Woe betide the man who stands with the weapon of light for death will be his award. Death for him and his kin and all he hold dear.
Final Fantasy xiv
>finally cleared 09S ten mins before maimtenence
First clear since my old static exploded, tho its post Echo so it barely counts, oh well
more liek shadowniggers m i rite?
who cares man, you did it, good on you
i wish i had the willpower to savage now, havent cleared chaos since like.. december
>Eureka is shitty content
>people bitch
>Eureka gets cool content
>people also bitch
Just start playing Eureka then. I'm having a metric shit ton of fun in Eureka right now. Finished my RDM relic last week and now I just need 73 Hydatos crystals to finish my SAM relic. So tomorrow I get another relic then I'm going back to Pagos to get my Ninja relic rolling. This has been the most enjoyable relic they have ever created and I hope ShB keeps the relic tied to exploratory content.
>just want to dye my AF gear
>have to do Eureka for that
>it takes 600 of these crystals just to upgrade a single piece to the point where its dyeable
Fuck Eureka and fuck anyone who likes it.
You have no idea true hell
The elemental armor is pure cancer
>Just start playing Eureka then. I'm having a metric shit ton of fun in Eureka right now.
Play Eureka when the crossover event happens and the 4 person mount comes out. Running from place to place on foot during fatechains is the worst. You'll never not have a ride in two weeks.
All the cool content is all the way at the end. If they're going to make trash content I'd prefer it if it was entirely trash so I wouldn't have to dig through it for the gold on the bottom.
I started yesterday, I'm level 15 in anemos right now. It's a complete mindless grind, I don't understand what you find enjoyable about it. It reminds me of atma grinding.
I find it enjoyable because it reminds me of Runescape. You just grind and follow the train semi afk, talk bantz in all in shout. You are always progressing on leveling up and getting your relic so every second spent in Eureka you are being rewarded even if it is a small amount. I have spent 60 hours in Eureka since last Tuesday alone, it is much more enjoyable to me than doing the 24 or 8 man raids.
I'm gonna do it lads. I'm starting UWU prog tomorrow.
Pazuzu give you 50 anemos crystal, it's a pretty easy farm.
I guess it's just a difference in what we find enjoyable. I don't care at all about seeings numbers go up or progression or anything like that. I'm very gameplay oriented. Generally if I can play it while watching something on my other monitor and it also doesn't require strategy then I won't enjoy it.
I wouldn't mind as much if it didn't take so fucking long to go from 1 to 60.
Does it like shit out these crystals or something, like I've barely touched it only got to level 4 before the idea of grinding mobs and fates just kills me.
All you have to do is follow the train.
Hetero Hrothgar gonna take all the bunny pussy, and you can't stop us.
how do I find an ultimate static bros?
whatever you say you insufferable furfaggot
those viera are all going to be futas and lesbians fucking each other
>hetero hrothgar
LOL stay on your aura thirsty manlet cuck
>Hetero Hrothgar
There are more non-tranny Au Ra players than there will be hetero Hrothgar.
I currently play HeteRoe, friend.
l o l
>hetero hrothgar
god the fact that you even have to state it is proof that you're so insecure about how hrothgar are perceived
don't worry, you don't have to lie to us, we're all faggots here
just admit you want cock user
ironically giving your roebros brojobs still makes it gay user
>everyone meming at each other about baras, furries, trannies, ect
>just gonna stick to my fempotato and watch everyone scream at each other
>friends probably gonna drag me into uwu prog today
>haven't even cleared final
how do I even practice for shit like this
fucking subhuman trash
I'm well aware of the number of faggots who will play Hrothgar.
Not once, user. Not once.
Id take the gayest furriest tranny over a lala anyday.
Potatos belong in the oven.
Imagine being a male vierafag. What're your OF name buds?
>not liking one awful thing means you like another
kill yourself my dude
insecure incel
you dont have to be a faggot to laugh at the faggots in denial
This is what cis het women want. They want a lithe, tall, elegant, beautiful man who isn't a total twink. They want pretty boys.
Girls don't like bara.
I'm a fujoshi myself who has spent time researching this in the fandom itself; I have never encountered a single woman, cis or otherwise, who likes bara. This isn't my opinion, it's fact.
The only people that are into bara are other men, it's the type of yaoi women do not care for at all because the men just aren't attractive.
I’m a male midlander for life, fuck bunnies and cats.
Post your tits or get the fuck out.
I'm 6'1", 220lbs, hairy as fuck with a beard, and rep 310 bench.
I get laid plenty.
Most real women aren't fujoshits.
What is this maintenance for?
>asking for fujoshi tits
How desperate can you be? That's below the bottom of the barrel.
The whole male Viera debacle is just multiple factions of fetishists arguing.
Cis het females want bishonen rabbit men, and opposite them are the gay fags who want small twink bunny boys.
Then they both got btfo by male Hrothgar which appeal to gay bara fags instead.
To cuck eu people.
Why does everyone else have to stop playing for the sake of EU though?
>spot the fujoshit 101
No sane person uses any term you just spouted, cunt.
Shut the fuck up.
So it's a prease understanderu situation, got it.
holy fucking based
why do shotafags want male viera at all? Can't they just use male lalafell for that?🐰
The only thing you fuck is man ass, where are you women?
Their ideal shota twink is something like Alphinaud’s height and shape, not deformed potato toddlers.
Honestly anyone who calls lalas lolis or shotas are so off the mark, I can’t believe anyone is attracted to them.
yikes all the skinny fat fags already sweating the ronso taking their women
This is retarded. It's like saying that men don't want outliers like loli or muscle girls which is complete bullshit.
lala pussy is better💜
women's tastes are pretty vapid and shallow while men's tastes are extremely diverse
it's why anime girls can always look vastly different but anime men (appealing to women) are always either bishounens or rarely shotas, whereas men have everything from muscle women to lolis to tittymonsters to petites, etc
Reminder that Viera SLUTS belong to Hrothgar COCKS.
So EU bros are you gonna stay or move?
well, viera are probably.mostly gonna be played by trannies so you can have em
this is your tank and dps for tonight
imagine playing a race so gay they don't even have women
>muh trannies
rent free
I see no reason to chase after moogle, so I'm staying.
yeah watching these failed men bragging about cucking us out of cybering with the other failed men is pretty sad
Better them than male viera trannies
>I-I didn't even want to cyber with the other failed men anyways!
Coping tranny
Our females know their place and stay at home. Imagine treating your Females as equal.
absolutely based post💯
meanwhile in reality
>didn't even try to deny it
Bruh look at this dude
There's an entire ocean of monster boyfriend craving thots that lust after muscley human shaped beasts.
Is that bad lighting or a horrible neck seam where the head is supposed to connect?
why do they all wear skirts
>steal aggro for 1 second before using lucid because diversion had 30s on CD when the boss fight started
>healer screeches at the tank to stay in tank stance because "YOU'RE LOSING THREAT"
i saw your furaffnity account pretty nasty
I don't mind bara, but the man still has to have an attractive face, or a sculpted body. usually barafags are overly muscled hulks that look ridiculous.
eh if you're stealing threat less than 30 seconds into the fight then maybe the tank didn't secure enough of an aggro lead before switching back to dps stance.
>Thinking you can hide your scent
I smell you, bunnycucks.
I'm only like level 3 in eureka grinding is impossibly slow because no one is starting fresh so I'm alone and fates don't give any XP yet at my level. Did the patch change it or is it still shit?
imagine having AIDS
grind a bit, do the challenge log to the best of your abilities and then join the train
look at all these hot aura sluts waiting to get BARBED
I went into the fight with over 80 of each mana so I basically did two back-to-back melee combos in a row with embolden, it's pretty reasonable to grab aggro after that with no hate dampening. Plus I wouldn't have stolen hate if I'd just popped lucid a GCD earlier instead of trying to wait for Diversion to come up so I could use lucid when my MP was a bit lower. It didn't matter anyway because I intentionally made sure that if I did overtake the tank it wouldn't matter since it was during a part where the boss is standing still and doing mechanics instead of autoattacking. It was just the healer being a cunt. They also didn't cast any DPS spells
>Only bunnycucks hate furfags
Your race is just Roe's with lion heads pasted on top of them. You can even see the neck seam.
Never post this again.
You just do challenge log to level up now. Completing it once should rocket you from level 3 to level 10 or so.
>They also didn't cast any DPS spells
Like clockwork.
Ironically the only chicks ive seen that think bara is hot are those chicks that say they’re “mostly a lesbian xD”
Not an actual lesbian
Not bi
Thise idiot girls that say “mostly lesbian” love bara.
Don’t know why.
>Made a female character as an alt
>Get invited to some random FC
>People act noticeably more awkward when talking to me
>Even in dungeons people seem to act strange
I don't know how some of you manage it. This shit is making me really uncomfortable.
Probably going to make another guy tomorrow instead, guess I'll chock it up to my autism.
You might actually be autistic if you think this """"""""content"""""""" is good.
t.2 relics done because fuck all else to do and missed out on all types of trials and shit because of eureka.
Why not just use your free fantasia to change your alt to a guy if you're that gay?
Got no idea what you're talking about.
Emnity management is the DPS job. Outside of a RDM who only wants to use lucid for whatever reason, or a good MNK or BLM in a long ass fight from other bad DPS then honestly, a tank shouldnt do more than one emnity rotation.
>things that never happened
Literally everybody is playing a girl in this game
It’s more like they treat anyone who is playing a guy very coldly
Unless theyre gay
They do? I always thought that people who play this game were friendly to the point of it being outright unsettling. If that's how it is as a male character people must not leave you the fuck alone as a chick.
Enmity management is tank's first priority job. Maybe healing is DPS job either?
where we dropping lads?
crystal is the thinking man's choice
Enmity management is the job of the entire group and has been since MMOs came into existence.
>All the preferred worlds are getting lumped in with Crystal
Imagine the new players that will hop into one of them without knowing what they're really getting into.
Been on Balmung for years now, I'm not leaving.
Remember to make the right choice when picking a server.
>on coeurl
>not bothered enough by the other crystal servers to consider moving, even with the weight of every meme about trannies Yea Forums can think of pressing down
>get access to balmung-mateus' 10/10 economy once world-visit drops
>terrible bait
i can't wait for shadowbringers to come out and ban all of you thirdworldlets from content for another year.
>famfrit, exodus and ultros
I'll take "yikes" for three hundred, Alex.
don't you have a discord general that needs spamming
Hey man, as long as you don't use DF, it's a win for you.
the thinking woman (man)'s choice
Faerie disqualifies Aether.
The game doesn't suggest a preferred world until you choose data center yourself.
I just like to RP friend.
I usually meet more shitters from Goblin, Coeurl itself, Faerie and Jenova than I do shitters from Balmung. Mateus is a dead-zone though.
Hi guys,
1.23b was better than the game currently is.
There is nothing wrong with Famfrit, y'all just jealous of our Jades
Literally this There's way worse servers than Balmung, just look at Sarg and Siren.
I haven had a bad experience with anyone from Balmung. Even the ones with terrible erp profiles play better. Yet every time I get a dungeon with a Zalera tank shit always goes south.
What’s wrong with Exodus?
Jesus, how could I forget Siren, usually whenever I have a party-member with (Siren) affixed to their name it's a BRD or MCH about two steps away from a nervous breakdown.
the movement physics/animation whatever looks nice but otherwise it's horrible. i actually watched her 1.x playthrough somewhat completely
Lots of shitheads when I last played with people from it but with it being a preferred world there's a good chance the entire population-sect I'm thinking of has cycled out or otherwise moved on
congrats user
I feel you bro. I met a Zalera BLM that would waste Lb1 any chance he could get instead of banking it for lb3
>go to a dungeon as a male character
>nobody says anything
>duty complete
>0 player commendations
>go to a dungeon as a cute female character
>nobody says anything
>duty complete
>you received a player commendation!
>you received a player commendation!
>you received a player commendation!
really makes you think
i've been on siren literally forever and we've always been an absolute joke
before cross-server pf it was impossible to clear any new EX fight because everyone is garbage
it only got worse when we became a preferred server and filled with balmung refuse too
Tell me the truth, someone else pays your subscription dont they
Well if the BLM is using LB on big packs of mobs it is way better then sitting on that shit for a boss.
I hope you find inner peace some day, that sounds horrible
Good job m8.
I fucking hate O10S so prepare to suffer.
What kind of datamine changes are we expecting lads?
not her, but someone else pays my sub any time i ask
>That last patch a few months ago that broke everyone's messages from Siren.
Jesus you guys are a fucking joke I'm so sorry.
>more limited job garbage
Oh boy, I can't wait for an entire patch worth of content that lasts me literally 2 hours.
Are we actually gonna fight the garleans in 4.0?
As if you won't love it because it's the only job that'll let you idle in the expac's hub with a goobue sidekick
fuck you faggot i never asked to get moved to crystal
>play tank
>out dps the actual dps
>duty complete
>0 player commendations
>play healer
>watch anime on my second monitor and do 0 dps
>you received a player commendation!
>you received a player commendation!
>you received a player commendation!
in a way
I usually use what money I make from art commissions to pay it, so
Yeah, looks like we're finally gonna head to Ala Mhigo too. Can't wait to see how the city is like.
1st time he did it on a mob we were halfway done fighting. The other times they were on bosses
No it'll be a bait and switch like SB we'll start fighting them then go to the new world and cause an uprising in the colonies or some shit
delete this i wanna spread it more
>That movement
Why did they change it?
Because the combat wasnt anything like it is now. You want to stop where you stop, not dilly around.
>Be on Mateus
>Will never have to see a faerie fuckhead ever again
Trying to dodge things with momentum like that for every turn of a direction is cancer.
>be male roe
>all the obnoxious barafags will move onto hrothgar and I can finally be a big fully-armored dude in peace
Furries are a blessing
Thank god
>play tank
>keep a brisk pace, use CDs properly, stance dance during bosses, position mobs for maximum aoe effect
>healer bitches that I'm going to fast, stressing them out, and that I ruined their "comfy" playtime
>0 comms and one retard dps chimes in that I should be more considerate of others
>play nin
>sprint ahead pulling everything, shade walk the tank that's trying to respect the content, tell the healer to swiftcast some dps, smoke screen the other dps with a macro chastising them for not using diversion
>1 comm
how approachable is this game in 2019? If I've never played it before how easy is it to get into and to get to high levels to experience the new jobs?
Yeah? Us faeriefags are glad to be rid of you too, balmigglet. You won't have to shit up our alliance raids ever again. Good fucking riddance.
you just know they'll cave and give us male viera and female hrothgar
Who gives a fuck what others think. I'm the tank, I pull as much as I want and go as quickly as I want because I play for me to have fun not for you or anyone else. Healers adjust.
So the combat wasn't fucking hopscotch in the beginning? Whatever possessed them to destroy it?
no shit but it's still funny
yeah in 2021, i'm hopefully not playing anymore at that point
I'm actually surprised how I'm still somewhat addicted even though it's been 5 years already
Try the free trial, you can get to level 35 or something in all classes I think.
This isn't even a joke netflix healing gets you infinitely more comms than putting in any amount of effort
Fucking based.
Combat was fucking horrible in 1.X, picture the same things we have now except twenty times slower since the game was conceptualized as XI-2. Ifrit's battle-patterns didn't change all that much.
You'll be following the main quest to level up, so basically right as you finish the orginal game you'll be able to pick up Samurai and Red Mage, but you'll have to get through all of the original game's patch content and the first expansion's main story to try the new jobs.
It's TECHNICALLY tied to level, but the best way to level for someone new is to do the main story anyway.
To me, it really depends on how much I like ShB at launch. 4.56 was a really, really bad omen to me.
>it's an alliance C is full of balmung players episode
>they fail their dps check and get everyone killed
If you think combat is slow now you haven't seen anything, in 1.x you would literally stand around queueing one ability every half a minute, that is, if you had TP for it. It was genuinely terrible. The only reason 1.0fag gets away with spamming every thread with his gabrage without being laughed off is because very few here actually played 1.0 to tell them to fuck off.
>he thinks he can escape
>female character
>more comms
>usually no one says anything if you fuck up
>strangers rarely talk to you and if they do they're usually boring trannies
>male character
>less comms
>people point out if you fuck up and are a lot harsher
>strangers interact with you often and are probably bros
>End up getting stuck as the tank for that team
Honestly the only improvement I see 1.0 having over the newer one is their cutscenes, but they spent their whole budget on them leaving nothing for their actual gameplay.
>it's a "balmung filled party gets shit on despite being the best dps in the raid" episode
oh wait that's every episode for me
I think you need to be level 50 and get to Heavensward(the expansion) content to get Machinist, Astrologian, and Dark Knight. That means beating the main story and doing a long series of quests afterwards. Could take a long time if you're starting from scratch depending on how much you play. I really enjoy the story so I didn't mind but it just keeps going on.
Samurai and Red Mage, the Stormblood classes, are in a starting city so you should be able to get them as soon as you hit 50 and get the expansion.
garbage then, garbage now
guys..... I had this bad experience once with someone from this one server....... why is everyone from that server so bad........
>that atmos fight in crystal tower
mad balmongrel is mad
The secret is all players on all servers are trash. You're the only good player user
Do we ever have a cutscene where our character actually fights and not just awkwardly unsheathe/sheath our weapons while other characters fight for us?
every fucking time without fail, and the worst part is it's the shitters in mateus and balmung that act all holier than thou whenever they fuck up, and they spam the alliance chat telling everyone else to do the mechanics when they're the ones fucking up. I've had it. I'm so fed up with carrying their asses, I'm glad they'll have to fend for themselves from now on. Woe betide the competent on Crystal.
dps shitters got upset at tanks getting easy commendations for free so now they just give it to the healer. It will be that way going into the expansion to because of no new healer.
It takes about 100~ hours to get through the first fifty levels and main quests but the story is good.
The new Jobs have level 50 requirements. You could just straight up buy a level boost though. Most of the vanilla content is just running around and discovering who the main antagonists are.
Yes in Eureka the final cut scene for Hydatos has your WoL swinging a weapon forged by the primal Eureka to kill it.
Since yoshi loves even numbered jobs 6.0 will have a healer and a caster dps question is what the fuck will they be?
tell you why user
it's because everyone's remembering the bad times more
everyone here has had good runs with people of lots of different servers, but the second it's "oh this run kinda sucks" people instantly jump on things and equate them to other bad times (or in the case of balmung and mateus, the easy punching bag of "lol ERPers")
PS3 limitations.
This really is a tankless job.
There isn't even a patch to download.. Why the fuck does the game need to be down? For yuropoors I understand by why the fuck are NA worlds down? get your shit together squeenix.
How much bigger is the cash shop going to get in Shadowbringers? Im betting on twice the current size
Closest time I recall is we draw our weapon, the screen goes black, and when it comes back we are sheathing it with the enemy knocked out or something.
deleting WAR
Well, I guess thats something. Watching my character stand around and do nothing during that warriors of darkness intro cutscene was bizzare
they need to take the system down and connect an entirely new server there and then perform final tests, you can't hotswap them I'm pretty sure
Follow up question. How's the online community?
As much as I hate to be the guy who defends a cash shop, to be fair a lot of those items listed are just old in game events stuff and dyes.
The only major issue I’ve ever had with the cash shop is when they put gear on it that should have been earnable in game, like all the Far Eastern outfits when we literally go to the Far East, or the Hildy outfit.
They have an entire month before the new DCs come in for NA servers.. There's no reason why NA servers should have to be down right now. We aren't even CLOSE to the DC split.
if you ignore Yea Forums, one of the best
Fine. All the shit you see here being sperged about in threads is about 0.5% of anything you would actually see in game.
it depends on what server you end up on but it's mostly the same as any other mmo
It will literally always get bigger over time because event items go on there once they're over
Real tanks don't do it for gratitude, or even recognition. Real tanks do it because it's in their blood to hold that aggro.
It's probably because of the whole free transfer thing, it includes going to another DC, including NA or JP, no?
I don't trust anyone else to do the job so it may as well be me.
You don't just add up infrastructure and magically make it work. Shutting shit down and taking your time is the key to success.
Same thing happens with the NA split, you get a 24 hour maintenance and the rest of the world gets 6 hours.
Neither of those answer the question. How much bigger is it going to get, not if its bad or good nor "Is it going to get bigger?". Learn to read anons.
Community is pretty hug box in game, I see people claiming that they kick or confront low dps and or shitty healers all the time but in game I have never once seen anyone do that, most people will tell you to be nicer and groups will kick you if you do get too uppity
Stop making excuses for this company's shitty practices of stealing our sub money.
>have a regular name that doesnt sound feminine
>dont dress like a slut
there, treated like a male.
You're probably like one of those faggots who have a girls name like "Kat Whisperwind" and dress like a slut, hurrr why these males whisperig weird things x3 owo
I do it because no one else I play with wants to.
you get a day added to your subscription
Which is a problem on its own to be honest since it promote mediocrity.
what do you mean? you're getting a free day of sub time now, and another one when the NA one happens.
>wtf why are people playing characters in an mmo
EU Light, share your reactions when we finally get rid of disgusting frenchies in ~3 hours. I'll start:
Sounds like he was right on the nose there.
I'm excited to join you in that joy once Balmung is moved to their containment DC.
nah, i have a lore name for my female suncat myself because i like the setting. doesn't sound feminine at all, and i wear BLM AF gear.
i'm not even him, and never get messages from anyone anyway. just retarded to say "stop playing a character" when that's part of the fun for some people
So why can Korean's play right now ? They all live on twitch and shit.
Probably pretty big.
I predict upcoming outfits including Lyse’s dress or even Krile’s outfit.
not ran by square enix
>Play monster hunter 3U
>Play a female hunter since I alternate gender every game
>Give her a regular girl's name
>Forget that the character name is whats shown online
>Get TONS of friend invites, messages, and people complimenting my play over voice chat even though I never talk
>Add "I'm a guy" to my profile
>Not a single invite or message ever again
Literally all it takes is a girl's name for your character. Sometimes not even then. I had people whiteknighting me in Bioshock 2 when I played the Amelia Earhart expy and got people salty.
Fucking god dammit just let us play
Koreans have a completely different sever structure run by a different company same with china. They are two patches (?) behind and get exclusive mogstation stuff and events.
I heard this game is really popular with traps for some reason.
Pray for me, user. I don't know who you were but I'll miss you nonetheless.
t. Cerberus
Um, sweetie, trap is a really disparaging word for transfolk because they pass much better lmao TRANNIES BTFO
>enemies attack
>your friends are knocked down left and right
>WoL: (shocked reaction face)
isn't the item on the left supposed to be what you're buying?
>get exclusive mogstation stuff
And then NA/EU will beg for these items and further open up Square's eyes to the easy cash grab they have on their hands.
>attractive looking characters
>dress up
its literally build-a-bear workshop except they get to build the life they'll never have.
So give it to me straight bros, will they actually make DRK a premiere job like HW DRG or will it get MNK'd?
>implying you're attractive, married, and own a house
girls(male) are insufferable but don't sell yourself short user
>play a max height fem highlander
>pet male miqo'te tank and call him a cute miqo'te manlet
>few minutes go by and get kicked
Are people that insecure about their digital height? i thought this game had a friendly community
I wish I wasn't a massive autist I want to have a qt wedding
Reminder that NA and EU begged for jump potions and constantly beg for China outfits and dances yet will then start clamoring about how shitty the cash shop in a second.
I hope you like being one of the main tanks.
>episodes that were never aired
>limited relic
>limited public dungeon
>limited job
>limited race
>limited expansion
That's what you get a free transfer for, my friend. No need to play along baguettes ever again. Join us in the Light.😂
>queue up for aurum vale
>healer starts whining about the dps during the first boss
>keeps whining during first trash pull after first boss and calls them idiots
>vote dismiss
>get new healer
>finish dungeon run
why are people so cancer
I try to reward friendly behavior and good deeds. A tank holding aggro and not dying is just part of their basic job description, not a heroic achievement
actually, I just give commendation to that one guy who is still left after the last cutscene stops playing
I wish dude. They keep chopping their dicks off for some reason.
Never, it's unironically lalas fault
no i regularly went in with my friends and we topped it all with no issue.
I actually do it's the reason I was playing PLD but they made it the mandatory OT so I switched
that is very toxic, enjoy your ban
I fucking hate playing PLD bro holy spirit is absolute cancer. yet here I am about to prog UWU as it because that's what my raid team needed. Just like the last two fucking raid tiers
That would mean abandoning more or less my entire network though. I wish they had just put Fs and Ds in one DC and the euros who bother to learn English in the other instead of splitting the cancer two ways.
You mean...this mount? These BA items? :)
Tell your entire non-french network to transfer then. It's free.
I attended a wedding between a couple FC members, it was nice.
Of course there’s always that one guy who shows up in their normal armor/outfit instead of formal wear
You know who you are, and we are all judging you.
>Its cold......
What did they mean by this?
>I'm thinking of picking up this game because I'm a shut-in weirdo injecting female hormones into my butt. Should I?
How do I get a tranny gf to lock up and play with?
Bros will maint end early I want to try and catch a fish.
I'm a no friends autist that has trouble talking to people even online, I'll probably never go one much less EB someone
>Hetero Hrothgar gonna take all the bunny pussy, and you can't stop us.
Hrothgar are going to be like, 98% bara furfaggots and 2% honorable Ronso warrior roleplayers who are too spiritual and too busy protecting their mountain to associate with thots.
And the bunnies are going to stick with hyur and maybe elezen men.
i really need to grab my physeos need like 12 fragments
>This is what cis het women want.
No, that is what little girls and teenagers want.
Women want a manly man with a stable income, drive to improve, confidence, a good paternal attitude, and above all else an insatiable desire for their woman.
Viera are gonna be 80% futafags fucking each other.
>Girls don't like bara.
Girls can fuck off this is a boys game
they get those because the korean and chinese versions are missing somethings like gold saucer
nobody cares
If I take that mask off, will he die?
These are vidya avatars. They're 100% looks and those yaoi boys are what they want when it comes to looks.
Does anyone else think running content with people you know kind of sucks all the fun out of it? I like duty finder parties because it's like every queue is a new adventure and you never know what kind of players you'll get or what might happen
Based Fat Blu
Yes. That's what little girls want.
Women don't want twinky fag boys.
BLM master race
>almost no difference between clans, just pale vs light tan
tfw Hrothgar got more effort put into them than Viera
Based, should've won.
No. You need a mixture of regular faces to keep you afloat in the sea of shifting literal whos to keep you engaged.
>tfw I'm 2 fragments off but can't be assed to go back in
I really should, I'm sure the armor tokens will sell well once the place is dead, and a shot at making bank off the AV minion doesn't hurt.
No because when you end up with shitters unable to play their job correctly and make you wipe endlessly to a fucking easy trial, you just want to die inside.
t.someone who spent 40min in the Yojimbo fight
>Women want a manly man with a stable income
I sure as fuck don't want a manly man. You don't understand women at all lol
I'm not. You're just a moron.
And what, pray tell, makes your posts anything other?
It will be extremely limited
this was a serious question btw if anyone wants to tell me to fuck off or actually answer it preferably in that order.
>Girls can fuck off this is a boys game
Thats why the game's default pronouns are she/her, right?
God. The one on the far left is exactly how I want my Viera to look like.
No, I sometimes think like you until I run some dungeons with people I know and notice how fucking faster it goes with decent people.
so nothing new already from what we have?
That's because Hrothgar were the original planned race in 5.0, they added bunnies because they knew people would throw a shitfit even bigger than the one we just went through.
Burn in hell Frogs!
Pretty much.
same face
>Queue for expert
>Get one of your own friends randomly
It's really fucking weird feeling.
The fact that you felt you needed to preemptively state you're not a tranny means that, unlike most of the people accused of being trannies here, you actually are a tranny.
>t. low self-esteem
Wait until you live together and your weak little boy can't fix anything around the house, can't open a stuck jar, can't do any housework, can't princess-carry you and so on.
I'm not ruling out switching to Viera, I'll have to play around with character creator, but god damn do I love my petite aura girl.
Bullshit, they said Viera were done right before Paris Fanfest and Hrothgar were finished afterwards.
Absolutely not, having to heal shitter mancat tanks queing with randoms makes me want to quit playing the game.
To compare
i remember one time i queued for a 8man by myself and the 7 other people were all my fc mates
>I sure as fuck can't get a manly man
Fixed your post.
No headgear is too much of a sacrifice for me. I get helmets and hats, but not adding stuff like Summoner horns, glasses or visors is just fucking lazy.
And finally
>play RDM
>tank is doing single pulls
>corps-a-corps to one enemy then displacement the other way in order to "accidentally" trigger more mobs to come
>run back to the tank and let them pull the mobs off me
it was an accident guys I swear :o)
Don't feel like digging it up but it's what Yoshi said about it in his interview with Mr Happy, just because they finished Viera faster doesn't necessarily mean they started work on them first either.
Ronso where the PLANNED race. But everyone and there mothers kept clamoring more and more for Viera and the poll and the fact we had a ivalice raid didn't fucking help matters. Viera is the reason we do not have female Ronso.
Miqo'te are gay, fujoshi or basedlet normalfags. Add a tank's power and position to someone like that and you get... well, what did you expect? It's like expecting a "female" au ra, especially xaela, to not be a tranny sperg with a stick up their ass. Game has a friendly enough community but people have gotten way, way too trigger happy these days.
No wonder you people are angry and single. Woemn don't want a "manly man". They want someone that 1) isn't a prick and 2) is mentally stable
You're disqualified on both fronts
Well she has good taste in armor set and great sword I cant kid on that.
Sprout-chan won everyone's hearts
I like how the Japanese do that cute slight bow as a thank you.
Seriously. And their reasoning is shit.
>"We put so much effort into these. Why would you want to cover it?"
Not only can you turn this around on them and make it sound like they're implying they didn't put anymore near enough effort into the other races, but it also kills some of the job flavor with a lot of gear.
A NIN without a mask? A RDM, BRD,or a BLM without a hat? A WHM without the option for hoods? No draconic looking headgear on DRG? No helmet on WAR and DRK? No goggles on MCH? No Glasses on SCH? No horn on SMN?
No fucking thank you. I'll just fill my house with Viera vendors.
>women don't want twinky fag boys
But I do have a manly man boyfriend. No complaints. Everyone I know who has a twinky or basedboy bf is always complaining about some attitude problem of their bf or a missed expectation from their part.
If a woman is playing this game and shes not already married, hell even if she is, she likely prefers those twink bodytypes.
so half assed, looks like she doesn't even want to be there
Exactly like any sprout I met.
Just laugh user, you hit the sensitive spot and got a bullseye, hurting their feelings so much they legitimately couldn't stand your presence anymore.
>The status of the following Worlds has been changed today.
>■European Data Center
>▼Changed to Standard World
We're not talking about fags.
See my Number 2. Also, I'm pretty sure your BF is shit compared to mine.
Pretty sure this isn't r/dating
>voicechat callouts for story dungeons
Thank god for the fans, really dodged a bullet there. Viera was the only race this game ever needed and if it never got added I would be mildly upset and probably lose interest in the game entirely if female Ronso got added instead.
These look so deathly boring
>1) isn't a prick
You seem to be under the impression that manliness is inherently a bad thing, and that the very act of a man being manly makes him a prick by default. Lol, what?
You want a girlfriend that you can fuck without being a lesbian. You want a yes man who will go along with everything you say and will never challenge you because you can't handle it.
You don't want a man to respect and look up to, you want a doormat to placate your ego until you eventually tire of him and fuck some asshole behind his back.
That is why you aren't a woman. You're a little girl.
>2) is mentally stable
Why do you feel entitled to something you can't give in return?
I just want to play already
Why do they always preview clothes on the shit races
Still mad about Versus.
Because they are the most played races of course duh.
>projection: the non argument: the post
>Men pretending to be women arguing that they are what women want arguing with men pretending to be women arguing that they are what women want
I can't believe I'd rather be in the /vg/ thread.
Is it even worth it to level up my fishing? I'm leveling miner and botanist but I don't know if fishing is useful
It is sporadically useful.
This is the /vg/ thread leaking into Yea Forums, it always happens when the servers are down for some fucking reason
Shove your buzz words right up that sandy cunt of yours, sweetheart. You know I'm right.
It's something to work on during the next three months. Have a go.
Praise be Succu.
Is it even worth it to go fishing in real life?
You have to stop looking at it in terms like that, just get comfortable, crack open a beer, cast your line, and relax and enjoy the scenery
>I'm right.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, alone
Only useful if you want to make your own food. Fishing mostly exists for its own sake. 90% of fish in the game aren't used for anything, they're just there to fill up the fishing log. Considering fishing is basically just various layers of RNG stacked on top of each other, you have to be a special kind of autist to enjoy it.
ShB will end with elezenos sitting at the throne autistically trying to fight WoL.
It's useful for CUL and some occasional ALC stuff.
Real fishing is just autisticly trying to catch every fish.
You can make some really good money with Fishing, even better than MIN or BTN to an extend when new Aethersand are added to it with desynth.
I want to join the Garleans, tired of the faggot alliance. Purge Ul'dah of the degenerate ERPers
another black leather shitmura designed cosplay outfit to go straight into my armoire just like the leonhart and strife sets
i do it because im shit and it's the easiest job to excel at
>You can make some really good money with Fishing
Explain please, I'm nearly maxed out on fishing and I'm poor as shit how do I start making money?
AST is going to get [Comet] Right?
None of it was designed by Nomura. This was FF XV stuff was designed by a Japanese fashion label called Roen.
desynth with CUL
>with CUL
But I don't have CUL leveled
It's more so because in almost every instance where someone is uppity, the uppity person is generally an over geared douche upset someone less geared then them on a MSQ is interrupting their speed run of the story mission related dungeon they happened to roulette. Legitimately god awful players have become rare, I have never seen a dungeon wipe from any random I got assigned since HS came out.
Your fortune: Average Luck
>unable to reply to anything due to being btfo: the post
Chop chop then
It's too late now, but when ShB comes up, you'll be able to get some special fish to reduc for aethersands that crafter will absolutely need to craft some stuff.
Reduction is different from desynth, pardon me.
Reduction is basically desynth collectables but without the need to have anything leveled in desynth.
EU maintenance ending early..
>manliness is inherently a bad thing
it is, in my opinion. i don't find being an aggressive dickhead attractive
Manliness isn't being an aggressive dickhead.
Being an aggressive dickhead is being an aggressive dickhead.
Where do you get the idea that being manly means being aggressive? You don't have to be a lmao dudebro frat-type to be manly.
tfw AF4 is just a rehash of AF3
explain what it means to you then, because that's apparently what it means to every other guy i've met with an interest in "being manly"
As much as I think Namae is a good artist,
How the fuck did no one notice that this is almost identical to AF3?
Dumb cunt, your boyfriend probably cheats on you :)🐸
Game is back up :D
>explain what it means to you then
Being a dependable and able individual who puts his family before himself, isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in, is loyal and resilient, is personally responsible and owns up to his mistakes, and knows that sometimes self sacrifice is necessary for the happiness of others.
I like that they went to the trouble of doing separate designs for male and female AF this time around, only to make male AST look like a drag queen again.
>They want a lithe, tall, elegant, beautiful man who isn't a total twink.
lilthe, tall, elegant, beautiful men that aren't total twinks wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole
>literally the only person in Ul'Dah right now
Kinda creepy
Should have looked like pic related.
Here's your Easter items bro
I'm on Balmung and there were already people looking for ERP in the quicksand, but only like 2 of them.
Key Art
Fair enough. Here are some comparisons about what manly means to me vs. what I see from men I don't deem manly:
- What wrote.
- Responsible towards your health and your financial security. Non manly men have bad spending habits and poor organization, and in poor physical shape.
- Disciplined. Non manly men are lazy, constantly procrastinate, their homes are filthy and/or disorderly.
- Emotionally stable: In control of your emotions, instead of the other way around. I lost count years ago the amount of times I've seen non manly men lose their shit about inane stuff e.g. MAGA hats if you live in USA (I don't).
- Respectful: Treat everyone how you wish to be treated. Non manly men are only respectful from the PoV of virtue signalling ("If I like you and agree with you I treat you well, if I don't, I'll bully you).
- Humble. Non manly men are self-absorbed and have inflated egos based on a delusional sense of reality (unwarranted self importance, believing they're strong because they "go" to a gym twice a week, believing they're smart because they play videogames).
> Self-sufficient: Manly men are not desperate for attention, they keep themselves occupied and don't need constant stimulation, validation, nor self-expression. Non manly men are constantly trying to get someone to notice them.
>Housing food AGAIN
>we still haven't seen more than 1 face option for viera
>still havent seen clans (if we have its lazy as fuck and just different color palettes)
bros im worried.. the viera we saw so far look REALLY good but its going to suck if there's literally only one good face option and no real difference in clans, it would just end up with the same situation as male highlander where they all look the same cause of not many good CC options
Play on faerie where male and female get equal attention becuz of all the gays and bi ppl.
Is this a different artist than normal? It looks way more bland and the cat face is off
ok, i like it but these seem to just be general guidelines about how to be a good person rather than how to perform your gender role correctly
either way though, i can respect that
That's actually a nice glam.
Would be cool, if they actually ever gave you a choice. It would set up a nice premise for open-world PvP, in a game where open-world PvP was viable, or PvP playable in general
It's already confirmed it's just color palette swap.
They're based off Greek gladiators you dumbass
Thinking about Gilgamesh, isn't that where most raiding guilds reside?
Game is dead, ShB cancelled
it's where like one raiding guild resides, most of the server is "hey we roll on this hardcore raid server so we're hardcore raiders"
that cat is asking for it
>general guidelines about how to be a good person
True, but that's what the expectation is from a manly man. Men looking for a feminine woman don't care if she's e.g. self-sufficient and independent, as long as she isn't insanely possessive.
confirmed where?
i assumed it was, but i hadnt seen it mentioned anywhere officially
>if she's
>if she isn't
Is it too late to start?
I play on Faerie. So glad it's not complete faggotry like the bigger servers. Hop on Gilgamesh see a faggot dancing around with skin colored underwear trying to hug a chick.
The state of no content now.
You do your thing, I’ll just be waiting for lion ladies
No. Perfect time actually, with trial and those free amazon/twitch keys.
What are the free keys?
>they treat anyone who is playing a guy very coldly
Not true, if you have a male miqo'te they give you too much attention because they assume you are gay.
iirc if you have amazon prime, you get a free base game key. Lots of people are (where?) giving those away since it doesn't apply for standing accounts.
Resident Giglabitch here, there is one hardcore FC here, everything else is mass invite FCs probably because it's such a big server there is absolutely no community and all of the smaller to mid sized FCs have all either disbanded or folded into the mass invite masses so unless you honestly think that you're somehow going to snipe a spot in Elysium (you're not) then go literally anywhere else and just use the forums to set up a hardcore static if you care that much
In Eureka is it just better to get into trains and farm the special monsters for anemos?
I dont understand the state of players wanting back 1.0. It was complete and utter garbage.
"OH, BUT IT LOOKED SO MUCH NICER" No shit it was an unoptimized game where everything had 5,000 polygons to run on.
A dev team so out of the loop in terms of MMO's as well.
This is Yea Forums there are contrarians for quite literally everything, you could give them a plate of shit and they're claim to like it if they thought they could get replies
Try and find a noob CL party to get you to level 6, then join the train and do NMs until you get to level 25.
Why the fuck would you want a cutscene where we fight....when we actually do the fighting.
Do you want your character to gather and craft for you on auto pilot as well?
Also, he/she/it fights in every intro cinematic of the game.
Are the old races going to get new CC options?
I've heard tell of a new elezen face being added.
>that intimidation scene with Asahi
Lalafell do not match the shota/loli ideal. They are amorphous blobs.
No. Just another dumb rumour.
"elezen animations are being revised" and "the ARR MSQ is being trimmed down" are going to be Shadowbringers' version of "Stormblood has triple the budget of Heavensward!"
It's more like there's 15 jobs in the game with more being added all the time and so making a convincing fight scene would either be a retarded amount of work or look lazy as fuck. If they want to have your character fight it's easier to just make an actual fight.
>In other words, tread not the wood with hopes of finding a male Viera, for you will be met with naught but disappointment... or worse, death.
>They simply do not exist to us.
They laid this shit out months ago and people still lost their shit like the reality wasn't in front of their face.
Yoshida even pointed at it and people still persisted in their delusions."It's a red herring! He's just being coy!"
Lads I think I'm done
You can switch to a Primal server for free.
>chaos; moogle loisoix
>light; ZODIARK lich odin
fucking japs can't get anything right
>quoting an article where he calls himself a contrarian to point out that he won't do something
He also said that we'd never get Viera and rejected them in HW never trust him on anything if people cry enough he'll do it
The only Elezen related thing was Namae talking about a Viera variant that looked like a young Elezen, and Yoshida shushed her for it.
Which after the JP Fanfest seems was probably just talking about Viera children npcs or something.
>"elezen animations are being revised"
I specifically remember them talking about adjusting the sprinting animation only. Anything beyond that is just wishful thinking.
>ARR MSQ being trimmed down
I never understood this rumor. Why would they do that when they make money from not fixing it? Keep people playing longer = more sub money and impatient people pay up to skip it. They expressed a desire at one point to want to trim it down so it wasn't so terrible but then they just started selling the skips and all that talk vanished.
Eh, it's the same thing with male miqo'te. It wasn't totally unreasonable to imagine them pulling out male Viera anyway. The moment it became obvious males weren't happening is when they refused to comment on it at Paris fanfest. The lore is obviously just an excuse though, not an actual reason, considering they write the lore. Real reason is Yoshi's autism.
Are servers up yet?
Any time you receive three comms, it's because the other 3 players queued in together and you didn't do a terrible job.
>"It's a red herring! He's just being coy!"
I've seen this kind of denial in the WoW community as well when some retarded bullshit pops up on the beta or PTR and people say
>it's just a red herring it'll totally be different in live
when that has never been the case ever. That is a powerful kind of denial.
ARR MSQ has been trimmed down before though, and if doing it again means more new players who actually stay in the game, that seems like a far better business to me.
Obviously. We've been fighting them every expansion, and that's not going to change now.
Will we focus exclusively on fighting them/go to Garlemald? Obviously not. Are you an idiot?
>guy yells at me to send invite
>im still struggling to even use the keyboard during combat
This game is too hard for me bros :(
I still get tank comms on the regular. If I don't get it, my healer friend gets it. My DPS friend never gets commendations.
>fuck up my rotations as MNK after not having played for a year
>say enough is enough and completedly redo my HUD and hotbar hotkeys, unbind everything around WASD
>effectiveness of ALL my classes increase greatly as stuff like Dark Arts is bow bound to Q instead of alt+4 or some shit like that
Feels good man
>"It's a red herring! He's just being coy!"
that is something that he's do, to be fair
>everything logically makes sense for us to go through nagxia and ff xiv's dalmasca heading to ilsabard
>we're going to a different dimension instead
this confuses me so much
i mean, i like it, it's just kinda weird
I was impressed when a newbie FCmate told me he put up requests in Party Finder to run through old trials/raids and people were tripping over each other to help him.
I agree that trimming it down, especially the patch content, would be better in the long run but doing that would mean taking away development time from something else. Yoshi seems to take pride in how they just barely skate by on their deadlines as is. I can see them being content to just have the skip as a bandaid so they don't have to put in that effort of tweaking such old content.
>All that work just to glam over the weapon
Just clear savage you mong
Tested it on the SSS dummies, I'm critting like every third GCD it feels like Jesus Christ. This thing is obscene, Too bad it only came out after the content is largely irrelevant
No, user, you were the demons
How dead does PF look on each EU datacenter right now? Wondering where to move.
At 11 in the morning on a workday?
Pretty dead.
I've seen a few bad things said about zalerians in this thread and I just wanna set the record straight .
We zalerians are good hard working players just trying to get by. Are worlds firsters? no. But we can handle just about any content you can throw at us and hang with the best of em.
I had an absurd amount of trouble just trying to fins a basic ass picture of a southern man in google images. it either gave me pictures of the country side or metro-sexual faggots no matter how specific my search was. shits ridiculous
I agree. I assumed from the dialogue Fran gave us we would be helping her resistance leader or something. Still the First looks cool and all.
Ah yes just wait for pazuzu to spawn... Eventually.. and then deplete his bloated as all unholy fuck health pool... And then you get 50 out of the 1300 or so crystals you need just for even a single (anemos) weapon.. this.. this is epic...
Yeah but like Light and Chaos in comparison
As a newer player I sure wish they would increase the drop rates on these mendacity and genesis tomes.
I mean shits gonna be irrelevant soon anyway so help a sprout out.
The Korean cash shop is next level scamming. "We'll get the NA/EU players to literally beg us to take their money!"
It must have been some kind of very recent(as in after the release of Stormblood) change of plans. Everything in SB has been leading up to going to Garlemald next.
Luckily I think their gamble will pay off, the whole situation on the First seems interesting and has a lot of potential.
At least 6.0 will 110% be the Garlemald expansion, followed by the repeatedly teased moon/Zodiark expansion for 7.0.
50 anemos crystals converts into roughly 175 protean crystals. You only need about 380 anemos crystals to get enough proteans for an anemos weapon. You can get that much in less than 2 lockouts.
I hate that trannies think trap is a slur. These days trap is a god damn term of endearment, despite the origin.
The game practically showers you in tomes, the hell are you talking about?
You're mixing Anemos Crystal and Protean.
1 Anemos crystal can give up to 2 or 5 Protean crystal.
So roughly you will need 380 or something Anemos crystal to finish a weapon.
What's wrong with Holy Spirit?
They already are increased. And for fucks sake you can max out your gear in like 10 runs of expert roulette as long as you also get raid gear on the side.
When are they putting this on anyway? Been in the files for months now.
Don't forget limited housing!
What part of "the vast majority of the population is not playing yet" do you not understand. Wait until later in the evening and then ask, because any answer given now will be incredibly lacking in validity.
based femoid
Awhile ago i was doing alliance raid roulette and got world of darkness. Immediately on the first pull of trash i ended up dying. No tank was doing their job (Like usual in alliance raids). And i said in party chat "Tank? Do your job?"
And then i was met with snarky responses like "Diversion, use it." Okay sure, i can use diversion but that's no excuse for 3 tanks to not be in tank stance and not doing their jobs.
Then on the first boss i ended up dying to doom and i said to the healer "Esuna?"
And yes i know i was wrong now, you can't esuna it off you have to stand on the platform. But it had been awhile since i had done that fight, so i screwed up and was at fault.
But then i was met with snarky remarks again like "You have level 70 healers and you don't know what can and can't be esuna'd off?"
Afterwards i ended up getting kicked.
Not going to lie it pissed me off. Sure i was wrong about the Esuna thing, but you don't have to come off like a total jerk about it.
To be honest i think i was grouped up with a group of friends. Because they were quite toxic and all jumped on me together.
I'm far from perfect and make a lot of mistakes. But there really is no reason to group on someone and berate them.
Overall the community is good for the most part. I don't have tons of bad experiences like that, but i do have a few. I posted one earlier about a stubborn healer who wouldn't dps.
If i can remember another one i will post again with another bad experience, or maybe a future experience waiting to happen.
It's meant to be a big dick damage phase but feels fucking anemic. Not to meniton that it kills your mobility.
Light is full of people wanting to buy house from those moving to Chaos, dunno about Chaos.
I want to marry Aymeric!
>Eureka apologist
Let's see your fortune.
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Let's see mine
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Enough with the mother fucking food furnishings!
Beside that one from 1 or 2 years ago that gave away the amazing egg mount, did the Easter event offered anything important or good since they started?
Shush we can't have anything that isn't purely streamlined theme park content
Not really, people try to act like the quality of holiday rewards are going down or something but they've always been mediocre with a good one like once a year
Taisho Roman is the pinnacle of Japanese style clothing.
I'm sure the male outfit is in the game already with a different model.
Looks like a reskinned mix of the Arachne caster and ninja stuff.
That makes it transiently better, which is to say in layman's terms, not at all. It's still a shit payout for a monster that takes forever to spawn and even longer to kill
Here's a suggestion, don't start every sentence with a condescending bitch question, asswipe, especially when you're wrong and will come off as an absolute faggot fuckhead
Pretty cute.
I hope the sleeves have physics, or at least avoid looking like the flabby chickenwings on Yuna's outfit.
>tfw no manly bf
I hate being a fag so much
don't hate yourself, it's unattractive
play on faerie
people are friendly and the gays aren't as obnoxious as they are on the rp servers
It’s not that I hate myself, but my dating pool consist of vain and mentally deranged drama queens.
Elezen in slutglams are amazing it's like a milf that's far too old for it trying to still be young
I just want a cute viera bf so fucking bad he doesnt have to be that effeminate but I hope he's charismatic🐰
oh yeah fair enough im not fond of most of my dating pool either, but it worked out for me in the end
How do I get my platinum packs from the triple triad tournament? I should be getting 3 packs but I didn't get them when I did my 20 matches and neither did I get them today
I liked the egg barding...
>people unironically watch larryzaur‘s videos
>Your line breaks
are you sure🐸
>MtF tranny in my FC
>Keeps linking larryzaur's latest videos accompanied by an xd
They do?
Holy fuck after sending this message I tabbed back into the game and she had just linked one of his videos what the fucking hell of a coincidence