what if it stands for something else?
uhhh litteraly nothing wihhth ninbinbo on it
>mfw the "s" is for Stadia
we Playstation 5 now baby
>Nothing with Nintendo on it
oh no bros.. its happening AGAN... NO NO NO
>can't run the P5 engine just like it can't run the Renderware engine or outdated versions of Unreal Engine 4
>somehow people expect a Switch port
> Persona 5
> Rune Factory 5
> Pokemon SW/SH
> 2 3D Zelda's
> 2 3D Mario's
> Metroid Prime 4
> Smash Bros
> New Animal Crossing
> Bayonetta 3-4
> Xenoblade Chronicles X2
> Shin Megami Tensei V
Damn, Nintendo is so based. What the fuck went wrong with the Wii U? Like they are doing so well now
"We will show you new Phantom Thieves that will overturn the world’s cognition and perceptions. We are vigorous with voices that seek satisfaction. Once again, we will take your hearts at the Ryogoku Kokugikan."
>Switch can't run a PS3 game
This game is GUARANTEED to come to switch. Joker comes out in smash bros this April, which means he will most likely get released during the next information. And after they play his trailer they will reveal p5r is coming to switch. Why can’t you retards understand this?
Hmm. I wouldn't doubt a Switch version at this point, buy from P studios history it's most likely a spin-off
This. Most people don't realize how much space mountains of text takes up compared to graphics
Imagine thinking the switch can’t handle a ps3 game.
So what cope will occur when this isn't a Nintendo port like PS5R?
I really wanted P5R to be Persone 5 Racing but you can't expect nothing from atlus
Everyone knows this, it's just Sony fans starting console wars & denying obvious facts out of desperation since they only own one console & can't afford another one
shitch is pathetic.
>on the switch
P5R is an IF game like SMT IV A
It's not "golden" P5
Vanilla P5 is still going to be ported to Switch as P5S.
Bayonetta 2 PS4 port?
It's not about how powerful the hardware is. If a console doesn't support the game engine the game won't run on that console.
P5's engine was custom made in a time when the Switch wasn't even planned.
hi eric, haven't see you all day
>obvious facts
The only persona games we get are the lower quality spinoffs for handhelds user. If P5 were coming to switch we would have gotten the trailer at the same time the PS4 did.
Proving my point by console warring like a faggot, it's officially confirmed that it's coming to the Switch. It's been reported for months, we already knew about the Trademark for Persona 5 Switch in December. Shortly after the Smash reveal, you faggots are just retarded & don't know anything so you deny it simply to attack Nintendo. You have so few games outside the usual Multiplats that you latch onto anything, you faggots were literally only talking about Bloodborne & didn't give one single fuck about Persona 5 for years. But as soon as the new about it coming to the Switch happened, you started pretending like you care simply to pathetically try to console war against Nintendo fans at every opportunity
lmao ps4 has no games left. ps4 is dedicated bloodborn machine.
Bruh most switch games you download like 80% of it if it isn't made by Nintendo.
P5 isn't that big of a game, lots of textures, word and sound but it's like 25~ gigs on ps4. That's very doable on the switch especially with graphical downgrades and sound downgrades.
T.user who doesn't follow switch ports
Vita can run Catherine, switch can certainly run p5.
P5 is also a game not effected by slowness, the pace is slow but smooth so its not exactly about graphical fidelity
"S" mean Standalone port for Vita
They are delaying it for the Nintendo direct in April, the same time Joker comes out. Cry all you want but this is what will happen, it's been confirmed for a long time. If it wasn't coming to the Switch then Royal Chan's data wouldn't be in the list of playable fighters & they would have revealed the Persona 5 information at the Sega FES
Confirmed by what? Your broken fucking brain or that leaker who got it wrong the first time?
Take in account, by that date we should have Joker on Smash.
Lets see here
We got:
>not confirmed
>literally what
>Will give you that
>3/4 of these zelda games are either horseshit or remakes of already existing ones
>entire development reset and studio changed cause it was shit
>only great one here
>has only seen a single teaser trailer that showcases nothing
>enhanced port, meh
>literally who cares
>Persona 5 Super Live
It's going to be some kind of singing game, please be excited
>not knowing the basics of engines
Just because a console is stronge rit doesn't mean it can run all games. It's like how you can pop in an xbox game in a 360 console and it will more often than not be a laggy mess. It all depends on the programming
The same thing could be said with Undertale
How could someone legit believe persona 5 isn’t coming to switch when the main fucking character from persona 5 is appearing as a playable addition in the biggest nintendo switch exclusive currently
>yfw it's P5S for PS5
What is it with atlus and fucking countdowns.
Undertale uses GameMaker which is supported by everything, so no, it can't.
Please no.
They genuinely enjoy trolling. Most of their events they have after a big countdown are just to announce another countdown to the real event a month later.
Cope more, i can see you seething through this comment. Sony has no worthwile exclusive PS4 game outside Bloodborne
The Wii U's marketing and gimmick to the console was pretty mediocre as Nintendo only really appealed to children more often. Also the Wii U was really confusing to people who didn't understand what the Wii U was and any fan of Nintendo didn't see a reason to pay for a weaker system.
>Phil is in Japan right now securing deals for E3
It's going to the xbox, baby.
I wonder what sort of assblast we would see if it was announced for the PC only and not the switch.
Also Epic Store exclusive.
Because people are that delusional. It's so fucking obvious it's coming but the mind of the Sony fag is so governed by tribalism they can't handle it.
If it's not the Royal then who gives a fuck? Seriously if it just gets the standard like Catherine did for PC then its irelevant on launch.
You fucking idiots
It's Person Shin Megumi Tensei 5. You go to a high school of demons and date them
That's P5R you dumb roach
It's Persona 5 Söy, nintendo port confirmed
No Japanese company is going to give in to chinks
Granted hiro or somebody on his staff does seem to be on the ccp payroll.
I wouldn't mind this since I'm switch+Xbone
8 would play it
I don't get it. Why wouldn't Nintendo fans hold Nintendo to a higher standard than "a crappier looking version of a game I could have already played elsewhere"?
I fucking wish, user. But never ever
>xbone + switch
what the fuck
I'm really going to be mad if this shit comes out in vita in 2020 or something like that
Persona 5 Basedal
>i can see you seething
Just because im right doesnt mean im mad, sounds like *you* are the one thats mad my dude
Main console is switch Xbone for Forza Horizon, Rare classics, and the few 3rd party games I enjoy. Persona is the only game I want that isn't on those systems.
actually no in undertale's case, nintendo sent their own men so they could port it on switch
I don't remember where it was mentioned but it's true
This is seeming more and more likely, it makes sense
>Nintendo gets a big 3rd party title in the form of Persona 5
>Sony loses 5 but gets Royal as a replacement
>Royal comes to Switch eventually anyway a few years down the line once they've gone through P4 and 3
That's why companies port games you dumb cunt.
P5R is a Golden P5 and P5S is a portable version of P5R
Bloodborne >>>>>>>> P5
lol no, keep dreaming fag
P5R is P5 golden/fes
But P5R is already PS4 + Vita
My turn!
RE2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P5 lol!
I agree with this
P5S is short Persona 5 Super Live Event. Its on the website.
>Persona 5 is a really nice game guys!
>shut up weeb, go take your PS ""game"" elsewhere
>P5 gets ported to switch
getting really tired of these shit console war threads.
>persona super live
I don't see a 5 there.
The announcement of Joker in Smash was the exact moment every Persona thread went to shit on this board
However I must admit Atlus' stupid teasing is not helping
it says "p5s will be revealed on persona super live" not the opposite
Nah fuck off nigger. I have all 3 consoles along with a PC in my home, I'm just getting tired of you poorfags trying to find reasons to make yourself feel better than other poorfags.
It's low quality shitposting that fills thread after thread.
Stay assmad
> Developers with the most games rated 96 or higher
> 1. Nintendo (18) (Highest: 99) (Last: 2020)
> 2. Rockstar (5) (Highest: 98) (Last: 2018)
> 3. Sony (4) (Highest: 96) (Last: 2019)
> 4. Square (3) (Highest: 97) (Last: 2000)
> 5. Valve (3) (Highest: 97) (Last: 2006)
>Persona 5 ported to Switch maybe
>Tsushima is Bamham tier combat
>TLoU 2 is literally 0 fun and A MOVIE
>We have literally seen 0 Death Stranding gameplay and we all know Kojima went so fucking overbudget this time
>Days Gone is just more zombie shit
At least you have Bloodborne though.
>But P5R is already PS4 + Vita
>+ Vita
But that's wrong.
> Square’s last good game was 19 years ago, 3 years before the merger
Has there ever been a bigger fall from grace?
Neither P5R or P5S are what you think they are
Screencap this post ;-)
They only show PS logo instead PS4 logo in trailer so far and PS4 logo in official site doesn't prove anything because Catherine FB site is do the same
Technically, they haven't deconfirmed Vita version yet
P5T when
Also, assuming it is a Switch version, what's the point of making the two versions different besides specs
P5R - Royal for PS4
P5S - Supreme for Switch.
Isn't the Vita dead in Japan now too?
I think it still gets some very niche JRPGs there.
Catherine FB sales 9k in japan which is still impressive for dead console
I'm pretty sure they did stop producing Vitas there, yeah
you seriously think Atlus doesn't know how Nintendo's hardware works at this point? that's some pretty low thinking of Atlus, they know their stuff.
ESL fags out
lol never ever, Atlus cares about money, and no one in Japan would buy that shit.
I'd say P5 Steam Edition, but who am I kidding. Since this is coming from Atlus Japan, the switch version sounds more possible.
are you stupid, everyone everywhere was sucking this game's dick
Never Ever Vitafags
each one will have different exclusive content so people will KEEP BUYING PERSONA 5 HAHAHAHAHA ATLUS WINS AGAIN BABY
yeah, the Atlus guys even said that they are more interested in Epic Games Store when it comes to PC gaming.
Not that it doesn't sound believable, bigger cut and all that, but source?
God fucking damn it we really are going to have to wait to the literal end of the god damn month for the first DLC character. Fucking retards, what the hell is wrong with Nintendo
Also this better not just be a plain re-release of the original, put some new shit in it this is not worth another buy if it doesn't have Royal content or some shit
>Maybe it’s just in my surroundings, but cash is becoming less of an element, I feel that digital wallets are progressing, and I feel that the flow of environmental change is getting faster. The game market and platforms have not changed. I am paying a lot of attention to Epic Games.
Assuming it's really a Switch port, the "S" could actually stand for "Shin" and the new content would be basically advertising for the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei V.
P5R sounds like it could be an Apocalypse style reused assets AU midquel/sequel, rather than a rerelease.
Isn't it just persona 5 smash.
That's the release date for joker.
Not a switchport
in what world would anyone make a new fucking website for that?
I can see them doing that
>could be an Apocalypse style reused assets AU midquel/sequel
This is essentially what I'm hoping for, given a direct sequel is impossible
I just hope whatever story there is doesn't go AS retarded as P5's did in certain places.
Switch didn't support UE3 yet it got Rocket League
switch supported UE4 what are you talking about? if it could support 4 it could handle 3
Then P5 would be an equivalence relation.
>announcement for an announcement
fatlus bls
GameMaker is garbage for compatibility and didn't even get Switch support until GMS2. Undertale was built on GMS1 and had to be ported manually.
In Japanese, R and S are pronounced the same. They're just covering all their bases with multiple urls.
You're showing that you don't know what you're talking about, just because it supports one engine doesn't mean it magically supports the other.
Rocket League being UE3 was originally a big point people had against it coming to Switch
the worst part is, people actually would keep rebuying P5 if that happened.
demi fiend in smash!
as a joker costume
t. baka gaijin
>shitty fucking high school anime crap
>can't even sacrifice friends
>not SMTV
What the FUCK SMTbros?
It's very effectively to get people hype for their game
Is she a FeMC?
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
That doesn't help at all!
why do you guys keep doing this to yourselfs?
Here your P5S MC bro
>P5R sounds like it could be an Apocalypse style reused assets AU midquel/sequel, rather than a rerelease.
I hope so. Honestly don't think I could be bothered to play it if it turns out to be just another FES/Golden.
Persona 5 Speedster
Did everyone forget that Persona 5 fucking sucked? The story is even worse than xenoblade 2
The S in P5S stands for small
based retard
>consoleport autism kicks up again
you have to wait 22 days just to see if it's actually substantial news or another stringing along cockblock as well
>not steam
okay retards
let him decide
good for switch
bad for steam
Your fortune: Bad Luck
4.25 uuh but there are only 12 months
Why do we pretend to forget Stadia?
requesting an updated version
I don't care either way, but isn't 25th of April around the time Joker DLC for Smash is supposed to come out? Announcing a port corresponding with that makes sense to me.
Yeah, it's really fucking irritating that they keep playing this stupid game of having a big build-up to an announcement only to announce barely anything and just say "more details in 2 weeks time".
All this serves is to prolong the will-they/wont-they shitposting about a possible switch port.
And for the record I'm hoping there is a switch port just because of rather be able to play the game in a portable way, but otherwise will just get the PlayStation version. Why do we have to be so mad that a game might be getting ported so that more people can play it?
You mean R and L...
time to visit /djt/ senpai
God I hate niggers
Bad advertising
Confusing marketing (Even hardcore fans thought it was a Wii accessory)
No games
Even then they’re Spin offs of spin offs get sequels
god i hope its a fighting game
Persona 5 Sneed
Dude they were able to bust Crash PS4 from 30 gigs to fucking 5.6 gigs
All they did was remove all that uncompressed audio and turn off that disgusting fur effect ironically making him look better.
Considering Cathrine only sold 9,000 units vita is never getting another game
Nigga they worked with the 3DS for years
If they can work around that super restrictive platform for years Switch would be a literal weekend project
Hard no
>last 2020
Wait, what?
Yes, Persona 5 is getting ported to Switch just like how FF7 got ported to Wii U VC and MGS4 got ported to Wii.
Plus all these 3rd parties have said Switch development has been easy as hell.
Atlus should have no problem considering they’re experience
God damn it ATLUS stop milking the normies and give us some SMT V info.
>Bayonetta 4
Wanna know how I know you're a faggot?
Don't forget
Same thing with A Hat In Time
it's nintendo
they already paid for next year's scores
>If a console doesn't support the game engine the game won't run on that console.
Imagine being this retarded, your pseudo-intellect jacking itself off the first time you read "UE4 runs better on Switch than UE3" which is correct but the piece of information infected your brain with euphoria, jumping at any opportunity to repeat something so ironic, that a better looking engine with a higher number performs more well on a system than a worse looking engine. So much that it occupied your entire brain, pushing out the facts that you may or may not have learned, the fact that porting games on engines to systems that don't support them has existed for over 30 years in game development.
Holy shit Persona 5 Stadia
I hope it's not a switch remake desu. People will never play SMT/ rest of persona franchise this way
But nintendo is not snoy...
Kind of, it's still going to get a few games but that's pretty much it.
No wonder given how it's nearly 8 years old, it's still mindboggling how it's getting games despite everything though.
That's their own fault.
Hell if fatlus cared, they'd use persona to promote the rest of the franchise through music or spirits
Wake me up when they reveal the next Arena game.
>In Japanese, R and S are pronounced the same
You're actually retarded.
ら and さ absolutely do not sound the same.