Can we get a comfy Borderlands thread going?
Can we get a comfy Borderlands thread going?
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tianamen square
fuck off chong
Borderlands was such a shit game. I don't understand how it was popular enough to spawn a franchise.
aww aren't you a special little negative nelly
Your fortune: Good Luck
i binged watched the first five minutes of borderlands 1 and had to quit...
fuck it im too tired for this shit
>reeeeeeeck and morty
it was just a bad game overall
you know the drill
Sorry, Wang Chung, it's not my fault Borderlands is shit.
There are plenty of actual valid complaints about borderlands, and yet you chose to make shit up?
>people actually like this game
well you gotta remember(or should i say reMEMEber) reddit was cancelled today
>universally praised
>loved by millions
>it's shit cuz I said lmao⚽
you mad?
you sound mad
old pasta✔️
>Epic exclusive
>universally praised
You'll never get one ever again now that it's not coming to steam right away, every thread will be full of steam drones throwing a bitch fit. Despite the fact that pc sales for BL was insignificant compared to console sales.
implied you were gonna buy but changed your mind
are you saying YOU have trash taste
Rolled 92 (1d100)
>resorts to U MAD
prove otherwise
Played a little BL2 today. Replaying this game is always an awful experience. I might try to work through it.
Replaying Pre sequel right now.
Played it once through normal on release and never touched it again, its not as bad as 2 but lacks content.
First game is the best.
>post ugly mutt
>n-no i not mad
>Epic Games Store exclusive
They were so fucking close to getting my money. Oh well.
bait aside, this made me realize that when borderlands came out bush had just left the whitehouse
where did the time go bros
FUCK that, I'd sooner replay Pre-Sequel.
>implying I won't just buy it on PS4 instead
I'm not a poorfag, user. I can afford both a gaming PC and multiple consoles.
all my friends bought it and hated it
all but one returned it to gamestop
last friend destroyed the disk and filmed it
>me and my fwenz are the majority
oh right your friends speak for millions of people
>last friend destroyed the disk and filmed it
look at the steam data
millions bought it but only a hand full actually played it
humble bundles inflate sales dumbfucks
Just come up with a different setup.
Try anarchy Gaige, pyro Krieg or melee Zero.
>millions of flies
Who /boomercore/ Zane main here. God I hope he's not a hollow boring husk of a character like Axton.
fuck you borderlands sucks ass
penis flappy jacky
Better idea: try a series that isn't crap.
You just hate video games universally, don't you?
>try even worse setup to make bad game playable
axton is the most milk toast character in all of gaming history. gearbox should actually feel bad
FUCK YOU, those are good setups.
>pc numbers
>meaning anything
Been enjoying Athena on a new Presequel run since I never finished the DLC.
He better get a adam jensen skin.
I wasn't aware Borderlands was the only video game.
>milk toast
Seriously, nigger?
just tyring to fit in
Gonna start a new file on 1, and play through the games in leadup to 3. I always make it to killing 9 toes in 1 and then just get bored, so hopefully I'll be able to push through this time.
Yes you're a very special and unique snowflake.
Most people say it’s the best loot shooter and it did win GOTY somewhere
only the shit ones
>Most people say it’s the best loot shooter
>a genre that has like five games
still the best diabolo style loot game around
stay assmad
Are you aware you are a sour faggot?
>shows the same graphics
>muh gazijjlion guns maymay
>relies on nostalgia of previous games
>black stronk maman
>Roland and Brick
>Gaige and Salvador
>Wilhelm and Athena
You're supposed to hate BL2, not the first. Get your shit straight if you want to fit in.💢
This. I hate resurrection system, though.
Both second wind and the NuU.
The problem is that it's still all the same enemies and quests, so it feels like a slog. Getting to a level that can manage a decent set of skills also takes a while.
they both suck
the first on was felt soooooooo fucken clunky i quit after the first leveli didnt even bother looking in the same direction of the second one
>best turd in a toilet of shit and piss
im so impressed
Fuck this shit, I'm out of this ride.
I really hope you can do suicide bombing skags.
Skip most of the shit. Only do story quests and fun ones like arenas.
trying too hard
The first game is incredibly bland to be fair. Better loot system otherwise.
How is new game plus for Borderlands 2? I'm curious to know how the game changes by that point.
>soibois actually care this much about a shitty game
dont worry
r/gamers will be back up tomorrow
i put more effort into that post than shitbox did into that trailer
>make big number
>enemies take litterally no damage unless you shoot purple shit at them
doesn't make the statement wrong unfortunately
>Everything was grey and brown
>Now everything is white and purple
Art direction for that one was such a shitshow.
Reminder that just because you dislike something, doesn't mean it's objectively a bad product.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>borderlands 1 has the most unsatisfying ending in all of video games
>borderlands 2 has a playable psycho
yeah no
i dislike it because its bad
Why do people genuinely like these games? I've tried playing all of them and they all are extremely boring. The wAcKY humor is fucking garbage, it takes forever to go anywhere, and the weapons look and act very similarly with slight changes to elemental damage and numbers.
NG is okay
NG+ is fine until Lv50
NG++ has more bloat than Windows and Samsung phones combined
It doesn't make it wrong, but it does make it meaningless.
I like it because it's good.
because they consume too much s o i
No, it does not.
you say that now, just wait ill 3 is only on ebin nogames store
im talking about borderlands
i have no idea what youre talking about
Borderlands is really the only good loot shooter on the market by merit of being completely playable solo offline or co-op with friends, as well as offering tons of content at launch, actual plots you might not like them but whats frustrating is that Borderlands 2 is the only loot shooter with an even remotely decent plot , and actually having interesting loot. There's tons of randomly generated guns and each one feels unique. They aren't boring military or sci-fi guns.
Gearbox are far too broke to do that.
Before anyone says maybe loot games are not for me, I'll stop you there. I enjoy loot games such as Diablo, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, and even some others such as Risk of Rain 2 if you consider that one.
go to sleep randy
>take 2 game
>runs on unreal engine
>take 2 has already sold out
RIP user
From my understanding, all loot shooters seem to have some kind of severe problem with them and I assume the alternatives aren't any better
Oh, OK, then in that case, it doesn't matter if people disliked Not Tonight, since it's one of the best paperwork simulator games out there.
i've torrented 2 yesterday and it's surprisingly comfy
jakob's revolvers are goat
And admittedly, the numbers is a poor argument on my part. I don't mind better numbers if the combat just actually feels satisfying
I like shooting in the general direction of enemies and get kills. I like reloading my shotgun after every shot. I like the option to stop insanity and become a fucking snoipah.
And I absolutely love to jump around exploding shit while midair.
>Why do people genuinely like these games?
maybe loot games arent for you
Oh wow nz ban has been lifted
NG+ and even NG++ is fine so long as you know how to build your character and utilize slag mechanics. The post NG++ OP levels are bullshit, though.
Seems to be inferior to Papers Please.
they dont need vidya to play shooter games
I have friends. They don't like the game for the same reasons I do.
I'm talking about your mom
haha gottem
That doesn't make what I said any less true.
If it truly is better, yes - that statement was correct. But I highly doubt that.
In what conceivable way did you prove me wrong?
i didnt say i did but you know youre wrong
Rolled 65 (1d100)
I said Not Tonight was, and I'm quoting myself verbatim, "one of the best." It's "one of the best" paperwork simulators by virtue of there only being two games in that genre. Making my statement, and the one about BL being the best "loot shooter," meaningless.
Reading comprehension, kiddo.
did someone say stonetoss?
I like the setting and style of the games. I find it easy enough to ignore the cringe dialogue.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Where's the joke, Fuckley?
>smack lips
daz rite
we wuz eridianz n sirens
You break down any game like this and it sounds like shit no matter what.
heres your controller brah!
I bought the 3 games on PS3 days before the announcement of Borderlands 3. I hope they are good.
It's called nitpicking.
they're not
>only being two games in that genre
I'm pretty sure there are more, but even if I'm wrong those games are just on the opposite sides of spectrum.
Furthermore, no one said BL is "one of the best", the opinion is it's the best. One that defines the genre.
Now go be a retarded fag somewhere else.
They're alright time sinks, but I hope you can deal with PS3-tier framerates. I honestly don't know I could stand playing 7th gen console games back in the day.
>Why do people genuinely like these games?
I like shooters with extensive weapon variety that let my fulfill any kind of gunslinger fantasy I want to play out.
>But the gunplay is shit then
Yeah I like playing DOOM too and exploring wads to find to do the same thing I just said.
I played the first one for like two hours several years ago and found it aggressively boring. Does it get better after that? Is it worth redownloading?
no to both
You keep making this same post in every thread
I'm replaying PS now, and loving it.😃
I really hope BL3 guns are more like 1 than 2. 2's weapons were visually more striking, but so much weaker with less part generation options, less weapon types, manufactures getting less weapons on top of that, and gimmicks were all pretty awful.
I believe Jakobs was the only one of liking.
In practive, arguably. But it completely does against the whole "if it took more than one shot, you weren't using a jakobs" tagline.
Another gripe is how they took explosive as an element and turned it into mini-rockets/grenades/etc popping out of guns. Explosive element was great in 1, in 2 it was novel at first and then you noticed how ass the travel time for shots was and no more satisfying explosive proc.
All the other come up with significant drawbacks. Well, Maliwan was okay too, but it feels like those guns have underwhelming stats. And a lot of Maliwan projectiles suck.
Zero, cause all of his builds are fun and have the potential to one shot canon fodder; Salvador for Pimperhab, though I don't use the Ahab
TPS looked shitty and had more Anthony Burch, so I didn't buy it.
Maliwan got shafted harder than the rest with element changes.
Jakobs shotties and maliwan pistols made me want to shoot myself. why the fuck would i want to use a gun that i can only shoot once or twice before i need to reload.
Bl1 Roland
Bl2 zer0
TPS Athena
It hurts even more remembering how great jakobs shotties ans maliwan revolvers were in 1. And the explosive thin*, too. I had a boss ass S&S sniper a bit after the start of playthrough two that carried with me forever. God I miss S&S.
Who is the most fun bl1 character? Roland seems dull. Lilith has a lot of mobility and has some cc. Brick can tank like a mf and punch things so that always good. Mordecais action skill seems to suck? His skill trespass more than makes up for it though
Lilith is the most fun since you can sanic and take advantage of how great elements are.
none of the charecters in 3 look fun to play.
Horrendous opinion, especially since we have not see any actual gunplay yet
Started playing TPS and picked Jack
What tree should i do
>He doesn't like Batman
>Or Punch witch
>Or Robohobo and his posse of beasties
>Or even Titanfall girl
We also haven't gotten any actual gameplay.
the most fun character in the first game is roland with S&S guns because you have like 300 rounds, ininite ammo and shoot at max fire rate. you turn into a one man army.
Mordecai's skill can fuck shit up when he's powered up.
You're the hero of this story, bucko. Act like it.
Right tree isn't worth past melee lasers.
That should be very obvious looking at his skills user
Buff your digi jacks
Just wanted to make sure
that money skill looked tempting
Isn't she Indian though
I've played 2 and PS, but don't remember Scooter dying. When did that happen again?
You lose stacks every time youpay for something. Can you really avoid dying and buying ammo/guns long enough to pick up 999 cash drops and then even longer after?
TftBL. Decent writing, no gameplay.
Top Tier:
Tannis, Maya
Tier 2:
Athena, Gaige
Tier 3:
Low Tier:
KYS Tier:
Oh, I forgot all about that. Might pirate it.
>KYS Tier:
Only thing wrong with tina is her vpice. Lilith got trashed by the writers. Tannis is a traitor.
Pre-Sequel is maximum comfy.🏴
Oxygenless low grav is not comfy
It's not even an issue. There are oxygen cracks everywhere. Slamming enemies is fun.
Is the borderlands 3 astroturfing starting?
It dies the second they actually announce it for Epic Games Store exclusively on PC.
I say this as someone looking forward to it.
yes, it is. Reminder that this man held parties where he and his friends "exposed themselves" to kids as a joke. Cheers.
No way it's not releasing on Xbox and PS4. Borderlands was literally built on Coop with bros on the couch
who gives a shit you i've pirated every borderlands with friends and we'll do it with the next copy.
Play as Claptrap then you brainlet.
Nisha is nice too😂
Literally fake news.
If you're so quick to support accusations with no evidence just because the accused is someone you don't like then I suggest you make yourself at home on Twitter where you belong.
Not confirmed. Just a smear campaign until actual proof of that comes to light.
You are no better than #metoo apolegists
I'm mostly interested on how they are going to improve upon the sequel from 2 (hopefully writing for one), and where the previous vault hunters are now. I'm pretty sure Zer0 shows up in TotB but I haven't played it. I hope my guy is ok too.
also if you could please not make it epic exclusive that would be great
Nigga there was like 20,000 people playing just yesterday on steam alone. the game is like 6 years old and it still manages to consistently be high up on the steam charts.
Fuck off Randy you fucking faggot. I didn't accuse you of anything, but the rumors are there, you are a known fuck up already anyways.
>Polygon and Gamespot are the only big media haters.
Which wore it better?
Post your first/main characters, judge others:
BL1 - Mordecai
BL2 - Zer0/ Krieg with DLC
TPS - Wilhelm
BL3 - Zane
What an unapolegetically dense and baseless retard.
Litterally worthless. Eat shit and die, asshole.🏀
This was already done.
Krieg better be boning Maya in 3 or we're gonna have problems.
Randy is an absolute retard, his presence tarnishes Borderlands and I want him gone.
But the claims are baseless, and user is right, if you choose to believe accusations based on not liking the accused, you're kind of scum.
user, have you done nothing but like farm all day?
>Mordecai (Only long range weapons and handcannons with Bloodwing as assist)
>Gaige (Rocket Launcher plus SMGs and Pistols with Max Anarchy)
>Athena (Rifling and shielding, only way to play)
I got a shitload of likes from making a thread on Yea Forums about my waifu. I assume either someone from /g/ or a mod really liked her too to they just started raining down likes on basically anyone posting her
Well you saw the ugly midget girl right?
Ah, neat.
I want weapon proficiency back.
You get to 50 by the playthrough 2 endgame and become a God with your main weapon type, then you can get the others up while farming Crawmerax to become insanely powerful.
iirc BL3 takes place 5 years after 2, that thing definitely doesn't look 5.
Too old. That girl's like 12+.
BL3 is 5 years after BL2. It's also been about 10-14 years since Steel died. Which means that girl is probably the new Siren that was born when Steel died.
I tried to give BL2 another shot, even tried the various mods people were talking about and still couldn't get into that game. I figured BL1 must feel just as bad, but that game pulled me in straight away. You actually get good loot at a fast rate, I was consistently changing stuff out and it never felt like I was making do. Enemies felt less bullet spongey as well.
What also stuck out to me was how the world was designed. BL1 was much more compacted which made the MMO/fetch quest nature of the game less of a pain.Even the areas meant for firefights just felt less cluttered. Doubt BL3 will actually end up learning from the first game. It will have a bagillion guns where most just don't feel good to use
>claim to be fans
>act as if hover vehicles are a new concept
i cant be comfy if i have to use epic launcher DESUNE
>and where the previous vault hunters are now
Part of me wants to see them again yet at the same time I didn't like 2 turning them into wacky good guy characters. I know Burch isn't involved but I don't need them to be this big hero team. I'd much rather see them spread out doing their own thing.
Tannis isn't even good. Also BL1 Lilith was hot.
Isn't BL3 supposesly being written by the people who made Tales because Anthony Burch is gone?
We don't know who they actually hired. It's just assumed they brought on the Telltale guys after Telltale's dissolution.
Even if it's not being written by TTG, basically anyone is better than Anthony Burch.
Is there anything more fun than farming goliaths? Watching them do most the work for you while they scream the most ludicrous shit is just too good.
What the fuck was the explanation behind Behomoths. I know it's Pandora and everything is shit but that was fucked up the first time I popped a helmet off one.
"The presence of Eridium enhances the adrenal effect of a goliath’s extraordinarily athletic system to the literal breaking point, causing the goliath’s skull to rip off of the body—it will remain attached only by the particularly sturdy tongue and some gristly tissue. If this happens, the goliath irretrievably loses all self-control while Eridian and adrenaline run rampant in a positive feedback loop, and it will consider everything unfriendly and run anything down, head lolling. Right, that’s awful. Hence, the helmets.
I love Maya.
Giv punk gf.
her face looks so fat here
It's the angle.
is 2 worth the 5 bucks? i dont have any friends
Your fortune: Average Luck
Because BL2 was actually pretty fun and no one else did a better job.
Fork over 3 more bucks for the GOTY edition, and you will get at least +50 hours.
>commie skin
fuck off
I don't like commies, but it's the only one that gives Maya black hair and black clothes without anything else.
Going for the full goth look.
There's pic related, but it ads those marks to the face.
Started a new playthrough of 1 cooping with my bro, I never bothered playing Mordecai before but he's honestly the most fun I've had with the game
>popping heads
>quickscoping skags mid leap
>bird rapes enemy shields and makes more shit drop
good stuff
>single hot new male character is the villain
Mordecai and Roland
Zer0 and the pretty soldier guy
Never played.
It's literally a diablo FPS, with the actual diablo series dead and barely any good game on the genre, no wonder people like this. Besides the game has amazing scenery and soundtrack.
so obvious those "leaks" are fake and edited
>dude shows archive of deleted tweet
>posts "copied" video that is only a portion of the video, considering it doesn't have the first frame of the video based on the official tweet
>later posts a screenshot of his edited video shown on their official twitter, but conveniently doesn't have an archive for that
and of course, randy gotta damage control to dispel the retards like you who fell for it
Diablo 3 and PoE are barely loot games, since your entire build revolves around items, you are not "making do with what you get", you're farming shit to trade for specific items, that's the antithesis of how loot games are supposed to work.
The spanish localization is much better than the cringe garbage original english VA
Wouldn't they give out the info about a release date and the platforms on the 3rd of April?
Reminds me of Jack Atlas's Wheel of Fortune.
>9.2k dislikes
You instantly know that the real audience (the gamers) think that their opinion is worth shite.
BOOORIIIING. The rest of the characters listed are aight tho
I'm a solofag so
Gaige and Axton
Jack and Wilhelm
Kek, but she isn't black
When will they release that patch for Borderlands 1 and 2 with better textures?
PS3? Why didn't you just get the handsome collection on pc or ps4?
Not that bad on Borderlands 2 and nonexistent on the first game.
tomorrow i think
should I ?
I can't believe people are actually hyped for this garbage. Games are hated for a reason for their atrocious writing, countless unfunny pop-culture references and bullet sponge enemies. And this is Gearbox and Randy Pitchford we're talking about, people who lied about Aliens: Colonial Marines and stole money from Sega, made the developer developing Colonial Marines go bankrupt, took Duke Nukem hostage and is involved in a CP scandal as of late.
Fuck you if you're anticipating this shit game.
The fuck?? The ps3 versions are the worst ones.
Why didn't you just get the handsome collection and wait two more days for the borderlands 1 remaster?
Can't get any cheaper than that. So yes, you should definitely buy it.
Why can't I enjoy Pre-Sequel? Despite all the cool shit they added I just find it less enjoyable than 2 for some reason I can't quite pinpoint.
i just bought it yesterday despite already owning the base BL2 game
pretty good deal, I wanted to get all the real DLC but it was so hard to avoid all the shitty skinpacks and shit so I never bothered
the handsome collection is everything for less than the price I would have otherwise bought the DLC alone for without having to go through 6 pages of skins and dark patterns
>Why can't I enjoy Pre-Sequel?
Because it's shit
BL1 Mordecai
BL2 Gaige/Zero
TPS Aurelia/Jack
bescause TPS has unironically less content than the borderlands 3 trailer
writing sux
>bullet sponge enemies
Just don't play UVHM
it's deliberately made badly for autistic balancefags who need to minmax
I personally like the pop culture references because I was alive when they were funny, and pre-2012 le memes weren't nearly as done to death as they are nowadays.
Which begs the question of how they're going to do the same thing now that maymays have crossed that hard threshold
The first npc you meet is a dyke, autistic australian chick living by herself in the middle of nowhere
Mordecai, sal, tim
Not that user, but that was so fucking weak. (You) don't even get an image.
It's equivalent to an expansion in terms of content, so you've already played most of it anyway.
I'm pretty sure Borderlands 3 will have the same issues judging by the trailer, not much is new.
Bland mAps
Epic exclusive btw
anyone interested in setting up a little group to play bl1 some when the remaster drops?
it's Jack, innit
>Roland and brick
>Axton and Maya
>Wilhelm, jack, and claptrap
Barely played it as I didn't find it very fun but what little I did play was as Brick
The real Handsome Jack
>yfw anthony burch isn't writing borderlands 3
>Gaige, Salvador
Giving each gun manufacturer their own quirk in BL2 was a pretty great design choice, really made brands stand out and adds to the satirical gun vendor theme. I wonder if they're going to make any more significant changes to the gun collection system in BL3.
What are your favorite brands, anons?
Personally, I like Vladof and Torgue. Vladof Rocketeers are some of my favorite rifles, I even prefer them over most legendaries.
I do like maliwan for snipers and shotguns, though.
Faggot. But stay positive, you don't know if he will be pepsi at the end :)
Timmy is an average kid
>Giving each gun manufacturer their own quirk in BL2 was a pretty great design choice,
No it wasn't, it just made a lot more guns shit. In BL1 each make already had a theme and slightly lent a certain direction without making so many guns worthless.
His face is weird, the lower half looks exactly like Axton while the upper half looks like Handsome Jack with Tracer hair.
Time to rev up some disk space on the PS4 i gues.
all dahl guns instantly went in the shitter
it's bad
>Literally bought TPS and BL2 with all dlcs for 23 huebucks instead of 308.
I was a happy man yesterday
I felt the same way about 2, literally took me 6 years and several attempts to even reach heaven because I just kept dropping the game due to boredom. Same with the first game, once the game "clicks" tho, it's golden.
Lilith, Maya, Athena.
God I wish Athena wasn't stuck in that shitty game.
He cute, I wanna tie him up on my non existent basement and make him my waifu
dahl scope burst on sniper rifles and pistols is great under certain circumstances
if you have a skill or kill proc that gives you stability then you can absolutely hammer weak spots from really far away with a good dahl sniper
Dahl has kinda shitty legendaries+ though, the burst fire gimmick really lets some guns down
>posting the worst borderlands game
>Lilith and Mordecai
>Maya and Krieg
TPS (didnt play this as much)
should I play the game in release or chronological order?
>Anthony Burch
>missing some fun stuff from 2
>Burch's writing
>area design is wack, it's all way too huge so you just spend a shitload of time on running from point A to B with nothing to see
>pretty much every sidequest is written by Anthony Burch
>OST lost soul
>there's a ton of sidequests and, bafflingly, they have less variety compared to 2
>btw did I tell you I'm gay
Lasers, cryo weapons and playable Athena are the only good things to come out of TPS. And admittedly, those are all great.
Yes, they're the same.
Release order. While TPS is set in between 1 and 2, the story is presented in a way that expects the player to have already played through 2 beforehand.
if you haven't played the series yet do it in release
you probably will get confused about how much Jacks dick is sucked in TPS but if you play BL2 you will perfectly understand it
Honest question here, i haven't seen a lot of info regarding the HD upgrade packs, i wanted to klnow if it's only texture or are there going to be some actual skills/weapons balancing? there's a lot of shit that could be reworked to make the game more enjoyable (like the Unofficial Patch/Reborn Mod did, what's the point of HD textures when Salvador and Krieg are the only reliable characters at OP 8.
In TPS was the VA for Jack not allowed to adlib his lines? He feels like hes not joking all too much and because of how petty Burch seemed about how Jack is the most popular character in BL2 I wouldn't really put it behind Burch to force the VA to not adlib lines
Is the reborn mod for bl2 any good?
This. Borderlands had this Diablo 2 charm. While Diablo 3 felt more like chinese moba
>Pre Sequel
Post best Borderlands game instead
>doppleganger's real name is timothy
I hope Rhys gives you a finger gun weapon at some point
>implying Burch has any power over him
Jokes aside, I didn't notice anything wrong with TPS Jack. He seemed about as serious as he needed to be, considering the story.
Rhys is for Fiona.
post Gortys' Thighs
Atlas all the way.
Is it wrong that I picked up the handsome collection, just cause it was cheaper than the pre-sequel just so I can play as the Doppleganger?
Dude. The Dev pretty much confirmed it.
>pretty much confirmed
So he didn't confirm anything.
gonna miss them
where does the telltale game fit in?
Maya and Gaige
GOD I wish that were me
in ur ass
Like I said just play it by release date
BL1, Bl2, TPS, Telltale
Also if you are looking to play the DLC I would suggest buying the Handsome Collection to save money
don't mind the skins its just extra crap
I heard it was canon is all. I'd like to get some semblance of an idea as to how this clusterfuck fits together before 3 comes out. I've got someone buying me the games to play with too.
after 2
1 > 2 > TPS > Tales
The release order is the chronological order. It's not that complicated.
>Game is Epic Store exclusive
>but apparently has LAN support
thanks for the free game Randy.
I want to be commander steele's cumslave
Why don't you actually read the tweets you fucking mongrel. The original teaser that was dropped on Twitter also had the epic games logo at the very end, but has since been delete from twitter
How come borderlands 2 is about dying in half second by aim bot hit scan enemies?
After 2, With the final two episodes also being after the final present day events of TPS
why do People Keep saying that it's a free game just because it's on Epic store?
We all know you don't have friends.
They're saying they're pirating it.
You heard me. TPS actively references stuff from BL2's ending and the DLCs. And Tales has direct references to TPS, unfortunately.
Lilith and Brick
Only played it once, so Zer0
Never finished it, but the one with the shield was cool.
it only gets that bad in UVHM
don't play UVHM, it's bullshit by design
You might be onto something, we havent seen Axton anywhere yet afaik.
>spent the last few years hating on Gearbox and Randy
>still have a soft spot for Borderlands though
>actually get hyped with the teaser and trailer for B3
Oh god, I'm actually going to give money to Ran-
>epic exclusive
Dodged a bullet there.
But borderlands 2 has shit build variety so I don't want to just make a new character
Randy "Bobandy" Pitchford
>being this retarded
steamworks fix are for online play, to play on local (emulated with hamachi or tunngle) you dont need it
I have a love-hate relationship with Borderlands. For every bad thing there's something I love. I could go on a one hour rant about everything I hate in it, including Randy, but I still have 1000 hours on the every Borderlands game combined. Most of these were just playing solo.
It's the only franchise that I'm fully aware how hypocritical I can be, saying I hate it while waiting for the game to download. But the epic store is a step too far. I'll just pirate or wait till it hits steam.
I will roll !Not-Gaige
If only she is half as good and as broken as her
Not with those nostrils
It is a mixture of poor decisions that ramp up or don't hit you as bad depending on where you are in the game. Though i think the ultimate issue is that drops were handled so much worse, meaning you often have a shitty arsenal and have to play very slowly.
>hit scan
based retard
The concept is neat, the problem is that all of the guns are just copy+pastes of one another. People expected guns to have bizarre properties or be like custom Half Life guns when it came out, and it was just a bunch of bullet throwers.
Bl1 - brick, other 3 were taken
Bl2 - Salvador. I love double guns and shooting lots
Blps - ice person, best quotes
Yeah. It's a franchise that I really do want to love but then I think of Randy, then I think of Burch, even though I know he's no longer around, now I think of epic, and then I start hating it again.
Considering some DLCs in BL2 had multiple raid bosses, I wonder if BL3 will launch with multiple raid bosses.
Das rite. Sasha is worst girl.
I think I had a poor experience with BL1, I found a hellfire at like level 22 which remained the best gun available pretty much until I found another hellfire in general knoxx's armory
Pretty sure the thing that ruins drops isn't the drops themselves, but the fact that gear inflation gets super retarded towards endgame because of the various NG+ modes.
BL1 only really had one playthrough and all the DLC was designed around a relatively stable progression from there, but by the end of BL2 you're expected to shit out literal millions of damage every second and the awful gear gap that results from the wild jump in numbers makes the game feel super unstable at times
>Maya and Gaige
Remember how they censored midgets and psychos from TPS? Yeah, they're gonna do that now to BL1. Probably rename the Bitch too while they're at it.
>not the 'just' floor edit
>It's Eridium I ain't gotta explain shit
I've only started playing 2 recently though since it went on sale due to BL3 announcement and my friend from highschool who I played heaps of BL1 with picked it up as well so we're playing coop again.
>original zer0's voice not returning
>clap trap voice not returning
>troy baker not returning as rhys
its gonna be shit isnt it?
>Salvador and Gaige
>I found a hellfire at like level 22 which remained the best gun available pretty much until I found another hellfire in general knoxx's armory
I kinda liked that in BL1. If there was a gun that you really liked then you could stick with it for ages. But if you wanted to keep swapping stuff out you'd generally be finding stuff that was effective. BL2 I always felt like I had the wrong gear, that I should be farming a certain drop or doing a certain mission at a certain time.
Though this was helped by BL1's skill tree just breaking characters so easily. I liked that BL2 tried a more balanced approach with it but they made the perks feel a bit lacklustre.
I'm guessing it has to do with that whole union business a while back? Seems like a weird choice.
>last friend destroyed the disk and filmed it
There's no way you guys aren't high school freshmen. Leave this board!
>Really like Gaige
>Don't want to suffer Anarchy causing the screen to sperg out every time you shoot
How the FUCK have they not patched this?
rarest drops you guys ever got? I once got a legendary pistol off a normal guy in the fridge
Yeah, there's something disheartening about finding a legendary weapon in BL2 and knowing it's going to be useless in 10 levels max, which is a shame because they gave guns and their manufacturers so much more personality in BL2 but then they buttfucked it with all the number inflation that removes a ton of the satisfaction of finding a good gun.
There obviously has to be SOME cutoff to encourage you to find new loot, but in BL2 it really only exists so you can play TVHM and buy UVHM.
Let's hope they fix the broken number inflation in BL3.
I don't even remember, it's been so long since I last played. I guess I got some good shit in BL2, there were those black and red shotguns for Sal that wrecked all the big bosses. Think they nerfed them later.
sorry to taint the thread with this but I find it hilarious how I haven't heard anything about Anthem in weeks
Anthem is, was, and always will be absolute trash.
>starts OP with the worst BL game
Fucking kek. I also forgot Andromeda exists lel
Will Dragon Age be announced at E3?
That wil be the final nail in the coffin
To this day they're still giving out SHIFT codes
Heh. Pretty neat.
The fact that they did that shit in the first place still infuriates me
Borderlands is surprisingly still heavily played. It's likely what keeps the lights on Gearbox, specially after Battleborn. Going by the presentation the other day, Gearbox seems to have some 400 employees.
If Gortys isn't in BL3, I'm gonna be sad
Just use this
>mom said it was my turn to play
it feeds loot addiction in a way not many other games can
He took the bogpill
Are those just used for gold keys?
Just use cheat engine.
Rhys is now old so they have some leeway with that, Zero's voice is fairly generic and modulated so they can get away with a different actor, but Claptrap is just to special to be played by anyone else.
BL1 remaster will have them too, you know. :^)
Speaking of which:
>The popular SHiFT Codes are also coming to Borderlands GOTY. So you will be able to redeem codes for Golden Keys and open up the Golden Chest. If you already have played Borderlands 2 or the Pre-Sequel on Xbox One, PS4, or PC, you will receive 75 FREE GOLDEN KEYS once you started your first new character. On top of that, you will also be granted two new weapons.
How do you figure they'll detect that "already played" status? If memory serves, some similar kind of bonus for TPS (or was it BL2?) was triggered by having a save on your PC from the previous game - might be a good idea to have even a downloaded save on your documents folder if they end up doing the same thing now.
Also, those new hats better be good - Mordecai's that we saw on the trailer at least were shit, and Lilith's wasn't much better either.
>Borderlands TPS
>the worst
TPS is maybe the best game ever created. The whole game was literally comfy. Only end game cucks and reddit are seething about the game.
It's the fact that this shit exists that makes me hate them squeezing in that lootcrate shit into the game
I was farming the conference call and the bee just last year. Tried to cheese bosses solo but I might be retarded.
Unkempt Harold in a chest in the Turkey world
TPS was shit, just face it already user. Utterly forgettable characters and bad levels throughout.
>>borderlands 1 has the most unsatisfying ending in all of video games
Fable II
>Might pirate it.
You do that, especially considering the devs are dead anyway.🐶
Heh, sorry kiddo but only Sal gets to solo bosses. Lesser characters need not apply.
>Zero's voice is fairly generic and modulated so they can get away with a different actor
play the headhunter dlcs and tales from the borderlands
almost unplayable
They're rebalancing 1 but not 2/TPS
>They're rebalancing 1
Oh boy BL1 is about to become a slag fest too
How exciting
They aren't, they're just buffing the final boss:
Overall the final boss in Borderlands 1 was a pushover. It depended on your loadout but a lot of people didn’t find the Destroyer very challenging. In Borderlands GOTY this is getting fixed. Prepare for an epic final showdown as the game’s final boss has been adjusted to be more engaging, challenging, and rewarding.
Cobra. It was level 71
>its in my mouth
why does gaige have the best quotes?
>going to be an EGS exclusive
The industry is saving me a lot of money this year
you probably killed janey lane
she drops the gub
>I'm feeling awesomer
So it'll be more than shoot in a direction and win?
>"Take, fuck!"
Am I mishearing something here? Doesn't the game actively censor any swear words?
Krieg is some of the most fun I've had in an fps. He's fucking fantastic.
>In Borderlands GOTY this is getting fixed.
You can't fix shitty fight design at this stage. They're just gonna massively inflate the health and damage giving players a longer, but still boring, final boss.
>You can't fix shitty fight design at this stage
Sure you can, it just isn't very likely. I fully expect they'll do nothing but HP bloat like you said.
I can solo as kreig easily
Just throw axes at the boss and dodge
jack says "SHIT SHIT SHIT" when you take off his shields while fighting
God I wanna lubricate her joints and servos with my love fluid
I'm still pissed how Silence the Voices made melee Krieg impossible to use in higher difficulties. Fucking Randy.
The stalkers aren't even that bad in such a small area.
(though to be fair bl2 has fantastic music overall)
Well yeah, but stuff like crap and damn is fine, it's mostly the egregious swears that get censored. I don't think I've ever heard her say fuck in all my time playing.
Mordecai solo, Brick co op
Krieg solo, Salvador co op
Wilhelm for both, fucking love that dude
>the most fun character in 2 is the pure melee character
Really makes you think
Infinity off of the ammo/money chest that spawns at the small barrel fire inbetween the bridge and moving platform near Midgemong
Hopefully they'll dress the fact that Steele was a siren, which the amount of sirens being in one place was made an important detail in BL2.
Because you can't melee at all without it, right? You NEED that 500% damage bonus. It's worth hitting yourself a few times. I mean it'll get you into RtB anyway if you're not past healthgate.
>comfy borderlands threads
>posts the least comfy game
nah. Also when does it come out? Tomorrow?
it's loader bot, right guys? ;_;
>pure melee
I honestly had more fun with fire based builds. Running around on fire with continuous explosions from having no shield all the time + chain reaction explosions was fun as shit.
>Because you can't melee at all without it, right?
its loader bot's and gortys' son
I always thought you should have got a damage boost for a short time so you would want to hit yourself
>Loader bot
That would be awesome
>that Phoenix shield that pulses explosions
>that shield that adds health
I could never take it upon myself to get rid of the health
Post the class you want to play in BL3 and the epic may may they should shout when a skill is activated.
The Phoenix shield made up for it since he had that perk that gave him back HP the shields damage. Then again running around with no shield did leave the risk of getting burst down almost instantly at higher difficulties so I can't blame sticking with the HP raising one.
But there's multiple active skills in BL3, user.
tank girl
i hope she talks in a russian accent and says russian things
Motherfucking borderlands.
I used to work with this friend of mine on weekends and for years he'd spend every weekend talking for 2 hours straight about either borderlands or assassin's creed.
1: Mordecai
2: Zero, later Krieg
3: Wilhelm, later Tim
According to some literal who's that made threads a few days ago it should be out tomorrow or the day after
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Yeah, tomorrow. That is to say, 24hrs and give or take a few, I've long since stopped trying to make sense of timezone fuckery.
Some streamers apparently got advance copies and they all seem to be starting within a few hours from now.
while I do still keep my OP8 game files, I never see myself using them especially for krieg since level 72 melee krieg playthroughs are fun but OP8 is just straight aids.
Oasis is fun
lynchwood is based🐸
Is tales worth playing?
I skipped it when it came out because I thought it'd be just a spinoff but from what I hear there's some characters from it in 3.
It's a pretty fun ride. And probably the best written BL game.
Ya the characters will play some sort of role.
Dont know how big but it looks like the main character will be important
Yeah give it a shot, the writing shows how much fun and depth the BL universe can have and is pretty important to the current universe standings.
>Motherfucking streamers
Which streamers?
The Boganella is a legitimately funny gun. Any Australians who think its 'cringey' are almost certainly the type who want Australia day moved.
Because I don't play games on PC and the PS3 editions we're very cheap, I spent less than 10 USD.
Hayter's Folley best zone best music.
I don't really watch twitch but those two are confirmed at least; the dl pic is from the second one's twitter.
didn't expect it to be so good
It's good. Pirate it, because the devs are dead anyway.😂
Good point.
I want to fuck adult Tina!
same and Moze
I hear 3 will have new worlds.
Looks like it.
Stop this.
All I wanted from 3 was for it to keep the superior gameplay of TPS and it's already failed to do that much so I've given up on it.
The fact fucking Tina is coming back and they're putting more emphasis on multiplayer is also shit.
>reinstall BL2
>all progress is gone
How do you know that?
Just go in remembering it's not a game, user.
Kind of a shame, I liked that the borderlands universe was technically in a vast universe but almost completely contained to pandora.
They confirmed no ice/laser weapons and that there'll be no jetpacks.
Tina was in the trailer and the confirmed leak outlined how two of the vault hunters have abilities geared towards playing with other people like the ridable bear.
Cryo and laser were in the trailer, user.
Are you basing that on the leak? because that was about 50/50 on being right and wrong
They weren't, user.
>They confirmed
[citation needed]
In the first person weapon montage some of the first they flick through are a cryo weapon and a laser weapon.
>didn't back up their saves
sucks to be you I guess
user the video is available for everyone to watch
Roland and Mordecai
Maya and Zero and Krieg
It takes forever for 2 to actually start but once you get to sanctuary it becomes ludo
>krieg’s ability where he yeets axes at niggas
>chain killing dudes with Zer0’s sword while camoflauged
Borderlands 1 was also /comfy/ as hell, felt like playing WoW vanilla or something but with guns.
This was as painful as listening to BL2 dialogue
Fuck, I didn’t realize we weren’t allowed to talk about the fun we have playing video games on here, lemme go back to bitching about the quartering and discord trannies
Whoa, so you can write a sentence without filling it full of meme words. You could almost fit in here with a bit more effort.
>tfw the sentence "meme words" is meme words itself
calling it
future DLC Vault Hunter
>critting a leaping skag that would have killed you out of the air midleap
is there any better feeling
Action Skill: Mighty Foot
Do BL threads attract a lot of tourists? Something about these threads gives that impression, like a lot of the posters don't play much else.
First run through as Axton, then as Krieg
Krieg and the Doppelganger are legit fun as fuck.
Killing a buzzard with Buzzaxe rampage.
The problem I had with the pre-sequel isn't that it's a BAD game, it's probably a very GOOD game, I just couldn't get into it because I had the shit luck of not enjoying ANY of the characters. I played the everloving fuck out of 2 because Krieg, Mechromancer, and the Gunzerker were fun as shit. Then the pre-sequel comes and you get, what? Claptrap with a random ult, a Handsome Jack clone that sends out a decoy, and a half-robot guy with two pet bird-turrets? I'm sure lots of people like those, but I just couldn't.
BL3 however, hoo fucking boy. Robo Hobo with canine companion, Titanfall 3, sexy grandpa with a cellphone, and chocolate musclewizard. There isn't a single character in that bunch I don't have zero interest in. I honestly can't wait.
Nah,timothy is the most enjoyable vault Hunter yet
I honestly only liked the girls in TPS.
How is Jack himself not a great character?
BL1 Ronald
BL2 Zer0
TPS Athena
I loved the doppleganger's character as a character, but from a gameplay perspective I just found him boring.
The girls were cute, yes. But I just couldn't enjoy them in gameplay. I found the ice queens skillset to be boring and Athena is well...she throws a shield?
I'm looking forwards to playign as Robo Hobo and going on adventures with my pet skragg, summoning a mech as totally not sgt hammer from HoTs, and going on an absolute beatdown spree as delicious chocolate abs. I'm tentitive about sexy grandpa though, I don't really know what he DOES.
>Maya and Krieg
>Clappy and Athena
I don't understand who thinks borderlands games are fun.
>Enemy mechanics are nonexistent
>Weapons are extremely boring
>Each class has a cheese that you repeat for ever enemy/fight
Really fucking boring games. Also the writing is unironically worse than Japanese games
Was Borderlands 1 actually good or am I just waxing nostalgic
The announcement of 3 is making me consider getting the remaster of 1 since I remember bouncing off of 2
Granpa is like mix of Zer0 and Jack 2.0 with decoys and assassin stuff, but they claim each hunter have multiple "big skills" now, so there will be more probably.
I've only played Borderlands 1 and thought it was comfy, but also just okay and not great. If I want to try the series again, what game should I play? The pre-sequel?
Do any of the games have environment variety? BL1 felt a bit samesy.
They will be back with the new games since Rhys owns them now.
BL1 is legitimately good
2 is also good, but is brought down by its overreliance on dated memes and popculture references
2 unironically
the gameplay is great and the writing isnt as bad that Yea Forums claims it is
Who is the fastest character in the games?
I played maya in 2 who had a skill that gave a huge boost in movement speed when shields were down, even more with class mods it was fun as hell felt like doom
2 is more of a natural progression from 1
TPS rides on 2 a lot, going from 1 to TPS would probably be a bit janky
Sirens and Athena
BL1 remaster streams have started. Hopefully we'll get a midnight release
The remaster comes out soon, for free if you have it on PC. BL2 is decisive in both gameplay and story. If you can stand characters constantly throwing obnoxious lines at you give it a try
>the writing isnt as bad that Yea Forums claims it is
As someone who just started playing through it again, it really is that bad. Tiny Tina constantly screeches dumb shit at you and it is never funny.
>Roland and Brick, want to try out that custom Shock one
>Krieg and my 12 other Kriegs
Borderlands makes me feel good. I always play the games in full with my best friend. 3 will be no different.
>just started playing through it again
>tiny tina
You don't meet Tina untill like halfway through the game wtf?
1 - Lilith
2 - Maya
PS - Athena
3 - ?
>You don't meet Tina untill like halfway through the game wtf?
She's after you rescue Roland which didn't take that long
tiny tina is basically just radical edward on crack
if you don't like ed then your opinion does not matter
valid criticism would be that she's not a very original character, not that her archetype is bad
>radical edward on crack
She's a shrill idiot with no charm. Don't try to latch onto better characters to justify this. It is straight up lol so randum
This was the general consensus when BL 1/2 came out. Now Yea Forums gets actual BL threads. I wonder what happen.
>Radical Edward on crack
>If you don't like Ed then your opinion does not matter
Fuck off you silly cunt. Every one of her lines is horrendous.
2 and TPS have lots of it.
2 has more different environments including DLC.
TPS is more vibrant.
It's a shill thread. They use the same posting style as the MS threads, it's obvious and embarrassing.
>It's not that bad guys really!
>I'm going to say it! I don't care what Yea Forums thinks I love borderlands!
>Don't listen to the haters bro, borderlands is actually great!
>goes for the generic soilder man or as close as in every game
Do you also always play human race if given the choice of others and have your first name in your username?
is it gregor
Which Borderlands game has the best soundtrack and what do you expect 3 to sound like?
176 posters. Not all of them are positive, but do you really think everyone who is is a shill?
We live, boys!
Find a flaw
no lan support
What'd you expect? Only pirates use that nowadays.
>play through bl1 solo
>more deaths than i'd like but overall loved it
>play bl2 solo bc none of my frens have it
>pretty fun
>get to highlands
>can't walk 5 feet without getting my ass handed to me even when i'm overleveled
>can't even grind for levels without getting fucked
>none of the weapons i find are better than the ones i'm using and they're shit too
>just want to play this fun game
wat do ;-;
If your guns are actually bad, you could try shift keys. You could maybe try respeccing.
those stupid worm things fucking suck, made me stop playing for about a week
Fucking hell the latency is locked to the fps of the host, wtf is gearbox doing. You have to use the same settings or everything gets fucked.
I don't really like the remastered inventory screen. Weapons used to be sorted in a neat compact list by their names, now they consolized it with every item having huge icons instead of names
i spose i could stream but no one would watch
Ehh, no, select streamers got the remaster 24hr early.
everything is a shill thread to you fucking morons
so they made it like BL2?
fuck of course