I missed pretty much the whole day, can I get a summary of what happened?
I missed pretty much the whole day, can I get a summary of what happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
we posted a lot of exhentai links and images of cute girls
what the fuck was her problem
No idea. I just posted loli while and shat on random threads.
bwown bwicks
We dropped all pretense of this being a video games board and begged for upvotes all day.
so like everyday?
Shit posting went through the roof. Nothing of value was discussed.
Nothing happened, this was the most boring april fools tbqh. Thank you Yea Forums(nel), very uncool
So we became Reddit? Glad I wasn't here for that then.
either hard drugs/uppers causing a psychotic episode or she has severe tourette's and this is a bad outburst.
>neither were charged but they both get $500 fines for fighting on a train
What the fuck she was choking him and punching him
she was a female
heads will confirmCoin Flip: Heads
she looks like she has some kind of tourettes shit
Basically. They added a likes feature that counts your total amount and grants you some dumb perks for some milestones. Of course this is used to flex, and because of arbitrary needs to have bigger numbers people started pandering and... It's been basically Reddit for the past day.
"I was merely pretending": the day
She made a fake report about a guy on the train who would assault women. To get him to do so she attacked him, later claiming that he violently raped her with his eyes.
He was sentence to 60 years in prison and she was paid 40,000 dollars for her services of cleaning up the streets.
so the usual Yea Forums
you missed mini-posting/drawing
Protect women
Shit that's in my home city (Edmonton) I recognize the LRT
She wanted his Pringles.
lack of bbc
This bitch assaults this guy while he's eating chips and minding his own business but the entire train rushes to her defense when he defends himself.
Honestly if he had straight knocked her on her ass during the choking or hair pulling then no problem. After he got up and went at her he was done for.
im gay
what board has all this crazy shit posted?
Unfortunately u cant hurt women regardless of what they do. Well maybe if they had a gun. Shit is scary. This stuff rarely happens tho
there's a list of all boards for a reason.
>Crazy bitch attacks you
>Nobody bats eye
>Hit back
>Entire train instantly rushes to your location and you are pinned and arrested by multiple officers
This happened in my city (Edmonton LRT system). She was on drugs.
I very much doubt it. That woman is pretending. Acting. She wanted to cause a scene, thought that if she acts crazy before it she'll get away with it. And it largely worked.
Holy shit imagine that moment she grabbed him by the neck, that's genuinely terrifying. Can anyone here really blame him for going on the offensive and knocking her ass out?
Poor fella,I hope they let him go and apologized after that.
Both fined for $500
Female Priv
I pity these fools. They spent all day here farming irrelevant memepoints which will soon be gone, meanwhile I was farming the real upvotes over on Reddit which will stay on my account until the end of time.🐶
Now stay there.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
See people hate niggers but at least a nigger would had knocked her ass out. Even if he'd get all the blame, crazy people are just as bad because being mental is just bad.
Just like your gaping wound that you call "vagina"
NOOOOOOOO fellow chantards the redditbulls are making fun of us again..
>And it largely worked.
The cops restrained the guy because he was beating on her, but they were both charged for assault. If the guy had kept his cool, he would have called the cops and held her in place until they arrived, but instead he decided to chimp out.
WTF is a Mini
>she's probably just possessed
kek, so all those "real" stories about people being possessed are just about people tweaking on bath salts or some other drug.
>not US
I'm assuming it was Canada because of this, so maybe they don't care about people tweaking out in public.
I want to be spontaneously choked like that.
what isn't a mini
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Heh, on April Fools Day 2019 I got 10000 Yea Forums gold. What a good year, too bad you missed it
Today was genuinely shit. Mods abandoned the board for a good chunk of the day. Apparently, r/gaming got shut down so everyone from that shithole came to this shithole and proved to me that, yes, Yea Forums can indeed become worse. Multiple unspoilered porn and ERP threads hitting bump limit.
I don't even think the Likes thing had anything to do with this, I'm almost certain this day would've been like this regardless.
i was really just pathetic all around, the worst was the erp faggots. honestly wish those people nothing but the worst.
Considering r/gaming was inaccessible and the sheer rampancy of the faggotry today compared to other days, I question whether or not anyone still posting was pretending.
The Risk of Rain 2 threads remained pure.
Some times it's about the respect. No men and women deserve to be treated like fucking dummies
>lawlette becomes confused on how self defense work
Protip: Defense is defense. If you are clearly not in further danger and basically get up to have a full fight because they "swung first" you are not defending yourself. You're just participating in a fight.
He had a right to defend himself at first but afterwards he crosses a line. Dems the rules.
Today proved Yea Forums can be worse.
I want to fuck her!
Yea Forums is fucking stupid, the mods copied Futaba's (the Japanese site moot modeled Yea Forums after) new like system. That's fucking it.
But it was self defense. He had every right to beat her back
god imagine the scent
t. woman
The one excuse that makes her the victim. Poetry..
t. femdom connoisseur
What the fuck is wrong with women?
If he had touched her at all I guarantee she would've claimed rape.
I gave no idea what r/gaming means, but pretending to be an asshole in online discussions is equivalent to being an asshole. Likewise with attentionwhoring and being a retard. Regardless of intention or "irony". Any new unfortunate soul stumbling upon this website would think this rancid behavior is the norm, and will unironically behave like that without pretence. This is what we teach newfags.
r/gaming is the Reddit version of Yea Forums. Apparently the mods of the board shut it down for the day to combat "transphobia, racism, etc.", which, you know, it's April Fool's Day so interpret that however you will. When Yea Forums complains about Reddit, it's not always without reason.
>After she already stopped beating him
That's not what self-defense meant. It's meant as a way for you to get out of a situation through using force, usually restrainment or escape.
It's still dumb that no one tried to restrain the woman while she was beating him.
>Holy shit imagine that moment she grabbed him by the neck, that's genuinely terrifying.
Not really. Woman who probably doesn't do any grip training using one hand to grab with a fully stretched out arm. What I don't get is why the dude doesn't offer any resistance while he's sitting.
>Chimp out
Imagine being so passive you think fighting back is throwing a shit fit.
Damn I thought that was her penis
the woman was on drugs attacked Pringles man. He got pissy and retaliated both got fined 500 bucks for fighting in public.
Did they fuck?
why are people like this even allowed to be out in public
>abbo dude.
Definately his fault. I am sure you fuckers sent them both on a grey hound to vancouver so you can make fun of their homeless problem.
Neither were charged but both received $500 fines for fighting in public.
There has been no explanation for her actions, although the eyewitness filming the video claimed the woman was ‘possessed’ or ‘drugged out’.
I can't believe I just solved a captcha just to give you a like.
No idea, at least he wasnt drinking and driving.
Is this the demonic possession people speak of? Jezebel caught on camera?
>this video was uploaded to xvideos
I became popular
I became epic
very insightful post
dont care for the thread and i was wondering if the reddit features still work♨️
Well, this is confirmation that the being in the OP is, indeed, a woman.
Poor guy probably left his pringles in the train.
Holy based.
it was slightly more shitposting an average day and that's about it
The absolute state of Christfags.
Not likely fedoralord.
He looks like the brother of the potion seller.
He was just making sure that he and other people would be safe from further assaults. A retaliation from a fended off attacker often leads to a more severe event.
the REAL april fool's joke is the fact that this shit's actually staying
Reminder to pray to Jesus daily, or this could happen to you
Some user pointed out it's gonna stay until Easter or for a few days but I don't buy it.
more like forever
Because he's in shock you idiot, there's a difference between getting in a fight with someone while trading blows then straight up being grabbed by the neck by someone who seems mentally unstable. He probably thought he was going to die.
Praying to imaginary friends is what makes this happen to you, retard.
Let me see
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Why the fuck he continues to sit next to her?
>responding to anti-christian jabs with outdated Reddit-tier memes
God, modern Christians are fucking shit.
You are just a dumbass or a nutjob or both