Wait, why is this Like redditian shit still up?
Is it permanent?
Showscore dino
Disliked and blocked
Yes, they are permanent. Thank you o based and retarded Hiro.
i think it's based
They leave the birthday hats on for like 3 days, why were you expecting it to go away already⚽
If good luck yes it’s permanent
If bad luck then not
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Hiro btfo /pol/ once and forever💯
If good luck then Yea Forums is subreddit
If bad luck then it's not
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Good going.
like this post if you think it should stay lol
if heads, 4channel becomes redditCoin Flip: Tails
It should stay, if nothing else because it'll piss people off.
its permanent for pass owners
I'd genuinely love to see it stick around. People will bitch and moan that it turns the site into a 24/7 attention-hungry circlejerk-fest, but that's already been the state of things around here for over half a decade.
I kind of hope it stays so I can finally leave this shithole. I always avoid the site on April 1st since it's literally just Yea Forums+reddit for the day, if it stays like this I can stay gone.
If you don't like it then leave old man
See you next week!
Stop kidding yourself user, you're here forever
t. Mad scorelet
endless pain🦖
>Hiro BTFO /pol/
>With the same update that added a hand gestures that symbolizes white supremacy👌
Heads, it's permanent and I'll kick my own ass.
Tails, it'll go away forever.Coin Flip: Tails
It's for the best
>japanese moot tries to do something fun
>"fuck you!"
Yeah nah, you niggers are going to bitch and moan anyways, I'd rather have something cool too.
>be me
>login to 4channel.com.au
>check likes
>only 78
>tfw you'll never get dino let alone skele
feels bad man
If heads you have to give me likes!Coin Flip: Tails
nah bros they removed it...
rip in pisces
i was really into getting it but when it didnt stop at 12am on 2/4 it was kinda pointless was up for about 9 hours overkill lol i dunno how u didnt get dino at least