Which character is best?
And why is it MUL-T?
Which character is best?
And why is it MUL-T?
Is there a robot character?
This decides if I buy it or not.
It's sniper
MUL-T, and he's a monster.
>12+ syringes
>not a single leech seed the entire run
>only one crit glasses and a harvesters scythe for combat healing
>and some medkits if you'd even count that
>mfw vagrants start spawning on the map and teleporter boss is flaming golems
I guess pure damage can only get you so far. Should have just taken the foreign fruit when I had the chance but I couldn't resist holding onto my preon accelerator with 4 fuel cells.
4 player na east
There is. MUL-T is a beast an when he's upgraded is an ungodly abomination that carried my ass to an hour and a half long session of fucking up giant bosses in 10 seconds flat.
Theres one currently and another in the works
How do you get to spawn the portal to Lunar Bazar?
No he’s not
He’s a robot
How would you feel about Enforcer having a Reinhardt-style expanding energy shield instead of the straight up metal plank he had in RoR1? I know aesthetically it's not as rad but I think being able to expand your shield in exchange for mobility reduction would be the best way to bring him into the third dimension and still have a useful kit.
Either complete a Trial of the Mountain or find a Newt Altar and pay a lunar coin. Or sometimes it just shows up anyway. You'll be able to tell if you're going to get it because the central pillar of the teleporter has a little orb swirling around it.
newt altars
theyre always present on any map and are not randomized
they cost 1 luner coin to spawn tho
best in what sense? most fun? most broken?
if it's the former it's merc, for having the most unique playstyle that's a ton of fun to chain combos with
for the latter, it's mul-t, because he's an unbalanced, broken OP piece of shit that metaniggers pick so they don't have to think while they play
any way to lift the 4 player limit?
I've actually never played MUL-T and it's 4 in the morning and I don't feel like starting the game up to try him. What makes robobuddy so OP?
I should've tried a Drizzle run before, it's pretty comfy.
I was worried it wouldn't actually pause the game at first for some reason, but being able to take breaks makes it enjoyable the whole time.
It's Engineer you dip
Risk of Rain 2 Royale
delete this post right now
havent seen an aussie server in a while, I got NBN, join
The dev goes on Yea Forums so I don't think that's gonna happen.
Though since he comes here maybe he is autistic enough to make that an update for next years april fools day.
4player na east
2 more
>4 players lobby
>hit two mountain shrines
>everybody dies but me
>survive to pick up 12 red whips
>grab them all
>it activates
>i hit orbit
>my sides do soon after
So how does the game compare to the first? How are the returning classes and the new ones? I've seen some gameplay and the game looks even more stupidly crazy than the first.
ive only unlocked huntress but shes even stronger in this one. if you liked ror1 you'll most likely like this one
It's definitely early access in some aspects, but it's still fucking addicting and has an absolutely foundation. Content's on the way eventually so all we're waiting for is some tweaking besides that.
I've just played it for 9hrs straight, its good
raiden a best
>bosses aren't spawning anymore
I might have to end myself at this rate.
Without the occasional boss to threaten me, I'm just sending out black holes, tossing in a few attacks, and watching entire armies disintegrate while I fly around like some anime character.
How does one... unlock him?
peak IQ: Artificer
high IQ: Engi
mindless fun: Huntress/MUL-T
first time in the game: Commander
weebmode: Merc
do one loop back into the snow world and walk through the CELESTIAL portal after completing tele charge and boss, you know you're in the right place if you get a jump puzzle.
Then an hero.
>they are always present on the map and are not randomised
then explain how I've come across maps with no observable newt altars
Kill yourself
>Tfw Huntress was my favorite class
Though does she even benefit from always moving while attacking any more? Or did she get something else to stand out?
It seems fun, I just wasn't sure if I would want to jump into it while it's early access. Plus, even though I read that the dev wanted to keep it low-demanding so it could run on weaker computers, I'm still hesitant to see how well it would run on my laptop.
Peak IQ: Artificer
Git gud IQ: Merc
High IQ: Commando
Hang on lemme go prep dinner IQ: Engi
Mindless fun: Huntret
drizzle shitter: Mult
yeah ok, that works as well
Being able to attack while sprinting makes her much more fun to play than the rest of the characters. Also comboing R+Shift makes her mobility not only x/y but also z, you can reach anywhere anytime.
LMB is also pretty fun.
what do I edit in the file to unlock the characters
I wouldn't call the game toaster tier by any means, but my metric for that is a T420. I've got an old ass alienware laptop too, and the game runs pretty well up until the 4th stage in which it fucking obliterates itself. All that said it has a LOT of options, so you should be able to find something accommodating within the first two hours of play if you're worried. I definitely don't regret my purchase for what it's worth.
>Wax Quails
>Red Whips
>Energy Drinks
shits fun
Did that, twice. I even tried the pirate version and that didn't work either
>moving so fast jumping launches you into the stratosphere
>toaster tier
I'm running it with onboard desktop i5 4460 graphics, 720p res medium texture and no shadows, the framrate wont go above 35 but the game is still very playable
Seems like a few others have the same prob. Steam forums say something about this?
meant for
Oh, so do all characters have sprinting now while only huntress can attack while sprinting? Seems like a good way to keep her original utility. I always enjoyed her for her mobility and the stupid amount of combo damage she could deal out.
That's reassuring at least, I guess if nothing else it doesn't hurt to try and just turn the settings down.
go to the end of the ini file and add the line "Imalilbitch 1" without the quotation marks
are you a lilbitch?
i want artificer to sit on my god damn face, bros
>tfw she sits on your face and makes fun of you for being drizzlet
Probably something in registry or appdata then.
i usually play on rainstorm but if she sat on my face it'd turn my drizzle into a monsoon
Your windows is fucked m8
Do you have any feedback for the game?
How do you unlock each of the characters?
pretty fun and straightforward, to the point a braindead idiot like myself could have a good time with it. i'd definitely call it a worthy enough sequel to the first
do you want us to unlock them for you too?
the game literally tells you what the unlock requirements are
only the last 2 are somewhat vague
Endgame is just playing safe by waiting at a high ledge where the enemies can't attack you, then the enemies crowd-up, and you destroy them with wisp jars. Not doing that will result in a oneshot by a burning elite.
mul-t: complete first stage five times
huntress: complete third stage once
engie: complete 30 stages
artificer: save up 10 lunar tokens and buy from space jew in bazaar between time (11 if you want to buy the portal and not rely on rng for that)
mercenary: return to stage 3 after loop, finish it, go through the portal and obliterate yourself my man
When do elite bosses spawn in Monsoon? I'm trying to get Decide and I've only seen a Blazing Stone Titan that clapped my cheeks at the end of my first loop. Is it faster in those 16 player lobbies?
Read the logs.
I wish the bosses were a bit more dangerous than just kite them with enough speed and u never have to give a shit but otherwise the game is pretty fun.
Just keep going until you hit one, I got an ice titan on loop 2's first stage
Poper fullscreen would be appreciated. And maybe the ability to save your run after a boss kill or something, otherwise I have to leave the game open and the pc running over night.
Anyone knows when the next update will drop?
Only that I'd like more items, I really really dig the ones that have drawbacks. Seems like the devblog covered most of my concerns like the teleporter being a bitch to find sometimes.
It's coming today
Inb4 you summon the contrarians to tell you how its actually a good thing its hard to find and doesnt matter if its half buried in the enviroment because u can see orange sparklez n shiet.
mostly minor stuff like balance and goat hoof on huntress leaves an invisible gap between the hoof and leg
Why do people say engineer is good?
His cooldown times are ridiculous.
I asked hopoo to add an item drop button.
Because even with cooldowns being the only dedicated healer and being able to tank instakill attacks is really useful. Turrets help keep trash off your team while you fight the boss.
Are the radar towers random spawns? I found one in the abyssal depths and got the log in the bazaar but that's been it.
since you think in boxes
There are multiple spawns on each map, it's going to be at one of them each time
some of the spawns are really out of the way and hard to find
Blazing enemies or just burn in general are too strong too quickly without some way to mitage burn damage
Medkits and monster teeth probably need a buff and that might actually help.
Only increasing pick-up range on health orbs would probably work.
Engie turret AI needs looking at.
Attack speed makes his grenades and mines fly out faster.
Stack fungi, stealth-boi and teddy to give your turrets more survivability.
I only play solo.
You're still able to heal the fuck out of yourself and never die just by standing inbetween 2 bustling fungus turrets
Because engineer is really fucking good
I never knew faceless women with big asses wearing skintight clothes could do this to me.
Also the game's really fun. Thanks to my friend who gifted me the game.
definitely anyone with Preon
stack syringes on artificer
note: you did way more damage than that
damage for turret autos/procs don't get attributed to the engi and neither do kills
Don't gotta tell me twice. Nanobombs ahoy.
Australian, 4 person, got nbn
Emotes when
They don't?
then holy shit lmao engineer is godlike
yeah, did some testing in the other ror thread >456986339
it's not video proof, but it's reasonable enough
>I fucked up the post link
Is there any way to undo the mods for 16 players? I can't get into a 4-player standard QP lobby anymore.
Just undo everything you did to get the 16 player lobby? Verify files via steam if you're missing files
why do clay dunestriders bowling balls have such ridiculous tracking
I want to be able to aim moving abilities (commando roll, merc's dash) with directional inputs instead of always going in the direction of the camera. I just want to be able to merc dash forward, then hold S to dash backwards instead of having to spin the camera around.
just jump
>actually died three times
Dash-abilities shouldn't cancel your sprint
The downtime between starting a map and getting any enemies to spawn is waaaaay too long sometimes
The jellyfish is a bitch to fight for characters that can't snipe from afar, especially if there's multiple
Eventually preon becomes complete garbage because you have to stand still and aim it for way too long to be worth it.
It feels so good
hoof or drink given the choice
>you have to stand still
no you don't
hoof solo, drink in multi
Drink on engie, merc, or huntress
Hoof on everybody else (unless you're doing racecar mul-t)
Any hosts?
Commando roll needs some i-frames, and their R needs a bit of a rework.
Huntress suffers because you can only sprint moving forward...you should be able to maintain a sprint in like a 270 degree arc. Also, movement abilities shouldn't cancel sprint.
Engineer mines are pretty useless and often don't trigger when enemies are near them.
Artificer is really weak...probably needs a full rework at this point.
Remove the exponential factor of sticky bombs. Make ATG missiles more likely to proc, not do more damage, so it works as a homing proc enabler. Make medkits heal a percentage. Make drones and turrets scale HP with the stage, not the survivor. Reduce proc rate of MUL-T's gun. Make Engie turrets slightly more vulnerable, either less HP or a shorter shield duration. Give Commando's roll i-frames, and make his piercing shot do multiple instances of damage as it passes. Let Huntress sprint in any direction. I haven't gone deep enough with Artificer to say much.
Just bugfixes and balance, tho
Overloading Worms and Blazing Titans don't care about difficulty bro, they still oneshot you in Drizzle.
Alright guys, how the FUCK am I supposed to beat the Electric Magma Worm. It's not funny anymore, it's dancing around the teleporter long after I finished charging the damn thing. God why does this even exist?
>Attempt a 20 stage run to get the fucking clover
>Get flanked and die around 14-17
Every fucking time
Because we don't get many.
Commando and Huntress are boring shit.
Mercenary is fun, but starting as one sucks.
Engineer is cool, but I wish he had harpoons instead of mines.
I'm still saving up on Artificer.
>Engineer mines are pretty useless and often don't trigger when enemies are near them.
I just dump them all at once and they're pretty strong. Kinda unintuitive though
Who is the best girl and why is it Artificer?
His turrets are up constantly. You could literally remove all of his abilities other than the turrets and he'd still be pretty powerful. There are just so many items that become godlike when multiplied by 3 thanks to them, it's the easiest class to do well with.
post artificer runs
When are the boys going to get sexy fanart?
id like to know how
ATTENTION survivors
You can get the 'rapidfire' challenge easy as fuck on the first level of the prismatic trials, go get it while you can
>can't tell you to fuck off back to r because it thinks my post is spam
Jesus christ chinkmoot get your shit together. And read the thread you dumb cunt.
I've tried to bring myself to like playing as Commando but it's tough. He's just way too basic. He doesn't have particularly great synergy with any item and I always feel like I'd rather be playing as someone else. I think they should bump up his attack speed a little, would be a bit more fun getting on-hit items.
>use 5 items to get behemot
>faggot takes it
>use 5 more
>takes it again
He's really cheesy. Fungus on turrets alone can cheese the fuck out of fights
He's really vulnerable though if you don't keep up well enough because he can't kite for shit and his turrets are only good for cheese tactics
>>Attempt a 20 stage run to get the fucking clover
Oh shit, thats my next goal. Didn't know thats in already
Thanks for the heads up.
huntress needs to be more mobile. her gimmick is running all the time. so glaive and dash should not stop running. alternatively. make it so huntress can only run and have the sprint button lock to the currently targeted enemy.
>EU host , 4 players
The problem is in your %appdata% and you need to nuke the folder Risk of rain 2 has there.
Try "-window-mode exclusive" without quotes in your launch options, if it's the newer version of unity it won't work though.
1 or 2 wax quails was kinda fun but 5 is just obnoxious. Can't even jump upwards lol
anyone still have a spare day 1 copy by any chance?
There is a distinct lack of Enforcer currently in the game.
I never played Risk of Rain before.
Should i start with the first one then go with the new one if i like it?
thanks, I'll try!
well that depends if you prefer 2d or 3d? Both games are fun as fuck.
there is only one answer, OP
I like both.
Since they are both pretty cheap i guess i will take both anyway.
>playin with bro and friend
>an hour in
>mercenary portal orb message
>we're surrounded by 8 bosses including 3 thunder worms
>they slowly die
>i, the lonely engineer, against the world
>i didn't make it and we still don't have mercenary
>Only build PC setup to play Stellaris and other grand strategy games
>Think maybe I'll get back into PC gaming RoR2 just came out and all my friends are playing
>Early Access
This is why I play on consoles. I can't stand how easily the PC gaming community just flimsily floats from EA game to EA game. I'm out call me in 3 years when it's version 1.0
But it's already as good as RoR1 if not better.
What a weak reason to not play a good video game.
It only launches you forwards when sprinting forwards. If you stop you can jump upwards just the same.
Is it easy to find peoples to play this game with?
None of my friends like this type of games.
buy me a copy and we can play
Usually yeah and theres a quickplay to match with randos but its also 9 am on a fucking tuesday
what causes the unity error crash about 15-25 minutes into playing the game?
and why does it only happen to me?
every game released is early access.
huntess sucks diddly dick
Go faster, you can reach looped Arctic in like 30-45 minutes or less. It'll make it a lot easier for you.
Just rush teleporter after the first or second level or so, do some quick looting after it's charged, and move on as fast as possible.
1 more
Mercs only
Is Commando objectively the worst?
Why is Artificer so fun?
I get that her kit needs some work, and she's probably the weakest without items, but she's such a blast to play.
single players its probably artificer
otherwise yes
This is where I'm at with her. She's my favorite because she feels so fun to play, but there's something that just feels off about her kit that disappoints me. I wish her Shift did just a little more than it does. It's fine for regular walking mobs, but she's gets eaten up by wisps and bosses without the right items.
Also wish I could stun greater wisps
>only have 3 more items to unlock after 20 hours
Jeez shallow content much why did I even buy this
0/10 until Acrid arrives
This game looks pretty boring. What's the appeal?
>20 stacks for the teddy bear
Get loot, get bigger or more numbers, eventually die a glorious death as you're completely overwhelmed by a ridiculous number of powerful monsters
Easily, yes. Even if fully kitted out you'll be dying (literally) to play robotboi for more damage or huntass for more survivability.
Commando doesn't fit any niche or do anything well.
>4 ceremonial daggers
>3 ukuleles
>brilliant behemoth
Does Merc benefit that much from Syringes? I know he can still use his left click while using his right click spin, but he spends so much time in his Dash and R, especially when you start getting Alien Heads and Afterburners, I can't see him doing much left-clicking in the first place.
Get them fungis
I think syringe also increases the hits on his R.
what is the point of MUL-T charged fire
You mean the Railgun of death?
make teleporters easier to find...maybe add a glow or overlay on them
had a run that took me 20 min to find it because it blended with the ground
no bandit
to the trash
How long until bandit and HAN-D become officially available?
>hasn't unlocked him
lmao low iq tard
This took forever
Still better than crabquest tho
The point of MUL-T's rebar railgun is to become ghetto Sniper.
I'm so fucking sad I had to dispose of this build to unlock the Samurai man.
Crit + Plasma Cannon + Meat Hook is omega broken
>having to cheese it with mul-t
Got around 40 glassess and my damage was like 111 with the turrets hahahahaha what the fuck
>cheese it
What do you think this game is about, user? There's no "proper" way of doing anything, you break it as hard as you can
you've never known true fungi until you've had 31 healing further than is reasonable
how do you have so few items
Ugh, fuck the "Reach and complete the third teleporter without healing" thing. I legit don't even get how you're supposed to do it, I didn't take ANY healing items, battled my way through to the third teleporter, completed it, and didn't get the achievement. It can't POSSIBLY include passive health regen too, can it?
I'd love to but the niggers I usually play with eat them all
Better to do it without getting hit or constantly get hit.
Are you SURE you didn't get any healing items, user? I'm not sure if HP increasing items count, or shields.
do you think the maps are gonna have any procedural generation in future updates?
I believe in you user, it's kinda fun seeing the circle fly out so far and heal everyone for 72%/tick
Infusion also counts as healing so that will break a Naturopath run.
this is what i did to get the achiv
>didn't opened the cilinder things
i think i saw green orbs coming from it (not sure) but don't wanna risk it
>didn't got anny healing item like (the neckless, medkit, slug, mushroom)
but you can have the shield generator
remove the backpack/jetpack off the mage
Do the barrels that give money still give health?
They did in the first one and when I got the achievement I avoided opening them.
how do i stop being shit at a clover run
the fire damage over time keeps fucking me
Go drizzle engineer, straight for teleporter three times. Will do the trick, and engi is strong enough to do it.
>play as MUL-T
>Sprint does damage when you hit an enemy
>Find 3D printer with Paul's goat hoof
>Trade in every single white item I had for 15 goat hooves
>Zip zipping around the map at mach 11 speeds
>Spawn magma worm boss
>One shot the boss with my charge attack
I fucking love this game
Imagine not having 27 Soldier Stimulants as Huntress
US lobby anyone?
or maybe some clover run on drizzle?
what's that purple stone item second from the right?
Commando is shit.
The ram scales with movement speed?
Being able to change survivor colors would be nice.
titan knurl, a boss drop
gives like 40hp and some health regen (1.5%/s ?)
US East, let's go
>Titanic Knurl: Increase maximum health by 40 (+40 per stack) and health regeneration by 1.6 (+1.6 per stack) health per second.
Its a rare drop from Titanic Guardians
Devs already confirmed it's releasing next year, around the same time. And seeing the state of the game and datamined files, that's a more than reasonable date for it.
If anything this is a good example of how to do it right, a mechanically polished game that uses this time to tweak balance, optimization and gather feedback.
That would be damn annoying in 3D if i'm honest
My Huntress build > Yours
Sure does, it's damage is based on how fast you're moving, and since the sprint makes you go faster than normal you can go cuhrazy with goat hooves
Does unlocking the item in the xml unlock the achievement as well?
>171913 pts
In the run imaged i was pretty much invincible and only ended it because I got a celestial portal and hadnt unlocked Merc at the moment.
man this run was satisfying.
infinite airtime meant no one could touch me at all. took a time to kill bosses though and jellies where kinda sketchy but tripple dash insured i never was caught in the aoe.
good night sweet huntress
Nah, that would be Merc.
>get 5 backup magazines and a Hardlight Afterburner
>stay in the air forever while screaming THERE WILL BE BLOOD
Remove the damage cap of 9999
Can someone post the merc saying bitches pic
>carried my ass to an hour and a half long session of fucking up giant bosses in 10 seconds flat.
I mean I did that with Commando for three hours, but I think it's because I was intentionally seeking an explosive crit build.
MUL-T just feels clunky to me.
Tips for playing Huntress. I like the glaive and rain of arrows but it feels very awkward wrangling my auto aim. Keeping in range and managing my very squishy health seems counter intuitive.
>he jellyfish is a bitch to fight for characters that can't snipe from afar
those characters can usually either iframe or block through their attacks. merc for example can just stay on top of them and r special though the aoe blast
get backup magazine for glaive spamming its your crowd clearer and boss destroyer. especially later on when bosses are huddled together when multiple spawn.
stack crit because it can go above 100% and adds 200% damage for each 100% crit step above the first.
attack speed is king since all your attacks proc on hit effects. huntress synergizes well with ukulele, fuel can and whisp in a bottle.
beyond that stack movement speed and teddies. not taking damage in the first place is the best way to avoid it.
Commando needs all sorts of buffs.
Blazing enemies are way too strong at the moment.
Item drop button for multiplayer.
An "I want this" option where you can choose certain items in multiplayer to display a "Player X would like this" above them for everybody else so randoms are more likely to leave it to you or drop it for you at the portal.
A better indication that enemies are about to fire on you, the blinking golem laser is a tad easy to miss if you're not paying attention and the laser stays on you too much to be paid attention to for the entire duration of it if you also have a billion other enemies to deal with.
Don't ever nerf anything that is considered OP, only buff things that aren't, this includes enemies if things get too easy, the game going fucking crazy is a huge appeal for people.
Add a big boob character to contrast Huntress and Artificer.
nerf the shit out of fire damage
let me stack missiles again
1. ALWAYS run as Huntress, since you can fire while running you should always be running.
2. Item tier list (basic and based on convenience of obtaining): 1. Bezerkers Pauldrons (DPS). 2. Infusion/Leaching/Fruit Seeds (health). 3. Stimulant/Glasses/Crowbar/Shield/AnyMovementItem/
3. When using the glaive always target the enemy with the most health as it will guarantee more than 1 hit
The only active you should have is the fruit with a fusion cell so that you have 2 full heals on you constantly. Use your glaive to target aerial enemies and use the arrow storm to slow down and do massive damage to large enemies.
how do you seek builds if command isn't in? t. drizzlebab
sniper WHEEEN
he's in the game but with like three abilities, look shite anyways
through printers, choice stations and prioritizing chest types based on what color items you need
not sure if the devs can pull this off, but the game could be more optimized. the gtx 1050 can run the game fine in the early rounds but later the fps starts to go down as more enemies spawn on the map. Also, Some maps are more demanding than others. I have a desktop pc but it would be neat to be able to run this on my lappy.
three abilities and no model, he's a slightly more lackluster bandit for the moment - full release when
>stacks on stacks of hooves and energy drinks on Mul-T
>flight without milky chrysalis
Honestly with how crazy shit gets lategame I'm surprised it runs as well as it does.
I mean sure, 25-30 fps sucks, but it's still playable which is incredible with around 200 objects going wild on the screen.
God knows what black pact Hopoo made to get it to run as well as it does.
Is multi just better than commando? I remember int he first game he had a place.
Yes. Commandos abilities had a point in RoR1, in RoR2 they don't.
multi is top tier in my opinion especially with his infinite double damage glitch.
>get 20 syringes
>his 1 fires faster than his 4
>4 has literally zero point now
Really weird feeling.
>1 syringe on engi
how the hell did you survive 60 minutes
Wait, what?
engineer is the best class, and if you say otherwise you're objectively wrong
because hes op and getting nerf'd
still waiting for the beast thing whatever it was from RoR1, that was the first char i cleared the game with because of some dumb item combo where i could run into a bunch of enemies and all exploded without me taking damage
He's talking about the Ocular HUD glitch. If you activate it then hold down MulT's M1 nailgun, the crit buff never wears off for it.
However, I prefer other items on him. It's possible to get way more output in a moment's notice with Capacitors and Preon.
commando mainly has better range and evasion
mul-t also has the lower proc rate or whatever that shit is
ocular hud is bugged so you can just hold down nailgun and get infinite crits
Has anyone else done much with Brilliant Behemoth on MUL-T? Its the item that make your attacks explode. I got it once, and it was fucking incredible. Not only do all of you nails individually explode, but your stun grenade explodes and so do its tiny little mini stuns that pop out. If you couple that with a few ukuleles and a black hole, say fucking goodbye to anything in your way.
Also side question: What item do you look forward to seeing most on a 3D Printer/ always take if its on one, regardless of what other items you risk losing?
Blazing enemies makes the late game borderline unplayable as mercenary.
>does need items
Turrets get item effect, right?
>unlock merc
>first run
>see this
didnt know red items get a printer
hes fun as fuck to play but until they nerf fire to be on line with everything else its unplayable
getting hit for fucking 70% oh your health in one hit and then slowly see the other 30% go down because of burn sucks
Sticky Bombs, I will print a shitload of them, the way they stack is obscene, cause they have a chance to trigger other sticky bombs and other on-hit effects when they detonate, and those on-hit effects have a chance to trigger more sticky bombs. It's obscene.
This happened to me. Not pictured is the 3rd Behemoth processing. I got Deicide that run. It was very good timing too as the last item I had picked up was a Wake of Vultures I didn't notice. It was utterly godlike and my cluster grenades were super grenades at that point as well.
I got it during my drizzle clover run
I chose to obliterate myself because my finger was getting sore just holding down M1 and watching everything die
where the hell is save file for torrented version? I know where the licensed one, but cant find torrent version save location.
Whats the most amount of times youve been denied an item by a shrine of chance? Mines 8 in a row.
>getting syringes and not crowbars and backup mags
doing it wrong
Is that only the second loop? I've only ever seen that thing on my third loop.
For some reason Ive never liked sticky bombs, they just dont seem very satisfying. I should give them a go, I guess, based on what everyone ese has said here. How many is an obscene amount? Because half the multimarket pods I see have at least one sticky bomb in them. What characters are sticky bombs good or bad for?
>get really far
>60 minutes monsoon
>get hit once by a fire enemy
>not even hurt that much
nice game
How some of you guys are this bad i can't fucking bealive it
Does the game work while Steam is fucking down?
Beetle Queen
Best 3D printable stacks?
I agree, burn damage is cancer. I stopped play Merc all together because seriously, if you roll magma worm, its literally impossible to win
threw a nutty engineer run with 4 infusions and a glass shard by picking up vulture mask and getting imp'd
i usually call people shitters for whining about dying to literally anything in this game but fire dot is actually retarded and should be nerfed
dot should be a minor inconvenience not guaranteed death
>picked up vulture
Please tell me it was an accident user. You didn't do it on purpose, did you?
I really hope they fix that stupid item
should be second loop, considering i saw a single red printer in 30+ hours they are just rare in general
the deicide achievement is bugged and this really upsets me i want every item goddamit
>tfw got two of these on mul-t once
>also a five stack of sticky bombs and soldier's syringe, and a six stack of lensmaker's
>literally critting everything, blowing up everything
>zero heal/damage mitigation items so i get one shot by an elder lumerian on my third loop
fuckin wanted to kms myself, such a waste of a good build because i lacked ONE (1) leeching seed.
It's pretty expensive here, is it really better than dead cells and gungeon?
is it really?
>be me
>an hour in
>beating golden golem as last one alive
>can't find the last immunity disabling thingy
>both fags in chat throw laugh at me instead of simply telling me where the fuck it is
>run around for 20 mins
>host gets bored and shuts off the server
Never playing with /vg/ ever fucking again
It isn't bugged. You have to kill an elite teleporter boss specifically, not just an elite boss monster that acts as a normal spawn in the late game.
Anons have posted screenshots of them getting this achievement.
Not really comparable. Dead Cells and Gungeon are both way less randomized and runs tend to be a lot shorter. Gameplay is obviously totally different.
youre comparing 2 finished games against a game that just hit EA
You need to kill an elite boss spawned by the teleporter.
The boss was stuck on the beacon obscuring it from view you idiot.
>When you get killed by the EMP wave
It's not fair bros, I was far away, I couldn't cover cause of blazing enemies
theres something about aurelionite that many people havent mentioned yet but ive noticed it several times.
he can disable the thingies so you have to activate them again. the first time i thought it was bugged that he suddenly was immune again. the second time i noticed that i took too long to activeate them all and he casually started disabling the things one by one.
There are like 6 columns that all have money symbols on them that look like a weird rock formation. Don't worry, user, you'll get it next time!
Is it just me or do bosses that spawn outside of the teleporter event not drop items anymore ?
>take cover from jellyfish explosion behind small rock
>turns out there were 10 golems stuck behind that rock
>get clapped to death as the explosion goes off
>but it's still playable which is incredible with around 200 objects going wild on the screen.
Unity when used by COMPETENT devs is a good engine. Game is written in managed C# yet it runs like a champ when shit gets crazy still.
Wonder how many people realize that this is a Unity game.
>playing the crutch character
should've said so back then instead of "it's where a lot of monsters are lmao xd"
to me it sounded as if you just wanted me to go there and die
They dont anymore yeah
they dont.
>first week everyone hosting
>week 2
>no host at all
What happened?
Despite that, yes.
I miss ropes.
Why don't you host?
>get 12 Tougher Times
>I am not literally immune to damage
wtf bros
>3 hour run
Dang. Best I've gotten is about 2 hours before getting fucked hard by a charged worm. Those things are nuts even on drizzle.
the dumb 16 player "mod" that we can't install through steam itself, so regular sane players are alienated with their 4 player lobbies.
go to the vg thread
That's literally telling you where it is. It's not everyone else's fault that you were too much of a coward/weak to go to where it was.
I wasn't in the game, I was just guessing that's where it was because I took a few minutes looking for it once when that happened to me
They don't and they should. Idk why they took that out. There's no point in fighting the things right now.
that's not how it works. you need more stacks of it than you can realistically get to have almost full immunity (never 100% full)
stacks multiplicatively, not additively
pic related
Okay but what is the story/lore?
yes i realize that but i still didn't get the achievement, looked up online and more people had the same issue. killed 2 blazing greater wisps or whatever the boss one is called and an overloading magma worm all spawned from the teleporter on monsoon and i still didn't get it
>what are diminishing returns
So the 15% chance to block is relative. If you get a second one its 15% chance of the remaining 85% past the first one so it's effectively 12.75%. So because of that past 5 or so you start to run in to some hard diminishing returns. That said, having like 20 is still really REALLY noticeable and pretty broken.
right now he's saying it was behind the boss though
shutting off the server was an extremely faggot move anyway since I wasn't prolonging the fight on purpose
US East monsoon obv
I'm not a big fan of Wax Quails since they fuck with how your character actually handles after you spent so much time getting used to the normal way they move. Giving a second jump button would be more preferable.
Greater Wisps don't count as proper bosses so even if they're elite they don't count I believe. An Overloading Magma Worm is its own separate enemy type and not actually an elite Magma Worm. I was on my third loop before I encountered a proper elite Vagrant spawn for the achievement. Sooner should be possible if you get a Mountain Shrine spawn, but I never got one.
Please don't kill the momentum engine. Going fast and getting insane jumps is incredible.
>already full
fuck me
Are there more of these?
>Spent the last few hours playing this
Pretty good, even if its just the first game again but in 3D. Looking forward to the finished version, because playing the original with Yea Forums a few years ago was hilarious.
The only problem with this so far is it runs like shi on my toaster. I liked the original because you could play it on a shit machine.
When I try to host, it says friends only at the top. Does that not apply to those with a lobby ID? If it doesn't, Ill just host a game real quickie
not that i know of, i just got this from the thread that just got archived
i hope some autismposters continue to make stuff like this though
If EVERY character from the first game is added in some shape or form it will be the best game ever created.
So 7 is the maximum one should aim for before diminishing returns just hit too hard to keep going? A 50% chance seems fair enough.
It sucks that you find the equipment item you want and then just ignore every single equipment barrel in the game. It'd be cool if you could level up your equipment by taking two of the same type.
>There's no point in fighting the things right now
they're pretty good cash cows if you can kill them fast
Give an option to switch Engi's M1 from a charge to an automatic. Would make it easier to deal with different types of enemies. Give Commando i-frames during his roll. Balance fire. Also don't fuck up in making the lore. I'm really excited to see where this goes, especially since the golden coast. All this stuff looks crazy interesting and fun.
Also this ty hopoo you've made a great game pls dont fuck it up
>More characters (I miss enforcer and sniper)
>More loot and chances of loot
>As a previous user said, make it more optimized if possible, it runs okay on the early maps but RoR1 was a game I enjoyed on my laptop and I kind of wish the sequel would run well on it too
>The music is okay but RoR1's was better. The soundtrack as it stands right now just drones and never goes anywhere.
>tfw can't beat 20 levels
For fuck's sake, why unlocks are so annoying in this game. I like this type of games because of random and variety but locking variety away behind some retarded challenges is literally cancer. Now instead of doing normal runs with different characters I keep doing my autistic daily drizzle engi runs only to get oneshotted again on floor 18.
All Commando really needs is for an R rework to make him shoot for one/two seconds instead of just shoot 8 bullets. What this will do is make Soldier's Syringe synergise with it so hard it'll fix all of his DPS problems.
A faster base firing rate and a slight damage buff wouldn't hurt either.
What's clover effect in this game?
i stop at 6 desu. a lot of white items seem more attractive than an extra 5% chance to dodge damage. if i'm 3d printing or choosing from one of the stations, i'll never break 6, if i get a teddy as a drop then that's cool but i don't view it as very lucky by that point
For a class that relies the most on its M1 the Commando really doesn't do as much damage as he should.
Was it a mistake?
I was playing as engineer.
It makes items roll for procs an extra time if they don't proc on that hit
This. Commando may pretty much be the mascot of the game but he's the least fun to play as.
A lot. Lets see.
1: Nerf fire enemies into the fucking ground. Their damage and DOT's are too damn much. Merc basically becomes unplayable due to them, and thats shit.
2: Buff Artificer. Her limited M1 is shit, her Shift is shit, her R is shit, her survivability is shit. Everything about her is trash but M2. Remove the limit on M1, triple the thickness of her Shift skill and make it actually block shots. Quadruple the range on her R. There, you might have fixed her at that point.
3: Put a red outline on the teleporter just like RoR1.
4: Commando needs his Shift skill to have full invul the entire duration like RoR1.
5: Either return the 56 Leaf Clover to it's RoR1 incarnation, or add an Artifact that duplicates the effect. Being able to effectively build a character was FUN. The current drops are way too fukken random, especially with shit like 3D Printers for fucking RUSTY KEYS and other trash all over the place, but syringes, the most basic DPS increaser, are never fucking around.
If you had at least 13 fungus, no.
>drizzle engi runs
>get oneshotted again on floor 18
are you fucking kidding me. engi is braindead tier easy. here's a guide on how not to fuck up as an engi lategame
>place turrets and shield
>spam charged M1
>when shield goes out sprint the fuck outta there until your shield is fully recharged
He's completely reliant on increased weapon speed and massively stacking on-hit items like stuns, bleed, and sticky bombs. He's really fucking fun when you get good items though.
They need to give him his i frames back, and make his M2 hitscan at the very least. Lowering the CD on his R would be good too.
Portals count as stages. Use as many newt altars as you can and use the blue portal then immediately leave the shop.
even with 20 fungus an imp will one shot your turrets. it doesn't matter how much healing you have if they can dish out more than your health bar can take
How should the Scepter upgrade the R ability for each class?
Should they buff it more by making it upgrade all abilities? Like first one upgrades R, second one upgrade Shift and so on?
How shit do you have to be to think artificer is shit
at 4 glass as engi my turrets were being oneshot as long as they were out of bubble
it helped to have brain stalks
All base attacks seem pretty wimpy desu. Especially Merc gets so little payoff for constantly having to be in the enemies' faces.
Not him but she's literally bad. It doesn't matter if you play her flawlessly or get the best items possible, any other character played with an equal amount of skill and supported by equally good items is better than her in the lategame.
nah, we already have stuff like extra mag/afterburner. Scepter should just be an item you aim to get once.
You don't have to think she is shit, because that would be an opinion. It's a fact she is shit. But go on fag, post some mathmatic proof that she is not shit. Show your 10 loop run with her. Back your words up.
EUW 1/4
only engy and multi works lategame
huntress takes too long to kill bosses if she doesn't have perfect items
artificier and merc needs to get too close to deal damage to be good
Fire damage should be unable to actually kill players directly, like fall damage.
Artificer's only bad skill is the ice wall, everything else is fine.
>Should they buff it more by making it upgrade all abilities?
no. you can already buff your third skill with hardlight afterburner. same goes for skill 2 and mags.
Isn't steam down right now?
12 piercing shots, affected by attack speed modifiers now
wider radius, more dps
Adds a shotgun and a 3rd item slot
Allows you to deploy two additional turrets, speeds up cooldown
Flamethrower is now a beam with MUCH longer range
Getting a kill with an ability reduces the cooldown of the R move
it was for a bit to me but now it's up
>affected by attack speed modifiers
is isnt?
Post your best run.
No drizzles
I don't think she's shit, but late game her R becomes too much of a liability so you're just alternating between dumping your M1 and charging your M2 thanks to backup mags. And her shift is clunky to use and not terribly impactful. She's fine just needs some changes to be more interesting.
Like maybe the flamethrower could grant you a shield for 20% of your max health for its duration and have its range increased by a bit, and the shift could allow you to hit shift again to turn the wall sideways.
>Allows you to deploy two additional turrets
>quad mushroom heals
that would be fucking insane. i love it
>only engy and multi works lategame
So you agree that Artificer is bad? Most classes need to be tuned up to Engie/Mul-T levels, Artificer just needs it the most (and Commando).
>her primary fire having a limited number of charges, bad damage, and being difficult to lang on small airborne targets is fine
>her R being literal melee range despite her not having any defensive/mobility options like the other classes is fine
Explain yourself. Actually, don't, I don't want to catch the retard.
I really want the engineer 4 super turret meme going.
vergil lobby where
God it'll feel so good to be an Engi main.
EUW 2/4 get in here
So are anons playing on Drizzle to unlock shit then play on the harder settings? As nice as it is to play as the Commando in 3D I want to unlock the others ASAP, but feel like a shitter for even looking at babby mode in games.
when's relics? I wanna do some comfy Command runs
I want more waifus. we need more thicc girls
>everything else is fine
Bullshit. Syringes on her are needed for her M2, but they don't do jack shit for her M1, R, or Shift. That in and of itself is broken as fuck, no item should be that fucking useless on a character that it's not an all around plus. Artificer needs extra mags like a crackwhore needs crack, it's almost the only item of hers that matters outside of the alien head, and good luck getting that shit. Her ice wall is quite literally useless. nb4 some shitter pops up with "muh lategame", well fuckos, a better character late game won't have trouble dispatching enemies in the first place and won't need the ice wall insta-kill, and her surviving to late game is near fucking impossible because she needs such specific item combinations you're damn well never going to get them. She's fucking useless and shit. The character needs an entire overhaul of her ability package and more thought put into her. It's clear what they wanted from her, but they failed, and the game is still early access, so now is the time to fix this character.
I agree Artificer needs some love from a balance perspective but it's like you don't understand the concept that certain classes have certain strengths and weaknesses.
Your buff ideas remove any and all weaknesses instead of playing to strengths she already has.
fak u
I don't think I played with Command off once I unlocked it in the original. Being able to customize your character was a lot of fun and gifting yourself all the overpowered shit and making a mess of the maps was the most satisfying thing ever.
Huntress only really needs Brilliant Behemoth and Cube with some fuel cells and backup mags to melt bosses late game.
As long as you're playing with friends it's not so hard to find these. It's insane how fast bosses health drops after you fly above them, suck all the trash into them and throw out your ult+a bunch of boomerangs and now everything is being hit by everything. Throw in a few Will o the wisps and it's crazy DPS to bosses.
There is so much wrong with this dumb as shit post I don't even know where to start.
I'm not the guy who proposed the buff ideas, but I do think she needs buffs.
Strengths and weaknesses are great, but Artificer's problem is her weaknesses contradict her strengths so she's just unpleasant to play. It's not like Merc where you feel okay about having shit damage because you feel virtually invincible vs everything that isn't a Blazing elite; you want to deal insane damage as her, but you didn't pick up any Backup Mags and you only have a couple Syringes, so you're just running around dealing no damage as Ms. Glass Cannon despite coping with all of the drawbacks of playing a character with no movement/defense abilities.
Whatever happened to the Monday patch?
So its better to clean the map of items first then tele right
Normally I'd do it during tele but hopoo changed that this time around
So does anyone have a 100%ish save file or at least a list of the item names to unlock everything really fast? I just want to play the game.
Fuck it, add everyone from the original game back in with like 5 new guys.
boomer merc
I'm doing it for clover because I'm too shit to do 20 stages on rainstorm (at least with stuff like current burn damage).
Of course you don't know where to start, because you're a retard who has never done a late game run with any character.
No, it's far better to do tele first and then buy items until you run out of money. If you buy more than two items before activating the teleporter you're wasting time and setting yourself up to die later.
fuck off pussy ass nigger
unlock it yourself
It didn't happen. Hopoo's probably too busy doing a shitton of drugs and hookers on the massive pile of money he made off this games sudden crazy success.
Apparently there's a bug where the game still spawns chests for multiple player even if they leave so you may have been playing with double loot throughout the whole run.
Not him, but what's wrong about it?
1) Soldier's Syringe is in fact shit on Artificer since it only benefits one of her abilities, and it actually makes her M1 harder to use since it'll burn through your charges faster without shortening the CD. Syringe should shorten the CD on her M1.
2) Her Ice Wall is literally not good. The CD is too long and its niche usage of finishing off low health enemies is irrelevant when you consider that most late game builds delete shit without using 10 second CDs as a "finisher move". Also it doesn't even work on bosses.
3) She badly relies on Backup Mags to output literally any reliable damage.
4) She'll never get to lategame without getting good items, and this is an objective fact. She has no movement abilities, so there's no way you can survive the power of lategame one shots with her unless you have good items.
If you want to play the game, go play the fucking game. Unlocking shit IS the game right now, because it's EA and thats all there is to do.
>Implying anyone unlocked shit in RoR1
Just unlock them in easy mode. You'll be at the skill level you can unlock them all on rainstorm really soon, but you'll have more fun if you get to that skill level while playing with some of the more interesting characters.
Not him but that and having fun.
I did
stop being a lazy cunt
How does that 100% bug work on MUL-T?
No you didn't.
Drizzle is way too much of a drag, too easy. Used it only for the Clover because I always get fucked at 16 stages in Rainstorm.
This is correct except for the first few maps. The boss battles in the first few maps are terrible in terms of money, and you really need a good start to your build to make it to the end of the first loop so rushing past items that could be setting your run up is a mistake.
I usually farm for two or three chests (and shrines of the mountain) on the first two levels, then rush the tele on the rest. It only adds an extra minute or two to each map which is often worth it; if RNG sucks shit, just bail out of the run by the third map and you only wasted 15 minutes your life.
>being so bad you project your badness on everyone else
Normal lobby, eu
I did, but I had some moments of weakness like trying to make crabs suicide.
the things I didn't unlock in single player I did in multiplayer
its not hard. just do it
It's not about hardness, it's about grind. It's all a grind. Killing Floor 1 was so much more fun after just cheating all the perks to max. If you find grinding this arbitrary shit out fun versus just playing the actual game, you're probably autistic.
Don't even bother man, that guy is an obvious trolling shitter. He has nothing to back up anything he's said, and it's clear as day Artificer needs heavy reworking to damn near everyone but purposefully contrary cunts.
Get Ocular HUD. Turn it on. Hold M1. Thats it.
>Artificer since it only benefits one of her abilities
thats how it works on everyone but engi
It's not grinding if you enjoy playing the game.
1) Syringe increases R damage
2) Ice wall does suck
3) Backup mags are strong but in no way required, artificer's damage is the highest in the game with or without it
4) No character gets to lategame without good items, and there is no specific item artificer /needs/ in order to make it there.
based engi can use every item well. he's just that good
>being this fucking wrong
Syringe literally benefits everyone elses shooty or slashy skills. It even benefits both Engie turrets AND the charge time of his bombs. Technically it buffs how fast he throws out mines too, but that never is really an issue.
Add an option to import the old RoR1 OST. Chris has done well so far in creating the EA OST, but nothing beats the classics of RoR1.
sniperbros...I just want to have fun from across the map...
i just wish that bustling fungus wouldn't even drop if i was playing other characters
you gotta make sure you aren't firing while turning on the Ocular HUD as well as doing this makes the 100% crit not work
basically stop shooting, turn on ocular hud, resume shooting with 100% crits, once you stop shooting again it turns off so hold that shit
Grinding? The fuck are you talking about nigger? It took me like 8 hours to unlock every character.
How the fuck are you gonna talk about KF as a good example of progression when you have to play like 30 hours on every perk to max it out btw?
One, that's wrong. Two, most characters get a worthwhile benefit in that their M1 is boosted in speed, which can shoot infinitely. Her M1 is actually negatively impacted by Syringe since she fires faster but the charges don't recharge any faster, so you just run out quickly and that's all you get out of it.
1) Oh great it marginally increases the damage of the 6s CD skill that you can't use lategame without being one shot unless you're being carried by items, how helpful.
3) Artificer's damage is 100% not the highest in the game without her M2 or R, and since you can't use R in lategame without being carried by items, you rely enormously on spamming shit with M2.
4) That's horseshit, Engie and Mul-T can get to lategame with just a few key items and everything else is just cherries on top.
NA Midwest, 4 players
yea their m1's
thats what 3d printers are for senpai
>Please, stay inside and rest
implying blazing enemies won't spawn on you from behind while you're cross mapping niggas anyway
He'd know if that were the case because the bosses would be dropping extras.
>tfw still no artificer
>gone multiple looped runs in a row with either no lunar drop or im not noticing them because there is 0 indication
I know user, but it won't be the shitty key or bustling fungus that will be used since it always prioritizes my syringes.
Yeah, sniper is going to be even more fun this time around thanks to the 3D environment. I hope they add the bomb artifact back in for maximum trolling potential.
controller in menu is a bit wonky, pushing A counts as 2 presses, 1 when held and another when released
It doesn't matter man, she's a waste of the coins right now anyway. Literally the worst character in the entire roster so far by several orders of magnitudes.
syringe increases the RoF of his R
syringe increases the RoF of both his nailgun and his railgun
syringe increases sentry attack speed
syringe increases the RoF of his R
huntress is the only one who has only m1 affected by syringe, and it's to enormous benefit because she can fire nonstop, and fire while sprinting if she's going straight/strafing. meanwhile, artificer's m1 is negatively impacted by syringe.
Why's that? Doesn't it make sense to hoard items while the difficulty is low since once it hits HAHAHAHA the difficulty is only going to scale based on what stage you're on?
>100% crit
>heal on crit
>sacrifical dagger and Happy mask
But I didn't have much luck with shrooms so it ended p fast.
thats because you have more of those so its more likely to pick one
>wake of vultures
there's your problem right there
>Negatively impacted
The mere ability to fire faster doesn't mean you have to, and it's also not a negative impact.
Improved optimisation would be nice, even on the lowest settings all the shit coming at you can fuck the frame rate later.
Buff Commando a bit or at least give him good Iframes
Weaken fire attacks, they utterly wreck you.
How do you get "A Moment, Fractured" environment log?
If that were actually true, it would make sense. Sadly, it isn't, difficulty increases at a constant rate and hitting HAHAHAHA doesn't stop that.
Red whip is such a buzz kill item to get. I'm always in fucking combat. Soda is a Grey and is better in every way
I didn't see what it dropped since it was from the gold chest in stage 4 and in the middle of the shitshow, I just rushed to pick it up and get out.
Fuck me man, it's ot fair. Then another one dropped and I was like "whatever"
Celestial portal level, below the starting platformm
If you don't fire faster, then you don't even get a fucking benefit from syringe besides a very minor increase to M2's charge time. If you do fire faster, it increases the amount of downtime of your M1.
Syringe needs to buff M1's charge time, period.
nah it just buffs m1 that's literally what the item does
>I can't figure out how to use flamethrower without getting deleted in lategame, therefore it's impossible to do so
>not a negative impact
>on a character based around managing cooldowns
>just sitting there doing nothing because everything is on CD, while ANY other character can still bang bang or ashy slashy
Uh huh.
Is Wake detrimental somehow?
Cool story bro, lemme know how well that flamethrower works out when everything one shots your ass because you have no defenses.
i'm going to murder you user
there's literally nothing you can do as a player to not die while using FT. if you live while using it lategame, you have good items.
post an artificer run that made it past an hour and i'll show you a run where the first 10 items you got included movement/defensive items, every single time.
>Being this bad at cooldown management
>Ignoring syringe effects of R
There's Mul-T like everyone said and we're also going to get Han-D, from the first game, later.
I'm assuming you've never used it before. because if you have you will very quickly realize why it's shit
killing a certain elite and getting it's buff will leave you with half of your hp when the buff wears off three seconds later. late-game that is basically a death sentence.
syringe barely affects R, and R is shit lategame anyway.
Make friendly mobs that you summon via items like the good beetles a dark blue like the robots and drones.
Let me mark multiple areas, either via a notification or just a tag/spraying system.
Rework blazing enemies/magma worms, they're just not fun to fight and are borderline impossible for Mercenary in the later levels.
Letting you choose items to drop, from pickups to straight up money, the latter making it easier to crowdfund big purchases like legendary crates and big drones.
Let purchasable turrets follow you or remove them, as it is they're useless scanner noise.
QoL shit:
Add some SFX after you pick up money.
Color options for the mercs.
mostly its good. however if you kill a shield elite. after the shield you get runs out your hp is cut in half. this is a bug and is not intended and hopoo is already aware of it.
I really hope they add way more items/maps/enemies
Read the logs on items, there's quite a bit of lore there
>Get shrine that multiplicates random items
>get like 30 fuel cells
>spam 30 lightning bolts on bosses and obliterate them instantly
>first time getting obliterate option so take it just in case I don't get lucky like this again
I should have just fucking continued
Post any fucking run where there are no movement/defensive items in the first 10, they make up like 40% of the item pool.
I you're using engi then that's why, your turrets seems to never drop coins and on that same line you don't seem to get infusion points from their kills either. So either kill shit with your mines/nades or play someone else.
... is this for real?
I'm about to stock up on lunar coins so I can get more shops
Ive been trying to get 20 on rainstorm because drizzle is braindead easy and it wouldnt feel right to unlock stuff like that
is there any reason to get more than 10 lens glasses in this game?
Artificer needs either hooves, quails, or teddy bears to not get fucking dicked on shortly after the first loop.
Bring back filial imprinting
Oh I am he's the only fun character
Eh I'll just shelve the game until its actually good
Melting boss health bars with one hit because everything stacks
I believe someone said you can get double crits and so on
Also, I don't know how many quails you need to do it, but you can ramp the acceleration from the jump to get massive height which is hilarious
>it's a blazing stone titan kills the long haul run episode
there is a lunar item that autocasts use items. its really good with fuel cells and most use items.
you can do things like flying forever with the wings, constantly shoot rockets or rapidfire lightning faster than you could possibly press Q.
my personal favourite is rocket launcher though especially when you have alien head. once the stage starts you wont stop shooting rockets until the stage is over.
dont ever use it with drone s though. you will spawn so many that you will rapidly fill up your ram and then just crash.
>double crits
I have yet to see confirmation of this
I believe it's just one quail and the red jump boost item.
niggas gotta learn to respect the blazing titans
you see that bad boy and you make sure theres always cover between you and him
gimme loader
Crabs and Crab Artillery need to be more visible in general, maybe add tracers more visible than the bubbles.
Enemy DoT is fucking insane but fire specifically.
Commando needs his Iframe rolls.
Wake of Vultures absolutely sucks if you even glance at an overloading elite.
Healing feels useless outside of fungus on turrets since fire DoT is always faster
But besides that I have high hopes for this since it feels exactly like risk of rain but in 3D, which is just about what I expected.
Clapped dem cheeks
remove crab artillery or drastically reduce their firing range
This is the best fucking feeling, holy shit
Just replace the 16 player dll with the 4 player one aka orignal file. Actually simple, it's also why you backed up everything like an actual thinking human.
can someone hook an user up with a link to the thicc mod
>pic related?
delete the dll, verify files, steam replaces it for you
different user, i've died inside the shield from one-shots with no warning
Crabs should be removed, not because they're ability is OP or anything, but they get fucking stuck in some corner and bunch up to 10 of them running into a corner, choking the spawn count.
I always have these instances where the spawn feels so low, only for me to see 12 hermit crabs just walking into a cliff in the side of the map.
I've only seen this happen in the abyssal depths where theres a ledge like 30 enemies get stuck on
most likely some enemies got through your shield. Use mines to counteract that.
Faggot never posted it.
I don't mind because it's far too thick, but he's still a faggot.
Need one
Any cute girls
>harvester scythe 3d print 2nd stage
>managed to get 5 of them
>this is the run.jpg
>procceed to get 0 glasses the entire 60 minutes run
It's 1 of those episodes
Yes, Artificer and Huntress.
more like magma worms all the time
also aoe dmg goes through the shield, e.g. greater wisp explosion does aoe inside the bubble
>16 MAN
finna dodge