>Almost April 3rd in Australia
>Likes are still here
Almost April 3rd in Australia
Haven't you heard? They're here to stay.
Enjoy reddit 2.0
I for one love it.
Haven't you heard? They're here to stay.
Enjoy global Yea Forums
Your fortune: Godly Luck
fuck off scorelet
>Live in Japan
>Weird shit starts happening on April 2nd
Every fucking year I forget.
>april 3rd
how its only morning of april 2 here
whats it like future user
u mad lel.
I have the perfect website for you user
>Almost April 3rd in Australia
>in Australia
Fuck everyone look at this dude
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
How does it feel to live in the future?
Spiders and snakes have seized control of the planet.💢
this april fools gag sucks
can i lewd the snakes haha
yeah about that....
I've been here since '09 nigger.
Keep seething
Only if you want to lose your dick haha
and I've been here since 2007
if you actually like the reddit additions maybe its time to change sites
based hiromoot
dinoposting will stay alive forever
Imagine shitting then some snake crawls up your ass haha
>other fools encourage OC creation and interacting in ways you wouldn’t otherwise here
>this one makes people “ironically” act like Reddit
It doesn’t just suck, it’s flat out cancerous
you suck, compared to r****t the likes and score don't mean shit
why is he drinking like that haha
he chews his whater haha
howw can i lose something i dont have
heres some karma for you my dude
the problem is how people here reacted to it
mods exposed that this place isn't any different from reddit at all
So close for spooky skeletons
We may as well be reddit now.
EDIT: Thanks for the likes fellow anons!
No wonder Aus is full of trannies.
i am such a scorelet and i like it
>every single board is reddit and Yea Forums now
is this an out of season April fools joke?
>Enjoy global Yea Forums
If only
Time to jump ship you cocksucking lifeless boomer, you don’t belong here
>posting anime and boxy at ur age
ur probably near 30 right thats kinda sad
>tfw spent most of april fools playing video games instead of shitposting
I never even figured out how to unlock perks.
Don't worry it'll all be gone by April 2nd
but its 8am on paril 2 u silluh fucking ratard
WOW, ageist much? That’s it, I’m tired of this website, I’m going to reddit
>he thinks I started posting at 18
Here have some energy
I am super lucky
Your fortune: Good Luck
Rolled 32 (1d100)
Yea Forums is objectively better with likes
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
i was 12 in 2009
i didnt even know google existed fuck u
Rolled 52 (1d100)
If post number's last 2 digits post are same as roll, I'm posting my wiener.
>almost 3rd in Australia
>still no Joker
This fucking faggot is absolute Vaporware. Nintendo can't actually develop characters properly and Joker is never coming out. If you've bought Joker you might as well fucking buy Star Citizen at this point.
they need to add dislikes
i hate america so goddam much
Rolled 16 (1d100)
>in australia
theres ur problem
u gotta look a the japanese time
Japan time is like only an hour or two off Aus.
Japan is straight north of here.
this have likes and dislikes
make some perks only work at certain dislikes and some at only likes and u dont keep it if u go down
but if it requires like 20 likes and u have 50 obviously u will be able to use it but if u get disliked to 19 then u lose it
that would have been int interesting at least
I had windows 98 when I was 5, dude.
i probably had vista at that time i was just a retarded child
>Stayed off 4han for the most part yesterday beyond looking at /wsg/
>Come back today think the cancer will be over
Last year was also shit too though. it was all just waifu wank which is just as bad.
more like Yea Forums with vague video game theme
most boards don't give half of a fuck
Am Australian and our ISP's just unblocked Yea Forums since the NZ shooting
Where the fuck are the NSFW boards?
Absolute shit post senpai.
it's ogre frens
It's 21:18 o'clock in Japan.
At least last year had OC creation and sparked more of the shitflinging this place is known for. The fact it was all utterly pointless due the numbers being arbitrary also meant there was a joke being played, too.
This year, the joke is just on anyone expecting people not to act like complete fucking faggots.
I'm glad it's over🏇
Is it done?
The ride never ends
>Todd is still in the background of the front page
He'll never go away, will he?
>almost april 3rd
>the fags who literally shitposted themselves out of a part of the internet's existance
>600 dollars for 3mbit/s
Very interesting, I wonder what else still works
is it done, Yuri?
oh no
Aussie here I've been on clover the entire time
I saw the emojis and shit but not the likes dunno what all the fuss was until I saw it in the desktop
Why the fuck are you hanging out with us filthy gaijins?
Maybe, the real April fools is the likes we made along the way.