Other urls found in this thread:
That's a pretty elaborate hoax.
This is like the first new non mobile Japanese shmup in like 7 years
Fucking hold me anons, I only ever asked for a sequel as wishful thinking, I never thought this day would come but it's actually really truly real what the FUCK R-Type Final is my favorite game in the whole series followed closely by OBC WE ARE IN THE BEST TIMELINE, RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW
I'm not sure if got the info right, is this game remastering old stages from previous games?
I regret not getting Like says, I didn't know there would be such a long rail shooter drought.
Oh shit, now I want to dig through my storage crates looking for my copy of R-Type Final. Too bad my original PS2 passed through the gates of Valhalla long ago.
what is a going to take to force Square Enix to acknowledge Einhander as well?
As long as they bring back the Leo and don't fuck it up like Final did, I'll be happy.
If this isn't a very elaborate joke then they're just going to fuck up again. They can't design levels properly if they have 100 playable craft. It doesn't work. Cut it down to like 5 and design the levels around them and you'll have a good game.
I cannot reccomend it enough, emulate, buy it pirate it I don't care how but you need to try this game. I'm still in shock right now. I've been co-oping this game with my baby brother for over a decade. I can't freaking beleive it actually happened. I want to shake the hands of the absolute madmen responsible for this. I'm going to be fucking pissed if I wake up from this.
By co-op of course I mean try and die then pass the controller. Just wanted to clarify.
They acknowledge it all the time, most recently, it was a random boss in World of final Fantasy, and also there's a bird boss in FFXIV that grabs random discarded weapons from destroyed robots named Einhander.
I guess the standard on the leader boards will not only be how many points you get, but also what low tier space ships you used for bragging rights.
It sounds like developers are trying to desperately green light a new game as well, or they wouldn't make those nods.
I played the shit out of R-type final and collected all the ships.Never thought I'd see the day,
>indie shit
Pick one.
Thats a yikes from me dog
That's for a different game retard
Are they gonna fix the pacing so you don't have to wait the length of far better shumps between patterns?
>what is crowdfunded
you stupid snoylet
It's for a different, currently untitled R-Type project
this thread makes me want to eat an irem burger
Don't you die on me
delta and 3 were better
I'm happy this is being made, but it should be on all consoles+PC to maximize sales potential.
Though I may disagree, I will fully admit that Delta is incredible.
I was really looking forward to this when it got translated but I never got around to playing it. Any tips? I hear it's harder than RTT1.
It's not that different from the first game iirc
Wow, thought Yea Forums would be over the moon with this. I personally liked Dimensions EX, but I'm not sure if the same people are behind Final 2. I'm still hyped though, I loved the Final and I'm gonna replay it while waiting for this. Apparently they're remaking all of the levels from the first game from the ground up for HD, and all of the old ships are returning as well. We'll see though.
I would be over the moon with this if it wasn't an april fools joke. Which it is.
why cares about r-type when jets n guns 2 is a thing
Proofs? Don't hurt me, user.
>you will never explore the universe in a super deformed spaceship exterminating aliens whose visual appearance is classified as copyright infringement
Feels bad man.
This time is different. They put WAY too much effort into this, and it's not even funny. I've been waiting years for this exact day to come. You're wrong, user. They wouldn't joke about this. Stop trying to hurt me. Let me have this. Just this once.
From a comment on Kotaku
>not april fools
fuck yeah
I never really cared for R-Type. New Darius when?
>The Stage Dominated by Decaying Organism.
>As new enemies are generated from carcasses of the enemies, the more the player plays the game, the stronger enemies he or she gets.
>Not only the player's fighter, but also the stages will evolve. That's R-TYPE FINAL2.
>Moreover, new stages are planned to be added after the release of the game.
That doesn't sound good at all. Does anyone actually like Rank systems?
Well yeah, cuh-ray-zee fags are all about that. Besides, it's just more incentive to git gud.
Difficulty levels already do that without being shit.
Doesn't sound too different from Smash 4/Ultimate or KI:U and Yea Forums worships Uprising.
This looks like a nightmare when it comes to visual clarity.
Still the best, 1993
That's only when shit gets REALLY crazy it seems, pic related looks to be the baseline.
Those scorpions remind me of Metroid for some reason.
Is Dobby gonna make an appearance? This is very important.
>Dat sound of the R-90's engine going into FTL speed and then quiets down when slowing down to normal speed
>Dat kickass stage 1 theme starts kicking in
Holy shit, how much more based of a way to start the game?
Gonna try III for sure, Is Super R-Type worth a shot?
Eh, you're better off just playing R-Type II. Super will push your shit in, but not in a fun way.
This, but I wouldn't mind a new game.
I just got into RType fairly heavily this year.
Super R-Type is balls hard. No fucking checkpoints in the levels. If you die just once even at the boss, you start all the way back to the start of the level.
Super is a port of R-Type 2 with some extra content such as new levels.
how the fuck is it "FINAL" if it's 2?
stupid fucking Japs
It says that there are new levels exclusive to Super. Are there any ports of II that include these, or are they locked to Super?
So R-Type's story is
>Mankind makes thing in the future
>Thing gains sentience and gets sent into the past
>Thing starts fucking up everything so the R9 is made to fuck thing's shit up
Sounds about right?
There's some time traveling malarkey in R-Type Final, I think it follows on from there. If I recall correctly after you destroy the main Bydo in the past, you and your ship is stranded with the force pod which is an infant Bydo which then matures. It's been a long so don't count me on that info.
well if there's an explanation that's fine
"No! I must kill the Bydo," he shouted!
The radio said "No, John. You are the Bydo."
And then, John was a Bydo.
You guys think the Vic Viper could fuck the Bydo up?
I never liked R-Type Final. Delta was so kino and comfy but Final starts off on some weird context I have no idea about and the first level is not very inviting or well paced at all. I really like the idea of having a hundred ships or whatever but too bad I'll never get to play them.
Are they doing anything at all with Darius? Didn't DBCS do well?
Or the Ray series even?
Taito made Darius Cosmic Collection for the Switch, but they got jew-y with it.
>turns into a horro game halfway through
delta was fucking kino
R-Type Final is a bit of a bore fest compared to the previous games, there's a lot of flying around doing nothing moments.
same for r-type 3 but no one complains about that
R-Type always kinda had a space horror vibe.
we'll have to see which ending they go with
Final Fantasy X-2
R-Type III is a mixed bag because half it's levels are excellent while the other half are dull with one level in particular being fucking complete bullshit. R-Type Final is just a bore most of the time.
Stadia exclusive
The first game's artstyle was ahead of its time.
how else will they sell arcade tokens if you can own the game?
just like your mom
I will burn Google to the ground if this turns out to be true.
>R-Type Final is just a bore most of the time
I-I liked it
Doesn't matter anyways because Thunder Forve IV is better than the rest of the genre combined
Sega Ages: Thunder Force IV is on Switch. It's a damn good port.
>One of these days we will have a King of Shmups game (like King of Fighters where we have rival shmups in one game) where we can finally put this argument to rest.
I dream for that day.
eh someone just needs to make a MUGEN for shmups and that's problem's solved easily
>make final game
>make sequel to final game
This is Final Fantasy X-2 all over again! Either way i'm happy for more R-type in general.
Shmups are too niche for that to even happen, even more niche than the already niche fighting game genre (though I have to admit I'm impressed that the R-Type Final 2 trailer has gotten decent attention so far).
Dariusburst CS had a bunch of DLC packs with ships from other games. It’s not the same but it’s something at least.
I know :P
Sounds like you want to literally fight it out for a shmup as a fighting game. Like CHANGE AIR BLADE. Also Rival Megagun for a more newer version to an extent.
1942 remake when?
Nah just a shmup where you have a bunch of levels that can be played as co-op but you're rivals with the aim of who kills the most wins.
>no SSS
It's called Strikers 1945!
Considering Final B ending, its horrifying that you don't realize that you become a Bydo without you realizing it. Damb Tactics really puts it there.
Delta tier horror. Stage 5 looks like a graveyard of sorts submerged in a yellow water or some strange liquid and 6 is full of exploding gibs that can scare someone not used to it.
Oh and more lore in R Museum.
hello yes you fucked my image
Kek get drafted
There are hundreds of 2 player shmups.
Hopefully they will fix the broken scoring system this time. 40 minutes boss milking was not really fun.
So what do you guys think of R-Type DX? It was my first R-Type game, and I haven't played it since I was a child. Is it worth another go?
>There are hundreds of 2 player shmups.
Read the thread before jumping in the conversation.
I did. 2 player mode is literally what you aksed for dumbfuck.
It gets physical and also released outside of the ps4
No dumbass, the conversation is on about a vs shmup game where long time fan rivalries can be put to rest.
You can play 2 player shmups as versus modes tho you fucking retard.
What you are asking for is simply an online mode, which is fucking gay and only casuals want this.
>Literally in the thread a fan rival over which is best, R-Type or Thunder Force
>I make a point that I dream of a King of Shmups in the spirit of King of Fighters where "different games" come together to put this rivalry to the test
>Get some dumbass who can't read tell me that what I want is a two player co-op that's already in the game.
Just found out this exists, looks pretty fun
It's a bit weird jumping from top down to side scroller shmup with each level, kinda wish they just stuck with one perspective.
That... is not the Arrowhead.
Closest thing we have to a shmup thread. Is Garegga really that great or is it overrated?
>Being this new
Isn't this nap time in kindergarten?
R type was kinda mediocre like most euroshmups.
Kinda apples and oranges. I can't wait for Jets'n'Guns 2 but this aint the same.
Redpill me on R-Type and Final
Doesn't make it "indieshit". Nowdays projects like that doubledip with a crowdfund just to get publisher interest for later anyway.
shmup with fuckloads of ships
I'm not generally much of a shoot'em up fan, but I do like the R-Type games. I'm glad the series isn't dead.
Superior stage coming through
So, uh... Is it just me, or would Star Trek make a great shmup? There's a fuckton of ships large and small, they can go super fast and they shoot lasers and shit.
It's not like those 101 ships acted all that differently from each other. Hell, despite the large number of ships there's only like 5 delta attacks in Final. A lot of the other shit may look a little different cosmetically but functionally they're pretty much the same.
Woah, it's almost like the crowdfunding they mentioned is from a seperate R-Type project unrelated to R-Type Final 2. Assuming you had any reading comprehension, of course. Which you don't.
There's an LP of the series where the guy dates every game and goes over a bit of the lore before and after each game.
It's very good but still overrated by the western shmups community. They act like it was so original and innovative when it actually just ripped off gun frontier.
The Vic Viper can time travel.
Anyone played this? I'm tempted to since it looks like a mash of Change Air Blade and Twinkle Star Sprites mechanics.
I unlocked every ship and about every 5th ship plays very differently while the rest is more or less just filler.
It's also more noticable if you play on harder difficulties of course where every action matters more.
Delta was the only R-Type game I've played. Are the others any good?
Confession time: I always thought the R-Type ships were cute. I want to hug them and boop their round noses.
What's the cutest R-Type unit in your opinion?
>Check calendar
>It's not 1st of April
>It's too big to be a hoax
I played thunder force 3 and was annoyed at the level design. Did they change it for 4?
Bydo jobbing
Delta is the best one
Thunderforce IV is great but there are many shmups that are better
It's amazing how well rtype worked as a tactics game. Is tactics 2 just as good?
Alright, favorite track, let's go
Even better, give it a try! It's been fully translated.
you guys ever seen /shmupg/? It's fucking awful but the only place to discuss STGs
I rarely go there because i prefer to enjoy my shmups in a non autistic way aka not 1CC all of them
It's hard to pick just one, it's something about their general appearance.
I have a soft spot for the original Arrowhead, but that's because it was usually depicted in the softer, chibi-ish style of the original arcade game. Last Dancer's elegant simplicity resonated with me, too, and Wise Man of all things always brought a smile to my face.
>Three, two, one, let's go!
Instant cum
So does this mean i have to dust off my ps4? Haven't touched it in years
Jist remember x and o are reversed. The only bad part about II are the building a long base mechanic. Other than that its a pretty great sequel.
Different user. Does Tactics 2 have that shitty turn limit the first game had? I could never beat it because of that, fucking Deep Waters.
he was a gummi fight in kh3.
Is there a shmup that lets you go "super saiyan? Like transform into a more powerful version of the fighter you are using? Also, how come nobody ever talks about Thunder Force I & II? Are they garbage or something?
>tfw your favorite shmup series is niche and dead with no hope to ever come back to life
I'm still happy for you R-Type bros
Which shmup is that?
Zanac Neo
Tyrian had a good life but the community episodes were naff.
R-Type would be good if it didn't feel like you were moving at about 3 miles per hour
Thunderforce I and II are in part multi-directional shooters and so are quite different from what people expect from a shmup in these days
>Is there a shmup that lets you go "super saiyan?
Talking about Thunderforce
>western shmups
>Stone Cold
Never heard of it but just watched some gameplay and I can see your pain as it looks pretty fucking cool.
What the fuck it was translated?
So is Fighting EX Layer.
Yea, it does. Deep water isnt that tough. Just stock up on frogs and bombers and set your flagship to the cruiser with 7 tilespace and you should be fine.
Where have you been, user? It's been out for a long while now.
Irem always have an april fools joke. I remember the console they were making one was pretty funny.
What is the best ship and why is it Kiwi Berry?
I hope this selss so Thundforce comes back too
Yikes, I remember looking for updates months after release and saw it stalled. I've even played the first within the past two years from an .iso sitting in my archive. never thought to check again. Are Striders still OP?
Thunderforce was good because of Technosoft and they have been dead since 2001
Play it once you have some time user, you'd make me very happy.
I love the name of the ships in R-Type. Its like they hired a military otaku to make the names I LOVE IT!!
Not him but I will definitely check it out. Surprised there isn't a switch port already, shmups have been getting ported there left right and center.
Why is the operation called 'bitter chocolate'
Well, Zanac wasn't really a hit back in the days, and Compile is a husk of their former selves now, it's no mystery it's a pretty niche game that hasn't been ported anywhere.
I don't know if it was intentional but to me the R-Type ships are like sports cars, they all look sexy as fuck.
R-Type ship designs are literally the only reason I play R-Type. I'm not even interested in shmups in the slightest
Compile has been dead since 2003
>not Northern Lights for that sick red cockpit and maximum BRRRRRRT
Well I would've used Claw Claw but General Grievous called dibs on it first.
>People celebrating a Gradius ripoff
If it doesn't star the Vic Viper, it's not a real game. I can't wait to hear that level 1 tune for the 90,000th time.
Cross the Rubicon for the beginning of despair.
>tfw you can fight the R-13 in the bydo forest, stuck for god knows how long.
>durr everything is a Gradius ripoff hurr
I played the original and something called Delta I think on the PSP. It was fucking hard as balls but I made it to the last level atleast
If the soundtrack is not made by Yasui,why bother?
It's got a real Mighty No. 9 feel to it
It is, newfag.
Is this the Sinistar thread?
I only like SHMUPS for their soundtracks
Not even for their hyperactivity but for their general sound and aesthetic they all seem to share
You are NOT welcome here.
I like shmups because they are the closest genre to what the idea of a perfect videogame should be,gameplay with no bullshit attached and a good soundtrack
Not him but fuck you nigger
Dude calm down, we don't need even more in-fighting between SHMUP fans.
I like shmup soundtracks but I thought rtype was lacking in that regard. Especially in Command, it's really apparent there.
If we join the 2hu empire then we'll be little more than a sidenote in history. Konami made damn fine games and you should be proud to shun lesser derivatives.
Anyone tried playing the r type android ports? What are the controls like? Any other issues?
Like Axelay and Devilish (bad omen) it put all its effort into one or two songs and ignore the rest.
Are you implying that the only vertical shooters that exist are 2hus? Play more games.
>Only for PS4
>When the last R-type game sold the most of the Switch
My main hope is that they don't do another wavy-distortion stage. That was very hard to get used to.
The Android ports are decent enough, and they also have controller support if you have a Bluetooth pad. The touch controls are the "You finger is the ship" kind, so it's nice and does what you want to do.
Are you implying any other even comes close to matching its popularity? For sidescrollers we have Gradius, Parodius, Salamander, Thunder Force and plenty more all sharing the spotlight. For topdowns we have 2HU, that one where you play as a ninja or dolphin, 2HU, 2HU, Xenon, Silver Surfer and 2HU.
They're not even similar except for "dodge things or OHOK". Does Contra qualify too?
Did they take out the speed powerups? Or does the ship follow your finger slowly?
Trying too hard
The speed-ups out. I can understand not everyone likes that aspect, but I don't think anyone's found a workable solution for the speed issue while allowing the needed control for a shmup.
>R-Type thread
I'm so happy
post some good tracks
Also is R-Type Dimensions EX good?
Leo's OST is chill as fuck.
Did they ever explain what the green crocodile thing in its belly is?
III and Delta have my favorite opening stages in the series.
golden selection is fun, but somewhat underpowered
I’ve never really been into shmups or R-type but I’m happy for you boys that you got a sequel to some weird niche shit. I have many niche titles of my own that could use a sequel. Here’s hoping they don’t go all monkey paw on you.
Crimson Clover let's you go SSJ and SSJ2
Personally stage 6 has the best tune, hardcore to fuck and very fitting for the belly of the beast.
I will have this. The graphics need to be much, much better, though. Side-scrolling 3D games have no excuses. I want more flashy effects. More weird bosses. Push it to the limit and don't rehash stages.
not even fucking close brainlet
Anyone has a playthrough of the second tactics?
I want to know the story but I hate turn based strategy games
>I want more flashy effects.
I want clarity in the visuals. Being flashy isn't good if I can't read the the level for dangers in an instant.
Damn almost missed a shmup thread
What would you say the best thing about r-type to a guy who never played them?
If it's not presented by CAVE, why bother presenting it at all?
Does this count?
>the best thing about r-type
The gameplay and awesome artstyle. R-Type has a very unique playstyle with the force pod mechanic
>the only place to discuss STGs
any other place is better than /shmupg/
but the best place is right here
the butthurt is real
This thread is pretty good but you can easily spot /shmupg/ retards from a mile away
Aren't there some rtype ships that are part bydo? Which ones were they again ?
But the stages seems boring though
but then again I only played final on the old ps2
This guy?
Because it could be presented by Compile,Konami,Hudson,Raizing,Technosoft,Taito,Irem.
Fuck Cave
Final is definitely the weakest point in the series but even then it does very efficient story telling through the level design. It's also challenging without bullshit difficulty.
Post shipfus
Everything they made below Cross the Rubicon in the museum has bydo in it
These two looks so fucking dumb, the r-type team should've stopped at last dancer
Nothing more cringe than a Cave cocksucker
Final is unfixable without rewriting the whole levels
the transitions and corridors just have to make you go unbearably slow
My love
R-101 looks pretty good but it is bordering on Wipeout ship design. Not that that's a bad thing.
>Curtain Call
I will end you
You can make any ship have a red cockpit in Final.
Will final 2 give the ships actual stats to make them different?
Can someone explain the lore behind rtype?
What's the deal with the balls the ships fly with?
What's the deal with the cockpits looking like they do?
You have poor taste.
careful with those edges
>Did they ever explain
You could put anything after those four words and the answer would be "no"
i win
Look at 'em go!
How to fix the slowdown lag of R-Type Final with the PS2 emulator?
future humanity accidentally crafts a super bioweapon they couldn't control, creating a human sub-species called the bydo, and banish them to another dimension. the bydo come back as an empire over and over because as a species they cannot ever think positively as all the evils and violent instincts made manifest for millennia, hellbent on assimilating everything in their path. the r-type fighters are armed with force pods, which are larval bydo harnessed as weapons, and a number of the fighters themselves are body horror territory, like one that uses the amputated bodies of pilots as a drive for the CPU.
literally fighting bydo with bydo, which fucks over at least a couple protagonists in this series as they themselves get turned into bydo.
Have a good pc. Slowdown is what mainly ruined Final.
>Can someone explain the lore behind rtype?
Humans in the future made a hideous creature called the Bydo that was meant to be a weapon to end all their wars, but being a super evil bioweapon it fucked everything up, then went back in time to fuck things up even earlier. You play as humanity trying to unfuck shit.
>What's the deal with the balls the ships fly with?
The force pods are weapons built from Bydo tissue, which when struck with energy will produce different types of beams.
>What's the deal with the cockpits looking like they do?
Shit's bitchin'
Slowdowns are part of the shump experience you dumbass
>What's the deal with the cockpits looking like they do?
R-Type art was heavily inspired by HR Giger. The cockpits look a bit like an alien head.
>Shit's bitchin'
Which is the point.
With this most likely being a smaller budget game hopefully that means they won't be able to get any license shit for the sound track like the first Final game. What the fuck were they thinking?
Flash=/=more explosions or low visibility. This isn't a bullet hell game. Make the graphics better. Even in the new screens the ships have almost no detail, and the weapons almost no effects. Compare the in-game ship to the one in the OP. R-Type is horizontal scrolling with no vertical branching paths. And even if this one did have them, there're no excuses.
Top Tier:
R-Type II
High Tier:
Mid Tier:
R-Type Delta
Low Tier:
R-Type III
Shit Tier:
R-Type Final
Not Real R-Type Tier:
>changing the jp ending song in US version.
Shit feels weird after blasting the Bydo off. Going jazz while slowly falling to the abyss doesn't look nice.
>like one that uses the amputated bodies of pilots as a drive for the CPU
not him but which one was that?
You're a weirdo user but that's ok since you mean well.
>what is raiden 5
R-9C War-Head
>Not Real R-Type Tier
fite me irl
I get it's not really part of the Bydo storyline but still Leo is great.
>SCIENCY energy core thingy.
>Inside a bunch of alien like guts in a SCIENCY capsule.
>inside of a generator engine SCIENCY thingy.
Gotta love all dat SCIENCE.
Was it war-head?
>What's the deal with the cockpits looking like they do?
They're interchangeable and pop right in and out. The ships die in one hit anyway, they are fully aware of this in universe, so they don't bother trying to put it at the center of the craft where it would be the most heavily armored. A few lore entries in Final mention all of this. Apparently switching cockpits like this is a faster way of getting the right pilot to the right ship than having them get out and go on foot to their ship.
I hope you have fun with your credit feeding experience, faggot.
Learn to enjoy the genre properly and suddenly it becomes more fun.
>Can someone explain the lore behind rtype?
Humanity created the Bydo, they never outright said why but it is implied it was because they were at war with another alien species.
Humanity then decide to seal the Bydo in another dimension, it pisses them off, manage to break out and go back in time to destroy humanity.
Bydo are fucking bad news because they are literally space cancer that can infect and turn into Bydo everything organical or mechanical AND they have mastered time travelling AND dimension tunneling.
And people corrupted by them do not even realize they were corrupted in the first place.
>What's the deal with the balls the ships fly with?
They are made of Bydo and are the most effective way to fight Bydo.
It is also implied that Humanity will make and use refined version of Bydo-based weapons until they end up creating the Bydo... which is how everything started.
>What's the deal with the cockpits looking like they do?
They took the word cockpit literally.
"The Bydo are a man-made nightmare.
And I cannot wake up ... none of us can ...
The Bydo..."
>it's not really part of the Bydo storyline
Bydo take over that big computer that's the end boss. That's why the events of Leo happen in the first place.
wrong, they are only switchable on Wise Man because it uses pilots too fast because they need to use brainwaves to control the nanomachine cannon
how do we stop the bydo
>No Super R-Type
Is that Secret Tier?
>Can someone explain the lore behind rtype?
I can't find the info regarding body parts in this ship
>"The Bydo are a man-made nightmare.
And I cannot wake up ... none of us can ...
The Bydo..."
The voice recording are interesting. Is it the recordings of the player's pilot or someone else? If its the former's case then did they recover the ship in the bydo abyss then?
By rewriting the fucked up future of humanity where they need to create the incarnation of evil itself.
What shmups have the best lore? The Donpachi series has a pretty interesting setup
>Is it the recordings of the player's pilot or someone else?
They usually say who the quote is by in game. Though I believe most of them are arbitrated to "Recovered Black Box" with no mention of how or when it was recovered. For all we know it could be recovered centuries after the conflict in a Bydo free future or it could be recovered by the Bydo themselves. It's left open for anything like that.
>playing shmups for the lore
Not what I said at all. I just asked what shmups have cool lore
>A shmup with half second+ input delays and buffering lag out the ass
>Sakura Wars
It's a good time to like Japanese games and own a PS4
It's happening again
I liked demon souls before all of you. Rtype lore was my only other
Now you fucks going to pollute YouTube with your shitty headcanon
R-Type isn't super popular in the west
I'm sure you will be fine
I doubt R-Type is going to garner the kind of attention needed for there to be a flood of videos like "DOBKERATOPS EXPLAINED!", "R-9A ARROWHEAD EXPLAINED!", etc.
lmao you're overestimating how popular this is going to be by a lot
this is just a fishing pole. he threw it into the water
Final 2 is going to be the new Fortnite.
cap dis post brah
how can it be final if there's a sequel
Time loops
What order should I play the Tactics 2 campaigns in?
>Final Ending B
Crazy tough R-9 stealing your Bydo infested force.
>PS4 icon only
Why would a game like this, which can run on switch and phones be locked to one console. What the fuck
is dodonpachi 2 canon? some of the level transitions in daioujou refer to the game as donpachi episode 4
Pretty sure it isn't
Sony grabbed it because they thought it was a series that could never become lewd.
They did not know of the horror that was to come.
Humanity did not survive.
>credit feeding
I usually don't play arcade shmups
Because no one else wanted it
Pretty sure there are people having sex in the background of final's final stage
>Responding to a /shmupg/ autist
My dick says yes but my brain says I'm glad R-Type never got the Otomedius treatment.
Yeah whatever, I just can't understand how somebody can find credit feeding enjoyable.
It's literally the same as cheating.
For most people playing a shmup for maximum 30 minutes in total is "the right way to play these games".
It's not cheating if it's to your detriment in terms of your wallet. Unless you're on free play, but at that point it's for the fun of it, not the challenge.
Jesus I don't want to. Bydo ships getting the Otomedius treatment, it just makes things more horrifying.
That user can do whatever he wants. I'm saying he shouldn't reply to you because he isn't equipped for shmupg autism. Is this buzzy? Cee? Tardo? Kraut?
/shmupg/ is so celebrity obsessed you'd think they're a teen gossip magazine, yet decry everyone else
I'm sure it will get ported
Or maybe they just set their credit limit to be low,anyway as i said i prefer console shmups or console ports of arcade shmups because they have a preset amount of continue/credits.
would let her eat your body (and mind)?
I wish MSA wasn't mobileshit because I actually like some of the designs
Also might as well contribute
Actual shmup? I'd say this series
Poojin shmups? hellsinker
Would I have a choice?
Yeah and?
You don't put coins in a game console. And the fun is in learning the game, and getting rewarded by that. Dying 20 times in your run is just not as much fun as being able to 1cc and achieving that is not that hard especially on newer shmups if you strategize.
None of them.
Don't remind me. I'm still mad that shit killed all of Konami's shmup franchises.
>*screams internally as your last vestige of humanity is getting corrupted*
And then you turned into a blob of flesh.
>I wish MSA wasn't mobileshit because I actually like some of the designs
I think the same.
Some of the girls got official merch btw, so they probably plan on integrating them in the lore in the next game... maybe.
>that shit killed all of Konami's shmup franchises
But otomedius was very successfull in japan for a shmup
If you want to think 1cc is what everyone should play and strive for then sure, whatever. You do you. But some people want to have fun, and quitting a game to start from stage 1 over and over until you master everything so you never die again isn't exactly what most do. Mastery comes from playing everything until you've refined yourself to play it all, and bitching about people using continues is like bitching that someone's not assembling a lego set like the box.
If a person likes a game, they'll get better at it. If they don't like the game, they won't. Using continues doesn't "negate that", that's just a way of playing like any other. And if they like the game, they'll continue all they want, get better and eventually maybe not need continues at all.
I'd question the validity of this claim but even Muchi Muchi Pork was successful in Japan.
love how people didn't see konami turning into a slot machine company coming
any gradius fan knew that in 2011 when gradius the slot came out
Otomedius was the most successfull shmup on the xbox
not really an achievement when its one the only 360 shmups i can think of
Kamui is cute, cute!
360 is basically THE shmup console
it had a good amount of shmups
>when its one the only 360 shmups i can think of
Are you kidding me? Its the only reason to own a 360
hella fucking epic troll but it's not april fools
Eschatos had the perfect idea,you only get additional credits after you played the game enough times.
The 360 shmup library is pretty good you dumbass
Not what I said at all. Why can't /shmupg/ read?
rip twinbee
Operation Last Dance 2.0 WHEN?
The thread has /shmupg/ faggots, just ignore them. What are you lads playing?
Oh fuck, me and my dad used to play R-Type Dela all fucking day passing the controller. I just told him about this and he's super hyped about it.
>Dat startup sequence
>Dat giant worm thing
Is that you, Mad Max?
Should you play all of them? What are the must plays?
You want Force?
I have no idea what you're talking about. Is that another celeb you're obsessed with?
All of them
the only game that matters
>shit at the game
>it doesn't give you many chances
>get better at the game
>it becomes easier by giving you more chances
That's retarded and makes no sense what-so-ever, it's completely counter productive and doesn't get you into the game at all, it just turns it into a cookie clicker tier timesink which makes sense considering it was inspired by JRPG's.
Based and solpilled. Hellsinker is awesome
Sine Mora.
R-type was the only shmup I can honestly say I'm a fan of. Good to know IREM somehow recovered from the tsunami. Shame they lost the entirety of Steambot Chronicles 2 during it. It was my most anticipated game when it was still in production.
Only the first 2 games are must play, first one is extremely flawed, the second one is all around solid. Delta's ok but is held back by hardware, slow pace and length, Leo is a pretty good spinoff.
R-Type. Its depressing.
>it just turns it into a cookie clicker tier timesink which makes sense considering it was inspired by JRPG's
This line makes no sense whatsoever
> Shame they lost the entirety of Steambot Chronicles 2 during it.
It's been about a decade since that happened, yet it still stings.
Yeah this is you It's OK have fun with your fellow plebs at Yea Forums
So it's bad if I'm not obsessed with some e-celeb like /shmupg/ is? What?
What the FUCK are you talking about R-type III is THE game to get into the series. I would fucking punch you through the screen if I could for your retarded opinions.
I'd have gone with R-Type Encore.
You haven't even played a single R-Type game you goof, back to elf
I sometimes watch the trailers and think of what could've been.
I don't understand. Now I'm an elf?
True in theory, doesn't work like that in practice. Do not neglect the impact player psychology has on play. Most players need stakes and punishment that don't feel completely arbitrary, that's what makes games engaging. It's more likely that credit feeders will get bored and stop playing because of a lack of challenge and structure, not that they'll keep at it and get better. There needs to be a reason to improve, otherwise players won't which is why you can have players that credit feed for dozens of hours, never getting even a basic 1-ALL. It's not because they lack the skills or intellect, it's because they lack the right mindset.
That sounds like a great name for a ship, honestly.
> R-101b Encore
>7 minute long braindead intro stage to show off ebin mode 7 that you have to repeat over and over
Fuck off with that trash
What about it doesn't make sense to you? You get credits just from doing a bunch of runs regardless of their quality, it rewards you with additional credits purely for time investment even if your skill isn't improving at all. It's the same principle as RPG stat grinding
>[Ultimate Interchangeable Fighter Ver. 3]
>The final fighter. After this, no other R-fighters will ever be developed. After building this masterpiece, the design group known as TEAM R-TYPE disbanded.
t.incel with ADHD
Did you 1cc it?
>it rewards you with additional credits purely for time investment even if your skill isn't improving at all. It's the same principle as RPG stat grinding
That is the exact problem.
there's no fucking excuse for that first stage, it destroys replayability. even the remix of the battle theme loops too much.
Maybe this takes place before they disband?
nope, but why should I? It's enough I can complete it dying once or twice. I don't get boners from the number of continues like incels do.
>the finale fighter
>looks like shit
they should have stopped with curtain call desu
Yeah that's what I'm saying too, it's a dumb system that doesn't fit shmups. The logical thing would be to do the opposite, giving you credits but then taking them away as you hit certain thresholds and prove you don't need them, but then players would get pissed and feel like they're being "punished" by the game taking away the training wheels.
>but then players would get pissed and feel like they're being "punished" by the game taking away the training wheels.
And that's why Eschatos got it right,unless you are a masochist of course.
1cc means not getting game overs
R-Type 3 fans everybody
It fits shmups perfectly, you're just a cuck who misses the whole point of games like this.
You sound like the type of person that shits on God Hand's rank system and says it punishes you for getting better, not seeing that it does the opposite and rewards you by respecting you as a player and presenting you with a bigger challenge.
And the opposite of that so called masochist is called "being shit at the game".
And what's the point according to you, grinding until you get enough credits to """beat""" a game instead of improving and going for a 1 credit clear and high scores?
Not having that challenge as the default is a mistake
The shmups equivalent would be forcing 1cc's, which is fine by me but the Eschatos fans would complain.
Am i really shit for beating it with what the game gave me by the default?
rytpe delta was the shit in ps1 times
>curtain call
clearly the designer left the team early since everything after last dancer looks like shit
No I meant the credit feeding crap.
Yes because the game is pandering for casuals like you who can't 1cc
>western shmups
> People are getting salty about having different thoughts on difficulty again.
Quick, someone post Touhou! It may piss Anons off enough that they stop fighting with each other!
Why arent you playing touhou right now user?
>poohou shite
big cringe
Garbage is what it is. 3D was a mistake, they didn't even add graphics settings so it's full of hideous bloom out the ass and the characters literally never stop talking.
Try beating it in hard mode bitch
Because touhou is fucking boring, I like shmups that are actually fun.
It's trash that only shmup secondaries enjoy.
I beat TH10 on hard when I still used to play that crap. Then I woke up and started playing better shmups. The only good stage was the second last one.
Personal Computer?
>R-Type Final 2
>Final 2
Am I being pranked?
>only for PS4
I was getting a bit scared there for a second
If you want to trigger /shmupg/ talk about JRPGs, for a group claiming to hate them they sure talk about them a lot
touhou a poohou
"Beating" being what? Inserting a shitton of credits and brute forcing a game instead of learning it and going for a 1cc?
holy fuck there's still hope for Yea Forums after all
how rude
Why did Irem skip over Gamecube anyway? Last I checked R-Type 2 and 3 sold fairly well on NES and SNES. The long absence from Nintendo plats was a strange one.
Irem was making lots of games on PS2,you know the only 6th gen machine that sold.
What were they thinking?
Attach rate for Gamecube was good though.
I will snap your fucking neck
Blame the N64 for making most japanese third party devs take their distance from Nintendo
the vg shmup thread probably is.
vr probably is.
v is too underage and faggoty to even know or care how great r-type is. most good people left the site already
I like jets and gunz, its how I came to hear about machinae supremacy and then in the groove and stepmania with their songs. really cool shit.
also stop posting my wife, even though I haven't played her game since 2014.
>Wow, thought Yea Forums would be over the moon with this
Yea Forums is more concerned with crying about SJWs, shilling for Epic, and waifu/gayposting.
/vg/ was shitting on R-Type last I checked
>VG shmup thread
/shmupg/ is fucking awful and a reminder of why it's better never to talk to others about your hobby. One of the regulars named retardo never actually plays for score, despite the games being designed around that. Instead they're all obsessed with random e-celebs
>PS4 exclusive
So Switch just gets the Dimensions port and that's it. And third parties wonder why people never buy their games on Nintendo systems. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>vg shmup
Those guys are faggots obsessing over streamers and Youtubers and jerking off over Battle Garegga
This is fucking false. Tactics and Bitter Chocolate are confirmed to be prequels to R-Type Final. Ending 1 leads to the end of the Bydo in the present, as Earth finally figures out you shouldn't launch an infant Bydo into the core to destroy the old one, because that one will just regrow. So you destroy your own force AND the core this time around, but this leads to your own death.
Several of its regulars are in the top of the leaderboards for R-Type Dimensions
How would this even work? Scoring systems are vastly different across the games. Aircraft abilities are also incredibly different across games. What about games that have multiple iconic aircraft like Gigawing or stuff like touhou? How do you handle powerups like for raiden? What about games that have no power ups like ikaruga? What about games with an inbetween level buy system like tyrian, raptor, stargunner?
t. has only cleared the first loop of batsugun special and spends most of his time playing jrpgs
I mean, I don't either. I just play to 1cc shmups. There's nothing inherently wrong with it. Now, being an e-celeb obsessed tripfag? There is definitely something wrong with that.
sure. Wing commander too.
>jerking off over Battle Garegga
That's a good thing though
didn't mean to quote here >Battle Garegga
long time since that game has even been mentioned there, months
Isnt that the chick from liberation maiden?
Imagine being this much of a faggot.
Something like radiant silvergun becomes much different once you attempt 1cc or nohit/nodeath runs. I'm glad people like you get weeded out fron real shmups like Jamestown
I dunno how about balancing them? It's not like abilities and scoring systems need to be represented 1:1. Dariusburst CS has a bunch of guest ships that change how the game is scored, Psyvariar Delta has the Cybattler mode.
>What about games with an inbetween level buy system like tyrian, raptor, stargunner?
Throw those into the trash
Sonic 3 and knuckles
Major Stryker
>real shmups like Jamestown
all of them are calling R-Type R-Shite
They should at least consider a PC version if they ever hope to even break 300,000 or so. Last I checked R-Type isn't very popular. The fact that it's crowdfunded also has me a bit worried.
>/shmupg/ gets called out for being fakes
>They then proceed to seethe and rage
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. My biggest disappointment with getting a PS3 was finding out they took the original down from their store just like a week after I got mine. What the hell was with that.
R-Type Dimensions sold well on Steam for a shmup
It's one of the most popular shmup names, it's just that shmups themselves aren't popular
megaman 11 :^)
How would you even make a new sinistar game?
IREM died
Dimensions is on Steam
>an inbetween level buy system
Lords of Thunder is the only good shmup with that system in place
Superior non yellow shit covered PAL version, coming through
>real shmups like Jamestown
So why aren't they considering a PC version of Final 2 for steam?
Fantasy Zone and Caladrius Blaze did it fine too, it tends to be fine in jap arcade shmups because they know how to design games unlike brain damaged westies
Don't ask me
PC or fuck off
ikaruga is a top down.
raiden is a top down.
gigawing is top down.
tons of "western" shmups are top down but you don't like those do you...?
Fantasy Zone had a shop inside the levels you are in,like it happens in Magical Chase and Ordyne.
Please give me Delta on Switch.
>blocks your path
Ok people. lets have some fun! Head over to the r-type wiki and hit random until you get a force, wave canon, bit, and ship. Post results.
See pic for ship
How much of a chance do I stand against the evil bydo empire?
probably because no one knows dimensions is on steam
i didn't even know until this thread. the japanese are legitimately awful at marketing shmups.
I just want an R-Type 3 remake. That was the first game in the series I played. If I can get that I'll be a happy man
>implying marketing is the issue
Shmups also lack the so-called free marketing of word of mouth, YT videos and such due to people not caring for that style of play these days
Forgot about UN Squadron
I would have at least liked a Switch version. Fucking hell Irem, I used to buy all of your games back in the day. Just give me another chance and I'll do it
Never mind not caring most aren't even aware of it to begin with. The basic idea of playing for 1cc's and score has to be spread via word of mouth.
i fucking hate 2hus and the whole weeb shit of being a flying girl in a shmup.
give me a ship like ikaruga,einhander, r-types, gradius and its so much better.
tfw no einhander 2 ;___;
Based touhou hater
>screencapping a furry
you screencapped your own kotaku post, didn't you?
yiff in hell furfag
Thats right baby drink it all in.
Didn't this beefy path blocker get a figma?
Pretty much. I was certainly surprised when I heard Woolie and Dunkey even mentioning ZeroRanger. You can cry and whine about e-celebs all you wish, but they really are a great way of getting a game's name out to the public.
SHMUPs often don't get this perk of Youtube culture: The only people watching Bullet Heaven are already interested in SHMUPs.
>Didn't this beefy path blocker get a figma?
Yes it did!
Thunder Force IV is my favorite shmup. How based am I?
I forgot this came out. Shit I probably missed the boat on getting my own Dobby.
Also, this is great news. It sounds like a new game instead of a remake, and I am hopeful about the possibility of adding new levels as DLC over time instead of praying for the publisher to greenlight a sequel. If they can keep the fundamentals of Final and cut down on the dead air you could have a really great shooter (like the best levels of Final: 2, 4, 6 come to mind).
>SHMUPs often don't get this perk of Youtube culture
There are a shitton of shmup players on youtube. The average gamer is just a dumbfuck and has no interest in shmups.
pretty low tier
Everytime I see this thing. It makes me think that its very existence is pain.
b-but it’s fun
Hell yeah, motherfucker
>reddit spacing
Fuck off normalfag
It's not a bad game, just goes to show that you probably haven't played very many
*force grabs your dick*
Reflex kinda lets you do that.
I haven’t. I grew up playing it on Genesis with the 99 lives cheat. I do own R-Type Final and a few other shmups. I just don’t have a PS2 anymore with which to play said R Type Final on. Guess I should get a ps2.
Please! Not again, I just got done piloting you!