Nazi Burger. One last time.
Nazi Burger. One last time
Why is 1488 a Nazi number again?
Nazi and Burgerpilled
Can Hitlercat has cheeseburger?
14 words - we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
88 - eighth letter of the alphabet twice - hh - heil hitler
>posters: 14
>replies: 88
the 88 precepts and the 14 words
now give likes
or this, it's completely
u just did this same thing in my brawl thread >:( get out hamster
I actually got a second one of these a month later.
88 precepts?
88 Receipts?
>no pickle
Based and Hitlerpilled
Google is your friend
nice feet
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Posting until I get 1488 likes
no more likes for you
Boogie1488 amirite
You could have just said it was a neo Nazi manifesto thing u prick
Okay then.
I'd eat there.