It wasn’t that bad.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey Donte, ¿has visto a mi fedora?
Nice April Fool-wait a minute
It wasn't. They had help with the combat from Capcom/Itsuno. And the environments were cool.
It wasn't good enough of a game for the creators to get up their own ass about it and antagonize the old fanbase at every turn. The story was god awful with unlikable characters everywhere. The game had a release to fix the combat for fucks sake.
It was a good game and so was Dark Souls 2.
I’m serious. The Definitive Edition fixed a lot of problems with the original release. The change log is huge.
>every turn
Didn't happen.
I do agree with you beyond that, though. With the exception of 2, it's pretty bad
>don't release it on PC
Fuck you faggots, I've been saying its an pretty good game for fucking ever but now that 5 is out you're all either NEW GAME BAD about it or realizing it didn't kill your franchise and only now giving it the credit its due.
Not the best game but not anywhere near as bad as DMC fags sperg about
Nigger, everyone thinks it’s better than 2.
Blame Tameem.
Story is still garbage though.
I also want le ebig contrarian e-cred points so I can act like a smug shit-eater with other fat people and smell each other's farts. But ironically haha.
I like it too but the damage has already been done. When the DMC fandbase isn't harping on DMC2, they are harping on the reboot. It's not even original or funny anymore, just the same shitty memes. What's retarded IMO is people like to say DmC Dante was edgy but original Dante has always been edgy. He literally wears red/black, has white anime hair, uses a big sword, and double handguns. Vergil is the same shitty but even edgier.
It wasn't that good either
Story, enemy/boss design, and weapons were all terrible
But the original Vergil didn’t use the Fetus Deletus 9000.
None of the DMC games had a really good story to be honest. It's just an excuse to kill demons and combo.
I don’t know about that. I liked Aquila and Osiris. Arbiter was okay.
You're right. I won't defend reboot Vergil but original Vergil literally was a katana wielding edgelord.
Arbiter was pretty lame, and don't even get started on the hulk hands
>i am your prom date you feather facce
>flock you
>flock YOU
>Didn't happen
Did happen
Yeah, but the original cast wasn’t a bunch of unlikable pricks.
Its mediocre with good environments. It wasn't half as good as 3 and not even as good as 4. It didn't invent/innovate like 1 and saying its better than 2 is pointless. People shit at it for the sheer amount of vitrol the developers and the industry at large poured at the old fanbase.
If it wasn't for that, and it wasn't called DMC, it would be remembered as Ninja Theory's best game and forgotten as anything else.
But that’s why I like original Vergil. Especially with his deadpan sense of humor.
>My sincerest apology, brother. I was so eager to see you, I couldn't concentrate on preparations for the bash.
>katana wielding edgelord
Childish katana wielding edgelord. Its why people love him.
Eryx was the worst. No questions asked.
One could argue even OG Dante and Vergil are shitty characters. It's completely subjective since they are fictional characters in an art medium. I don't care who dislikes who but it's irritating how many times people misuse the word edgy. It really is only used as a lazy buzzword for things fans don't like.
It's unironically the best western made action game.
>Didn't happen.
Denial. It's been 6 years, Tameem. Let go already.
You can shit on DMC all you want but you can't pretend having your main character get into a >FUCK YOU
shouting match and later being involved in the sniper abortion assassination of a pregnant woman isn't "edgy" as fuck.
Is that the sound of Dante choking the chicken?
>There's an alternate reality where Inafune kept control of Capcom and pushed DMC2 and Itsuno left.
Pity those anons who are trapped in that hellworld.
everything is edgy ecksdee
I don’t remember the original Dante doing dumb and edgy shit like this.
Original Dante has an edgy design and so does Vergil, but the story never goes the deep end of the edge (except in 2 and woah was Dante insuffurable in that game) and the characters themselves are more cheesy/campy than cringeworthy edgelords like Vorgin and Donte.
Donte gets into a shouting match of fuck you's and Vergil is literally Anonymous. The whole "FIGHT THE SYSTEM, MAN" and "NOBODY CAN UNDERSTAND MY PAIN!" is awful.
At least DMC 2 Dante had a good design, and got into SMT.
Vergil has 8th grade syndrom but at least he has a sense of humor. And is a likable character
except that one time with Alastor
Come on, user. Dante in 2 at least had “King? Yeah, here’s your crown.”
wasn't that good either.
It needed to be more than good since it has a standing franchise to either top and uphold.
But fucktarded edgefest of a writing, developer vitriol and Ninja theory's penchant for making games that are okay but forgettable, meant oblivion for the installment.
>comparing the alastor scene to cutting your self open to see if you have a heart and see if you can still call yourself human
You don't remember that time Dante was grinning like a psycho as he murdered his brother?
it almost killed the franchise you drooling idiot, the reason it didnt die is because the HD collection was made and it surpassed it in sales, same with the DMC4SE. Tameem in all his egotrips and wubwubs forgot to actually make and ship a good game so Itsuno had to try and salvage a second Devil May Cry game because of Capcom handing the rights to an inexperienced studio/team.
The SE is barely passable and it fixes one of the many flaws of the game, which is the combat. The characters themselves only get better in the Spanish dub because there it sounds like a cheesy soap opera and it makes the story bearable enough
he also had the dumb two face coin flip, and it was kinda dumb
>prove your hard enough to use a demonic sword
>gets stabbed with the sword
>no fucks given
>"i'm bleeding in muh heart"
>"so deep, so emotional"
>"were totally cool and smart guys"
>if heads you buy me pizza
>heads fucker, lets go
And how the squirrel girl was the only reason he didn’t kill him?
the one time with alastor where he got stabbed in the chest? That was him proving himself to the sword, not touching his heart to see if he still feels something
Its not edge, its cheesy and cool as fuck, the other doesnt even become relevant because of how uncaring Donte is through the game. Its also pretty lame
It's funny because Donte is literally not human
>the other doesnt even become relevant
The other one isn't even in the game IIRC
But they try to tie his humanity into the story, only to say he’s not human five seconds later.
It is.
now that the dust has settled it's time to rate the worst fanbase of the franchise (from worst to tolerable):
1) Vfags
2) 4babs (DMC 4/4SE) & DmCucks (DmC)
3) Kamiyafags (DMC 1) & nostalgiafags (DMC 3/3SE)
4) nuDMC (DMC 5)
5) Luciafags (DMC 2)
Is it? I've only played that shit on release once so I don't remembr much
They only added the "nephelim" shit to make their Donte even more specialier, disregarding that it wouldn't even make him human in the first place.
Heck Donte and Vorgin shouldn't even be what they are.
>that graffiti scene explaining they're half angel and half demon, completely missing the point of the original series as Dante gets stronger the more he accepts his humanity
>Vergil wearing a fedora and spouting exposition
All are a bunch of CuRayHzee people that are fun to spend time with.
Wasn't the DE literally made by a Capcom team in Japan?
They had to make the effort to salvage it.
Yes. Itsuno's team salvaged it when complaints about the game and the sales came in
>DmC: we aren't apologizing but backpedaling please buy our game edition
>Not that bad
It’s in the game. Along with this.
It was meeeeeh like DmC4 at launch
yes and DmCucks are saying NT fixed the game
¿Como dices?
>but original Dante has always been edgy
>*plays electric guitar*
>*skateboards on a motorcycle*
>*shoots enemies while eating pizza*
>plays billiards with a pistol*
>performs Shakespeare and then moonwalks away*
Yeah, I can feel the edge.
It’s Shakespearean.
Nigger did you forget that Capcom literally had to cut development of Dragon's Dogma so Itsuno and the DMC4 team could go to England and fix DmC? Not only was DmC a pathetically mediocre game with at best passable gameplay, an actual Capcom game ended up half finished because the Ninja Theory-made DmC was so shit that Capcom had to intervene and fix it.
>check wikipedia
>the DmC PC port and DmC Definitive Edition were done by Q-LOC, the Japanese branch of Capcom Japan
Close, but not quite. Now THIS is Shakespearean.
I heard that Itsuno had to fix the stinger, again.
But it was though. It still has color coded enemies with no stun lock, it still has a dedicated dodge button, it still has a baby mode devil trigger that murders the pace, it still has horrible aerial mechanics, it still has no taunts, it still has no directional attacks and the lock-on they added is not even working properly and is just there so they can say on the box that they've added it, the weapons still feel flaccid, the guns are still shooting wet farts, the bosses all suck massive donkey dicks without exceptions, the "platforming" is still braindead and time-wasting, the enemy variety is still shit especially in Vorgin's DLC, the level design is still just a straight corridor, the secret missions are still bland etc.
It's just a horrible waste. If anybody is morbidly curious about the game they're better off just pirating the PC version and changing the .ini so you can play it on 60FPS which is the only not shit addition Definitive Edition had. And also you can properly mod the color coded enemies, turbo mode and some other features.
However I'd still recommend not even bothering and just steering clear from it.
Seeing how DMC5 is now actually back the mere existence of DmC is rendered even more irrelevant.
Don’t forget the part where they talk about what happened to Sparda, and this flashes on the screen.
Why is Stinger so hard for devs to get? It seems pretty straightforward.
It wasn't like terrible in an unplayable Sonic 06 way. It was a competent action game, but basically that was it. Nothing spectacular, the developer got to make their sequel to Heavenly Sword they wanted by slapping a vague Devil May Cry skin on it. Storywise, it's pretty bad. Just flat out unlikable characters.
Hardcore Mode fixes the DT.
Cock and ball torture (CBT) is a sexual activity involving application of pain or constriction to the male genitals. This may involve directly painful activities, such as wax play, genital spanking, squeezing, ball-busting, genital flogging, urethral play, tickle torture, erotic electrostimulation or even kicking.[1] The recipient of such activities may receive direct physical pleasure via masochism, or emotional pleasure through erotic humiliation, or knowledge that the play is pleasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these practices carry significant health risks.
They’re retarded.
>"I wanted to cut my heart out to see if I was human"
>turns out he isn't even human
>fixed version isn't that bad
No shit sherlock. They salvaged what they can.
Some of their shit was so hilariously edgy.
Honestly, my favorite part of DmC was the twist that Vergil aborted his son in the prequel comic book. Poor Nero, the fuck did he do to deserve to be aborted?
Being dead weight
The fuck's this?
Wait, what
Concept art of that scene where Donte talks to Kat in the Slurm factory.
10/10 combo post
DmC concept art. Isn't it fucking great?
Yeah, Vorgil fucked Kat. Then he aborted the fetus.
That's not even the best one.
Vorgin fucked the squirrel semen girl and then erased her memory. Then he aborted Nero.
So Donte is a cuck and is now banging his brother's sloppy seconds.
Yes. Welcome to DmC.
>not the long lad edit
Donte, Kat, and Vorgil.
Reminder that DE added a scene in the end where Donte grabs Kat's ass.
Prequel comic, Vorgul loves Kat but decided that love is a weakness so he wiped their memories and aborted Nuro.
It's all Donte. At one point the idea was to have the game take place over many years.
The best part of DmC was the rampant "leaks" prior to release
And the part where Donte gets angry after the abortion rifle.
would fuck desu
Don't have it, sorry.
Everyone that brings up the sniper abortion like this outs themselves as never having played the full game because they don't know the context.
These niggers act like donte and kat planned it all out with vorgil like "yeah, betray that bitch by noscoping her fetus'. No. Vergil did it out of nowhere and they were actually going to let her go until he did that. Everyone promptly went "what the fuck?" and were unnerved by it. Later, when they assault mundus's base dante uses the abortion to enrage him so he doesnt think straight.
You're pulling my leg dude, it can't be this bad
I actually liked this design a lot. Though it looks blatantly like a rip-off of Fate/ Stay Night which is probably why I like it a lot, reminds me of Emiya.
I’m dead serious.
Well, it eventually made it into the game as Neo Donte. Just not as that particular version. It was also based off of Brandon Lee’s The Crow. Makes me wish they drew more inspiration from that movie than Fight Club.
wub wub wub
>It seems pretty straightforward
Please post it. I need to see how bad it is
I will never not laugh at spurdo. What THE FUCK were they thinking?
So, he likes her, but then doesn't care about her in the actual game, and then gets assmad that she likes Dante more than him?
Still much better than Subhuman.
>I need your powers
No, this is not how you reference that quote Tam Tam. This is bad.
and devil trigger
except they don't even question it later. Donte just forgets he didnt like it and doesnt recoil or anything when Mundus mentions the abortion. The fact that he uses it to enrage Mundus by taking responsability for it kinda feels like he took it in stride and just makes the character worse
And even in the added scene he doesnt seem to care all that much about the murder itself
And they blow up an entire city, killing god knows how many innocent civilians, and act like they saved the city in the end.
Or the fact that it was a cowardly move, and got hundreds of thousands of of people killed as a result. He only cares about Kat.
And Dante + Kat turn on Vergil because he says they need to protect people from the demons they unleashed. He turns out to be a dickhead but still
It's fine user, superninjatam probably evacuated everyone.
I don't think that's how feet and inches work.
>I'm hungry
>my stomach hurts
>Trish had the last slice of pizza last night
>this kid is too loud and swears to much
>I wish I was home eating a strawberry sundae
>It's a "retard throws around a buzzword without knowing what it means" episode
anyone have that image of NT's tweet asking everyone about the Xbox metacritic score?
"Im playing vergil"
yes, it was worse
>playing DMC5
yikes, sweetie
Yeah, but its not part of any actual narrative.
>Eva is still alive
>Sparda is still alive
DmC Mundus is a surprisingly nice guy.
Classics, thank you anons.
aside from "Fuck the system" like the rest of the game
It's time Yea Forums moves past its contrarian views and acknowledged that while DmC wasn't great, it was a decent game with the definitive edition.
No i didn't.
The bitch is in Hell, while your father volunteered for gimp duty.
Not really.
He couldn’t just murder his blood brother in cold blood. Only a monster would do that.
>the game remade by the DMC4 team and backed by Capcom Japan is somewhat decent
*360noscopes your baby*
heh..... nothin personell, Mundus
Ah. So it was revenge. I see.
Just watch crank
I really like that Vergil actually.
Here’s another Vergil.
I hope Dan saw this. I wanna see his reaction
Wow, FRUSTATION IS GETTING BIGGER in this comment section
Being camp doesn't automatically negate the other "edgy" things about a character. Even Shadow the Hedgehog has done more than one campy thing in the Sonic games and that character is consider one of the edgiest things in gaming.
I hate this.
>we want the Ventrue audience
except Dante isnt edgy, with the exception of DMC2. He isn't edgy because he's campy all the time, while Shadow's main character trait is being an edgelord. Dante isnt edgy but he can do edgy things and Shadow isnt campy but can do campy stuff
Yeah it was
I can understand shitting on Ninja Theory but Capcom was the original owner of the IP. Why would they let another company mess up their own series? When someone puts their hand inside the lion's cage, do we blame the person or do we blame the lion? The lion is a dangerous animal but the human being should have more common sense. If we're gonna shit on DmC and praise Capcom/Itsuno, we also need to shit on Capcom for even bothering with NT in the first place. They could've made another DMC game in house. They didn't have to license to someone else. It was their choice.
Inafune did it.
You might be right but I can't help but feel if Dante were anyone else but Dante, this entire board would be shitting on him and calling him a generic shounen-tier anime character. People want to give him a pass though because he's a funny pizza meme man.
People give him a pass because he's likable and most of his games are good
That's the power of being a good character who can pull it all off. Same with Vergil
The fans should be the ones shouting "woohoo pizza man", but he pizza man shouldn't go "wohoo pizza am i right?" with them.
Inafune wanted to outsource it for the CoD audience. Not a joke.
So you're saying the character is liked because he's a likable character?
>people like Dante because pizza
Fuck off nigger
Do you have a source for this? It's not that I can't believe but it just sounds very bizarre. What do DMC and Call of Duty have to do with each-other? Where was Capcom's quality control at this time? Someone should've been there to pull Inafune away from his bad decisions.
tldr; Inafune is a westaboo that thinks Capcom games will sell 10million copies if it gets westernized
>What do DMC and Call of Duty have to do with each-other?
Nothing, they just wanted the money of the CoD audience. NT is the closest western dev they can find that can make ok action games.
Where were you even? that's like the industry standard during 09 to the early 10's.
Save my sides
It wasn't literally the CoD audience. He wanted the western market, so he chose his most niche IP outside of fightan to try and westernize it so it would fit together with GoW and the other big sellers. He didnt capture fans nor new players so it failed, like everything Inafune touched when he was in charge.
He quite literally sabotaged Capcom's image by just being greedy as shit
>Being camp doesn't automatically negate the other "edgy" things about a character
Like what? Wearing black and red?
Here's what happened
DMC4 was originally supposed to be PS3 exclusive, but Capcom changed their minds mid-development and decided to make it multi-platform. The problem was, it was developed with PS3 hardware in mind, and making it multi would mean pretty much starting from scratch, which the devs were forced to do. As a result of this, the devtime was significantly cut short, which resulted the game being unfinished as it was, which also probably had an impact on sales.
Capcom was high as a kite at the time, and they though that making the game multi-platform alone will make it sell crazy good, on par with big hits of the time, such as CoD and Gears of War. It sold well for what it was, but, naturally, nowhere near those numbers. In their sage wisdom, Capcom suits decided that the reason for the percieved lack of sales was that too Japanese nature of the game. So, they followed the trend set forth by Inafune, who believed that the Japanese game industry was on its last legs, and the West was the future, and outsourced the next game to a western studio, namely NT. At some point later it was decided to make it a continuity reboot.
As controversial as this game is, I honestly think the story structure was better told in it than in 4 and 5. Most of the cutscenes you get in those games are just Boss interactions. In DmC the pacing of the story was much better, I'd say even comparable to 3 but with worse writing.
>Why would they let another company mess up their own series?
This is a pretty good explanation of Capcom from 2009-2014
After NT presented their first ideas to Capcom, Capcom rejected them for being too much like the previous games, and told NT to make it more different, as they wanted a new and western take on the series. NT took it to heart, and looked at popular and edgy western movies, like Fight Club, Chronicle and others, for inspiration. The original TGS trailer for DMC is the end result of that.
Capcom and NT were ready for backlash, but what they got was beyond all expectations, so they backpedaled hastily, but at that point too much development progress had been made to remake the game completely, so all they could do is soften the blow by making it less edgy. But the damage was done, and a lot of fans have written down the game preemptively.
tl;dr Capcom was in its retarded phase and NT had its head too far up its ass smelling its own farts to see what the fans wanted.
All that said, all the gameplay aspects in NT's version pre-backpedaling would probably be no different than in the final game, since it was their choice to use Unreal over MT framework, and you can see the whip-sword in the trailer. And keep in mind that for all the posturing about big dick dramatic story for cool people, the story is still retarded, full of plotholes and plagiarizes They Live at least, so don't think DmC was some great sad tale of a lost masterpiece.
I disagree about the bit with not capturing new players. I've seen multiple fans of the reboot outside this website. This of course doesn't mean the game is good or it succeeded but people were drawn to whatever NT created for whatever reasons. Then there are the fans who like both the original games and the reboot. Even a video game as vilified as DmC will have it's fans.
In other words, it's all Inafune's fault
Is this a fucking joke ? Jesus Christ.
It’s concept art.
I like the coat. The wings are okay, I guess. Everything else I dislike.
Oh no
Yes, I know. What were they thinking, holy shit.
>popular and edgy western movies
Was it ever even popular? And wasn't the point of it literally the opposite of edge? I never understood why it was in THAT presentation.