April fools is over yet the like and emoticons havn't gone!?
Dear God why!?
Why is it still here
It wasn't a joke, it was a test
op's a fag
like if you agree
skeleton chads like this image as a fellow skelchad i will like your'e post as well
I'm a mobile-fag on Clover so I haven't seen any of the shenanigans myself. Do I have any likes?
Aloha from sunny Hawaii! April 1st is still for 2 hours here.
I hope it stays like this for a week.
hiro is probably still asleep, it'll be gone when he wakes up
Where my skelly bros at?
Rolled 3 (1d6)
If 4, everyone with 1000+ points gets a permaban.
post points bitch
get a load of this pointlet
Rolled 4 (1d6)
If 4, all scorelets will be permabanned for being pathetic
It'll be gone midday tomorrow, probably. The Arpil Fools events here always linger a little bit after the event.
Rolled 6 (1d6)
if 3, skelecucks get banned at the end of the event
Rolled 4 (1d6)
>he's still trying
If 3 skelebros will get to keep their skeletons after the event forever.
get fucked
Rolled 79 (1d100)
Check out these dubs.
april fools on Yea Forums usually takes a while to end, it did last year and the year before. Don't worry, this bullshit will be over soon
the party is over
everyone who ever posted during this year 1st of april will get a gf(male)
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