Dear RNG Jesus, are we going to get Code Vein news soon?
Your fortune: Average Luck
Dear RNG Jesus, are we going to get Code Vein news soon?
Your fortune: Average Luck
Is bannerlord coming in 2019
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Code Vein was the game I was expecting the most this year, but it seems like it became Vaporware.
Fuck me. Why good things can't happen to me?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
I'm also wishing for some more Code Vein news
closed beta (((soon)))
They seem to be posting stuff that isn't news a lot, so I don't think they're sweeping it under the rug. I hope it comes out this year soon.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>very bad luck
Are they? Because that means that they're working on the game and don't want the interest to wane.
I hope you're right. Anime + action RPG is exactly what I need right into my veins.
I wish touhou 17 to bring make touhou incline into where it when 11 or 6 took place
please understand
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Yeah, that picture was posted recently from the official Twitter. I'm hoping that the game is amazing when they finally do release it.
Will monster hunter ever be fun again
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Will Kirby's Air Ride 2 happen soon?
Your fortune: Good Luck
If they make it as good as Nioh, I'll be satisfied.
I thought it looked good so far, so I have high hopes
It's weird how they push Claire even though she does basically nothing
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
wish granted but it's gonna be censored because of sony
She's cute, but she really needs more screentime. I assume the extra content will give her more.
Ninja Gaiden 4 with Itagaki?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
It seems like they wanted to have character episodes like in 2, but ran out of time or something
Or at least that's my theory on why every character's loadout has skills arranged as Character, Character(Upgrade), and Character(Special)
It's interesting how well the "Souls" concept resonated with videogame fans.
>From Software made five games and all of them were commercially successful
>While they never reached the popularity of From Software's titles, clones like Nioh, Lords of The Fallen and The Surge were profitable enough to get sequels (especially Nioh).
>Code Vein's demos had a very positive reception, convincing Bandai Namco to turn a "B project" of sorts it into a main project
I can't believe our daughter is a footfag. This is Zeke's fault.
I guess you could say that they have Soul
I don't know man. I've been getting premonitions that Bamco delayed Code Vein to redo the combat from scratch because they know they will be unfairly compared to Sekiro especially since the latter really set a new standard. The finished game might not even play the same as was shown before.
Eh, as long as the combat system is good, I have no objection.
Your fortune: Outlook good
this hat will get bigger for every day we go without news
That would be a shame. I like the combat system that was shown so far. I would have no objections if they made the game faster, though.
>it's been almost 200 days without news
I don't even really care if it's significantly different from before I just want a game
I have more fun with bamco's AA weeb games than most other titles
There maay be a reason for the lack of news
According to this site Code Vein is coming to Switch
I only hope that Io is really cute
Looks like they cancelled the Xbone version because they realized it will sell next to nothing.
Mind you, the Xbone version could still release in the west since the site is in japanese
Half-Life 3 anytime soon?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
This thread is blessed.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Rolled 39 (1d100)
100 means we get a SMT Nocturne MMO
Is the crystal chronicles remaster coming out before fall?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Deep Down news this year?
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
You did it wrong, user.
Ahem. What the user meant oh fortune teller is whether or not Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles's remaster coming out before fall?
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I don't care how long it'll take. I just want to know if it'll be good.
Your fortune: Good Luck
Will there ever be another custom robo
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Is that supposed to be sarcastic or sincere?
Your fortune: Average Luck
Whelp, it looks like the rumors are in full swing.
Code Vein may indeed coming to Switch
I wish that Cyberpunk 2077 will be 2030 GOTD, and worthy of that tile.
Dear fortune I have got two questions. will Rune Factory 5 let me be gay?
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Will CV get Snoy'd? I really hope not but I need to upgrade my fucking potato anyway
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
FUCK ok will there be cute monster guys to marry?
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
OK time to settle this once and for all
Will Code Vein be Anime Bait with shitty gameplay?
Tails:NoCoin Flip: Tails
will snoy doomposters be banished from all code vein threads forever
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Oh snap. It already looked serviceable imo from the early previews alone