Do spaniards... really do this?
Do spaniards... really do this?
No, it's known as Bomberman.
This article was probably edited by a sudaca.
I don't get it.
Yes they do. A lot.
We constantly make fun of them cause of it.
Spain is fucking something alright. Why they cant be chill like the Portuguese?
spaniards are the worst race in human history
if heads god agrees with meCoin Flip: Heads
Translations are retarded. "Bomberman" is translated into "Don Pepe and the Balloons"
Anyone else thought bomberman meant bombero in spanish as a kid?
to be fair the game had baloon monsters in it
>joder jolines joder tio macho madre mia cani que mola que te ha quedado topeguay hostias cani que estoy flipando en colores tio joder jolines joder onda vital songoanda bejeta tranks gÓku lobezno a todo gas tu a londres y yo a california la jungla de cristal el tio golpetazo
God I fucking hate sp*niards so much. I wish Kim Jong Un would nuke them all already.
Disregard skin tones in this -very accurate- visual representation of the topic at hand.
Yes, spaniards quite literally translated everything in the most literal sense of the words.
For example, the OG Dragon ball opening theme has no rhythm to it, its a mess of words that are direct translation from the original song. they didnt even bother to make sense out of it.
don't forget
Bombero means Firefighter
Who cares, we're the ones who forced you sudaca subhumans to speak our language anyway lmao.
Your language is shit and we should all adopt English as our main language. Also see
and then you proceeded to make it worse while we improved it.
except chileans, that is
Spain, lmao
kys cuck
>Oh no I just got BTFO, better use some buzzwords to diffuse the situation!
Sp*niards are disgusting.
But the first game on PCs was literally called that.
It was also called Eric and the Floaters in some places as well.
>abandoned an entire grammatical conjugation (vosotros), subsequently introducing unnecessary ambiguity into the language and resulting in an overall loss of grammatical diversity
I say this is an SSL
and yet you still speak Spanish lel.🐸
No mames wey, que puto asco me da leer eso.
They are known as the niggers of Europe for a reason. For many reasons in fact.
But it's so logical. Spanish has a familiar second person singular (tu) and a formal one (usted, short for vuestra merced). It only makes sense that there should therefore be two second person plural forms, one familiar (vosotros) and one formal (ustedes). By removing vosotros from the equation, the language as a whole loses grammatical nuances which enrich it as a whole.
It also introduces ambiguity, ie "están lejos" without context could mean "they are far away" or "you (all) are far away". This would be avoided entirely by just using "estáis lejos", in which case there would be no doubt at all as to who was the subject of the sentence.
TL;DR I'm a language autist ignore me
Ya cállate a la verga, desagradable esp*ñol de mierda.
ya le he dicho que el espanol no es mi primer idioma
No, we called it Bomberman. Don Pepe y los globos was from a ZX Spectrum game, Balloon Hopper I believe. Pic related is where it came from.
Who Don Ramon here?
El Chavo is a timeless masterpiece that im glad only Latin people get to enjoy.
>Who Don Ramon here?
Faggot. I main Ron Damon.
post more neng
I don't care what you think about the old spanish reinterpretations in translations, Humor Amarillo was the shit and I miss it dearly, the only reason I watched Cuatro
>mfw I will never watch again how chino cudeiro dies before siesta
Says a lot about spanish monkeys when they spend their free time fighting over
South America is Africa 2.0, and Spain is the Mexico of Europe.
will mexicucks ever stop being obssesed with us?
Ahh English, that language where the guy who did the pronunciation and the guy who did the writing never fucking met.
Man, Cuatro used to be the good shit. We had Humor Amarillo, Sé lo que hicisteis, old El Hormiguero... Think we even had WWE on there, it was called Pressing Catch if I'm not mistaken.
I wanna go back.
>le irrelevant third world country flamewars general
Report, sage, hide.
And mods, please, rangebang the spics before they make more Dragon Ball threads, that anime is absolute fucking cancer.
>Don Pepe
IIRC most English words are spelled the way they were pronounced like 400 years ago, and a lot of french words are literally just spelled in the original french which uses very different spelling conventions.
>irrelevant third world country flamewars
this isn't the US thread fatty boy
Ah yes, everyone knows that third world communist-land and piece of Africa in Europe land are very important in the world stage.
And to add something, most of these names where pirated versions of this exact game, and they where more names like "rescate en avion"
US may be a third world shithole but irrelevant, it absolutely is not
Literally who.
Sadly Pepe didn't know how to control a air balloon,
So it crashed to his death.
Sure is videogames in here
>not your first language
>still defending spaniards
could you sink any lower?
why are third world countries so agressive
never said it was you ego-inflated fatty, stay obsessed
must be relevant in terms of black crime and obesity rates i suppose lmao
You seem to be implying South America isn't a crime ridden shithole and that there's no fat people in Spain.
Yes, all the time.
That's rich, coming from a m*slim hellhole
norf america souf america, what's the fucking difference? you're all fucking monkeys
it ain't like you're not the undisputed champs of being fat fucks either
A daily reminder to our wanabee fascist neighbours to please try and hide their powerlevel and to please stop being such potent autists online.
I do not care about you being tsundere over us beating seven shades of shit over you, I do not care if they put estrogen in your water, stop snorting coke&cock and being wanabee giggolo fucks. Also thanks for letting me cross the border and get hella good prices on gas and sweets.
what historical event is your picture referencing
1755 Lisbon Earthquake user. Its a good read, you can really feel that it was some poetry tier bs that happened.