die after you defeat them though
hardcore furries and people who want to spite viera but will change back after a day because they don't actually like them
also that one user who keeps screaming that he's straight
>You're no different than the people you bitch about
Don't pull that horseshoe thoery shit with me, faggot. I'm not against gender lock because I think it's homophobic or sexist or whatever the fuck. I also know better than to just eat up MUH LORE bullshit when you have male miqote and duskwights running around. But that's what the issue is being turned into. If you don't want gender lock, you're a sjw trying to poison another game. It's all so tiresome.
>think you speak for everyone
I don't have to think anything when people have long complained about gender lock in mmos.
>well people are cool with it
People aren't cool with it, they just don't care enough to stop playing the one mmo they enjoy. I mean, what are they gonna do, unsub from the mmo they've been playing for years, and maybe even bought cashshop items from? No.
I haven't played for about a year (Jan 2018), does WHM still have the same issues of being basically big dick heals with little utility?
Interesting picture of yourself there. Why show it to me?
I'm not the person that mentioned those things, champ. You have more than one person shit-talking you.
Silly user, that's Alphinaud. The pixies decided he was the more feminine of the twins.
delete viera and horthgar
give chad pimp cats
Yes. Nothing major has changed with regards to job balance.
big dick heal numbers with no shields, big dick dps. that's their gimmick.
>Getting this bent out of shape over a video game
You need to rethink your life.
depends if Alisae summons Titania into herself, or Titania is just using Alisae's lifeless body as a host.
course its a stretch to justify a stretch. squeenix doesn't have the balls to permanently kill a popular character so even if Alisae did die her comeback would be a plot point teased at the end of the 5.0 credits, ala Gosetsu and Yotsuyu
why do japs do that gay weird hairstyle
they don't even think it looks good so it's not for style
i doubt she'll die since she became Titania willingy. She'll probably be out of commission recovering though.
that's because they have the echo to protect them you cutscene skipper
Imagine how mad I'll be when you pay $10 to fanta into a furfag. I'll literally be shaking.
triggered shitters who care
i'm glad people like you will be seething for the next 2 years
Or you garble FFXIV balls and don't see how it's outclassed in so many ways.
I'm still hoping that both of the twins see that you've taken up the darkness and take in the primal's power to try and 'save' you. Oberon-Alphinaud shows up just before the fight as a sort of double punch
Nigga Paladins have Passage of Arms, Cover, Veil, and Intervention
You're just fishing for (You)s
I actually didn't really like either of the sibling at first, and then Alphinaud grew on me, but I came to love Alisaie between the Coils and her post-HW content. It's been great and I love and feel fear that there was a choice to ask about her in particularly.
Oh you fucking fuck don't fucking say shit like that.
...s-she doesn't look all that much like Alisaie. There are enough differences to give me hope.
Video games ARE my life.
Besides, not like I can just escape to another hobby. The culture war is infecting everything.
having opinions is fuckin cringe bruh be a cool apathetic anime protagonist like me
how is it outclassed in any way dumb greylet? I fucking wish I had cover and veil on drk
There's opinions, then there's throwing a hissy fit over a dumb youtube video that most people do not give a shit about.
I noticed by how pathetic you act.
>every new race that gets added has to cater to the most amount of people that can beat their salmon over it
This might come as a shock to you but not everyone gauges what race they play in a game by the measure of how horny it gets them, people unironically played as trolls or gnomes in WoW despite them both looking "awful", unless you mean you just want more flavors of Hyurs in which case i'd tell you to stop being a fucking normie
i can g'raha messing up with the soul stealing and accidently sent them somewhere in Norvandt. And from there an Ascien manipulated them
I'm gonna stack skillspeed and Critical on Monk through the entirety of the next expansion, just cause I miss goin so fast I rip aggro from tanks like during 2.0. Fuck being "optimal" that shit is boring.
>The culture war is infecting everything.
Yeah that sucks absolute balls. Don't really give a shit about the viera/hrothgar thing personally, but all the bullshit around it gets draining fast.
she looks more like the twins than Shiva did Ysale. She even has that hair braid thing, except its sticking up
reminder to blacklist and kick on sight all furries
>every new race that gets added has to cater to the most amount of people that can beat their salmon over it
>new races are playboy bunnies and bara furries
you should think before you post user
Buff NIN damage over all to accompany the below
Give SAM and BLM some type of TA-like utility so they can join in the meta if they want to. If you have to lower some potentiates, do it. idgaf. let me have fun without pugs being faggots for once.
Oaths and Grit come off the fucking GCD, god damn dont punish me for trying to help my team more
MNK gets GL4 and-or loses TK for something that flows better. Could remove True North and the replacement is a buff that lets you hit out of position with no penalty or whatever for a short block of time but dumps your GL3/4.
I want them to not fuck up Monk
The twins have new outfits in the key art. They're not giving them new outfits just to have them be killed off in the lvl 55 primal fight.
>it's just a dumb youtube video bro
You really just don't get it. Grains of sand make a heap. All these retards do is give the people who make the decisions the wrong impression of what people want. It's why multimillion dollar corporations pick sides and make commercials pandering to a minority.
Least its not her being tempered first and then becoming Titania's host.
Or kinda like Suzaku and she's begging you to stop hurting her the entire fight
Or she's tricked by a emissary of Hydealyn ie a light ascian to take up the role, and she realizes whats happening at the last second
Or you beat the primal out of her and she still thinks you are under the sway of Zodiark, so she limps off and trades her soul to Hydelayn for more power to save you
Or we get a Tsukuyomi phase 2 but you have to fight those who love her most, Urianger, Thancred and Yshtola as a combo, then a shadow of Alphinaud and Louisouix, and then a 'Shade of Light' which is a copy of your character
Honestly, I think losing Alisaie really would break something or kill something vital inside the WoL. Just at the fodder in the DRK questline from a few people 'you' aren't especially close to. We couldn't palm punch or shake head our way through it. There would have to be death and destruction on a scale that the the last Calamit-
Oh. Oh fuck.
i stack a shit ton of skill speed on samurai because fuck the meta
>pick sides
you must forget this is a japanese game, they couldn't give a shit
The 80 DRK artifact sword makes me rock hard, bois
user, your argument actually gives more credence to the opposite. how many dead people on this poster
Elezen are quick to recognize lewdness.
bully all whm until they switch to the better healer
Odd question. Has anyone got the ingame dialog box in a tranparent PNG or on a greenscreen background? I need it for meme and screenshot purposes.
>Or kinda like Suzaku and she's begging you to stop hurting her the entire fight
She really doesn't.
If they fix DRK, that's gonna be my primary glamor.
you forgot the image
too bad the outfit is awful, fuck coats and asscape
Two that matter and they didn't get an outfit change. False equivalence, my guy.
Too bad the AF armor is crap.
will be announced at microsoft's E3
I still hope for actual effort put into lion ladies.
Why does nobody mention this shit? the amount of cock sucking I see retards give this game based on "owning sjws" when they keep limiting content is fucking retarded.
Why do you faggots support shit that fucks consumers even if it fucks SJWs.
>you should think before you post user
Alright let's draw this for you since you're quite literally retarded
Scenario 1: Female Viera gets released and also male Viera since it's been clamored and asked for by literal thousands
Scenario 2:Female Viera gets released but is paired with Male bara furry race that has been asked for by hundreds at best
which of these is catering to horny faggots? and which is legitimately trying to spice up the race diversity of the game despite both of them obviously still causing people to beat their meat over them because that's only human and we will beat our collective meats to literally anything?
Did Alisaiefags get cucked with this april fools manga thing
Ysayle changed clothes a couple times. Thordan got some armor. Haurchefaunt got some holey armor
this is my headcanon drk af anyway
Remember when people thought sony was immune because they were headquarterd in japan? Then they moved to cali.
Besides that, the problem right now is yoshi getting the wrong idea of why people don't like gender lock. It has nothing to do with homophobia or sexism like culture war faggots are screeching. Like so many things that don't concern them, they take a real issue and hijack it for themselves.
>next month
Just like SB and HW then.
I don't give a fuck about AF armour, I fix up something fitting out of gear from the xpac anyway.
The quests alone won't be enough to level a first job 70-80 right? Is it worth dumping the quest exp on a dps alt job and just leveling my DRK main by spamming dungeons?
Is there any particular source for all this new Alisaie artwork? I'd like to keep my eye out for new stuff.
they both came out in late april, this one is in may.
as long as the other group gets hurt, i'm happy
He doesn't care.
Go (re)play XI for three months. Play through what you can of the story. Its ezmode now and there is lots for even old veterans that is new.
Most PLDs probably don't even know using FoF and holy spirit together is a waste. PLD is good enough as it is.
Like I said, it's the grifters and their followers. Both sides will suck corporate cock if it'll spite the other side.
I cant stand XI`s battle system
Post cropped lionesses pls.
Dont argue with a fuckwit shitposter hung up on "muh furries!" because they got trolled into believing male rabbits were going to be a thing.
You cant waste brain cells on these idiots. They made up their mind when the lions names were dropped that anything not male buns is bad. Shitposters are going to shitpost til someone fingers their asses and wipes their nose.
Aren't they doing a remake anyway?
has way too many buttons
PLD has the weakest opener but thats about it.
yeah, I'm sure he's only worried about those deadlines his team is just barely making. The more I hear about shadowniggers, the more of a mess it becomes.
You will do no such thing, I'm a good boy.
haha nice bro you owned the libs
Leveling a PLD after getting WAR/DRK to 70. I'm at lvl 43 now, when does it get fun?
Then don't play, simple as that.
but you're a dumb catgirl
suck his dick
Bold of you to assume i have brain cells left to lose
It doesn't.
It doesn't feel so clunky when you have 3-5 NPCs killing everything before you can land a second him, and you can get from level 1-30 in an evening if you remember the camps, or better yet have someone to super-powerlevel you is Escha.
Never ever. Or at least, the mobile 'version' that will likely be gatchashit seems in permenant limbo. They will probably keep the lights on for the forseeable future, but I'm experiencing it while we wait for Shadowbringers and while there is still anything resembling a playerbase left. You can walk up to and kill NMs (S rank hunt mobs, equivilent) that were on stupid respawns with no competition multiple times in a row. Most none-endgame zones are your personal playground. It's both fun and slightly depressing.
She's a female who recognizes she was a man in previous lives and so acts like the man she believes herself to be while still being the woman she knows she is.
also known as the perfect wife
GLA/PLD is boring as fuck, it's the training wheels tank compared to WAR/DRK.
I told you niggers beastmaster was an april fools joke.
>the sky is blue!
I still can't believe based Yoshi chose to fill in the small beast race niche this MMO needed instead of catering to fags and fujos for them burger bucks.
Why does Selene exist
I probably won't if the job changes look just as disappointing.
deep dungeon
No fucking shit?
WHM rework WHEN
Honestly, a perfect comp for just speed-clearing trash would probably be WAR, WHM, SMN, and maybe BLM or MNK.
WAR's got Decimate and Inner Release for huge damage via direct crit decimates and WHM has Holy (which speaks for itself).
SMN has absolutely insane aoe DPS, with Painflare, """Bane""", Deathflare, and Bahamut/Akh Morn. Playing one myself I can easily do 15k or more DPS on the first trash packs in Ghimlyt Dark.
BLM has Quadflare/Foul, which do shittons of damage, while MNK had Perfect Balance, Rockbreaker, and a couple ogcd aoe abilities. Take your pick.
Portable onahole.
it's not entirely a joke. yoshida said that the future of the limited job system may consist of puppetmaster and beastmaster. it all depends on how people like blue mage changes in 5.x
I gave up 1 year ago
to filter the bad SCHs from the good SCHs, if they use Selene, they're bad
not even at 70
it's not a fun class, it's an easy class
you want fun? play the other tanks
PLD is for learning the basics of tanking and getting fast queues.
I've been a paladin main forever, I raid as paladin, and I know the class inside and out.
The most fun you could have as a PLD with the class itself is learning a savage fight and optimizing your rotation to get the best dps you can in a fight, knowing when to use what and what's the best time for it.
In casual content it's just uninteresting, especially if you're a tank that loves taking tons of risks.
Smart catgirl. I'll have you know I'm very high IQ.
tiny deeps increase
I dont think people realize that the male rabbits probably looked like total ass in the translation from sketch to 3D. Liondogs look just as stupid, but at least its sort of different i guess
It's coming for ShB, though I wouldn't get my hopes up, they're probably just gonna rework lillies but I get the feeling yoshi is perfectly happy with WHM being a pure healer design.
>male bara furry race
what if Hrothgar weren't released to cater to anyone's dick? What if Yoshi just wanted an FFX reference in his FF melting pot?
>blue mage changes in 5.x
the only BLU changes i'd like to see is them deleted from this game along with the idea of limited jobs
doesn't it have that party wide dispel ability? it's useful in certain scenarios.
>What if Yoshi just wanted an FFX reference in his FF melting pot?
Fuck what yoshi wants. xiv is FOR THE FANS
What race doesnt look like ass compared to their 2D counterpart?
He even goes on and on in a couple of interviews about how the entire idea was to make the most heroic possible looking race.
>astolfo pic
they're going to take away more stuff and maybe give it to the other healers. WHM will get stone V and aero IV
It wouldn't be so bad if the lobotomised player base didn't think that them getting an AST in their static makes them do 9000 DPS as opposed to 4000. Also FUCK mechanics that reduce healing recieved. It completely fucks over WHM while giving SCH/AST the easy mode pass as usual.
Must have been even MORE ass than usual if it couldn't get past the dev team
You're supposed to pop the buff if there's no benefit to the other shared cooldown.
>what if Hrothgar weren't released to cater to anyone's dick?
I thought that was the point of my post? i only referred to them as bara furry because that's what they are
theres so much obsession with trannies. i think people do want to fuck them, but the passable kind
How do I cast Haste
>buff dudes in thongs
He-man was cool 40 years ago. Today, not so much.
Phantasy Star gets ova's. XIV should get one too. But have one of the eps be this.
What if he just wanted to appeal to the lowest common denominator and highest common denominator?
You know how old YoshiP is, right?
>Calling it a toon
Honestly, I'd consider adding an overhealing mechanic to WHM. Kinda like how the medic in TF2 works, somewhere between like 5-10% extra HP. It'd fit the idea of WHM being a pure healer while also giving them a competitive edge in raids.
uh, hey guys
I just wanna say that I admit that I was wrong about what I said, apparently there is in fact one female on Twitter who really wants to fuck a ronso so
have at it i guess
>Play since 2.2
>Au Ra and Maleqote are the shitiest scumbag trash players throughout my playing experience all these years
Talking from experience, they're the most terrible types of players 99% of the time. Just because you're the outlier in the tranny brigade doesn't change the fact that they're almost always terrible players.
Nice tranny mentality
you use her in the opener
suck my au ra dick
>The twins have new outfits
user, those "new outfits" are actually existing gear sets
not sure about alisae but alphi is wearing a serge gambison of casting
I remember there was an ffxiv isekai manga. not sure what happened to it.
is that zoey quinn?
who cares
I don't think his age is really relevant.
beast men x female is the true kino pairing
>have at it
Skill speed buff and party wide esuna, useful for 24 mans and some dungeons.
Going to play a thamaturge, anything I should know?
One """""fe"""""male, you mean.
>Au Ra and Maleqote are the shitiest scumbag trash players throughout my playing experience all these years
>tfw male miqote and am literally within the top 20 parses worldwide for WHM every single raid for dps and healing efficiency
Feels outlier man
final fantasy shouldn't be adapted to anime, it fits manga better.
The speed buff has a really questionable utility.
I wanna play as this thing
Root yourself to a spot and get casting, that's how you do the best DPS. Movement is your #1 enemy, only do it if you absolutely have to.
>8man raids are now an after thought after coil
Going to play as a thamaturge anything I should know?
Jin>Chi>Ten or Chi>Jin>Ten
eh, mostly depends on how shit the party is
fire does more damage than ice
shoot fire until you run out of mp
shoot ice until you recover mp
keep thunder up
always be casting
I don't know what that means. I wanna cast Haste as a Scholar.
only sensible opinion. anyone who actually thinks race is a sign of a bad player is a dumb fuck who probably plays once a week and just makes sweeping statements based on whatever the last person that pissed them off was playing.
>Honestly, I think losing Alisaie really would break something or kill something vital inside the WoL
I want to worship it while she fucks my wife
Going to play a Black Mage, anything I should know?
They should make challenging content a part of the main story progression.
stand in fire, dps higher
Time spent in Astral fire passes in an instant, time spent in Umbral ice is an eternity
Wont happen after steps.
Which is fucked up because it wasnt even that hard.
The having to wait 15min to fail was what was wrong with it.
I can assure you pugs were shit. Kinda wish I had a static to play with but I honestly can't stand the personalities and egos that circlejerk in these statics.
They're not going to do that.
All I want for 8man savage raids is voice overs and areans not always being a square or circle. Along with good transitions like in the new 24man.
Cute anime boys have a general appeal that wouldn't be exclusively played by subligar wearing faggots. The only diversity roes with lion heads add to the game are changing up whether I'll get a hairless or furry ass twerking in my face when I teleport to limsa.
he cute
retards couldnt even do the yhstola instance
>second-to-last quest in Shadowbringers
>"Using the Duty Finder, complete The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 (Savage), Alexander - The Burden of the Father (Savage), Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage), Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage), Deltascape 4.0 (Savage), Sigmascape 4.0 (Savage), and Alphascape 4.0 (Savage), The Unending Coil of Bahamut, and The Weapon's Refrain."
Imagine the meltdown from all the shitters.
>really cool concept art
>actually lame ingame
fuck i just want a good drg glamour what the fffffucccckkkk
they should but the last time they tried to implement any semblance of challenge to the MSQ the playerbase cries that its too hard. steps of faith and shinryu comes to mind
Shinryu and step of faith already fucked enough people. Not being able to progress because 7 other people are being ultra shit at the game just isn't fun.
Not making half a fight and looping it for every final boss would be a plus too.
voices would get tiresome over time
>good transitions like in the new 24man
beside ultima, what?
but drg af3 looks great
Yes and the moment we ask for anything, the people come rushing out who talk about the "evil elitists" and shit but it's a-okay to consume the guides and content the poop bad elitists make to help better players.
To me it sounds like youre just upset you didnt get male viera and Im glad you didnt
What do I do when I run out of mana from constantly having to revive people