>breaking a controller
It's just a video game, relax
Breaking a controller
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shut the FUCK up weebcuck
Has anyone ever unironically broken a controller in frustration?
Pretty sure my parents would have taken away my gaems and shunned me. Even more.
No, growing up I was the youngest so never owned any of the console stuff so I never had the luxury of being able to break something without everyone in the house berating me.
Now that I'm an adult, I still don't because controllers cost so much fucking money that you'd have to be an idiot to go that far for such a fleeting moment of catharsis
I by accident snap my wife for controller once out of rage on dark souls 3 but never the controller itself
I'm on my fourth DS4s and third set of Joycons. I don't throw them or anything but whenever I get pissed I start pushing the sticks/buttons too hard it wears them out quicker.
only idiots break controllers
I mean wire
I broke at least a controller, a mouse, a keyboard and a monitor because of video games.
I got prescribed risperidone because of this lmao.
If you've never broken a controller playing Bishi Bashi Special, you weren't playing fast enough
I don't even regret breaking my monitor over this, gave me extra motivation to come back and win
I'm using a 360 controller from 2006 with my PC and it still shows no signs of damage
Every blue moon ill watch a rage compilation on YouTube. It keeps me in check,so I don't rage. It just looks so sad and pathetic.
it might be a gayme but this frustration is real
>slapping your wife by accident
Yeah, sure
>all of a sudden hit with the squirts
>start running chuck the DS3 on the couch
>miscalculate hit window sill
>R button completely fucked and case cracked
Only thing I've broken was an expensive mechanical keyboard by smashing it with my fist while playing Dota 2.
I no longer play that shit game and now I just curse instead
I'm too weak to break my controller. So I have no issue angry gripping it whenever I rage. I've had it since 2014 or 2015, I don't remember, and it's in relatively good condition.
No, only retarded people actually do this.
I've only broke one controller in my whole life, and it was while playing miku games of all things. I managed to fix it later but I was kind of ashamed I got so mad at a fucking videogame. I curse a lot and get salty as hell, but I'm never breaking anything again.
My father has broken like five
baste and picklepilled
I already broke a monitor using a controller, but never broke a controller
I literally ripped a ps4 controller in half. Not instantly but I had it gripped and kept squeezing it inward, then outward. It broke pretty easy. It was from playing titanfall 2. People abusing the broken ass momentum mechanic. I just couldn't git gud.
I just turn the console off now. Lol.
Same poster btw.
>Break my phone all the time
>Break computers all the time
>Break TVs all the time
>have never broken a controller
imagine being so bad at a game the controller breaks itself to stop you from using it wrong
>Break my phone all the time
>Break computers all the time
somewhat understandable
>Break TVs all the time
Nigga how? You do fuck up stealing televisions by dropping them as you're carrying them out the window opening?
Spiders and Snakes mainly.
May I interest you in some bugspray? A way better alternative if you ask me.
I have when completing the CoD Black Ops campaign on Veteran mode. Controller worked perfectly fine and I had been using it for a good few years, but one frustrated slam into the couch arm fucking killed it.
I'll be sure to spray a tiger snake or a funnel web next time. what was I thinking, bashing it with my shovel.
You might want to get checked for aspergers, user.
>implying it's just a video game
Losing is like having a flashback to every bad moment in life and how it all lead up to that point and that's why you didn't win and why you may never win. You only see the outside, but the inside is where it all happens. It could happen with anything really but if you play video games more often than anything, it'll look like video games.
instead of breaking the controller i hit myself as punishment for losing
One of my favorite bosses of all time, little to no strategy involved just pure unadulterated chaos
Lmao look at this broke ass loser who thinks 20 dollars is a lot of money.
when i was like 12-13 a retard i had invited over slamed my ps controller on the ground when he lost
that was the last time i interacted with that "person"
heard he was a junkie now. nice!
Anyone who breaks controllers has problems.
Just quit the game, bro.🐰
Only losers who can't enjoy games break controllers
>quitting games
I've destroyed two Game Gears, two GBAs, three GC controllers, a PS3 controller and a 900p monitor. Hate being a sperg with a short fuse.
Never controllers but during my MW2 times I obliterated my mouse once by throwing it against a wall and I also split a keyboard in half by beating it against my head. Now that I'm smarter i just punch a walls. It's way cheaper that way.
>punching walls is way cheaper
Literally how?
Because punching a brick/concrete wall doesn't do anything beside hurting yourself while punching a keyboard or screen results in having to waste money to replace them. Thought that that was obvious.