Oh yeah that happened
Oh yeah that happened
Lets see
>cameo coop only
>bloody palace is generic boss rush, still no coop
>potato juggling combat
>all moves cancel into each other, combos are mindless
>V is the gayest character
>no playable Virgil
>Dantes cowboy hat has instakill on DMD mode
>story is incredibly short
>No difficulty until after SOS
Fuck this mindless game
finna summon vorgilsaurus to dab on you shitposting niggers
>replies: 3
>posters: 4
what's wrong with that cat
Fornicate Thou.
and it was glorious
>he wanted co-op
Fuck you, I hope they patch OUT co-op so I can actually combo proto angelo without some big goo monster smashing him out of the way halfway through
The dumbest shit is the game wholly expects you to spam gold orbs on death.
That might be what Divergence is.
playing bloody palace was hardly different from playing main story thanks to almost nonexistent level design
we live in grim future where even Senran Kagura has better levels and we aren't even allowed to have that
no it doesn't, git gud. gold orbs are crutch so casuals can continue when facing boss they can't deal with
you're going to run out of golden orbs before DMD really starts to get wild
turn it off, dummy.
Senran Kagura is also dead.
XV fucking sucks dick holy shit, what was SE thinking? should've made XIII-3
Well bloody palace doesn't interrupt you every 30th floor by forcing you to play as someone else.
Yes it does, fuck off. The game blows it's load handing out yellow orbs and you can either get back into the fight death after death like a pleb and it's entirely allowed until faggots finally autopilot the enemies health bar down. Meanwhile otherwise you're waiting for the character to die and go through 1-3 minutes of menus and loading screens. You can git gud, but the series now panders to the lowest common denominator.
No, it doesn’t. You just suck ass.
yeah, 5 including items like these gold orbs and spending red orbs for free damage and DT was a stab in the back to the playerbase.
Whatever you say nerd. They're allowing players to faceroll through their games with this garbage. Could have even allowed me an option to turn off the gold orb and just automatically skip the kneeling shit, but nah. Use them orbs up senpai!
Smoke a dick bitch.