So i started playing this game thinking it was gonna kick my ass but i reached balmora in a comfy way by road while also raiding
some bandit caves and visiting the towns on the the way. when is the part where im supposed get buttfucked coming up?
So i started playing this game thinking it was gonna kick my ass but i reached balmora in a comfy way by road while...
God this game looks like shit.
Bethesda would make a shit-ton of money if they remastered this with added pleb shit like fast travel.
Bloodmoon, with those fucking werewolves, is when the game goes from manageable to absolutely requiring cheesing. Everything before that is fun
Bloodmoon definitely increased the amount of bullshit.
>Enemy has magic reflection
Mhh yes I love hitting myself in the face with my own spells.
If you played mage you either went full magic resistinence to your own spell element in general or you went for DoT spells so you have time to react with potions or other tools.
assassins are pretty scary early on if your are not prepared
Morrowind has more options for fast travel than any other TES game. Just because it isn't available from a menu doesn't mean it isn't there.
>that quest you have to go raid some cave with dudes with enchanted paralyze weapons
>they hit you once and you are paralyzed for 3 seconds so they just keep hacking you till you die
such bullshit, probably easy fix if you are a mage but I was a fighter character and never had dabbled in magick back then
They are only called travel then and perfectly fine.
Later guild quests are quite heavy on the political side where you have to simply chat up loads of people in different cities. Not having transit would be really annoying.
Also it's more immersive(buzzword in tes but still correct)
Being a mage brought its own set of problems if you weren't very in touch with the mechanics.
I remember my 16 year old ass getting really frustrated with spell reflection on the higher Levels before o figured out the right tools by reading in forums.
Playing a fighter with good equipment and maybe some alchemy skills was generally much easier.
>when is the part where im supposed get buttfucked coming up?
If you grasp the basic mechanics, like stamina management and not shooting yourself in a foot by having a terrible, gimped build, then... I don't remember the game ever giving me too much trouble. It's not hard. Enemies are largely level-scaled, opportunities are plentiful. Sure - don't try to rob a Daedra shrine on level 5 (it's not the enemies in the shrine, but the inevitable Dremora summon that will fuck you up at this point), but other than that...
I really never thought of this game as hard. First time the level scaling jumps up can be a little jarring, cliff-races are a permanent pain in the ass once they are introduced, there are a few dick moves now and then but otherwise, it's all very easy.
ESPECIALLY if you find some of the straight up broken items like the fucking Amulet of Chameleon, that I would always go for and then raid Dren's farm and house treasuries in Vivec before I was level 10.
>Ayo hol up boi
A lot of the stuff you mention isn't as easy to get as you make it sound.
The treasuries in Vivec aren't as easy to loot with just a "basic grasp of mechanics". Stuff like the amulet are pretty broken yes but it's not like everyone always stumbles upon them that soon if you don't read guides.
For someone who played the game several time it's pretty easy of course yes. Something I actually like about the game. The possibility to stumble over really powerful stuff when you actually like exploring.
I actually meant to post a picture of an enemy that gives you some problems.
Read a little more carefully: treasuries of Vivec are laughably easy to to loot with basic grasp of mechanics AND the damn Amulet of Shadows, which you can literally get by chance as the quest that grants it is very easy to solve (you will die the first time you encounter it, though).
I do agree that it is kinda cool (though in this case, it's clearly a fucking mistake: you can get the Amulet for basically no effort just because you decide to take a hike around Gnisis - you literally have to complete a fuck-hard chain of quests to be granded a unique item that has 1/8 of the power in Balmora).
>attack him in his Hobo state
>still fucking strong
The fact that some murder-hobo schmuck in the middle of nowhere, who pops people for spare Drakes has one of the most powerful artifacts in any of the games at his disposal is quite funny yes.
>Ayo you have that thing that makes you invisible right? Let's do something incredible with it.
>Fuck no. Let's shiv those fags in Gnisis instead.
That guy was a Bosmer right? Figures.
If you have the early game handled then you're all set tbqh
this is why i did bloodmoon and tribunal after the main quest and a load of sidequests
>That guy was a Bosmer right? Figures.
It's funny, but clearly not indented.
My last play-through, considering I know the game fairly well at this point had me flying through the game at mach 4 destroying commoners with high damaging spells while occasionally poking them with a spear from the air. By the time I was halfway through the story I was also almost invisible, flying at mach 8, oneshotting most enemies with an enchanted daedric spear and it was just funny honestly.
The game can be broken so much, but at the same time if you play it fair, it is still fair to you. OP if you are already at balmora without issues, the game should be fine. Only real PITAs are in DLC land.
Except for the water Morrowind was already sort of ugly when it came out, Oblivion really was the first game that was graphically impressive at launch
when you meet crassius curio
U fucking what matey i remember being super disappointed with oblivions graphics i did play it on console tho
Oblivion comes from that poor generation from about 04-12 or so were graphics were reaching "realistic" but aged into milk within a day of release. Any game that went for that "realistic" approach looks hideous now. Oblivion looked ugly at least the characters day 1 as well.