Maybe I'll have a dream tonight where I'm on board the Pioneer II.
Phantasy Star Online
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HUcaseal bros WHERE U AT
such a shame that the servers on dreamcast are largely inactive. I usually play by myself while waiting for people to join.... but they usually never come.
I really like that keyboard.
I don't care if it's nostalgia, anyone saying PSO doesn't have a unique aesthetic a dumb idiot.
the game is pretty dated though user. Comparing PSO to FFXIV is a night and day difference.
Why aren't you guys playing pso2 with us? Come to our general at /vg/, episode 6 is coming soon.
Ff14 is still the worse game of the two. Just a reminder.
Not really, both games are pretty good imo. It's just that pso is largely dead. If it had a more active community then I'd probably play it more.
Post RAcaseals.
Talking about nothing besides the visuals and "feel" of the game.
I liked PSO2 years ago but the anime collabs, idol dancing lobby actions, and 12 digit damage numbers are too much. If it was the only game I played I wouldn't mind the last one but it doesn't lend itself well to occasional plays imo.
>PAL console
>US controller
>JP games
>look up RAcaseal
>all images are figures
You guys convert your memory card? I accidentally reformatted my card when I was a little shit. Thankfully my main is on my cousins.
>Talking about nothing besides the visuals and "feel" of the game.
what are you talking about? the game is clearly dated. I don't even really have to say anything about it gameplay-wise because I assume most people know what I'm talking about. If you want examples though just look at how the game is very sensitive to disconnects. I've lost countless valuable weapons and even an entire character once. Also look at how the game had a lot of hackers and people who'd steal items from you. Even on private servers I still find people who cheat and run through barriers that they're not supposed to be able to do normally. The game is too easy to cheat at and even some gameplay mechanics like how enemies can be cheesed by going in and out of a room feels dated. Then there's the fact that it doesn't have a lot of modern communications that other MMOs have. The mail system is very weird because if you send someone mail their mailbox only exists if they're online. On modern MMOs you can still get mail delivered to your mailbox even if you're not online. Also because of the dreamcast controller not having enough buttons it gives you a very small set of hotkeys to use which feels awkward if your coming from a game like ffxiv. Finally, the story of the game feels like there's not a lot content in it. There's not a lot of character growth and you barely interact with anyone. (I'm not sure how it is in other episodes though)
Stop talking about mechanics. VISUALS and/or AESTHETICS.
I miss playing it with my 3 other friends on the Gamecube.
I remember being scared of the monsters of Forest when I first booted it.
Post humarl
>2 PSO threads going on.
>In the chaos of this april fools bullshit.
What the fuck is going on.
user, don't. I'm trying to go to bed. I already posted my RAcaseal collection the other night. Don't do this to me.
Link to archive. I want non-figure photos..
you can at least turn off damage numbers once ep6 hits if you wanna play it more like monhun or something
I just have that shit on my tower. I used to autisticly save RAcaseal pictures I found because robot waifu.
But now I'm in bed, on my laptop. I've only got a few on here.
Oh really. Are they going to add some other type of damage indicator? It seems like info you would want to know but it seems too messy as is.
PSZ RAcaseals are also hella fucking cute.
I don't think so, you can just resize them or just outright remove them if they annoy you.
I miss the swish-effects of this era of gaming. I am surprised by how much I miss it.
What else had it?
>That amazing feel when you own this fig
Feels good man
I've got both user. I adore them.
Like, every game in that generation. It was just the go-to effect for swinging weapons. Another one that caught my eye for it was Eve of Extinction.
Switch/PS4 port when?
3DS port when
Why not just play blue burst? Its pretty much the definitive version of the game and theres usually 100+ people online in ephinia.
>there will never be a zone as comfy to roam about as Mines 1
And I'm okay with that
>tfw hunters had the coolest weapons but they are the least optimal to play
Feels bad man
Is there an offline version of the PC version with all the episodes?
not sure about offline blue burst but you could always just emulate the gamecube ports
I still remember having this wallpaper with a matching theme on my PC running win98 back in the day.
I am loving all these pso and psu threads lately. Holy fuck i cant wait for clementine to be done. And ephinea is a great way to kill the time
You guys are erping,attentionwhoring,avatarposting,dramamakingfaggots. No thanks.
the thread unironically doesn't have that much avatarposting, the worst shit we have now is IDOLA retards shitting up the thread with their gachashit
What's coming in episode 6? Are they still doing that omega episode with recolored enemies plus a few new ones?
No we're going back to space. Also space mech fights.
These fucking things
I would consider coming back to the game, but I lost access to my OTP and don't remember the information I used to create my account, so I'm shit outta luck.
Maybe PSO3 will actually get a NA localization so we don't have to jump through hoops just to play an ever-expanding collaboration simulator.
I don't think OTP is required anymore.
Unless they automatically removed them from everyone's accounts, there's nothing I can do.
Just try and log in bro
There is a download with an emulated server you can run on your pc which let's you play Blue Burst offline alone (which includes ep1, 2 and 4)
Still asks me for my OTP.
if you played a while ago making a new character wouldn't be all bad, they have boosts and shit to catch you up pretty quick