gentlemen, the apex of soul in a video game.
Gentlemen, the apex of soul in a video game
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that was the lack there of you fag.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
if heads game badCoin Flip: Heads
>blocks ur path
Slow paced garbage
>Not 64
nigger i've been playing from the beginning, and i can guarantee this is a lie
I see your point BUT the only issue I had was the dulled out colors.
no it ain't, if anything it has the most soul because that is where they took a chance making a fighting game for their IPs.
Well it did have a great cover, and the most consistently great soundtrack of any Smash game. A lot of Ultimate's new tracks honestly weren't that great.
It blew Melee out of the water in every aspect except for the actual gameplay. Also, no Mewtwo sucked
>replies: 11
>posters: 7
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
How the absolute FUCK is the first Smash not the most soulful game in the series, nay, in all of gaming? It's the first mugen that didn't have to happen, all thanks to one dead man.
I really liked the grittier art style even if a lot of other folk didn't. Just feels unique in comparison to the rest of the series, and it's interesting to see all of the characters done int hat fashion but still have it look good. Great soundtrack too, but 64 still has the best FD theme
Your fortune: Good Luck
same for 4 :( kind of a letdown
i like that it went for a really muted palette, honestly made the game for me come off with a classical odyssian vibe from like greek mythology or something. maybe it was the subspace emissary that did this to me
see u will not refute this
what? nah for me it just looked like it was trying to look realistic with lesser colors. Give me the vibrant colors, that's real soul right there. Dulled colors just shows a lack of soul if anything.
>muh latin music
Look I like it too, but come on. Respect your elders user.
he still has a point.
you cant refute this game and say it has no soul when literally these dolls are given life and that life is to fight! all those anime fighting sound effects. every thing in the 64 version was truly all soul, Because they knew they were taking a chance.
the only reason to go back to it is the stages that were cut from ultimate and the subspace emissary
dis dude gets it.
OP learn respect you wont get far unless you learn from the past and what makes soul really SOUL.
The culture around hype was fun at the time but OP please that game was absolute trash.
the only thing that this series created was the Smash world. Basically all these characters arent even the originals of their series but trophy avatars with the same abilities as their originals but made for fighting.
Not a bad idea for the next story actually. Make the next story about how the smash characters arent the originals and them finding out their originals and the worlds they live in.
nig i've been playing from the begining like i said. got it for my 7th birthday when it was new
again it's so disenfranchise from the rest of the games it's actually like trying to include evil dead 1 when talking about what makes the rest of the series good
Melee babies and neo-zoomers BTFO
>Dude opera lmoa
>gritty shitty art style is 'soul'
>wii game no less
Oh please.
I actually kind of miss the original game's "lore." I honestly find a lot of the latest game's Eldritch horror shit to be kind of lame. Smash 64 was more about the representing of individual Nintendo franchises, and less dumping everyone into a generic fantasy environment to fight some creature. But I guess that's what happens with 70+ characters.
>again it's so disenfranchise from the rest of the games
you wot m8? no for real tho, 64 was all soul and to ignore it because it was ... what? disenfranchised the series? yet with out it we would never have such a strong series. OP you gotta give me an actual argument here.💔
That's my main issue with shit like SE and WoL. There's no real context for the world all these characters are in. It's a crossover fighting game, I know, but I wish there was some sense to it.🏀
well this wasnt a bad place to go really. I mean Tabuu was one thing but they cant go any further unless it's something that can affect the world around them.
Still if you played the WiiU version on level 9 and beat the black shade far enough you get that platform part where you have to beat the shit out of those core pieces. That was really cool. I wish they brought that back.
>Shitty rushed story mode
>Cut content
>No targets, homerun, or any of the other single player modes. not even a fucking boss rush mode
>has more soul than brawl
that's gonna be a yikes from me pal
I think Brawl is a bit more soulful that Ultimate... But Quality is correct.
I was kind of hoping that World of Light was going to be more of an expansion of Melee's adventure mode. I liked going to the different Nintendo specific worlds, and fighting Like Likes, Topis, Goombas, etc.
there is actually.
it's just the Smash world.
Where they break the 4th wall of sorts but in the end they still fight for our amusement.
ultimate has quality only in the roster department.
I was hoping for at least that or an expanded Smash Run with game inspire areas. Most of the overworld in WoL doesn't really look like something from a particular game except for maybe the maze, dracula's castle, and zelda area in the darkworld.
I was hoping for an expanded smash run. That was perfect. A huge arena for us to run around in and fight all those mixtures of smash baddies and video game baddies.
dude world of light was a huge disappointment imo. All it was was challenge mode but they slapped a 2d over world on it that was boring as fuck and no adventure to it really. Adventure requires movement through a world not walk on top of it.
>super smash bros brawl
>sonic unleashed
>animal crossing city folk
>peak roblox
Why was 2008 so soulful?
Dracula's Castle was the best part of WoL. It needed more of that, and the DKC zone. And Smash Run being a 3DS exclusive mode is just tragic. I just think Nintendo isn't leveraging the whole Nintendo thing in Smash enough.
I'm honestly surprised they cut Smash Run. It would have worked well on the Switch. Even an online mode could've been interesting.
City Folk was the most disappointing game in the series. Nintendo couldn't even be bothered to make new music for it.
Hell, I can't think of a video game with LESS soul than Brawl. The absolute polar opposite of soul.
Doesn't mean I regret putting over 2000 hours into it though.
I don't get even how people enjoy it over SE. Subspace had a ton of problems, but it's at least a decent enough experience. There's nothing well designed about world of light. Cool references here and there, but it's just tedious and then completely trivial. I'm near the very final battle between Dharkon and Galeem. Every spirit battle at this point is a joke because I can just forward smash with Ganon and win. It's been like that since I got to the dark world really.
you mean the master fortress? Also, you can still get to the master fortress on level 8.0 as long as you don't get game over and it's much easier
True, but at least the AC fandom still had soul back then. NL was great but all the newcomers coupled with Isabelle shilling made everything go to shit in 2014.
dungeons with platforming instead of themed matches would have been perfect. Imagine going through a dracula themed dungeon like the hyrule underground in melee and fighting mosnters.
oh yeah? I think there is something even more special you get at level 9. cant remember but I did it with my favorite character.
I didnt know people liked it over SE or even smash run. I think it was because it's the newest one. If anything they could have just made a Machinima like story line with with plenty of dialogue or none at all but make the arenas the destination of each adventure mode. Melee did this too and it was fucking great.
>I'm honestly surprised they cut Smash Run. It would have worked well on the Switch. Even an online mode could've been interesting.
I think they were trying to get players to stop ignoring challenge mode too much.
I mean if you look at Nintendo and especially Sakurai, they experiment with the audience to see what can they make the most boring parts of the game better and this was their experiment. I dont think it succeeded.
>Dracula's Castle was the best part of WoL.
I honestly thought Draculas castle was going to be a scroll level like new Mario levels. Turns out it's not. and it's just one area. that was such a let down.
nah, it's the same I played it more than I did any other mode. you have to go through
>master/crazy hand
>fortress wave 1
>fortress wave 2
>master core
This is sadly true. Nothing comfier than Wild World wi-fi exploring new towns with complete strangers before Nintendo ruined text chat in NL.
well damn I just it on 9 then to prove I could. I did. Hey in Ultimate did they patch it again to where the FE characters got buffed. Last time I played Chrom had too much launch power and had too much defence despite him racking up damage.
imagine if it was like this
fucking kids
Coin Flip
It's not even that. Think about AC's online fandom prior to NL. There was no true mascot character and everyone had their favorite, unlike now where you might as well give up if you're drawing anyone other than Isabelle. Or how about the OC like player1 or accomicsguy, how often do you see the nu-fans making stuff like that? I'd take tired "nook is a crook lol he's the mafia" jokes over "LOL WHAT IF ISABELLE WORE A SHIRT SAYING FUCK????" any day of the week. What about the 2006 movie? Most nu-fans don't even know there was a movie and think you're talking crazy when you tell them otherwise.
Even though I only got into AC in early 2012, I definitely noticed how different (and worse) things became about a year and a half after NL's US release. To make things worse it's not like other fandoms where there's a clear divide between old and new. Everything's sort of blurred and other people who share my sentiment come along once in a blue moon. Maybe I'm just talking out my ass here but it feels like the pre-NL fandom was outright wiped off the internet with only bits and pieces remaining.
I know I've gone completely off topic here and sound like a whiny boomer but I genuinely love AC and am tired of feeling like I'm against everyone else who does. At least I've seen a lot of people here who feel the same way.
I honestly haven't enjoyed any AC as much as the original GC one. Not too sure why, but I get bored going back to WW and CF pretty quickly. However, AC just keeps me hooked for weeks.