Show your scores one last time. Flex as hard as you can before it's all over.
Show your scores one last time. Flex as hard as you can before it's all over
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I had a score of 200 last night but it all vanished this morning so I stopped
Do you just post to show scores or is there text you need to put in the options field
Based Lumchad.
Did anyone check out what NG did for April Fools? It was great.
h-how did i do... pls be gentle
Out of curiosity what was it?
at least I had fun for a bit
I have no idea how many I have
>all these scorelets in the thread
Barely posted at all today, didn't really care
It's showscore in options
let's turn that beanpole into a beefcake
>tfw not a five-digit God
>not even a dino fag
it hurts being a score let
This is actually the first time I've seen mine. I've been off and on all day, too.
Am i a faggot?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
If I must.
heh it's 2nd of April here anyway.
Actually feeling a little insecure about my number, but I still feel like flexing
How does it work anyway?
Am I doing it rite?
Looks like you did perfect to me.
Of course you won't see your own, that's just how it is.
Better than me.🙁
scorelet and proud
One last time
I have heard of the legendary Yea Forums likesluts... Any willing to satisfy a weary cross-board traveller?
>tfw there will be no more scoresluts
i just wanted that moment of feeling infinite libido to last a little longer Yea Forumsros
good doggu🐶
Like your doggu💚
Questionnare for if you live under the EU + super long cookies agreement telling you a bounty hunter has been sent to your address. If you fail the quiz, everything is "filtered" to prevent infringement of Article 13.
you can showscore and post something else?
now noone will know how ebin my posts are :(
You will know (and that's a good thing)
Played too much vidya to waste my time farming points.