How fast can we die
UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
They repeated the VTYoutuber joke with Lex again, no lore dumps either. I hope they have something to show for at EVO with how lax they've been.
>no april fools this year
hippie would you fucking pick netplay friendly stages jesus
I'm going to just assume I won that last game for my own sanity
how do I block that rekka cross up shit, I didn't save the replay because I was tilted
No official Valentines/White Day illustration either. Optimist in me says they're working on something.
My bad, I keep choosing random. I even restarted my router before lobby start.
I only seem to have really big issues with lamp.
>rekka cross-up
I'm +1 if I delay it as much as possible on the 2nd hit. I fuck it up as much as I keep myself safe without meter.
Don't worry fellas, this game will blow up after the update and evo.
we gonna get knocked off in 20 minutes again?
It's already at the top
We seem to have people compared to last night where it was just me, sai, lamp, and bench
surely you're not that gullible
I wonder if DBFZ is still at the bottom as it was back in February
Yeah, more people to drop the game. This is like the 4 or 5th wave of "new players that'll liven up the community".
I also mostly meant about how fast the board is moving, I have no worries thinking of the series' actual popularity.
The only person he lies to is his dietician
what update? like new game or just a patch?
wiz is a rat through and through, would you really believe someone who wears orange in public that frequently
Considering that they've promised an update since last year, everyones expecting a new character + balance change after EVO
excite for adelheit
Pure speculation. We can only assume they're still working on new stuff though, and a mainstage showing at EVO would be a great place to announce it and get more eyes on the game so that seems likely.
I couldn't say anything yesterday but GGs on Sunday afternoon, those were a lot of fun and I definitely learned a ton. Looking forward to going over the matches when I have the time.
Makes me wonder if they had plans to announce them earlier before they got the EVO spot.
>Re-Births this early
I'll apologize for the lag now and for the future.
why does she have a blue virus from superstar saga on her hat?
h-how soon
ggs. You definitely improved during the set, seeing as you stopped eating my jump back kuugas. I got a little impatient near the end which I haven't quite shaken off yet though. I've been blowing meter to extend blockstrings when I don't need it.
Is there a discord you guys are in? Picked up byakuya and I need to get my ass beat.
Maybe after Kaguya and Londrekia. Both have files in the game but the former doesn't even have a voice or portrait while Uzuki has both
nah I played a few sets with Dia 3 games/set and 3 rounds/game, back and forth for like an hour and a half
fucking around yesterday was pretty fun in spite of the lag though
None specifically made for this place because it'd make these threads redundant. Plus I'm not a fan of what discords tend to bring.
Go join the main one for general advice and shit, you can just get your ass beat here.
Oh right, you guys did plan on that.
I've been waiting since UNIB.
long sets like that are the best for learning, plus you get to hear the basically unused 4/5th clause voicelines
>no (big lead)
Well, it was expected.
We haven't moved an inch in the story aside from explaining how much dust we've got on the shoes to make the journey. If Executor 1 can body the playable cast, then we're not ready for Adelheit unless you want her to be like Parace from AH and just be boss only.
who else here waldstein main
I guess I should ask where do you guys get the info on who's getting added to the game? I saw everyone before during UNIEL that wagner was coming but never found out how people knew. is there a site or news feed people are seeing and im just too dumb to find?
We have like 3-4 but they haven't shown up for a couple weeks.
I mess around with him tho
Good shit though Dia, I really got you with those slashes in the first round.
Literally everything is in Japanese so I can't blame you. Wagner in particular was hinted at in Chaos' ending as well as design concepts shown since UNIB. The developers stream very frequently and Wagner and Enkidu happened to win character popularity polls for next playable character status. The dev's own twitter is the best place for news.
So in this case, Londrekia has a bunch of files for his arcade mode run dialogue and intro blurb
That was a stressful one. Certainly got my skin crawling.
no pc lobby?
ah, I didn't know you could EX cancel if you whiffed that. I should really find a good Wald player and play a bunch of sets.
I'm used to it at this point, I never expect our games to be onesided
Most of use are probably still point whoring for a bit
make one and I'll play you between my PS games :^)
>Good Wald Player
Finding one is pretty tough and the gap between beginner and good are pretty big since the only walds I fought online were literally argenrhost and saikyo
kw: pclobby
There's a pretty good one on /afgg/ named Frankentank. At least he's really good in my opinion.
Not sure how often you can find him there since he doesn't go by name there but if you ask for people to join your lobby there, chances are high that you'll come across him.
Is it better to do TK kuuga into 66B like that or TK kuuga into 5C?
tfw 5 people join
I just didn't think at all that match.
I hope in time and I'll have that TK kuuga connection following 214AA/214BA locked down. Fun times!
TK kuuga is +6 or something, you could likely do whatever you want with reckless abandon
I actually ran into him when I was fucking around in ranked today, but I know he was in /ggg/ and typically plays grapplers as well
Holy shit you PC fuckers are crawling out of the woodwork, show yourselves. Unreal thirst for a lobby. Sorry about that lolb and ps lobby, I miscalculated how long I had to play that out.
>full pc lobby
Ah so it's a matter of preference at the time then. Good to know, thanks!
Good to hear PC is thriving.
10 mins in and the lobby fills up.
God dammit, shouldve shield buffed
made another one
pw: pclobby2
Yeah, Frank is really good. He's pretty much my /afgg/ rival at this point.
>you lived long enough to see PC lobby outnumber PS lobby
Yep. I've only ever beat him 1 time out of the 50 or so matches he's given me so far.
reminder hyde isn't good
it seems like you're all just lurking the threads waiting for someone to put a lobby up, one of you should just bite the bullet and put a lobby up when you get here even if it means having 3 people for a bit
Holy fuck hippie. Fix your fucking internet. I did.
Wonder how long that'll last
Hippienet strikes again
joke's on you, I only lurk even after lobbies are put up
Read 2 frames of lag for me
It said 8 frames for me
I can confirm thats always been the case
Darn, and hear I wanted to try that easy wall combo with 214AB and went with my muscle memory BnB instead hahaha.
Nice Wald grabs hippie.
Why are you people like this
You 5A spammed me out of a couple of them. Keep getting 214 instead
I'm not good enough to start lobbies
I restart my router and the connections are still bonked
Who fucking cares. Play
what does being good have to do with starting lobbies?
ggs. everyone. Need to go to bed. Have another early day tomorrow.
make me
guess i'll be the one to bite the bullet so we can keep the lobby going.
what are you even doing in these threads?
I made a shit ton of lobbies when I was new.
run some speed tests and see if your ISP is throttling you, that could be the case based on my experience
fuck comcast
I started rooms to cut down the roombegging but then christmas and work started cutting in on my consistency.
I can guarantee its not about how good you are.
I don't have a good reason for it, I could join either pc or ps4 lobby. My only real reasons are it's sorta late and I usually focus more on BBCF
ouch! my other excuse is i have to run it in linux since my windows partition suicided so i don't know how stable my game would be with it
aw man dia left?
I don't think he's noticed that the lobby blew up or he swapped on over for PC
Oh, that explains it
I thought I was gonna get IWed for sure there. Fun match Icy hahaha.
Wait what? Did I lose against Sai?
Am I actually starting to get dementia?
Pretty sure you beat me 2-0 there. Maybe you're seeing things?
But why did I get put back into the list?
Hmm, maybe the lobby rules are set to 2 consecutive wins?
I hope so, my memory has been fucking with me a lot as of late. I hope these aren't the signs of the dementia arc of my life.
Well it's either that or the buggy lobby is causing issues.
thanks for the games hippie. going to play RoR2 with a friend. Hope we can play again some time.
Yeah, I'm assuming the lobby blew up right as I left. Good night, catch all of you tomorrow.
Sean I think it's lamp's connection that's wonky in conjunction to mine. The first lobby's blow-up was when icey and lamp fought
Performance anxiety.
Not playing isn't going to help it.
Fuck it, convincing these sorts of people is fruitless.
Hnnnggg! That's what I get for jumping in, haha.
I HAVE to stop fucking pressing something after j214x
God I hate stands
At least we keep the thread bumped and share art.
im bad at hyde
imagine having performance anxiety during casual games. no one cares, just play
Don't think this place really had trouble with that outside of the first couple months.
Just play character nobody plays. Then they won't expect you to play good.
Like Carmine, Vatista, Chaos or Seth.
What the fuck, I swear I lost the time out judging from the HP bars. Or maybe I'm just blind...
Yo what did you think of that second round atic? I actually did a tech throw OS thing with my 5c and it actually caught you. I also didn't teleport at all and block most of the advances.
Whatever you guys do, don't tell all the scrubs about the secret, good-player-only discord where we secretly make fun of everyone who ever does shit like drops a combo, misses an input or guess a mixup wrong.
If you actually got 5CAD off that's great. Try to continue practicing it.
Who the fuck cares about what some furries say?
I could absolutely be convinced to play, I've played with you all on multiple occasions. Probably not tonight though.
Fuck off
Good catch hippie!
I think it was a 5cad since it hit but you weren't going for an anti air and I couldn't tell if you would try to grab.
Nice timing on that exploding pizza. Maybe B Hien could've been fast enough to skip that?
my audio fucked up and there were only ingame sounds until round two lmao
That wrapping flame though! Cool match!
lmao, that match had some cursed shit in it
hippie give me a side switch combo with hyde
the one I use drops on like half the cast
Eltnum mirrors are super cursed
Thanks to everyone that gave me the advice to go to NorCal Regionals. Bought a spectator pass so I didn't end up competing, but got a bunch of casual matches in and had a blast. Even learned some new tricks while I was there, of which I'm barely using tonight.
It might be placebo, but it feels like there's a real difference between watching a video online and seeing high level play right in front of you when it comes to learning new things
I fucking forgot how to do a 236c motion at the end. Thank god I still won.
Mines been dropping all over the place.
2A > 2B > 2C > 5[C] > jC > j2C > 66C > 236AA > 236BB
That one gets you the set-up
The easier one I use is just
2A > 2B > 2C > 5[C] > jA > jC > j2C > 66C > FF > 22B
Or just
2A > 5B > 5C > jA > jC > j6C > 66C > whatever
I was surprised to find out GO1 came back to compete in uni again. Leave it to him to just play top tiers again and pick Phonon when he was a Gord main in Late.
Guess he wasn't practiced enough to beat Tari though.
All these matches I'm observing with Park have been sweat inducing on how close they've been. Nuts!
Congrats on having a good time!
time to go back and practice my corner FF route and my CVO route, I blew way too many chances to win that
I have no idea why the fuck I'm tilting so hard tonight
aw man I did a lot worse in that match. I tried to do that 5cad thing too many times.
that'll happen when you can't close out rounds and tilt, I could have gotten 3rd at my local but I am the undisputed king of bad drops
Thanks for the games, pclobby2, was my first Eltnum experience so I'm extra glad I finally got a little bit of exp.
GGs man
Mistakes were made! You seem to have me entrapped with that pressure tonight atic. That first mistake of forgetting to hold back is one of many I'll need to fix to get my self in the right state to combat all those thrusts.
Aw man. I shoulda won that since I had the come back factor.
should I pick up another character for bad mus like merk/vatista/yuzu or is it just a git gud moment
Who are you playing and how new are you
akatsuki 200 hrs
git gud and learn how to dash block
Your fortune: Average Luck
When everything goes down hill from one missed confirm...
GGs tone, it's good to see you again.
>when you're just out of range for your VO route to hit and you get punished for it and waste all your meter
same. you're still the same bully as always
why must you wound me
I guess that was better if I took a round, but I still felt at a disadvantage the entire time. Also my ability to rebeat after finding out I can do 2a moves in a combo still messed me up. I wish I had learned about that sooner.
I wish I could do better against atic but I dunno.
>2a moves in a combo
Part of me says you should have noticed how everyone else was doing it
But the other part of me says I'd be stupid to expected you'd notice that on your own.
I don't think that CVO was worth it. I would have gotten KO'd in another touch either way and weren't likely to catch me with a 22A or a pizza to close it out. I think having CS would have better served you to bring in the win.
Didn't mean to quote.
ggs pc lobby
There was no coming back from that game after my desperation to win that round. Nice plays Lamp!
I'm heading out too pc lobby. I've got work and class tommorow.
I'm slightly salty that I was always 2nd player so I never got to choose the track
All the other character have tons of other command normals that I don't recognize which is which. Plus it's hard to remember if I started with a 2a or 5a so I can't remember which a to press.
I guess I should also ask, how come even though I keep fight people a lot better than me, and I keep getting bodied, I still feel like I'm not improving or getting any better? is it just a time thing or am I too ingrained in bad habits to break?
the people you're fighting are improving as well
Well, how long have you been playing? And are you watching pro matches, labbing stuff, and trying to incorporate something new every couple weeks?
Nothing was stopping you going into training mode and seeing how they looked like
Great match hippie. super close.
Icey are you still planning on putting up VODs/strims? as much as I love going through saved matches youtube videos are 1000x easier
my dashblocks never fucking work
You have to actively be trying to get better. Identify what you're doing wrong, absorb and lab against what other people are doing, et cetera. Simply grinding matches is important but it's not enough. That's how you end up with ranked warriors that lose to people with a fraction of their playtime.
I have done that but it's difficult to remember all of them. Plus people do it so fast and don't always end on a moves that I can't keep up.
Trying something new, atic?
From everywhere I've asked and seen on streams they all tell me UNIST is more lively on PC.
If you want me to stream them just ask. I always forget to do it but I don't mind streaming the matches if you ask me.
Total? about 170 hours. online maybe 20. I watch pro stuff occasionally, and I do lab things pretty regularly, I just think i cant pull them off in an actual match, and i keep fucking up my inputs from jitters
Remember everyone else is also learning from these fights.
The way I see it, despite how much I bitch about being dead last in skill here, I still know I could beat myself from months ago no problem so there is progress happening. Just think back to how you used to play and see whats changed.
Autopiloting mostly. Been kinda busy and also just not as motivated the past week to break my muscle memory enough and try new things.
You don't tend to grab/throw this much either.
Thanks for playing all these matches with me lolb. We've probably done hundreds at this point and my GRD management, UI awareness, and spacing have skyrocketed because of it
Up until like 2-3 months ago PC lobbies were hardly a thing around here. PSN is just more "lively" with its community because that's what these threads started with.
Both platforms got a boost thanks to popularity but PC is probably more universal for the larger crowd.
I know that feeling. 170 hours is peanuts and I was pretty bad for hundreds of hours past that point, just keep at it and focus on a couple things at a time.
Yeah, it's the laziness. If I were playing smarter I would be baiting throw tech attempts more as well.
I gotta rewatch how hippie approaches Icy as Enkidu it seems.
I was chasing a carrot that whole time.
I'm new, give me wald tech
that would be great, I can just use OBS to record sessions on PC but PS is a pain
ggs, it's about time to call it a night
Go learn mission mode if you haven't
I have to stay as far away as possible as Yuzu or Enki just fucks her up.
Oh plus you weren't using any of hismoves to close the distance.
ggs pclobby
Popular day PC boys, ggs.
It just dawned on me, Hyde's VA is the eh nandatte guy right?
ggs PC lobby. Didn't realize how late it was getting, having too much FUNâ„¢
Yes, I relizied this like 6 months ago as well. He even says it in game.
Yeah, it's the same weird blonde/black hair to boot. At least Hydes got a girl he's gunning for
i hope they don't forget about unique voicelines for matchups in the next update
its always nice to hear gordeau pissed as fuck when he fights wagner
They'd need to advance the plot for more of those to start showing up.
I want them to stop hiding unique win quotes between a mountain of generic ones.
He's aiming for the not trap.
I'm glad I stopped keeping up with it
You should see who else Hilda voices
Congrats m8!
Well he dated her or something and then broke up with her if I remember correctly. I think the novels end with everyone not getting the dick.
Yeah, just look out for it in particular and you should be able to parry most of the time on reaction.
Great execution going there Lamp. Also nice parries earlier!
With the voice hilda has this doesn't surprise me in the least but I know what I'm watching later on.
Sounds like a recipe for disaster. At least it wasn't like that other novel with the blue haired girl where all the fanbase tore up their novels over MC getting used goods IIRC.
Now to do some research!
I have to remember lamp doesn't respect shit
He should've just dated the sister. That always ends well.
Speaking of the VAs in this game Yuzu's just went on an indefinite hiatus today.
I only know this because it was all over all the Granblue Fantasy discussions I saw today
Thinking is not my strong suit
>Look up Yuzuriha's VA aside from knowing she voiced Nine
Oh, she voiced by favorite girl from HnG
That match will be worth watching later. Thanks for showing me how the matchup plays out better compared to my attempts hippie.
Oh shid yuzu gonna get killed off
How fucking long ago was Kannagi, jesus christ
Fuck I thought I had another chance. Didn't realize it was the third match.
Just don't ever leave your blockstrings hanging with 2C/5C, I made one too many mistakes there.
Roger. I guess those are the most punishing ones? Also forgetting to dive kick after FF has got me punished more times than I'd like to count.
I've expressed my lament about Enkidu's frame data and his heavy buttons are the biggest contender for shit recovery with them being like -15 and -17 on block.
>forgetting to divekick after FF
If you whiff the divekick you can't cancel into anything else except j236C.
Good to know. I'll be more careful with FF then!
That was pretty neat. Didn't know you could cancel 66C into divekick.
Presumably that also leads to the 2A combo starter?
how to get in when playing against hilda?
Ive honestly never felt like yuzus voice fit her. Too high pitched and squeaky for whats supposed to be a mature character
I swear I counted like 3 times the game lagged before I got grabbed.
I thought you were on my side, shitty connections
Have you met someone in their early 20's?
Who are you playing
Really depends which hits. The 66C, the divekick, if it's Havoc, etc. Both are big starters anyway so they can usually go for longer than your average 2A combo
It seems like she's just goofing around like 80% of the time.
>Who are you playing
Generally learn to dashblock and not assault so much if the Hilda keeps tagging you with her buttons. Shield the pillar and keep her within arms reach with TK kuugas. She'll die once she hits the corner.
thank you based user
have a like
Try rolling in if she doesn't punish low.
my 236c just didn't come out. I legit forgot but I'll still count that as a win.
Gahaha, thought I could just power my way through that trap. Guess not.
Dang that was a crazy combo at the end there.
Looks like I'll need to learn to get some DPs going in my combos too.
>DPs in my combos
Guess you haven't done his mission mode yet. If nothing else, his mission mode teaches you his general corner combo route with both 623A/B
Only alittle bit of dabbling though I don't think I made it to the level 4 combos yet.
Did some online navigating to find some simple stuff to do.
Looks like I had better open that up hahaha.
Oh yeah, it's past our usual time.
So I'll end when it gets back to me
I guess thrust doesn't reach full screen after all. It sure as hell feels that way though when slashing
Time flies when you're having fun I guess. Thanks for the usual hosting despite all the early hickups!
Aw man I did so well in the first round.
And this sorta just happened to me, hahaha!
GGs PS lobby. Always a blast despite all the jobbing I put out there. Fun times were had tonight.
Damn kids and their "spend meter to be safe" tricks.
Very strange night for my Yuzu play. I didn't feel all that great but I also think I played pretty well. Though Atic was quick to ruin that idea. Oh well, gonna go play Sekiro or maybe Risk of Rain
>Spend meter to be safe on whiff
Fucking Orie
You can stop bumping.
If you're new, we let threads die when lobbies are over
Strangely enough, there was a second thread created not that long ago.
>Terrible OP image
>Posts are even weirder
I don't know what the point of that was.
Let's go to 20, Lamp.
Oh, they're still playing. Fug me then
You're making me cry atic
Since it's netplay you might just try the dodge instead of parry if you're in stance and see the charged thrust coming.
Wow been so busy with RoR2 I missed this UNIST thread. someone requested a spinning hyde a few days ago and I made it. Not sure if this was the right move he wanted. Anyone got suggestions? Should it be faster?
Can't decide between Ekidu and Orie. Which one would you say is better for someone thats new to 2d fighters? I been playing tekken and soul caliber for years,so i'm familiar with frames and universal concepts
Oh yeah, way faster
Enkidu if you got the patience, he's got shit frame data but is pretty fun
Orie if you want to be more well-rounded and safe.
22 motions are hard
I'll keep trying, but it sucks that a failed parry hurts so much. At least I got a bunch of successful reversals during our matches
2 levels faster
Yeah ggs
I think when you're slashing against Orie, you should have smaller gaps between your first and followup slashes to always CH thrust attempts (you've done it a lot to me before, and Icy finally got it down the past few months after me thrusting between his slashes for ages) and also watch specifically for the windup and charge visual effect to be able to react for the ambitious parry.
That shiny part comes out way too late. Need to look for your thrust pose thing where you draw the rapier backwards to react in time
Any faster and he's not gonna make it.