>new pokemon game is completely emulatable 3 months after it comes out
>Smash coming soon
Where were you when the Switch was finished?
New pokemon game is completely emulatable 3 months after it comes out
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too bad you can't emulate SOUL
But GBA has been perfectly emulatable for ages now.
>>new pokemon game is completely emulatable 3 months after it comes out
Let me know when it can emulate an actually good game.
They should hurry up with Smash instead of the Pokémon kusoge. The quicker emulation for Smash becomes reliable, the larger the userbase to mod the game will be, and we will be able to get stuff like custom music or good alt skins quicker.
Preparing to enjoy bayo 3 when it releases instead of months after
When are actually good games gonna be emulatable?
In bed. I enjoy being comfy in bed playing my switch. Even with a laptop you can't really move around as much to find a comfortable position to play in. I own several indie games on this thing that I could've just as easily bought on my PC but I didn't because I prefer the convenience of the switch and so do millions of other people.
when they release them on Switch
Splatoon 2 has been out for ages, broski.
Why not just buy a Switch?
I own a switch and am excited that switch emulation is coming along well desu that way i could play some games with my friends who don't have one
>There are no good games on the Switch, that's why I'm desperate to emulate it
Idk I’m saving time money and effort just buying a Switch
Emulating current gen games is a waste of time
Emulation is for when you can’t easily find a game/ it’s not sold anywhere anymore
Boy I can't wait for every niche Switch exclusive (of which there are few already) to not sell anything, because everyone who's savvy enough to know about those niche games also knows how to pirate.
And for everyone who says it doesn't affect sales and the fate of niche franchises, just compare the DS and 3DS libraries.
Every pokemon game since the transition to 3D models has been shit, who fucking cares?
>pokemon game that you can't play on the go
huh? what's the point then?
That's like being able to emulate Mario Party but you can only register one controller.
Save money and avoid onions
How bad at finances are they?
You’d need a supped up pc to play these games that’s much more expensive than just buying a Switch.
These emulators are made with duct tape and popsicle sticks
I have my PC hooked up to my television in front of my bed and a DS4 controller with bluetooth as well as a wireless mouse. Also a wifi keyboard/mouse app on my phone. I can be supremely comfy in my bed, I'll have you know, thank you very much.
It's a shitty fisher price toy for tiny japanese school children.
casuals dont use emulators
the new actually portable switch is going to sell bajillions and you cant stop it
true, I guess its mostly cause I have a hacked switch and can't play online with people
That's pretty impressive. I remember not long ago people were excited because it could boot up Odyssey.
>have to emulate switch to play its games
>and at lower quality, with visual glitches and more framerate issues
>meanwhile, play any PS4 or Xbox game on Steam with enhanced graphics, gameplay, control options, and features
Doesn’t help let’s go is the worst Pokémon game so far
Serouisly what’s the point?
Some people already have a PC and are happily playing most games on it.
Why spend ~400 bucks on a console and its periferals at that point?
They do like 8 years after the fact.
I’m surprised Nintendo hasn’t put out a Gameboy Color Classic and Advance Classic yet
>Emulating current gen games is a waste of time
And we're talking about emulating the Switch, user. Please keep up.
but the games made for a console for children are for children too? why do you want to play games for children?
To support the devs of the games you enjoy?
I'm a man-child with big hands.
Nigga I can go outside and buy a fucking Switch right now.
But I wont because my PC runs the games I want.
Except Bayonetta, I will emulate it.
Id buy the fuck out of that just put pokemon pinball in them
They got payed for Nintendo exclusivity already.
This just hurts Nintendo and they're idiots anyway.
>Smash coming soon
lmfao. Ya'll said that about Odyssey two years ago. Odyssey is still unplayable.
Oh, sorry, playable in certain spots.
Because dealing with spaghetti code, glitches, crashing and overall having to deal with a subpar experience isn’t worth the time money nor effort.
400$ isn’t all that expensive to adults with jobs
>Where were you when the Switch was finished?
I'll be playing the games on launch day instead of buggy, glitchy messes that launch a year later on Yuzu.
Badum tish.
Shut up you stupid tech illiterate fagget you don't know shit about PCs, go play with your autism blocks and let the real men talk you stupid tranny. A 6-8 Core CPU @ 4ghz is not expensive and emulators are CPU intensive.
I make 400 dollars in two days of work. I'd rather just enjoy and play the fucking game and not deal with shitty glitchy emulation
>6-8 core CPU @ 4ghz is not expensive
So you can just buy 1 gig of ram, a 2 dollar power supply, a 2 dollar motherboard, and no graphics card right?
Laptops exist, and are more socially acceptable in public, assuming you successfully hide your bing bing wahoos.
emulatorfags are poorfags
>Only requires nuclear reactor
Although I do hope that performance can at get close into "Bluestacks" realms in terms of upfront emulation cost.
USUM is easily in the top 5 of pokemon games.
>emulating a portable device
You've missed the point. The absolute state of retards on this board.
that's no different from playing a game that also got ported to the switch, all of the platforms have exclusives
Maybe it's because I live in Europe, but I've literally have never EVER seen anyone with a Switch in public.
>good games
You wish
I want Nintendo to stop making money from fiscally irresponsible people so they just release their games on someone else's proper hardware.
I doubt that. SM was hot garbage and gamefreak are the laziest most worthless niggers on the planet. Theres no way they made that game worth playing.
>last 2hrs only
they don't call it the Shitch for nothing kid
He thinks portable means having to go outside with it
Fucking kek you sad bedroom-dwelling child.
Shush child
Tetris is considered a modern game and that shit literally came out during the iron curtain
>Pokémon pinball on a yellow gameboy color
Take my fucking money you gooks!
Top lel. Good one user.
>laptop with controller and headphones being socially acceptable
yeah, no.
>2 hours
Why lie on the internet jelly baby?
Lol I'd be surprised if there were even 5000 people worldwide doing this
Meanwhile Switch dominating the world
Why can't Yea Forums handle the success of the Switch?
yuzu hire this man
>tfw gaming PC + hacked Switch
Feels pretty good.
You can't even launch Xenoblade yet. Shit is a Mario Oddisey emulator.
because onions tears have double the sodium
That's all i'm waiting for but these switch trannies are busy dilating for autism games no one cares about.
Have they made the vulkan api usable yet? the opengl drivers for amd and utter dogshit, zelda would only run at 2fps
>Shit is a Mario Oddisey emulator
Which is run in 10-30 fps. Do not watch bait patreon videos.
Switch is a stationary console first tho. It being portable is just a gimmick.
>giving two fucks what's socially acceptable
Grow up lads
>It being portable is just a gimmick.
Sure, thats why it has sold 40 million in two years and outpacing every other console this generation.
Deal with it poorfag
Plus if you’re been paying attention you know power doesn’t mean better
It’s been that way since the Atari Jaguar
>It being portable is just a gimmick.
What are you talking about? I don't think I can ever go back to traditional consoles after the Switch. Fuck that. Traditional consoles are dead.
Not saying it's bad to take it with you to the shitter or bed, but using it on public transport is too dangerous considering all the thugs and mudshits.
>. It being portable is just a gimmick.
You what?
And how many framedrops, sound crackles, stutters and graphics errors does that include?
Most people love it.
Hell Switch is closer to mustards than traditional Nintendo
The point is the paradigm has shifted. The Switch's success is symptomatic of the change in the way people WANT to game. Dockable devices and streaming services on multiple devices are the future of gaming.
Hardcore enthusiasts will kick and scream but you can't fight the future.
What's worse? Switch fags playing on the train or airpod fags?
>and streaming services
Yeah no one has picked that up.
What's wrong with either of them?
I remember they got caught splicing Switch footage into their patron videos
Just don’t bother with these scammers user
N-No! Playstation 5 will rule! Y-You'll see!
Spotted the zoomer
>people want to game by paying a subscription to online and using a third party app for voice chat
So nothing then.
>pc "masterrace" bragging about emulation because they've got no exclusives to brag about
Small-minded moron. I guess I shouldn't expect more on Yea Forums.
It will be powerful and use Blu-ray. I'm happy with that.
>The point is the paradigm has shifted
Only nincels believe this. Switch is irrelevant compared to the instalk base of Xbone+PS4+PC. Nothing has shifted. Nobody outside of the Nintebdo bubble even care about the dedicated Happy Meal tablet.
OP is a sonyfag hence why these threads are always console war shitposting rather than talking about the emulator.
>over 10,000+ exclusives
the level of console cuckery
>even wanting to emulate Nintendo's low effort glorified minigames
I'm good thanks.
Pretty much
I wanted to play kingdom hearts 3 in my room flat on my back like I alway do with my Switch but then I realized I couldn’t undock my PS4.
Probably the pettiest reason I ever dropped a game.
I still haven’t finished it
40 Million in less than 2 years is nothing to turn your nose at.
>talking shit about Overcooked, ever
as someone who owns OC2 on pc, and dont even have a switch, i came into this thread to tell you your opinion is invalid
>flat on my back
Don't your arms get tired?
wait for the snoyfags to come and post that the ps4 sold 100m
>Look at me, bringing my Switch to wherever i go, i'm such a gamer
>I wanted to play kingdom hearts 3 in my room flat on my back like I alway do with my Switch
Peak toddler
like hanging out in the crib playing with those dangling things above
It's a Nintendo handheld + console hybrid. It's nothing out of the ordinary.
Does that upset you?
>leaving home
About 20 miles away from my desktop
playing my switch
but switch is much more cheaper than building a super computer
no it just doesnt matter since the switch has been released in 2017 while the ps4 has been released in 2013
And Switch selling whatever numbers is literally irrelevant to third-parties regardless. There is no "paradigm shift". Third-parties are sticking to traditional systems with Nintendo doing its own thing again. Switch has not changed the industry at large if at all.
lmao he's still TRAUMATISED by the Switch. This is hysterical.
How is sales indicative of a paradigm shift? Nintendo handhelds have always sold well. Even then I doubt Switch will outsell NDS or Gameboy. These Nintendo handhelds have been around and selling forever. Yet no developer outside of Nintendo really cares. It's time to accept reality.
>Switch was finished
You're forgetting a big reason to own the switch is the convenience.
Emulation is just going to give pirates and PC users more bang but none of the portability and easy flick-on utility, which kind of destroys the purpose of getting a switch.
Either way, sounds neat.
I use my PC more work than I do games thanks to the switch but I'd like proper 3DS emulation because fuck that trash.
The average non-Nintendo developer is dogshit in 2019. There are probably some retards who wish the Switch got more ports, but everyone with two brain cells to rub together got it for Nintendo exclusives.
>>new pokemon game is completely emulatable 3 months after it comes out
It was kusoge so I don't really care but wasn't it designed for motion controls? Seems like it would play like shit on kbm anyway.
It's like emulating original TWEWY on PC, it was designed from the ground up for two screens and touch control, you can't really replicate the experience outside of DS.
So then we agree Switch has not really changed anything? Then why are you disagreeing with me?
>which kind of destroys the purpose of getting a switch
The only appealing factor to the Switch are some of its games, really. I'd rather buy one without the portability gimmick, it does more harm to my use case than good.
It's Let's Go running 60 fps on Switch aswell? Or is Yuzu already doing better than it?
Real defensive nigger
Enjoy your luck based subpar 12 fps emulated gameplay
And here we find another retard that thinks the majority of people play their games under a tree or something stupid like that. Listen sweaty, most people put the video games down when they leave the home.
No I have a gooseneck
With separated Joycons
It’s peak comfy
Thread was about trainers having multiple same pokemon
what the fuck🙁
>Looks happier than anyone else on this bad
>Reeeee this is bad!
This is peak comfy
>new pokemon game is completely emulatable 3 months after it comes out
Don't try to use reason with switchtards. They change their arguments every post.
Plus Nintendo left field titles
I’m unironically super hyped for this
The latest build that makes it playable just came out.
yuzu's quickstart guide says you need a nintendo switch with fusee for it to work. Please tell me how the Switch is finished if this is the case?
Pretty much this
You can download the copyrighted files from elsewhere.
It’s most likely coming to the Nintendo online thing eventually, either it’ll be SNES or Gameboy
t. Golden Sun nigger
hello Quentin
>"we need the switch alive"
>"start up the legal machinery"
this is painful to read. It's just like the guy in the bottom right says, they don't get the point of emulation
>Nintendo handhelds have always sold well
But its not priced like a handheld, its priced as a home console, and so are the games. I don't think most consumers see it as something like the Gameboy but rather as a home console that also happens to be playable without a TV. $300 is well above the pricepoint for all their past handhelds.
This >Also the “I want to play Nintendo games but don’t want to buy their platform” argument.
its 2019 yet CemU still emulates worse than Citra
>I’m surprised Nintendo hasn’t put out a Gameboy Color Classic and Advance Classic yet
They're not going to make these unless they're like the NES/SNES and require a TV, which kind of ruins a lot of the appeal.
How am I supposed to run that without a $2000 pc, I'll also need to by joycons for the games that use motion. It's not worth it
Its clearly only something enthusiasts are even capable of using and is just being presented by OP as if it weren't and that its somehow going to affect sales of the console and its games.
>The Switch has no games
>Switch emultation is worthwhile
You can only pick one. Personally I'm going with number 1; my Switch is a colossal disappointment yet I'm still holding out for games because it's probably also the last console.
I feel like they’d come out better making the gameboy Classic physical and put N64 on NSO
SNES and Gameboy share too many of the same games to put on NSO
Nyx is removing the PoS that is Incineroar in this mod
what character do you want in place of him? any Grinch characters?
>inb4 "cope, seething grinchfag"
t. not on Nyx's public discord server
>thinking that emulation hurts sales
Because the 200 pc mustards who have a fast enough machine to run it totally would have bought a switch if emulation didn't exist
No one who owns a switch would say that. You cannot believe how convenient and comfy the portability is.
There is a reason why indies sell better on the switch than any other platform
Dude I have a a 200 usd machine that allows me to play odyssey with some small frameskips but it is playable. You anons don't know what your talking about.
Post your specs because I've got a $1000 machine and it doesn't.
>GTX 1070
>16 GB DDR4
>256GB SSD
>smash it’s emularle since 3years ahí try to keep up faggot
>But its not priced like a handheld, its priced as a home console, and so are the games.
I know. It's just yet another reason why Nintendo are jew fucks. They killed the only thing that made handheld gaming wortwhile - the cheaper prices.
8gb ram
Gt 1030
1 tb hard drive
Last week there was an update for yuzu to use 2 threads. The ram is a limiter but it runs.
Switch has no games. What is there to emulate even? Mario and......Pokemon?
Right, the same Nintendo shit I've played since 1997. Give me a break.
>buying underpowered hardware
There's Smash too. I think that's it.
So my pc only gets to 30 fps in open world in odyssey and 55 fps in smaller areas. Speedhacks like fps limiters makes it somewhat smoother but slower since it is originally 60 fps.