

Attached: board vote.png (403x526, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Like if you agree


legs + feet > ass > armpits > tummy >>>>>> boobs

Rolled 6 (1d6)

If 6, OP is the gayest OP that has ever and will ever live.

I still don't know how to like on phone


Attached: 13902938659326.png (260x312, 88K)

How will you recover?

Better get yourself tested for HIV, OP, being this gay is very dangerous.

Based and prophecypilled.

>no thighs

>mfw 6

Attached: 1553791901065.jpg (1080x1080, 89K)

By not being a sub1000 scorelet, I suppose.

thats pretty gay

Attached: 180924.jpg (1280x1293, 192K)

Just got on my pc now, anyone care to explain what this years April fools is about? Is it just that you can like posts or is there a leader board/reward for most likes?

No armpit?

Attached: 1549257182285.gif (651x758, 1.95M)


Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 61K)

No leader boards. Just post/get likes for points and perks.

Your fortune: Average Luck

Rolled 55 (1d100)

43 get


Berate me more scoremaster~

Liked pls like me back

you are all over the place

I cast reflect, 2 for critical hit.

Thanks user, have a like.


haha I was only pretending lol how the fuck does the roll work

Attached: you can shut up now.jpg (288x450, 26K)

dice+1d6 in the options field.

Rolled 6 (1d6)

if 3 ur gay

Rolled 48 (1d100)

if 94, everyone in this thread gets a cute girlfriend by the end of 2019

Rolled 4 (1d6)

The perk font sets the lower case "L" and 1 as the same symbol. Wtf.

>all the erp sluts in that thread

Attached: 15402914678880.png (1067x1023, 1.2M)

I'm sorry anons, I tried

Attached: raw.png (500x280, 111K)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

4 I kill myself

Rolled 4 (1d6)


>4 digits
That's cute.

Rolled 29 (1d100)

69 and i cum on a picture of moot

maybe next time brother🙁

Rolled 75 (1d100)

If 77, everyone in the world will get a cute girlfriend by the end of this month.

Like for cute Traps

god damn it i knew i should have just written a bot

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


Rolled 5 (1d6)

Time to roll.

5 digits

Attached: 1419661914775.gif (512x392, 466K)

Turn you phone to right or left and the like button will show.

Rolled 33 (1d100)


OOOOOO, real close

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

>tfw earned all points by being around skeletons
Based skelebros.

Attached: 1536376337781.gif (300x273, 112K)

only niggers like ass

That is probably the gayest thing I've seen anyone on this board say.


Your fortune: Average Luck


Attached: 1553384971192.png (3000x1544, 954K)

Based. Tits > ass💯


Thighs and legs > midriff > ass > tits >>>> armpits > actual garbage >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feet.

Oh niggers? You mean those 7ft athletic chads with huge horse cocks and who cuck white bois on a daily basis?
Yeah, I guess you could say we're a little like that. Thanks for the complement, pal.

Attached: 1524663078087.jpg (1440x1080, 239K)


Yet footfags are louder than both combined

feet are great you pleb

Attached: 1548003491005.jpg (850x1098, 116K)

based skelebro

well you get the picture, just imagine a flat man ass instead


Attached: 1455199205496.webm (480x480, 593K)

back to the garbage bin bud

like this to vote for abs

I won't ever forget when I was free of my flesh prison

Like this post to like lips

Should I be glad that there are men of taste around, or sad that I'm not different enough from you guys?
I'll choose to be glad for a change.

Attached: 1554151084065.png (724x1024, 418K)

Like this post to like bugs.

Attached: 1554113382222.jpg (1280x928, 127K)


ass and abs unite

The plural of ass is asses. Stop talking like niggers.

Don't lump us in with you smelly ass fucks

Ass, hips, thighs, face. The True Tetraforce.

Was there a post to vote for cock?
Because I think we all know what the results would have looked like.

>not worshipping both
imagine being this much of a pleb

Why can't ass babies let anyone enjoy anything without injecting themselves into it?

>liking unironic shit


Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

how the fuck does a big ass exist without a good set of hips?

I think you meant to say feet.

They both need to get stranded on an island.

Attached: JebWinsApril1stAgain.jpg (403x650, 169K)

You know if you're gay your opinion doesn't matter, right?


You know if you're a tripfag your opnion doesn't matter, right?

Liking ass is extremely common and normal.
You need to stop being contrarian for attention, stupid abfag. It's cringey.

does this help?

Attached: Untitled.png (325x424, 8K)

I don't know who taught you how to read, but I hope you kept the receipt.


Your knowledge of the human body is as retarded as your drawing skills.


y-you to.

>calls someone else a pleb when he has basic bitch normalfag: the fetish
fu fu fu~

Attached: jeoHEb9[2].jpg (320x320, 28K)

You just said that "ass babies" need to get stranded on an island, you dunce.

Attached: Untitled.png (231x223, 2K)

>human parts exist independent of eachother

Attached: brainlet.png (621x702, 56K)

feet are better than tits

Bruh you replied to the wrong person maybe
This was my first post in this shameful display of a thread


that's actually p good for a non-traditionally sexualized female body parts
based footfags

frick I meant to reply to

Before that there was a thread for vidya tits that hit 500, but an ass thread that saged under 30 posts


Attached: 072754944.png (1273x1800, 1.41M)

I'm a dude and I have a big ass but not wide hips

You're a complete fucking retard, and proved me right about your illiteracy. Time for you to go back.

Abs are best

Attached: 1554026123036.png (394x330, 128K)



Attached: 1534190978660.png (707x1000, 565K)

A misreply doesn't prove anything about illiteracy.
Are you okay? You seem to be seething pretty hard right now.

>liking ass is extremely common and normal
Not amongst people with taste, that's for sure.

Attached: 1552439926401.jpg (499x499, 107K)


I don't believe you

All human have feet
Only women and tranny have tits

Attached: snobby.png (745x449, 358K)



>says the frogposter
Congratulations on outing yourself.

>A misreply doesn't prove anything about illiteracy.
You didn't read the post you were clicking on, just like how you made a completely irrelevant reply. Got anything else before you have to go to school?


Source on that

Took two seconds to find sauce with iqdb, good luck

Men can have tits too.

Attached: 1546924037849.png (713x1000, 523K)

whats iqdp

guys i need a quick succ before bed, im worried when i wake up it'll be over

Attached: ea1c6a61a2fa5fbb0c468755b4a82bff.gif (2229x1406, 1.63M)

If I didn't read it, then how could you grade my literacy skills on it?
Look, I know you're trying real to make yourself sound smart, but you're failing miserably.
I would stop posting if I were you. Acting aggressive on an mongolian basket-weaving forum doesn't make you look like an alpha male, it just shows everyone how much of an autistic hothead you are. Get some sleep, champ.

Post it then
no homo


Attached: e523cf9781263727e425c993c49680750235cbcb.jpg (1280x1819, 280K)

Die frogposter. Your shit opinion doens't mean anything.

>lol u mad
Pay attention in class today.

>Ha ha! I like what everyone else likes!
Also ass is for niggers. You got something to say, Yea Forums?

Yea Forums is full of niggers so of course ass would win. Reminder that it's common practice in Africa to eat the shit out of a donkey's ass to get high and the fuck them.

Attached: 1536961748317.webm (526x360, 2.96M)

Jeb is a mess.

Jeb is a waste.

Were there any threads for liking flat chests and cow tits?
I'm not even a tranny but women's panties seem comfy

Unironically replying to a "u mad" post pretty much proves that you are indeed mad.

t. seething ass babies

Attached: 1554199613282.jpg (888x894, 68K)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Jeb is a big, fat, mistake.

hey, he likes ducks

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 22K)

yes, ur gey

How do I get pickle rick in fortnite?

>titcels lose
>throw a temper tantrum and just start yelling "NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS"
Assbros were right about you people being children.

Attached: K4c69Yp.jpg (279x304, 29K)

Rolled 87 (1d100)

if i roll a 69 tits are declared best on Yea Forums for all time

Attached: 1511185343098.jpg (631x950, 163K)

never gonna happen, titcel

i like all 3, in that order


you know who prefers ass to tits?

>if you prefer this part of the female body to this part, you are gey
okay, tit-infant

Attached: 1531904643864.png (1920x1366, 2.76M)

Cope more assfag you just want to sniff farts and eat shit.

I mean, sure, no wonder ass is preferred on a mostly pro-homo and gay board. Not like I mind, just saying it as it is, you guys are my homo homies.

no need to project so hard, son

Attached: 1532071404854.jpg (1216x1975, 481K)

How does being attracted to the female body make you gay, again?

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Please I just want to be a skelechad..

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Please send help

okie dokie

That's my line.

Attached: 32f.jpg (822x960, 50K)

The things I would do to Abby...

Attached: 5507064476578.jpg (950x1344, 544K)

Nice brap thread

Preference of ass is gay. Big titties is literally the most hetero fetish. Feet is for degenerates.

It ain't rocket science.

No shit. Everyone knows ass>tits

In smell

>Big titties is literally the most hetero fetish.
Wrong, vagina is. Men can have titties if they're fat enough.
Vagina is literally part of the female reproduction system. And what do you call those two cushions when you fuck a girl's pussy? That's right, they're called the buttocks.

Vaginas look gross though

>liking vaginas
That's turbogay

Is that the girl from Alien?

Attached: 1401574z88.png (1200x1378, 2.37M)

It's over now

Vagina aint mean shit of the babys gonna get its head crushed coming out of the womb.
presence of a vagina is basically a given. you don't need to see it to know its there, or to even use it.
instinctual arousal is promted by seeing wide hips + a nominal amount of body fat

now can you show each's position in the thread, which is the most important factor for likes, being near the top?

... which translates to having a decent ass.

Attached: 1549033557542.jpg (550x1000, 49K)

are you literally retarded? like seriously, are mentally handicapped to a degree that you make a post that embarrassing?

says the one who literally has the mommy gib milkies fetish

In order of normal anatomical positioning: But that doesn't matter because they were posted a minute apart from one another.

Attached: 1550896645445.jpg (850x1134, 192K)

It's Over........
Redditboi are out

Attached: 13101425727731.jpg (1024x725, 135K)

He likes feet so of course he's mentally handicapped and can't read the post numbers.

OP on suicide watch

I liked all three.


Women are so useless they can't even give birth correctly most of the time and need C sections

questionable idort

nigga literally read the fucking post times and numbers you literal retard

lol idiot thats huge fucking vote

Maybe he's dumb enough to think they were shooped; doesn't matter because I posted the thread.

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Attached: 1554146278930.jpg (1000x1000, 213K)

a footfag would make this


I didn't make it

Attached: 1554178651924m.jpg (724x1024, 109K)

Only a dicklet wouldn't like ass

But a footfag still made it.



Attached: 1553340208445m.jpg (1024x768, 117K)

Only a brainlet/pedo-faggot wouldn't like boobs

Attached: 1554154429380.jpg (1000x1500, 310K)

>Calls people pleb
>His fetish is kissing royalty feet
Literally what plebs do user.

hey im not a brainlet nor a faggot!

Attached: 1554130328437.jpg (1300x1600, 236K)

Never said I didn't like boobs. I just like ass more.

Nobody here "dislikes" boobs. People are just expressing their preferences, it doesn't mean they have to hate the other options.
Of course underageb& titcels are too young and immature to understand any of this and just take everything as a personal attack.

Attached: jagsfan.png (699x628, 835K)

Big boobs = ass = feet >>> flat "chests"

Attached: 8b74c7efa4d46361ba3c3a5201e6d077.jpg (1200x1695, 929K)

god the girls in starless look so fucking good. why did they have to ruin it with all the degenerate fetish shit.

Says the assfag with an inferiority complex that feels the need to make a thread like this and be passive aggressive in every thread.

I'm glad no one even brings up vaginas as those are actually fucking gross

I like my girls like I like my soft drinks
just kidding I can't drink soft drinks they give me IBS

Attached: 2c2a8586f34a3134674c51e4b1d53188.jpg (1500x1063, 405K)

>The irony

>your head

Attached: e692bba491b18292008f9694aef58b17.jpg (1300x561, 95K)

Shit taste desu

Attached: 00c8f47a10678718ec45fafc4ae6f5d2.jpg (756x960, 111K)

seems good to me🐸

Look at you, your immediate response is to get upset and antagonize the person with a different opinion from you, much like a child.
Also, it wouldn't be an "inferiority complex" when making a thread like this because the OP shows ass getting the majority vote.

>tfw Yea Forums is full of niggers

Attached: pornhub-boobs-versus-butts-searches-worldwide.jpg (1000x800, 256K)

you are posting what amounts to a little girl's idol show designed for adults, at least post a little girl's idol show designed for little girls

Attached: Aikatsu - 137.mkv_snapshot_13.03_[2018.10.08_13.32.10].jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

Attached: 1494068807998.jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

Whitest country in the world is ass.

>boobfag says he prefers boobs
>assfags "..."
>assfag says he prefers ass

Attached: 1527483901423.jpg (226x314, 11K)

Nobody cares flatfag

Attached: [Gelatin] Aikatsu Stars! - 088.mkv_snapshot_13.42_[2018.12.23_22.27.40].jpg (1920x1080, 209K)


children don't like being called children

Jokes on you, I like EVERY part of 2d girls

Attached: 74ac94d03a8b1cb52c3021ae4922598a.jpg (1211x2048, 218K)

which is?

t. child


I'll always back ass because it enforces kawaii pantsu.

Attached: kitty cat.jpg (704x528, 63K)

iceland probably, but not for long since I think they just got their first jewish leader recently and he's already pushing for immigration.

hips is just ass but better and you're a dumb nigger if you disagree
nice hips = good ass
poor hips = auto fail

>they just got their first jewish leader recently and he's already pushing for immigration.
The people will fight back, r-right? They're not THAT disconnected from the rest of the world to not see what happening, RIGHT?

Attached: 1550353263475.jpg (629x812, 98K)

It's not entirely unheard of in homogenous societies, a small guatamalan tribe expelled a jewish family from their country in 2017 for not interacting properly with the rest of the tribe.

At least i'm being just aggressive and not a bitch like most brapfags are

>when making a thread like this because the OP shows ass getting the majority vote.

During american hour on an american website

Not surprising that a faggot nation prefers butt stuff

Attached: 434e.png (627x180, 11K)

>At least i'm being just aggressive

Reminder that this entire April fool's was excellent in exposing redditors who post shit like this, and brag about likes, score, and other shit.
inb4 >hurr u just a likelet *posts dumb wojak*

Attached: 1127581540373.jpg (776x535, 60K)

t. titty tattered titfag
go suck on your adopted mother's tits, baby.

>boobfag says he prefers boobs

Every single thread

reminder that ow is shit taste and thats why they lost

>lewd poster are the worst shitposter here
thanks for reminding me

Attached: 1539052485746.jpg (240x240, 6K)

For once Yea Forums doesn't have shit taste


Show one example.

looks like the child is throwing a tantrum

>n- you
oh the baby's getting rowdy lol


>they removed spooky and dino
>they kept the shitty emojis
fuck off

>all these unironic niggers on Yea Forums
yep...Yea Forums is dead

Attached: 7FB596A9-3594-4193-8FB4-D7A61A26CCE7.gif (260x260, 1.72M)

Where does that post say anything about ass>boobs?

Fortunately I think most of them left after losing the ability to post skeletons that they spent all day farming likes for.
The novelty of the emoticons will wear off eventually and people will just use them for general shitposting like they do with images.

So what you're saying is Yea Forums is just Reddit without the vote system

>he has the balls to say this while being a phoneposter

Attached: 1528737955129.png (349x446, 173K)

>electing a gay official makes the entire population gay
That's some nice reach there, user.

Attached: 1352245313360.png (698x658, 76K)

You're wrong and you're ugly

>blue countries are full of feminine euromales
>red countries are based and fun

My nigga.

nice goalpost shift.

Why would a mentally sane population ever elect a faggot?

Attached: 1550333897091.jpg (1024x576, 270K)

I guess we'll find out if you ever get elected.✔️

>africa is based and fun
enjoy your AIDS, dumb nigger monkey

Africa is unironically more based than Europe.

Idunno, go to /int/ and ask Iceland.

Attached: Shruggin_Midna.png (500x500, 30K)

tfw no more perks

I guess if you think starving to death, living in mud huts, eating mosquito burgers and getting raped by huge black men who believe raping children cures AIDS is fun.

I'm sure that dying at the old age of 40 and living your life in misery is "fun"

Keep coping, ugly nigga.

Just jerk off to your mom, degenerate titcels

You say that as if I won't.

Brapfags confirmed an african subhuman,quite possibly american too.

but I only like little girls, why would I want to do that

Attached: 09d2c7e1e2218687acc9f391990ce265.jpg (750x1100, 102K)


Kill yourself mommynigger

Americans like ass and tits. Only faggy Euros only like tits.

anti-ass fags need to unironically have sex
nobody comes out of sex going "yeah, ass sucks"


>assfag states that there weren't any assfags claiming ass>boobs
>there's (((suddenly))) a lot of ass>tits posting

Attached: 1549514549512.png (161x155, 34K)

The ones that get STDs from anal sex do

nice falseflag titty baby

You just know

user, I suggest you reread that post. Slowly.

Attached: 1549336571697.jpg (960x720, 68K)

Ass doesn't explicitly mean the anus.
It's more about the buttocks, the soft cushions that bounce/rub on your groin as you fuck their pussy.

I'm calling the police

>he's a tits guy
Time to return to reddit

>he's a brapfag

Back to worldstarhiphop

Anyone have that ass picture?

Why do the weirdest and most degenerate fetishes always coincide with anime?

>he's Canadian
Fuck off, falsefags.


Just a reminder that proportions are the most important aspect of the female form.

Attached: 1550900508284.png (994x1506, 853K)


Japan was a mistake.🐶

No one is going to erp with you

Attached: giphy (2).gif (480x358, 1.16M)

red = niggers and muslims

You should browse rule 34,that will change your idea fast.

I prefer tits, but
Big Tits Big Ass > Small Tits Big Ass > Big Tits Small Ass

CUNNY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally everything else

Attached: 1548781247359.jpg (960x1280, 164K)

Jack's butt is too big for her body.

>posting your favorite ass=ERP
I just like posting Jack, you dumdum.

Attached: 73494065_p0.png (1694x2003, 1.55M)

Can't argue against that, and sadly not many artist put emphasis in cute bras.

2D is just superior

Sure buddy
It's not like there was another user just like you in the previous ass vs tits thread

Some art exaggerates, yes, but a lot of it is in-line with a pear body shape.

Attached: serveimage.gif (493x345, 18K)

red and basedpilled


>there is only one possible jackfag in existence
ok retard

Attached: 1548929276557.gif (494x740, 2.46M)

Unironically porn addiction and the need to get off to more degenerate shit

guess vee is filled with niggers after all

Lol shut up nigger.

Not a fair comparison because the picture for boobs is shit. Anyway, true patricians love boobs, butts, bellies (abs too), hips, thighs, penises and balls.

Attached: s1.jpg (1134x1559, 381K)

>Not a fair comparison because the picture for boobs is shit.
But the question was not specific to those pictures, so your argument is invalid.

Attached: 1545060400552.jpg (1036x696, 78K)

It wasn't but you can't deny the picture is powerful. Also the butt post being higher and the likes having a timer on them. Most people probably clicked the first one then didn't care enough to wait around to click the second one.

But the butt ballot were the second post, ya dummy.

Attached: 1550096568155.jpg (640x640, 33K)

Yes, there's more americans here than anyone else.

Attached: 1550806119977.png (1280x720, 907K)


Well, got me there. I didn't think to look at the post numbers. I don't know why it was put at the top when it came after chronologically.

Oh well. I like both and I stand by my point that anyone with a semblance of good taste does too.

Attached: 1526440278575.png (1400x2700, 3.24M)

I’m not white, but I prefer breast too. I’m not surprised by the outcome, but I certainly feel more like an outsider here now.


I'm looking for my master,have you seen him?

Attached: 1440516923188.jpg (817x1187, 270K)

What does he look like?