Other urls found in this thread:
how did son of dob ever come to the conclusion that 50 fucking eyebrows above a character's head looks good
>a boy and his blob
>new ip
it's third party support numb nuts.
Imagine caring enough to make these comics.
What about Other Game?
Other M, easy.
that wasn't the argument, dobson
clearly it is? the keyword was OR otherwise he wouldn't have shown Wii Fit since it's not third party.
Dobsons fine calm down
it honestly does. literally the best metroid game and I wish I were joking.
April Fools was yesterday
it's a good thing i wasn't fooling then.
This aged really really badly.
Dobson confirmed as a tranny
The worst Smash Bros
>Mario Galaxy
Sunshine was better
>Twilight Princess
Rehash of OoT
Who cares, who literally cares
Enjoy your wiimote "shooters"
>Mario Kart
The series peaked with Double Dash
>Wii Fit
Not even a game
Flash Game-quality shovelware
>some weeaboo shit
Who literally cares #2
For how long he's been doing this feminist act, I gotta wonder just what the fuck he did to a woman that he desperately wants to cover up. This always always always ends up the case when a male feminist has any relative fame or noteriety.
>Boy and his Blob
>new IP
Go to bed, dobson
>conveniently omits the 3rd party support argument
>$36/month from patreon
What did he mean by this?
Could Dobson redeem himself?
>implication of Lovecraft being a racist
Oh wow, could there be a more 2010s mentality?
Garbage ape
We shall let his fortune decide.
Your fortune: Average Luck
>Having no friends so making these kinds of comics because you can't do it IRL
Did you seriously just say twilight princess is a rehash of OOT? What are you some kinda fuckin retard that never played either game?
>I want to eat you
dobson is stupid lmao
pls donate to my liketreon
skeeeeeeeeely out
He's never done anything physically harmful, but his incredible social retardation has led to him making stupid decisions, like bitching about his ex's Jewish holidays, or telling zelda Williams to calm her tits after her father committed sudoku.
I find it highly fascinating that Blobson still sparks so much joy for Yea Forums. Nobody talks about Tim Buckley anymore but the fat fuck is still the main point of discussions basically every day.
Dob gives us something to hate.
>Mario Galaxy
>Sunshine was better
I told niggas back in the day that people would be saying this one day and nobody wanted to believe it
Loss was actually unfunny garbage
Haha guys I'm a HUGE nerd but can't do basic math or understand D&D haha
Son of Dob represents everything wrong with the modern man. He's a limitless fountain of ridicule and cringe.
u dum son
>be a man
>hate men
what do you think he meant by this?
imagine having to EMPATHIZE with another RACE
ugh how awful
>Please please PLEASE will any of you women on Tinder PLEASE date me?????
I meant Twitter
He was user, but the people obsess over it are retarded. It's such a small part of his overall work that I'm at the point when people bring it up I treat it like a non-sequitur.
Geez guys, calm thine tits.
Racism was literally the crux of all of the themes in his stories. Innsmouth is an allegory for race-mixing, all of the villains in his stories are nogs, the entire "fear of the unknown" represents his fear of other races, etc.
It absolutely is not a "small" part of his works
>will a woman PLEASE FUCK ME?
Does he think his “deep” and “comprehensive” views would change the world? Why do known people think their opinions matter that much?
>The series peaked with Double Dash
Literally every single Mario Kart game ever made has been better than its predecessors and only braindead nostalgiafags would ever disagree. This is the one series that only ever improves.
Why are white cucks so fucking bad? There are cucks of all races, but white cucks are just the absolute worst. Not even sniveling beta Asian yes men, or conniving Jews are as worthless and bottom feeding as white cucks. What's worse, they're the majority of "allies" and cucks. I actually do wish they get their wish of white extinction just so we can get rid of them,
The Thing the Doorstep? At the Mountains of Madness? The Shadow Out of Time? Haunter of the Dark? The Hound? Even in Red Hook, the main antagonist is white, and the horror is what lives under the city. All of his stories are not about racism, and even stuff like Shadow Over Innsmouth the truest horror stems from knowing your bloodline is tainted by genuinely inhuman forces. One of Lovecraft's biggest fears was ending up like both his parents, locked up in an asylum. His themes of man's irrelevance in the cosmos matters more than his racism.
We haven't even brought up his Dreamlands stories.
So Stonetoss has fallen to the Dobson school of, "Imma make a strawman to deflect every piece of criticism I get." He should probably just stick to nigger jokes
Those aren't themes, those are some autistic faggot's retarded headcanons.
Is this the video game comic thread?
He named his cat Nigger Man.
What’s the joke here? Making a RDR2 reference without making any sense isn’t funny
Super Circuit
i like smk better than mk64 because of the controls. ds has some cool features that never returned. in general you are correct though.
How about you stop using my white internet while posting on my white website instead, you little brown faggot
Context is everything user. Nigger was not as offensive as it is today. He didnt name his cat that because he hated it. He loved that cat and was heartbroken when he disappeared when Lovecraft was 12.
Lovrcraft was racist, but not because of that. His racism is easily of the least interesting things about his body of work, and only brainlets obsess over it.
>tells him to not give up hope
>he's clearly dead
It's irony.
inb4 it's not funny because I had to explain the joke to you.
classic funny
big time laugh
>Men act up and change their behavior
>This isn't good enough
Batman's not wrong
So he breaks into a store that clearly says it’s closed and the characters inside are mad that he’s interrupting their game instead? This is why Dobson is not someone you wanna share a conversation with
I think this one infuriates me the most. Why the fuck would you walk into a store that clearly says CLOSED.
Also the implication that fa/tg/uys are more pathetic than the Son of Dob when they actually have friends is comical.
>I'll stop whining if you stop whining
Dobson is a genuinely horrible human being and I hope somebody kills that fat piece of shit.
>Send Request
nothing is good enough
there is no end goal to "diversity" except the erasure of white people.
>Odd... Closed, but the door is open
It's right there in the strip.
I really don't think ol' dobbo is long for this mortal coil, with the way things are going he'll likely finish the job himself in a couple years.
This is the guy who went after Burger King for promoting toxic masculinity with chicken fries.
>Dislikes Negativity
But all of his comics and twitter are about him complaining about inane nitpicks.
In what universe is the comic book industry separated from progressivism? That shit's been seeped in there for many years now.
He knows Mad Max wasn't made by Mel Gibson, right?
Is there any proof to this claim?
Anyone knows his address?
user does your mother know you're this retarded? Next you'll say the Darkest Dungeon is a game about being anti-abortion and lynching blacks
His favorite 3DS game is Etrian Odyssey 4. That's pretty fucking weird for a SJW.
This would be more acceptable had they not gotten rid of the sexy art too. Now it’s two ugly lesbians having a “realistic” (read: retarded) relationship.
Clearly this new-age progressive mindset isn’t working considering that comic sales continue to plummet and the movies are successful because they avoid it completely
He must be a GameCube kid, he also claims DD is peak mario kart
He lives about 25 minutes from me, no joke (if he is still with his parents). But take that gay shit to kiwi farms dude.
post dobson handshake comics.
>store is obviously closed
>still look inside
fucking boomers
Oh christ that is EO4
You sure that's not an edit or something? I don't wanna associate one of my favorite series with this cunt.
Can someone tell him the series promotes pedophilia or whatever so he'll disavow it?
He also claims Other M is peak Metroid. Dude is a contrarian at heart.
i dont get it
Maybe he has a massive stack of loli doujinshi under his mattress and the hardline SJW shit is just a front
But comics have always been pretty progressive unless it was during war times where you had to dehumanize the enemy. Captain America and Superman were the most American you can get yet they also fought for Civil Rights.
Someone post the porn he drew specifically criticizing SJWs
How did he go from that to this?
Its legit, he tweeted about it before. Its okay user, EO4 is still great. Its just bizarre he's into a game with those dancer sprites.
>the movies are successful because they avoid it completely
I agree with the comics part but what about Black Panther and Captain Marvel?
I'll leave if you give back all the time and resources your ancestors stole from other races.
Well if anything I'd say his big secret was the inflation/popping shit and pretending to be a girl online. But maybe you're right.
No, just a gut feeling
Only if you give the chinks the trainrails and the blacks all the sugarcane
Nobody outside of vidya shit cares about fuckley, except maybe Yea Forums but they're too pussy to rip on anybody these days. Dob manages to piss off everyone in some way or another. Even fucking /toy/.
>Since y'all keep drawing these characters in sexual poses together, I'm gonna start writing them as a realistic canonically gay couple
The only remotely realistic lesbian couple in comics that I know of is Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, and that's because Harley is a bi-slut who keeps going getting back together with her boyfriend and Ivy slaps her around.
We give Fuckley shit for his awful comic but the person himself barely gets attention anymore. I imagine most people who post Loss memes don't even know who Fuckley is.
Dobson on the other hand is a full-blown character that's offensive on nearly every conceivable level, from his comics to the man himself. He's dropping with opportunities for ridicule.
To be fair that is probably because you don't read comics.
Is Yea Forums being on the computer an edit?
can someone explain why his fursona is so unappealing to look at?
it just disgusts me in a way i can't describe
If I never see one of these fucking comics again it'll be too soon
How empty must your life be when you put eating and sleeping on your list of likes?
Black Panther was hyped up hard by BLM and Disney just ran with it because it was easy money. The actual content of the film had basically nothing to do with at all unless you think Wakanda was supposed to be seen as something other than a bunch of self-serving retards.
Captain Marvel is much the same way except the controversy was led directly by Brie Larson.
I miss when people posted LICD and MoJ along with this shit for terrible webcomics.
If that's how you want to view it that's cool dude. Something tells me you're being a little disingenuous though.
user I'm talking about the Kilmonger bits that kept referencing slavery and how blacks were treated in the US. Literally Kilmongers whole point in the movie was to get revenge for the years of oppression that African Americans faced.
Why is Dobson making a comic about me
who'd want to? the comic industry is infested with people like dobson or worse.
Post your stuff.
Your heterosexuality is disingenuous, faggot
I think that's meant to be Frank Cho? Not sure since Dobson's art is so terrible.
Looks like Son of Dob needs to get rid of his mirrors if his self-esteem issues have become this bad.
>I like sexy things
_how dare you_
you just know a faggot drew it
what is this comic supposed to convey?
Dob's a sperg with no spacial awareness or social skills
That he's a sorry case who gets bullied by neckbeards.
Criticism of the art is criticism of the self.
That is basically it. He is a barely functioning retard trying to navigate a confusing world. Latching on to a black and white sort of things like feminism is comforting.
It kinda hurts your argument
no it doesn't
I would love if Dobson came to my house with a big spotlight. Like seriously, come at me you 5'6 midget.
Whatever you say dude
I don't even have an opinion on what they are talking about, but that little smug idiot face really annoys me. This is meant to be the character you side with?
fricken awesome
>it ended up isolating comics culture from the rest of the world
so only people who liked comics read them
what a horrible thing
>This is meant to be the character you side with?
Yeah, obviously, the other one is a straight white male.
I don't like being the one to defend Bronson, but he clearly uses a boy and his blob as the answer to the "3rd party" of the blondie's question.
I don't remember making this post, obviously this comic is about me, how could there be two of me?
jesus hes the fucking embodiment of numale reddit manchildren
>40% of the comics have "diverse" main characters
>this is somehow a "comically low number"
>still visualize it as 25%
dobson is so fucking insincere
this is ironically pretty offensive because he's treating them how you would a puppy that sees itself in a mirror
Doesn't he see how fucking racist that is? Calling fictional characters "representations of themselves" for the people watching just because they're the same race? Like, is he saying you're supposed to root for the characters with your skin color, regardless of their character?
A straigh white BLONDE male, no less
It amazes me how of all of the e-celebs I can't think of a better word from the 2000's he still manages garner the same amount of hate and animosity as he did back then. While all others are usually looked back on with curiosity and nostalgia.
>To bring people happiness
>Most of his comics are him complaining, calling people stupid/retarded and just being an ass in general
Dumb phoneposter
That's fucking weird. It's not that they are happy and you empathise, but that it is empowering or what ever? Does he not get the same reaction from watching white dudes be excited?
Fucking weird.
You know you're anonymous, right?
You can just pretend to be someone else and just ignore the fact that you said something retarded.
Instead, you chose to double down on your stupidity.🐀
I can't believe you're defending a racist, you nautical looking autist.
SJW's didn't like wonder woman though, he can't even follow his own ideology correctly
Why? le white doods who hate minorities and wahmen is their spin on it, not based on reality whatsoever
that 4head lead kept crying about the patriarchy only to have the movies shown being filled with white autists
you just know 80% of the moviegoers is the same demographic of pasty whites redditors in their 20s regardless of lead or flavor of the month activism
capeshit movie is just too palatable and mainstream at this point, the "cool" kind of geek whilw comics themselves are a niche at this point, hence its lack of investment and high dropout rate from dissatisfied readers
>Sunshine was better
It's him trying to put his ugly mug on a bear's body and then he made it neon blue, gave it a cringeworthy hat and makes it make faggoty faces in comics. Oh and then it tries to strawman and look superior.
Imagine being at computers.
Say it again with no buzzwords
>t. Zoomer.
Cheers himself up by watching clickbait videos of people overreacting to corporate products.
It was. Sunshine had its flaws but it at least controlled well, Galaxy is stiff and unsatisfying.
>I am wrong
>so please don't point out why I am wrong
>also my favorite show is exempt from my rules because I enjoy it
What a timeless image. Bless you chris chan.
Phoneposter or ESL?
You have a way with words. It is like reading a seizure.
what did he mean by this?
Logical consistency is a symbol of male oppression.
The internet was made by a leftist
lolcow works.
Someone explain me this new ESL reddit buzzword I don't understand it, or where I came from you zoomer redditors come up with new words every fucking week
Every nazi that uses the internet should apply themselves before doing so.
I don't think al gore -actually- invented the series of tubes
muh blonde bully
Well that's ironic
If I had to guess, he wasn’t confident in his ability to properly portray emotion without them but refused to improve to the point where he was, or he was under the delusion it was funnier to exaggerate so much and refused to listen to anyone telling him not to.
Knowing Dobson, both are as likely
damn we really live in a society
Blonde hair is a natural hair color for white people, so there for he hates it. Also, he has an autistic obsession with that Zelda cartoon from the 80's
who's the person on the shirt? Some e-celeb?
Is there a more bullyable person than Dobson?
Posting an image of the epic mustache man doesn't make you a member of the national socialist german's worker's party last I checked
English Second Language
Although in your case it's more like a fourth.
nigga I've seen people using the ESL term for at least twenty years
ESL isn't new, you stupid shit.
That implies he knows at least three more languages.
Can we just go back to mocking Dobson
Calm down ESL-kun
ESL implies he knows a language.
No double fucker
omg totally relatable
DSP is way more successful which is pretty wild
Galaxy controlls amazingly well, Sunshine's FLUD was shit.
Yeah, one. I'm just saying, if you want to insult someone, this is probably not the way to go.
DSP is less pathetic than Dobby.
Maybe Randy Pitchford.
Buckley evidently learned from his mistakes and stopped strapping a target to his back. His work will always suck, but he himself has realised people will stop giving him shit for it if he sticks to his echo chambers and stops being retarded online.
Dobson has yet to learn that lesson, and can’t retreat to an echo chamber because, despite working for decades, he has yet to accrue a fanbase big enough to shelter himself within.
I can believe he goes to conventions and wants to be hide in a corner alone.
Of course, but posting him alongside remarks about being white, is. Stop being so hateful.
Yeah but the amount of hate and backlash for DSP is way worse since he's such a huge malicious asshole towards most people. DSP even got fucking swatted.
>Going to a con but doesn't want to socialize
Why not stay at home then?
I can relate, I don't want anyone helpful to talk to me during conventions so that I can pretend to not want conversations when no one wants to talk to me anyway.
>wants to
I think it might be the other way around.
It actually implies he knows two languages.
It certainly starred him however
In Buckley's defense, he learnt to split the Ethan shit from the gaming jokes comic.
Still needs less words.
What is Fuckley doing these days?
Mostly a superhero comic and a video game comic.
Well you're wrong for assuming marquee name = director
Does he actually know each game usually features a different link?
Did Mel Gibson make Mad Max? Yes or no.
Are they as hilariously bad as the old comics?
epic fuckin bait, my nigger
NES Link had blonde hair on the JP boxes and concept art. Dobson thinks sprite limitations and the western DiC cartoons are canon interpretations because he loves being a contrarian.
Why even go to a convention if you don’t want ANY socialization.
that bottom middle panel sure aged well compared to the longevity of ps3/360 servers
don't forget muramasa, which got a definitive release on vita
What a miserable fuck lol
You're taking the comic too literally you autist. If you're gonna shit on a comic for being created by someone you deem 'racist' you probably shouldn't be watching movies starring and fueled by actors that are deemed 'racist' as well. It's hypocritical, how do you not understand?
Didn't he complain later about this picture, saying that he had to bite his tongue while being surrounded by offensive drawings of tits or something?
>completely exposing your fascist ass is bait
Ok, mate.
Just boring
>know your meme entry states dobson sent them a cease and desist order
>They list his email address immediately below so you can let him know you disagree with that
I would love to get as much criticism as Dobson does, it's literally people telling you what you need to improve. I love that kind of feedback and it sucks to see that he's ungrateful about it because he's insecure. Unfortunately you gotta be a real bad artist like Dobson to get that kind of feedback.
Stonetoss is much more explicit in its racism than two of those people though.
The only one that is close is Lovecraft and he doesn't focus on it as much.
And computers were invented by a nazi.
I thought the whole Reseterra invasion thing was just a meme.
This is what kinda kills me. The sign clearly reads CLOSED, why would you ever want to try and open the door?
I used to work at a retail store and always was amused by the people who tried to open the door after we closed, despite seeing our operations hours right outside. What fucking compels a person to do that?
Didn't he ironically use a pic from the feminist FemThor comic to tell Zelda to "calm thine tits" too? Goddamn he's such a greasy cunt.
shit you got me. heil mein immortal fuhrer and his eternal reich, heil hiroshimoot, and gas all twitterniggers
This shit is so dumb. I could give less of a fuck if my minority race is represented. I want well written characters. A good majority of my favorite characters aren't even fucking human, let alone my race.
Talladega nights was pretty good
Post something you've drawn, I bet we can give it a go.
>going to a con to not socialize
The stromfront invasion certainly wasn't a meme, from the looks of it.
>it's fucking real
rip me to shreds boys
I will have to kill you in your sleep in order for you to stop being good.
he can't be a GC kid he was 20+ years old when that console game out
I can't wait to see what dobby is up to when he's in his 40s-60s.
You need to contrast the reds more since the robe kinda looks like a fleshy blob.
Make the hair brown.
you were a mistake
t. didn't understand super mario kart
This comic is magical
I mean it's like a real life Cognitohazard SCP
Most of this shit either comes off as incredibly forced or extremely emotional
There's just something so incredibly aggrevating about this whole comic. Every single panel is just absolutely rage inducing to a level that I cannot even comprehend.
It's got such a fine balance of snide, sarcasm, smugness, and self-righteousness.
Too much of any just makes it seem like a joke
Too little and it's not aggrevating
it's like the perfect concoction of rage and shitty art.
You forgot the huge futa cock, my man.
I won't give you any tissues even if you are sobbing, ya know
that would be a fun thing to try and figure out, but it would take a lot of really well-studied historians to calculate who all has used whom and how much.
The running theory is this was a place he worked at and nobody liked him.
Stop using words you dont understand
that bully is the most likable character he has ever made
It sounds both racist and sexist to me
>when I'm feeling down, I like to watch how animals react with joy when humans give them treats
GameCube babies need to be gassed
>these are the people that feel the need to speak for us
>galaxy < sunshine
Sunshine was worse objectively, as in, the engine was literally worse and slower. Sunshine is still a amazing game, but Galaxy has objectively the better movement, engine, puzzles, etc.
>Things I don't understand: Sports
>Things I can't do: Sports
I'm surprised he didn't include Not Sports in things that he likes.🐷
he has to know what he is doing, i literally don't see how anyone would write this unironically
What was his cat's name
Tell me the name of Lovecraft's Cat please
> whatisatargetaudience.jpg
What the fuck would you rather have me say then? Shecock? Girlpenis?
he legit deserves to die for that
This pic is old, he might have even changed his mind since then. Besides, why are you worried about sharing opinions with this guy in the rare instance that his taste isn't fucking stupid?
>trap link
What have I become
I like to give it a go just in case, on occasion I have encouraged shop owners to make a late sale by insisting I knew what I wanted and producing cash.
I work retail and this shit pisses me off so much. When we lock up at closing we lock the front door, and drop the metal gate behind the glass doors and lock that as well. We have to do some closing tasks after hours, and absolute retards will come by and see the locked door and the gate, but still knock and try to get me to let them inside
good luck i keep the strap on me
yeah, the values definitely need a lot of work
The cringe is nearly unbearable.
no one thinks this way, if the girls are hot then no straight man is going to give a shit what their relationship status is, they just want to see the cheesecake. Dobson never fails to prove that he just doesn't understand people. I would feel worse for him if he wasn't just so incessant about how great he is and how terrible others are.
the criticisms about rey are justified. it has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with bad storytelling. women should have more self respect for themselves and not fall for such obvious pandering.
where is he even posting now that he's been banned off twitter
Why is it that dobson, an apparent feminist is a fan of Other M, a game you could easily argue was written by somebody with major issues with women.
facebook and tumblr
>tfw he gets btfo'd by a tranny
Dobson is just a mental hill contrarian
>A growth
Thanks user, I had forgotten about those two comics
>you are not allowed to persue your own interests
>you must become part of the mainstream hivemind
>join us
>join us
>join us
civil war 2 when?
BroadDingDong if you would
Well your definitely more talented than dobson so take that for what its worth
>wiimote "shooters"
Lightgun is a better control scheme for shooters than stick, arguably even better than gyro.
Not bad, other responses sum it up. Also, when the image is thumbnailed the word "Cute!" is really hard to make out, maybe in the future you can do a different pose or make the text bigger so that it is easier to see. Your proportions and body shaping are good, but you are also covering the hardest parts, the hands and faces. Can you do those with more detail?
he is too much of a faggot to be a boomer i disqualify him being a boomer
Buy merchandise you want and get out of there.
Dobson seems to really hate DnD. I wonder if he even got bullied by /tg/ nerds
behind his retard obsession with certain meaningless character elements, I agree with points like the stupid timeline bullshit, sidekicks being annoying in most of the 3D games, and the empty as fuck field designs.
>isn't sexualized
>has her slutty armpits out the whole movie
I never played sunshine but galaxy movement was ass compared to 64
needs more jpeg artifacts
the legs look kind of cylindrical and thin near the feet.
Man I didn't even notice that about the thumbnail, good catch.
Here's something with hands and faces in it.
Agreed, they need some more definition in the ankle area. Thanks my guy.
cause he's fat
>3 - D S
This is good.
The only small issue is the pointer and pinky looking slightly out of place
bullied for not knowing basic maths
is the video of him playing skyrim at 10 fps on his shitty mac gone forever?
I really want you see it again
I mean this is the guy who said he was sad that if a nuclear war happens all the progressive cities will be nuked first instead of backwards hick rural areas. Seems like a pretty negative guy to me.
>buying stuff you could just have ordered to you at grossly inflated prices
Literally just go for any performances and panels with important people (in your topic of interest) that show up.
>new bad, old good
what gives this guy the authority on what is and isn't Zelda? I don't get why he gets so worked up over a series that, at its core, fundamentally changes the art style / gameplay systems almost every game.
>choosing to pay shipping costs and risk to pay customs fees
That dumb cunt has way too many question marks above her head
maybe it was the point but the fingers look way too long to me, way the pinky and thumb are drawn makes them look almost as long as the pointer finger. I guess the guy does look like a total lanklet otherwise though. He kind of seems too short for how skinny he looks though. Is he leaning against a wall here? Otherwise he doesn't look like he would stand up, his back and extended leg are really stiff-looking, they wouldn't support him if he was free-standing, which is why I as. On that note, the right leg feels like it's kind of thrown in there, you see this very solid form from the extended leg up through the body, and then the other leg just sort of seems to be there because he had to have two legs. It doesn't necessarily go with the wall support idea though, unless it's up against a corner of the wall, and then the perspective looks a bit weird to me, like his foot is crooked against the wall, seems like something that would be really uncomfortable to do in real life. Finally, the left arm to me is confusing in that it looks like the shoulder muscles are pulled forward, and the hand is in a fist. It looks like his arm is ready to go to action, like he's got a punch in mind, but then his arm is also appearing to be up against the same wall that I can see the back up against, yet it's not relaxed, so it's in this weird inconsistency with the rest of the pose. I'd work to make it look more relaxed, especially in the shoulders, if he is indeed meant to be leaning back. Leaning or not, I would also work on the posture of the legs and feet, to make sure it looks sturdy and supportive of the human form, since in this case it is to me a bit too weak-looking, like he would fall over.
You made good use of marker shading to indicate detail in the clothing, and pretty much everything I didn't mention is fine.
Cute feet.
>i don't want to fuck that this!
is he gay?
>s-spare some cunny, ladies?
How can latino women be so attractive.
They literally blow all other races out of the water in terms of female beauty.
I fucking hate blonde people so much. I'm so fucking sick of seeing blonde people in video games fuck off with blonde faggots die die die die stop bullying me
he deserves to die for this
Who is this semen demon?
I think the reason why I find this man disgusting is because he is literally the definition of a pussy. He doesn't have a masculine trait in his body. He is the literal definition of the modern maggot man, the ideal man put forth by extreme leftists. A total pushover, lacking any honor, gumption, grit, or determination. Its just endless bitching, without actually doing anything to better himself or his environment. It's truly pathetic. I feel bad for his father. I can't imagine having such an ineffective, sniveling little cunt for a son.
die faggot
I don't understand why people said the new She Ra isn't hot.
I'm surprised he hasn't gone full Chris-chan and tried to turn into a lesbian to get some poon.🦉
Nah you're retarded, since its meant to deflect criticism from ST. Its just a sloppy, shitty comic.
Because he's trying to do it for the pussy.
Fuck off you blonde bitch I've got a baseball bat and a fedora and I'm not afraid to knock your blonde head off your stupid blonde neck blonde fuck
Joe rogan did an excellent bit on how guys like A dobby are all hardcore feminists so as to try and make themselves more appealing to women sexually without realizing it does the exact opposite.
I think most guys can just detect that nice guy vibe and we all know he's a little backstabbing shit only trying to worm his way into female groups so he might actually get laid one day.
You just end up alienating yourself from your own and the opposite gender.
Dobson is just a whiny hypocrite. He'd rather self-insert in his pornographic desires than to commit a full transition.
thats like saying da Vinci invented airplanes
t. Dobs son
this but unironically and apply it back to him too
>2-D animation
>If all of us are shit nobody can be hold responsible for anything
God I hate this way of thinking so much.
He really has some good stuff among his strips but most of them are literally, "LOOK I FOUND HYPOCRICITY BY MAKING A STRAWMAN!"
you'd actually be surprised by how few people obsess over it. in leftist circles people tend to say "he was a garbage person but i liked his writing"
there's even an hbomb video where he claims it for the gay
Ok darkie.
A rare instance when the most appropriate response would be
>no u
That sounds about right. I don't think anyone, man or woman, can respect a guy who just has zero testicles. I would know, I had to live with a massive pussy for some time, and being asked to turn down a relatively quiet radio because he insists on reading in the same room or having to witness his tardrage because he was served non-biological meat (despite being told repeatedly it simply isn't feasible with our meager food budget) does wonders to unite people of all kinds to hate people like that.
>non-biological meat
Fucking ayy lmaos, don't you have a cock to draw on someone's field?
I meant to write organic meat, my bad. Nothing is wrong here, carry on huma- user, hahaha.
Pic seems more like an exception than a rule to me. Maybe the issue is i only see chicano latin women, maybe they arent as good looking
i realise you posted this 2 hours ago but i genuinely cannot get over the sheer autism in this post. it's like you're trying to beat dobson at his own game.
Why does it need two panels though
Its not the fact their a pussy.
Its when they try to make it funny or set themselves up as the victim who can do no wrong.
Its just a pity move so that you'll feel sorry for them, at which point you should yank them up by the collar and tell them to man up because were all eating a shit sandwich.
Slimy two faced shits, most men like this are anyway.
yep. untill they hit 26 and start aging like whole milk left on the table on sunny day.
ahahaha look at the face he is making in the last panel
you can totaly imagine him making that face while drawing the comic😂
hello dobson
based and topoyiyopilled
>is he gay?
Probably jerks off to prepubescent girls
Give me your shading skills
I'm getting the idea that Dobson would find a rock or a squirrel offensive if there weren't any people around to blame something on. Nothing he ever does is introspective, just critical of others.
Nah he beats it to balloons with wigs
Dobson needs to be punched in the throat.
>the ideal man put forth by extreme leftists
the ideal man according to extreme leftists is a communist revolutionary, like lenin or castro
you're thinking of liberals
Twice, he got btfo by the same person, and he basically threatened to out them to their family on Facebook because of it
Does Dobson know that Batman used to kill people in his first appearances?
Hell, the Miller and Burton versions even predate the kid-friendly Batman from the animated series.
Have sex
How is that post autistic? He's completely right. These halfassed twitter lefties are just as racist as everybody else
I don’t really care that he opened the door. That’s not a big deal if he was gonna start by asking if they were open. But he walks in already starting on about a GameCube game, totally expecting to be serviced.
I wonder if Dobson actually jerks off to inflation or was it just for money or popularity.
Plus Batman was a massive asshole in the timmverse, he didn't killed anyone but he sure was sadistic,
Take a look at his art and tell me with a straight face that it was for money/popularity.
if it was for money and popularity he wouldn't have stopped and left the community that he was in
but this is exactly what i want, hot chicks wearing nothing going full leso with each other
Fetishes never disappear. And he has just sheer sexual deprivation building up from withdrawing from any kind of sex or relationships.
Just imagine him going full retard, grabbing some innocent little girl off the street and unleashing everything this putrid shit has stored in his fantasies upon her. Then failing miserably and getting a life sentence for child molestation.
Text box under Comprehend Mathematics should say "No way was it six million" or something like that
yes now sales are at an all time low, every comic shop is closing at an alarming rate and the industry is bleeding money.
>But at least they’ll get a nice vox article when they’re shut down!
The cat he had as a child that was adopted and named by his parents?
I can't take anyone that "can't drink alcohol" seriously, unless it's for reason like addiction, health issues or being done with acohol
I'm sure he keeps himself in check, just never posts online about it anymore. But sometimes his fetishes does leak out now and then like
Sometimes I think I would end up like Dobson if it wasn't for everything I saw and passed in life.
I'm arrogant as fuck, have zero talent and basically a failure just like him. The only difference that I can't draw, I like to read, watch anime, play my PS2 and have no problem with edgy humor/freedom of speech.
This triggers the niggers
He's a fucking manchild user.
Doubt he even have people to drink with.
It's not surprising to see that a manchildren has the palate of a fucking child
Especially when it is like saying I don't like vegetables or fruit.
There's millions of alcoholic drinks out there including fruity/sugary cocktails even babies would happily swallow.
he was still shown in the wrong for thinking that retard
He was a literal racist. He wrote multiple texts about how america is going on a decline because of the Scottish people and the black people and asians and jews.
He hated all other races and believed white people should be the only one in America.
He was a paranoid mamaboy who was scared of everything
Truly, this is the most imaginative piece of fiction ever made.
Everyone already knows that and there was pretty much no point in you bringing it up.
and wii fit is the new IP? lmfao wii
Gave me a chuckle✔️
Not as many eyebrows as Dobson has though..
>posting the edit
>banned from twitter
>T H R E E T I M E S
I don't think any neo-nazi has been managed to get banned from twitter three times.
How can one inflation fetishist be so irredeemably awful?
I myself *can* drink it but I prefer not too
but I wouldn't go on a OMG FUCKING ALCOHOL IS DISGUSTING AND BAD rant or anything
>So hated that even the audience you want to pander to hates you
>Everyone literally has nothing but contempt for you
>Autism isn't even a reason
>Shitty behavior gets you banned off twitter 3 fucking times and literally no one misses you or supports you
Dobson is literally worse than CWC
What did he get banned for?
Da Vinci didn't build any proto-aeroplanes though
Once for sending death threats to Drumpf
Another time for ban-evasion/sockpuppeting
I'm not sure what the third one was but I think it was for the same reason as the other two, possibly because he started a fight with Twitter admin Jack for banning him but not banning Drumpf
Initially he got banned for harassing people, the rest of the times he got banned for ban evasion.
Yes, he was such a piece of shit that even twitter banned him, despite him being all "LOL PUNCH NAZI XD"
You first
I could drink alcohol but I had a ethylic coma not too long ago for god knows how many hours and probably would have died of alcohol poisoning, it was a mess. Now just remembering the taste makes me gag.
I can still drink soft shit, but damn I want to enjoy actual alcohol again.
>I did something and some people didn't like that.
What a piss ass apology.
death threats and ban evasion
Because that's European latino.
Is he saying that gay vampires are wrong? Wow very homophobe of him to say that
He really can't let go of his lesbian fetish for five seconds, can he?
Also, that guy looks just like him and that hilarious to me.
>that Captain Marvel panel
Reminder that SIXTEEN PEOPLE are giving Dobson money on Patreon to incompetently trace movie posters in black and white and make typos in his political rants
>comically low
I’m glad Dob is retarded enough to wear the secret joo agenda on his sleeve like that
Anyone else kinda feel sorry for Dobson?
I prefer not to drink anymore too, because i can't handle my liquor anymore. I just pass out after a couple of bottles/shots now.
Why would you feel sorry for him? He isn't just stupid and talentless, he actively avoids improving himself.
We're talking about a man who earnestly believes that watching anime as a child gave him a form of brain damage that prevents him from studying human anatomy, and hates anime and people who like anime because he thinks it's their fault he can't draw.
Everything is pretty much a fault of his own, it's not even like CWC where a good bit of it can be blamed on shitty parenting and trolls, everything bad in Dobson's life is ultimately his fault, and it's not due to parenting or autism, it's because he's just a shitty creature.
When i first heard of him, a little.
but the more i learned about the fucker.
I don't know either i want him to die to continue to live and suffer.
Fuck off Dobson.
He also outed a trans person after they criticized his beauty pageant comic
Everything that has happened to Dobson was due to his own life choices, he doesn't even have any mental illness to blame for his struggles and failures.
On his apology, he still wrote “calm yo tits” just remind the person how much of a dumb fuck he is. How can anyone be this dense?
I pity him in the sense that I think his self-made problems are the result of poor parenting/autism, but at some point you have to take personal responsibility.
At first, yes. But the more you dig it becomes clear Dobbie is an awful person who is directly responsible for damn near everything that happened to him. He had plenty of opportunities in his life to amount to something and he actively blew it all by being an absolute asshole.
More like brainwashing
>his self-made problems are the result of poor parenting/autism
His parents were pretty much normal and raised him right in proper standards. All his problems and faults lie solely on him.
Based smut drawfriend.
no tism and his parents are extremely stable with a brother that has a good life going. all the fault is on dobson's shit attitude.
>Rosalinafags getting mad at this post
I cant even hate Dobson anymore. I just find him sad.
He's a complete manchild who never grew up. In his game tastes, in his artistic endeavors, in his relationships, even how he interacts with people on the internet. He's a 30-something burnout spending all his time bitching about Nintendo games and blaming his failure to become a successful illustrator on trolls like he's in middle school.
At this point i want him to just wake up one day, realize he's a trainwreck, get himself in shape. Even fucking CWC is more of an adult than him
You're saying he never showed signs of being a smug retarded asshole his entire childhood? I have a hard time believing that his personality changed so dramatically as an adult.
For a guy who puts a rainbow on his avatar and advertises himself as an "LGBTQ Ally" when he's begging for patreon donations, he's pretty shit at making friends with them
>Sunshine was better
>draws the black man chimping out
I feel like a bunch of people have told Trump to kill himself and they didn't get banned, why dobber?
>You're saying he never showed signs of being a smug retarded asshole his entire childhood?
From his own stories, he's fucking socially inept and was bullied, probably for the same reasons why people hate him today.
The difference is now he can keep dissenting opinions and rightful mockery at a distance. Like the pussy he is, he can't snark when the people his referring to is close by and has to hide behind the internet.
>Dobson is an awful person
>he reaps what he sows
Sure, but it's difficult to simply turn everything around when it snowballs the way it did (for him at least). The fact That he didn't change his mind set actually shows he's strong willed.
The situation puts him against the whole internet I believe that's a burden most of us wouldn't be able to handle either.
>insulting Oboro Muramasa
Bitch i'll cut you
I don't think anyone else has gone as far as implying that they were going to assassinate him
Dob probably went into detail about it.
he bitched a lot about bullying when he was a kid, seems like that's what kept him from being a smug asshole 24/7. now that he runs his social media accounts as literal echo-chambers he has free reign over his smug attitude.
Because everyone hates Dobson, and Dobson is generally a terrible person.
i don't think this one is dobson's
rofl being rejected by comic book artists and the anime club straight up destroyed his brain.
It's going to be cool when even tumblr rejects him and he goes full on red pill or turns into a sinfest level psycho.
This reminds me of colonialism and "teaching the savages"
Sheltered losers are the Native Americans of the internet
The type of people who try to get service from a closed store are the same type of people who where never told no as children. They genuinely think that the employees will give up closing and serve them if they ask.
Also the advent of 24hour stores doesn't help either.
Dobson doesn't have a blue checkmark to shield him
Dob is the one who insists that he "needs" Twitter for networking and artistic connections, then uses it exclusively to shitpost and complains when he gets banned from it.
He's also a shit artist by any metric who can't even fulfill the most basic requirements of his self-employed "job" (drawing pictures in exchange for money)
Why does he ask what these are when he is wearing one?
Also he was the one who INITIATED the conversation. Is he fucking dumb?
Nigga Marvel was progressive as fuck under Stan
What did he even mean by this?
he put it on while the dude explained
>he's strong willed
he's not he's just dense and retarded.
If he is "strong willed" he would have found success in life by now.
Spiteful is what he is.
Don't you a have some horse pussy to masturbate to Douche?
everyone hates you
Hotdog water dob is true to the numale definition at its core
fucker has negative charisma, got assblasted on da, twitter, his patreon landed him 5 bucks a month
anddespite literally devoting all his days groveling and apologizing to random twitter trannies, they despise him
Jannies iffy, uh, user got the stiffy, uh
i chukled
He had a point, though. I heard some semi-interview with Mica Burton, an entitled black daughter of a famous guy, who keeps talking about being oppressed. During that interview she talked about how Black Panther made her cry because she can FINALLY relate to a character on the big screen, now that the character is black. To some degree, she said she is incapable of feeling basic empathy towards human beings if they're not black. That's racist and pretty fucked up. Especially for a nigress who keeps complaining about racism hurting her.
>wasting my gas and time
I don't think he did at the time that pic was made. Doesn't matter much anyway as I heard his Mom is taking 80% of his pay
Can't argue with that, but is probably it
Good thread👌
>FINALLY relate to a character on the big screen
Everything about that character except for the point that its human, is fictional.
Double Dash actually added a little bit of strategy in item use.
>Lady in the Water
>One of the films morals being that critiques are evil
wow what a surprise Dobson.
this is such a stupid meme
yeah that one 300iq billionaire who fucks everyone or the sperg that turns green when he gets mad truly resonate with me
so brave and relatable
>Mica Burton
That time she fuck up off topic with her being oppressed rant.
What if you're just interested in the cosplays and merch?
There’s no fucking way he believes that
>To bring peoples happiness
>A Penis.
the radio said no dobson you are the thief
then dobson was a failure
Is that really Dobson's art? It's not total shit.
Dobson is honestly not a bad artist. His issues come from his ego, laziness and unwillingness to improve.
>deleted the video of him playing Skyrim at 5 FPS from his youtube channel
You should go watch his oldest animation.
It's not total shit, it's actually great. He allowed his internet trolls to dictate his fate, he fucked up a big time.
A colleague from the same university he attented to is currently working at Disney.
Do you ever think about Dobson lying in bed thinking about how big of a joke the internet thinks he is? Trying to hide under the sheets as he stifles his irritant heartbeat. His legacy born from self humiliation. No loved one as he slowly ages away into an even more fat and bald waste of skin
Dobson is suprisingly based when it comes to dabbing on trannies.
Why did he draw these people like they just had their souls sucked out
Anime is Dobbo's oldest foe. He insists that the reason he doesn't work for Disney today is because anime caused Disney to make Treasure Planet, which killed the market for 2D animation, which caused Disney not to hire him.
Also, he used to run an anime club at his college but they all turned on him and kicked him out for being an asshole, which is why he draws anime fans as evil in his blog comics.
imagine being such an uninteresting and useless human being that "eating" and "sleeping" are among the first 4 things that come to your mind when someone asks you what you like doing, that's almost as fucking worthless as saying you enjoy breathing and drinking water
I bet Dobson has a lot of other works under a different alias. There's simply no way he let this potential go to waste.
Split timeline was one of the best decisions Nintendo made regarding the series and it opened up dozens of potential opportunities. Prove me wrong. You can't.
Holy kek. The best part is, his art literally looks like those shitty early to mid 00’s “how to draw anime” books
>he like Lady in the Water
Probably because of that character that Shyamalama wrote to rag on his critics.
why tho? actress is a jew so that cant be it
His "style" is ripped off from Ranma, but because he has no talent he doesn't know how to draw anything else, so he blames anime for his own mediocrity.
I love learning Dobson lore and how it goes into his art and how he draws people that (you're supposed to dislike) as blonde because his bully was blonde
>or telling zelda Williams to calm her tits after her father committed sudoku.
What in God's name was he thinking?
I don't know, I'd be pissed if I waited 5 months for art I paid for, and the result is traced shit that's technically not what I asked for. But then again I am spoiled from having a Ukranian girl artist give me a beautiful work of art in about a month or less and it was what I asked for.
Aside from being a pleb for not wanting to fuck that, the guy is completely correct while the girl just comes across as a complete philistine who will like any character with a vagina.
deadly reminder that this book was published
Are you smart enough to process how many fucks I give?
I actually like this one, but not for the reason why Dobson might think he did a good job on this.