wow. what the fuck this shit isn't cool guys, can you stop being so racial?!
Wow. what the fuck this shit isn't cool guys, can you stop being so racial?!
Didn't read lol
JIDF=good guys
some faggot did a comms chat about getting guns to kill kikes and nogs on the station. after the round. It cuts so deep, user
i aint readoing that shit
is this hippie
all the servers are shit
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
that's my experience. join a newb server? prepare to get assraped by someone with years of experience while you struggle with basic controls
>doesn't say what server
Maybe, anybody getting offended by racist banter on tg or vg would probably be laughed off the server
hippie is literally the racist server though
>admins literally made an event based on NZ shootings
Than what the fuck server is op.
As long as you're not fighting someone that's got a gun or a really powerful melee weapon you should be able to hold your own without too much ingame experience, user. I beat the shit out of assistants and trespassing staff all the time and I wouldn't say I'm super robust.
I was hoping for an mlp thread to be honest
be the change you want to see in the world, user