Darli Dagger

>put a strong black woman in your game
>people complain and rally for boycotts

So this...is the power...of modern gamers....woah......

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Other urls found in this thread:


AAK needs to stfu imho

isnt that the unimportant side character that hangs out with the redhaired nigger from ff9?

cute musclegirl

For fucks sake, if you want to cultivate the narrative that people are calling for a boycott at least post a screenshot of people actually calling for a boycott. Why do I have to tell you how to set up your own propaganda?

>Implying brown muscle goddess are for retardera plebs
She's for real players.

>resetera complains when the racially diverse insert has muscles and looks pleasing to the eyes.

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never design a character when you're horny...

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Looks like a black Samus Aran, my dick is hard, fuck resetera, fuck reddit, and fuck trannies.

People on resetera aren't gamers


haha i saw this on reddit too!!

Its literally people saying how the armor makes no sense.

She has no armor, tranny.

The only way to appease RetardEra trannies is if it was a black tranny otherkin wearing a burqa. Otherwise, it's just not progressive enough.

Who the fuck gives a shit about people that don't buy games? Also her design is throgouhly mediocre anyway and lacks class found in most old Samsho designs.

I think we can all agree though that at the end of the day, if you don't like musclegirls, you're cancer.

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How dare you exclude the developmentally and physically challenged

she looks like she fucks white boys

Oh no no

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looks like a FFX character, I love it

>brown and fit pirate lady

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She's cute.

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I actually really like Darli's design. I love the concept of other fighting styles/nationalities fighitng, so having a pirate nigress fighting samurais is right up my alley. She also has a damn saw cleaver.
"Muh womyn" and "Muh nigger" fags need not be acknowledged.

Imagine going to resetera to get an opinion on a female character design. This is like going to /pol/ to get an opinion on the jews.
What the fuck did you honestly expect? Those people are a loud minority.

those guys will just be another victim in the price is wrong

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snk should get their shit together
small green men are very underrepresented in the upcoming game

Who is she is what game is she from?

She also needs to look very ugly.

looks like a monster hunter character

Black Samus

Source of the artist please.

>that last comment being bewildered that Anita isn't and was never influential or relevant


Darli Dagger from the upcoming Samsho game. Don't visit the retardera thread. It just makes you angry.

Not him but I'm glad those faggots aren't popular anymore.

>only black woman in a series that is like 90% Japanese dudes as fighters
unironically kill yourselves, or at least seek therapy
>already getting fan art
Noice. Can’t wait for her gameplay trailer

those bitches can fuck right off. Yeah she is a fucking pirate got a problem with her clothes? well I got a problem with the complainers wieght.

Everyone should know by now that places like ResetERA are full of authoritarians who want to control female sexuality whether it's real women or not. It's not even about controlling what's being worn it's about controlling what men should consume. Fucking social engineers think that utopia is only achieved by controlling every aspect of life.

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Every single one of them is a pedophile.

It's easy to see why they side with Islamists so easily.

They're not big anymore and their site isn't even on the top most visited sites list anymore, neogaf really killed them.

>rally for boycotts
uh, they don't buy those games already?

ummm they're MAPs you pedophobic bigot

Don't worry, it will come out eventually that they're all pedos.

>Flat, narrow face
>Small nose
>No prognathism
I doubt you can even call her black at this point.

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>Not Your Exotic Fantasy
Then why else do exotic women exist?

She is alright.
I want to see her model first.
SNK doesn't like or is incapable to do muscles in 3D.
I would like her to be bigger but that is just my dick talking

Not particularly interested in this character, but certainly not for the reasons they are giving. She's over designed of this series, It's like she's from an entirely different game.

Someone post OPs image without the faggots from twitter on the side

>Japan continuing to Japan
>how could they when our lord and saviour made a video about it, surely the whole country should have been informed

Why do they think its acceptable to force their ideology on Japan, but not any other country?

I feel it's the opposite. Non-white countries like Japan (despite being ethno-nationalist patriarchies) get a free pass, while the Swedes are putting Queen Latifa on the front lines of WW1

I do think it's worth asking WHY and HOW exactly she's there.

she cute

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

9/10 they are the sexist pigs and abusive jealous men they would posture to be against. Like you said, they want to control female sexuality. I'd wager some of it is actually hostility to anything sexually attractive as they know it's so beyond reach "If I can't have it nobody can"

In b4 the arachnophobe fuck spiders pic. If a guy spends all his time railing about spiders, endlessly crusading against spiders, flipping out any time they see spiders - yeah I might suspect he'd fuck a spider girl.

Can't wait for the ass girl in 1.

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It's really not, they're constantly trying to shit on Japan.

The natural enemy of the angry tranny.

Fuck everybody, she's my main now.
God tier design 10/10. Everyone who disagree is a huge fag.

This, Japan is pretty much "privilege" tier to them at this point.

I’m assuming she’s there to do pirate shit. Not sure what stake she would have in whatever everyone is fighting over, but her reasons for being there can’t be any weirder than Charlotte or Tam Tam’s

Why is that nigger who-, I mean powerful womyn of color, so beautifu-, I mean, designed for the male gaze?

We must quickly change that, we can't let gamers pick her over financially supporting me and my son

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Anywhere successful is, basically. You even see a little directed at China.

That's the thing though, nowhere in Africa had appreciable ship technology, let alone anything good enough to get all the way to Japan.

I mean, he literally has a point. All the prettified black women in media have caucasoid facial structure and generally noses too, rather than being how they actually look. This chick in the OP especially is just your typical anime face but with dreds.

Isn’t 2 Yoshitora? I want to know the deal with Birdman. Final boss maybe?

Bit racist of you, don't you think?

fighting games in general don't make sense

I notice native Africans, if they aren't wallowing in poverty, are better looking than black Americans.

I was assuming she was a Pacific Islander or something. But more importantly, historical accuracy is irrelevant in SamSho considering Galford and Earthquake are from US states that won’t exist for decades

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Most video game character don't look like their nationality. There's a reason they're called stylized. Normal humans look ugly if you fully translate it into a video game.

No, I don't think it's racist to point out that different races do, in fact, look different. It'd be racist if I said this made them all ugly baboons or something, but I didn't say that. You connecting a simple assertion of fact with some kind of extreme derivative is your own projection.

>Its literally people saying how the armor makes no sense.
It makes my dick feel good

All the "sense" I need

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>hating on CHRISTina Aguilera

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Because Americans are majority bantu, the ugliest people in Africa
Meanwhile most Africans who leave the continent are Ethiopians, who are borderline white

That's basically a taste thing. Everyone has different standards, really.
Maybe, but all I'm saying is that it has a point. I get what you're going for, but you could've still made something that looked more authentic.

birdman might be a tengu also shouldnt gaoh be the final boss again, you could see him in the trailer video leading army.

Ethiopians (full-blooded, not bantu mixed) are actually closer to Arabs than they are to Bantus.

dude ethiopians are fucking lightbulb heads

She could be, you're right, but I've never seen dredlocks associated with islanders.

>Japan continuing to japan
Thank god for that.

I’m going to have to rewatch that. Gaoh is my favorite boss next to Amakusa but I though his odds of being in the game would be low. I’m a sucker for Oda Nobunaga stand ins

>Literally had a black weeb chick who used to do this to me in highschool

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No. They don't. They made her look like that because it's attractive. It's the same reason Ryu doesn't look like a nip.

>ResetEra hates a woman of color

Thank goodness we're not toxic gamers like them! *lifts skirt, revealing girl weiner*

>Western Game women are too manly!
>Eastern Game women are too feminine!
What do you niggers want? So she looks more traditionally white than black. Who said she was of african origin amyway?

this is unironically a really good design
its pretty fucking tasteful. i mean its sexy but you'd have to be really uncomfortable around the female body to view this as "too sexualized"
as a carribean pirate its very fitting attire. it juggles so many colors very well. i mean this could have easily turned into a Luso from FFTA2 considering how much is going on in this design
i really like her and will try to main her

>There are no adult women in existence who have a petite form/flat chest! Attempting to portray one in your media is pedophilia!
Isn't this actually incredibly sexist? I could go onto OkCupid right now, set my search settings to only see women under 5', and find plenty of 20+ year old women who look much younger than they are. Are these guys trying to erase these women from the public eye?

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So the goal is to eliminate all sexy characters from media, right?
Because if you operate from a premise of too many female characters being primarily designed for the male gaze (or weak, or subservient or what have you), then that starts falling apart in the 2015+4 when diverse female leads have never been higher. At this point going after an anime fighting game just means you have an axe to grind.

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You said it, not me senpai.

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They have been pedos from the start.

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this isn't a case of bikini armor, trying to change this design in anyway would objectively make it worse

All SJWs are incredibly fat and ugly, their judgement of other women is based on the idea that anything that doesn't resemble them is sexist and evil, because clearly they themselves are the ideal woman.


More like Darli Nigger

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I really do think we should ban Resetera posting
These people are the type you starve attention from.

Can you guys stop giving this forum attention?
This is like the new Twitter-posting for you fucking losers

I bet you're black, darkie

Anybody got the screen cap of the fat fucks bitching about Earthquake being fat. Shit was both pathetic and hilarious. I think one even called him a rip-off of Roadhog, despite predating him by about 30 years

Gameplay trailer when. I wanna know how she looks in 3D.

I'm assuming you don't know a lot about the game. There's a texan guy, a french woman, a maya warrior, ...

Why would she wear armour if she's a Caribbean pirate shipwright? Haohmaru, Genjuro, Jubei and Earthquake don't wear armour.

Artist doesn't have to compromise his integrity in favor of realism, user. You are retarded.

She's probably not from Africa but from the Caribbeans isles.

>game comes out in 2 months
>show a concept art piece and no trailer
I find that kind of worrying, but maybe they’re just trying to milk the hype for as long as they can since they already spoiled 95% of the roster

does anybody anywhere give a shit about resetera

She does look like shit. I hope they stick with Japanese characters from now and just make them cool and not fapbait for chronic masturbators. SC6 already disappointed me with its emphasis on waifus for the dlc

Look at how MK's doing it, if we didn't had that leak a lot of character would still be unknown.

Didn't say they had to.
You do realize the Caribbean is almost exclusively populated by African ex-slaves?

>You do realize the Caribbean is almost exclusively populated by African ex-slaves?
Yeah and the USA is almost exclusively populated by foreigners from Europe, Africa or other places.

You said that the author "had a point" where he in fact didn't, because artist is in no way obliged to portray characters of certain nationality in a realistic way in the first place.

It gets pushed quite a bit but I don't know if it's becoming less popular now and I don't know if it's bigger than NeoGAF.

the shirtless bald man was more armored than most characters

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>You do realize the Caribbean is almost exclusively populated by African ex-slaves?

What the fuck does that have anything to do with the point that Darli could be a native of the Caribbean isles.

Charlotte is probably the most armored character.

Underrated post

She's clearly not black.

The type of people who would call this black are the same mongs who think Brock from pokemon is black.

i don't know, her design looks very Carribean influenced

That's not necessarily black, see pic related.

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Well, there's at least one thing /pol/ and reddit agrees on:


Take life less seriously my dudes

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That's exactly it. All the returning characters are announced so no one has to wonder if their mains will return so now they can focus on hyping the three new characters.

There are traditional sets of African/Carribean clothing that look at least somewhat similar to it. It shouldn't really matter, as long as the male characters are treated the same then there literally isn't a problem and people are just making shit up to be mad for no reason.

And I've seen 10 just like it in anime of characters who are from the surrounding japanese islands like okinawa and kyushu.

a shade of two darker doesn't make a character black. Especially in japanese fiction, it usually just means tanned. There are even cases where characters are explicitly pajeets and people claim blackness. it's weird stuff.

Resetera is viewed as the "root" of far-left opinions concerning video games in the same way Yea Forums is viewed as the "root" of far-right ones.

Partially it's the off-putting "elitist club" mentality they put off from the old days of NeoGAF when devs actually posted regularly with them.

They're not really significant; Yea Forums, even after being split in two, has far, far more traffic than Resetera. They're just an annoying fly in your ear.

>Make muscle niggress
Yall folks this is so important come look at thi-
>She's not ugly

>make a "natural" black girl that looks like literally every "natural" black girl to try and bring in players
>despite what faggots screeching on tumblr/twitter/era say nobody wants to buy whatever they're in because people are attracted to attractive features and not a white person's racist caricature of a black person no matter how well they're written or whatever

>make a cute/actually unique but still attractive black girl
>tumblr/twitter/era still screeches but people actually buy the thing because humans enjoy attractive things and the faggots that don't care eventually move on when they don't get their way, people may discover that there is/isn't more to the character than previously assumed

Why the fuck do people have a vendetta against attractive female characters in games? There's nothing wrong with a unique design but when 90% of those designs are the same fucking thing because the people making games are obviously trying to appeal to the wrong crowd instead of making what they fucking want there's a problem.

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Well, this explains why their site is unpopular then.

That and reddit, also tumblr along with twitter if it isn't big news from a dev that has nothing to do with politics..

Because numale game devs think blindly doing what women tell them to do makes them a "good person"
They don't even realize that the black-jewish girl who yaps all day about diversity at work would rather date a literal neonazi skinhead before them

It's black people reaching for black characters in anime and shit because it's rare as fuck to find good characters like that. It's not a problem when good characters are made with a purpose and a reason; it's when they're hamfistedly shoved into something that it smells like fucking bullshit.

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reminder that bishoptl is even worse

None of these characters were main characters though, these are just unplayable side characters Yea Forums bitches about.

Balck Tifa and Sephiroth aren't bad.

>this blatant tumblrite/gash vagina ignorance.
She's also fucking cute

>Samurai Shodown
>people actually buy the thing
lol I wish, it's gonna be niche as fuck

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>it's when they're hamfistedly shoved into something that it smells like fucking bullshit.
What a meaningless idea
What is hamfisted? How do you define it? How do you measure it

Here is a better dogma:
If the devs put the character in because they thought gamers would like it (aka they are cute or funny) then it's ok
If the devs put her in to virtue signal, she is deliberately ugly and annoying, and they vocally hate gamers, then it's bad

I still like these, though the dreads are a bit over used. Obviously they're a very good stand in for anime hair so it's why he keeps using it, but still.

in past on ggpo could have 50 people playing SF2, 300 mexicans/chinese playing kof 98 and 2 guys trying out SS2
why even make sequel to it?

Black weebs can be insufferable. I'm glad that Japanese media ignores them for the most part. That black noctis art looks pretty cool, not gonna lie.

Omg is him,can't believe he still doing this,also what job is he working for anyway?

i'm just curious because guy like him had talent.

SNK just wants to do what they love after getting fucked by the yakuza for so long

>we get qt brown musclegirl in Samsho
>"Reeeeee, this is sexist" just because she's attractive
I'm fucking surprised that their open wound vagoos aren't rustled over the actual vivisections you can do on women.

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Only one on here I don't really like is A2's redesign. Sora also looks retarded but he looks retarded all the time so I guess it's spot on.

Not like Yea Forums is better, see this thread

>tfw no pirate queen gf

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Why is it never attractive and fit women complaining?
It just comes off as jealousy when it is a bunch of ugly fat chicks and their orbiters complaining while hot women get excited to play attractive characters.

Honestly, some of these black designs are pretty cool.

>did they plunder all the clothes out of her closet
Assuming she even had a closet that would be the best case scenarior.

People fucking love the Mortal Kombat fatalities, and those are way more gory.

Suikoden IV was a shit game but Kika was a cool character. Thankfully the Tactics spinoff was a good game and she was cool in that too. Seriously her Falcon rune is PSYCHOTICALLY over powered

Attached: Kika_2.jpg (241x600, 53K)

in my experience black weebs have generally been pretty easy to hang around it's the white ones who are the most obnoxious and even more so if they are women

I find weebs to be pretty intolerable regardless of ethnicity

true women are still the worst out of all of them though

Isn' t that the same outfit Shiva wears in FFX?

Black weebs can pass as normal dudes. White weebs, it's way more rare.

reminds me more of Lani

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Unless shes mixed, they should make her a few shades darker. Maybe like 2b alt shade in Soul Calibur 6

>non-Charlotte characters in SS
>wearing armor

Don't you know. Every black character is supposed to look like a gorilla. Implying they're anything else is racist

her design was created by a woman if you didn't know

>kill and rape aboriginals for being naked savages
>2019 get mad at pictures of skimpy tribal girls
History never changes....

Would some of the idiots complaining about her react any differently if they found out that her designer was a woman? Because her designer was in fact a woman.

Probably not. Not that I'd expect them to research that far. It's easier for them to pretend there's no women in the industry despite the contrary including many notable designers and composers.

nah theyd probably say she is a traitor or some shit

Unironically like Black Sephiroth and Noctis. This artist should do more black OCs in this art style.

All of them at least have a stash of child porn.

>Implying this blue eyed tanned girl is black
Wew lads.

Liberals are more cancerous than religious fundies.

/pol/ was right again.

But this did
Way to show you never played the game

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SJWs will never be happy

Desu kun sempai...
Liberals are religious fanatics.

>only heterobros get to have exotic hot brown characters
It's not fair

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That is just trannyspeech for burka demands. Like in Muslim Kombat. First they took the boobplate. Now they're taking everything else.

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Holy shit muh dick. Why fighting games have the best males in vidya?

>What is hamfisted?
Black Lancelot

The nigga who drew this is clearly a fag with a kink for dreads, don't blame a brother for following his dick's wishes.

Nowadays I dread whenever there's an attractive female character in a game thay's coming soon, because if ResetEra finds out, they'll do everything they can to get rid of it, do now I try not to be attached to anything.


stop tranny boogeyman spamming you retarded /pol/cuck

this shit is why noone takes anti-censorshipfags seriously, because of retards like you. You are doing more harm for this cause by forcing your irrelevant hatemongering into the topic

No, this female censorship/desexualization bullshit is not caused by 'faggots, trannies, niggers, etc.' this is just the usual bunch of angry femminists lile Sarkeesian and their loyal whiteknights

fags can't have competition, exposing males to attractive women could have a unwanted effect on their part; faggotry truly is a disease and faggots are made by other faggots.

The ladies look like shitty Power Rangers actors.


I just came back to post this

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>T. Ranny Sore Ass.

west has very little impact to whatever gooks want to put out, snk probably doesnt even know about resetra

I don't have the heart to tell him

Have you seen what's going on lately? They are paying attention, in the wrong ways.


I guess the thing that I love most about Resetera is the sheer stupidity they all display. They have this notion that all civilizations are like America, so they apply that logic to everything. A brown skinned pirate woman with native flair? She clearly needs Apple Bottom jeans and some UGGs! They just can't infer that, perhaps, a pirate , who hails from a land where it's hot and sunny constantly, probably would dress in little to no clothing whatsoever. Y'know, like modern tribes in SA and Africa. How is OP's pic any different than these women from the Hammer tribe? Should they put on clothes too?

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right a cute

Times have changed. If you want your game on PS4, it has to be approved by Sony's US branch, regardless if it's Japan only or not.

theyre censoring the lolicon stuff because of upcoming olympics, just the normal image cleaning process every country does

That's the slippery slope we're worried about. First comes the lolicon, then comes..well.. look ak MK11.

Fucking nobody wears armor in SamSho except for Hilde maybe.

>okay we'll have x amount of brown wymxn to satisfy your demands
>but we also get to make them hot
how is this not the perfect compromise?

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Sorry, gamers have matured and so should the games. Women would not expose so much skin when they are fighting, that just doesn't make sense.


DoA, Senran Kagura, DMC5, countless of those titty VNs weren't lolicon yet they were still censored by the west.

Its sad that you actually think that.



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So why do people criticize that Japan is more racist than the West is when they certainly make attractive Black women for their games?

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Yeah, maybe it's because it just looks better. Have you ever thought of that? No matter how much you wrap it in, ugly isn't beautiful.

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>we live in an era where nintendo shows more skin than sony

She is not black


Have you ever seen a black face you utter Moron? Even her skin is not that dark


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>The one on the right

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I really feel like that Omega thing should have made more noise than it did. I don't even care about the content but the game was out the door. Sony could have said no at any time but instead they wait till PQube wastes all that time and money and that's just wasted. That's a shit thing to do but it's basically all but covered up.

Attached: omega-labyrinth-logo-960x679.jpg (960x679, 57K)

>being this mad
For one thing, I'm calling her black Samus because not only is she hot but also because she has a very similar fit, athletic body with nice tits and ass. Basically, what all women should look like, does that bother you?

The ranger should be ashamed of himself, not because Onions is filled with Onions but because Onions costs $4 a bottle. Might as well buy a meat-shaped heart attack at McDonalds for that price.

I never understood the obsession with onions sauce its just liquid salt

>this is just the usual bunch of angry femminists
So faggots and trannies.

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when do we start censoring underwear catalogs, you can see women wearing underwear in those sometimes even children

You ever asked WHY though? It can't be religious Christians because they haven't been relevant these days.

No. No. I'm not letting this go, I need to expand on this.

You want to know the real redpill about Onions? The real fact that has more hum on it's dinger than a dingo's backside? Onions is representative of Wageslavery. It's classic Corporate cuckery. The existence of Onions is proof, undeniable proof, that the S0iboi crowd is more interested in happily slurping up their cardboard-tasting slop than eat a real meal, so they can continue tapping away at their screens because Chad McOffice likes seeing their productivity go up 10% by working through Lunchtime. Onions is Liquid Food so the Wagie Wagie can stay in their Cagie.

Good god.

That gypsy girl is ugly tho

PQube should have sued them for that. Sony effectively cost them all the time and money they put into localizing the game, they won't get any of that back and basically have to eat the entire cost.

>samsho thread
Who will you main?

Attached: samsho mains.png (1800x2400, 3.25M)

Looks pretty hot.

This was literally the best BTFO response to Anita, after all that complaining she goes and does it for herself.

>They hate cute brown muscle girls

I always start off with the mc

It can be religious Christians, who have remained a powerful voting bloc. You can't deny this, Trump wouldn't have tried to appeal to that bloc with Mike Pence if they were irrelevant. That's the Veep's entire reason for existing, so John Christian can nod their head respectfully, safe in the fact gay people are getting the prod just as JC Denton would want.

But it's more than that, and it's more than my half-asleep brain can explain in detail. Censorship is common because the Generation that grew up with helicopter parents are now adults with jobs and offices and suits and all the other trappings of adulthood, and they can't fucking handle it. The Generation that received Participation Trophies can't handle hearing how they're inferior to other people, or how they can't just "cry" their problems away. It kills them. So what do you do in this age of instant, easy communication? Hit that Block Button, Buckaroo.

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LMAO all this Resetera fag, all they do is complaining and be mad all day, wonder when will they have their blood vessels burst out from their body due to all this rage.

It like they think every game needs to cater to them.

I expect people drawing her raping shotas and lolis

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That's sort of the thing. Even if they did sue and they did win, it would just end up being so sony doesn't let them release any more shit on their system. It's a real damned if you do situation. You don't want to risk alienating yourself off the top platform.

I know this is just a muh tits thread, but it is amazing how resetera manage to be wrong about everything. Yea Forums gets called contrarian but they take it to another level.

I'm hoping for Tam Tam to finally be good

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I saw someone on Twitter "Warning" Kojima for retweeting Notch. We live in a Society...

Attached: Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! - 06.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

No bro you don't understand

They didn't pay the right gatekeepers their dole! You can't just make an interesting minority character without paying off activists to back them, or you're a fucking bigot that opposes inclusive perspectives incorporated into character design. There's a protection scheme going, and god help you if you DARE to think you can represent a PoC if you're not a white woman cheating a kickstarter

Attached: top harassment.png (600x655, 234K)

>armor in Samurai Shodown
There are only 2 motherfuckers that wear any kind of armor in the mainline series and one of them is fucking shirtless. Hell, there's a good number of male characters that fight shirtless and Tam Tam fights in a goddamned loincloth. These people never played Samsho and don't give a flying fuck about except for their virtue signal points. Tam Tam has been strutting his rock hard abs and navel for years no problem but when a female shows her navel now it's a problem? Fuck these subhuman troglodytes.

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Wait fuck that kyoshiro description is actually accurate to me.

But Gen-an is for shitters
Where the FUCK is Sieger

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Why are nazis and trannies so obsessed with black people?

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Waiting to be a humongous faggot when they announce Mina.

Maybe you should have stopped to think for once and you would have realized that this woman in OPs picture is clearly not black, which is why she has no Negroidic features.
Not that fucking hard to figure out.

Nomura amounts of belts. It always looks ridiculous.

They've been brainwashed by the Illuminati to stop asking question about real issues like Occupy Wallstreet or the Panama Papers. It's all a smokescreen.

Attached: D1Vsq7TXQAIqK6-.jpg (1200x592, 125K)

that's still a shitty character design designed to pander to horny weeb autists

Retard tranny shut the fuck up, everyone agrees with the guy and disagrees with your dumb ass

Yoshitora main here, 100% correct.

I want to main Darli, but I almost never end up maining the character I think I'll main.

Black females play video games since when?
Reality is probably something like this:
White guys > Black guys >>>> White girls >>>>>>>>> black girls

Honestly, I never saw a single black girl interested in vidya in my whole fucking life.

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Why does she piss off Max?

>this shit is why noone takes anti-censorshipfags seriously
Its kinda hard to take anyone seriously when they speak as if being anti-cenorship is somehow bad and that being pro-censorship is good
How much of a brainwashed faggot can one be to think this?


In what timeline? Literally only trannies and leftists, or Americans in general are. National Socialists have never cared one bit.

I was about to say I liked Black Sephiroph, then I looked at normal Sephiroph again and goddamn, I forgot how good his design was. So I'll stick with that.

was he banned from youtube?

Yeah I know he accidentally said nigger, so what? Why would seeing the character trigger him? That doesn't make any sense

It's faggots and trannies and as soon as they're dealt with shit like #metoo and Blacks Lives Matter will slow down and disappear into irrelevancy, those faggots are why that shit is so big today.

Because she's a nigger and her name is Dagger

I like him cause it sounds like he says cuck sometimes

Chinder Chagger Darli 黒

Attached: D3IueTIUYAE_1VP-orig.jpg (640x360, 87K)

>Honestly, I never saw a single black girl interested in vidya in my whole fucking life.
Because you don't interact with anyone outside of your circlejerk discord. All the black girls I'm friends with and/or follow on Twitter play video games.

Black women play video games. You just ignore them.

Wow Fat ugly tumblr tards hate beauty women, news at 5.

This is actually accurate. You got me at the Haohmaru description.

How many black girls do you personally know lmao

Back in high school, I loaned a black girl my SNES while she let me borrow her Genesis. So there's at least one, I guess.

Everyone play video games user, just because you're not seeing them directly in person or in video doesn't mean they don't exist.

I like Jubei. Because he's Jubei fucking Yagyu fucking Mitsuyoshi.

God the new MK female designs are awful. Not like the older ones were any good, but this is just painfully boring to look at now.

and the "white" render is just an asian with blue eyes and yellow hair

My whole school life was in a mixed shitty city so don't play that card on me.
None of them was interested in vidya, unlike black guys and some white girls (mostly for horror, ff and pokemon games).
Maybe it's not the case with the younger generations, but when there is a event, you won't see them in the public, same shit with e-celebs.

i like jubei too. he can 1v1 almost any super agent except steele with eviscerate and can teleport. best henchman by far.

hmm? whats that?
oh im just posting about a far superior jubei from a far superior game rather than shitty fighting garbage.

Attached: jubei.jpg (180x340, 15K)

>None of them was interested in vidya,
Yeah, I'm sure you've spoke to every black girl in your school for all the years you were in school.
>but when there is a event, you won't see them in the public
>They don't attend my shitty conventions so that means they don't exist!!

Yeah, I have no idea what this garbage is.

Attached: jubei3.jpg (225x300, 10K)

I'm racist but Niggaroth and Noctis are cool.

one of the best games ever made, evil genius.

Are you retarded? Nikolas Draper-Ivey is a black guy.

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Black people can be fags too, user.

I love her already, but unlike most I am not willing to call her black as of yet. Japan design has the tendency to apply dark tans to characters at times and intend for them to be something else. If she is awesome but I am not going to get the hopes up yet.

You're right but he's not.

Are you retarded? This is a thread about how lefties are screeching because the strong beautiful black character isn't modestly dressed enough for current years prudish standards. I guess we need to have her in an Eskimo coat or make her look like a trollish blob of fat flesh.

wtf you're telling me i can bisect cute girls in this game

I mean yeah, she could and probably likely is some kind of ambiguous South East, possibly likely island Asian.

How does that contradicts anything I said?

Attached: 1552977153254.jpg (720x492, 54K)

You can't really explain how round-eyed & fair skinned Asians are different from White people.

Look at these two and can you even point out how they "racially" look different from each other except for the color?

Attached: temp.jpg (892x512, 108K)

Insofar as you know

>tumblr art
You are cancer for having that shit saved.

>but unlike most I am not willing to call her black as of yet.
I think it's safe to call her black. She has a clear Caribbean pirate motif, dark skin and locks.

the dude should't try to perfectly replicate the hairstyle, tifa looks good but 2b is awful

>TFW this Samurai Showdown Seven

Attached: SevenSamuraiLead-1400x787.jpg (1400x787, 315K)

Planning to play yoshitora and Darli, your list is pretty spot on

praying that ukyo isn't ivan ooze tier so that I can actually play him, otherwise genjuro

> unironically making a female character in 2019

there's your problem. If you make a female character, modern "think" is that they have some claim of ownership over it and right to tell you what to do with it.

Just by virtue of having the same gender [a thing that also supposedly doesn't exist and is just a social construct] as your virtual character.

Don't make female characters if you can help it. Just don't.

There needs to be a workaround or loophole genre in fiction where all the female looking characters aren't actually female in the human sense of the word and they're some kind of alien or mutation or some shit. And just grow that genre until all fiction takes place within it and phase out women from it entirely

Attached: yyyy.jpg (640x420, 32K)

You might like Venom from Guilty Gear Xrd.

>having yellow fever

Jackpot user.

Maybe you're just faceblind due to autism? They have a more rounded skull structure, wider faces, softer jaws, less pointer chins, shorter noses, babyfat cheeks, epicanthic folds, hooded eyes etc. etc. It's not just about "squinty eyes lmao".

A paler, blonde dyed Asian still retains their mongoloid features.

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she has so much makeup you cant tell her facial features anymore

I lost my virginity to a Chinese girl. I can't help it.

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Doesn't look asian to me at all.

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plants aren't male or female, hows this

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That's not entirely true


Attached: Mob-Psycho-100-12-26.jpg (1280x720, 282K)

Makeup can't cover your wide moon face. She's still obviously Asian you faceblind autismo.

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What do you think pollination is?

robots have no genders

pollination is a thing, but afaik plants both send out pollen and then receive in pollen from other plants, they're not split into two genders

Why didnt you impregnate that pussy? Was she crazy or something?

If there is a nigger, it's hamfisted.
Fuck niggers, fuck jannies and most of all, fuck you.

>weeb chick
>not being crazy

Some plants are, but it's not really anything drastic like in animals. Individual specimens just have one or the other plant genitals. The vast majority do have both though.

>Gets it perfect
I hate Video Games

>opinion from trannyera

Neogaf actually mostly likes it, did they silently become based?

>lost my virginity
My condolences

>She's not REALLY black!

Wow, SJWs and alt-right are literally same, huh

What is "black"?

No Iroha, no buy.


>Iroha fag
You weren't going to play the game anyways, you shitter.

I was expecting them to be complaning about her blue eyes.

So the entirety of Africa is "black"?

Attached: algeria.jpg (480x360, 28K)

She actually looks like a Mediterranean brown or a native american meztisa more than african negroid in all honesty.

Hell since she is a pirate, she might as well be a moor, a turk or even an arab by this point and it wont surprise me considering the slave trade and the piracy that the northern african and middle eastern countries ply during that era.

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>ethnographers, historians, politicians and writers have used the term particularly to refer to the descendants of the West and Central Africans who were enslaved and shipped to the Americas via the Atlantic slave trade between the 16th and 19th centuries, with their largest populations in Brazil, the United States and Haiti.

>cancer mods leave
>faggots follow them to heavily moderated site since they need constant protection from duh evil world!
>normal people show up on old site

The mentally insane that need to virtue sign at all times ran off when the owner was revealed as a pedo, creating a new site because in their delusional mind this way they stay "pure" and pretend it never happened. Only those with moral fiber and actual mental capacities to actually browse a site despite a dark incident or know how to the meaning of tolerance and forgiveness were left, aka normal people.

>She actually looks like a Mediterranean brown or a native american meztisa
Facially she just looks like anime brown. Just a generic anime face painted brown. Also blue eyes in this case.
We can only garner what she's supposed to be from the devs themselves and her design. If they state where she's from exactly then there you go.

Judging by her attire and dreads as well as the fact that she's a pirate she's probably a Pacific Islander or something. Maybe she could be from Southeast Asia, however her name doesn't match.

So you mean Negroid. Read above. Just because her skin is darker doesn't mean she's a Negroid specifically. She might be, like Scarlet Jacobs from NMH, but we can't know for sure without the devs' input.

Attached: Jason Momoa.jpg (1600x900, 178K)

Yeah it's a bit hard to guess anime ethnicity based on appearance. I mean Ukyo has BLUE hair.

Not one person in this image is calling for a boycott
Yea Forums complains about character designs not appealing to them more than this

fat neogaf white women don't want attractive black women, they want them to look like crack addicted monkeys like in wolfenstein.

these fags are full of shit, he recently had a stream mentioning her and he was nutting with the rest of us

It's a joke my ninja.

I've been playing Hanzo for a lifetime, so I'll probably still play him, it's either him or Ukyo.

charlotte,galford mainly

Because muscles/lack of body armor make sense for fightan males but not for women because that's sexist apparently?

According to them any black person who doesn't look like a disfigured ghetto ape isn't really black.

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Hey user don't worry, I might not like boobs or females in general, but I'll defend to my death the inclusion of attractive females in vidya.

are black people not allowed to have a hairstyle unless its made of dreads?
bit racist

Who /genan/ here?

Attached: genan-ss2-win1-1.gif (252x191, 7K)

not u lmao

As will I.
It's one of the most recognizable black hairstyles. You don't see a lot of white people with dreads.
I even gave my robo OC dreads 'cause I think they look cool

Attached: bek1_preview2.png (442x479, 284K)

>slide slide slide slide slide slide THROW slide slide slide slide slide slide
>poison puff ... poison puff ... poison puff

Hamfisted should be self explanatory in this day and age unless you happen to be a person who has never read a book.

Anyways, to pull an example that is pretty obvious, black Hermione, or literally any other character she has retroactively made more diverse in some absurd way, by Just kidding Rowling.

This shit isn't new, trying to earn brownie points from minorities and circlejerking it with the media isn't new, it just so happens that pandering leads to bad writing/narrative most of the time. It almost always seems out of place.

>resetera are filled with uncultured swine who can't recognize afro-caribbean style
I shouldn't be surprised desu

You're actually supposed to be sneaky and reveal them on launch day, so it's too late for anyone to say anything.

That will be $60 + DLC + Tip, sir.

is this related?

>Isn't this actually incredibly sexist?
The entire progressive movement for over a decade now has been about how women and non-whites are literal invalid children who are incapable about making their own decisions. SJWs argue for gibs on their behalf because they think that women and non-whites are literally incapable of achieving things by themselves.

Welp hard confirmed as black.

>Caribbean pirate motif
>Named after a Jimi Hendrix song

Fucking hate resetgender and it's ass backwards horseshit. If men could wear outfits like that and look good, we fucking would.

Please for the love of fuck let this based nigga be DLC

Wasn't there a giant shrine maiden with monster hands? Wrong game maybe but she looked cool

I started going there because people kept posting the place here, and I'm genuinely more exposed to those people through Yea Forums reposts than through actually being on the site.

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U leave my nigga Faith out of this.

>So the goal is to eliminate all sexy characters from media, right?

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>west has very little impact to whatever gooks want to put out
Tell that to Senran Kagura fans.

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I was waiting for this

According to Resetera/Reddit roasties, its more important to self insert as fictional character than creating them for fun or any other reason.
And if you ever see how they look in real life then you'll understand why they have a problem self inserting as beautiful ladies.


>I went to get cancer because people pointed out that cancer exists
What a 10/10 logic that is

You pathetic virgins are supressed faggots. Women din't and should never look like this.

>Purple hair
>Dressed vaguely like a tribal
>Still not enough

Attached: Carib_indian_family_by_John_Gabriel_Stedman.jpg (802x1418, 1.09M)

I wonder how they'll lose their shit when they see how Shiki ends up

Based and volkpilled

>wanted the Wario function
>everything about Tam Tam

you got me pegged, buddy

>Armor makes no sense
>in a fighting game
>with literal demons and 8" guys who jump 5 meters high
>where the most realistic thing is that you can instakill the other player

Why do people still care about that place after they got shit on for the DMC5 thing?

that's just a bad angle on faith, she looks fine

Attached: me.jpg (1332x850, 104K)

based, sir! I say, based and even possibly redpilled!

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What did I miss?

Sheva in her alt outfits is so hot

Are zetsumei ougis even in? I havent seen them in the videos Ive seen.

We should switch her out for Anthem ayyzuns.

Attached: 1551742865283.png (1179x602, 649K)

Bullshit go look at the 80s.

>Caribbean pirate assassin/spy girl not looking like a nigger from the hood

Attached: 1546888527340.png (900x672, 427K)

>getting their balls crushed by a strong woman

Attached: feminist fantasy.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Someone post the Walt Disney quote about the Jungle Book.

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>Apex Legends Character's Designer

Samurai Shodown is set in the 18th century.
Most natives were already injected with white dna at that point.

the only thing I don't like about her is her weapon, since when do pirates fight with saws?

Looks like my MK11 money is going for Samsho instead.

Resetera has many gay men pretending to be straight in order to manipulate the unsuspecting. They try to steer the board's and gaming's opinions one way or the other under the guise of decency, then turn around and slobber over make characters in games. Their number one and two enemies are non-gay men and women.

With women, it's complicated, because they themselves envy women and with pedestalize them. But will trash them as soon as those very women show allegiance to non-gay men. They want straight beautiful women to prefer gay men. It's all kinds of fucked up. You'll notice they also don't really like attractive lesbos, because it's alluding to not needing them. But they'll like masculine lesbians, because it's closer to a gay man. Observe resetera long enough and you'll start to see what I'm talking about.

They have some deep seated issues with women. srs.

He's loving it. Win or lose, he still wins.

>FOTM muscle girl
I sure can't wait for cutesexyrobutts to do several commissions of this

no seriously

Attached: 1550260849431.gif (400x300, 715K)

I was going to buy it regardless but good good dam that massive cut of premium beef ass high quality oil skinned Belgium chocola tasting girl is a hell of a cherry on top.

I wanted another site to go to that had a different atmosphere to here, I've been pretty much just here for 12 years and kinda tired of that same atmosphere, I figured a forum would work since I miss that old mid-00s forum mood, and one kept getting shoved in my face so I figured why not.

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I never understood shit like this
How much can your balls take before they break?

I like it.

dunno but this guys seems to still be alive

Attached: 1554114040990.webm (720x404, 1.96M)

neither do I.
I don't know, but a lot.

Addendum. Here's how their Paper Rock Scissor mental gymnastics goes:

Straight man vs Straight woman:
>side with woman.
Straight woman vs Gay man:
>side with gay man
Straight minority man vs Straight white man
>side with minority, BUT -
Straight minority man vs Straight woman:
>side with woman
Straight man vs Gay woman
>side with woman
Gay White woman vs Straight minority man
>side with woman, BUT -
Gay woman vs. Gay man

It's a sawblade and she's a shipwright on top of being a pirate. See the tools strapped to her leg and the nails in her mouth?


Its not people, its Resetera. They are below humans

A ballsack can take an extraordinary amount of damage. Why do you think they tell you to put your head between your legs if your plane is about to crash.

So you can feel what sucking dick is like before the 737 crashes

here's your (You)

Attached: 1553723926930.jpg (308x308, 26K)

I think gay man comes ahead of gay woman. No-one gives a shit about dykes, not even women.

Are the artists doing the women and men different?
The men looks good/great, but non of the women look interesting at all

The actual dev is a tranny.

>No Ocha-maro.

Anti-weebs are more irritating desu, always shitposting about how much they hate weebs

>SJWs hate sexy muscle women because they think that all black women should look like bridge trolls

Attached: tired akarin.jpg (640x360, 17K)

This kind of shit is why I stopped being a cartoonist/comic book artist. Pandering to spineless cunts is not worth the effort.

Attached: 1552678525111.png (906x466, 456K)

if people get too mad about some weird mishmash of stuff and belly muscles its good that iroha hasnt been announced

Attached: too lewd.gif (220x266, 28K)

>All the prettified black women in media have caucasoid facial structure and generally noses too
>Thinking all black people have the same features
>Ignoring the size of the African continent
>Implying that blacks weren't mixing with arabs before Caucasians came along.


Official account

>Presses him up against the glass and puts her body against him
>Thinking she's gonna dry hump the fuck out of him
>Erection rising
>Starts kneeing him in the balls
>Erection gone


Shit like this makes SJWs sound more racist and sexist than any of us could ever hope to be.

A natural black woman can't be pretty, it's saying you an make a chimpanzee attractive after you put make-up on it. Unless the black chick is a mix-bred mutt, then yeah, of course natural black features are not attractive to general audiences. That's why OP's chick has the face she has, to attract paying customers and to be ascetically pleasing to the artist. There's nothing wrong with that.

don't let some literal who's who would have never bought your product even if you pandered to them anyway influence your art. Mark Weid almost ruined Daredevil with his SoJus bullshit but it fucking tanked on the shelves despite every blue checkmark and kotaku writer saying it was the second coming of Marvel.

>Game Developer
>Not verified

They're fine with black women in games as long as they dress in burgas. Its not a coincidence Resetera is a huge fan of upcoming MK11.

I think the delicious brown in this case is primarily designed to pander to japanese gaming audience.

Attached: EVOcorevalues.png (670x435, 482K)

That's why I quit, I couldn't compromise my artwork because of some bed wetter. I'd rather not make anything if this is how things turn out. I'm waiting for this SJW crap to die down before I get back to what I used to enjoy so I don't have to worry about my bottom-line and enjoyment of the craft.

I just noriced but it is kinda dumb to make a shipwright fighter instead of a full pirate

they can't even say it's racist because they would be the victim of the GOTCHA trap they try to bait people into so they just kneejerk on SHE'S TOO SEXY. The same happened to Kanna because they couldn't figure out what was problematic about a plant with melons without coming off as sex prudes. I just wanted to have an on topic reason to post kanna sue me

Attached: 1553292547751.png (1538x1806, 196K)

I think it's mostly the artist, but yes, obviously Japanese audiences would eat this up. He did a great job on the piece.

>A natural black woman can't be pretty,
If you want pictures of black women you could just ask like a normal person instead of pulling out this racist routine.

Attached: 1553953610927.jpg (750x937, 167K)

That's fine, gals like Kanna are always worth the effort.

Attached: 0042.jpg (535x767, 74K)

The big ass nose, lips and pube hair isn't my cup of tea.

Based Croatbro

Onions sauce is a brewed and fermented version of onions that contains many of the benefits without as much of the negatives

However, many other forms of unfermented onions (primarily the ones that get added in things like onions, onions milk, processed foods, frying oil) contains many more downsides than benefits, resulting in the "soiboi" status when taken too far.

Basically, Japan using soi GOOD, Western using soi BAD

>When you really trying hard to be a good white supremacist, but the colored chicks are looking fine

Attached: pepe window.jpg (255x255, 8K)

If only you guys ignored anita

I want a muscular warrior GF so bad brahs.

Attached: 1553739701000.png (716x1000, 577K)

It's okay to be gay and I support your right to get married.

Attached: 0061.jpg (500x667, 92K)

that nose isn't that big user and you deserve worse than death if you hate fluffy hair.

>goes on Yea Forums
>mentions /pol/ because that's the only reason he visited to begin with

baby dont rob me
dont rob me
no more


I don't know what happened 10 or so years ago that caused people to forget how to spell this word, but it needs to stop. It's whoa. W-H-O-A.

Did you even read the thread? It's mostly people complaining about resetera faggots

Why do Asians look so much better blonde

>Yea Forums
>Ignore things they don't like.

Too much autism here for that. The only thing that can save Yea Forums is deleting every board that isn't directly related to Japan.

They said the same thing centuries ago when nigras were slaves. They were more racist than you are, yet still ended up producing all these American mulattoes. Sure thing, buddy. I don't believe anyone who says they're not attracted to x race, except maybe Werthers Aboriginals.

That’s how niche it is.


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (500x500, 310K)

>ignoring the fire would have put it out

she is irrelevant now except by idealogues and underage faggots. if everyone didn't throw a fit about her MORE people would have treated her like a messiah and we would have had 20 more Andromeda's and even more rampant censorship of anime shit. Imagine if EVERYONE was 2015 Nintendo Of America.

>muh /Pol/
Fucking gaynigger, have you read what the thread is talking about? Literally no one complaining about the qt brown girl, everyone infact complaining about White knight and trannies showing their hypocrisy to everyone to bear witness to

Yeah and look how that turned out. They had bad taste AND were unbelievable retarded.

>ugly teeth

"you want feminism like the western pigs? Traitor, go to the gulags"

I hate black and fluffy hair because it's all thick and gross lookin'. You deserve the aids you get from the black gals you enjoy.

Isn't that just Shiki?

most fluffybuns have black hair regardless of race you baiting kike crinkles are a different matter altogether and probably what you meant by what you didn't like.

>not being picked to troll waifutards

she cute

They usually contrast better with the classic Yamato nadeshiko black desu.

Attached: before-after.png (1416x708, 1.45M)

same, those are a huge letdown

That's clearly a white character whose skin tone was changed 10 minutes before release to "appeal" to black dudes.

Other than that, the character is white as fuck and sexualized as fuck. Nothing has changed, move along people

Anyone with those "fluffybuns" are disgusting and it's mostly worn by Blacks or their mix-bred mutt offspring, hence the generalization of mine.

The real question is if 4 will be a tengu with a nodachi or an angel with a claymore, it looks like it has a halo over its head.

>this character gets released
>already know the whole world will call him a fucking overwatch ripoff

she needs to be paler

It's fine as long as you don't breed with them. As a superior being you are perfectly entitled to take from them what you want.

>Samsho threads are going to be all about this bullshit now
I almost miss all the irohafags pretending they were going to buy the game.

No Baiken no Buyken.

This is a tranny-related issue. You see most women don't actually have a problem with playing male protagonist characters, or revealing clothes on women.

Troons have gender dysphoria which cause them to have a negative psychological reaction when playing as a male character, or are reminded by their inability to pass as an actual woman.

This is why troon-havens like ResetEra are sex-negative while insisting on not having male protagonist characters.

Attached: 1552345445094.jpg (250x223, 8K)

>and thats a good thing™
No seriously, the only thing fags like you deserve is death by stoning, inshallah

>Half naked women

>See black character

I fucking hate all you faggots to the burning core of my soul.

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I'd play an Afro-Samurai esque FFVII remake, that sounds dope as fuck

It's not forced diversity if it makes my dick hard.

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WHENS BASARA. Fuk this monster hunter bitch

>Chops off a child's head with a machete

>Eats hamburger

I fucking hate all you "centrist" faggots to the burning of my soul.

>have caucasoid facial structure
What the fuck does that even mean? Are you an actual racist? If black people don't have huge lips and wide noses they aren't real black people?
Sorry beyonce, you aren't actually black because of your caucasoid facial structure.
Sorry Cardi B your face is too caucasoidal therefore you aren't really black.

Attached: beyonce-pledges-to-build-more-wells-in-burundi.jpg (1536x1152, 426K)

You're a good man user. with good taste

What in God's fucking name is this moronic false equivalence

You do realize Beyonce's mother isn't black/negroid right?

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black girls have nice skin
they put lotion on like 5x a day
it's like silk

Black guy here. We have to because if we don't we look like someone threw baby powder on us.

you do realize that she's still considered black, and that people who are black can have slim noses and small lips.
I hope you realize that your idea that black people are just caricatures with big lips is stupid

They're saying she's mixed

>mixed creole niggas are considered white in america
lmao wtf

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>they put lotion on like 5x a day
that's because their natural skin is shit

He's just a /pol/tard. But both of your examples are mixed race and not black.

They aren't. That user has autism.

>you do realize that she's still considered black

by you maybe, she's just a mutt

Not him but her mom is ALSO mixed but they're right in that there are also 100% "black" people with "Caucasian" features because Caucasian is just a labeling system for skulls, there are different ethnicity that noone would consider white all over Africa and Asian that fall into that category. Race is already a stupid construct but using the negroid/mongoloid/Caucasoid system is just pants on head retarded.
Also these anime girl faces don't look close enough to any actual humans to give them to denote any actual ethnicity.

One day you'll realize that everyone's a mutt and the people in europe who cared so much about blood lines were all inbred fucks


I have to hand it to Anita: she's right this time. She's absolutely not my exotic fantasy.

>you do realize that she's still considered black
By retards and uninformed retards. She's mixed. Just like Obama.

>people who are black can have slim noses and small lips
Sure. It happens.

>I hope you realize that your idea that black people are just caricatures with big lips is stupid
I didn't say that. But "black" (negroid) people do have distinct features. And there is nothing racist about wider noses or bigger lips being the majority in their case. It's just genetic.
It's like saying slanty epicanthic eyes are racist caricatures if found on Asians.

Where did I say she was "white"? All I said that she isn't black. Can't you read? You sound like an Amerimutt yourself. Putting everyone in either "white" or "black" categories.

>tfw darli will never raid your home and take you as her prisioner to later shove you in her captain hammock and steal all of your "white gold" into her "special chest"

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>Oy vey!

Except a bunch of Arabs apparently, which is weird. I mean they're literally in the crossroads of the world, how do you get inbred when everyone passes through town.

I want to ejaculate on her ass and abs.
>The contrast of semen on dark skin.

t. 40th generation purebred Kohenim

>niggers aren't considered black in america
do you guys really do this?

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Can I hug her?

'Black' is an American construct, user, the peoples of Africa are incredibly genetically diverse.

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My nigga

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Interested in Galford and Kyoshiro.

Thread seems pretty gay.

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I'm not even American. Nor do I use their retarded "black/white" labels.
Here you are trying to push in random brown people into the "black" American label yet we both know you'd flip your shit if someone were to shove in a Syrian or a North African into the "white" category. Since, you know, Americans actually do that. Pic related.

I don't like grouping the European Caucasian appearance all into "white" category like some mixed Amerimutt that can't even list European countries and their capitals without googling let alone tell the difference between the people there. I prefer to use phenotypes. Nordid, Dinaric, Med etc.
Same how I don't like to mix in an even bigger continent of Africa into just the "black" category.

I know. But your Somali girl doesn't look like your average American "black". Since Americans imported their slaves from literally another side of Africa.

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I am a SF tourist but Jubei's design is the coolest to me. I love how he looks like a old, wise master but he's still a cocky asshole. Interested in the Darli for delicious brown though too, hope she has an altername costume, the default is a bit too Nomura for me.

Attached: jubei-samuraishodown4-remake-artwork2018.png (698x624, 120K)

My sister is pretty into dragon age. Not my cup of tea, but different slopes you know.

>Anita says something

Why aren’t yall doing what Anita said? GROSS. I can’t even right now. Literally shaking.

>how do you get inbred when everyone passes through town.
everyone doesn't pass through town. They murder people who try to pass through town

I was kind of on the fence about her but her aryan traits are too cutie.

Christ, black Sephiroth looks very fucking cool.