New TGT thread
Since OP decided to bail I took it upon myself to take the reins
Now get in here and witness this amazing tale of love, war, and trolls
New TGT thread
Now lets's pick this shit up where we left off
Last thread hit image limit and this has been going on all night
but hey who needs sleep when you could read some TGT
>tfw reading TGT while the sun rises
Is there anything in the world more comfy than this?
Previous threads:
Not a single thing
now we have the sub-subplot of how Doug is a fucking weirdo
Kinda weird how they brush off all that weed party shit like it was no big deal, must be some good ass weed
Plenty more weed party on the way
settle the fuck down Ronald. Christ
What the fuck did i just read?
a work of art
>yfw Doug eats your dog
He's gonna fuck that dog, isn't he?
What the fuck is Doug’s problem?
We're in the fog before the storm.
Shits getting real crazy
He's just that guy. Everybody has/had a Doug in their life
enter the sneak den
it's about to take a nose dive real soon
fucking golden
Rose from the earth like the holy blade Excalibur
Do drugs, kids.
(enter thots stage right)
i love how doug's eyes started off beady and on-model but now he just looks like a fucking empty husk
We're all gonna be an empty husk soon
This party is starting to get frisky
Would rather be a fag than touch Patty tbqh
oooooo somebody is J E A L O U S
Patty more like Roast Beef knowwhatimsayin
What the fuck is her problem?
Oh boy you're in for a ride.
There is so much fucking foreshadowing these last 20 pages.
she wants dat dragon dildo
also last panel is very cap-worthy
oh you'll find out soon enough
fuckin get it, Spyro
it's all starting to unravel now
the treachery of the cheeto begins
Jesse is into some kinky stuff
Spyro is the fucking best
god damnit
bump the thread we are almost finished
w-what's going on here
Spyro getting ass or the Chester Cheesedick revelation?
>he didn't know
The beginning of the end friend. The beginning of the end.🙁
backstory time
also acceptable headcanon
>came by just in time for the weed party
God bless, OP
stay with me now, were trudging through it
It's fucking happening
The time has come
but I sure as hell won't
how could this have been written by an autist? I smell a ghostwriter
now we're getting to it
just enjoy the ride user
just enjoy the ride😂
the ride never ends
the big egg has cometh
Eggman you fuck
leave right the fuck now
It was a LISA joke
I'm going on 8 hours with this shit let me have some fun
I'm just gonna go ahead and say, those of you with sensitive constitutions may want to leave
>I will get her to totally scratch my testicles with her teeth.
I have read TGT in its entirety (missing the end bits the first few times due to them not being made) and I swear every single time I find new nuggets like this that I never noticed before.
the anticipation is killing
it's hard to sift for gold when it's surrounded by much more gold
that fucking face
ready your anus anons
porky couldn't make you ready for this ride.
wait, I don't remember this bit
is what I think will happen going to happen?
little bit of Fudd between rape sessions
For the user that was wondering about that look on Fudd's face when he got Eggman's memories in the other thread, this is why.
oh she got a load alright
i didn't fucking sign on for this shit
I’m thinking of making OC of Coyote vs Troll King with DIO and Jotaro’s walk when I get home. Keep the thread alive for some hours plz
nobody did, user, nobody did
I want to remind everyone that this is how this series started...
oh how far it has come
fucking ronald man
>all because tails got trolled
k i n o
Don't you worry guys we are not pulling out if this nose dive anytime soon
What the fuck is hello kittys problem jesus💢
If you're not ready and you know it clapp your hands!
based Lazerbot with the pony hate
it just will never end for Amy until it does
>read ahead
>the chester shit
holy fuck
Damn I didn't know Hello Kitty looks like THAT
so did he really cancel this? i’m actually bummed that this weirdass fanfic might not get a legit conclusion. Its been yeaaars since it started too.
thats some scary shit right there
heres some one-off Arthur shit we will that will never come up again
That is some Fist of the North Star shit
>red sky
yeah remember that's happening
it's going down
you aren't ready dude my jaw actually dropped
get ready newfriends
you fuckers aren't ready.
>wake up
>cheetoman time
Oh fuck yes
the revelation begins
I've been going all night with this shit
its fuckin cheetoman time boys
shits gonna get so fucked even a Yea Forums log thread couldn't keep up
nosedive reaching terminal velocity
you see, the funny thing about this ride is.....
it's that this ride never ends
see that fan? the shit hit it.
Hit it so hard the fucking fan fell from the ceiling.
I could not look, nor could I look away!
weep not for them, Yea Forums, for their troubles are over
Spyro always looking out
tails what have you done
After that shitshow we are back in the action at last
Welcome to the beginning of the end
Can anyone be more smug?
just gonna throw this in here I guess make of it as you will
I am genuinely curious if Wile E. could take down Chester
Oh man, I've never read this far before. I kept hearing about how crazy things get but I didn't know.
a being this smug has no equal
glad you stuck it out with us till the end
Wile E with prep can take down anyone.
Wile E is not having any of that edge
imagine being such a bitch that you get your ass handed to you by a bird
we have reached peak smug
>that absolute fucking confidence
The state of STRfags
Keep this thread alive until the end
In case you forgot comic is about trolls
>went from weed party to this in the span of like 15 pages
Fucking Lazerbot
If you faggots can believe it, we are STILL riding the climax
Give it five more pages
based philosophy troll
I'm rooting for jacko
rip jacko
The sheer amount of fucking detail he put into that last panel followed immediately by the next page gets me every goddamn time
Yea Forums - Video Games
I love how despite all of this shit going on, a single guy with a brick is a credible threat if he can get a good hit in.
the emo just went saiyan
is this a banner? This should be a banner.
his power level still can't touch Wile E's
he's not even impressed
last panel is anons just getting into this thread
But we haven't gotten to the anons yet
Here it is anons, time for the conclusion
rip black dude
>is this a banner? This should be a banner.
>meanwhile Shadow is still making plans
Excuse me what the fuck
Sonichu soon
I had to split this one in half for some reason it was over 4mb
>I really wish we weren’t here right now
>first and last time he takes damage
how very meta
DevianTards aren't the only ones however
would you even called that damage?
he didn't even flinch, if anything it's a mild inconvenience
I'm getting this vibe that Lazerbot doesn't like rage faces
oh good more side characters
But seriously can we get back to Shadow and Mario now?
This thread aint dying yet
>he doesn't know
Is this comic ironic or unironic. I don’t understand
What the fuck was Lazerbot thinking here
It's ironically unironic
probably the weed starting to get to him on top of witnessing some hip memes
he is coming
Dabbing on Deviantart comments
we’ve officially gone off the goddamn rails
where we're going
we don't need rails
we are hitting autism overlord
the world isn't for this degree of autism
Fucking unstoppable
and we are back to being reminded that the Coyote is OP
>Lazerbot makes Sonichu a proper character in 2 pages
And people thought he’s of the same ilk
Literally un-fucking-beatable.
It Wile E Coyote the most OP character of all time?
His power is beyond comprehension
>just kidding lmao I’m not using it
Get me every time
I wish the ride didn't end.
>this page precede the last page we ever saw
And all we have left now is the script to wrap it up, which I'll post for shits and giggles bit by bit
(Coyote opens his eyes to see that he's in a strange realm.)
....Where am i?.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...That eye must have sent me to this strange place.. I need to observe my surroundings, i also need to get my emotions under control... That was quite the scare.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...I don't know why, but I'm getting a dreadful vibe and my hands are shaking... Calm down Coyote, focus! ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Coyote's eyes widen as he notices Miladox in the distance.)
....What is that creature!?.. It must be that third eye's true form!.. So it decided to confront me in person huh?.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Miladox dashes towards Coyote. Right as it is about to reach Coyote, he fires off a ball of spirit stings towards Miladox. The ball of spirit strings clash with Miladox's face as the spirit strings wrap around it, Miladox halts its movement.)
..It stopped! I want to assume that due to the size of its eye and that it has halted, that vision is its only means of sensing its prey... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Miladox uses its claws to rip Coyote's spirit strings off of its face. Miladox then holds its self in place and stares Coyote down.)
...It's not moving.. I feel as if it is observing my behavior... If this is true, then it has discovered that i am a counter attacker and is searching for a different approach... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...If my assumptions are accurate, then this creature is quite intelligent.. And during my fight with Demaro, this creature shown signs of intelligence indeed, so it isn't too far of a stretch to believe this.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...It also overpowered my spirit strings, just like before whenever i was fighting Demaro... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...It seems that i am being forced to battle it in its own territory, I have to be on guard at all times from this point on!.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Miladox dashes twice as fast towards Coyote. Coyote then pulls four Poppy Bros. Jr. from his book. Coyote then raises a shield)
...What the eff man... Where the doggy guy at? ''Poppy Bros. Jr. 1''
(Miladox slashes Poppy Bros. Jr. 1 in half and quickly absorbs his soul, gaining a small piece of flesh to its body.)
...Attack that creature! ''Coyote''
...HOLY SHIT!.. ''Poppy Bros. Jr. 2''
(The three remaining Poppy Bros. Jr. begin throwing bombs at Miladox. The bombs explode as they hit Miladox, the souls of Poppy Bros. Jr. 1 and Garry fly out of Miladox)
...What are those figures that flew out of that creature?.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...What, in the FUCK!! Just happened!?... Where is Demaro!?.. ''Garry''
(Poppy Bros. Jr. 1 floats down to his body.)
...No... Not my sexy ass body!!.. What am i!?... Why can i fly!?.. ''Poppy Bros. Jr. 1''
...I don't believe my eyes... Are those souls?.. ''Coyote thinks to himself in shock''
(The three remaining Poppy Bros. Jr. continue to throw bombs at Miladox)
...Wait a fucking minute.. I was cut in half by that dickheaded bug!... Why am i still here!?... ''Garry''
He still wins
...Earlier, after it killed one of my pawns.. It pulled in what i believe to be his soul, and it grew what looks to be like some kind of flesh on its body.. This creature resembles an Arthropod of some kind.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...Is it possible that this creature somehow uses these souls as a source of power?.. If this is the case, then i shouldn't be using live pawns to fight for me... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Miladox slashes the remaining Poppy Bros. Jr. into pieces, and then absorbs their souls. Miladox then glares at Coyote)
...That didn't hold it back for long... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Coyote lifts his arms, spirit strings then seep out from the corpses of the Poppy Bros. Jr. and begin to tightly wrap around Miladox's body and face. Coyote then waves his arms down, Miladox is then slammed into the ground.)
...It's difficult to hold him down... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
I'm also running low on corpses... I have a few that i could use, but some of them are in pieces.. I guess now is a good time to stitch them back together... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Coyote pulls the body of Garry out of his book and stitches him together.)
...Wait, that's my fucking body!.. ''Garry''
(Garry flies over to Coyote)
...Why the fuck do you have my body!?.. You creepy faggot!... ''Garry
... ''Coyote says in shock''
...You are the soul that belongs to this corpse?.. ''Coyote''
..No, i just look exactly fucking like him... Dumbass.. ''Garry''
...This might come to my advantage.. Eating this corpse's brains to gain memories is a massive shock to my system, and in a place like this and with my nerves already on the border... I can't risk feeling any more than i already am.. This soul could teach me how to use his corpse.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...I'm struggling to hold this creature any longer.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...You, soul... I can control corpses to fight for me... I need you to explain to me about how you fight, do you have any special abilities or skills? ''Coyote''
(Miladox breaks hold of Coyote's strings.)
...Oh shit! That thing is free!.. Fucking save us man!!... ''Garry''
..I'm not going back in there!.. ''Garry''
...Then answer my question!.. ''Coyote''
...What the fuck are you talking about!?.. ''Garry''
... ''Coyote''
(Miladox dashes towards Coyote. Coyote then fires a ball of spirit strings, Miladox then slashes through Coyote's spirit ball and continues to approach Coyote)
... ''Coyote says as his eyes widen''
(Miladox holds back its arm, preparing to slash. Coyote ducks in attempt to dodge. Miladox slashes through Coyote's shield and severs both of Coyote's ears.)
...My ears!.. Ahhhg... ''Coyote''
(Coyote fires spirit strings that binds Miladox's arms together. Spirit strings fire from the corpse of Garry. They begin to wrap around Miladox's body, Garry then flings Miladox away from Coyote. Miladox is slung a long distance before clashing with the ground.)
...This corpse is physically powerful.. This might work.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Coyote sews his ears back on while Miladox recovers.)
...You! Explain to me, how do you use your body!?.. Quickly!.. ''Coyote''
...MAGMA GARRY!! MAGMA GARRY!!.. ''Garry''
...What!?.. ''Coyote''
(Miladox dashes towards Coyote. Coyote then fires off strings in the distance and pulls himself away. Miladox slashes Coyote in the back and is disconnected from his strings, crashing to the ground.)
...No! Get the fuck up faggot!.. ''Garry''
(Coyote opens his eyes to see Miladox holding its claw back, as it is about to strike. Coyote's eyes widen, he then pulls himself into his book. Miladox halts its attack.)
..Where did he go!?.. Oh no... He left me here!! FUCK YOU!!.. ''Garry''
(Coyote is inside of the golden realm of his book. He then stitches up his back.)
>This isn't the home we imagined ourselves in but i like it.
This sentence gets to me every time.
But can he stop 「DEAD AIR」
...If i hadn't escaped by entering my book, i would be dead now... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...If i lose control over my emotions, i risk losing my Neutral abilities.. In here, that would be a death sentence... ''Coyote thinks to himself''
...Though i have never been this frightened in a fight, i believe that i may have just discovered a new approach!.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Miladox is observing Coyote's book. Strings then latch to nearby ground from the book. The book then launches its self towards Garry's soul.)
... ''Garry says in confusion''
(The book passes through Garry, capturing him within it. Strings come out of the book and attach to the ground, holding it in mid air. The strings then pull Garry's corpse in the book. Miladox is still trying to decipher the turn of events.)
(Garry's floats down to Coyote)
...Where are we?.. ''Garry''
...We are in a realm that exist within my book.. If that creature destroys the book, i am not confident that i would be able to re-create the bridge between the outside realm, and from this realm.. I was not responsible for the creation of this book... ''Coyote''
...Though i am assuming that my last move confused that creature.. So just like it observed me before, it should be observing the situation now.. Which gives me some time to think.. ''Coyote''
...If that fucking thing destroys your shitty book, I'll be trapped in here with you!?.. ''Garry''
..Would you rather be out there with that creature?.. ''Coyote''
...I want to stay in the book now... ''Garry''
..Listen, we don't have a whole lot of time to plan our next attack.. Explain to me again, what is this Magma Garry?.. ''Coyote''
(Coyote pulls a Goomba out of his book. Miladox observes.)
...Oh hell no... ''Goomba''
(Miladox slashes the goomba in half and absorbs his soul. Garry's corpse then comes out of the book. While in mid air, Garry's corpse pulls pillars towards himself. The pillars then collide with Garry's corpse, forming Magma Garry. He then smashes into the ground as steam pores from his mouth)
..We have an advantage now.. You've already been killed, so every time that your body is damaged by this creature, i will just repair it with my spirit strings.. ''Coyote''
...That's fucking morbid as fuck... ''Garry''
...Let's continue.. Explain more about your abilities.. ''Coyote''
(Miladox dashes towards Magma Garry. Magma Garry then spews steam from his mouth, vanishing. Miladox halts to observe. A ball of springs hits Miladox in the eye, and wraps around its face. Coyote then uses the strings to slam Miladox into the ground. Strings then begin to lift Magma Garry up off the ground, he then hovers over Miladox. Magma Garry begins spewing magma over the body of Miladox. Coyote from within the book, uses the combined forces of his spirit strings and Garry's earth bending, to compress Miladox into a marble sized ball. All of the souls that Miladox has consumed, float out of its body.)
...I believe that we have just defeated that creature... ''Coyote''
...Are you serious!?.. How!?.. ''Garry''
....Oh my God!... ''Goomba''
...I never want to go back in there... ''Poppy Bros. Jr 2''
..That was very strange.. I don't know if i like being apart of some creature's flesh!.. ''Poppy Bros. Jr 1''
...You don't even want to know what part of the creature that i was... ''Poppy Bros. Jr 4''
...That's rough buddy.. ''Poppy Bros. Jr 3''
...Was it his dick?.. ''Goomba''
...I don't want to talk about it... ''Poppy Bros. Jr 4''
...It was its dick doe right?... ''Goomba''
(Miladox begins to reform its body, as it expands back into shape.)
... ''Coyote''
...What!?.. What is it!?.. ''Garry''
..That creature is reforming... This isn't over yet... ''Coyote''
...Damn.. I JUST WANT THIS TO BE OVER!!... ''Garry''
..So does everyone else, but it takes time.. ''Coyote''
(Coyote begins to fire strings into the ground in the distance, the strings begin to twist together.)
..The ability that I'm about to do, takes time to form as well.. And with it, I've certainly won this battle.. ''Coyote''
...You're one cocky asshole.. ''Garry''
(Miladox turns towards Magma Garry. It then dashes towards him, slashing Magma Garry in half. Strings spew from the corpse of Garry and they begin stitching him back together. Miladox then glares towards the book.)
...I believe that it's lost interest in my corpse.. It seems to be observing my book.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Miladox dashes towards book.)
...I have to prevent it from damaging the book!.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Magma Garry fires magma covered strings towards Miladox. The stings wrap around the tail end of Miladox, halting its movement. Miladox begins to drag Magma Garry's body as Miladox slowly gets closer to the book.)
... ''Coyote''
(Magma Garry uses an earth ability to secure his foot hold. Miladox's movement is halted once again.)
...This won't hold that creature back for long.. My special ability is complete, but i need to escape this book or i might be trapped in here forever.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Dusk Hunter appears from thin air, as gold aura surrounds it. The gold aura then vanishes.)
...Wait... Isn't that the stupid pig shit creature that Demaro was using!?.. How did you get your furry hands on it?.. ''Garry''
...I just, took it... ''Coyote''
...Oh.. ''Garry''
(Coyote runs to Dust Hunter and is then swallowed by it. Miladox breaks free of the hold, pulling Magma Garry's arms off in the process. Miladox continues to dash towards the book. Dusk Hunter then launches Coyote far up in the air.)
...I'm not going to make it in time!.. ''Coyote thinks to himself''
(Miladox then enters the book. Coyote and Miladox pass by each other, as Coyote is a mere few feet away from Miladox's eye, it glares at him.)
... ''Coyote''
(Coyote leaves the book, Miladox following close behind. Coyote and Miladox continue to fly high up in the air. Coyote then looks down at Miladox)
...Game over... It was a good fight though, i must admit.. ''Coyote''
(Coyote fires massive spirit chains towards Miladox. The spirit chains then wrap around the entirety of Miladox's body, leaving its eye exposed. Coyote and Miladox then fall to the ground, Coyote breaking his fall with strings. Coyote then walks over to Miladox in a calm manner.)
...So let me explain how i won, not that you can understand me.. ''Coyote''
..First off, your greatest trait was also your weakness.. Your nature to observe your opponent is a very wise method, but i took full advantage of the time that you've spent by doing so, in order to compose counter moves.. These chains are proof of this, i needed time to compact them.. ''Coyote''
..You could have defeated me.. You had the opportunity to destroy the book, leaving me trapped in there until i died of thirst.. But as intelligent as you are, you're still a simple minded creature.. ''Coyote''
..I realize now that you only kill, because you thirst for our souls.. Even if you were capable of coming to the conclusion that if you were to destroy my book so that i would have been trapped in there forever? You wouldn't have been able to devour my tasty soul, huh?.. ''Coyote''
(Coyote pulls Garry's corpse and disconnected arms into the book.)
.You won't be able to escape these chains.. I've studied just how many spirit stings that i needed to hold you down for good.. And i left your eye free because I'm confident that you have no way to use it as a weapon, or you would have done so by now.. ''Coyote''
...You, are a Guardian.. I discovered this whenever you formed back after i destroyed your body.. From my knowledge, all Guardians can't be killed because they aren't actually alive.. They are formed from some kind of divine magic.. You are deemed ''Guardian'' correct? So what exactly were you meant to protect? Hmm... ''Coyote''
..Still, i was missing the final pieces.. Until of course, you've entered the realm that exist within my book.. You've shown me that just like my book, and how you entered it? That i can do that same to escape your realm.. ''Coyote''
..The realm's gate is an illusion.. You can always enter or exit through it, as long as their isn't a lock to it.. The book that the Tribe's Cheif parted with, is special.. The gate exist high up, so if you can not fly? Then you can't escape.. Whenever my book is closed, it seals the gate as well.. That is, if you even know about the gate to begin with.. ''Coyote''
...So Mr Arthropod.. Where is the gate to your realm?.. ''Coyote''
(Coyote discovers the gate to the realm in the distance.)
..As long as I'm aware of the gate, i am able to see it.. ''Coyote''
(Coyote connects strings to the chains that are wrapped around Miladox. Coyote then begins to run towards the gate, dragging Miladox with him. Coyote then exits the gate and appears on the outside world. Coyote proceeds to pull Miladox out of Demaro's third eye hole, and into his book. Demaro then collapses, while in a daze.)
..... ''Demaro''
(Coyote while in a serious manner, stares at Demaro. Demaro's eyes widen. Demaro then struggles to summon Addy Demon and Kelic from a portal. Due to Demaro being exhausted, Kelic falls and collides with the ground. Addy Demon turns around and glares at Demaro.)
...Don't look at me!.. Kill him!!.. ''Demaro says in a panic''
(Coyote then pulls Addy Demon and Kelic into his book, his facial expression unfazed. Demaro is in complete fear.)
... ''Demaro''
(Coyote then pulls Demaro into his book and closes it. Road Runner returns to Coyote's side.)
...Time to go.. ''Coyote''
..Meep! Meep!.. ''Road Runner''
rest in peace
And there you have it,
Tails Gets Trolled
I've been at this for 11 hours now but for you guys this was worth it. I give me regards to the original OP who got this started and as always
Thanks for playing
Has there ever been a more dominant character
God bless, OP
Thanks OP, it's been fun
Literally god-tier power
Okay, Coyote vs Chester vs Troll King, who wins?
Without the Words, Troll King would probably be the weakest of the three, but if he has them it’d take some real fuckin prep for Coyote or Cheetoman to beat him. If anyone kills the troll king it’ll probably be Mario or Rob. In a contest between coyote and cheetoman, we haven’t really seen what the cheesy menace can do yet, but I’m afraid to.
It reminds me of pic related
Coyote could always string TK’s mouth shut if he knew about the words
Lazerbot is a ONE-tier genius so it makes sense
Thanks OP, it was a great thread
Just woke up to the thread, thanks for continuing the dump.
So what happens with Chester?
Obligatory for every dump
Artist stopped making it, so who knows
His wall of text and all those powers reminds me more of Togashi
From the previous breads, but posting since it has potential, there's a new wiki to chronicle everything from this masterpiece. Just started
>how do you puke on weed
Has the TGT dude ever smoked weed before
>longass hiatuses followed by introducing dozens of new characters
you’re right
>garry comes back
based as fuck
Fuck I just realised I've been reading from right to left the whole time which is why everything seems more retarded.
Unfortunately, we DID get Tails Gets Trolled Polished. Its negative reception is why Lazorbot stopped doing the main comic.
I love how Cheeto Man talks like a black guy even though he has a British accent in the commercials
Surely TGTP wasn't that bad I mean it's the same guy who OH MY GOODNESS
God bless OP
What the fuck?
I'm in fucking stitches over how good that paneling is
Wait, was TGT Polished a different series or an alt universe/spinoff? I thought it was just like a remastering.
He's right, you know.
It's basically a retelling of the first chapter that goes into more detail (kind of like the Amy flashback did but more). The part he posted is from Espio's dream sequence.
the casual racism is an integral part of the experience
Have you? The only time I can remeber puking was from coughing too much and had eaten too much before. THC is supposed to make you not dizzy and sick.
Tails was being high as fuck and he's already a retard sober
>even though he has a British accent in the commercials
Since when?
Tails Gets Trolled Polished was billed as Lazorbot redrawing Chapter 1 with the level of care that went into later chapters, with some additional content to try and flesh out characters who died before they could.
It ended up being a gargantuan mess. I wholeheartedly believe the charm of TGT largely comes from its progression, how the early chapters were so nonchalant and didn't give a shit about narrative or dramatic pacing, only to both evolve into something that succeeds quite well at those and to weave the earlier chapters into later storylines and give them new meaning in hindsight.
>I'm so mad. I'm gonna go have sex with my girlfriend so I won't be so mad.
It especially works well because we see it from the point of view of Tails, a character who is completely unaware of how fucked up the setting is until much later on. He's an unreliable narrator.
TGTP decides it wants to be the "true" chronological telling of the story and it makes everything so melodramatic that it sucks the fun out of the chapter, pic related. Instead of Shadow unexpectedly murdering a dude and revealing his philosophy of "they cant troll you if their dead" you get a drawn out scene that I think is trying to humanize these two trolls we see for like four pages at the start? The new "comedic" bits are so out of place and clash so hard with the intended deep melodrama that it give me the bad kind of whiplash; it's like whenever one of those Birdemic/Sharknado movies that are charming due to their incompetence gets a sequel where the director is trying to make something bad on purpose and it never works.
The biggest sin, in my opinion, is Lazorbot just taking the flashback scene from Chapter 19, and pasting it into the middle of Chapter 1 wholesale. That flashback was built up basically over the whole series with several chapters directly leading into it, and they just toss it in.
He made 32 pages and then decided he was done with TGT as a whole for the indefinite future.
This is one of the best summaries I've read of TGTP and why it didn't work.
>the final battle is so intense it cannot be captured in a drawing with text so fans have to use their imagination instead
>that fucking hand
Fucking Lazerbot switching from god tier to trash tier back and forth kills me
To any newcomers, reminder that this plot point was set up in this panel, back in the very first chapter. Now tell me it's not the work of a twisted genius.
This is what fucked me up the most. This is a Bionicle tier fucking plot twist.
Marijuana induces nausea in some people. Additionally people high on THC can overeat and make themselves sick. Have you seriously never heard of someone "greening out"?
>see this ad on TV
>remember he's a damn pimp holding hostages for others to do his bidding
Life will never be the same, will it?
I always remembered Chester as sounding kinda white and black at the same time
>sonichu is now alive and a part of this world
lazerbot would totally setup a meeting between tails and him wouldn't he?
Man I miss animated ads like this.
It feels like every ad now is some crazy CGI shit happening to some kids to hack kids dopamine receptors into associating their product with wacky shit.
If he was right he'd still be alive
Who is Skat, anyway?
This is the greatest piece of literature I have ever read.
Fuck if I know.
Also did anyone notice the finding Nemo crew in this one panel?
What the fuck is this shit, why is autism so fun.
Because over the years there's just been so much of it that a lucky few managed to obtain the skills to make it genuinely entertaining.
It's a golden age of autism man.
Source? Or is this just a single page, on-off joke kinda thing?
[Dead Air] just sounds cool, pure cool. How do these people do it? Reminds of me [SPACE BABYLON]
Should be required reading for school. I'd love to see how the youth would turn out if you slot TGT and other top tier autism fanfiction right between works like the Odyssey and Of Mice and Men.
In fact I'd love to know how Yea Forums and Yea Forums feel about this magnum opus of both illustration and literature.
Amy deserved a happy ending
No idea about Yea Forums but Yea Forums loves it as much as we do