When you bring your vidya to school

>when you bring your vidya to school

Attached: 555.webm (426x240, 1.34M)

did he died?

lol middle school


No, he wasn't supposed to just be running away, he'll die.

what's his fucking problem

no it's being a little bastard not going in the warm bit and the adults've had enough

>Catholic church

he didn't died

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Yea, hunter shot him and ate him

He brought his vidya to school, obviously

It would from the cold if it did.

Mothers without children wanting to care for a child. Grab one early before it recognises its mother.

Where do I find a human woman like this.

Most of the time even when they do get one they don't care for it because they don't have that mother-child bond with it and they usually die anyway

He's gay and doesn't want to be crushed to death by desperate mommies.

Pleas don't do this.

Attached: 1368473155246.jpg (250x248, 9K)

Deserved to die, this is what mental retardation looks like in the animal world.


S-so you're saying it's an /ss/ gangbang?

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god, I wish that were me.


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This is actually more sad than arousing

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speak for yourself

This is horrible. It's abuse and it's inexcusable. That poor boy.

>This is horrible. It's abuse and it's inexcusable. That poor boy.
ill take his place so he doesnt fall victim to the oneesan menace

>Game has secrets so obscure they're still not found decades later

Attached: 1551553479145.png (1090x742, 938K)

The dumb little shit is gonna freeze to death if it doesn't let one of the big moms warm it up.

Bless you, user. You're a true hero. Now that boy can go home, play videogames and enjoy a peaceful, innocent childhood.

Did he find it?

>game story has cheap drama

Attached: 1549506181858.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

Clannad first After Story ending

Why didn't she just spend some fish to buy a decent jacket for her kid?


What's worse, an agonizing slow death (freezing) or a quick brutal death (predators)? Penguins clearly made their choice in that matter. But, I'm willing to bet most humans would choose quick.

Why are they attacking him?

>Game has moral choice system.

Attached: Penguin chick abandoned.webm (1280x720, 2.34M)

Fuck somebody posted it first

Attached: Penguin saves its chick.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

that's wrong though
if you look at the sizes of the components, it should be a mommy in the middle hugging two shota boys with her arms

>Game ends with the MC's death.

Attached: Penguin wounded.webm (640x480, 2.31M)

godspeed, lunatic penguin

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Freezing's not so bad. You just feel increasingly exhausted until you desperately need to sleep. Then you drift off peacefully and freeze to death in comfy dreams of warmth.
Unless you mean you remain fully conscious and suffer the extreme pain of spreading frostbite.

Attached: Penguin Orphan.webm (640x480, 1.48M)

Don't worry. He comes back in the sequel.

Mothers that lost their children to the frost kidnap other children to raise. Basically moms fighting for who gets to keep and raise the few survivors.
If it wasn't just basic instinct and had some moral complication, it would be pretty sad. Its not, penguins are retarded.

>quick brutal death (predators)

You're not fooling anyone, sea lion.

Attached: 1550187541461.webm (854x468, 2.78M)

>seal mates with penguin.webm

Penguins adopt chicks if they lost their own chicks.
They are fighting for it like its black Friday

>game has uuhhh kino moments

Attached: 1549943777483.webm (1024x576, 2.91M)

Why do people only post the penguin dynasty? The chimpanzee dynasty had drama as well.

>fighting for your life as an alien shoves a camera in your face

Chimps aren't cute

>no penguin marching simulator

Attached: 1550886208985.gif (500x324, 2.49M)

Attached: Penguins attacked by leopard seal.webm (854x468, 2.8M)

literally feels like Bladerunner: Penguin Edition

I hate black people

damn lolicon penguins

Why are penguins so kino?

Attached: 1550165452136.png (1912x792, 1.02M)

Contrasting color schemes, seem to be way put of their depth, pack mentality in an unforgiving place.

>Game has escort missions.

Attached: Penguins watch their bro.webm (854x468, 2.25M)

Sorry but I gotta ask, what is this guy from anyway

pfft only casuals cant get past the start

Attached: .jpg (580x348, 22K)

Because chimps are fucking assholes.

Just as sealion fucks with penguins, so do orcas with sealions.

Total Recall.

The webm is not complete. It is from a documentary and in the end his mom is able to secure him. Those other penguins chasing the little guy are females that couldn't find a mate or had their own kids killed by the could, hunger or whatever the fuck is out there to get them. They are just desperate to be mothers and will try to steal chicks if there's an opportunity.

I recommend mend watching the documentary, it has a bunch of cool scenes and penguins are interesting as fuck.

pure kino

Chimps are fucking disgusting and ugly.

Which is crueler, nature or humanity?

>penguins are interesting as fuck.
>animals that just stand around trying not to freeze to death are interesting
You must be great at parties, user.

>game has vehicles moving itself

Attached: soccer.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

The sound they make is actually sad as fuck and their little sad shuffle they do just adds to the sadness.

Separating humanity and nature is arbitrary. We are part of the natural world as well, and one of the few species with high enough capability of empathy to actually care for the well being of other species.

Did you watch any of the webms in this thread?

>that guy that just jumped off it
Fucking coward.

Nature can't be cruel. Nature just happens.

Because life is kino when it's not in the middle of a fucking fake civilization that's obsessed over stupid menial bullshit.

Separated from his herd, back from Antartica most likely

Definitely nature. Look at parasites.

Nature can't really be cruel, though. Life is cruel. Life needs to consume other life to live.

Maybe he doesn't know how to stop it?