Mortal Kombat 11

Scarlet is cute, CUTE!

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Other urls found in this thread:

dios mio...

la atrocidad...

funny because jade and cage actually are cute
only skarlet got fucked

her actual head is much wider and blocky. nice try shill


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>anyone that resembles an actual human is memed on

What did they do to scarlet?...

Nice try, shill

Isn't she showing a bit too much skin? People might not take this game seriously.

NRS never had good designs. NEVER.

They are just looking for controversy. A decade ago, the controversy was showing too much skin. Right now the controversy is the opposite.

You felt into their trap. If you only knew.

>A decade ago, the controversy was showing too much skin. Right now the controversy is the opposite.

Today in bizarro Yea Forums

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I'd still hit it.

I meme on people that think video game characters have to represent real people.


if you mean ugly, then yes❌

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Really she just looks good with any length of hair that's longer than this fag's.

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>stretched res vs native res

That shit is what creates post right now, bitch. Where have you been this last year?

Remember the endless threads of "CENSORED DEAD OR ALIVE" that ended a week after the release and the eternal five MK threads in the catalog.

The controversy right now is in the "censorship", because there's a group of people that get really angry, providing free marketing, discussion and presence for the game. And other group of people that dislikes the first group.

It goes like this
>about to release game
>say controversial shit like "we are respectful to women"
>boner culture bros get fucking angry, while they write long ass posts about how indifferent they are about everything
>people watch the ads to see what the game is about
>some people find it cool and buy it on release
>everybody forgets about it in less than a month and move on to the next "controversy"
Literally free marketing.

La Goblina.

Yea Forums was better under m00t

I miss him bros

It could always be worse. It will always get worse.

>makes women fight half naked and so does he

>women are covering up while he fights half naked

Yeah becouse they dont show this game in teh Ps4 - xbone - steam store , right ? This is the casual figther the ppl whos gonna buy dont care or dont know about any of this

Showing too much skin was never an issue a decade ago fag. Ergo the "nowadays" issue is bs.

So? Do you know how fucking easy is to use outrage as a marketing tool? You have a big angry group willing to work for you for FREE just by saying controversial and brave statements like "we are respectful to women" and then watch the endless threads and twitter posts start.

>ywn cum all over her face and her beautiful lips
Why live

Her hair looks like shit now, guess they accidentally made one of the girls look hot so they had to fix their mistake.

>Showing too much skin was never an issue a decade ago fag. Ergo the "nowadays" issue is bs.

Years ago, sex sold. Right now? Sex is FREE. You have access to extreme niche porn in seconds at literally the palm of your hand. So you need something else to differenciate. Showing nudity or implied nudity of dumb blondes, like they did in the ads of the 90s and early 00s just doesn't work today. Because who fucking cares at this point.

In the case of MK, it was the violence. You had the christian right calling it for a ban, complaining about how they are ruining morality. Now you have the sons of these ghouls complaining about girls not showing skin like in the good ol days, calling for boycotts without realising they are being conned into working for free.

Marketing agencies are using "political" messages right now because that's what get the clicks. It's hypocritical, but it's working. And it will continue working until everybody stops caring and moves into the next thing.

tl;dr: you're being conned

Amazing character design in MK 11

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The new designs look good and the old ones were always ass. Netherrealm is just now understanding that breasts aren't perfectly round.

Also Jade's new design with the head scarf is beautiful. I'm so happy that she's finally back.

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NRS never had good designs. Or animations for that matter. They are still stuck in the 90s and American artists are just not that good. Or the good ones get canned.

I partially agree. I like the new designs for the women a lot.

To be honest, a burka fighter could be really cool, since the flowy texture can provide nice movement.
graphical engine can't provide good burka physics right now and these lazy asses won't animate anything by hand anymore.

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My fucking eyes it buuuurns

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>boner culture
>complaining about boner culture
Gotta be sure to cover up the ankles to signal that awareness of Islamic customs, bro!🌈

You couldn't pay me to smash that.

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I like some of the designs of the scenery, but character designs feel too big bucks Hollywood for me.
Skarlet had costumes that could be a Faora from Man of Steel alt-skin, for example.

If you can't tell I was using the term ironically there's nothing else I can say to you.

I bet you'd suck a dick for free though.

la atrocidad monstrosito las Americanas...

Jesus, could they have made the designs even more fucking boring.

It looks like something from a crappy budget tv series directed by Uwe Bowl.

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I wish video games would stop doing those face scans because it looks fucking ugly.
Like a poorly made wax sculpture.

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>current year
>not bisexual
are you fucking gay user?

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If a human you know looks like that, they deserve to be shamed on just like you

hahahaha good luck
Every AAA game is using facescans right now. And it's going to get even better the next decade.

God she has such a mailbox head

>It looks like something from a crappy budget tv series directed by Uwe Bowl.
That's Mortal Kombat then

>immediately starts talking about guys sucking each other
user, do you have something to tell us?

>y-you too

looks like /ourgirl/

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There goes the CRIMSON CHIN!!!

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are you blind



I guess the blood was high in sugar

Oh fuck is that...

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All of this looks God awful

i'd rather have >her face than skarlet shitty ""face""

Yes, its a boy.

>thinking actual people look like this
man, everyone you know must be realy fucking ugly.
not to mention that theres no reason to depict ugly people.

I cant tell if you fuckers are just ironic shitposting or if you are genuine in your idiocy.

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>still can't design women without boob pedestals.

What a bunch of pussies.

Can we kill this meme that the only way a person can be sexy is if their body is exposed? It reeks of underage and/or virgin.

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So have they officially abandoned the idea of equality, since they left the shirtless males shirtless?

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>Pretending to be retarded.
A shirtless woman and a shirtless man are treated different and you know that. It's not equality.

A shirtless man is considered acceptable while a shirtless woman is considered sexual and obscene.

>NRS fell for the facial scanning meme
Fuck whoever suggested this to video game companies. Real people are ugly compared to video game characters.

>Can we kill this meme that the only way a person can be sexy is if their body is exposed?
I'm all for it user.
It's Boon that doesn't seem to have get the memo. Or, at least, he has conveniently taken just half of it.

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and why is that brainlet

>Scarlet is cute, CUTE!

Meanwhile, Japan facial artists are light years ahead of any modern western facial capture team.

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Social and cultural norms.

Those guys being shirtless isn't for them to appear sexy. It's for them to appear masculine and powerful.

Cause we live in a society... Duh

>"everything I don't like is underage and virgin"
You're even worse than them because on top of it you're an hypocrite.

Lol , and to put the cherry on top this is from a mid budget title.
>masculine and powerful.
Gay .

t. underage virgin

Mark my words, this whole uglyfying and dressing of women in burkhas will backfire on the industry.

In fact, this is actual discrimination against the femininity of women and the fact that women love to be objectified. The Polygon, Kotaku and other SJW shitters simply hate feminine beauty.

Masculine and Powerful man = good.
Feminine and Powerful woman = Bad
Masculine and Powerful woman = Good
Feminine and Powerful man = Good.

When is the next revolution for womens rights coming? Femininity isn't a negative, Rise up my fellow comrades!

Capcom sucks at it. TN are only good at making faces. Nioh was a boring mess.

Imagine the top skins being flipped with the bottom ones, the controversy
Why is this alright

That's just generic boring. Asian market are in a creative slump when it comes to characters, much like their whole culture is too conservative on expression.

>isn't for them to appear sexy
Are you retarded? The reason why men who are muscular look sexy is PRECISELY because they look masculine and powerful, things that look sexy, look sexy for an EVOLUTIONARY reason. It's just an excuse to vilify things that men are naturally attracted to.
I'm a 23yo gay men you pathetic hypocrite cunt.

>dressing of women in burkhas
Name ten video game characters that wear burkha.

Actual burkha not things you think are burkha.

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>Men are diverse in builds and costumes
>Women are generic body types, with generic faux leather and plastic.

Wew lad, they need a diversity officer visit their creative branch and give them a few lessons.

It doesn't take much to farm salt from you NRS fanboys.

>Thinks being gay stops him from being a virgin

Too bad straight girls also find naked, sweaty male bodies sexy as well. Why do you see this through a double standard? It's either all are sexy and in revealing outfits, as it used to be from the beginning anyway, or no one is and we are "super serious" in a game about ninjas, demons and outrageous gore.
Fuck outta here.
Because men can be objectified just fine. Women though have reached divinity somehow in the last 10 years or so and can't be touched.
All of these are happening only in the West btw and especially in the US.

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The fact that the MK11 female fighters show less skin, have more cloth and aren't sexy femme fatals still counts as burkhifying.

>Too bad straight girls also find naked, sweaty male bodies sexy as well.
That's a good thing but unless it's an otome game shirtless men aren't shirtless to be sexy. They're shirtless to display strength.

With grindr, it would actually be a feat to remain a virgin. It's always so funny when ignorant fucks like you speak about shit you know nothing of.

>unless it's an otome game shirtless men aren't shirtless to be sexy. They're shirtless to display strength.
Holy shiet , look at this retard.

Nobody was implying that women should be shirtless too. It's that if the men are allowed to wear little for the convenience of tournament fighting, the women should be able to do the same. Let them have their boxing shorts and sports bras. In fact isn't it unfair if the women have to have extra clothing that allows their opponent to grab them at various points?


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A shirtless man is what it is nigger. Kratos in GOW4, for example, was slaying critters left and right, yet girls thought him even more hot because they found him mature, DILF and whatever. All these articles talking about based, mature Kratos made by women.
The point is that women like sexyness too and you can't tell someone when to feel aroused and with what. Women though oftentimes just can't stand some other female being more beautiful than them and they get jealous. And it seems that they don't discriminate between fictional or not.

Who cares?

The only thing that matters is how fun the gameplay is!
You guys need to have sex

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That would be SF or Tekken for you.

You buy MK only for the gore, fatalities, ninjas and titties.
Scratch the last one it's no longer valid.

One mans exposed muscle is another mans/womans point of attraction. You can't be too sure what's the intended goal without being there in the boardroom where the designs were discussed. Both are true until then. It's like a shrodingers cat of skin exposure.

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Why is the perk thing still up?

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>NRS fanboys
I hate facial scanning. They always look ugly and inferior to making your own models. NRS and Capcom are retarded.

The same people who want to censor videogames cheer for pic related

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Normalfags prefer scanned shit

Look at DMC threads, everyone thinks Nico and V look sexy as shit

This is the real Skarlet

She baths in your blood and moans while she does it

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Reminder cringeoid cuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters

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>Men are diverse in builds and costumes
you do realise they literally have the same body model just slight differences in posing and body markings?
They have too so that fatalities don't glitch.
Same for women, when you make the first skeleton every character is based on it

They did no research into the game to even know how the gear system worked. They just brushed all complaints under a rug when they heard gear system

That's because people got used to the ugly faces. Go back to threads when each character was revealed and you'll either see people shitting on it or coping. Most illustrations of the characters that get the most attention are "anime". Also, 2B's butt wouldn't have sold as much if she was ugly.

>You are what you eat

UK is lost at this point.
William the Conqueror and Edward I Longshanks would hang and execute the entire English nation, their own people, and then commit suicide if they saw what it has become.

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She really is

Left is literally the most generic anime girl.
It's difficult to guess which one has more computer tempering.
The left CGI or the right Photoshop.

You're right.

I want to watch this show out of morbid curiosity. Also I'm pretty sure this is illegal.

Devil's advocate: Is this any different from a black kid playing Moses or something in a school play?

dios mio la feminista


More mature and respectful
>Meanwhile in the real world

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Someone should tell them to grow up .

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>Most women don't like sexy

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I wonder how many have realized that disgusting OP pic is in fact a prettified, slimmer version of the real absolutely hideous one

Yes because said show is attempting, or more specifically SHOULD be attempting to be realistic.

The only people complaining about this outfits are fat or ugly woman who dont want to take care of themselves and their white knights thinking they will get laid if they listen to their whines

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I like sexy women as much as the next guy but what's wrong with the left design? She looks like a desert bandit that robs merchants or a smuggler.

Why does it have to be realistic though? I can see the argument for historical accuracy but if we cared about historical accuracy Jesus wouldn't be played by attractive blue eyed white guys. He'd be played by middle eastern arab/jewish looking guys.

>She looks like a desert bandit that robs merchants or a smuggler.

But not a ninja.

Skarlet was a ninja from literal birth.

Got it?

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>Why does it have to be realistic though
Because that's the fucking point of historical shows, otherwise might as well go full monty python.
>"oh yes it's a historical show but it's not based on HISTORY or anything"

>but if we cared about historical accuracy Jesus
Bull fucking shit, this is not about Jesus, hell this is not about mythology, it's about history.

and aren't we going backwards in society by covering up women more? like isn't that why women wanted to dress more 'freely' and defy social norms? like wtf happened after the 90s. weren't liberals or leftists wanting more ways to freely express themselves?

Wait so you're arguing that people in shows based on history should not be realistic, while people in over the top fantasy games should be?

seriously did Ed Boon get forced to comply with sjws at Warner Bros.
I don't think he wanted his females to look the way they do.

This is one of the many paradoxes of 3rd wave Feminism and proves that women can be the most brainlet of sheeps.

>b-b-but LIBRULS
to the gulag with you

No, I'm trying to find out why we're so selective and wishy washy about what has to be realistic and what gets a pass.

In all actuality im more of an mk2-3 female ninja fan. I kinda like the high thigh outfits the ninjas had, idk kinda sexy and reminiscent of the better times

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well it is true, it sort of hypocrisy now with what is going on.

Jade is better

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I want to go back.
>even replying to such a retarded post
Get back in the house or by Allah I will stone you to death you pig whore!

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>tfw havent played MK for a decade and dont get what the fuzz about this character design is about
They look similar to the earlier designs, what the fuck is the issue?

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Every hater is coming from One Incel Gaylord's sperg article.

I hesitate to even call those people liberal, nothing liberal about the thought-police or appropriating taking offense

>It dares to question my insular worldview of those darn evil libruls, so its retarded
The gulag has another resident, it seems


And this video rekt them

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SeeThere is no issue for actual fans. Only morons are shitter shattered.

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>That's just generic boring.
salty white roastie detected. better generic beauty than a blocky faced, fridge bodied dyke with resting bitch face

>"fix" the hair
>dont fix the weird face aka the most complained feature
Are people at nrs retarded for real?

>M-uh boner culture
being a straight male is a bad thing nowadays huh ? Get laid ASAP

>earlier designs
They look nothing like them. The fuck are you talking about?
>obsessed shills already going at it

Liberals have abandoned equality since they said you cant be racist against whites

Again. No hype at all


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If it was actually cute you wouldn't have to point it out so desperately.

What you're doing is like saying "black people are smart, SMART!"

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Shut the fuck up, literally any game with a female lead gets "cute CUTE" shill threads on here. Especially the roboslut you're posting

This "man" have no idea of what he's talking about , a Ravenants is not a corpse or a zombie is more like a ghost so no rotting flesh . And what's the point of white knighting fictional characters ?

she was a rumored glitch then a throwaway dlc without any actual VA. Not defending her face model but this is the most thought they've ever put into her. Rewrites happen all the time in mk, the lore is loose af

Fuck off tranny

You're assuming I defend not getting to see tits just because I called you a hypocrite

Welcome Reddit.

Look, I know you are new here, but every game gets cute threads here.

The irony of you posting Nier the game witg tgw most "cute" threads is immensely funny.

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Revenants are undead. Dumbass.
Quan Chi is a literal Necromancer.

Kys new fan

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>doesnt know what a revenant is
Ok retard. You should kill yourself first

What an awfull ass aesthetic. The curvature should be bottom heavy not top heavy. Ass looks like a bag of dried cement.

if you are into fat feminazis, sure

Look at this retard

Wait, you actually like this bioware looking troglodyte face?

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Compared to the creatura in the op? Yeah

Oh wait, i misread the link i thought you were talking about the ops image. Sorry.

That said its still generic featureless smooth chink face.

fucking retard. probably a resetera tranny sent here to defend another sjw shitfest.