What went wrong?
Metal Gear franchise
people are mad becaus MGSV didn't actually complete the saga or bring it full circle like Kojima promised
Kojima didn’t try harder.
>implying this series has stayed good
The series definitely dropped massively in quality after MGS3.
Still my favorite series containing my favorite game. I don't think anything "went wrong", people never liked or appreciated Kojima doing as he pleased.
Nothing, really. The series was always deeply flawed.
MGS3 > MGSV > actually good games > MGS1 > MGS2 > MGS4
Kojimas hard boner for Big Boss and his failed attempt at explaining his downward spiral into villainy.
MGS3 itself was a fantastic game, but it introduced everythign that went wrong with the series.
Metal Gear Solid happened.
I want to fuck Big Boss!
Some things about MGS that can be forgiven for various reasons, then everything
Just think in another universe MGSV lived up to the hype and is considered the greatest game ever made
MGS3 happened and retroactively took a shit on the series' canon by needlessly convoluting it further. I'm not touching V with a 10 foot pole.
2 should have been last.
but 2 is the best one
It was always pretentious garbage with anime writing but for some reason 99% of Yea Forums still doesn't realise this and thinks the series was this storytelling masterpiece before V and 4.
It did though, it was already complete with 4 and MGSV ending ties directly into MG1
I still think MGS4 is a great game though
>MGS3 happened and retroactively took a shit on the series' canon by needlessly convoluting it further.
It's not even good, let alone the best one.
>No sexy Bladewolf GF (female)
Shit franchise
user, but that's not bibo..........
>anything that is smart is pretentious
Fuck off with your buzzword
I loved MGS4 back in the day but when the dust settled it's obvious MGS4 was a drop in quality. It looked better tho but it was a washed down experienced compared to MGS3 in terms of gameplay.
Anyone else think Peace Walker is a strange even depressing game that just doesn't fit being a part of the series?
I prefer Metal Gear Acid gameplay
It's the best one, but not even good😂
Based. 2 is a masterpiece, still blows me away every time. And I have played it many times.
MGSV is a 10/10 game, but a 1/10 MGS game.
>I am Big Boss, and you are too
>Even says that he is Big Boss
The Medic is Big Boss. Stop fucking around with your stupid delusions.
but it is Big Boss you fucking retard
I can't speak for everyone here, but personally I always loved MGS's writing exactly for all the dumb shit, but also that it manages to include some touching and clever moments as well. MGS2 ending will always stand out among video games, even though it's probably the silliest game overall as well though a lot of that silliness has a basis in that games story MGS3's ending is iconic and stirring, and would have been a great way to end the series overall.
>Callousness and lack of empathy
He shows empathy more than once though. He could let Chico and the blonde bitch die in this American base with very little repercussions, but he chose to save them.
I even hate it for various reasons.
Ego over substance.
MGS4 while flawed had a wholesome ending, the series should have stopped there.
Probably because it began the story of Big Boss and Kojima clearly preferred Big Boss and wanted to keep him as a hero.
>two eyes
Naked Snake
but he did that because they both had information that XOF used to wreck his shit
Metal Gear Rising is the best gameplay-wise
It's narratively interesting but the gameplay and level design are a trash fire.
Not ending at MGS2.
But Big Boss was a piece of shit in V.
And I'm not talking about the Medic.
Its not a bad game but it just seems so weird and like it doens't fit at all. Almost more like its a fan game then a real part of the series. Game was alright overall though.
How didn't it come full circle? It fixed a 30 year old plothole. Anyone who actually played the MSX games know what comes next.
V was never finished. It has a great groundwork but literally nothing is satisfying about it. The title Phantom Pain is apt for all the wrong reasons.
I don't think I've ever found PW to be depressing or out of touch with the MGS franchise.
More questions than answers, they should have just kept it as Big Boss, not fucking Big Medic. It just wasn't needed.
It retconned the simulation storyline. The player never played through the actual events of the previous games. They were playing Raiden's simulations. Instead of elaborating on the patriots a completely different group and wouldn't try to tie it into the current story until 4.
It might not be narratively satisfying but the gameplay is great. Genuinely gave me Deus Ex vibes exploring how many things to do and ways to do them there were in each mission.
MGS wasn't a simulation TTS was.
Kojimers did nothing wrong🐸
I can respect that user
It did fix a plothole but didnt it create an even bigger one by cutting the final mission and having everyone forget about sahalanthropus
Bibo was an entirely ignorant cunt in V and he already showed signs of edge in Ground Zeroes
hes 100 percent psycho, oh by the way the human shields are supposed to show that
BiBo gives no fucks about your life as long as he must live, it's called "self-preservation" and it makes you an asshole
the twist was perfectly fine and it allowed BiBo as an asshole to be subtly revealed and well played
2 introducing the Patriot bullshit in the most convoluted way and then 4 having to resolve that mess + tying up the loose ends of the entire series
>It retconned the simulation storyline
MGS2 wasn't a VR simulation.
That's the official explanation, but if I was BB I would have shot both Chico and Paz in the head instead of trying to save them. That's what you get for being traitorous and undisciplined.
But no, he saves them instead, gets his dear motherbase fucked up, then earns the right to get his face blown up by a vagina bomb and stay in coma for years.
But is Big Boss Big Boss ?
>wut happun
Kojima felt obligated to write himself out of a corner after MGS2 & MGS3 making sure to try and leave as many "fuck you's" in his wake as he could. MGS4 was clearly him taking the piss after he didn't feel MGS2 needed a sequel.
prior to the rushed release of 5, arguably nothing
The fans, unironically the only reason 4 existed to ruin the series was because people were so fucking retarded that they didn’t understand MGS2’s deliberatly ambigious ending. Kojima stated the cliffhanger was intentional & there was never going to be a canonically Sequel
Metal gear?
The only thing I am getting from this thread is that people are too retarded to understand Kojima's writing. Come on dudes. It's not like you are watching Tarkovsky.
>respecting shit opinions
It's/v/, half these brainlets can't wait for the next ubisoft game.
>But Big Boss was a piece of shit in V.
It was done sloppily though. Kojima should have been building towards this aspect of BB right after mgs3 but instead it all felt rushed and very forced.
>Something Agness has been critical of is Kojima's writing ability, or rather his lack of it. Offering her free opportunity to speak, I asked what she felt, "I think he's very bad at character, and I think he's extremely conventional, as in non-creative, when it comes to plotting. I know that I'll probably get an incredible amount of hate karma - can you say hate karma? - about this. So I'll just say that I did grow up reading, I told you I grew up without TV, so I read instead. And I like Cormac McCarthy, and the science-fiction writers; I love Frank Herbert, I love Alfred Bester, right now I really like Greg Egan, so I am extremely picky, and I do have a high standard when it comes to writing."
Nothing, but i'm waiting for the next game.
Would prefer a completely new game, but it will probably be a remake...or a MGR2, that would be kino.
I just want more fox engine, Konami did some actually good changes recently, so it can actually happen.
Did you skip PW or something? There's an entire game's worth of build up with him doing a load of questionable shit and setting up for his actions in V.
I'm still mad the MGS1 translator, who did a kino job, wasn't able to return on MG because of Kojima not liking that he didn't "translated everything word to word" like the twin snake translation.
I think he now hate Kojima, woudn't be the first person ditched by him, Hayter also is. (and is thankfully returning, while i like Kiefer for V, Hayter still is the voice of snake.)
Kojima thinking he's a good writer/director.
Big boss should've stayed a mysterious legend you only heard about instead of the autistic fag we got to play.
It's funny how time vindicated the fuck out of MGS2 and Raiden specifically with Rising only adding to his character.
A lot of the themes presented in MGS2 feel way too real these days.
PW didn't do jack shit to establish him becoming more villainous.
Rising Raiden is the best raiden.
MGS2 Raiden also was pretty good, MGS4 Raiden just is edgy.
MGR raiden use things from MGS2 and MGS4 Raiden, making it the definitive Raiden.
He's going to die in his next game isn't he? with the path he's now in, he will either die, become a """"vilain"""" like the boss did, or both.
Kojima made the franchise you fucking zoomer. but then Konami destroyed, and they did the same with the Silent Hill
Never played Twin Snakes but what are the notable changes to the script?
Honestly, it would break my heart if he ended up going full DEMON on us but I could understand why it happened that way.
You don't just eat shit your entire life, have a literal mode based around letting your dark side take control and then think to yourself "Oh, I never saw it coming"
At this point if there was a sequel, it would have to be something which incorporates his end-game personality from Rising which is an odd Robin Hood situation of committing crimes for "good" reasons.
He's going to find out that everything after MGS2 has been part of the S3 simulation, every subsequent game has been the patriots creating new context so that Raiden is always forced to return to his killer persona
Konami were right firing Kojima, even if they did it in a shitty way.
And Kojima knew he was probably getting fired, he used Silent Hills to have Reedus and Del toro with him, it was just a tool, use for attention.
He knew the game was going to get canceled, because only he had the fucking ideas, absolutely NOTHING of the game was done, he did it to have even more popularity , and it worked, he's now 3 times more popular than in his MG days.
>the patriots creating new context so that Raiden is always forced to return to his killer persona
Not that user but honestly, this wouldn't surprise me. Every person Raiden fought in MGR had the exact personality Raiden needed to imitate and empathize with to further slip back into Jack the Ripper, ultimately climaxing with Monsoon and then being reinforced with Sundowner and Sam.
>tfw we play as his son in the next game
>He gives his son a katana, then, Raiden do pic related as his combat pose, with his blade and Sam's blade.
Even at the time of Rising, Raiden still don't know what to think of Solidus, and while he hated his past, he still said he wouldn't be the man he is now without him, and thank him for that. Both also had similar goals to be honest, at the end of Rising, Raiden just is a sort of fusion of Solidus, The Boss and Big boss.
Name one better modern espionage plot than kojima's, smart fuck. He had all his MGS games following the same plot as long as a dozen games for decades that sold a bunch lot better compared with Syphon Filters Tom Clancies and other shit
John is fucked. His mother is Rose, his father is Raiden and neither of their memes or genes are going to be particularly beneficial to him growing up.
If it all goes to shit and history repeats itself, I wouldn't be shocked.
MGS2 Raiden is the best arc of him. We learn about him, see his flaws, learn about his past, see him overcome with grief and confusion, then we get to see him overcome from it, we see him change, and talk about high ideas. MGR is just crazy nonsense and cheesey action lines. Thinking it's actually above 2 in how his character is written and developed is silly.
>Something Agness
If he went all that way to fuck with Konami was probably for a good reason. And Silent Hill got fucked when Team Silent got fired by Konami not when Kojima was fired. I still hate Konami for what they did with Silent Hill and love Kojima for bringing some of the good old SH back.
>MGR is just crazy nonsense and cheesey action lines.
Someone didn't listen to the 8 hours codec, is has some very interesting conversations.
Well, Konami do were a lot more in the pachinko and mobile games in 2015, they actually backpedaled quite hard last year, woudn't be surprised of a new game announcement with their changes in the digital entertainement division.
how? the metal gear liquid flies away with is never addressed
Wasn't this Ray the same he used in MGS4?
I think you could make a game between MGS2 and 4 quite easily, a lot of things can happen in 5 years.
Too many goddamn cutscenes. I love the gameplay but godDAMN the characters never shut the fuck up.
I guess you liked V then.
not him but V was good
Konami is holding their franchises like dogs with bones and they will sink all down with them if they have too or might just hire some cheap developers like they did for SH to destroy MGS in the same way
It was good, but a very strange metal gear.
Heck, Survive had more "legacy options" than V. And Survive is a spin off mostly made as a "test" for the devs.
That's why I like it. I don't like most metal gear games but 3 and V play to my sensibilities.
Unlike SH, Konami still considers a lot of MG. I doubt they would do that. Especially since it seem they are slowly trying to make games again. only dev they could call is Platinum for a MGR2. they also have most devs of the oldkojipro still with them, and they have to work on something.
Even if it was a lot inferior to the old ones, Silent Hill downpour wasn't that bad, and while Shaterred memory wasn't even an horror game, the story was original, especially the ending that follows the bad ending of SH1.
We know what happens with that, what is there to complete? Besides, its like MGS2 where the same thing happens.
Anyone can give up a weeb game by turning off the console
But the feeling of larping as an autist larping as an autist is something we cant forget
We hold our franchise on missing sequals
We stand on missing content
This autism is ours
Metal gear kojima hate threads will unleash that thirst for more autism in the future
Assblasted by konami until the end
Still it doesnt feel like our autism over
We'll never be healed from assblasting
If DS is dissapointing and if Konami actually release a good metal gear without Kojima ( a main game, not a spin off.) , the shitstorm would be insane.
Kojimbo forgot that he was supposed to be making a game and instead blew all of his budget on hiring Hollywood actors as VA's and shit.
it would be enough for them to commission a new metal gear rising to platinum not even an actual metal gear solid to do that,
I haven't played it, actually. Not by choice, I just don't have anything I could play it on.
If they do that they will have to fire this developer like they did with Kojima, or he would get payed even more than Kojima
there is absolutely nothing wrong canon wise with MGS3, its so set far enough from the main games that it doesnt contradict anything that happened
it should have been the only prequel
I doubt it, from what i've read, a lot of old staff still is at Konami. some even RETURNED at Konami after Kojima leaving. (some left the company after MGS4.)
Murata is probably going to do the next game, he's the only one who could do it right, guy was a cowriter for most games and worked on most spin offs unlike Kojima. he also directed ZOE2.
Kojima was pressured into working on a series that he was finished with. At the end of 4 Big Boss tells Snake to not go on any more adventures and to just live out the rest of his life normally. It's basically Kojima begging for the world to let him finally be finished with the series. And then we got 2 more games after that...
That's not just Konami tho, the "fans" also are big in that.
After MGS4, he gave MGS4 to Murata, him and Kojima got so many death treats that he was forced to return in 2005.
and now those sames people say that Konami NEED TO GIVE METAL GEAR TO KOJIMA REEE when it's exactly what he doesn't want, and maybe isn't why a lot of his staff didn't followed him : they were tasked to do the legacy of Metal Gear and continue the work.
He did return willingly for PW, but that's just because his team weren't really fine making a game for a younger audience, but since Kojima really wanted that he became the director again.
after MGS3*
It went on too long. Everything from the game design flubs to the narrative contrivances can ultimately be attributed to one guy working on the series for longer than he wanted to and inelegantly straining against its restrictions. Even with all that MGSV is better than most games, though. Better than PO, MGS4, or PW anyway.
From what I've read these Konami devs got transferred from game developers to pachinko mechanics, if that's what you call still in Konami. kotaku.com
>It fixed a 30 year old plothole.
It was never a plothole.
(He) left
Oh of course, I wasn't trying to imply its all Konami's fault. This is what irks me about the attitude that devs/creators should "listen to the fans". Obviously creators should listen to criticism, but most of the time the fans have no idea what's best for the series, they just want more content to consume. Hence why there's going to be endless Star Wars and Marvel movies until we're all dead.
>MGS1 / 2 / 3
>coherent themes, well-told stories, intelligent focused gameplay
>MGS4 / V
>messy stories, fanservice (4) or meta-fanservice (V), all-over-the-place gameplay
Portable Ops isn't noteworthy, Peace Walker falls in between.
>He's going to find out that everything after MGS2 has been part of the S3 simulation, every subsequent game has been the patriots
'except MGS4 ended with the Patriot AI being deleted
That is what they want you to believe.
4 at least /kinda/ had the theme of "putting the series to rest". The crumbling Shadow Moses island, Snake dying of old age etc.
V has to have one of the most incoherent stories I've ever consumed. It's a mess in both a literal reading and in it's subtext.
>got transferred from game developers to pachinko mechanics
exact it literally didn't happen. the pachink isn't the same team, isn't the same building, they are literally not related to the video game branch
Konami Developers Were Asked to Clean Gyms, Work at Pachinko Machine Factory New report describes horrible conditions at the Silent Hills and Metal Gear developer. motherboard.vice.com
MGSV isn't hard to comprehend thematically, but the game marginalizes its own story so much that even if one can still parse what the game is doing a lot of the impact is lost. For a game about the pitfalls of cyclical revenge it feels pretty aimless and irresolute sometimes. Titus Andronicus it is not. I think it's still the most interesting game in the series since MGS2 on a thematic level, but it's a waste all the same.
kojima got bored of it around 4 and konami forced him to make more, eventually they got more involved and we got the shit that 5 is
It will be so good when DS becomes a hit and all Kojima bitching/Konami cocksucking on Yea Forums stop
>kojima bitches
>implying they would ever admit a game is mediocre
even if the game was bad, it still gonna get good scores cuz:
1. made by kojima
2. sony exclusive
and if, IF the game was undeniably bad, they would still pass the blame to anyone but kojima
Yea Forums's never going to stop bitching about Kojima. If the game's good Yea Forums will take the usual ebin contrarian stance and say it's actually shit, and if it's bad they'll take it as proof that they were right all along about Kojima and Konami.
There's no one else to blame but yourselves for doing all the Kojima bitching before the game being released, this all proves how much full of shit Yea Forums are.
>A lot of the themes presented in MGS2 feel way too real these days.
That is because it is. Censorship is running rampant today.
played MGS2 twice over spring break, I think people need to realize it was far and away one of the greatest sequels ever made and its message is incredibly powerful
the message is people don't have souls and neither do you as represented by Raiden and that everyone in your life/society has manipulated you into what you are today
Only 1 Revengeance game.
I love how this tripe somehow acts like Devil May Cry is a bigger franchise than Metal Gear.
>by god's will
>any MGS
Why did the patriots HAVE TO BE the team from MGS3's virtuous mission? That reveal was just so damn shit and it pretty much ruins the series on that alone. If they wanted the Patriots to be characters from the games they could have just went with Big Boss and Ocelot instead and just throw in a bunch of government officials, techies, scientists or bankers unknown to the players until the reveal. So the rest of the Patriots weren't ever mentioned in previous games until 4, big fucking deal. What I said makes more sense, way more sense actually, then it being the MGS3 team and Ocelot and Big Boss being tied in would at least made sense since they were seemingly the biggest villains in the franchise anyways.
Because MGS4 was fanservice the game
Which means it will forever be a pile of shit.
Idk, it mananges to insert some pretty good commentary on the costs of commercialism with the BBCORPS and Raiden
>I'll take what I get, all of these people I'm obeying have great dicks to suck even though they're violent ruthless monsters.
Why did MGSV positively advocate being a slave?
So Kojima is just a big giant pussy? He doesn't have to work on the games if he didn't want. He is just a self righteous idiot though and was making crap up.
WTF are you talking about
The ending where Medic chooses to suck Big Boss' dick and accept being Big Boss.
>What went wrong?
They lost the rights to the Metal Gear Solid Main Theme.
The real mind behind MGS was Tomokazu Fukushima.
Sadly, he left the series at 4. That's why 4 is a mess.
MGS2 was a test to see if they could create great soldiers. Not a simulation.
This tbqh
yep, They foresee what memes were about to become. It's a really insightful game.
So I have some unexpected free time on my hands, and plan on finally sitting down and playing this series in a couple days on PS Now.
What am I in for?
Pop quiz, which MGS games did MGR:R have better writing than?
Death stranding is a game with time manipulation as a central theme, mgs is a game about multiple "clones" that get in each other ways, what if theyre not clones at all but the same person at different points in time recalled to the same point in time?
MGS1 writers
Hideo Kojima
Tomokazu Fukushima
MGS2 writers
Hideo Kojima
Tomokazu Fukushima
MGS3 writers
Hideo Kojima
Tomokazu Fukushima
Shuyo Murata
MGS4 writers
Hideo Kojima
Shuyo Murata
MGSPO writers
Gakuto Mikumo
MGSPW writers
Hideo Kojima
Shuyo Murata
MGSV writers
Hideo Kojima
Shuyo Murata
Hidenari Inamura
Etsu Tamari
hm.... such a lust for revenge.
Tomokazu Fukushima, he was the man behind the series.
Design wise they're all pretty solid, except for Solid 4... but they probably hadn't enough time to work on that because CUTSCENES.