Damn, gaming magazines used to look like THIS?
Damn, gaming magazines used to look like THIS?
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The golden age wasn't just called that because the games where great, but the whole culture surrounding gaming at that point was fucking great. Everyone was a nerdy white/asian guy and it was still a smaller hobby and not in the mainstream. The biggest threat to gaming was Jack Thompson, that faggot lawyer trying to ban GTA Vice City because of violence.
game devs used to have big parties with hookers and blow. they also used to make tranny/gay jokes and shit on feminists. they married women who shat out kids and male devs turned into cucks "please be nice, ban bigotry".
Why do fathers of children always have to fucking ruin everything?
What the fuck is that, grandpa?
my mother once got mad at me and had my dad talk to me because of a gaming cover like this.
they dont make them like they used to
NFS Hot Pursuit 2 still the best NFS with exotic cars.
Underground 2 best ricer simulator
I remember in the 90's when every gaming mag was filled with lewds of Lara Croft. What a time to be alive.
politics politics politics
blame fucking nintendo for trying to include EVERY possible audience in the gaming hobby
without them we could've had a few more years of gaming being a guy's pastime
are you retarded
I wish we could go back
how am I wrong?
When you say it like that it sounds kinda cool, yeah
I fucking hate Nintendo. Those shits just want to kill all fun. They are the Disney of the gaming world. Deadset on making sure gaming remains something for fucking children, and making all their shit kiddy friendly to get the widest possible audience possible. Disney and Nintendo are absolute cancers on their industries. The Wii really killed gaming. And to make matters worse, Nintendo last year went around attacking ROM sites trying to take down ISO's and ROM's of many classic games making them harder to find, to prevent emulation.
>You've grown up. When will your games?
Red Flag that Feminist SJWs were starting to take over
A big part of it was in the late 90's gaming wanted to move away from nintendo/sega cartoony kid's games spats. Lara croft and duke nukem were marketed pretty sexual heavy to appeal to horny teens/young adults of the era. But people were very open about sexual stuff during the entire 90's decade. That's why shit like austin powers exists.
It's changed so much in 20 years it's insane.
Idiot. Back then this was a call for more sexy women and violence and gore, and less kiddy Nintendo shit for children. Gameplay was already fantastic and casuals/casualization didn't exist yet. Our problems were small.
This issue is dated 2001. The first signs of proto SJW shit in games wasn't until around 2008 with that "RE5 is racist" crap. Believe it or not, but that was the most absurd shit I had heard in my life in 2008.
no you faggot, people just grow up
>growing up is becoming a low test cuck with the trump derangement syndrome like warren spector, cliffy b etc etc
ok faggot
I've always wondered why they stopped making Austin Powers films, I haven't seen them since around the time they were released, but I remember they were funny as fuck. I guess they wouldn't be allowed to be made today.
>tfw that girl who has guns implanted into her tits and the bullets come out of her nipples
>she has to shake her chest to fire the weapons
We need to go back to these times.
This. I know guys in their 50's with wives/ex wives and kids, they still visit strip clubs, ride motorbikes, go shooting and some of them even hire prostitutes still. Just because you get older doesn't mean you have to become a limp wristed faggot.
because companies other than nintendo were trying to get everyone into gaming as well, even without Nintendo, we would've eventually gotten more and more people into the gaming world. Heck the highest selling video game system ever isn't even a Nintendo system, it was the PS2 by a good margin.
>tfw gf preggo
Tell me I'm not going to turn into a betamax cassette tape
>It's changed so much in 20 years it's insane.
Shitsux, but on the flipside, the era of the SJW could end just as fast. At this point I ask "Why would anything good ever happen?" but still history repeats itself, SJWs won't last forever.
>I've always wondered why they stopped making Austin Powers films
Didn't Mike Myers say it was too much work on him or along the lines of that?
You better enjoy your last 9 months with an uncucked mind user. This time next year you will be chugging onions and screaching at game devs calling them a racist and telling them to censor their games, and *hits pipe* god forbid, you also might be railing against porn.
You'll probably start thinking soon that violence and sex in media, while it didn't bother you, will destroy your child and it should all be banned, or your child should be protected from it forever.
they get a daughter and dont want her dating a guy that isnt perfect and not get treated like a cumrag.
you will, and when you are you think about about this moment and think "wow I totally did not see it like this before". Kinda like when you were 13 you were edgy and now you look back at that and cringe
Yes they will last, and for a very long time.
I wonder if spector even feels something die inside when he has another dx postmortem thingy and he sees what was and what will never be again
If you have a son call him Benny, when he grows up and asks you why you chose that name tell him that the game was rigged from the start
I want to go back
I hope you are right, I thought the same after Trump got in, that this SJW shit would finally die down and this stupid culture war would end. And it kinda did for a year or so, but now it seems to be flaring up and getting worse again. Likely gearing up for the next fucking election already. How fucking long did hippies last before they died out? When will this fucking craze end? It started around 2008, it's been 11 fucking years already. When will it die for good?
They caught the smell of blood and they won't stop until everything normal is no more.
Are you not aware how things swing back and fort in societies? It took a long time in ages past, but everything moves so quickly these days. It's largely due to the internet being able to connect people. People can band together real quick and their mindset can spread, but it can also die just as fast. I'm not naive, I know that things will never again be exactly like they were in the better parts of the 20th century, but I also realize that things aren't permanent. People got bored of the freedoms that liberals fought four decades ago and are dragging society back to the 50s, and eventually people will get tired of that. And with how absolutely fucking insane, cultlike, and generally annoying SJWs are, it's just not a movement that last. It's the sort of thing that surges forward, gains moments, crashes down and fucks things up for a while, and then fades away.
Only the first one was good and had clever writing. The other two movies were Family Guy in comparison.
It's gotten so bad that it feels like normal is now taking an extreme stance.
SJWism has reached near parody levels, so I really think it's peaking. SJWs are getting older, and younger people won't particular, and don't particularly, like the bullshit. We'll have to suffer with it for a while longer though.
When I was a kid playing my N64 with my brothers my dad came home from work and gave us a copy of Turok 2.
Are zoomers really not biting with this SJW nonsense? I've always kinda got the feeling that SJW's were a bunch of 80's born shits. Is it really true? Now that I think about it, every SJW you see is always some mid 30's early 40's cuck. Can't wait till they age out of power and relevancy.
obviously he wasnt a father and the milkman cucked him
Back when..when there wasn't any libtarded mongoloid subhuman libfags running around banning/ruining games because the devs didn't retardedly cocksuck their retarded degenerate agendas like moralfaggotry, feminism, multiculturalism, faggotry, etc.
Lotta college age SJWs too, but it's probably just a phase for them.
>Everyone was a nerdy white/asian guy
Found the/pol/ incel
>you will never live in the timeline where romero made you his bitch and PC gaming churned out fastpaced shooter after fastpaced shooter
Raise the kid to be strong, user. Boy or girl, raise them to be strong.
just hope it isn't a female
Guy you are replaying too. Fathers were different back then, not all are the same. My own father took me out shooting, dirt bike riding, let me watch Kill Bill, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Titanic (nude/sex scenes) and also let me watch WW2 movies and play WW2 video games all when I was a kid. It's just nu-fathers are basically mothers at this point. Though there were always overbearing faggots. They have gotten more common.
>what is silent majority, christians, and various other attempts at banning vidya.
forgot the name but that one commision after the schoolshooting in columnbine
Wrong on both counts. I don't go to /pol/ and I have had sex/gf's.
>TFW when 30 years old and not an SJW
Feels fuckin' good, man.
You deserve a like, friend
girl streamer got perma banned from twicht for saying that only two genders exists.
Fucking good. Should'we played the game and keep her mouth shut.
Jesus christ this is madness.
Is it even possible for a vidya company to exist in this day and age and just release things for fun with no virtue signalling? What would happen if someone did that? Why don't more game devs just not use twitter? Just ignore these cunts.
How dumb are you? It's already a meme now. Shit was early 10's lol. Faggots like you either want it or are too chicken shit to just put it to death. Fucking beta.
it was based as fuck
At least it was a thot
>being this wrong
>i-it was supposed to work this time
Back then normal things were mainstream like being attracted to girls. Now that's sexist and gets you attacked by the twitter mob and your life ruined.
And now Zoomers are so depraved in our broken 2019 society that just liking regular girls isn't enough. Now Zoomers have mainstreamed fetishes like pedophillia, fatness, and farting by rebranding them as "loli", "thicc", and "Braap", and this stuff is increasingly becoming mainstream on Facebook, Funnyjunk, Knowyourmeme, Twitter, etc.
>Just ignore these cunts.
you cant anymore. they are your neighbors, colleagues, class mates etc. ONE word is enough for them to lynch you. They censor games, movies and instead introduce their agenda. Cant escape it because you have a credit score. One word, minus credit score, one word, you're fired, one word and you're blacklisted from certain jobs.
I'm a zoomer and speak to a lot of zoomers, most don't like the SJW shit. Generations are always contrarian. Millenials were the SJWs, Zoomers will not be.
Dude, 17-22 year olds right now in college riot every time Trump says something, have safe spaces, and try to ban free speech. AND THEY'RE EARLY ZOOMERS. Please show some evidence of le based gen zyklon meme, I don't see it in 17-22 year old Zers.
What people seem to forget, is how much unflence this place has, on the world. I say that very lightly, but also, it holds a lot of weight. This place, single handily, forced a word into the mainstream It starts here, travels the internet, [if it catches on] youtube, tumblr [kek] and then, this is when it truly spreads, twitter.
The word 'cuck' was not even fucking spoken 5 years ago, now, it is a COMMON PHRASE used in day to day, I was on a bus and I saw some .. I don't know, 10, 14 year old kids SCREAMING Cuck at each other, and not quite realizing, what that word even means. It's like 'owned' for us or something. Cuck has lost ALL meaning, it's so so much and so out of context, but still, came from this fucking site. We actually tainted, the English language. We also then wide spread the actual real term 'cuck' and made it normal, this place is a dangerous, vile cancer that spreads. Braap posting is just shitposting, but THICC has spread to an insane amount too. Not much you can do about it, it just is. It's just crazy how much influence, if you get enough people, and force something enough, it can attract, latch on, and spread. You cannot go anywhere anymore, especially on twitter, without seeing the word 'cuck' brought up to some degree.
Just look how many times it has been used in this thread alone. It's just normal now.
Couldn't give a less fuck because the fucking cunt was a twitch cam-whore.
>Dude, 17-22 year olds right now in college riot every time Trump says something, have safe spaces, and try to ban free speech.
>thinking they wont ban a white male for saying the same
oh no zoomers meme about their porn,
not like Yea Forums literally has loli, thicc and braap threads daily and has done for years
I'm the Millennial you replied too. I think there is a big different between the 90's born Millennial like myself, and the 80's born cucklenials. I know a ton of other millennials my age, none of us are SJW's, we were all dabbling in alt right, or just rejecting culture war entirely. It was always the fags just a few years older than us into all this cringe shit. I remember never liking the fags a few years above me in high school. But always got along with my own year group, and the guys in the years under me. 90's born Millennials are completely different to the 80's born ones. The 80's Millennial shits are also the ones that gave our gen the horrible reputation. I was born in 1992, and all the "Millennials are lazy shits" and other millennial hate started to get popular just as I was finishing off high school, hadn't even started a job yet. But got stuck with a shitty reputation right of the bat due to the 80's fags who came before me. Honestly I've always felt closer to zoomers than 80's born millennial. Plus some of you were born in the 90's too. Honestly 90's born needs to be it's own gen, fuck 80's fags, they have nothing to do with us 90's bros. My younger brothers are all borderline or straight up zoomers too and they are great, no cuck shit at all.
You say that, as if both things you mentioned are not one in the same, user.
Before Zoomers took over the Internet in 2013/14 those things did exist but they were not mainstream. Zoomers made degeneracy mainstream by rebranding it with nicer-sounding memes.
Not him, but I do like that,what you just said. That is very true. "Zoomers made degeneracy mainstream by rebranding it with a nicer-sounding memes". well said. They've killed, all wholesomeness. It cannot exist anymore.
I'm glad I work with a bunch of degenerates who don't care about anything like this. The perks of porn companies.
Jesus christ you still haven't gotten over that swirly.
Based. What porn company do you work at?
One of the crypto fags needs to start a gaming company once they become financially independent, then they can just bulldoze though this SJW shit and ignore it with no consequence.
Idk man. I'm a dad. My kid is about to turn two. It doesn't stop me from watching "bad" things or even trying to stop "bad" things from being produced. All it does it make me active in my kid's life to make sure they're watching/reading/playing age acceptable content and at the right time.
I've seen people born in the 80s say the exact same thing about those your age but reverse the ages. Lol
I was born in 95 and most of my friends are some degree of sjw, I'm like the biggest "conservative" in our group.
Then again I think it depends of our country, here for example I get the feeling that 90s millenials are more sjw than 80s millenials.
Kill yourself 30+ year old. As if 2019, the only based people are in their 20's. You rarely see SJW cucks in their 20's. It's alwasy 30/40 year old faggots.
1990 = 29 in 2019
1999 = 20 in 2019
90's needs to be it's own gen. Only people in their 20's are non cucks.
I miss demo cd's.
I never say to avoid any trouble, I don't want to be considered a voice of a company when I'm just me. But just some small companies. I translate lewd shit.
>it was the guys born after us who were still in school when millennials started getting rekt in the media that are responsible for our gens bad reputation
80's born cucklennial delusion at it's finest.
The biggest reason they turned into fags was when they went with the whole "gaming can be art" that started being pushed by game journos in the early 00's.
Well, congratulations for trying to be a decent parent. Here's hoping you can keep it up.
>TFW I'll be becoming a cuck in 6 months.
>using the word incel
You weren't even born back then.
I'm aussie, every 80's born faggot is a total cuck in this nation. Meanwhile 90's born people are generally bros. My little brother was born in 1995, and he finished his final year of uni last year, he told me that SJW's were nowhere near as big as they seem on the internet, and that most of his friends don't give a shit about politics, or are kinda /pol/tier in certain ways. When I went to uni myself in 2011, I didn't see any SJW's at that point, in fact I remember some 90's born millennial girls my age shitting on feminism and making fun of the topic when it was brought up. I guess they hadn't invaded Australia yet then.
And then a dude will say it.
What then?
Fucking narrow view kids.
>but still history repeats itself
It really does. This rampant SJW push is just the roaring 20s played on a different stage. SJWs, people claiming to be "woke" etc. are all prohibitionists. Sites like Yea Forums are the new speakeasies.
They ban dudes for taking off their t-shirts while allowing whores to do whatever tf want FFS so why would i think that?
That's because the internet is NEVER representation of real life.
It's just there's a sit ton of people in Yea Forums who's entire world view is the internet, and think real life is like this, when the majority of the people think all these autists obsessed over politics are a joke.
Helps the fact that neo-communists and neo-nazis aren't this group of actually dangerous punks anymore, but a bunch of 30 year old balding, fat pussies.
People in general are getting really tired of this retarded obsession with politics that has yet to achieve something.
TFW you'll never rum-run and take over cities from the shadows with your Yea Forums bros.
Back then, you still saw SJW/soccermom types bitching about this stuff, but they were not nearly as powerful as today. The cancel/outrage culture really took full grip around 2013/14, with Twitter being one the factors fueling SJW mobs. Twitter is the worst thing in the world, next to Facebook.
Because this is a matter of censorship over something being said that's normal and everyone thinks.
God, you millennials need to pull your heads out of your asses and move on from your girl vs boy slapfight, every other generation, even zoomers, moved on from that phase after they turned 5.
They also ban whores for taking their shirts off, what are you talking about?
Most of the bigger sluts all managed to get perma banned on twitch.
> I was born in 1992, and all the "Millennials are lazy shits" and other millennial hate started to get popular just as I was finishing off high school, hadn't even started a job yet.
Oh fuck that, i had those problems too. Like i just finished high school job-hiring dude, i'm not lazy i'm here to get a job, why are you asking about experience and shit, i was fulltime at school for fuck sake, just give me a job so i don't have to live at home anymore, getting called a lazy piece of shit by my parents who were all baby boomers and said i should just go around handing out my resumé all day and make a fool out of myself.
80's kids in someways were always more based though than people my own age. Let's say it like it is, most were just based normal people, then the loud minority were true sjw-faggots who only got worse as they got into university and those were the ones the media pushed as the voice of the generation, for a reason. Same as the hippies.....
>won't hire without experience, can't get experience without being hired
That's just one of the vicious fucked up cycles that can be seen in the job market though, and has literally no bearing on zoomer v boomer shit.
I just wish companies weren't exactly the same as people on Yea Forums, constantly mistaking SJWs as people of importance.
So when we hit 2020-2021, will the culture of the 2010s be looked back on fondly, or will it be angrily burnt to the ground like disco?
they actually hate trannies and shit. its only soccermoms who can go against trannies in locker rooms and bathrooms. no one else has the balls.
I hope it's a boy.
Yeah exactly the same here. Every job wanted 3+ years experience right out of highschool, not to mention the 2008 financial crisis had just happened so everything was failing or downsizing. We really got fucked hard. I remember from 2010-2013 era Yea Forums was full of guys our age complaining about this same shit.
I disagree about 80's Millennials though. The only 80's born Millennial I ever liked was a guy born in December 1989, so he's fucking borderline as fuck.
What culture?
Being a faggot and pretending you are saving the world for discussing the amount of niggers in superhero movies?
The best possible outcome is that the 2010s get memory holed, we go back to 2009, and we try again.
Tell people to not watch superhero movies, to not pay microtransactions, and tell them to slack off on bullying emos because they all became feminists and brought absolutely disgusting aesthetics.
the culture isn't a single view anymore. that's the thing, the media has lost control of the populus and thus their culture has no effect anymore and can't really describe decades with sounding false and untrue for many people.
>What culture?
I was talking about companies kowtowing to SJWs even though normal people are sick of it.
man I am still mad EA started that greedy shit
100% right. People downplay how influential this website is. For fucks sake, I see my dad repeating words, ideas and memes that were popular on here a few years back now. It's a fucking bizzaro world. Yea Forums sometimes feels like an insight into out pop culture will be 4-5 years from now.
It started off as a sort of new industry with only the truly dedicated working on it. Then it grew, middle managers who don't even know how to make a game got involved and started calling the shots. Now it's an industry like any other, with a lot of people just applying to random game companies for the sake of a job.
>The best possible outcome is that the 2010s get memory holed, we go back to 2009, and we try again.
Actually 2007 because Obama and the Recession came in 2008. 2007 was when it seemed things were looking up for the first time post-9/11, but it was not to last.
Shame those console war anal vore memes didn't spread to Twitter.
>Tell people to not watch superhero movies
I'm still not sure why people hate these so much. I'm guessing it's contrarianism. I liked cape comics before they all irrevocably went to shit, and I enjoy capeshit movies. Not everything I watch has to be deep and meaningful.
The internet was a mistake, it's ruining humanity and must be destroyed.
Look into your heart, you know it's true.
The housing bubble started declining in late 2k6 my dude. 2k7 was definitely not "looking up for the first time post-9/11"
found the faggot
The sad thing was the gaming as art push only started as a defense against people like Jack Thompson and christian soccer moms trying to ban violent video games. We didn't want/care about if it was culturally considered art, we just wanted vidya to be legally considered an art, so that it can get around censorship laws and not be subjected to bans. And it did that, vidya is legally art now. But then all the fags who got into vidya with the Wii, then jumped "hardcore" gaming with Bioshock took it to mean legit real cultural art and really twisted what the games as art movement was about.
you're missing part of the point though. those cycles came really into effect around the time most millenials finished high school and couldn't find jobs, which is why so many went into university and why that is more like a living daycare than a place to study anymore. And it's why so many also went into and founded their identities in outrage culture and sjw-shit to cope and rage against a society that truly failed them.
I mean like 75% of my friends are still basically going from shitty job to shitty job with no prospects of the future and no families to speak of. And all are nearing their 30's without careers, some still live at home or close to be homeless. And this is just normal suburban kids that always do their best at work and at most drinks in the weekends.
Yup, they financial crisis didn't help either. Eh it' just my personal experience desu, i always hung out with the older kids due to them playing better games than the kiddy shit and arrange lan-parties at other fun stuff kids my age never did. You might be right that, that's just my personal experience from like kids from a little town where we called faggots, faggots and kikes was a good curse-word and Nigger was a fun game to play in the school yard.
Because they are all samey, repetitive low effort movies that are taking over Hollywood and turning everything into clones of it.
>Not everything I watch has to be deep and meaningful.
It doesn't even have to be like that.
Lord of the Rings wouldn't be possible nowadays because, due to superhero influence, it would be full of dumbass, sarcastic jokes, incapable of taking itself seriously, shitty CGI and poorly made action scenes.
Shit, of course it's true. Damned if I don't like it though. I don't imagine the internet has videos of that girl getting dicked though, does it?
this isn't a hot take user, and what most people believe, however, there is just no stopping it. It just is. You can't take it away anymore. You know?
It was becoming mainstream at that time, but yeah nothing like it is today.
If Jack Thompson was a thing this decade instead of the 2000s we would've bowed down to him and took gaming censorship up the ass.
I'm saying it's just one of the fucked up things about the job market because my mom literally went through that problem when she was fresh out of highschool, relaying her story to me when I went through that same problem.
No, just of her masturbating.
The oil is in the water, user. You can't take it out. We couldn't destroy the internet if we wanted too. Just imagine, hypothetically, if in a little test world we made, we turn off the internet, for two weeks. we just SHUT it down. You would see mass riots. I know you think that's hyperbole, but it would be the same as the fucking purge movie. People would lose there collective shit.
But these people are the same age. Just 90s/10's is the only difference
>And all are nearing their 30's without careers, some still live at home or close to be homeless.
>Nearly 30
>Had trouble getting a job forever, especially because of physical issues that I'm stuck with
>Been doing freelance work for a few years, making chump change
>Finally got a regular job (which I don't even like, but hey, it's something) and making 30k, which is good for me
>Make too much for government healthcare. Looking for a place of my own, but shit's expensive.
Yeah it kinda sucks somtimes.
Same here. I don't know why companies take twitter mobs so fucking seriously. Don't they know of the silent majority.
if not for the internet I'd have to leave my house to find cute girls to take pictures of, I'd go to jail
>it would be full of dumbass, sarcastic jokes, incapable of taking itself seriously,
This is something that I have gotten tired of, yeah. I like superhero movies for the most part, but I wish this wouldn't be so ubiquitous.
Why was Disco angrily burned to the ground? I remember people looking back on it fondly in the late 90's early 00's a lot.
Oh, I know. Specially social media like twitter. It'll be remembered as the equivalent to the fall of the roman empire.
That'll work. Thanks.
You're wrong. The internet isn't ruining humanity, it's faggots that are ruining the internet.
I don't care who it was or will be, I don't even watch streamers and the likes, but I believe if you're planing to earn money by streaming video games do just that and not rant about genders and shit with strangers.
By the late 70s people got sick of it being oversaturated. Once enough time had passed though, it was remembered more fondly in the late 90s.
Can't we just go back? Now we're gonna have to start the fourth reich, just because we wanted to play video games.
Its too powerful a tool.
Yeah. But you know how fucking easy is for kids to consume hardcore porn right now? No one is going to buy a magazine (lol) because implied nudity.
>rant about genders
saying that there's only 2 gender is not a rant
This. It's why we get these passing trends that are just based on nostalgia and trying to relieve the past. You can't point to the 2010's in the same way we can point to the 60's and say it was all about flower power. At most you can do the obvious and say how vapid everything is, how it's all about instant gratification.
You have to be 18 to post here.
Internets is not the problem, phoneposting is the real enemy.
The internet was perfectly fine until the late part of the last decade, figure out what happened then and you'll see what ruined the internet and society at large.
Because everything is capeshit now. Star Wars is now capeshit. Jurassic Park is getting capeshitty. I can count the good films of the last 5 years on my hands. I was given a three free movie tickets a while back by my uncle, I fucking struggled to find something worth watching. They were valid for a year. I used the last one up the day before it expired, seeing someone I was barely interested in. I have never been to the cinema less than I have in the last few years.
Japan's already ahead of us with them ushering in the Reiwa period at the end of the month.
Why the fuck is the like shit still here?
As soon as it became mainstream it went to shit. Normies ruin everything
>Everyone was a nerdy white/asian guy
Not true
Because it's not April 2nd yet in some parts of the world.
What a coincidence, me too. Fellow Libra, I guess?
>plays game silently
>"oh, by the way there are only two genders, guys, subscribe haha"
>continues to play game
It probably happened like this
So what was the last good era here?
gen x culture
Thats tame. In like 1998 i had a well know PlayStation magazine that covered "weird Japan" every month. One particular month was "hentai video games" and it had a picture of an anime game called Strip Poker, a picture of Tifa lifting her tank top over her breasts, and more particularly, an artwork of Sakura from Street Fighter by Juan Gotoh. They covered her nipples, pussy and asshole with "WOAH" stars, but you could see the realistic skin tone of her breasts, tummy legs and butt. And the star wasn't covering all of her pubic hair. That image was a revelation to my 9 year old self. From that moment on girls were amazing and i wanted them. Anyway, pic related, my first fap ever.
You can literally see the soul being ripped out at early Zoomer.
Early-Core Gen Y. It still knew how to have fun but by the end, all was lost.
i know it's true. I wish there was a way to get rid of it forever, and for everyone.
Shit I think I recall something similar. My dad picked up tons of PS1 magazines in the late 90's/early 00's and I remember some of them had nude artworks of Lara Croft, Jill Valentine and other popular gaming girls back then too. If you read the comments under images in the reviews where there were girls in the game, they'd always make jokes about the girls, their tits etc too, and if there were games with no female characters, they called them a sausage fest with no TnA. Heck I remember some posting screenshots from nude mods, and doing pranks about the Nude Raider secret mode for the Tomb Raider games. Posting pics of mods they themselves made.
A different time. Admitedly it was actually inapropriate that a 9 year old me could pick up such a magazine. I swear masturbation is 100% instinctual because i knew what i had to do with that magazine.
dem keedz deez dayz
Press F to pay respects to John Romero
Nah not for me. I started watching porn, and only years later heard about masturbation. Same for my friends. One of us somehow discovered it (probably older brother of one of my friends) and told us all about it at school one day, we all called bullshit, and asked him to explain, then everyone went home and tried it that night, came back to school the next day and it was like we'd discovered a new world. I'd been sneaking into newsagencies and looking at playboys and penthouses for at least 2 years before that. I also found my dads porn stash mag and would browse through that. Also would download porn from limewire and other early internet sites.
Funny story. I must have been completely oblivious or retarded. But my school brought show and tell back when I was in elementary, and for some reason the first thing I thought of was my dads porn mags, there was this girl with such a perfect ass. I wanted to show my friends. So I snuck the mags into my schoolback and brought them to school, pulled it out in front of the class and opened to my favorite pic of her ass and showed everyone how hot she was. Teacher had a fucking meltdown kek. My dad got called into the school and we both got in trouble over it.
take me back. i wanna go back.
It's all Obama's fault really
Fuck, made me check.
wrong again white supremacist
And then on day everything started getting political
Do you know he made DOOM?
He will remind you. repeatedly.
IGN used to have a softcore babe section man times change
Are you really trying this again. You already got BTFO'd here
Games were always crap and make you a loser for playing them
>opened to my favorite pic of her ass and showed everyone how hot she was
Ah, to be young again and doing retard stuff out of pure innocence.
>there are people who didn't live through 9/11
I told on my my students it was an inside job, he seemed to understand
Cant fool me, I know who made DOOM.
Bad news, lads.
If this repeated lie becomes truth I will kill myself
Imagine being this n*rmie🐸
The sad thing is, I haven't seen her ass again since that day. Teacher fucking confiscated it, don't think my dad even got it back. I've looked at old PDF download websites for classic 90's erotica/softcore magazines. Never been able to find her. Fuck I can't even remember what the magazine was called. I've looked for so long. She was fucking stunning. She was wearing a fucking weaved basket with a hole in it as a skirt, had blond hair that stopped right above the shoulders, was on a beach near the rocks, she was slightly bending over so her weaved skirt lifted up and let you see her ass from behind, and you got that gorgeous underneath and behind shot of her pussy too. I didn't even know what sex or sexuality was at the time, I just knew I couldn't stop looking away. It was so beautiful. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I told my friends about her all the time.
>I started watching porn, and only years later heard about masturbation.
Yo what the fuck, why was i so early? I hear this a lot that people just didn't know. By the time i was 9 i was already doing it thinking about my classmates. I didn't know "sex" but i knew i wanted to see them naked and hug them and stuff. This was BEFORE i even had pubes. Was i fucked up? Makes me worry it was wrong or weird. Meanwhile everyone else is like "bro i didn't whack my tackle till i was 16!"
>By age 9
Jesus Christ user zero innocence
I know the feeling. I can still remember one of my early faps from some random porn mag my dad had stashed away. Never found her again. Sometimes, during quiet nights, I can still see her out of the corner of my eye. A fleeting fap that never comes.
>People fell for this bait
no. you're just straight. it's just your instincts acting. you're normal user. relax
i was innocent though, like i said i didn't know it was for fucking with, i just knew it was girls i knew that made me feel that way. Some instinct told me "you want them."
I remember lifting girls skirts up in kindergarten because I wanted to see up their dress. I got in trouble for it too. I knew I wanted to see girls naked. My favorite part of movies was always the brief shot of a girls butt/boob in PG-13 stuff. It's just that I didn't connect that to rubbing your penis until way later. Hell, me and my friends didn't even connect erections to sex at first. I remember one of my friends teasing another, coming and telling us "oh my god you will never believe, but user told me his penis gets long when he thinks about naked girls! Can you believe it AHAHAHA WHAT A FAG LOL, freak!" And I laughed my fucking ass off at something so absurd. Because everyone knew that your penis got long because it was filling up with piss and it meant you needed to go to the bathroom. But then 2 weeks later I was thinking about naked girls, and felt my penis "go long" again, and realized I'd only taken a piss a few minutes ago, no way I'd need to go again. Then realized I had the same condition as my friend, and stopped making fun of him at school. I think I only started masturbating at around 13. But I was looking at porn from way before that, and wanting to see nude girls since fucking kindergarten.
yh i get that i just suppose that biologically those instincts should not have been available to me yet.
youre using s.o.y. words like "preggo" so it's already fucking over
>Because everyone knew that your penis got long because it was filling up with piss
I like it, tbdesu. If the jap chans can have it why can't we?
It also can de a good replacement to the endless spam of "based", "this", "seconded", etc., all of which are just glorified upvotes that take up thread space
>Because everyone knew that your penis got long because it was filling up with piss and it meant you needed to go to the bathroom.
I prefer Based vs Cringe fights to be honest.
Based vs Cringe: Whoever wins, quality discussion loses.
hey man, he has a point, most boners before puberty hurt like fuck. Fucking stung to get, i used to dread them until one day they stopped being painful.
Jeremy Elbertson made doom retard
Why are you here?
everyone thought the same back then.
No, Robins Williams did
>read my old gaming mag from '99
>editorial is complaining about unoriginal games
The fuck bros
I used to think it was fucking vile that girls would squat to pee, imagining it must touch their feet, unware they could force a stream in front of them like we could. One girl set me straight on that one though, i saw EVERYTHING.
The pop star? Damn, didn't know he had that in him.
People had way higher standards back then. Tons of games regarded as absolute classics back in the day got savaged in reviews for the smallest shit. I've got a magazine with a VtMB review or preview in it even. I've also got a magazine from 2002 with a top 100 games of all time list in it.
Damn, what was the experience.
Also my dad and his friends fucked with me on this, and I only realized until years later, when I curiously looked up "what it looks like when girls wee" back in the mid 00's and was shocked to find out girls can't unwind the black tubes like a hose and pee really far.
Yeah my dad and his friends were camping, and were having a pissing contest. And then they loudly said when I was near "I wish your anonette was here, she'd be able to unwind her pubes and spray her pee like a firehose all the way to the trees over there" and they all laughed at looked at my confused expression. I thought they were being serious and thought a girls pubes was actually a little firehose for fucking years. I didn't have my own pubes yet so I didn't know they were hairs, and I'd only just briefly glimped a girls pubes once or twice before too.
Whats that chick up to?
>what was the experience
Well a girl let me watch her piss obviously.
I don't have a screenshot but there's a bunch of early internet forums talking exactly the same way we do, except replace new games with old games.
Yea, but at least it adds alot of subjective good along with it's subjective bad
How old where you, and how old was she? Why did she let you watch her piss? Did you just ask?
>lend your Vice City copy to a mate and it comes back full of quince paste
>play Quake 2 without soundtrack because it intensive playing drew a hole in the disk
>burn a hole in Quake 3 Arena disk
>use your school trip money to buy a vidya magazine
>older brother didn't let you play Soldier of Fortune with full gore
>older brother hides games so you're stuck drawing shit on MSPaint for the whole week
>play BC Racers sharing controls
>play Quake 3 three people sharing controls
>end up learning English
Good memories brehs
this is getting a bit weird user.
It just makes people into extremists. There's a lot of subtlety that goes into a conversation, which on the internet doesn't work well. Plus, most people are terrible at explaining themselves or explaining their thoughts. IRL, you can usually have a back and forth to improve this, or you can even say "that person was just having a bad day", but online, everything seems much more final. Everything is a final statement.
Add the fact that people refuse to ackonledge their mistakes anymore, and you get a bunch of people who say something retard, get called out on saying something retarded, realize what they said is retarded, and then defend the retarded statement because they refuse to just say "you're right, i'm sorry"
I just think it's strange that a girl would let you watch her pee.
>dig out my old 8-9 remaining issues of gaming mags
>last one is from march 2004
>FarCry and Ground Control 2 exclusives
>4-page interview with Al Lowe [Leisure Suit Larry creator]
I really miss those days when gaming was never in the political atmosphere. Politics, especially American politics are cancerous to gaming.
I'm thinking of doing the same and taking pics and uploading into this thread since I am borrowing my brothers DSLR at the moment. But each picture is like 5-7 mb in filesize so they would be to big to upload. What's an easy way to reduce filesize. I feel like not bothering now. I got a whole bunch of old mags in a box under my bed.
Different user here but they were likely kids. Specially if this was pre-internet days, kids that were left alone would just do random stuff together, not really think about all the implications we as adults do now.
I think she wanted me to. we were friends by virtue of her mother having tobabysit for me some afternoons until my mother finished work. We used to go to the wheat fields where she lived to explore. I remember she made a big show of saying "if you dont turn around im going anyway, im not holding." so we just sat together and i watched and then went back to adventures.
well if you look at it that way, was the 60's really all about flower power? or was it just a small vocal minority?
this. I think she wanted me to see something and i wanted to see. It was really that simple and ended there.
Sauce pls and you'll have a good fortune
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
The 60's had a thing called the contraceptive pill. Love was free and given without the same fears as their parents generation during the war and the 50's.
>Be at a female friend's house
>We're running around being stupid
>Find her dad's porn magazines
>I ask why her tits aren't as big as the lady in the magazine
>She asks if my dick is that big
>I say yes
>She asks to see it
>Only if I can see her tits
>Long pause
>We both laugh and go play some video games
Fun times.
Thanks for sharing. For some reason I love childlike innocence in what should be sexual situations like this. I had similar shit in my childhood, but not in relation to having a girl piss in front of me. It was summer and my and my brothers were swimming out the back in our pool, and my moms best friend comes over, and she has some daughters. One of her daughters runs out the backyard, she was same age as me, I think I was like 8-9 at the time, and she wants to get in, but can't get her nice clothes wet. So she just took everything off and jumped in nude and swam naked with us for like 30 mins, there was no big reaction to it from any of us, in fact I think I told her no girls allowed and I splashed her and told her to get out kek. Then after a while, I got out and I was spaying my brothers with the hose and having a water fight, she jumped out of the pool again completely nude and I decided to spay her with the hose too, she ran around the yard naked with me spraying her and my brothers. I was old enough to know I liked looking at naked girls, so I had a fun time of it. But it still felt innocent, and not sexual, her beauty to me was the same way you'd look at a sunset. After that we dried and dressed and I went and showed her my PS1 games.
You can't ruin something that was flawed from the start
This is evolution
I don't know what people normally use for viewing pics, but ACDSee has a fairly easy quick-edit option. CTRL+E, click, click, save.
But I usually have photoshop already open, sooo...
So you were just a creep all along. I wasn't writing to get you off user, you shitter.
I wish I could go back to late 80's.
Do you actually think this started on the internet? I find this questionable, maybe it's more likely that you don't talk to enough strangers to see it in action in real life. I work in marketing and accounting, the things you'll hear some customers say on the phone and hear about some co-workers doing kinda makes me feel like it adds to the evidence against the claim that "the internet did this". Seems more like the internet is a place where you're more likely to meet these types of people, because you're likely to meet more people online than in real life.
I'm not getting off to this user. I just find it interesting. I like the childlike innocence. I am not a pedofag.
Obviously no decade can be boiled down to one single thing, specially if you consider that the whole flower power was only in America, we're not taking into account the rest of the world.
But if you take something like cyberpunk, it's an idea that could've only been born in the 80's, it takes from very specific elements of the time. We don't really have any equivalent. Even the whole digital world is something most creators struggle to portray. So we end up with 80's and 90's franchises coming back, instead of original franchises that will stand the test of time. That's why I said that the most you can say about the 2010's is that the culture is vapid, lost in time, because it's all digital. It's not like a VHS, a physical thing you can hold and own. In 20 years, nothing of the sort from this decade will be around because it's like it doesn't exist.
Think of how much we rely on the digital world now. If a damn apocalypse happened, future historians would think that humanity stopped progressing in the 90's because there would be no way to recover all this data.
those were better times
You can also reduce the image size/quality on the DSLR.
Christ user, I like it in the way people enjoy movies exploring a taboo subject. I want to get into screenwriting, and childhood innocence in the way kids unknowingly do adult things interests me, because I have a lot of memories like that from my own childhood, that don't feel sexual or "hot" in any way. They just feel nostalgic, for a more innocent time.
It's a web tool made by google to make images smaller without losing quality.
Feels good living in a country where SJW shit is actively frowned upon and ridiculed and a national pasttime is telling foreigners to go home if they don't like it.
Disagree. Nothing I said is exclusive to the internet, sure, but it made it go out of control.
For example, why was early internet amazing? Because you were encouraged to be anonymous, you were allowed to have fun for fun's sake. That's where we got "internet is serious business" jokes. Websites told you to NEVER use your real name. Now, they encourage you to give out as much personal info as you humanly can, interactions with other people are not this isolated thing from reality, they're an extension of it, meaning instead of people acting one way, more irreverent, online and actually following proper etiquette in real life, now we have internet etiquette in real life, meaning no etiquette.
Just be careful with how you describe this stuff in real life. What you wrote before read like an early draft for Lolita.
>that dont feel sexual
I mean, user, i watched her piss because i really wanted to see her naked pussy. I wasn't being "innocent" and neither was she.
This. Sounds like you just want to get off to stories and thats not cool.
Don't be too harsh on the user. It is a difficult topic to write about exactly because people will assume the worst. He said he'd like to get into screenplays so he would have to tread carefully to make sure it doesn't seem like he's promoting anything.
Maybe, but I'd need more information on that, I mean, from where I'm standing this doesn't seem to be the case for the majority, just a lowd minority that you might get a camera placed on them, unless of course we're talking about kids, specifically ones with parent's that think it's okay to put someone under the age of 16 on the internet without supervision,
Loud* my bad.
ITT: older generation shitting on newer generation.
Never seen that before.
You must be old then having seen this before. Get off Yea Forums grandpa
>You have to physically see something in order to know it has happend before
>He thinks the word 'seen' literally
>Probably takes a lot of things literally
>Probably has autism
Hey, that's another issue with the internet, there's no sense of scale to anything. One person complaining will be enough for "magazines" to talk about it as if there's some revolution happening. That's how most shitty threads on here start. One tweet from random nobody turns into the next big issue in gaming. Apply this to any other industry in any other website and you have a bunch of retards whining in their selected eco chambers, leading to their views becoming more extreme by virtue of having no opposition and only support.
>Older generation complaining about newer generation and how out of touch they are with the real world, even tho they may have done exactly the same at that age, even if some what different.
>Newer generation, laughing at older generation and not listening to advice, only to realize that they'll probably be in that position too, day too, yet they still refuse to change anything.
I guess it might have been. But with this subject. You can write something innocent and people will find it sexual if there are naked girls in it anyways. Lolita is a decent movie though, I am always surprised when I remember Stanley Kubrick made it.
Oh. I thought it was more of a functional thing. Like you wanted to see how it worked. But I guess it's both, at the same time, you just want to see it because it's interesting.
I doubt I will ever make anything in regards to this subject. In the current climate, one fuckup with tone like I did with my earlier post and I'd be fucking crucified on a national stage.
It'll happen to you too.
Thanks. Here are the mags I could find. I know I had PS1 mags as well, but can't find them, maybe my dad threw them out. Fuck. I had one with a whole Abe's Oddysee in depth review and guide, and one for Tomb Raider 2 as well.
What mag do you lads want to look in? The top 100 in the PC gaming one from 2002 is fairly interesting.
We’re still every open about sex, but only women are allowed to be sexually liberated among the public eye.
>Lolita is a decent movie though
Read the book. Much better and some really beautiful writing.
Either way, it is a risky topic but not impossible. You can potentially show the "good" part, someone just remembering the innocent times, and contrast it with the "bad" someone who retroactively sexualizes the memory.
Forgot the fucking image kek.
>tfw 35
>tfw still hasn’t happened to me.
I don't think it has, partly because I believe our older generations are fucking retarded and narrow minded. I welcome these naive zoomers with open arms and I will nurture them to my liking.
When I have a son, the first games I'll ever let him play are Gothic1 and 2 and HoMM II and III.
Fuck this new generation shit.
>tfw threw all of my old GamesMaster magazines away
I want them back
They used to be fun and included things like demo disks, reviews from the developer, and almost zero op-ed pieces. It was handled by adults and not oversized manchildren.
Discussing games was great, people understood that real life wasn't video games and didn't try to push real life shit onto them. Even console war arguments at least involved people trying to be funny and not bring on how they're quadruple bypass feminimen in transition.
Also they loved tits. They loved tits, and girls, and cute, and women.
We're also never getting it back. So enjoy the look back on it while you can.
2008 was the last good year.
Your generation is fucking terrible, though. There are a few spots of it where people are rejecting your authoritarianism, but it's mostly just you bending over and sucking the cocks of corporate culture and PC rhetoric.
I don't get how one of the most cynical generations turned into one that worshiped corporations like they were gods.
Your fortune: Average Luck
They're only retarded when it comes to how technology works, as seen by how the governments try to dictate how the internet should work despite not knowing what an algorithm is.
Top100 and Shadows of Undrentide on the side
Note this was considered the mature vidya mag. How far we have sunk.
yeah, pop culture and video game nerds used to be far more sexually frustrated back in the day, now with normalization of such things and more sexually liberal west we no longer have to jerk off to pixelated nudity, unless for you faggot.
>be me
>be into vidya
>wow all these cool games coming out and the graphics advancing so fast it will be that way forever, it can only get better and better right?
>meanwhile in 2019
Technology has become an integral part of our society though. So our older generations that can't coop with it, are pretty much defunct.
>Your generation is terrible
Did you just asume my generation based on that post? Please, explain how your brain managed that.
The only pol incel here is the type of nigga that literally will label anyone he doesn't like with whatever faction he doesn't like, regardless of evidence.
This is why Yea Forums is now reddit. remember when we used to be fun anons, guys?
I wonder how people who were in their 20s feel about period when there was no internet
Sorry for the flash covering some of the writing. But holy shit, flipping through this, there are previews for fucking VTMB in this, as well as Homeworld 2. Flipping through the reviews is like browsing GoG's catalog kek, tons of niche classics and favorites. Also the top 100 has Giants Citizen Kabuto in it and they posted an image of the main girl naked as the screenshot kek.
Billy, time to take your medication.
gaming ended in 2008, prove me wrong
I mean was life always depressing for 20 year olds or it's just current trend
There's still games coming out in 2019. There. I proved you wrong.
The funny thing is, we're probably in the same generation of soibois and corporate cocksuckers.
>Why don't you worship PC culture with me?!!!?!?
You're saying life is depressing for 20 year olds in general? That's a pretty broad statement. Are you sure you're not projecting?
Here's the VTMB preview, this magazine is from 2003, not 2002 actually. Still, a whole year before release. Kinda like now with VTMB2. And too add to that, there is also a whole preview section of Halo CE's PC release in this magazine, just like now with the MCC kek.
I have no idea how your brain works, but it is interesting to watch I guess. You're rambling.
People here say it was better before so I guess it must be bad now
I like how they tried to make it out like it was a shooter.
>Real life sucks
Where's Marche when you need him?
But I don't know either user, I have a rough idea of what it is, that I'll probably forget and have to look up again, when some one brings it up again, in a year or two, since I don't work with the stuff.
>poltards equate this to being nazis
fucking lmao also you nazi idiots harping about is the reason why we have SJWs in this first place
You think newer generations are any better at that? Smartphones have made them completely ignorant as to how the internet and technology works. They have no clue how their phone actually translates their taps to information sent over the internet.
>tfw 22 year old zoomer
i mean i SORT OF remember 9/11 but not really
What the fuck are you EVEN going on about? name one post that equating magazines to being nazis.
Is it just me, or did the pre-release screenshots looked better then the game now? I'm looking at my own mag with an announcement article and can't help but feel they downgraded the graphics in the end.
And you're projecting. Have a nice day.
They pretty explicitly state it's an RPG, and has dialog trees. But this is a preview, not a review, so they didn't even know for sure at the time.
Here's the start of the top 100. I bet today some SJW would complain about Lara being judged by a panel of white aussie men.
They would say the one in the middle is sexually harassing her.
I think VTMB looks pretty good, I don't think it's downgraded, I just think those images are downscaled to fit in a tiny image section on a magazine. While you are playing on a huge monitor. Same for Pacific Assault int that image, looks amazing with all the blades of gras.
early zoomer was last "good" era
holy fuck we are entering dark ages
I mean, I know a few things about AI and how it works because I find AI interesting, I try to use a phone in the ways instructed for most safety, because I looked the stuff up and heard about it, I know a bunch of animal fact that people might not really care about, because they probably don't really add much to their lives and such. But I can't say I know how everything works, especially not in detail, how would I there's so much stuff out there, and so many other things I wanna do other than constantly read about new tech.
I don't think so. If anything, I think we're leaving our current dark age with the even younger zoomers getting old enough to use the internet.
The youngest zoomers right now care about jokes and memes, things that all of the crusty basedbois of last generation who took the place of soccer moms.
I give the current dark age two to three years tops because it becomes popular to openly mock them, a year or so after that until they disappear completely or pretend that they were never the fun police to begin with.
With the invention of the internet, hiveminds are allowed to grow and flourish without repercussions. It allows mentally ill people to find other like-minded mentally ill people and create their own echo chamber, luring in others to their hivemind until they're a big enough swarm that they're able to infiltrate bigger media organizations and link themselves back to the hivemind.
>SJWs are the hippies of our time
It all makes sense now..
If this is the 20s all over again, then we’re more than halfway through this horrid time.
good job, remind them about building 7
video gaming is dying, thanks to social media dabbing in real life and doing dumb shit is 100x better, games will become more soulless by year and AAA games won't exists, all these companies will start making DANK shoes and clothes and gadgets so people can show off on Instagram and Facebook
No one can be expected to know how everything works, but think of how many of your peers would understand how to do something like fix a network interface, or know what IRQ means, or even know what a datagram is.
IMO best thing that ever happened to me is discovering my father's old C64, it taught me a lot about computers and computing simply because so much of it you had to do yourself. You load programs and change settings by actively changing the memory per address of the programs itself.
>are pretty much defunct.
Yep, but they're still the ones calling the shots.
>things that all of the crusty basedbois of last generation who took the place of soccer moms.
*things that all of the crusty basedbois of last generation who took the place of soccer moms absolutely hate.
I don't get why late zoomers hate jokes, memes, and fun so much.
The current market is much worse. The whole "entry level job requires 5 years prior of work experience", companies that don't bother to try and teach their employees, just assume everyone must know everything that comes with 20 years of experience, housing is dogshit which makes 30 year olds still live with their parents, etc. The internet is just the cherry on top of the shit.
Millenials were the beta testers for gen z
Good thing you're not the one trying to create rules on the internet then.
I don't think that's true, but I do think we';re in for an industry crash in the next few years.
AAA games and their publishers can't keep making flop after flop while simultaneously laying off hundreds of workers every few months indefinitely. At some point they have to come out and say "Guys, this business model isn't working, we need to stop."
When that happens, it'll be 1983 all over again. Maybe not for every console, probably not for PC, but it will be basically every dinosaur in the industry keeling over as investors jump ship.
IMO: Can't wait.
You started off based and then you had to try and tack on /pol/ faggotry
The guy ed boon was notorious for hookers. It is funny to see him try to button up mortal kombat knowing his degenerate past.
They are if only because they grasp the concept behind the digital world and automation. I once talked to a guy in his 60's who thought there was someone at youtube going through every video to approve them.
Where's the /pol/ faggotry?
> The biggest threat to gaming was Jack Thompson, that faggot lawyer trying to ban GTA Vice City because of violence.
You mean this part?
see and faggot
internet will crush video gaming
Here we go, 100-81 of gaming journalits from 2003's taste.
I do think we're probably in for a new age of browser based games soon. Nothing really replaced flash games, and kids loved being able to just load up something quick to play.
Mobile games tried to fill that niche, but it went through it's own bubble->burst period itself.
>say "Guys, this business model isn't working, we need to stop."
Not happening. The people in charge will be safe when the system crashes so they'll push it as far as they can and retire in safety. You think Goldman Sachs tried to stop what they were doing in 08?
>reading through this makes me realize that all my favorite games came out fucking years ago and will never come back.
Splinter Cell, Worms World Party, Raven Shield, Mechwarrior Mercenaries, C&C Generals, I miss you
people played games because there was no connectivity, so you could just lock yourself in the room and feel like you are in some other world, now the world is bombarding you with real life stuff 24/7 thanks to social media, everything is connected and there is no need for playing vidya,
>Mobile games tried to fill that niche, but it went through it's own bubble
Browser games also ended up with their own bubble, it just that there wasn't as much money involved as the app store. But I do agree, which might actually be what Google is trying to do.
I don't think EA or Activision is as big or powerful as Goldmann Sachs. I think when they get up shit creek, they're on their own. I don't see a presidency creating a bailout package for video games.
Which means violent crashes all around the second the business model becomes unsustainable.
Skimming over this while resizing the images, christ the opinion on some of these are non pleb. Read the GTA2 on, I actually played GTA 1 and GTA 2 before GTA3's release as well, and I agree. I forgot how fucking informative games journo's used to be back then, they actually fucking knew things.
So a datagram is the thing that sends ... data from a source to a destination ... and that's about all I can say. Rip. As for IRQ even looking it up, I can't fully explain what I read. other than it's a hardware signal used to stop running programs for a time. But yea, this sort of stuff, I never used it and hope to never use it, as much as I like tech, I don't work in a place where I need this information and I don't exactly feel a burning passion for it, to say that I'd want to know more than the most basic description.
Disagree, I think people play vidya to escape that. You would go insane sitting on social media constantly asphyxiating over the worries and troubles of the world. In fact, many already have.
At some point people are going to demand relief from it, and they're going to get it one way or the other. Hopefully it results in the social media giants collapsing and something else more chill coming along, as well.
This. Just look at the current state of AAA game, they just going for the cash grab with all the dlcs and microtransaction shit because selling base game was not profitable, now when sales will tank to the lowest point they all will die, either this or they better revive hardcore gaming culture
It's a starting point. If you're willing to learn, then you're already head and shoulders above all of your peers
but there was no social media when games started to rise, people were escaping from life, now with social media there is no escape, your computer have one, your console have one soon your fucking fridge will have a facebook, people are being forced into being social
What’s significant about this coming period?
>Trigger words.
Nice job b8er.
Well they did rely more on actual reviewing than "another top 10 list of fuck all". Hell the 100 lists were the only lists I can remember and they happened one in a blue moon.
I don't know why they put Fifa in there, that seems like a shill for sales since it was a new release at the time of the mags publishing. Still, these are mostly based listings so far.
The company can fall but that's just a shell. You think the CEO at EA has any loyalty towards the company? If there was a gaming crash in the next five minutes, Andrew Wilson could retire in his billions, Kotick could retire to his billions, and some other poor bastard would be left to pick up the pieces. Even if they stay, they can do whatever they want. Investors are angry? Oh no, let me cry into my million dollar towel. Workers are angry because they're being fired in droves? "We are deeply sorry for this happening", he says inside his 58 million dollar house.
glad you left the psp out of that shitpile. it deserves to be remembered more fondly than the rest of the Gen Z trite
I remember the days when Mortal Kombat was about gore, cheesy fatalities and eve n cheesier characters, and having their women in outfits that could be barely considered to be underwear
I still remember the time when fucking Mileena was in Playboy
Mortal Kombat died with Midway. NRS was a mistake
>You would go insane sitting on social media constantly
Must be why the world seems to have gone mad.
All these games are so niche, nowadays no one would notice them because of all the shit we are bombared with. Games used to be a novelty, now it's merely a fad
>Sam&Max rank higher than Diablo II
I like this based list.
MK9 was pretty banging. I don't think Ed even has any say anymore in his own series that he cocreated.
>Guys let's just use SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS to hype up our games!
>oh no one is buying still? well that's a shame let's go bankrupt no point in this business if it doesn't make oney
Yeah that's why I said it reads like browsing the GoG catalog, back when it was only filled with good old games. Fucking niche underrated classics everywhere.
I shouldn't have read the Jedi Knight comment. Fucking OT fags man. I love Jedi Knight, but the PT was awesome. Though I guess Revenge of the Sith, Battlefront 2 and Republic Commando and Lego Star Wars weren't out at the time of this lists making, neither was Kotor 2. These guys were in for a fun next few years. I fucking hope they changed their mind on Star Wars after ROTS and BF2 hit.
I remember this feeling late 90's and early 2k's was the incredible, as a kid, it was awesome in all senses of the word.
If his actions in the first Kombat Kast are any indication, he isn't any happier with what's happening at NRS than we are
Compare this Boon to the Boon of today, the one who looked like he was going to kill himself at that Con they announced Noob at
So SJW’s are basically Skrulls?
>Game Academy
Most Yea Forums-tards won't even get that reference.
Hopefully the janny doesn't see this one. Can't believe these madmen posted this in a fucking published magazine for vidya kek. They'd get fucking fired and dragged through the mud for this today kek.
Digital inclusion was a mistake. If you can't build your own PC and connect it to the internet, you shouldn't be posting there.
>Nazi but nice
>tfw born 88
>still here since 2004
Suffering is a art
>Only recently have any real attempts been made at creating a stealth game, as opposed to a game just using stealth elements
I guess we haven't improved too much on this.
Do what my dad did and get your kid to play Duke Nukem when he is 8 years old.
Teach him to give those strippers money and see what happens!
I grew up watching 80's action movies and playing golden age vidya. I seriously pity kids today who aren't allowed to be challenged and are treated like idiots.
Yeah good on you, 4dad. I don’t understand why a lot of parents now are actively ruining their children. When I was a kid, my parents let me play Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, all sorts of shit. I listened to whatever music I wanted, was allowed to watch almost any movie, and I turned out fine. Because my parents knew I was smart enough to not go to school and try and rip my friends head off because “Sub Zero did it.” Now kids can’t even function without a parent fucking holding their hand and telling them everything instead of letting them learn about life on their own, and that shit will cripple your kids and make them fucking retarded. Parents are all clipping their children’s wings and then outraging on Twitter when the kid falls out of the nest and splatters on the pavement.
And here we go lads, the final 5.
Fucking sad, they had already reached the peak by the time that issue was published, they just didn't know it yet. Oh well, there were plenty of good fan missions not yet released at that time.
>Sakura from Street Fighter by Juan Gotoh
Made me google. Holy shit, all that loli.
>oh my god you will never believe, but user told me his penis gets long when he thinks about naked girls! Can you believe it AHAHAHA WHAT A FAG LOL
words to live by
Why does no one talk about Furious Karting? Shit kicked ass
Wrong thread?
While I doubt that Yea Forums is truly that influential, I believe that we're something of a source of the internet's meme river.
Remember this? Good times.
>It's the polysexual hedonistic genre-slut of the gaming world
That's quite the description.
>they get a daughter and dont want her dating a guy that isnt perfect and not get treated like a cumrag.
So censor games? Even M rated games kids have no right even looking at such as MK11 that took away sexy women and clothed them up like we are living in some sort of Islamic shithole?
I think the problem is this industry was always full of pussy ass cucks. The pussy ass cucks were just allowed to be much more free back then and the culture at the time was way edgier. So these nerds as those first two posts itt said were indulging. Remember here, many of these fags are still in this industry and seemingly did a complete 180 from what they apparently were like. These fags likely have kids also going into the industry to further push this shit.
I can go on here but I really don't want to get banned simply for stating truth.
I thought the same thing, looks like journo's actually had talent back then. Not that any of them would even dare describe a game as a genre slut today even if they did had the creative writing talent.
I like it though, Dues Ex is a total genre slut.
Pre-smart phone internet was fine.
Modern internet has destroyed niche communities and cultures.
Just look at Yea Forums. Each board used to have their own set of fun reaction images/memes ect. Now its a barren wasteland of frog/wojack spam.
There is no longer a big difference between youtube comments and the rest of the internet.
i didn't tell you to google it. Also that doesn't sound like him at all...
Yeah, I'll probably start using that myself. And even though I disagree with Vice City for 1, he makes a decent argument. It's the kind of list where I can disagree and not feel like the guy was paid off.
It's more than simply one generation hating another, it's about living in the gold and silver ages of video games, and now having to deal with the bronze age and the inevitable copper age that is coming.
Post your favorite video game advertisement.
video games themselves used to be based at one point...
I only have this one saved because it's a masterpiece of simplicity.
I present you the Voldemord of the UT series.
>cyberphunk style and hilarious characters
>cute and sexy females
>great fluid gameplay with innovative mechanics
>football game mode
The only flaw was the multiplayer code, the game had several exploits that allowed players to use cheats online. UT2004 is like the total opposite, they made the gameplay clunky and frustrating with large maps because muh vehicles, they added more black-looking characters, even the main menu looks like some advertisement "this is a game with black people!" they didn't spend more than a hour on its UI design. Although UT2003 had a black male character too (Malcolm, same as UT99), who was also the final last boss of the tournament, it's all revved up in 2004 to the point that it's plainly boring, but it was still a success because in a way it was more similar to UT99 than UT2003 and for some dumb reason the UT99 fanbase was huge, even though UT99 was nothing more than a community mod for Unreal (1998) in the beginning. Unreal's sinlge player by the way was amazing, with aliens whose commander was an evil insect matriarch, the mixed sci-fi and gothic style made me dream so much when I was a kid, a shame the gave up on the series to dedicate more time to the UT series (Unreal 2 was so SHIT more like some Halo rip-off, I don't even consider it an Unreal game).
This, the wii is when everything started to go to complete shit
>"wii would rike to pray xD"
god damn what a shit system
We have to go back.
I agree with Vice City not being number 1, it's a pick that aged badly, not that VC is a bad game, it's not. But at the time, the gaming world was in a GTA craze, GTA3 and Vice City were fucking revolutionary, there was nothing else like it. It was sorta similar with BF1942 which was revolutionary and scored a bit too high on that list as well.
Also holy fuck lads, found an amazing gem in one of the other mags, will post it next.
Nothing better than when it’d suddenly come through nearly clear for an extended period. Kids today will never know.
Old stuff = Always better
If you were born in 1995, you’d be lucky to vaguely remember your parents taking you out of school on 9/11
Nerds made games for nerds.
Now normies make games for 3rd worlders and kids.
This pic is a masterpiece.
Check this out, I was flipping through the reader letters section, and this is in a magazine from early 2003. Apparently feminists started criticizing games as early as back then, I had no idea. Some based as fuck anthropology professor writes in to the magazine BTFO'ing them.
I wonder who could possibly have seen this coming...
Then you're not paying enough attention!
Fucking sick user. But have you thought about saving these photos onto a imgur or in a zipped file for a filesharing service?
What would be the equivalent today? A virus? Early internet had linking_park-numb.exe to make fun of, not sure what's the equivalent today.
Oh my god, this is even more of a goldmine that I realized when I posted it. Look at the monkey writers section where someone asked about story in games, and look at the based journalists responce. Holy fucking shit I keked. Absolutely amazing. Could you imagine a game dev having that opinion today.
Also the part I was referencing was the Patronizingly evaluation part, for the based professor reking the feminists.
I can't be bothered. You can upload them if you want, or just save and repost in future threads.
>made me google
You shouldn't. Gotoh is a fucking pervert. I feel like he means the shit he draws. Something dark about it all.
It's called that because literally everyone refers to their childhood as the golden age. You're a fucking idiot if you think a "golden age" of anything has ever existed.
Well, I'll probably hang around until 404 and give something of a notation. What should be the quick rundown for the sake of archival purposes?
Giants had the funnest fucking multiplayer.
Space marines vs topless sea reapers vs kaiju.
>Guy talks about anime being superior
Some things never change.
Also I want to buy the good doctor a beer. Really well written.
>PC gaming was actually a thing
>Some things never change.
Truly, in the bottom middle, almost obscured by the camera flash, someone refers to "The Holy Triumvirate" of PC gaming. We still do that on Yea Forums now.
Giants was a neat game, but so much stole from it since that it lost it's special feel if you go back and play it now. I liked Delphi's dolphin like water jumping ability though. She was the best to play as. Also I liked that she was topless with her tits out the entire game, without any mods or anything. Based devs.
1995-2007 was the golden age user.
I dunno just save all the images I guess. I will go look for some more gems to post. Fuck, I was going to play video games tonight, but I guess not.
>games were better when white people played them and made them
Not even surprising.
I threw away all my magazines because once I thought I had "grown out" of games, one of the most stupid things I have ever done.
Sea reapers were OP bullshit. But most players were terrible and didn't abuse them too badly.
>sea reaper sniper bow can be fired as fast as a fucking machine gun
>sea reaper seeking bow was far better and more powerful than the mecc one
>time slowing bullshit
Any reaper who got someone in the time slowing shit had a guaranteed kill.
Playing as Kabuto became far more fun when you realize you can body slam things flying around above you.
>body slam that mecc helicopter
>end up on the other side of the map.
>Quake 3 Arena
>that Hunter ass
they knew what they were doing
>Art with gag at the freedom of expression?
LOL user. Media created based on puritanical stance will never be an art.
this reminds me, I have a shit ton of eletronic gaming monthly 2 magazines in a crate somewhere at my moms house. If I get my hands on a decent scanner ill post em up here or /vr/. I believe it was the whole life of the magazine itself, even including its break off into expert gamer.
Lad, not only was it a thing, but gaming journo's also reviewed hardware like graphics cards, not just games. They knew their shit back then.
Also look at this, a review for COD1, this was COD before it was ever popular, back when it was a relatively niche little title. Zoom in and you can read it, didn't want to take 2 photo's.
Fuck it's flipped, I'm sorry.
>ad hominems and 'lol i'm not actually pol' are btfo
Labelling is faggy, but how about some [citation needed]?
except they're literally running the game studios and are in every HR and marketing department everywhere. so how is that a meme 'fellow white person?'
you're glowing hard nigger. why are you posting trump? fuck off back to resetera.
yes and they were obnoxious at that and now they went full soi cuck LMAO
whom is she
Alright lads, found another, this is a PS2 mag from 2004. It's covering E3 2004. Notice some things that are now banned at modern E3's? More to come.
Booth babes?
You're acting there aren't titties that are at least twice as good as those. If anything, the more political things got, the better the tiddies got.
>that reaction to Rumble Roses
These guys would be fucking hung today for typing that up. Fuck, now I wish I had Xbox mags so I could read the reactions to Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball.
Yeah. Imagine if hot women presented the games on stage instead of what we get now.
Also check out the fucking selection of games at ONE (1) E3. This is more games than the last 5 E3's combined. Also remember when you had to buy magazines to find out about what was announced at E3, and there was no streaming internet trailers.
I've known a few 30 year olds who still lived with their parents. I find it absurd to think just how fucked the house market has become. The average house in my country is $392k, and good luck paying that if you can only get a mortgage of $112k (for one). How the hell did that happen?
>Yeah. Imagine if hot women presented the games on stage instead of what we get now.
No Man's Sky would be more hilarious.
Nintendo Direct would have Bowsette twerk team.
Overwatch cheerleaders desperately trying to get your dick interested.
That's about it. Things would somehow be worse.
my kid is 3 and plays the original doom, megaman, spelunky, KCD, and some other platformers.
get good at life you cucks
That's not true.
We had black weebs too. They bought all the Sonic and Kingdom Hearts games.
>two licensed movie games
>one being Catwoman
Quantity clearly does not equal quality and keep in mind the only E3 coverage most of us see is through targeted streams and presentations, floor demos of a bunch of small games are there too.
Next is the reader write in, they also posted screenshots of their forums back in 2004. Some nice old bants to be found there, will post next.
Blacks fucking LOVE Kingdom Hearts.
>predator concrete jungle
ayyy lmao
This is true to literally everything, not just video games. There are other industries and interests that declined way worse.
Just go to archive.com and read a few Vice.com interviews from 2001-2004. It was so much different compared to today, where everybody is walking on eggshells and there is a dedicated mob of trannies and ugly niggers who are ready to spend the entire day to ruin your life.
Hopefully the next generation will be more relaxed
Yeah licensed games were a thing back then, tons of movie tie ins, not all bad though, the King Kong game was fucking great. To be honest I'd rather 7/10 movie tie in games over casualized trash. Sometimes there is a joy in playing a game based off one of your favorite 90's/00's films, even if the game isn't fantastic.
Anyways, aside from the licenced games, look how many classics were announced at one E3.
>San Andread
>Chaos Theory
>TS Future Perfect
>spider man 2
>God of War 1
>Jak 3
>monster hunter
>shadow of rome
>brothers in arms
>destroy all humans
>silent hill 4
Look at the black bars on top, to see all the games by each publisher. Also holy fuck, there were so many publishers with shows back then. So many have gone bankrupt now since 2004. Now it's just EA/Ubi/Beth and the console manufacturers.
Because it gives you perspective. Coke gives you the worst friends, fucks up your idea of happiness, supports child slavery, rape, and murder, and can give you a heart attack. Hookers aren't always exploited women and victims of sex trafficking but can be. Gays and trannies can be your friends and family or the friends and family of people you're in the company of. When it's just about you things are more fun. Growing up and seeing the bigger picture changes things.
Used to buy this shit religiously every month.
They died years ago, was sad.
>says "trannies and ugly niggers"
>wonders why people treat him like a piece of shit
>Imagine being a pussy.
>Imagine not fighting back.
Bitch, minorities hate your white ass. Its perfectly natural to hate them back, they want you dead anyways.
>Back when..when there wasn't any libtarded mongoloid subhuman libfags running around banning/ruining games because the devs didn't retardedly cocksuck their retarded degenerate agendas like moralfaggotry
Yeah because the right was moralfagging and trying to ban games left and right. Shit's a pendulum and Yea Forums was called an extremist left wing site by Bill O'Riley back in the day.
This image is correct. Though SJW's are a real issue we have to face, /pol/shit can get real annoying as well. Overall, I just want the culture war to end. No SJW's, no alt right. Just go back to being normal and having fun. So sick of how seriously people are taking life and everything lately. People need to relax.
based zoomer
You're fucking schizophrenic if you think that. A lot of blacks who resent whites do so because they know they would be worse off without us and a lot love us and want to be us. Yes there are those angry and homicidal who are pretty much black /pol/ but they're rare.
Good thread lads. I miss magazines t b h. I used to collect games master back in the day.
Early 90's SNES magazines coming through
Holy fuck you're so right. When I heard people complaining about RE5 in 2008 it was crazy to hear about. Now we've fallen so far it's not funny
Hey, there were some cool blacks thrown into the mix as it relates to fightan games
I thought it was a joke at first, but then when people were taking it seriously, I got so fucking angry, I defended the game on forums for weeks, arguing with dumb faggots. Now I'd just dismiss it as more SJW clickbait and move on, maybe give it a cringe or two, but back then, all this retardation was unprecedented.
>“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech,” says Bevin. “It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”
That's what the republican consider governor of Kentucky said. Trump went down that same path to look at violence on video games as a cause of school shooting through actual anti-vidya government propaganda.
What’s the future look like?
Has SJW culture peaked? Will this nightmare be over soon?
>tfw no Freedom: Soldiers of Liberty 2
It's been 16 years. Fuck. I remember reading this preview and being hyped before it even came out.
Also sorry for out of focus, I am getting tired lads.
>This image is correct. Though SJW's are a real issue we have to face, /pol/shit can get real annoying as well. Overall, I just want the culture war to end. No SJW's, no alt right. Just go back to being normal and having fun.
Correct. I can be super wrong about this but the way things are heading what will be the equivalent of the SJWs of today will come out of (not necessarily be) the /pol/ mentality and the alt right.
I hope culture war as we know it today will just implode on itself eventually, but I think we got at least one more round of the pendulum swinging back and the right being cancer again before that. Things will get worse before they get better.
kys resetranny
I agree, that if SJW's were to disappear, the alt right would be just as big a thorn in our sides. I was all for supporting /pol/ back from 2012 up till Trump won. But then I suddenly started to realize that all the alt right was just as dangerous now that they were gaining a seat of power. They wanted to censor just as much. They were triggered SJW's as well, just right wing SJW's. They were only a temporary ally. So I started to dislike them. But just recently I've seen an upswing in SJW shit, like they are gearing up for the election next year, and they are going crazy again. So I dunno. I don't really want to pick a side. I want things to balance out. I want both sides to lose. There absolutely needs to be a reaction to the SJW leftist cancer, but there also needs to be reaction against /pol/shit alt right crap as well. I just wish a sane actor would appear.
A big problem is people just misunderstanding or not wanting to research what they're angry about. GG happened because of reviews no one could find, clickbait headlines are taken as majority opinion, and Anita is seen as the devil even though she said that playing video games won't turn you into a misogynist. The overreaction on all sides will die out as video games become just like any other medium, it's just relatively new and there are observations about that unique niche of starting as almost exclusively a straight white male hobby and industry. Of course people are going to reflect on things like sexism and racism.
>But just recently I've seen an upswing in SJW shit, like they are gearing up for the election next year, and they are going crazy again.
Shit, you're not wrong about that at all. I might be a bit optimistic by saying we're only gonna have one more swing of the right being cancer. The extreme left has to lose definitively before the extreme right can take it's turn to burn itself out.
>I want both sides to lose.
You and me both, bro. I'm just sick of all this shit.
>Splinter Cell 3
You're blaming Nintendo for games being political? There's still never been a black Mario character
Hadn't been properly named yet at time of announcement, but check this one out It's fucking Freedom Fighters kek.
>politics are measured by existence of black characters
That's funny.
I have a bad feeling about the 2020's. They might just end up being a repeat of this decade. If Trump doesn't win the popular vote again, this shit will continue because it will be seen as illegitimate, and a divided nation, giving them reason to continue. But if he does, the alt right will start becoming cancer, and shit like bans on porn and sexuality and think of the chilluns and shit will start happening again, like it was when gaming was young.
Yet if the left wins. Well fuck, it will be worse than Obama's first victory. They will take it as confirmation and Trump will be demonized and everything good he did memory holed and they will double down with rage and fury and punish us for ever trying to resist them with Trump. They are gonna get revenge.
You know I was happy for 2017 and 2018. For 2 years I didn't have to really think about politics at all, and it rarely bothered me. I trusted Trump, so I stopped paying attention to politics completely and resumed worrying about every day issues, happy thinking SJW's had been vanquished by him. Why are American election cycles so fucking long. Now it's starting to butt in and bother me again.
> I trusted Trump, so I stopped paying attention to politics completely and resumed worrying about every day issues, happy thinking SJW's had been vanquished by him
You are an idiot. Most likely still a child, or you have the mentality of one.
Thanks to Aussie user for those pictures; a really great look back.
>Truth triggers cucks
Yes. As usual, SJW's ruin everything they touch.
Why? I don't want to focus on politics my whole life. I supported him. I was happy he won. I supported him because I thought he'd do a good job. He won, so I gave up following politics, feeling like he'd take care of it, and I got 2 really good relaxed years where I could focus on my own life, and not worry about SJW's or alt right for fucking once. Honestly, the last two years have been fucking great for me. I hated the early part of this decade when the SJW menace was starting up, and there was no counter weight. I had to worry and think about them all the time, worrying about the future.
No worries, glad you guys enjoyed. It's almost 2:30 AM here and I should be getting to bed. But I might go find one more interesting looking page to photograph just for you user.
>i dont want to focus on politics my whole life
>Proceeds to live his life worrying about political camps
>oh, and some guy won an election for 4 years, its all good now!
Yeah, 4 years aint shit kid.
I remember walking around my high school before class started talking with my friends and our whole group was buzzing about the demo. Then my buddy brought it up and I was unironically dumbfounded. It was so unheard of back then especially being a teenager, vidya was just a past time that you talked with your pals with. Now I hate basically anything new and take the old good new bad meme to heart. Though I blame myself for that cause I fell for the MGS5 hype train HARD i believed every fan theory and gameplay breakdown. But then again, kojima didn't do wrong and konami wasn't shit
Blacks also love dragonball, why do they always have such awful taste?
Apparently he will be low IQ as his dad.
The guy is talking about change of gaming culture. Which it has.
That's a really dumb way of looking at the issue. Trump isn't your average president and him not getting elected isn't a matter of SJWs winning, it's a matter of wanting a president who won't send 58 tweets in 36 hours and restoring standards where the people we elect represent the best, not just people who think that sexually assaulting a minor will give them confidence.
Trump: “How would you like to be the husband of the wife who was playing around with a 14-year-old kid? Unbelievable. By the way, did you see what she looked like?”
Imus: “Not bad."
Trump: “Not bad? Yeah, I’d say so. I know a lot of guys who are trying to date her right now.”
Imus: “Well, I don’t know what teachers looked like when you were in school…”
Trump: “None of them looked like that, believe me. So do you think this 14-year-old kid is scarred forever? He might have put the moves on her! It might have given him confidence, actually."
Maybe we need a president who won't agree to a bipartisan bill to avoid a government shutdown, hear criticism from Rush, then change his mind and say he'll own the shutdown if he doesn't get the wall, and then blame his opponents on his actions.
People were getting mad in video games magazines over shadow warrior's coolie hat wearing enemy
SJW have always been around, they just weren't taken seriously until recently
Show some respect, those are level designer boobs!
>people in this thread are so young they actually believe the early 00s were a good time for gaming
Maybe compared to what gaming is now, but gaming was already over the hill by that point. The top-tier gaming environment and atmosphere died in the early 90s just before globalism really took off.
It's hard to describe in words to younger people just how good and exciting those times were.
>Onslaught/Warfare is bad
>Unreal 2 is shit and some Halo-ripoff
You can shove those opinions of yours up your ass, and deepthroat your own post while you're at it, Nali-bait.
And I am glad I did give a final flip through. Look what a found. A whole preview of Starcraft Ghost for PS2. I was gonna post some reviews of Yea Forums classics, but I will post this preview instead, there is another pic after this.
And there we go.
I knew at least a few black gamers as a kid, and I'm pretty sure the kid I talked about MGS with was Hispanic. Definitely a mostly white hobby back then (at least where I lived) but not as homogeneous as you'd be led to believe.
No, Early 90's gaming was garbage, as was 80's. Arcades sucked, as they were normie central, and you had to wait for cucks to fail so you could win.
Fuck off, zoomer.
The crossover I never would have expected
>Deus Ex
>Warcraft III TFT
>Half-Life 2
>Ocarina of Time
>Metal Gear Solid
All last two years of the 90s or early 00s. What are you smoking? You really want to sit here and pretend A Link to the Past era was peak gaming culture? Fuck off, the only thing your era brought was the death of the arcade.
>1995-2007 was the golden age
Isn't it a coincidence how that just happens to line up exactly with the period of your childhood to your adolescence?
>get schooled by the expert Planescape Torment players
Unfortunately sex sells to nerds and normies follow less competitive routes to sex, so nerds end up damning themselves to forever scurry into new, more obscure hobbies. Gaming is over, many of us are just stuck on it because we're past the age where it's feasible for asocial people to pick up a niche hobby.
>Early 90's gaming was garbage, as was 80's
It was fantastic. Beautifully designed 2D games. 3D was just a gimmick for high-end arcade systems and so it looked pretty good and not like horrible shit that we saw on 5th gen consoles.
PC games were at their peak of physical supplements. Buy a game, get a box full of cool merchandise include as standard. Hell, the whole PC platform felt customizable as fuck, which is why most games came equipped with like 5 different types of soundtracks to suit different sound chips.
>as they were normie central
Every era had normies. It's a myth spread by really young and naive people that normies in gaming is a modern phenomenon.
>you had to wait for cucks to fail so you could win
Counterbalanced by the fact that nothing was better than going with the lads to the arcades. The highest tier social experience imaginable.
1990s to early-00's gaming mags were based AF.
>GF pregnant
>Not wife
>Real life sucks
If someone said that back then I would say they were sad lonely and jaded.
They were right.
She was wrong though, unironically. Humanity is divided into three genders: Male, Female, and Hermaphrodites.
fuck, I have this issue somewhere
The fact that you put Half-Life 2 instead of normal Half-Life and also not realized that the former came out in the mid-00s rather than the 90s or the early 00s itself justifies discarding your post.
Whatever gymnastics you need to pull to justify believing your delusional shit, despite the fact that the games most circlejerked by almost every video game community all came out in 1997-2004 is your business, dude.
Would anyone even know who Guts was in 2000?
I've never played Unreal, but bought the pack on Steam. It doesn't include UT2003, but does include UT2004. What are the differences? I heard they were just the same game but updated. Should I pirate UT2003 and play it as well, when I get around to getting these off my backlog?
Yea Forums had an /l/ board. Get the fuck out.
yeah games used to be fun
Best thing about Stevie Case: I want to fuck her
Worst thing about Stevie Case: I need to fuck her.
having kids is fine, user, relax.
>the games most circlejerked by almost every video game community all came out in 1997-2004 is your business
That's only because your online experiences are limited to a tiny window of internet communication dominated by people born in the late 90s.
All these faggots replying about how based the cover and time was when on that very magazine cover are the first signs of telling gamers to grow up. This is why you're losing.
>watch a few viral videos
you're just as stupid as they are, user
Except I'm not complaining about being treated like shit because I'm not treated like shit.
Even if every single tranny on the Earth hated me, the number of them are so insignificant it does not matter.
And I could not care less if niggers hated me, I hate them too.
Wait so why are you defending the post about gaming being better when it was just whited and asians? Do you hate yourself?
It's still white people, you mong. lol. sjw doesn't mean minority. Most of them are white.
I fapped so much to scrambled porn that I have a fetish for girls with glowing eyes and mouths
closest i've ever come to that is UV lights and UV paint
It's not a /pol/ opinion that gaming was better before women entered the sphere, and I love women.
I might have been wrong about blacks. I didn't really know many growing up. There were none in my gaming circles however.
Weirdly i know this feel. Fapping to tons of handheld camera porn from the 90's on limewire when i was a kid means when i see the VHS effect of retro porn now i feel the blood rush into my dick
You misunderstand the issue in a common way. It's not about blacks and trannies themselves, but also their friends and family. When you disparage an entire group, you make people uncomfortable who will have to look at their black and/or tranny friends the next day and think about how they did nothing to stop the normalization of hatred towards them. It's like if a group of friends started talking shit about your other friend they hate and you just let it happen, you aren't being a very good friend in most cases. It's much larger in this case.
Gaming has always been mainstream. Take off the rose tinted glassess.
women entered the gaming sphere in the 1970s
early arcade machines were super popular with women
>almost everything on this
What do you mean always? In the 90s it clearly wasn't and in the oughts it was awkwardly getting there. In recent years they started showing things like MGS ads on ESPN and even some esports.
And then women exited gaming at the end of the 80's when it got too complex and nerdy for them.
No it was nerdshit in the 90's.