Post your final scores. Let's compare them each other.
Depending on how high or low your score is will determine how you interact with the other anons in this thread.
Post your final scores. Let's compare them each other.
Depending on how high or low your score is will determine how you interact with the other anons in this thread.
Just coasting
Scorelets, get in here so we can "compare" our scores.
Just toasting🐸
help me skelebros i wanna make it
I-its really small.... Please don't tease me too much...
I'm so embarrassed by it....
Fuck, I know I don't post all that much normally, but I just feel so sluggish compared to the 10K anons.
Mock me all you want, ive already achieved skellyhood
This is the ultimate in scorechadding, the realization that the spook is all you need.
>all these big-score anons
W-why are my knees getting weak?
Don't worry user, you can make it too. Don't let anxiety get the best of you. I believe in you.
I'm happy with my score.
I was mostly on another IP all day.
How do I even check✔️
fucking hell, I was gone all day and on the phone for the other half
>only got to shitpost a few hours
not terrible desu
this litteraly took me all day basically ;(
been on here sense like 6pm and its on 1:40am
im scared thats its going to be pulled anysecond lol its already 20mins away from being 2 hours over
skelechads unite
Better you than me
good luck
I barely bothered with farming a good score, but I'll take whatever I got