i keep refreshing hoping its over so i can just lurk some comfy threads but it wont go away ( ._.)
I keep refreshing hoping its over so i can just lurk some comfy threads but it wont go away ( ._.)
at least its safe and comfy in here...
A thread died for this...
i just dont find any of this fun and all i have is lurking here to distract myself and its made me pretty depressed, sorry you feel that way user..
Like to dab on OP
Soon OP, soon........
i get the like thing is a joke but all it did was make me sad, last year's april fools thing was alot more comfy and nice i just wish that it would go away its past april fools please please its time to stop
Based triple digit score chad.
it won't be over
it's here to stay
how do you let yourselves fall into this dumb stuff all over a joke... in the end the joke has been everyone who actually likes this and doesn't realize the implications it has for the site...
i cant wait to wake up and for all this to be gone but i feel like its done permanent damage to my soul like no matter how bad this place gets it always gets worse but this feels like something that cant be come back from... maybe im the weird one idk
last year's was dogshit and the worst it's ever been
why isn't it gone yet..
i mean it wasnt the best one but it was better than this, i get the joke it just feels terrible and fills me with despair
>yfw the like system stays
i think that would be the thing to really get me to leave after all these years...
lets hope it does then
thats pretty mean i barely ever post but i understand... i just feel like after being here for so long this really hits me how gone this place is...
why... are you... typing in... asthma
how... fucking... far... are you?
It's never going away. Hiro has been planning this as a way to kill the site now that he has stolen enough user information from pass users.
i didnt even realize i was doing it, im in a weird state right now i guess.
>the worst it's ever been
You clearly weren't here for that stupid fucking Anthony Burch hunt. At least the last one got some creative people to draw and make things more interesting.
>At least the last one