Is the second Torment game any good? I never played Planescape but am getting more into classic RPGs. Is it more accesible for newfags or is it just a pale imitation of the original?
Torment: Tides Of Numenera
>second Torment game
It has litterally nothing to do with the first torment. Not a single thing. They just stole the name to create some hype. The game is shit tho.
isn't it one of those "spiritual successors" made by half the original team who wanna do a sequel but don't have the IP or something?
Nothing to do with the orignal torment game and the orignal torment game is the worst of the orignal classic cRPG game. To much talking not enough fighting
lol that's what I like though, I'm a proper narrative faggot. I'd happily sit in any rpg and read all the notes and books and ask characters about the lore.
Isn't it ? If not, is it any good?
If you liked PS:T, then yeah, it's pretty good. Really has nothing to do with PS:T other than a similar style of RPG. More role playing less Action RPG pretending to be one. Not as good as PS:T, though. The world is pretty interesting and has a few interesting characters.
People on Yea Forums seem to hate it despite it being very much like planescape torment in game design.
I personally found it just as good an experience as planescape, though for the haters' defense I played the pen and paper game before the kickstarter was announced and already liked the setting and mechanics at that point.
yeha I ask cos I love lore and narrative and everyone says "nigga why you not playing Planescape?" but I just haven't taken the plunge yet. I might give this a spin then if its accessible as I really have no rpg chops.
cool, sounds good. Is it more friendly to newfags than PS:T? The 90s/00s RPGs are all big boy games and I'm a newbie.
Planescape is not accessible. Its clunky dungeon and dragon combat and rolls makes it unintuitive unless you've played D&D. Play numenera if you want a more accessible version of the formula.
Tides of Numenera does not take place the Planescape setting. It has nothing to do with the original Torment game. The game itself does some interesting things here and there, e.g. I liked how they set up some of the combat encounters as "puzzles", allowing the player to use environmental objects or even engage enemies in dialogue in order to solve them. Other than that it could have really used an editor as it is unnecessarily wordy and drowns the player in infodumps even worse than PoE. Plotwise and regarding the characters it's nothing special. It's not as bad as some claim but unless you're starved for CRPGs you might look into something else first.
my nigga, thanks man. That's why I was interested in it, cos Numenera is newer and new ones are usually a little more easy on the learning curve. Like! for you user.
>spiritual successor to PT
>back it
>midway during the startup they figure out that they can put it on consoles if they make it turn based just like wasteland
Havent redeemed my copy to this day.
cool, I am getting into Arcanum at the momentm trying it out to get into the classics. It's tough for someone who never went into that genre early on but I am enjoying getting good at it. Will try Tides, thanks user.
>Tides of Numenera does not take place the Planescape setting
Why would it? It's called Torment, not Planescape: Torment.
some of the classics are turn based though, like Fallout. Is it that bad? What's wrong with the console version, just control scheme?
Infinity engine games are trivial to understand if youre not a retard.
>Is the second Torment game any good? I
No, avoid this trash, they used the money from Kickstarted for this game to finish Wasteland 2. which lead to them not fulfilling promises they made.
>Learning curve
It's fucking right click on an enemy and wait for the fight to be over
It's good if you like to read and don't care about boring combat.
why does the engine make any differnece to how you access it? does it somehow limit the UI or something?
t. brainlet that knows little of game dev
Combat was like 5% of the time I spent on the game, if you were going to drop it due to it being turn based you were not the target audience anyway.
but I never played it, so I wouldn't know that user. You read this thread? Also, there is more than just the mouse controls to a learning curve.
i love lore, so maybe?
Nothing wrong with turn based, but it was supposed to be a spiritual successor, which includes gameplay (you know the most important part of a video game) and that is what I was expecting.
ah fair enough user. I suppose it's what you want from the game, for me its lore and narrative, so I don't mind too much either way so long as the stories are kino.
>barely any combat
But combat is a good narrative tool to illustrate your character's growth in power as the story goes on.
Story-wise it was ok, mini-fluff and side characters were good but main story was close to ME3-tier shit by the end.
Combat wise way easier than original Planescape, but other CRPGs are better on the whole.
boring combat, retarded spend points for everything but also it's a probability haha system. writing isn't that bad
>"gameplay (you know the most important part of a video game)"
>still thinking this in 2019
Get with the times, grandpa.
IE is the engine used for Baldurs Gate, Ice wind Dale and Planescape Torment and its based of 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons ruleset. Its got some counter intuitive design choices but it wasnt hard to figure out even if you havent touched D&D and it is even less so now when you can read up how it works on the internet.
Don't waste time with brainlets. It wasn't hard to figure out at all.
The part that confused people was literally just AC and THAC0. And it was simply that it being LOWER was better. People seemed so used to high stats = good, that they couldn't grasp the notion of lower numbers being good.
You didn't even need to know THAC0 meant To Hit Armor Class 0, or that the number referred to the dice roll needed. You just needed to identify the pattern that lower was better.
Thats exactly what I meant by counter intuitive but like you say its easy to grasp. Still remember the first time I fired up the original BG and got confused while trying out leather and sturdy leather armor. Good times.