So Yea Forums, I’m curious..
1. How old
2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
3. Favorite boss(es)?
4. Which one was hardest for you?
5. Your favorite character
6. Favorite area
Sekiro thread
I haven't finished the game you fucking NEET. Some of us have shit to do. Kill yourself.
Not done yet but it's just as good as the others
Great Ape so far or MY NAAAAME
None of them have been "hard" but the first few were the toughest since I had to adjust to gameplay
Spirited away best NYC
Senpou is comfy af
Lol, kys. I’m a working man myself
Npc* obv😃
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Equal I guess, but BB still has the best atmosphere
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Butterfly, Genichiro, Sword Saint Isshin
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Sword Saint Isshin
>5. Your favorite character
They all kind of blend in but Emma is cute
>6. Favorite area
Ashina Castle or Senpou
Fuck off you god damn bitch. Square up you fucking cuck.
What happened with the environments? Everything besides Ashina castle and Senpou are grimdark bullshit. Senpou is strong as fuck but it can't carry the whole game.
Way more, but I'm a weeaboo
Genichiro and everyone else you fight in the exact same room, O'Rin, Corrupted Monk
The Lone Swordsman in the tiny room in Ashina Reservoir
The rooftops of Ashina Castle
War happened, user
sword saint
ashina castle pre attack
Ashina depths and sunken valley might as well be the same area. Very lazy Fromsoft.
I always confuse the two when I'm trying to remember where I want to go
More than souls on par with bb.
Owl. Beast of hatred. Ishinn.
Ishinn by far. It took me around 2-3 hours of trying.
Wolf obviously. Well written strong character. I feel bad for all his misfortune and he hardly gets a happy ending no matter what though.
Mibu village.
Genichiro and Isshin
The Castle
As good as BB
SS Isshin, Ape, Owl 2
Prolly Isshin, until I figured out phase 3
Isshin is a bro
Senkyo and Senpou, music in Senkyo is just too good
More than dark souls, not as much as BB
Shit flinging ape, Owl, Sword Saint
Sword Saint
I liked the Sculptor's story
I never finished BB, furthest I went was Amelia. Is it worth going back?
Havent completed the game yet but I'll answer anyway.
1. 24
2. On par with BB, better than Souls
3. Genichiro or Armored Warrior
4. Ape seems pretty hard but I've only tried it once so far. As for completed bosses I'd say Seven Spears of Ashina.
5. Genichiro
6. Senpou Temple
I'll go back after Sekiro. It's weird I did everything from Demon's Souls to Dark 3 but never finished BB.
1. 25
2. Still prefer ds1, ds3, BB
3. Isshin, hatred demon
4. Isshin
5. Isshin
6. Monk temple
not necessarily
armored chad, genichiro, isshin
butterfly, hatred
sculptor, lord isshin/tengu
senpou was real pretty
1. 24
2. I hate all souls games they feel slow, janky, unresponsive, unpolished & unsatisfying.
Sekiro does a much better job with animations & game feel. hit boxes are for the most part an improvement.
3. MY NAME IS...
4. the fucking shinobi hunter before I learned the mikiri parry.
5. don't care
6. meh... probably the atmosphere of hirata estate.
No, the side bosses are all cheesefest stealth encounters that got really old really fast, and pretty much all the side content are those mini-bosses
Guardian Ape
Lady Butterfly so far
Ashina Castle
> the atmosphere of hirata estate.
Good taste. Really liked the music there as well
37, not finished yet
I like the setting more then bb, but like bb combat more.
Genchiro.... but I had the bell on and didn't think it effected bosses
Ishin or sculptor
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Sekiro best combat
Souls best customization
Bloodborne best lore
All of them are amazing. If From can bring the best from all 3 games into one game, we'll get the perfect game.
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Genichiro. It was the boss where I finally learned to parry, and the cling clang fighting with attacking and defending at the same time made me feel very engaged in the fight.
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
First ape. I had troubles adjusting to a Soulsborne boss after getting good at Sekiro bosses. Second ape was easy though.
>5. Your favorite character
Sekiro himself
>6. Favorite area
Ashina castle
>1. How old
18, almost 19
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Liked it better than DS2 for sure, but it's too early to compare it to DS1 and DS3. Also I still like Bloodborne a lot more.
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Isshin Sword Saint, Genichiro (Castle version) and Owl. From the minibosses I'd say Armored Warrior
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Isshin Sword Saint
>5. Your favorite character
Gyobou Oniwa because of his outstanding voiceacting in the dub. Really builds up hype.
>6. Favorite area
Probably Ashina Castle? I don't really care t b h
1. 25
2. I like bb more but I like sekiro more than any of the ds games
3. genichero, corrupted monk 1, owl, sword saint, le monke
4. sword saint
5. sculptor
6. fountainhead
> How old
> Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
More than DS, less than BB
> Favorite boss(es)?
Kino dragon, demon of hatred, Butterfly
> Which one was hardest for you?
Owl (father)
> Your favorite character
Emmai waifu
> Favorite area
God damn I didn't know so many of you autists where as old as me. So depressing.
It's because zoomers usually stay away from good games
We've just been here since we were 18 is all.
1. 20.
2. No, but I liked it more than all of their other titles.
3. Sword Saint, Folding Screen Monkeys, Genichiro, Divine Dragon, Lady Butterfly. There's just too many to list.
4. I was stuck the longest on Ape (I hadn't upgraded my attack power AT ALL up until that point, but when I finally did I got him first try.) If Ape doesn't count, then Sword Saint.
5. Isshin is my favorite character.
6. Senpou Temple is one of FROM's best ever areas.
I think it's moreso that zoomers are actually busy playing more video games, while boomers only get one game every 3 months and then do nothing but post on a mongolian basketweaving forum.
1. 18
2. Yes
3. Isshin, Genichiro, Ape
4. Isshin
5. Owl
6. Fountainhead
So I'd like to know about you OP..
1. You position in CIA
2. Years of service
3. How are you planning to use this data
I like it about equally to the rest
Guardian Ape, true Corrupted Monk, Genichiro
Owl kicked my shit in
Fountainhead Palace and Senpou Temple
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
I rate it equally with the rest of the series (minus DS2) and enjoyed it as a one off. That being said, I don't want Sekiro 2 or another game as fast and aggressive for awhile. I can't relax with this game, it's draining.
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Genichiro is my favorite straightforward boss, Divine Dragon is my favorite gimmick boss in all of FROM history.
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Genichiro, though I haven't got to sword saint yet.
>5. Your favorite character
>6. Favorite area
Fountainhead Palace has some genuinely exciting stealth bits with fun enemies and beautiful design.
>Fountainhead Palace has some genuinely exciting stealth bits with fun enemies and beautiful design.
The nigger instakilling you as soon as you jump into the water and the other nigger at the waterfall shooting laser beams aren't fun.
get good also the flutes and okami warriors breathing sounds are kino as fuck
Armored Warrior
Senpou Temple
1. 26
2. To different to choose one over the other. I like it as much as i first liked dark souls 1.
3. Loved Sword Saint
4. Sword Saint phase 2
5. The sculptor
6. Temple Mountain
Far, far FAR more. I'm much more into action games than rpg slogs
So far Butterfly.. I'm taking my time.
I actually don't care about the story or characters that much. I find the art direction and character design very bland, in fact it might be the one thing that's just worse than Soulborne.
> 1. How old
> 2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Less than DS1 and BB, more than the rest.
> 3. Favorite boss(es)?
Ape and SS Isshin
> 4. Which one was hardest for you?
See above. Probably died most to Chained Ogre though.
> 5. Your favorite character
Owl. Loved his design and voice, and his relationship with Wolf was pretty interesting.
> 6. Favorite area
Either Senpou Temple or Sunken Valley.
This thread actually made me feel ok with being a 29 boomer still on Yea Forums. Wholesome. I guess you can't really grow out of the culture you grew up in though.
I'm glad I didn't grew up during the current faggot culture.
This thread is a eye-opening, I thought I was the only one over 25 left on Yea Forums
Eh, it only makes sense. Where else are you going to go if you grew up in the age we did. Places like reddit are insufferable it just makes sense to stay here and shitpost for a while longer. I still remember the days when Demon's Souls had just come out. Probably the glory days of Yea Forums.
1. 23
2. i like the combat, movement, characters and world design more than ds, i disliked the stealth and grapple mechanics and the lack of character customization
3. isshin, doh, folding screen monkeys.
4. guardian ape
5. Sculptor
6. senpou temple
i love dark souls but after playing sekiro i really can't go back to 3's movemet, for some reason i'm much more comfortable with 2's movement now
patrician taste
Good god. How have you not killed yourself?
1. 35
2. yes
3. I think ape and duoape, don't know It felt like first ever giant size boss done right, favorite mini boss Orin
4. Owl, seriously.
5. Ema
apparently a lot of people had trouble with owl, going by help thread everyone is a freaking master of that boss
1. 18 in a couple months
2. yeah it was pretty good
3. Genichiro and armour guy
4. Demon of Hatred
5. Isshin
6. the temple just for that one kino shot
Favorite boss is the Hulkster,
BB more
Rice, Emmy
None, game looked really nice but there was no area I ever stopped to appreciate since the game just bombards you with enemies and mobs.
Fucking hell I'm still 22 wtf
DS1 and BB are better, everything else is worse
Most of them are great, favorite is probably Owl.
Lady Butterfly I shit you not, I went straight to her and didn't have any upgrades, had to learn how to play with her.
Ashina Castle
>No but I like it a lot
>Genichiro, O'Rin, Isshen, Ape
>Kuro or Isshen
>Senpou or Fountainhead Palace
1. How old
2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
I like it about as much as DeS and BB, more than Dark Souls games
3. Favorite boss(es)?
Isshin, Owl (Father), Monkey Trouble, Divine Dragon
4. Which one was hardest for you?
Demon of Hatred
5. Your favorite character
Either Emma or Isshin.
6. Favorite area
Fountainhead, though Senpou and Hirata are not far away.
1. 19
2. At first I hated it but...
3. Genichiro was such a fun boss I didn't kill his 3rd phase and grinded him out for 3 hours. Made me appreciate the new combat. Now Sekiro is the best for me.
4. Demon of hatred, ape 2: electric fuck you
5. [Spoiler]no other soulsborne had a better hub cast[/spoiler]
6. Senpou temple is real comfy and has rice loli
1. 27 years old
2. Yes Sekiro is my favorite FromSoft game
3. Sword Saint, Owl, Guardian Ape, Genichiro
4. Sword Saint or maybe Demon of Hatred, wasn't counting attempts but DoH is actually easy once you figure out you can just strafe to the right
5. Isshin
6. Ashina Castle maybe, or Fountainhead Palace
What? Sunken Valley or Fountainhead Palace are not dark in any way at all. In fact the only "grimdark" zone is Ashina Depths and the Dungeon.
Except they look completely different? Sunken Valley is a mountain range full of green foliage and wildlife and giant statues, while Ashina Depths is dead trees, mist, and a zombie village.
Disliked it immensely, BB/DeS are my favorites.
Probably Guardian Ape
Sunken Valley, probably.
Feels like a PS2 obscure game, don't @ me.
How do I kill the little hat niggers? Do I need a meme prosthetic to get rid of the hats?
You retarded and gay
You're more retarded and gayer, cumrag. You are forbidden to reply to me.
You can't stop me, still replying to you you dumbfuck mongoloid
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
about the same as BB, a bit less than DS1
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Genichiro and Armored Dude
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
>5. Your favorite character
Lady Butterfly and Emma
>6. Favorite area
The way to Senpou Temple
use the axe
1. 22
2. Still prefer DeS but I'd put it about on-par with DaS, maybe a little above it for being overall more consistent
3. Sword Saint Isshin and Owl (Father)
4. Demon of Hatred
5. Sculptor or Isshin
6. Fountainhead Palace
1. 21
2. I enjoyed it about as much as the first Dark Souls
3. Both Isshin fights involved a lot of parrying and kicked my ass so I enjoyed them, Demon of Hatred was also fun because it felt like a souls boss in Sekiro
4. Owl (Father)
5. Isshin
6. Senpou Temple
Demon of Hatred.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Blazing bull or chained ogre
>5. Your favorite character
Sekiro himself
>6. Favorite area
Visually - Senpou
1. 25
2. Like it more than Souls for sure, not sure on BB. I'm not finished yet, but I feel like it's on the same quality level as Souls 1 and BB.
3. My most recent kills were Rape Ape and and Snake Eyes 2, so I can't speak for anyone after them. Genichiro, of course, was an amazing boss that felt both fair and powerful, and three phases really allowed the game to explore his moveset. I feel that Jinsuke Saze is a very underrated fight, perfect parrying both hits of his quick draw feels godlike and few moments in the game have compared to the lightning fast lethality of that encounter.
4. Lady Butterfly, mostly because she found me while I was still a pup. In retrospect, she's not that hard and I just wasn't playing the game correctly yet.
5. Tengu of Ashina, his voice is godlike, and yes I can tell who he is.
6. Ashina Castle, honestly. It's like a bigger, better Anor Londo. The first rooftop run through the Nightjar is legendary. The interior is a great challenge the first time through. The reservoir revisit was satisfying. The way the greater castle area is linked to most other areas really sells the world design. Nothing's cooler than standing at the top of the main castle and being able to identify each individual outpost along the outskirts you've been through, then seeing Mt. Kongo in the distance and eventually sneaking over there too.
Fuck off and die nignog, you are cursed now and will die in your sleep, along with your mom that I'm going to fuck just right now until she's unconscious (this is when she'll die LMAO)
Better than souls. BB is still the best
Owl (Father) and ape
Ape or Sword Saint
Anayama the peddler or Isshin
Senpou or Fountainhead Palace. Ashina Castle is a nice intersection
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Definitely, BB still has a special place in my heart though
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
I'll get back to you
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Lady butterfly
>5. Your favorite character
Owl, Big Dick Isshin
>6. Favorite area
Visually, Senpou and Fountainhead. Thematically, Abandoned Dungeon. Had a lot of potential but they pretty much made it a damn throwaway hallway, hope they go balls to the wall spooky in the dlc and give us reason to hoard all that fear powder.
Pathetic and hateful.
1. 31
2. No
3. Isshin
4. Isshin
5. Emma a cute
6.I guess Senpou
Sekiro was a solid game, but not as outright amazing as Dark Souls or Bloodborne
>nope, its one of my least liked From games, even more than DaS2 or Armored Core V
>Saint Isshin and Folding Screen Monkeys
More than BB/DS2/DS3 but less than DS1 or DeS.
Lady Butterfly and Owl.
Isshin. His shit is so inconsistent.
Should add on that Isshin was both the hardest boss for me and my favorite character.
Oh I missed favourite character.
Sekiro himself.
>not as good as soulsborne, feels like a directionless mess at times in design choices. Stealth felt tacked on, setting didn't capture me,some mechanics that complimented souls games where carried over even though they're counterintuitive to action games (input delay, action queuing, no canceling). Still entertaining for what is I suppose but gonna shelf it once I finish up my purification ending run.
>favorite bosses were demon of hatred, Isshin, Genchiro and Owl.
>I guess Owl or Demon but that's not saying much as most bosses were underwhelming in regards to difficulty
>Isshin was based and sakeapilled
>Sunken Valley and the monk place, everything else felt too derivative of other souls games or it was just shitty Japanese "architecture ".
what's the deal with the mibu villagers? is there any way to stop them coming back to life except for just killing them over and over?
Consoles need to fucking die out and stop holding games back already.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Sekiro by a fair margin
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Gyobu or SS Isshin
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Butterfly forced me to git gud, still haven't beaten a headless. Not sure what to do about that.
>5. Your favorite character
Wolf or Isshin
>6. Favorite area
Senpou or Ashina proper.
I liked Sekiro but DaS or DeS are still my N1
Seven Spears? or Genchiro phase 1
Sunken Valley the Buddha area. Haven't finished the game yet but hearing good things about Senpou so this might change.
Sorry Sasuke...
Sekiro never set out to amaze with grafix and the combat is supposed to be on a much smaller scale. They honestly could've pushed for larger, more vertical areas even on console because visually the game is very weak.
>yes, but i haven't played those in a while honestly
>SS isshin or true corrupted monk
>SS isshin. I kept trying to delay his second phase, but if i made one mistake he would just regain his posture again and i'd have wasted HP probably
>Hanbei. genuinely felt bad when i killed him but i know it's what he wanted
>When you come back from talking with Isshin after beating Genichiro and Kuro is sneezing
Why the fuck is he so cute lads
Just wait until you give him rice.
1. 18
2. yes
3. 4 Monkeys
4. 2nd phase isshin, 2 days stuck in it
5. Isshin
6. senpou
1. 21
2. Yes
3. Isshin, The Sword Saint
4. Isshin, The Sword Saint
5. Kuro
6. Ashina Castle
1. 26
2. I don't have a PS4 so I can't compare it to BB, but I liked it way more than DS
3. Butterfly, Genichiro, Isshin
4. Demon of Hatred, I didn't know you could use the whistle to stun him for an entire phase, it took me over 30 attempts. By comparison, Genichiro and Isshin took me ~5 and ~15 attempts
5. Isshin is pretty badass
6. Mt. Kongo
The game barely manages to hold the minimum of 60fps how in the fuck would they be able to expand the levels. Well they could expand on a lot of things obviously if it wasn't for fucking consoles...
1. 20.
2. Equal to DaS, BB and DeS.
3. In Sekiro? Isshin, Armored Warrior and Divine Dragon.
4. None particularly stood out. The one that frustrated me the most was Demon of Hatred because jumping away from the charge attack wasn't intuitive at all. I guess I also really hate the Headless because you fight five of them and I feel compelled to kill everything even on NG+ runs.
5. Sculptor.
6. Senpou Temple, naturally.
Owl 2
Temple Grounds
>I still prefer Bloodborne and DaS1 but like Sekiro more than the rest
>Genichiro, Owl 2 and SS Isshin
>SS Isshin took the longest, followed by Demon of Hatred
2.About as much, they're all great
3.Owl (Father)
4.Probably Saint Sword Isshin second stage
5.Sculptor I guess
6.This is a hard one, probably the castle
>visually the game is very weak.
Is this nigger serious
>he hardly gets a happy ending no matter what though
Return ending is happy enough. He gets to accompany rice and his master's "spirit" in some new journey.
gimmick dragon/sword saint
angry demon
kotaro/divine child
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Loved it, its the best FROM game as far as im concerned
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Sword Saint Isshin,Divine Dragon and Guardian Ape
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Demon of hatred, whats a DS boss doing in this game?
>5. Your favorite character
Its a tie between Emma and Anayama. The end of the quest with Anayama during the siege hit me hard
>6. Favorite area
Fountainhead Palace, i loved the balance they managed to strike between mystical and degradation
How satisfying the combat is and how much you can mix it up with skills and tools
Sword Saint Isshin and Divine Dragon
Either Lady Butterfly or Corrupt Monk spirit version
Isshin and Peddler
Ashina Castle snow version
2. Yes, but I think BB is slightly better
3. Ginichiro, Isshin(oldman) and Divine Dragon
4. SS Isshin
5. Sculpter has kino arc
6. Fountainhead palace
Boomer approved From game
BB is best overall, sekiro gameplay-wise.
Hatred demon (I think his name)
Monkey land
1. 27
2. I like Souls a little bit more
3. Monkeys even though they’re a gimmick and the stage has a lot to do with it.
4. Haven’t faced everyone yet, I’ve heard the Demon of Hatred is very challenging because it’s more like a BB boss.
5. Pot Noble Harunaga
6. The inner sanctum.
A lot of what I like about Sekiro is the balance of realistic sengoku era japan balancing the monsters and spiritual parts of Japanese culture.
21, I'm liking Sekiro more than DS3 and I really like that game. The BB = Sekiro may be a meme but that's how it feels like to me.
Favourite boss is Owl, hardest was shit throwing ape. Dont have one yet
The area before you fight shit Great ape with the many giant Buddha statues, that place is damn beautiful, and the inside of the ashina castle is comfy as fuck.
you can drop assassinate the Lone Swordsman just fyi
>Pepe and Wojak
>Liking DS3 most
>Not formatting the post at all
Not once did I say I liked DS3 the most dumb moeshitter
1. 21
2. Definitely less than DaS, BB and even DeS but more than the rest
3. Genechiro second fight is literally perfect. A no bullshit fight that meshes well with the main mechanics of the game. And it's like the one time the camera in a From game just works.
4. Final boss still haven't beaten him yet
5. No one. NPC and lore is so disappointing.
6. Ashina Castle or Senpou Temple
Haven't beaten the game yet.
1. 29
2. DeS = DaS > Sekiro > 3 > BB > 2
3. Genichiro, Lady butterfly
4. Genichiro
5. Sculptor
6. Senpou temple
>dark souls
First one
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Isshin, Genichiro, Corrupted Monk and Juzou
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
>5. Your favorite character
>6. Favorite area
Senpou temple
No. It's a good game, but I don't like the setting or gameplay as much as BB/DaS
Owl and Guardian Ape.
Sword Saint.
I didn't really have one. I guess I liked Kuro?
The area with all of the weird zombie people where they're all drinking sake. It was grimdark, and it reminded me more of DaS/BB.
t. hasn't played Bloodborne
Liked it less. But it was still really good.
Genichiro, Corrupted Monk
> 6. Favorite area
Mibu Village
>I liked it but BB and DS are better.
>The Owl, Guardian Ape, Geneshiro.
> Isshin, The Sword Saint
> Lord Kuro, Emma, Sekiro, Immortal Soldier.
> Senpou Temple, Mibu Village and Fountainhead Palace.
Genichiro and Armoured Warrior were peak kino
I liked the Sculptor
Fountainhead probably
Literally doesn't matter
>hard to say as of now. would probably rank somewhere above DaS3 and 2 definitely
ok marketer-kun
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Nope but I still like it a lot. I just miss the fashion too much and having more replayability due to different weapons and builds. I see the upsides it has to have a specific character with specific weapons but for me it doesn't outweight having variety
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Genchiro, Armored Knight, Owl
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
I'm not 100% through yet. Hardest was probably the horse guy because I was still awful at the combat when I encountered him. Now he'd probably be ez
>5. Your favorite character
Isshin I guess. I don't really feel anything for the characters in this game for the most part but he is cool
>6. Favorite area
Mt. Kongo is beautiful but Fountainhead area is nice too
>How old
>Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
World/combat ? Yes. Enemy variety? No.
>Favorite boss(es)?
Butterfly,Owl 2.0,Demon of Hatred
>Which one was hardest for you?
>Your favorite character
>Favorite area
Valley,the scenery is really nice when you are climbing the rocks.
Many faggots that made fun of old people on Yea Forums are old themselves now. You are here forever
I'm 45, female and would like one of you boys to help me beat Sekiro
you guys do know that the armored knight that yells ROBERTTTOOOO isn't named robert right? I don't understand this whole MY NAMEEEE thing
I did not finished game yet but i'm close i guess.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Didn't play BB but i like Sekiro same as DS series
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Monkey so far
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Owl so far ( i stuck.. Help)
>5. Your favorite character
Sekiro so far
>6. Favorite area
Senpou temple so far
No, Robert is said to be little and is/was probably a kid right?
Robert is the armored dude's father who is looking for immortality to keep his (probably sickly) son alive
Not more than Dark1/Demon's but yes otherwise
Folding Screen Monkets
Daddy Owl
Nishiki-i mean Genichiro
Fountainhead or Senpou
Armored dude's son* I'm retarded
How do you come to that conclusion? Why would the armored guy not be the dad?
More than 2 and 3
Ape or Isshin
Demon of Hatred
I didnt care for the story
No its the dad I just had a stroke when I typed that or something
1. 25
2. Yes. Sekiro is probably on par with BB but I liked it more personally. Better than Souls for sure.
3. Father Owl, Great Ape, SS Isshin
4. Isshin in terms of objective difficulty, but Lady Butterfly is an honorable mention for forcing me to learn the game's mechanics through many painful deaths.
5. The Sculptor
6. Senpou Temple
>true monk is easier than corrupt monks illusion
just what did they mean by this?
dragon as it was not CLANG CLANG over and over
saint isshin
old man isshin
ashina castle
the main problem is 1 weapon and every boss has the same patterns.
once you figure out how to play guitar hero, fromsoft edition, you win.
the game is ALL ABOUT timing parries. that's it. it isn't like dark souls where a bad roll will kill you, most of the time you are right in front.
*if you deathblow twice
1. 24
2. I actually did, but for the reasons that it is a departure from them in certain ways, I also started liking the posture system after a bit
3. Genichiro is first favorite boss, I didn't hate the Guardian ape or the rematch down by the poison pool.
4. I'd say anything early on, Genichiro was hard but then I learned if you pressure him a lot you can come out golden, I actually took no hits in the lightning of tomoe part, and this was early on when I thought he was a major roadblock for story progression.
5. I like Wolf, but barring the main who I obviously like, I liked Kotaro, he's a nice man.
6. This one is tough but the Hall of Illusions is pretty neat. Have not gotten to the divine realm yet so we'll see if the godly presence is enough to make that opinion change. I also kinda like the Ashina castle area in general.
So basically people who hate the game and dropped it due to the difficulty a worse than boomers and gay normalfag trannyzoomers
Old Monk
The dude hanging out where you start the game because of the fucking camera
The guy that voiced horse dude in English
Buddha Temple
Sekiro in a nutshell:
*taps L1 repeatedly*
*press L1 for hits*
good game but too repetitive. also level design is blah compared to other games which is a shame given the vertical aspect.
1. 32
2. Haven't finished but I think it's better in some ways
3. So far Lady Butterfly for the kino atmosphere (Genichiro up in the tower for challenge)
4. Lady Butterfly taught me how to play the game
5. Shota
6. Mount Kongo
Better than most of the souls games, on par with Bloodborne roughly.
Owl rematch, Sword Saint and Divine Dragon but only for the music.
Sword Saint.
Ashina Castle.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
The combat? Yes. I hate the stamina system in previous games, as well as the RPG systems. But in some other areas, Sekiro is behind the previous Souls games. NPC quests in previous games are better. The music in previous games is better (not that Sekiro's OST is bad, it's just that none of the songs are memorable).
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Sword Saint, Old Isshin, Genichiro. A lot of people like Owl, but I find him boring. He doesn't do any cool or interesting moves. He's challenging, but not very cool. Genichiro might be weaker, but he has a lot of cool bow attacks and lightning attacks.
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Sword Saint, definitely.
>5. Your favorite character
I really like Old Isshin. He's a cool dude.
>6. Favorite area
Senpou Temple. It really feels like the scale of a temple grounds in East Asia.
I can see that as it's meant to be just a japan setting, versus the souls games having a mixture of influences. Bloodborne is just the setting of "fever dream" so it's easy to make weird interesting stuff.
1. 33
2. Eh. It has variety in gadgets and shit but lacks any real variety... The charge attack thing was a cute way to spice up what is basically a "counter attack" game.
3. I lost interest a couple bosses in.
4. Nothing of note
5. I didn't play enough to get to know them
6. Same.
Souls in a nutshell:
*taps r1 repeatedly*
*press O for hits*
Also level design in Sekiro is one of their best, on par and in some areas better than BB.
>I lost interest a couple bosses in.
Looks like someone got filtered by the Bull lmao
1. 20
2. It’s hard to compare. I’m thinking of it like a Souls challenge pack or mod rather than a direct follow up or contender.
3. I liked Gyoubi or whatever the horse dude’s name was. Also thought Armored Warrior was pretty kino (especially because of the sword realism. In reality a katana wouldn’t do shit against full plate armor, this made the fight hard, interesting, and entertaining.) And LB.
4. Lady Butterfly was the hardest for me but the most rewarding to beat.
5. I think Wolf is the best FromSoft protagonist since Michael from Metal Wolf Chaos.
6. Senpou Temple was aesthetic.
nah, in sekiro you just park in front and parry.
rolling is a big deal in souls but you have a lot more movement and you cant just roll into abilities and live (like say, a firestorm)
Never played those, haven't finished Sekiro yet. Enjoying it a lot so far.
Idk yet
Genichiro so far, just arrived at Mibu village.
The young heir (Kuro), of course. Patrician character archetype.
I didn't get as far as whatever the fuck that is. I've beaten every boss in the DS series on my own, with no summons. But Sekiro is just kinda boring outside of the initial novelty.
Try again?
>i unironically think Sekiro is the beginning of a new age of great From Software Games and think that Bloodborne and Souls can't compare to this and what else is to come
>Genichiro, Corrupted Monk, Owl
>Demon of Hatred is a boring slog of a fight akin to a Souls boss
>the Sculptor is pretty cool, wish we could have more of him and Tomoe
>Sunken Valley was cool, i also like how huge Ashina Castle is
So you got filtered by the Ogre then? Lmao
Sekiro feels more of a Nioh than a Soulsgame for me. For me it was the atmosphere that made Souls game truly unique, especially Dark Souls 1. I still remember playing for the first time and not a single other game gave me that truly lost and hopeless feeling. Obviously after playing it 10 times, that feeling is lost but I still remember experiencing it.
Sekiro is just incredibly soulless for me so far
I actually liked Nioh more, oddly enough.
The parry system/fights just feel way too artificial. You can tell they want you to parry shit to win as you rarely get openings to do damage.
Yeah, I enjoy that this game is offline.
Owl and Centipede
Shura Isshin NG+
Orangutan and Emma
Fountainhead Palace, plus the Abandoned Dungeon if it were more fleshed out.
he got filtered by the first samurai miniboss you face after just getting to the outskirts.
I want to feel Lone Shadow's cock in me
you can't park in front of the headless cause then they just teleport and nothing personnel something out of your ass.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Gameplay wise it's better than any previous From Software games, but I really liked customization and RPG elements in DS3 that Sekiro doesn't have. It's fine though, not every game needs to be exactly the same.
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Most human enemies, especially Genichiro, The Sword Saint. Creatures: The Headless.
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
The Sword Saint, but it looks like that flaming monster will take his place.
>5. Your favorite character
>6. Favorite area
Ashina Castle.
it's easy to get frustrated in this game if you rely on the dodge (which is shit, on purpose)
devs want you to spam L1. that is the core gameplay loop. parry shit for posture gains. most of the posture gains on SAINT ISSHIN are from parries. (and mikiris)
pretty much all swords won't do anything to that level of armor, so pretty much anyone would have been almost straight fucked.
Can Sekiro best the good huntah in single combat?
I remember using the endless sprint against the Guardian Ape which heavily trivialized that fight, same with the rematch with the headless ape down by the poison pool. I actually ended up liking both of those fights and some hate them. Genichiro was a fun fight, he kicked my ass a few times but then I got a nugget of info that pressuring him and making him try to counterattack just makes you way more in control of how the fight goes and it really does.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
So far, I like Souls/BB better, but I really like it
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
So far, Genichiro Ashina in the first fight.
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Also Genichiro, it was my casual filter. After him, so far every boss has been much easier.
>5. Your favorite character
Wolf I guess
>6. Favorite area
So far, Hirata Estate
>1. How old
25 y.o. boomer
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Not sure yet, I'm still very early on. I think it is actually so far removed from the previous souls games that it isn't worth comparing them outside superficial elements
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Horse dude was cool. A nice wake-up call to start deflecting.
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
>5. Your favorite character
>6. Favorite area
I won't lie. That first samuri kicked my ass so hard I was afraid I'd made a $60 mistake. But yes, I was trying to dodge out of the way constantly. There are few fights where you should actually dodge instead of blocking/deflecting then countering. Deflect+counter is the name of the game but it's hard to break the habit of constantly dodging.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
I'm iffy since it's been a while since I last played those and Sekiro is both pretty different and recent, but I'd say it's one of my favorite fromsoft games.
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
I really liked Isshin, Rape Ape, and Grandma
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
>5. Your favorite character
Rice Loli and her monkeys
>6. Favorite area
The palace leading to the dragon.
p r o t e c c
Yes. Summon if you have to, the experience of the game is worth it.
1: Sekiro is 11 days old based on the release of march 22nd
2: more than a majority of the Souls series on par with BB
3: haven't fought all yet so far monkey trouble
4: BB
5: Uchiha Sasuke because he has Sharingan
6: Yea Forums Yea Forums board
why do pedos ruin everything
he's the first test to get you used to being aware of several factors in a fight. He's a mini genichiro. He has normal attacks you should parry, and should not dodge, he has a sweep, he has a thrust and he has a grab. He might have one or two attacks you can dodge but it's not overall advised. He's a teacher. A better one than Hanbei. I thought Hanbei was gonna be like a bro who can actually help you get better. No. Just a guy to test moves out on a few times. At least his tooth is useful if you want to die and use a res without blocking off other uses of it.
Hanbei is useless, for some of the combat arts he straight up lets you do things that make them work against him that won't work against any bosses. He should be a lot more aggressive, otherwise why not just test it on actual mobs where you can get experience and sen?
Cool idea but not all that useful.
1. 24
2. No, I found it pretty lacking in creativity and RPG elements but I know the game wasnt supposed to have those anyway.
3. Isshin I guess but I didnt find any of the bosses particularly good.
4. Genichiro took me the longest to get the hang
5. Info seller
6. Folding panel monkey area
1. 26
2. Yes
3. General Naomori Kawarada
4. Chained Ogre
5. Sculptor
6. Ashina outskirts😃
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Haven’t finished, about equal to BB so far, better than souls
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
They’re not bosses but those dual bladed spear monks with straw hat in Senpou destroy me harder than any bosses
>5. Your favorite character
>6. Favorite area
Sunken Valley
Tell that to the rest of the Souls series
He was just there as a set piece and then for the tooth later on. I was sad to see that he was truly infested. He's a nice man, and he shouldn't have had to deal with giant centipede immortality.
Sword Saint
Sword Saint
Sword Saint
The area where you fight sword saint no joke Fountainhead Palace
Owl 1/2
I spent an hour on grandma, but I never had a difficult fight after that. She teaches you the game pretty well.
Kuro's room
Games hard when you don't understand it
Game is pathetically easy when you do
There is no middle ground.
in that it's because game mechanics. No sword can slash through plate armor. Unless the sword is made of significantly stronger material. You'd literally need a sword that cannot break or dull to stand up against it and then you'd need the strength to get the power to slash through it. Even rapiers had a hard time piercing right through a chest plate. Warpicks were better but with those you may as well go for the head. Heavier axes and hammers could get in some broken bones and dented armor. Longswords, in real life, do slashing damage just like katanas.
Mortal Blade
>all these 30yr old boomers on the chan
pathetic 2bh
if it had MP and multiple weapons i would, but as it stands, its below bb for me
sword saint, guardian ape
demon of hatred
fountainhead palace
Sekiroyale feels faster and more fluid so yes.
Isshin the Spearsaint
Ehh fuck if I know that's where the game is the weakest.
Ashina castle I guess
fuck you, autistic brat.
at least we aren't hooked on adderall.
Finally beat him when I messed up the stealth kill.
I'm always getting wrecked by these bosses until the download is complete then they can't even touch me.
I never understood this either, do you have to do the combat art or is there like another deathblow prompt after the initial deathblow?
My naaame refers to Gyoubu.
Genichiro or rAPE with my name a close second
I'm still hard stuck on isshin and haven't faced owl 2 or demon yet
Fountainhead is pretty but I liked the area leading up to guardian ape, too bad you only fought monkeys there. I would have liked senpou more but I got there late game and was one shotting monk's
I only disliked the small area.
1. How old
2. Did you like Sekiro more than souls/bb?
>Maybe, but it's not very comparable. It's very different from the others.
3. Favorite boss(es)?
Sword Saint, but Guardian Ape is a close second.
4. Which one was hardest for you?
Demon of Hatred until I figured out his blind spots. Now Sword Saint is the hardest.
5. Your favorite character
6. Favorite area
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Initially yes. I had no wish to immediatly replay the game like I did whenever I finished a soulsborne for the first time.
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Corrupted Monk 2.0
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Demon of hatred followed by Ishin sword saint
>5. Your favorite character
Man in the pot (the earlier one)
>6. Favorite area
Alright guys NG+ is done what should I play now?
I skipped DS3 and how the fuck is it still full price on steam.
it's from the shitty english dub
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
More than all Dark Souls, less than Bloodborne
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Sword Saint Isshin and MY NAME IS
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Sword Saint prob, but also Corrupted Monk since I went there super early before Genichiro, and Monk pushed my shit in real good
>5. Your favorite character
>6. Favorite area
Sunken Valley
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Somewhat equally? I'm never sure how to answer those questions
Definitely a more consistent experience than DS1 which has way more low points
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Maybe Isshin, but there wasn't any boss that I disliked
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Isshin and Demon of Hatred
>5. Your favorite character
>6. Favorite area
Mostly Senpou Temple, I especially like the combat music there
>or is there like another deathblow prompt after the initial deathblow?
1. How old
2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
>Liked combat a lot more, environments and enemy variety were a bit lacking. BB still the best game of all but I'd place it at the same level/just below DS1
3. Favorite boss(es)?
> Owl 2, Isshin Ashina, Genichiro 2
4. Which one was hardest for you?
> Old Isshin and Rape Ape
5. Your favorite character
I like the Sculptor and Robert's dad.
6. Favorite area
Ashina Castle and Mibu Village.
because kids in 2019 are all attention lacking faggots they need pills to focus in school.
you are all fucking defective subhumans.
I was just wondering if it was like the centipede ladies or the second ape boss fight. Now I know. I don't mind them coming back though. That's just potential health restoration without needing the gourd.
1. 27
2. Better than souls, better than base BB but the old hunters really elevated the whole game. I hope dlc for sekiro is amazing.
3. SS Isshin, Isshin and Owl 2, best mini boss is Orin.
4. Lady Butterfly lol
5. Rice loli was the cutest
6. Really liked fountainhead but it could have used more enemy types and mini bosses
>finally collect all materials to enter the land of draglmaos
>excited to tell the shota I carried out his orders
>suddenly minibosses become trash mobs swarming the castle
>fight my way to every idol again to reclaim it
>by the time I reach the top of the tower I’m fucking decimating these cunts
This is when I finally got legitimately good. 35 hours into the game. Feels epic man.
Maybe this is what the devs wanted you to feel, killing is so much fun in sekiro it becomes second nature to brutally murder people over and over.
Maybe this is what Isshin warned me about over sake that one time...
stop shilling your gay video
1. 19
2. Around the same amount. BB is still the best.
3. Guardian Ape, Folding Screen Monkeys
4. Haven't finished the game yet.
5. Sekiro
6. Mibu village, Monkey canyon, Senpou Temple, inside of the castle
who is seething, i'm not the one with ADHD or autism.
your generation idolizes JAKE PAUL, faggot.
1. 24
2. I liked it as much as souls and bb, but the further I get away from beating it the more i miss character builds
3. Gaurdian Ape was a bitch for me so we bonded a lot
4. final boss
5. the little lord
6. bodhessta valley
I mean at least they aren't idolizing Logan Paul?
>because kids in 2019 are all attention lacking faggots they need pills to focus in school
Apex Legends is the most popular zoomer game right now, and it's the exact opposite of Call of Duty. You can go for 20 minutes without seeing anyone. Try again.
1. 27
2. By far yes
3. Demon of Hatred
4. Armored Warrior
5. Sculptor
6. Senpou Temple
explain why autism is an epidemic in the modern zoomer.
If you burn the mibu village enemies they stop reviving. It's why the one guy tells you to go get the flamethrower upgrade material at the back of the village. I dont think those enemies have the mortal blade death blow prompt.
2.More or less
3.All Owl fights
4.Corrupted Monk
6.Fountainhead Palace
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
A bit yes
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
>5. Your favorite character
>6. Favorite area
Ashina in general
You were 10 years old when DeS came out. Why would anyone care about your opinion?
Oh they do have red eyes don't they? that makes sense as to why they hate the hunter guy who had the resin. I kinda wish the mortal blade was more an alternate main weapon that you used to slay apparitions and undead stuff though. Woulda been cool. It's still cool, but I see another sword, I wanna use it. the Bestowal Ninjitsu is pretty cool and sorta emulates the mortal blade at least.
It's not.
oh? but all of a sudden there are tons of defective kids, I wonder why that is.
Why not?
1. 30
2. Equal to bloodborne.
3. Sword saint.
4. Owl father version.
5. The man himself, Sekiro.
6. Castle.
Tons? Like... where?
I just can't hate Wolf. He's quiet but not without a personality.
autism is literally a huge deal now.
wasn't like this in the 90s.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Overall, no.
Sekiro has the best combat. Souls/BB have better everything else. Lore, atmosphere, music, boss design, level designs are all better. I'm disappointed with what they didn't include from Japanese folklore. It feels like they saved a lot for the sequel
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Owl and Ape
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
>5. Your favorite character
None are interesting
>6. Favorite area
Can't decide
I believe you.
zoomers are faggots, millennials are far more tolerable.
back on topic, sekiro is okay but it doesn't have the lasting appeal of DS1, DeS, or Bloodborne.
No, but it's really good
Genichiro and both Owl fights were superb
Owl (Father) no contest
Kuro or Emma, still deciding
Aesthetically - Senpou
Layout - Ashina Castle
I have.
Beat it twice. It's a great game but not as great as some of the others in the series.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
It's equal as Sekiro's superior combat makes up for the inferior setting and story.
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Both ape fights.
Demon of Hatred
O'Rin of the Water
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
>5. Your favorite character
The big ape
>6. Favorite area
Ashina Outskirts
1. 0
2. No
3. Almighty Shit-Flinger
4. Owl (noided)
5. None
6. None
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Much more, I like that they ditched RPG mechanics for a more traditional action game experience and the world is really great. My second run has been super satisfying applying everything I've learnt in a new game (I'm not a fan of NG+ modes)
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Isshin is the most satisfying final boss in the series and one of my all time favourites in videogames.
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Fuckin' Owl. Still haven't gone for a run at his second fight yet. I'll do it next run
>5. Your favorite character
Divine child a cute!
>6. Favorite area
Probably Ashina Outskirts or Senpou Temple.
Most Vertical Primate was a great fight.
How do I get into Ashina Outskirts once the Central Forces have invaded?
Go past the old grave
Oh fucking duh why didn't I think of that. I thought about using the Headless backdoor before that.
>Owl 1, Sword Saint
>I died the most on Lady Butterfly
1. How old
2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
>No, but I still enjoyed the hell out of it, though it's different enough that I wouldn't really compare them in the first place
3. Favorite boss(es)?
>I liked Gyoubu Oniwa, largely due to his grandiose entrance to the empty battlefield, it felt like the first true boss arena and I had a blast running circles around him
4. Which one was hardest for you?
>Lady Butterfly, but beating her finally taught me how to parry and use my prosthetic effectively. After her, Genichiro pushed my shit in for an afternoon before I got gud
5. Your favorite character
>I didn't really have one, none of them get all that much development outside of sekiro/kuro. That honourable samurai outside juzou the drunk that eats shit immediately while you do your shinobi thing was funny to me, really cemented that your way is the best way to succeed.
6. Favorite area
The entire hirata estate felt great, it was a full and complete area with enough variety to keep me interested but short enough to not overstay its welcome, had nice hidden nooks to explore. Most of sekiro's early game was fantastic.
The younger the users get the shittier the opinions become
Is this a coincidence?
Those are pretty innocuous opinions, and lady butterfly is most people first 'impossible' boss, once you can beat her you can beat pretty much every boss as she teaches you how
1. 27
2. DaS1 is still my favorite but Sekiro is a close second
3. Corrupted Monk
4. Isshin, Sword Saint
5. Isshin Ashina
6. Mibu
wouldn't say she's impossible, when you first fight her you get a clear feeling that you can beat her
there's a map?
>He didn't like Japanese sword man as much as I did!
I need that pic without the text and in higher resolution
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Hell no, the difficulty is a fucking joke
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
None of them
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Sword Saint
>5. Your favorite character
Kuro if he was a girl
>6. Favorite area
We have gotten better at diagnosing it, that's all. That annoying quirky lol so random kid everyone hated in class? He probably had aspergers, but we didn't notice back then so instead he got bullied for being an annoying little shit and grew up to be a misanthrope that posts on Yea Forums. Pretty much every quirky spaz you know is at least partially on the spectrum, we were just ignorant of it in the 90s
yeah i loved MGR:R
23 tomorrow
Yes, but I'm a weeb
Favorite boss was madam butterfly, that's when I realized I love the game.
Hardest boss was ape escape
Favorite character was Kuro
Foundtainhead, looks amazing.
>1. How old
>2. Did you liked Sekiro more than souls/bb?
Some parts yes and other parts no. BB is still my favorite, I felt like Sekiro just has some weird spikes in difficulty.
>3. Favorite boss(es)?
Saint Sword, Owl 2
>4. Which one was hardest for you?
Saint Sword
>5. Your favorite character
They were all very ok. Emma I guess cause she is a girl. Isshin was cool but I talked to him like only 4 times.
>6. Favorite area
Visually fountainhead, monk temple was pretty good too.
yeah press Y in the travel menu
>my face when the ape starts spasming all over the arena
>my face when the ape farts in my face
>my face when the ape throws his shit at me, literally
>my face when I cut the ape's fucking head off with a sword that was already in his neck
>my face when the ape gets up, picks up his severed head and fucks my shit up with that same sword
If the game keeps making me cum like this it's not just GOTY, but game of the fucking decade. Going in 100% blind was the best decision of my life.