What do you want to see?
What do you want to see?
Anchorage Alaska or Denver
Two cities.
Character creation.
Some rudimentary stats like in San Andreas.
Denver would be pretty cool.
The option to make your player model really fat.
An online mode with servers that don't make me want to go home and rethink my life.
Australia, rockstar uncucking themselves, less microtransaction heavy online, less load times, more focus on gameplay and the core demographic
Isn't that Saints row
Goofy sense of humor, like San Andreas had.
A HD remake of GTA III with the 9/11 mission being there and not cut.
Isn't that also saints row🐸
A singleplayer experience like Mass effect where your decisions have consiquences and character creation.
>6 years later GTA: Online is still a broken, unplayable clusterfuck
I want a gigantic fucking city you can never really learn by heart, and less reliance on maps and GPS.
V's Los Santos felt like that the first few times I played the game but I figured out the entire map within 5-6 hours, which is less than even what took me to memorize San Andreas, which I played as a kid.
it is, yes.
Jokes about trannies, jews and feminists.
Tarrant visiting the Rock star office.
good screenwriting for once
Las Venturas and casino rivalries
maybe keep the map, but remove the gps entirely.
i feel like itd make more sense to make an open world game without quest markers or gps holding your hand throughout missions.
1. responsive controls and no sluggish animations
2. no camera auto level when driving
this is the base minimum
Naked women
Vice City. I hope it's set in the 80's or the early 90's. If it's not in these times, then they bettertry and make it interesting in the modern times.
How about 60-70s SanFran or something else (what they'd never used yet)
Russia or Japan.
Or anything in 80s.
I want shit that ADD suffering autists don't want
>Gigantic map
Make the map huge as fuck and put more shit in it to do to keep crybabies happy
>Better vehicles
Most of the cars in V felt the same, only with minute differences. Air vehicles were fucking atrocious. If I want to fly in a jet like a Hydra, I want the fucking thing to fly FAST. It's pretty fucking bad when the Hydra feels the same speed as a Cuban. Going back to map size, make it big enough to be able to fly fast. Also, more vehicle mods.
>Fix the fucking police
All the GTA games have stupid fucking AI when it comes to police, IV and V were terrible. You get 1 star and police instantly spawn 100 yards away... Ghetto bird cops know your exact location 100% of the time, you can cheat to teleport to the games ceiling limit and they still spawn around you. They might not see you directly, but they always know where you are. And fuck endless waves of cops too. If you break the law, it should take a few minutes for police to get a call, then respond (if witness see you and call in, if no witnesses see you break the law, cops shouldn't respond at all until an NPC sees the crime scene)
No speed cap.
character creation
body changes base on diet and gym membership
City economy
NPC's have lives and sustain the city economy
Have to join a faction or create your own
Faction offeres protection from jeleaous factions
Factions become violent to the top faction
Can become a criminal or a law abiding citizen
Big tiddy goth gfs
Didn't Driver already do that? That seems familiar. But I agree, something new instead a return to Liberty City. People want to go back to Vice City but no point since it was 80s Miami and pointless without the 80s.
Either Australia or a country in Eastern Europe.
On a related note, I think there should be a western sort of game taking place in late 19th century rural Romania, my country has some cool stories set in that time period.
After the RPG-like systems in RDR2 I'd like to see some similar stuff in VI
I don't
It's time for Chicago
female or lgbtq main character who kills white cis men
Memorable radio stations
We already had that.
80s A E S T H E T I C S
I home RockStar will address ableists' privilege
yeah well I want it back, and even fatter.
Also jiggle physics.
>No spoonfeeding
Every GTA game starts out where you already have an established network of connections. Make a GTA game where you're a literal nobody, you have no money, no connections, you know people but they aren't involved in crime. Start off as some loser with no money and through your actions you start to meet people. Like if you see a car and steal it, you must hide it somewhere, and then go looking for information on who might be able to change VIN/plates, or sell it for you for $$$$. You're walking along and happen to see a drug deal go down, you walk up and talk to the dealer, and from the info you gather you go looking for someone who can start you on the path to dealing drugs... Give it a main story, but also make it a true sandbox with more shit to do
PC release day one
They're too reliant on smartphones as a gameplay crutch/gimmick to ever go back in time. Besides that if they went back to the 60's or 70's they wouldn't be able to do le epic satire of modern America. Poking fun of hippies or Goodfellas style mobsters with oily hair and porn moustaches isn't really breaking any new ground. It's a shame because the period is also more appealing and interesting to me personally.
Oh and let's not forget trying to get an authentic 60's or 70's soundtrack (or at least the bands people remember from the era) would be ludicrously expensive. Mafia 3 did okay, but it was anchored by a lot of CCR balanced out by a shit ton of old pop and forgotten country and western.
I don’t.
I want to see [caps]TECHNOLOGY
I don't want another static world like V where they actually went backwards and took out interactions and levels of vehicle damage.
It should have all kinds of technology, from Mudrunner type shit in the offroad sections to NCG style car damage.
Mafia 3 managed to poke fun at Trump in a le epic satire of modern America xD just fine.
a good game
>authentic 60's or 70's soundtrack (or at least the bands people remember from the era) would be ludicrously expensive
You do remember that Rockstar made BILLIONS off V, right? They could afford it.
I don't think it would go down well with the moralists, the fact that all of their characters are established criminals and "bad guys" at the start makes the games go down easier with the public at large. A "turning bad" video game would be a lot more controversial I believe.
It's an unnecessary expense and the fact that they made a ton would only make the musicians gouge the prices on the licenses even more
>They're too reliant on smartphones as a gameplay crutch/gimmick
use payphones as the general mission hub for messages, contacting bosses, buying properties etc
as for the music problem, lots of bands from the 70's besides Bowie, ACDC or KISS have been forgotten by the public, hell even T-rex or Frank Zappa music rights wouldnt be hard to get, nevermind all of the soul/funk music by forgotten artists
Stop focusing on the shitty online and deliver a good singleplayer experience with good gameplay.
that's what Agent was supposed to be, rather they did a new IP like that
Yeah but Mafia 3 on the whole had a more serious and grounded storyline/tone to it, so a few jabs here and there can slide. GTA is a constant in your face barrage of pop culture references and "commentary" and that would be very hard to transfer over to a totally different time period.
True, I could see focus groups clutching their vaginas and blaming it for literally everything that happens in the real world
It wouldn't be any more expensive as the modern shit that they paid royalties on. In fact, it may even be cheaper, most old school bands/musicians from that era would most likely be stoked that that their music is being exposed to more people, because that means more money in their pocket and record label's pocket from people going out and buying albums.
1970's Liberty City would be a great change of pace
>Police are more aggresive
>crime can happen everywhere commited by everyone even against you (you can get mugged at gunpoint, your car can get jacked etc)
>Street gangs roaming the streets and attacking you based on your rep with them
>can give greater backstory on the GTA IV mafia families and the Mcrearies
>extreme urban decay, Areas from GTA IV will be different or will be completely run down
>porn theathers and pimps everywhere
it's also not realistic, people aren't just law abiding citizens having a good life and just decide to turn to crime.
Being born into it, and surrounded by it until it's normalized and systemic, and feels like the only way out is way more realistic and compelling.
We want to relate to our main character and understand their motivations.
Female protag. Mid-30s. 75% michael, 25% trevor. The gym from SA to return.
People ALWAYS say "GO BACK TO VICE CITY!" but I bet my house that isn't going to happen.
Vice City was about a time and a place - Miami in the 1980s, when it was a notorious place, immortalised in TV shows like Miami Vice and movies like Scarface. Is Miami a notorious place now? No, not really. So they wouldn't do modern day Miami, would they? It's just not interesting enough or notable enough. And of course they're not going to do 1980s Miami again because they've already done that.
I think it would be interesting if they did the Washington DC area - there's so much they could satirise and lampoon. I don't know if they would do it, because perhaps it's a bit too political. But it would be pretty cool I think.
Also because I'm British I think it would be cool if they did London (which of course they did ages ago with GTA London 1969 and 1961), especially since they could lampoon Brexit, but I don't think they would do it, because it might alienate their core American audience too much.
Who knows what it will be. Firstly, it might not come out for ages, due to GTA Online doing so well, and RDR 2 as well. Secondly, I reckon it will be something that surprises us. They won't want to do Liberty City or Los Santos again after doing them in the last two games, I would think. I guess they could do San Fierro again, and indeed the whole Silicon Valley region, since that's very relevant in today's world, but sunny California is probably too similar to GTA V.
Another cool option might be multiple cities in Europe. Maybe London, Paris and Berlin, and you can fly between them. That would be cool.
Who knows. But I very much doubt it will be Vice City. Modern day Miami is just not very notable and important. And the sunny setting is probably too similar to Los Santos anyway.
based post
I mean they already satirised SF hippies in San Andreas.
>buying properties
They can add NPCs for that and for buying cars etc
Cassidy and Butch story
nigga GTA V had Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Marroon 5 and fucking Kendrick Lamar
Rockstar clearly doesnt give a shit about music expenses
>25% trevor
Fuck that, the "crazy female" shit is fucking annoying. We have enough of women LARPing like they're crazy in the real world as it is.
i want it set in london
I don't think Chicago is important enough or notable enough in this day and age. Surely they would pick somewhere notable enough, important enough, recognisable enough, that a global audience would recognise whatever issues they're lampooning which are tied to that city.
Here's your 70s GTA bro. It even has a modern America option for the millennials with smart phones.
the soundtrack for VC was probably super expensive as well.
>Vice City was about a time and a place - Miami in the 1980s
But what about San Andreas/V? San Andreas was the early 90's during the LA riots and shit, nothing happened in V like that.
>go to the normal gun store to get the common weapons
>get the number of a shady guy who meets you in a hotel for ''special'' weapons
the other thing people forget about miami is that it has absolutely no interesting scenery or geography surrounding the city itself.
After GTAV had mountains and lakes and deserts surrounding it you think the next game is going to have 100 square miles of explorable flat swamp?
>mwf cops aren't the main reason to be concerned about.
i liked this game but its world simply isnt as fleshed out as GTA
GTA would have let you dance in Discos and become a drug dealer
Some of them aren't larping.
I want them to finally fuck off with their bullshit slow-as-fuck molasses tank controls they've been using since IV.
forgot the pic
>Body changes based on diet and gym membershp
Boring, why would a GTA game require the need to eat or else you starve.
>Have to join a faction or create your own
Seems dope if you could join the vagos or ballas or have a choice at all.
>Faction offers protection from jealous factions and become violent to the top faction
Even saints row had this, so if it's about gangs then this will definitely be in.
>Can become a criminal or a law abiding citizen
>Law abiding citizen
YAAAAWN. Besides it's better for the quality of a game if either one is fleshed out, just like in L.A. Noire
>We have enough of women LARPing like they're crazy in the real world as it is.
We also have enough criminals and murderers. This is vidya, dipshit. We can have anything.
>think you are safe from the wanted level only to get mugged in the fucking metro
>shoot the guy
>nobody cares, the wanted rating doesnt even go up
now im actually sad this will never happen
The Scarface game had Caribbean Islands which were pretty cool
Los Angeles is a very important, globally recognisable and influential city in today's day and age. So that's most likely why Rockstar thought that current day LA would be a great setting, despite having already done a historical version of LA (alongside two other cities, mind).
Miami, however, is no longer really a very important or influential city. What even happens in Miami? Nothing notable or important. LA has Hollywood of course, and Beverley Hills where tons of rich and influential people live. That's why modern LA is ripe for lampooning and satirising. There's tons of material. I don't think that's really the case with modern day Miami.
99% are. The 1% who aren't are cat ladies, drug addicts, or locked up in mental institutes. The rest are normal women who pretend to be something they aren't for attention because they heard that "most guys like that kind of shit" when we fucking don't
The only places that really fit that bill are LA, NY and maybe Vegas. Florida is irrelevant in the 21st century.
>People ALWAYS say "GO BACK TO VICE CITY!" but I bet my house that isn't going to happen.
The title "VIce city" is just begging to be made, It's really the most likely one.
What about GTA set in 1920s/30s Chicago?
"crazy" LARPing roaster confirmed
It will be set in seattle.
A side character and/or villain will be a thinly veiled jab at jeff bezos.
The amazon spheres will be present but they will be a pair of boobies.
>I don't think that's really the case with modern day Miami.
Rockstar can make a game based off Floridaman
They could do modern Miami, but going through a vaporvawe craze or seen through such a lens
well Mafia exists and it this point id rather have Rockstar take over Mafia after that piece of shit called Mafia 3
>I think there should be a western sort of game taking place in late 19th century rural Romania
>my country has some cool stories set in that time period.
People who say that switching between liberty city and san andreas is boring and already done are right, but why
request your own country for whatever reason just because YOU would think that's dope. It screams patriotism
They won't go that far back in time. Those old timey settings are polarizing for the average people who buy these games.
Medieval Fantasy setting Grand Theft Auto, riding off the success of Game of Thrones.
But it's about time and place, remember? Nothing going on in Los Angeles in this day in age, besides literally who rappers getting smoked by some gang member looking for brownie points. Los Angeles in modern times is nothing like the Los Angeles of the early 90's. Gangs are still there, but that shit isn't anywhere near as bad as it was
Rockstar games need to evolve if they want to stay on top.
Yeah I would love London (but I'm British so maybe I'm a bit biased), but from a pure business perspective, Rockstar might think that it would alienate their American audience too much, and that's where the bulk of their sales will come from.
It would be awesome though. They could even combine it with a couple of other European cities like Paris and Berlin. Who knows though.
I think another cool place would be the Washington DC area, since they've never done that, and there's tons of material to lampoon there, especially in the Trump era. Obviously they would have to do it in a way that doesn't alienate Trump supporters - but I'm sure Rockstar would equally lampoon the Democrats because they usually do lampoon both sides. But yeah, it would be a cool setting - it could include bits of Virginia with the Pentagon and the CIA and FBI, etc. Your character could be a government contractor or something. I think it would be pretty cool. And it would have global appeal because most people around the world are aware of American politics, because it's always in the news. And it wouldn't alienate the American customer base like London might do.
Back to London and we make fun of what that shithole has become.
>want to play a character that is professional 75% of the time
>but has a mean streak that occasionally shines through
New York City, Los Angeles, San Fran, Las Vegas, Miami are done.
Chicago, Houston, Washington, D.C. are only super relevant cities left according to the "Globalization and World Cities Research Network" in USA.
how about GTA VI set in 2001/2002?
at this point early 2000's nostalgia is kicking in with people and the era is now as for removed from today like the 80's where when VC released
>height of populace mass paranoia due to 9/11
>war in the middle east going into full gears
>post 9/11 patriotic uprising in the American culture
>Videogames and schoolshootings all over the news (im sure Rockstar is dying to have a Jack Thompson expy in their games)
>popular music like EDM, boybands and poppunk and Crunk in the radios
>return of MSX FM
>ricer car culture booming in popularity
>Jackass expy that has missions scattered that focus on stylish suicidal shit
>spikey hair,flamey shirts and other terrible fashion
>internet cafes with bigass computers
>blocky cellphone
>GTA 3 fully playable on a console
>GTA equivilent of the Timberlake/Jackson superbowl exposure
>Sopranos parody gang
>George Dubya Bush
Didn't mean it should necessarily be made by Rockstar, just that the setting is cool and has untapped potential. Take it easy, friend.
It's a strong contender.
>Literally so rectumravaged you're inventing shit I never said.
Nowhere in any of my posts did I even insinuate that I wanted to play as a "professional" anything. In fact, I said the complete opposite. Try harder, but cope in the process
The OP clearly asked what do you want to see in GTA 6, what do you mean that it shouldn't necessarily be made by Rockstar?
It's not like they would ever sell the franchise or let anyone else make the game for them.
Russia, and the online shenanigans probably won't be that far off from real Russia.
DC sounds reasonable.
Vice City remake
Doesn't make a difference what we want in the next game really, seeing as Dan Houser said that they aren't gonna put out another GTA game because Trump is president. So if Trump gets a second term, which is a possibility, we won't see another GTA game until after 2024. What happens if another conservative is elected, again another possibility, what will Dan Houser's excuse be?
Yeah exactly - I mean for me the most notable thing about Florida is the space launches from the Kennedy Space Centre. But that alone probably doesn't make the state notable enough to be the setting of another GTA game.
I think that's probably too old to be a GTA game.
That's a pretty cool idea actually, but I don't know if it's notable enough for a GTA game. I guess maybe they could combine it with parts of Canada and Alaska. But still, I'm not sure they would do it. Besides, modern tech companies were already lampooned in GTA V. So they might go for something else this time. This is why I think the Washington DC area would be cool because they've never done it before - as long as they lampooned the Republicans and Democrats equally and didn't get too political with it then I think it would be cool. Your character could be a criminal government contractor or something.
>Nothing going on in Los Angeles in this day in age
I'd disagree. LA is one of the most globally influential cities, perhaps THE most globally influential city due to Hollywood. As a city just by itself though it's probably the second-most iconic American city after NYC.
Hear me out guys, what about Indianapolis. There's all sorts of racing, sports, and startup business that couldn't afford silicone valley. It's also fucking dangerous as shit in some parts. I'd love to play a game making fun of hoosiers the whole time.
This isn't a bad idea but goddamn does it make me feel old for remembering all that shit
Your reactions when it's revealed as an EGS permanent exclusive.
you and me both friend
WTF is his problem?
>LA is one of the most globally influential cities
That literally means nothing. There is nothing of significance happening in Los Angeles right now. Again, place and time. Vice City was during the height of drugs and mob shit happening in Miami, San Andreas was during the LA riots and the height of gang activity. Nothing happening in LA like that at all right now. There wasn't even anything happening in NY for IV.
>you're old if you remember shit from early 2000s
Zoomers were a fucking mistake
sounds dope user. would play
>why would a GTA game require the need to eat or else you starve.
you seem to forget that San Andreas had this
Yeah this is why I think DC would be pretty cool. Chicago is not very important or influential in today's world, honestly. Neither is Houston. SoCal is important for being the home of Hollywood and obviously the home of Silicon Valley, both of which are very influential in today's world, but obviously they already covered that in GTA V. And NYC is the financial capital of the US, but of course they did that in GTA IV. So DC, the capital of government in the US, would be a good candidate next I think.
GTA III was already set in 2001 wasn't it. So I'm not sure if they would go for that.
Do you mean LA or Miami? I don't think Miami is a strong contender in this day and age, it's not notable or important enough.
I thought 3 was set in the 2000s
Set in 90s Moscow. Suka blyat squat cheeki breeki edition.
2000 was 19 years ago
Rage Against The Machine and Nine Inch Nails are dadrock now
anti-Trump libcuck bullshit trying to make it seem like Trump would block the game from being released or some shit, even though GTA games made fun of both sides of the political isle. How much you wanna bet that the next GTA will be full anti-republican bullshit? That's probably why he wants to wait until Trump is gone.
a linear action adventure
3 didnt take as much from the tropes from the era, it was much more focused on 70's movie tropes from shit like Goodfellas
I know, but he's talking about diet here. Instead of just going to the cluckin bell, you would need to eat healthy and varied types of food so going to multiple stores would be a possibility. And that seems like a hassle
Why does anyone say Eastern Europe and Russia? Why do you want to let anglo libcucks to shit over our glorious wasteland? We'll make our own games when get more money.
Shit, my local "classic rock" radio stations play Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Metallica...
>80s again
>character creator
>less focus on online (I know it won't happen but one can dream)
I didn't know I wanted this but now I do
Let's be honest, everyone in this thread is wrong and the game should be set "three weeks in the future" again.
Oh, I thought you meant starving to death
This is a great idea
>There is nothing of significance happening in Los Angeles right now
Apart from Hollywood which is still hugely globally influential, the most influential movie industry on the planet by a significant margin. And apart from all the celebrities who live in LA. And remember that GTA V didn't just really satirise LA, it did SoCal in general, which is why we saw tech companies like "LifeInvader", when of course Facebook in real life is based close to SF rather than LA. But even besides that, like I say, LA is probably the second most iconic American city after NYC, due to Hollywood and celebrities. So to say that nothing happens there is incomprehensibly stupid.
>There wasn't even anything happening in NY for IV
Now that I would agree with to some extent. But NYC is iconic enough anyway that it doesn't matter.
this, just make another GTA 2
My bad, i worded it vaguely
IV was set in the 2000s too, I think 2008-9
Miami is way more notable on a global financial scale now than the 1980s.
I don't want to see anything
4 and 5 convinced me they lost their ability to make gta great
Implying 3 wasn't dogshit
>cut scene
>follow gps for 3 minutes while people talk
>do x
>follow gps back to another quest
literally anything different from that
Still not the same thing as gangs, riots, mobs, or drugs of the 80's-90's no matter how much you want it to be. That mickey mouse bullshit isn't even in the ballpark. Were you even alive in the 80's and 90's? I'm guessing no, because saying it's just as significant as it was in the 80's and 90's is flat out fucking retarded. LA now is not even close to LA then, it's literally dead.
Return of multi-characters. They wanted to add it so you wouldn't have to drive across the map countless times just to continue the quest so switching to another character is neat. The problem with it was that all three of MC in 5 ended up being underdeveloped. The solution might be to reduce it to 2 MCs.
Also i wanted custom playlists for so long. They have fuck ton of radio stations with good music and bad music, i don't want to listen through bad or constantly changing stations. Also an MP3 player on MC's phone to listen to music while on foot.
I don't really care about the setting since most of modern US cities look pretty much the same, except maybe Boston.
This, even Hollywood is a pale imitation of what it once was. Unless you're one of those fags who enjoys an endless cycle of cross-referencing capeshit franchises and Flanderized remakes of older classics.
We currently have worse gang violence than any US city ever had.
how would Yea Forums react if he came back as protag
Wouldn't mind honestly, though they won't bring him back because of their whole "muh old engine" bullshit excuse
A realistically sized city with an appropriate countryside and no "muh island" bullshit. Would also like to see a non-m*tt/*nglo city for once
GTA IV driving. It's largely a car game so it makes sense to give driving a skill curve.
Claude is the only GTA protag to defy the continuity
he exists within both the GTA classic and GTA 3 universe
it would only keep the tradition of they made a HD verse version of him
Holy fucking shit yes. Fuck every other garbage post in the thread and bring back motherfucking Anywhere City and its retrofuture cars and crazy-ass factions.
Mate, I suggested Australia or Eastern Europe, then went on a tangent. That's all.
>GTA IV driving
That shit was the worst part of IV. Every land vehicle leaned 5 feet side to side when doing mild cornering, all motorcycles went damn near completely horizontal, all cars drove like they were on bald tires on ice... Fuck that shit
Well too bad, because they'll double down on the shark cards, and sacrifice more gameplay mechanics just for some graphical quality.
I have been waiting for a thread like this.
>Embrace the old art style and aesthetics.
The UI for the past 2 games are bland as shit, Give it some color or style like the 3D games.
>A new mega-map.
We need a map greater than SA, 3 or more city's with filler in between, Well built
>No gimmicks.
Fuck having 3 protagonists, And special powers like bullet time or invincibility, focus on the core gameplay instead
>More stuff to spend your money on.
All the GTA games suffer from this, We need stuff to spend all that cash on, it's pointless otherwise
>No GTA Online/Sharkcards.
Not going to happen but i can dream, The series started as a singleplayer game
> A new "game changing" feature.
The fact that you could swim and climb objects in SA was a huge upgrade to the core game, We need something new like that
I want to be able to play as a woman and make her really fucking fat and make her wear a bikini or go nude, and have jiggle physics haha
i expect that after RDR2 Rockstar will make GTA single protage again
RDR2 almost had the multi protag gimmick but they clearly ditched it to focus on Arthur wich resulted in a more focused story
GTA 6, whenever it comes out ^+ years from now, needs to abandon multiplayer altogether. Keep the fucking game single player and focus on making DLC. If people want to play it multiplayer, let the community do it like they did with MTA/SAMP. Rockstar proved that they don't know what the fuck they were doing with Online. It won't happen though, that sweet sweet Shark Card™ revenue is too delicious to give up
GTAO and its whales made sure that every GTA game from now will have some form of MP with MTX
Every car in GTA 4 felt unique and was interesting to drive. Scrubs like you couldn't stop crying that you crash your car if you drive into a curve with 110 mph. Now we have this dumbed down driving in GTA 5 where every car feels like it's glued to the road.
>Dan "wiggle your toes or I'll cancel your shows" Schneider
Vice citys return.
More like GTA 3, VC or SA, or RDR1. Less like GTA V and RDR2. Basically roll back on the over realism and cutscenes. 1 character. Chicago would be a cool setting.
After RDR2 I gave up on rockstar ever making a good game
Call me casual faggot how much you want but V driving > IV driving.
IV driving wasn't "realistic", they just added weight to cars and they moved like a curling stones on ice. V was very basic but enjoyable, they also improved AI and spawning so there was no clusterfucks like on GTA IV's bridges all the time.
>Every car in GTA 4 felt unique
No they didn't that's categorically false, retard. Every car handled like absolute ass, you either never played it, or you're being a contrarian peter gazer for the sake of arguing
coop in story mode
TIHS! Or at the very least acknowledge the memeticity of the floridaman.
The atmosphere and soul that 4 had that 5 lost. Also an online that is focused on fun and chaos like 4 and not a dumb life simulator with bullshit grind
This user knows. Also 2023 is my guess
Good physics, car customisation deeper than "lol throw all the upgrades on" and an extensive street racing campaign.
What's the point of arguing about the setting, it's going to be either Bay Area or NY again. It's not like Rockstar likes to make cities that aren't associated with pop culture, otherwise we would have DC or Chicago or idk Denver?
I didn't know that was an actual cheat code, had to google it, that's pretty cool.
Maybe you already understand this but that's a reference to Scottish culture because that's where deep fried Mars bars are from, and GTA is of course made in Scotland.
a smaller but more detailed map with more things to do. gta V was mostly fucken empty desert
And a highway that leads no where, Probably the worst map in the series
VIce City
>"muh Scotland"
>*puts two english dudes that eventually oust a scottish lead produces in charge*
If driving in GTA IV was the worst part, then wew, I hate to know how bad it was in V.
>Call me casual faggot how much you want but V driving > IV driving.
Yes you are, and should be shot.
Anybody who wants dumbed down video games shouldn't have any voice in the industry.
Game over screens if you don't follow exactly what papa rockstar wants you to do.
V went too far in the opposite direction, the cars are super responsive, way too much traction and stop on a dime
If you went 50/50 between 4 and 5s physics you'd actually have a pretty nice arcade handling system
I'd be up for that
this is well thought out. take my like
>dumbed down
>implying IV's driving was hard in any way
It wasn't hard. It wasn't challenging. It wasn't driving simulator. You don't need to switch gears or put a car on a brake manually every time.
It was pretty much the same as San Andreas' driving but with more weight added to cars that's it, stop acting like you're special snowflake with a superior taste, you really aren't. GTA IV had many great features but driving just wasn't one of them
they can't take hypercars away from ratkids and dudebros
>It was pretty much the same as San Andreas' driving but with more weight added to cars that's it
Based, which means it was better and more complex. Instead they went in the opposite direction in V and basically took IV's system and modded all the parameters down to make it simpler.
Any and all the content of whatever online component also being available in the single player.
If by complex you mean driving like a curling stone on ice then yeah, i agree with you.
Man, I forgot that was a real image and not made up entirely by /SCPg/.
Gta 6 will be hard. They used to joke on American culture but now the us look like idiocracy. What could they make fun of? It's all too far gone.
And then the sjw s have too much power rn. They can't do it atm.
What it will look like: poc will fight against ebil racist. President is an idiot. Stronk wymyn.
The benz will have his revenge
set in mexico
Hmmm, maybe a diet you put at the beggining of the game. Just to add some immersion. Maybe a mechanic where you have to select your food monthly on your phone. Each food have it's strenghts and weaknesses on your character
Being able to quit, join or create a faction at anytime. Can also give your faction to your highest ranking member so factions have an ever changing hierarchy.
>law abiding citizen
Good point. What would a law abiding citizen even do?
>introducing jobs
>can bullshit your entrance to the law abiding citizen and your way up to the top
>can bribe with money or threat with violence your entrance
More appealing now?
>3 years since announcement
>nothing to show yet
I'm very sceptical about that game
Imagine infiltrating a mega corporation by force and having it for money laundering your faction 's underworld money
Reminder that rockstar haven't even finished the rdr online yet, and it seems they will only start working on the next gta, IF, they start to, in 2 years
*flies away*
Well it was announced it was starting development, When most games get announced they are already half finished. He is not the only ex R* employee working on it either, There's a few of them
I would like to see them do something different and let you play as a cop instead
>Well it was announced it was starting development, When most games get announced they are already half finished
I know that but 3 years is enough time to make some progress and show your game. People know practically nothing about what it actually is, what kind of gameplay it's going to have etc.
IV was already an informal remake of III.
Well they have Amazon money, Allegedly they cut a deal with amazon and are using their lumber yard engine.
And the fact that Leslie didn't just retire after R* gives me faith that he is in it for more than money, I'm sure he has plenty of it already
Benzies acts like was The most important guy and the fact that some of the Rockstar devs joined him to make Everywhere gives him sort of a legitimacy but do we know for a fact what he actually did in Rockstar? Just curious.
>2 player characters story
>you play as a notorious criminal and the detective trying to take him down
One problem I will point out about previous GTAs is that it never really felt like the whole city was full of other criminals. You might occasionally have someone driving aggresively, but it’d be nice if they’d put effort into making other NPCs that go on rampages and rob stores, etc.
Something like the riot cheat code from the old games, only maybe 1 in every 300 or so NPCs is another criminal.
I want them to go back to 60s London.
You can make it like V's in IV by turning the driving parameters down. It's literally simpler, in actual driving and mechanically.
He worked at R* since the 90's back when it was called DMA Design, He was the producer for GTA 3, VC, SA, Manhunt, IV + DLC, CTW, And V, He was also the executive producer for Max Payne 3, LA Noir, And RDR. In fact he saved RDR when it was in development, Dan and Sam sent him emails begging for help saying "we need the benz!" and kissing his ass about how good he is, Google it
>Oi show me your satire loicense m8
I feel like if they make GTA set in UK they're gonna get assraped by their own government. And they not gonna do a game set in the past because it's not gonna sell as well as games set in modern times. Your average normie doesn't care about old cars, old aesthetics, themes and music. Your average normie would liked to enter a fast car, turn on modern hip-hop radio station and fuck around for a while and then turn off the game.
Red dead redemption did just fine. Plenty of open world period games do just fine. I'm not really sure what you're getting at. At this point normies, you included, will just buy up anything Rockstar makes and call it great.
V had stats didn't it
>In fact he saved RDR when it was in development, Dan and Sam sent him emails begging for help saying "we need the benz!" and kissing his ass about how good he is, Google it
I heard that but that's what HE said, which is not a very objective source of information, unfortunately. I'm not saying he's a liar or anything like that, just saying that i would like to know what he actually did. Video game producer is such a broad term it's hard to understand what people actually do, unlike "AI programmer" or "Quest designer" etc.
You mean even worse after the first set of heists was released.
>Red dead redemption did just fine
Exactly, it did fine, not great and definitely nearly as good as GTA V. Anything less than GTA V's sales for the next game would be considered a failure
>Being born into it, and surrounded by it until it's normalized and systemic, and feels like the only way out is way more realistic and compelling
>We want to relate to our main character and understand their motivations
You had me up until this retarded shit. For the most part, personality is a genetic phenomenon. Being “raised around crime” doesn’t actually make a difference in whether or not someone has a criminal mindset. It should not matter whether a character who is meant to be an aberration of society is relatable or not. They should not be expected to have internally consistent or understandable motivations because the vast majority of criminals do not have coherent beliefs or motivations in real life.
Finally you're awake
I'd like all of these. I know there's no way Rockstar's giving up on having a set protagonist and realistically they'll never make another game with multiple cities since even doing one well is a lot of work, so only the last one is realistic unfortunately.
I would love to know too user, I always wanted to know how the games were made, But R* are very secretive.
I guess we will just have to wait and see if the benz lives up to his name, I bet we will see more about his game in the next year or two
My problem with set characters is that almost none of them are likable. I only somewhat liked Nico Bellic.
Aren't they not going to make one for like 5 more years because the Rockstar staff are hardcore #FUCKDRUMPF niggers? What's the point in speculating now. Also, with Activision owning Take-Two, I'm not getting my hopes up.
Got a friend who works at Rockstar.
It's going to be Vice City but I'm sure that was really obvious because of the name (GTA VI).
There are going to be 2 playable characters but here's the big thing - they won't be playable in the same eras. Rockstar is dividing the game up into 80s Vice City and modern Vice City and you'll be switching between the two timelines during the story. There will be choices you get to make and tons of little details in the 80s timeline that will change the story/map in the modern timeline according to the choices. That means they are also effectively creating two different (but same) maps since many things naturally also change in 40 years. He didn't tell me much else but what he promised is that it's going to be a revolutionary fusion of storytelling and gameplay.
I'll try to get proof from him but I can't guarantee anything.
Sounds like you just read the "Leak" that came out last year, Vice city and Cuba, With a female protag.
More interiors and more side activities, especially more criminal side activities.
Nonsense. They are going back to the future.
Bring back the driving mechanics of IV, and give me some decent gunplay mechanics. No AA bullshit.
Washington D.C. set in the early 90's.
I mean that doesn't sound unrealistic with all the gay sci-fi shit in GTAO
A good map this time, not the shit we saw in V. Drop the multiple protagonist shit too.
For online mode I want body sliders and sex animations so I can play a obese woman with giant ass and tiddies and face sit on tiny weak men
I think they should make a game about Trevor since he's the most badass character they have created
Dan Houser doesn't like the current political climate, that's why they are going somewhere else.
We were all kind of hoping that Rockstar would have copied IV's modded driving, but I guess they never even knew what the modders did with it.
If its USA I want the midlands - flats and all the one horse towns.
Or UK. CHAVS and crack and ford escorts. with british countryside. and city.
Neither do i, post some videos
I haven't followed it since like 2011. Basically it's like 4 but less tank controls. Still has all the physics in tight turns.
>imagine taking a speedboat from Miami to Cuba
>they'll never make another game with multiple cities
RDR2 had five states with multiple cities, I don't see why not
I want to doubt you but GTA 2 and GTAO say otherwise, No doubt to compete with Watchdogs and Cyberpunk, God damn it Dan.
Play Scarface: The World is Yours
This, but I have zero faith in Rockstar.
I was thinking about this the other day. With how modern shaders work, someone could potentially make a game set in the 60's and 70's but then go the extra mile and make the game look like a movie that was shot at that time period so that hipsters would eat it up. It worked for pixelshits, so I don't see why not.
that game was addicting
They did this with LA Noire and several people complained that it took too long to get to places. They can only make the cities so big before it stops being a game and starts being a simulation
>Oh and let's not forget trying to get an authentic 60's or 70's soundtrack (or at least the bands people remember from the era) would be ludicrously expensive
They can do what they did with GTA2 and earlier and just get indies to record music that sounds like it's from that time period. Hell, most indies already do that as is.
Almost nobody is considering the potential new uses of technology. Why? Do you think Zen 2 and 16GB GDDR6+4GB DDR4 goes into nothing?
Dude, games taking 8GB RAM with barely any noticeable graphical increase
I'm not even Scottish mate, I'm English, but it is a fact that GTA is made in Scotland. Sorry that seems to cause you a tremendous amount of butthurt. Why are you so sensitive? I just wanted to explain why GTA has Scottish references in it and now all of a sudden you're clutching your tushy in anguish?
More RAM = more variables and content actively in the game. Less loading. In theory this should enable missions to be much more open-ended.
that could potentially be very fun, they can make it be set during the USSR too for added spy shenanigans.
a 90's setting would be more likely though since that's when most of the gang stuff happened. Though at that point it'd feel too much like IV's story
Chicago, modern era, old cars, gangster vibes. Set it up like Gotham city. Make it prohibition 2.0, but instead of alcohol make it more relevant with something like dudeweedlmao. They can play up braindead stoners, mock puritanical types, and add all sorts of things out of Duetert's Phillipines crusade to kill all drug dealers. You'd have gang culture, drugs, corrupt chicago mayors, retro city aesthetic nods to its inspiration (just make the cars fast, whatever), political grandstanding and virtue signaling between the far left and right. It'd work.
Epic store exclusive for one year👌
Vice City, with Everglades and Disney World equivalent. Think of all the Florida Man shit you could throw in it. Also format it as VIce city
I would just buy it of Rockstars store
>With a female protag.
let's hope the sjw shit won't get in the way, 99.999999% of gta players are male.
Detroit. Could have a mix of normal city/suburbs on the outskirts, and pic related style urban hellhole in the city proper.
Of course, iirc Manhunt was in a Detroit equivalent.
>a 90's setting would be more likely though since that's when most of the gang stuff happened. Though at that point it'd feel too much like IV's story
Honestly location wise if they wanted to do Florida they should just do Tampa or Orlando. Orlando is actually weird, very pristine where they know the tourists are going and then you go a block off the beaten path and you're in a nasty hood where half of the buildings are crumbling down, police camping in upper middle white neighborhoods, an all around healthy mix of crime and wealth. Tampa has a lot of neat areas that make it up and a similar aesthetic and vibe to old Miami with ybor and bayshore areas. Both cities are ultimately more important now days too and you aren't yet expected to 100% speak spanish like you are in Miami.
Old Dan has to virtue signal, Expect it
Didn't mean to have that green text there, forgot to delete it my bad.
Who cares, after their past few games I dont trust them to do anything right. It'll be shit
Sadly its all we got, GTA clones are dead
Vice City II
Detroit could be pretty fun as a setting. Carcer City had vibes from it, but it wasn't really an expy - more just a caricature of the Rust Belt in general. Could be Detroit, but it could also be Cleveland, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, the worse parts of Jersey, etc. I'm pretty sure that it's supposed to be close to Liberty City, so my guess is that it's actually in the worse parts of the Philly/South Jersey region.
>The GaWC examines cities worldwide to narrow them down to a roster of world cities, then ranks these based on their connectivity through four "advanced producer services": accountancy, advertising, banking/finance, insurance, and law.
It's a shit ranking especially for something like GTA.
The only way that's going to happen is if they add it as an off-world location. The good news is that they've been increasingly doing more of them.🐸
>What do you want to see?
Nothing, shan't be going near this houser microtransactioned grind fest
Im waiting for the new "GTA" from the real people that made it what it originally was before the zionist houser brothers went full new world order with it
the houser brothers were always hacks
Based, Also trips of truth
Yeah, but you’d have to go further out than Denver, if GTA VI would be centennial to aspen that would be really neat
fuck gta i want another red dead game set in the pacific north west
>knockoff seattle/portland
>shit ton of woods
>beaches with pacific ocean (not a fucking river like 2)
>chinese riots
>mt rainer
>guarma-esque chapter where you end up in japan ala the last samurai
I want a real city where every room of every building is explorable and also every house is occupied by a real person that goes to a real job somewhere in the city.
I don't want another western game or another modern crime game, how about something in between?
>RDR spin-off set in Prohibition era USA
>Jack Marston as a MC
>damaged WW1 vet that gets involved with organized crime
There you go. Could serve as a Mafia fix as well since we will never get another proper Mafia game.
personally im not into prohibition era theme, its usually only westerns or modern crime that i like. but thats a pretty common suggestion and i would try a game like it if we get to play as jack
>Based in UK
>Get stabbed by random Paki while walking down the street
The RDR area but in modern day
That's not even hard to do, it's just too resource intensive for something barely anyone cares about
I'm not a big fan of Prohibiton era myself, would rather have this game instead, but it would be a neat continuation of Jack's story and you could also tie in redemption arc here as well.
Less giant highways and a more complex city. The smaller towns to be better developed and have more to do, ideally modeled a bit more like Red Dead with bars and other locations. More water or rivers in the middle of the map and not just a boring island like V. Basically anything that isn't GTA V god I hate the world design of that game.
I'd like to see a more niche, less accessible setting, not necessarily even in GTA VI. Bully was atmospheric as fuck and I'd like to see a sequel.
more crazy vehicles like saints row. mechs hovertanks power armor crazy shit like that
i always hated how the maps are just giant islands instead of being connected to the mainland, but red dead can do it because it doesnt have planes and helicopters. you could do a system like battlefield 3 where you just die if you go too far but people would complain that its immersion breaking or some shit
i want arcade-like features back.
there should be a minimum of 30 kill frenzies that count towards completion that can be done with any character at any time. it should also unlock a roguelike wave mode kill frenzy challenge minigame that can be triggered anywhere. you'd face an ever-increasing amount of enemies that come at you in waves, with randomized weapons, and your defensible weapons are also randomized each round. fund it.
also, if it's not part of kill frenzies, i would like to see a chaos minigame, such as causing the most destruction in a certain amount of time, as sort of a nod to karmageddon. this could also count towards completion so long as you set a record it rewards credit towards completion. it might also be cool to do this in top-down camera mode, with accelerated physics that simulate GTA2.
i'd also like to see a chop shop, or an actual crane crusher, as a nod to GTA2's crane crushers, that give out random cash rewards or rarely, a nice weapon, weapon mod, or maybe some unique apparel.
i'm also open to implementing features similar to the shops that give you car bombs, oil slicks, etc from GTA2. perhaps just put things like that to be available in pay n sprays.
it'd also be fun to have wacky cheats again, and a lot of them. and not just the average shit like making heads big, i'd want cheats that are fun to combine such as making all traffic really small and then control like RC cars. lots of opportunity in the cheat code sector.
An actually fleshed out world instead of a skin-deep shell
Player freedom in both freeroaming and missions
That's literally it
Portugal please. Would be cool if they did a quest where you have to rescue Madeline from some badguys.
Make it so that you fly in one place until you turn back.
>character creation
It's been proven time and time again that Rockstar is total shit at this and doesn't intend to improve.
>Character creation.
This is retarded, no good stories come from a game with character creation
anime qt protag
this. gta online and red dead online have atrocious character customization for no reason. we have nba 2k, sims, and mgsv but ROCKSTAR GAMES has some ass backwards system shaking my head
Who is the worst protagonist in your opinion?
My vote goes to Tommy.
>bullies and demeans his subordinates
>pimps out the daughter of a trusted friend
>sends his lawyer and best friend to rehab, cuts ties with him even after he comes back clean
Not to mention the fact that Ray Liotta totally admits that he completely half-assed his voice acting. You can tell too, Tommy just sounds bored and annoyed in most of his lines.
A better police system that makes doing shootouts fun and never boring. For example they could add special troops instead of always having to fight swarms of goons.
Also interiors.
If your requests are different than these then please kill yourself, because doing suicide-by-cop is what GTA is all about.
Fuck multiplayer
Fuck character creation
Fuck "humor" in the story
And most of all, FUCK "JOB" MINIGAMES
A return to the good old days.
It'll never happen, I know.
Rockstar always needs movies to dictate where their plots will go, so that automatically knocks most cities off the list. So where are movies set?
>Los Angeles
>San Francisco
>New York
>Las Vegas
NOT done
>create a character
>choose looks
>choices in missions
>your personality develops as you do missions
>other characters treat you differently based on the choices
Voila, no more unlikable set characters.
>A return to the good old days.
the fuck does that mean? be specific
Kill yourself dude.
You're trash.
GTA 2.
That's not specific
God I hope not, Chicago would be such a boring setting. What would you even do? Drive around selling weed to middle aged housewives? Tip cows?
so why did you post a pic of 3D gta games?
It would be cool if it was a re-imagining of VC.
It's specific unless you're some brainless zoomer who didn't play the 2d games.
Yes it is
I'm drunk
Fuck off dude, if they make the police interesting it'll be so much better.
Special cops would be like a guy with a shield, nothing supernatural.
>job minigames were the best part
You're positively retarded. You only did that shit for the armor and health bonuses, fuck off
>people wanting a game set in the 60s or 70s
God that sounds so fucking boring
Not dozens of technical downgrades over earlier installments
You did the job minigames to kill time after you beat the story dude. Taxi Driver and Vigilante for example were great because the former helped you learn the city streets and subsequently rewarded you for your knowledge, and the latter led to fun emergent gameplay situations and actually got challenging to survive at higher levels. The chief problem with modern GTA games is that there's no endgame content.
The logical location for next game would be the state of Pennsylvania and featuring two cities, Philly and Pittsburgh, on either end.
>people want a game with smartphones and HAHA LE SOCIAL NETWORK QUIP XDD LE QUIPPY HIPSTER
God that sounds like you should kill yourself.
Go play your assassins creed crap then kill yourself
GTA 3 lived and breathed 2001 dude.
>Trance on the radio
>Pill popping
>Early e-commerce shit
V had more substantial side content than 3 or VC and way more than IV. I spent a lot of time buying all the businesses , doing the different challenges and races to get 100%, doing the side missions, finding the letters and space parts, etc.
We all know it has to be Chicago
>large urban areas
>lakes and rural areas
>varying weathers and degrees
>corrupt politicians and super star celebrities
>iconic city landscape with nickname to match
>plenty of modern event to draw inspiration from, like that time all those people got shot on a single weekend
>new story would involve working your way up the political ladder and mixing it up with celebrities
Sorry your autism can't allow you to let anything go unfinished, but that's not a reason to exclude things from a game.
>V had more substantial side content than 3 or VC and way more than IV
>also had the most boring world
Case in point: side activities don't make the world interesting. Interiors and universal interactive mechanics do, like interacting with civilians
>2 words
Imagine being this fucking retarded
Not that user but he's totally right. The 60s and 70s were fucking boring. The music of that era was forgettable trash. Automobile design was at it's lowest point in American history. Architecture was drab. Why would anyone want a 60s-70s gta? Mafia 3 tried this angle and surprise surprise, it fucking sucked.
I already suspected you had brain problems but this confirms it.
Game mechanics that allow for emergent gameplay will ALWAYS be better than pre-made copypasted side missions disconnected from each other.
If you jump off the nearest cliff your country's average IQ will go up by 10
You're the one who's retarded if you don't understand. GTA 2 is completely unique from the rest of the series. Vastly underrated.
I enjoyed driving and walking around the comfy California region than the empty feeling city of VC. I don’t think V had the most boring world at all. Sure it needed more interiors but it wasn’t that bad.
Naming a game is not specific, you absolute retard.
If you didn't want to complete them you didn't have to, that's what was so cool about them. It's not like they are a pain in the ass to implement.
VI just fits too well with VIce City. It feels right to go back there with a bunch of surrounding country added. It’s been ages since we saw Vice City, even San Andreas was bigger but both 4 and 5 have expanded further with massive worlds, I’d love to see the Liberty City and Los Santos treatment given to Vice City. Though I wouldn’t complain if we got the other two islands from San Andreas added to the 5 map as a whole new game.
GTaIV felt like NY in the 70s anyway with its focus on the mafia and rather drab look. Would it really be that different if they set the game in the 70s?
We need a VC game that includes the more blue collar swampland areas too. That would be cool
>the music from the 60's and 70's was fucking trash
Modern Day Vice City where we play as Niko, CJ and Claude and you have to find out who killed Tony. You find out Claude killed him.
CJ and Niko team up to kill Claude and Luis shows up as playable during last few missions to help CJ and Niko.
Reality, I'm just hoping it's not as bad as RDR2 with the restricting missions.
>Mission failed you didn't go down the exact street we wanted you to for a cool scripted sequence
>Mission failed you tried to be clever and sneak up behind the baddies from the air in a heli
>Mission failed you shot them in the arm instead of the leg
I personally think the Philly/Jersey/Baltimore region would be cool
I'd rather 80's England at the height of Thatcher.
V's side content consisted of 6 rampages (III had around 30 if I recall correctly), spending money on shops with no interiors and lame missions that don't even trigger properly, 4 or 5 different races, and collectables that would take any normal person years upon years of toil to find without a guide. It was barebones as all fuck, at least IV's vigilante mode tried to keep things fresh by giving you different shit to do.
Seattle or somewhere that's not a fucking tropical/beach area.
I like having a phone because it means they would include a lot of convos with characters that helps to flesh out the story and world a bit, plus emails. It’s just some cool flavor text. I also liked the stock market
>What do you want to see?
You are a detective infiltraded in the organized crime world. Morality system let's you decide if you are going to become corrupt or if you are going to uphold your job.
At the very least, protagonist must not be another ugly looking, virtueless psychipath nigger.
Otherwise I ain't buying it.
Not mainland america.
all mass replying fucktards must hang.
guess what you low IQ mouthbreather, the devs still used time and resources on those shitty activities that could have gone to making the sandbox experience better
The strangers and freaks missions were great, though. Definitely the best side content GTA has ever had
>virtueless psychipath
what do you want? you slaughter tons of criminals, cops, and civvies sometimes in these games
Las Venturas with really detailed casino interiors and a big desert
If no Vice City i’d love Pittsburgh and Philly on opposite sides of the map. Pennsylvanians talk funny enough and have enough silly rivalries between the two cities to make it entertaining. Add in Amish, comfy mining towns, and jagoff being correctly used and I think people would find it to be the most endearing GTA yet.
>even though GTA games made fun of both sides of the political isle
Has it? I only really remember 5 making fun of the left with impotent rage which the left threw a hissy fit over, all the rest was making fun of the right. I expect 6 to be the same, just all anti-right.
>90's in Seattle
>during grunge era
>imagine killing emo faggots and drug dealers who are actually egotistical pussies
you know it'd be stylistic kino.
Any different city they choose doesn’t have the international recognition of NY, LA or Miami. Maayyybe they could get away with Boston or Philly
You're an idiot. Job missions are literally a game mechanic that allows for emergent gameplay. Kill yourself simpleton.
A major theme of IV was how organized crime is dead in the water because of advances of law enforcement in the modern day. Of all the crime families you work for one collapses under it's own weight after the leader is betrayed by his closest friend, another only makes money by playing errand boy for the Italians and end up almost all dead or in jail by the end, and the mob families are either complete jokes or in bed with the feds anyways.
It's true though. I know your only experience with 60s-70s music is the Beatles but listen to some actual music from the era and you'll find it's garbage. People still listened to shit like this:
In first place, it's not bad to slaughter crimminals. In second place, what I want is to be able to act according a moral code.
You will be stealing cars as an infiltrated detective, but commiting crimes overall would affect your reputation diferently depending on the organization.
It’s almost too perfect because the cities are quite different in character. Not to mention it’s one of the most politically balanced states and has almost every group they’d want to represent or make fun of: gangsters, people who live in trailer parks, hipster, Amish, etc. Outside of the two big cities the state is sometimes referred to as “pennsyltucky”. There’s a lot of opportunity here
didn't emo became a thing in the 00s?
What do you guys think would be a good name for Philadelphia? I think they would use Annesburgh for Pittsburgh
Less focus on muh open world details, more focus on good missions and memorable story moments.
Play as a white police vice/drug detective with a black partner in 80s Baltimore. Your black partner is more brutal and corrupt against black criminals than you are.
Philly, Boston, Pittsburgh, Vegas, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, and Nashville are all well known cities outside of the country. That doesn’t include state recognition, like Texas and Alaska.
Well, the 2010's are ending and R* could do some jokes and parodies about this decade? and joke on this idiocracy?
>Game is named after a crime
>Games have always been about criminals committing crime
>just liek make it about a cop dude!
Nah, there were quiet a bit of emo music during the 90's too. You're thinking of emo fashion. It didn't really become it's own fashion until the 00's.
>side missions that are completely separate from one another and are literally just one objective allow for emergent gameplay
Stop, it's embarrassing to read.
All with a big, self importance to a nearly cult-like level, college town smack in the middle of the map.
It's clear that you lack a basic understanding of what constitutes emergent gameplay.
But they will be corrupt cop, which are worse than criminals, and will fit in with the whole "fuck cops" mentality Americans have today. Win-win.
Even if this song is suppose to be shitty, how does it prove that the music from that era was trash ? You can admit that you don't like 60's and 70's music
Emergent gameplay is having many mechanics that allow you to do things the developers hadn't intended.
Saying a mission with an objective is emergent gameplay shows YOU have no idea what it is.
>Job missions are literally a game mechanic that allows for emergent gameplay
the fuck
1:1 Max Payne style gunplay. Online that isn’t dogshit Actually no online at all.
>no online at all
Cops are cool. Criminals are bad.
Having the option to decide won't hurt the franchise.
>create your character
>only have 1 objective: kill this guy
>you have no idea where he is or how to get him
>have to do jobs and make connections to uncover clues on where he is
>hes in a different place in every new game
>you can stumble upon him at any time
sounds cool in theory but i already know it will be extremely shallow with copy and paste missions
HOLD NOTHING BACK. Get people so upset with jokes and make fun of every socially unacceptable deed.
The song is shitty. It's pure kitsch. Music from the 60s and 70s wouldn't fit GTA's gameplay at all either. Your idea to set a GTA game in the blandest decade of American history is lame.
What are your ideas for "emergent gameplay" in a GTA game?
I hope they add more support for roleplaying servers. I'm having a fucking blast playing on NoPixel. This might be the most fun I've had in any game.
Less linear mission design, especially those rail shooter segments where they're trying so hard to be a mediocre Hollywood action setpiece it hurts. Why bother with multiple failstates when there's only one single linear way to succeed?
Answer the question that has been asked to you.
How is a mission with an objective emergent gameplay?
If you are going to make a game about crimminals commiting crime, at least make them cool crimminals.
Like the Godfather movies, some stylish mafia stuff, or a person that commits crimes in order to get revenge, like the Punisher.
My point is, what most bothers me in this franchise is its disgusting protagonists, specially the guys from GTA V.
What's the cheapest I can buy GTA V right now? I kinda want to replay it on PC since I only played it on PS4.
i want to be able to steal a car
I would be happy if they spent more than two hours making their wanted system work. I swear it is getting more and more retarded with each new release.
I'm not the developer.
Since you obviously have no idea what emergent gameplay is, I'll give you some examples:
Crusader Kings 2 and its ways to interact with other characters.
The powers in breath of the wild.
Building in dwarf fortress ( danger rooms, showers, etc )
GTA needs that kind of depth to have a good sandbox. Not 50 "go here and interact with X" side missions.
My guess is that truth is in the middle of him and company. Only what i see right now are 2 online games (while RDR2 sp is ok) with overpriced stuff in last 6 years, while before GTA5 R* were releasing new game every year. and also some old devs left company. And one thing that comes to my mind in this situation is some people wanted more and more money
I consider a mission set in an open sandbox with randomly spawning targets to have emergent gameplay because this leads to scenarios not foreseen by the developers. Your turn.
Honestly, I want some of the devs to see these threads because we all post the same shit every time and ive seen some pretty good ideas here for a lame ass Yea Forums board. Better than the stuff they come up with at least
Random generation is not emergent gameplay.
Female protagonist, rape on lose and/or a corruption mechanic.
None of those are examples of what
this retard called emergent gameplay. No matter how 'deep' those mechanics look on the surface those are all situations arguably intended by the devs.
So many fucking stupid ideas ITC.
a full single player game this time. focusing on MP must be seriously lucrative for them to roll out such a weak SP game.
There is a lot of music from the 70's in GTA you stupid nigger
How do those examples and what that guy said contradict each other exactly?
this is what is actually going to happen. V looked better than IV but it sacrificed so many good little touches and technical things to achieve it
My dad works at rockstar
>first protag is some ghetto whiteboy trying to be a "soundclout" rapper
>second is a "classy" black businessman(drug dealer) whos made it and wastes his time partying in vice city
>Third is a female dominican who will fit the Trevor role of being crazy and is an ex of the drug dealer
Deep mechanics =/ "emergent gameplay," see Talking out of your ass bud. Even if that is true a soundtrack full of nothing but puritan 70s garbage would be lame. You can't build an entire set of radio stations based on the few actually good rock and roll acts from that era.
I said how in my post. Are you stupid or something?
I honestly can't wait for a new GTA. I am itchin to play that after the the snoozefest of RDR2.
play it again noobaloid the driving in IV wasn't realistic but it was a challenge and the cars did feel extremely distinctive
>more than one protag again
god please no
You played none of those games and have no idea what you're talking about.
>people actually want a female protagonists
funny how those guys end up being tremendous homosexuals
pls respond
Not an argument. Please show me one way the "emergent gameplay" bullshit you're pushing would make for a better GTA game.
A second-hand copy from your local game store. Or wait for a sale for PC.
No I just played the fucking games you morron, just admit that you don't like that kind of music
>smaller map, with more activities and buildings to enter. I dont need a map thats bigger and bigger each release if theres fuck all to do for almost 70% of it
>2 main characters max, 3 was too much
>a more serious, gritty crime story. Im tired of satirical pop culture references
>ability to activate cheats through your phone, the vintage button mashing from 5 was a pain in the ass
>better variety in weapons, all the guns felt the same in 5, Id rather have half the amount of guns if each felt different, and maybe some creative weapons like a cross bow or net gun
>the ability to kidnap people and put them in trunks, or bury bodies in the woods. I wanna larp as a serial killer
>no witnesses= no crime. Have the cops fuck off once and a while
>GTA V always on top of twitch
Why? This game's like 5 years old now.
isthereanydeal com/game/grandtheftautov/info/
use google nigger
>all the posts saying Chicago, Seattle, Pennsylvania and that one faggot that always says london
>nobody mentions carcer city
I want them to go full MMO with it.
>start out as street thug
>join a gang
>do shit for npcs
>work your way up to crime boss with your friends
>double cross your online friends and steal their businesses
>get assassinated and have to start all over with a new character
>when you get high enough level you can park your main in an office and play as an underling
>some things you have to use your main so there's still danger
>you dont lose all your shit when you get whacked, just everything that's not nailed down. stuff in safe deposit you can retrieve
trust me it could be fun
Talking out of your ass bud. Feel free to show us your cool ideas for music in a 60s-70s GTA game. I'll give you one for free: a rock station with all the gay feel good trash of the era and a metal station with all the gay "I'm so fucking edgy but my lyrics are tame as fuck in retrospect" metal of the era. Your move. If you can form even one cohesive idea for a station I'd be impressed.
>You are a detective infiltraded in the organized crime world.
Even better if the storyline has conspiracies. Wide-ranging conspiracies that make you question everything.
just play gta rp
>manhunt 3 never
>Just do GTA online again but make it worse!
No thanks dude. Just admit you don't like GTA games.
>He didn't play Saints Row 2
sauce on pic?
>more microtransactions
>les cheats
>less modding
>more banning for any reason (or none)
>more money (for us)
>less work (for us)
>more nigger cock to suck (for you)
They will never do that, because it'd be too good. Just like another Manhunt. NuRockstar blows.
Lots of people say VC is next setting.
Could be cool to see modern VC but will this sunny weather and palms work again after V?
What any other city can give that LA can't?
setting game in 80's 70's 90s will limit game hugely, while GTA was a game for a wide audience
I always suggest Carcer City For a new Bully game
That would lend itself better to open worlds than you think. They are literally made for more random shit and choices. In a way Rockstar's linear missions and set characters are really backward.
you'll be sorry you said that when gtao2 comes out and you're the only one not having fun
>all the dumb faggots itt who wanna turn GTA into an RPG with character creation and fucking morality choices
Way to entirely miss the point of a GTA game
Aside from buildings you can enter and cheats you just described Sleeping Dogs. In particular the part about kidnapping people and putting them in trunks.
>mafia wars 3d
Just a station for any different like in any fucking GTA since the third one, now I have lost enough time talking to a dumb fuck like you
How about instead of one big map, they take note from the godfather part 2 game and have 3 smaller maps you have to travel to by plan, boat or train?
This way you could get a southern map like Miami, a northern colder map like chicago and some place in the midwest?
not him but we don't have fun because we don't like pay2win trash. GTA IV online fucking shat all over GTAO
Good radio stations and humor again. Also less realism like 4 and V brought.
SEETHING foreigner
I was with you until that, pizza delivery boi missions in vice city are hilarious.
it can't take much work to put those back in.
Tell me 1:48 isn't literally GTA NPCs at work.
A nintendo switch port.
After 5 and RDR 2 I couldn't give a shit.
I don't want 300 more threads of
yeah it would actually utilize the world, unfortunately it seems too ambitious, and/or we dont have the technology for that kind of game yet
>In a way Rockstar's linear missions and set characters are really backward.
defiantly, nakeyjakeys rdr2 video covered that nicely.
All good games which aspire to be something better eventually implement RPG elements.
Hell, even AssCreed did and it's better for it. GTA had them in San Andreas and it's widely considered one if not the best GTA.
>black people
also daniel from sl has a top comment there lul
Yeah but San Andreas still had a set protagonist with a backstory which is why the plot worked. It also didn't have gay morality choices. Anons want a character creation system so they can build their waifu or whatever but since character creation means backstory in the plot is almost impossible, save for broad strokes canon like in FNV. This is part of the reason why GTA online was so bad.
>tip cows
LOL, fuck around and get smoked son. Come here and find out. The problem with a GTA in Chicago is that the city does not translate well into the virtual world; the Watch Dogs take on it was godawful. Nevermind the fact they had the downstate featured on it too which was even worse.
>that level where jimmy snaps and shoots up the school
A set character I would say most of the time doesn't work well, mainly because you are as new as the time it takes for you to go from Start New Game to controlling the character you are supposed to play. Can't simultaneously be in the shoes of somebody very well-established and learning the world.
>gay morality choices
That's like your opinion, man. I prefer my games not to be on-rails/dumbed down.
Hire an entirely new writing staff and have the game take place anywhere but America, I don't really care where. If you absolutely HAVE to make multiple protags, make it one cop and one robber, not 3 poorly written faggots.
Not looking forward to it. I have a feeling that Rockstar will apply the worst of RDR2 into GTA VI and stick to the formulated scripted missions with long cutscenes and unnecessary scenic routes.
Do we have to check the tire pressure and fuel level of our cars, or even the oil level?
Can dings and bump hamper their performance?
Do we have to store clothing and food and weapons in the cars?
Will the protagonist be incapable of flying planes until they learn how to do so, and we can't fly jets until we get proper training like the Flying skill bar in GTA V suggests?
Are we not allowed to carry anything other than a pistol and primary weapons on our person at all times?
Will we have to obey reality laws where reloading while still have bullets in the clip makes you lose those bullets?
Are we gonna gimp if one of our legs get shot enough, or if one of our arms got injured bad and we can only use a pistol until we fix up the arm?
Is the gun "customization" going to just be a few direct upgrades and some pointless gaudy accessories?
Do we have to dress like a wanna-be private militia if we want to be able to carry more than a handful of clips and some grenades?
Will we be forced to show body-armor on-top of our thin clothing and the only way to hide them is to wear layered clothing like jackets and suits?
Will we have to eat 50 fucking steaks to make sure we don't wake up underweight the next morning?
Anyway, in all honesty, I want something innovative that doesn't get old a few hours in.
fuck character creation. I don't want to play as a mute, which is the same as my friend's character but with other beard and glasses. Highly detailed and built character with good motivation and logical plot is the way to go. Also fuck these RPG shit, no more than V and SA has them. That's enough.
I wanna see cool looking cutscenes, not quest givers with sandob random shit
A game that is fun and more in the spirit of Vice City or San Andreas.
>he thinks games with "choices" aren't dumbed down
IV had morality choices that only mattered from a narrative standpoint. V had morality choices that didn't matter at all. At the end of the day it always boils down to "shoot this guy and he dies, don't shoot this guy and he does something totally meaningless in a later mission and then dies"
As opposed to having babyfood spoonfed to you? I would still much rather have the choice between a TV dinner or a Big Mac over spoonfeeding.
Yes, it's a food analogy, and yes it works.
It's not even a choice between a tv dinner and a Big Mac, it's a choice between a fresh, hot Big Mac and a cold, soggy, hour old Big Mac.
Yeah it is. You said it yourself that they are barely a choice. Well, a TV dinner and a Big Mac are barely food if you compare to homecooked meals out of any ingredients. Two is still better than one when we are talking about an OPEN WORLD where openness is supposed to be a feature.
I unironically love almost all of these ideas.
Two choices that lead to the exact same result aren't choices at all dude. Videogame choices are always just "what do I pick to get the cool unlocks" anyways.
That's because you haven't played a game like that. It's tedious as fuck. Having to gas up the car sounds fun until you actually run out of gas in game and it leads to a shitty unfair death. .
But it's not the exact same thing. It's still 1 and 2, not 1 and 1. That's all it takes to create an illusion of freedom.
Why are you even into open world games if you want on-rails?
>hurr durr me play dumb and strawman anons opinion!
you're a real waste of space. it's not 1 and 2, it's "1 now or 1 later" because nobody's gonna write 2 separate plots for the game based on whether or not some guy dies.
>you're a real waste of space. it's not 1 and 2, it's "1 now or 1 later"
You the choice to kill different characters in GTA IV, which even affect the ending of the game. The only waste of space is you who can't give proper arguments.
>but I figured out the entire map within 5-6 hours
The entire map?
Every time I touch V it continues to blow my mind just how big and detailed that map is. A virtually endless amount of dicking around in that game and I still discover new things.
How was Justin Timberlake the only one that managed to subvert this fate
Yeah it had such a huge effect on the last mission. You can either have a cinematic chase that leads to the penultimate confrontation in an abandoned casino and culminates in another cinematic chase leading to a final confrontation on Liberty Island, or a cinematic chase that leads to the penultimate confrontation in an abandoned casino and culminates in another cinematic chase leading to a final confrontation on Liberty Island. I fucking loved that game but even I can admit the ending was a lazy hackjob.
>That means they are also effectively creating two different (but same) maps since many things naturally also change in 40 years
lmao Driver Parallel Lines
OK. to sum it up
lots of people want a new GTA set in boring 70's washington/philadelphia/chicago with rock soundtrack from mafia III with character customisation from GTAO/RDRO or any other mmo to create their waifu and rpg elements like in Assassins creed odyssey and with Godfather-like plot. Geez, that is awful
>Yeah it had such a huge effect on the last mission.
The point is that it had, and if it had tons more choices like that then the game world would open up to the player in a whole new way they never had in a GTA game. I don't know about you, but I play these games to be creative, not to watch a movie. It defeats the purpose of having a large open world every time you have to follow a line under the pressure of a mission failing.
It not really a choice, just the one ending with different deaths. Like completing these both endings underlines the depressional setting of the game. Either this either that Niko suffers
The right way to do this is to let the mission design naturally give the player choice in how to approach it. GTA 3 is a stellar example of this because they just gave the player an objective and said "ok this guy has to die but it's up to you to figure out how." Just setting up every other mission to give the player a button prompt to choose which cutscene they want is boring.
>That mission where you're transporting moonshine cross country with the lawmen on your tail, and driving too clumsily will break the bottles
>That mission where you set up your own underground bar and go around torching rival speakeasys
>That mission where you tag along with Bonnie and Clyde to rob some banks
Could be fun.
On the subject of mafia, which one is worth playing?
1 and 2
3 is a fucking joke
3 is the only good one, don't play 1 and 2 unless you want a buggy unpolished mess.
Just kidding, Mafia 1 is an underrated masterpiece and Mafia 2 is where it started going bad. Mafia 3 is irredeemably bad.