Why did Nintendo think this was appropriate for a children's game?
Why did Nintendo think this was appropriate for a children's game?
She prefers Tepig
I assume people made TF porn of this already
Pokemon attracts all sorts of degenerates, this is a known fact.
you guys know pokemon had actual adult stuff in it right
It's better with Tentacruel
Like what?
tentacruel porn haha
There's the one trainer that jokes about being a crossdresser/tranny, for one thing
Gross, white supremacy symbol in a children's game?
>actual adult stuff
Oh shit, I wasn't aware that something you start seeing in high school is "real adult shit". Do you think showing homosexuality in games is mature content as well?
>white supremacy
Should he have said a Jynx instead?
oh okay, just checking
Post that scene where the pedophile molests you in the big wheel
Like this to turn your mom into a Miltank.
where's the old lady that calls her Mightyena her boyfriend? she's based
just imagine...
Man these rides were a ride.
>That one crossdressing kindergarten teacher
Also, this happened in X/Y
god i wish that were me
is that acutally in the game ooorr just something someone added in because arent pokemon games extremely easy to romhack?
>actual continuation in lore
Wow, these games actually impressed me
ohhhh u yiffing knoww what happened haha
oh no its an old person even better haha
No wonder she walks with a cane🐑
Pokémon games should really let you let the world end
I've only played B/W on emulators but I'm pretty sure it's there for real.
looks like someone has broke themselves ridding a rocket haha
based naysayer
appoclyptic pokemon how wpuld that even work
Fuck off cyrus
okay now thats questionable like the person who added and was like yah thats okay haha
What would be the point? A gameover screen like in Paper Mario when you refuse to help?
Is... is the dialog the same if you play as a girl?
JP version has "her" take off the shirt since "she"'s all sweaty and clammy and it turns out it's a guy.
Basically why is there no doujin about this?
They slip in some cool attention to detail sometimes. One of the few positive things you can say about Gamefreak.
>japan version has a tranny
>western vesion has a gay hiker bear
hmmmmmmm i dunno what to say
No, the NPCs you can battle and ride the ferris wheel are gender specific. In BW only the male trainer can ride with Hiker Andy and get this dialogue. However, Hiker Andy appears in BW2 for the female trainer, but I have no idea if he has similar dialogue.
They're in there for real but some were downplayed/removed in the localization, so most of the screencaps are fan-translations.
Andy likes little boys only, user
He's like me
Only if 2D.
Yes, because faggots are degenerates.
wheres the 3rd option haha
Huh, I see, thats even creepier than expected. Is the dialog just as implication loaded for the female/female variant?
"She"'s still in the game but she's just a girl this time and doesn't take out her shirt.
Not that user but I recently played through a romhack of black 2. I'm not sure if anything related to that dialog was tampered with but it seems the hiker is really emotionally charged over a long lost love. I might also be remembering it differently. I just remember the fact that I was caught off guard by the dialog.
Seriously though, what did she mean by this?
In-between her breasts. Or up her ass like in that Yuffie 3D hentai video.
>adult stuf
>uhhu he said wood
There are some rare occasions when NPCs would get references later.
Like that one Team Rocket Grunt in Kanto during Gen 2/4 who promises to revive Team Rocket in his home country, then in Gen 5 you learn that he settled down and had a family.
it was a joke because it's a video game and she doesn't actually have to carry anything around because she's a video game character
The fan-game Pokemon Uranium actually does have game overs during the fights against the main villain that state just how badly the region got screwed after you lost.