2019 GOTY
2019 GOTY
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>>actually believing this won't be released until 2021
MP beta announced, moving closer you silly non believer.
September 2019. Have faith and BELIEVE or die like a filthy Rhodok.
turkey is going to undergo an islamic revolution and become a caliphate before the game ever release
It won't even be GOTY in 2040 when it releases, since EA's Half Life 4 will win it.
Have they realized all the bannerlord fags are people with toasters and 0 money so they cant run their new game and the series is so niche they cant hope to get a new playerbase?
What is the next step of their masterplan?
You've had 10 years to save money for a new PC.🐸
By the time this game is released we will have actual virtual realitiy and the need for conventional video games will be abolished.
>By the time this game is released
You mean 16 to 20 months from today?
>MP beta
what does this mean
>being this new😂
multiplayer beta ??
inb4 pic related
You guys are aware they already said they'll have a multiplayer beta for Christmas 2016, right?
Mana Potion β
tears of joy because the wait has finally ended
he is free now
>all these trees they have to cut to make walls and buildings
Damn this seems super inefficient.
now that i have read it i understand it as a 6v6 beta
i was going to lose my shit if they allowed coop
but i read that there would be no coop
and there will be no coop
Rolled 93 (1d100)
if 100
bannerlord in 5 minutes
Remember those we lost on the way
If I get 7 likes it'll make it up to 100
what are the odds that a bunch of kebabs won't fuck it up?
it's probably absolute shit and they hoped people would forget but now it has just become akward
Coop is just something they said they'd think about, so yeah wouldn't count on it.
Modders will definitely have a go at it though, depending if the engine is open enough for it.
It only needs to be as good as a Bethesda offering. "Mods will fix it", as the ancient greeks said.
Tactical map multiplayer mod is very easy to make, you just host a custom multiplayer map every time the singleplayer protagonist is engaged in combat.
The problem is the strategic map. Can't mod that in, probably. Either they code for it, or it won't happen.
what are some must-play mods for warband?
Why would anyone who isnt a circle jerking eurofaggot play these jankass games?
This could be you in Bannerlord.
Vlandia bros where you at
Nice roleplay, but ameribros are well aware of the magic of Warband.
It's basically a vaporware for me
>upcoming closed beta
it's happening
Guts get out of the boat before Bannerlord release
Sturgia 4 lyf
they need to up the gore game. literally disney tier whacking
The map is an absolute chonker compared to warband.
It's gonna be so comfy lads I might do a little cry on release
Imagine the trade runs, furs for silk, across the map, trailed by bandits.
>ram prices are dropping like crazy
>gpus prices are going down after bitcoin crash
>cpu prices are going down because the next Ryzen cpu is due out this Summer
This Summer is probably the best time to build a new PC!
buying low and selling high MAKES ME HARD
Till ps5 or another gen of console comes out im as good as i am with a 6yr pc old.
>Cattle missions on that map
>>tfw your CPU and GPU are almost 10+ years old and you still can play shit on 1080
fuckin consoles man
I have more faith in a bunch of kebab nobodies than in any of the big developers at this point.
they're bringing back the big multiplayer modes right?
the new ones are cool i guess but lets be honest who cares about gay little skirmishes, mount and blade has always been cooler with giant player battles
>gpus prices are going down after bitcoin crash
GPU prices haven't gone down for shit, especially with the RTX series failing, old Pascal GPU's are as expensive as ever.
Trees existed in abundance in those times. It just seems wasteful looking at it now when humans are basically continuing to deforest the entire planet.
50 likes and Bannerlord will never release.
Yes the big 200 man modes have been confirmed.
6v6 is just a new mode for tournyfags. Makes sense to use it for meta testing.
it literally looks just as clunky as it's 10 year old predecessor, if they are just gonna do a reskin of warband that's fine but why the fuck is it taking so long?
You build with what's available. Log forts and castle was the most common fortification in Europe. Though most times they are used in composite with stones.
main game will be shit like always
cant wait for mods
It's likely they're building the game world, still
I mean, every city on that map is going to have several different states based on upgrade level, every biome and village will have a different area associated with it etc. They're also having seasons.
It's a lot of work, and I heard that during the shit that happened in turkey some of their devs got disappeared, probably becuase they weren't braindead islamfags.
try 2021
>Warcraft mod with armor and arms from WOW
All of my YES
I hope it doesn't get boring and samey around the time you become a vassal and have a steady income like Warband did.
Hopefully the torrent size won't be too big.
>Bannerlord releases in 5 years
>Warcraft mod releases in 10 years
With characters aging and dying, so that you get to play as your son when your main guy dies, it should scale better over time. Hopefully more advanced diplomacy too.
If this reach 100 likes, TaleWorlds sutdio gets bombed by YPG.
Only need one set of paladin armor from WOW and AshBringer to start introducing people of M&B with true faith
Is there a non weeb shite version of this
>rhodoks as the backwater idiots covered in pigshit
>not nords😂
Nords actually bath
They live in straw huts like the barbarian shitters they are
Sone doesn't insulate against cold, nigger
Vaegirs live in a colder region and they have superiour architecture and manage to keep warm, Nords are just primitive retards
>good at anything
Literally the worst faction in the game. Even the horsefuckers dab on them they're so useless.