Help Ratnon to get the cheese by using something you learned from vidya Yea Forums
Help Ratnon to get the cheese by using something you learned from vidya Yea Forums
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oh for fuck's sake
Hope the Shaman knows what to do.
>That first time you play that game
>Talk madshit the whole game until its your turn
>Fuck everything up because you literally don’t know what this is
>Chat spams nube shaman
>Enjoy yourself anyway cause you’re like 15
Good times.
good moves
This is a dino time board
>not pulling the cheese towards him
>No Crotch Grab💔
No, wait, don't jump on-
...anchored plank.
Anchored GHOST plank.
It's not even tangible. Stop jumping through it. Stop.
Right. Plank anchored to ghost plank.
Hold on, I need to put anoth-
Stop. Stop jumping. Stop.
Fine, you impatient shits. BALLOONS.
No, don't go off the left of-
You fucking idiots. I hate you all.
That's it. Time for cannonballs!
[You helped two mice get cheese!]
>Rando: bad shaman
that was supposed to be wrath of cortex, not smooth criminal
fuck rats
there it is
fuck games that do this
cannn i kiss ratanon hehe
ride my marquee across the ravine🏀
how do you reach the fun?
>tfw never got to play it
So is the mouse supposed to be a girl with a dick? It's not like it can be the cheese
kiss my dick
Surprised there's no Transformice edit yet
I want to fuck that mouse.
thats bad rats
>girl with a dick
Did you fail anatomy class? Girls don't have dicks.
Then how come I have a whole folder full of pics of feminine penises?
i like both girls with and without dicks
i have never fucked a girl with a dick, and i find masculine man body repulsive
join the best side
I am NEVER going there with my going into games machine lol
>feminine penises
No such thing
>i have never fucked a girl with a dick, and i find masculine man body repulsive join the best side
The best side is men with masculine bodies.
How'd I do?
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Is that goku
It was supposed to be Wolf
I know for a fact this will help in the long run🐱
where's the joke buckley
transformice was such a fucking good game
>tail not in a heart shape
ba is ba
ba sed
With pleasure!
Rolled 17 (1d100)
I roll to jump the cliff
>I want to suck a dick but I’m scared of being called a fag
That’s all they are, ignore them.