tfw stuck in single player until a ban appeal system is coded in
Risk of Rain 2
16 meme numbers easthost
what did you get bant for user?
>spawn in new map
>it's the good ol' stone golem HAHAHAHA welcoming party
Can I get a RoR2 version of that girl going into GameSpot with a wet shirt and laser cheese.
2nd for mercenarychads
did you steal everyone else's rose bucklers?
someone post the artificer mod
>A mysterious red portal has opened
>You find yourself surrounded by strange slender blood thirsty creatures, bulbous bloated and disfigured walking rotted corpses, and fiendish reanimated bones
>You are being hunted
>Defeat him like the Akrid
>In the darkness a hearth lights up, a chair seated in front of it
>Press E to sit and talk
>The flames roar to life
>Run is over, you have become the new Reaper
4 slot engie only monsoon lobby
Dammit bros.
16 levels. How do you get past this? Everything one shots you
I used cheat engine to delete quickplay fags' lunar coins
16 player lobby
Hopefully lobby doesn't break this time
How the fuck does one dodge the lasergod beams? Is hiding the only way to avoid them?
>Cheat Engine
You deserved it
keeps kicking me back to main menu
>being a fag
>gee why me banned
From the Boss Titans?
LOS, Engi Bubble, 619 Teddy Bears.
well that's the correct code, so i dont know whats wrong
Shit host, can't join
Maybe its just me, but I feel like theres a certain speed at which you can outrun them, as long as you're a good distance away. I could be totally talking out my ass though. Once you get to that speed, you're too distracted trying not to die to pay attention to every little bit and source of damage.
>clearly state the exact reason I'm banned and make no attempt to say I don't deserve it
>>gee why me banned
Trying too hard.
I meant to also add if it's just the baby golems then their laser will blink rapidly before they blast it so you can literally jump and they'll miss.
can we move on to chat while we wait atleast?
I knew that reporting all these people posting the n-word in Yea Forums lobbies would pay off.
hope it's never repealed lmao
You can outrun them after two goat hooves and a single can of soda(was it that?) with the merc.
>619 teddies
Until you have some movement speed items you have to hide from titans'.
Once you're going FAST though you can just circle around him and it won't be able to keep up.
Monsoon 4 player
3 slots
Give me chef
Give me bandito
Tell me Enforcer isn't really dead
Stop playing on drizzle, it's harder.
Around 619 Tougher Times is required to gain a 99.9% ability to block damage.
baby golems are easy, its just the fucking boss ones that have aimbot tier tracking, dodges and dashes can't do shit against them
I don't know why that code didn't work, but here's a new one.
>Get a broken item at the beginning
>Gets out of control from that
>Reach the end of the final area and the final difficulty in 30 minutes
>Feel empty inside
Is the game really this short?
2 more slots
As other anons have said there's a point at which you can outspeed them which you can see if you play Wall-E and zip zam zoom away but because he slows down almost immediately it'll catch you again.
Just hide though, it's easier.
Loop nigger, loop!
2 slots
>said they will patch it on monday
>still no patch
just outrun the laser though
>final area
APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
109775240988212599 still need people
haha april fools :^)
Someone explain some things to me. My friend bought a couple copies and 3 of us played it for awhile but we couldn't figure out how a lot of shit works.
>turned in a lunar coin to a thingy that spawned a "blue orb" we never found
>spawned a "gold orb" in a shrine but again never found it
>activated a bunch of mountain challenge shrines that don't seem to do anything
>collected 5 healing drones but they all just followed one guy and healed him only even though he was always at full hp while the rest of us were dying
>found a weird hovership looking thing that cost more coins than we could find in the entire level
Liking the game so far but a lot of this seems broken.
hope you never get to play again dumb nigger
Isn't the fire area the final one? It just reset after that.
>final difficulty
It keeps scaling, there's just no more names for it because it'd get silly.
its 9pm seattle time. still april first over there.
How do bans work in this game? Do you receive a popup saying "your steam account has been banned from risky rain online for so and so"? Is there even a report player feature?
>Isn't the fire area the final one
lol no
just play and it figure shit out
I will miss ror 1 servers
You're not doing the orbs right.
god i really love everything about Artificer but i feel like a hindrance to my team half the time
what items outside of mobility should i focus on? crowbar? AP rounds? i just dont know
i need a real computer to enjoy this game. one day i'll have a non-toaster
Blue and Gold Orbs will activate once you defeat the Teleporter boss. You will see a visible blue or gold orb floating around the teleporter pedestal.
Mountain Challenges increase teleporter boss difficulty by either making them elite or spawning more of them thus increasing loot drops.
AI is bad ergo drones are bad
Hovership is also bad but neat when you're fresh as fuck
Anymore questions user?
>turned in a lunar coin to a thingy that spawned a "blue orb" we never found
>spawned a "gold orb" in a shrine but again never found it
>activated a bunch of mountain challenge shrines that don't seem to do anything
>found a weird hovership looking thing that cost more coins than we could find in the entire level
Stop rushing the TP.
>That don't seem to do anything
Pay attention to the chat box when you activate the teleporter and hold onto your balls.
the orbs make portals appear after completing the teleporter event
mountain shrine doubles teleporter bosses
drones follow whoever bought them
the hovership thing is a really strong drone that's not very smart
where the fuck are the regular unmodded 4 player rooms fucking tired of joining you dumb niggers with the modded dll thinking sv_maxplayers 4 makes it so we can join you
1 slot left
>deleting coins
you do realize people can just edit the xml file to give themselves millions right? whats the point a minor inconvenience?
You'll find the orbs and the mountain challenge on the teleport, activate it and you'll see what they do.
Drones do what they want
Hovership sure is a thing you can end up saving up for
backup magazine is by far the strongest item on her. stack them and syringes so you can instantly charge it. beyond that stack crit and speed.
im dying launch it already i cannot edge so much while watching porn
can I run this game on my toaster? how intense is it?
Îf you got the orb AFTER beating the post, you won't get the portal.
Mountain challenge is something that you should also activate before facing the boss and makes the boss harder but doubles your ending reward.
hey gensou is anyone still joining?
>Orbs don't exist. You need to activate an "Orb" before activating the teleporter. Once the teleporter is fully activated, a portal will appear based on the Orb. Blue portal sends you to a shop where you can buy items for lunar coins, or sacrifice items for other items similar to a 3D Printer
>Gold Portal is a secret map that doesn't give any special rewards yet, but has entries in the enemy log and environment log
>mountain shines increase the difficulty of the teleporter event, but increase the amount of items you get after you kill it by 1 per player. activating it early on usually spawns multiples of a boss
>If the one guy is the one that activated the healing drones, then they're his
>Hovership is a super drone, but it gets stuck on walls and objects pretty often
Look how mad the other replies to that post are. These people actually think adding in coins is immoral and wouldn't do it even if they got memed on, and this fills them with a rage.
That's what we're doing but so far the orbs still don't seem to work.
So the orbs just do some hidden thing to the next level then I'm guessing? Did see a tiny golden orb circling the portal after one boss kill but the next level seemed completely normal.
Does Huntress feel like ass to play to anyone else? Seems she needs so many items to be useful anyone with that amount of items would be useful.
And level 1 Wandering Vagrants fucking SUCK as her.
Gasoline, Ukulele, Tougher times, and critgoggles. She absolutely slays mobs and can do well with her R against bosses as long as it isn't a clay dunestrider 1shotting you
huntress can't kill bosses
Anyone want to play RoR1?
No the orbs make a Portal spawn when you beat the Teleporter Boss and you have to go click on the Portal instead of the TP Pedestal.
Well that explains it. We usually try to kill the boss shortly after finding the portal before the difficulty climbs up again and then do all of our looting afterwards. Thanks anons.
I keep thinking her M2 ability would be nutty with crowbar/crits but it seems her flamethrower is just way better in general, but it'd love effect-on-hit items way more than crowbars
Yes she can. Literally spam glaive and arrow rain while running in circles and firing at the boss at the same time.
>doing it on an absolutely no skill class like engineer
oh wow, congratulations, so impressive
yes, where is serber?
She is quite strong if you're facing exactly 2 bosses, probably the best for this one single not late game scenario.
>45mins passed
>fire mobs spawned
>1 shot me when it comes close
She excels at clearing waves of enemies but I mean you're clearly dogshit if you can't just stand on the head of a vagrant and M1.
Acrid when?
Someone else host us east
how in the fuck did you get deicide user? I've killed elite bosses on monsoon and it still hasn't fucking triggered for me yet.
do you need to activate a mountain shrine too for it or something?
Enjoy taking a week to kill anything.
>Does Huntress feel like ass
I'd like to feel Huntress's ass, if you know what I mean.
The flamethrower is basically there to be an on-hit proc monster without the need to stack attack speed. m2 is really good on its own without stacking items imo but critstacking is good on every character
Well, she doesn't take a week to kill anything, so it's all good.
start the game already man jesus
It needs to be a teleport boss blazing/overloaded.
hell no, shes great
The only reason you would have problems using her is if you play too much assfaggots and treat your r like a 2 minute cooldown
use your damage and hold m1, dummy
How do I get gud with mage
don't forget to email Hopoo with your genuine feedback + a sincere request for Reaper
this but unironically
>taking over an hour to complete 6 stages
lmao what the fuck
it's never starting. april fools.
You are one salty boy, where's your achievements gaylord, let the guy have his fun playing whatever class he likes.
So it seems that it is either bugged or might have some issues. In two seperate instances I killed a Blazing Vagrant, both of them were spawned by hitting two Mountain Shrines on Stage 2 without looping.
In the first one I activated the teleporter and I died, when my two comrades down the boss none of us got the achievement.
In the second one I activated the TP again but I lived while my comrade died. I got the achievement this time but he already had it so I don't know if he woulda gotten it anyway.
Killing a blazing tit beetle was enough for me. I did use a mountain shrine though.
I did fucking try with huntress and mercenary, but I ended up choking on slugs and vulture talismans until I got my ass handed to an elder lemurian ass fire.
God bless the fuel cells 3D printers
Like this post if you want to chat in the lobby before starting the game
>12 minutes
>game still hasn't started
16 player retards btfo
16 player
huntress preferred
U.S East
go fucking fast then get big damage
is it only blazing/overloaded? I've killed the fucking overloaded worm on monsoon, and I've killed blazing titans and frost vagrants.
So how long until we're able to mod /bestkiller/ into the game?
take it to Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data and replace the file.
Some of you are alright, don't go into quickplay tomorrow
when are they adding tracer?
You'll know it's an elite boss because it'll have big massive fucking devil horns on it's head.
Where the lobby at? I don't want to play a 16 person meme game.
I so trash with wizard. I'd need cool down items out the ass just to make it to level 20.
>start game
>want to play someone different for once
>automatically pick Artificer anyway
What do I do bros, she's too much fun.
how do you make a 16 player lobby
Every time I try to join a 16 player lobby the screen immediately fades to black and I get booted back to the main menu. Yes I have the file downloaded
aylmao who the fuck plays quickplay like a cuckold.
Is there actually a fucking ban feature or is this just a meme
I haven't even made it to stage 20 yet either
Can you change your profile name in the XML file without losing your progress or anything stupid like that?
Change an XML file in the game as the host.
please don't take six weeks like the other user did
Look for yourself, asshole.
Best I did was 16 and it took almost 90 minutes. It's fucking stupid.
>it's only 4-player
Is this just an elaborate April Fool's Joke?
join so we can fuck
Here it is, engineer is a class for braindead scrubs.
>hurr let me flop down my turrets and run away
>ban variable is clientside
you best be joking nigger
Yeah if you use her R ASAP you can kill bosses in only 2 to 3 times the time it takes a real character to do it.
>quick play and private game greyed out
well it was nice playing with you guys
I can't even make it past the 4th level still.
what do I do to play on 16 player servers?
Lobby fucked up. Not sure why. Join ^
If Merc can make the jump to 3d, do you think Miner can too?
maybe you shouldn't have been a griefing asshole
what makes you think you can appeal that, you fucking retard?
Whyd did you get bant user?
I literally cannot fathom being this fucking bad at the game. I think you're lying user. Why would you do that?
just join, its normal to be on the lobby menu due to load times so we just wait till everyone is here
>implying I even know where the fuck to look
nigga I'm retarded you can't ask these things of me
what does this do to artificer?
oi jihadist bandit why the hell is that lobby still on
>No proof of what he got the achievement on
>No proof the achievement is even his
Back to play Drizzle with you MUL-T cuck.
probably just as good honestly, especially if he can actually dig underground, but who knows at this point
I've only played with you guys in 6 and 16 player lobbies though
pls go fasterino
removes her buttcape, and also removes huntress' scarf
excellent for if you want to bury your face in her ass like i do
>take the gold portal because we're doing pretty gud
>beef it
this place isn't fair, there's barely anywhere to break line of sight with this faggot's laser
normally I wouldn't believe it but I played quckplay once and holy fuck is the average player fucking awful
Wait, wat?
You can get banned for playing 16 player lobbies?
I don't get paid till friday and my friends are playing. Can anyone hook a nigga up with that extra key?
us central 4 man
>notice these bans rolling in
>no way to tell if they're memeing
>this paranoia beginning after a full day of me fucking around in pubs as Bandit
I-I'm safe, right anons?
Anti-Ban Notepad Protocol ON
Cheat engine OPEN
Programming socks WORN
Yeah, it's griefing time.
pictures pls
>going in gold portal without a pile of engies to shield for you
They're actively banning people who use Cheat Engine and play the game.
Well, mine isn't grayed out, but for some reason I can't join any of you anymore, it always puts me on the main menu, I don't know why.
Why do i keep getting kicked back to title now?
who cares you can just trade out a 1 for a 0 and you can play again hopoo is retarded
>retard alert
Yes, I got an achievement for killing an elite boss on monsoon by killing it on drizzle. Also, not surprised that a scrub like you only knows the engineer and mul-t, two classes for absolute shitters.
now the real question is if you can fucking ban people with cheatengine
start already god damn
tfw ror1 will be even deader now
I will miss you bros...
>implying hopoo isn't lurking these threads to ban retards
>Anti-Ban Notepad Protocol
the lobby broke
I guess so, maybe it's because I changed my dlls after updating my game
>takes a screenshot from a good player
ha..ha i really did it you guys ha i'm not a scrubby haha
is engineer the strongest character?
bubbles and heals are so fucking good
they really need to let us chat before character select, shits too boring waiting for people
First run as merc. Which is more important: crowbar, extra mag, or teddy bear?
Can you just change the dll back and be fine?
His turrets can get destroyed very easily by some enemies and harder boss types so hes not completely foolproof but he is a very strong character
Does this feel like RoR but 3D? Meaning it still has the same bugs and shit but now it's 3D?
Does it feel like it's kept the originals feel and aesthetic?
Literally obselete
syringes and lenses are all you need bro
How do I find the n'kuhuna thing?
He'd be dead if roll had iframes
extra mag always
it's really good
heh heh
Cautious slug
Unless either you or the host are retarded you should be in character select immediately.
at least he's not a dickhead about it
>I'm sure the engie nest can handle it
oh no
vergil mod user...
where are you...
Crowbar don't help him too much since he's rapid attacks. Extra mag is surprisingly useful if you get a load of them and spam his 2, otherwise Tougher Times is the best choice for the long run
>when you are so shit you think that doing this on a non-scrub class is some kind of special achievement instead of simply not being trash
Go ahead, tell me where to point the mouse at so you can get completely BTFO'd :^)
Yes, yes, and yes.
it's harder than 1
remember 1 without glass and how godawful was it because everything was a damage sponge?
it's 3 times worse now
Coin flip between bear and extra mag, crowbar isnt that useful on him because hes more about lots of smaller attacks over time while being untouchable.
Attack speed increases the hits you do in eviscerate and is generally good for getting that 300% damage third swing. Extra mag is definitely a core item because having more spins or flips helps your damage and mobility a lot.
feels faster and smoother but other than that its good
Stage 2, the cliff with the big platform hanging off it at an angle. Look down, see tree branches, jump to branch, jump to cave, go inside.
I've yet to have anything kill my turrets once I get like 5+ fungus
resize your webms retard
no ladders is a pretty big change but it feels like the OoT to LttP.
Go to the cliffside of the marsh and look down, thee rest should be obvious
crowbar is shit
I found a 3d printer and made myself 20 of them, it only affects the very first hit when the enemy is at full health.
16 players US East
>still doesn't tell us what class he plays
>definitely has 80% MUL-T pick rate
>is a cuckold
..haha... I am gamer haha...
...duh? thats what the item says it does
unfortunately i have none of artificer's ass and i cant get any since my computer is trash and doesnt load any model viewer images
here's the front though
4 player
Will start if with 2 others if it takes too long.
>Have 3 Brilliant Behemoths as Engi
>3d Printer for Tesla coils appears
Dare I
Crowbar is only effective on targets above 90% hp so yes, it's incredibly shit if you stack them and blended up all your items to do it.
ror1 is better
if only we had servers...
PLEASE don't be slow
been waiting for ages
>Gift game to friend to play coop together
>He's in canada and i'm in the south US so there's shit lag between us
ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck this
No shit.
In ror1 it was what snipers were supposed to stack to one shot bosses.
So I wanted to see how I would import models into the game, and I can confidently say it's going to take a while to figure out how to import the right file type.
fuck yes, even a single with both is OVERKILL
Is it just me or is the amount of chests drastically reduced once you start looping stages?
You'd be a retard not to
>being friends with a leaf
>am britbong
>have a friend who plays with us from fuckin singapore because of university memes
i have no idea how he stomachs it
>get black screen when joining
Someone needs to mod the mod and remove her jetpack too, it's covering her ass too much.
Am I wrong but is there a cap on damage too? I've gotten the Royal Capacitor and love smiting shit with a shitload of fuel cells but I notice I do 9999's a lot.
I play with an Aussie from UK and the game runs almost perfectly except where his outback by the billabong internet takes a dump and even then he still gets to shit on enemies, I just don't see him moving.
Stop being a poor american and upgrade your internet package.
needs gesture of the drowned
How is that bad at all? You can stack some crowbars and crit and hit the boss with the Preon and completely fucking evaporate its health
>delete peoples lunar coins
>thinking his appeal will even matter at that point
Hope you stay permabanned you slack nosed jew
I'm still sitting in there. Must be busted.
>tfw like single player more than multiplayer
fuck item stealing jews for ruining multiplayer
So if you have two lens maker glasses do you get 20% crit chance or 11% crit chance?
I play both merc and huntress, two classes that actually require some skill, enjoy getting rekt in every lobby after engineer and mul-t get a deserved nerf :^)
i cant stop playing as her anons...
Your fortune: Outlook good
>Gift game to irl friend
>Notice he hasn't even installed it yet
stacks additively
now gimme a like nigger
How many teddy bears can I stack before they stop doing shit?
I had 10 in this last run.
Maybe? But I feel like I've beep-beeped at bosses as Mul-T and done over 10k
stuff like worms and golem punches that cant get blocked by the bubble shield can ramp up enough to one shot them but as long as you get like one bandoleer you'll probably always have one turret available to put down
I don't know if it's just a visible damage number cap, as in it's doing more deeps than the number implies but the number will only show 9999 because I've basically one shot bosses before and I don't remember it telling me I did 660000 damage
Trying again. 4 person game.
I can't play as her
she plays like shit
>can't aim properly
How does it work with the Capacitor? Is it just wasted if your reticle isn't over an enemy once the cooldown ends or does it wait until it is to fire?
not him, but
>implying there's going to be nerfs instead of buffs for other classes
mul-t's nailgun might get fixed but i doubt either will see significant changes, the rest of the cast will probably get buffs
I'm about to start a Mercenary run my guys
What difficulty should I play at
Your fortune: Good Luck
they stack infinitely with diminishing retards
since it's multiplicative, more is ALWAYS better but I'm wondering how many you need for an 'effective' 100% damage nullification
>Require skill
Such skill is required to play these two heroes of anime that I reckon my dog has a good shot at looping twice on monsoon with both.
Okay, user. Back to your 86 minute monsoon game where you die at stage 3.
times up
monsoon, like the edgiest character in mgr
It's over, RoR2fags, it's over.
my guess is no since you don't waste a capacitor charge if you press q but aren't targeting anything. It would be interesting to try out though but I haven't had the opportunity of finding both yet
monsoon, like a real motivated chad
we're playing already
It's diminishing returns.
Tougher Times stacking algorithm : (1 - 1 / (0.15 * [ITEMNUMBER] + 1)) * 100)
I've been thinking about joining these 16 player lobbies but don't know where to begin, also will I end up getting banned if I do it?
Mercenary wasn't worth it, I miss my fun run
I sure do fucking love fuel cells!
it's 661 for 99% and around 6666 for 99.9%
fucking what?
Goodbye Yea Forums
I finally figured out the secret to guaranteed reds
Good, now third world shitters will be out of my server pools and we'll only have people that actually play videogames in
Get two Gesture of the Drowned and never rely on fuel cells again.
Hoopo already said they don't care, so long as it's not affecting quickplay
>Only 4
Get 20, become the god of thunder.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>Hopoo expected this game to sell half of the original
What the fuck.
nevermind that user, he does not represent true Merchads
We only play because we want to be Vergil
it's good she has auto aim, I'm busy looking elsewhere🐰
>play monsoon
>enemies take forever to kill
>worms and fire elites auto kill you as merc
>everyone goes a shit class that can't deal with magma worm
>"Don't worry bro we'll just get good items!"
>Everyone proceeds to get fucked by the first worm in the third world
Fucking worm needs to be re-balanced because most classes are just shit at dealing with it
Is it opening the guaranteed Lego Chest on Stage 4 or the farming of Green Items for Jewt in the Bazaar?
>rainstorm 3 man, on first loop of survivor camp stage, so close to unlocking merc
>playing artificer with insect wings and 3 fuel cells, 4 hopoo feathers and so many backup mags I lost cost
>tfw I could basically zoom around and smite armies from the sky like a fucking thunder god
>other 2 die immediately cause they're fuckin scrubs and didn't even get a second row of items
>one ragequits and the other is about to disconnect
>I tell him to keep his ass put cause I know he's the host and I'm about to unlock merc for both of us
>activate the teleporter and the fucking hills swarm with clay teapots, instakill stack golems and magma worms
>spend fucking forever kiting and finally get the magma worms away from the fuckhuge army and slay them at the tallest peak like gandalf
>about to die, dive straight for the teleporter
>mfw as I teleport away I forgot about the merc portal right that was right in front of me
>other guy calls me a fucking retard and disconnects
Read the thread you salty faggot, it took me all of 10 seconds to figure out how to bypass, and I've deleted 6 more people's coins since then.
They literally said that mul-t is too strong in their blog post, and I'm sure as hell hoping they won't be leaving engineer as a class for scrubs where your turrets play the game for you.
Don't even know if you are the scrub who can't even get the achievement or the scrub who needed over an hour to clear six stages with an engineer, either way git gud because this is really some cringeworthy shit.
It just needs a better indicator of where it will land and emerge so you can properly dodge it and aim attacks at where its going to be like in the first game
devs stated they see worm and imp as too grindy so they'll probably fix it soon
Oh sweet, how do I go about enabling it? I remember reading something about needing to edit a file right?
Huh? Do I have to install or change something to join? Thought it was host only.
you cant get 100%
for simplicity sake, imagine if tougher times had a 50% nullification rate
2 would make it 75%, 3 would make it 87.5%, and so on, but you will never reach 100, because of diminishing returns
that being said is functionally 100%
First off, no, theres a fifth level if you get the gold portal. Second off, the game gets exponentially harder the more loops you do. The goal is to survive many levels, not get to the end.
So what are you guys hoping for with any new artifacts?
if there are any new artifacts
Every class would be fine with worm with 2 changes:
>segmented worm
>worm doesn't spend 99% of the time underground or 50 miles away
I have a real shit pc and it runs fine for me, I didn't even have to fuck with graphics settings or anything.
Also, does anyone know why the game won't save my profile? Its gone when I load the game up again, no amount of fucking with xml files seems to help
Tracing your IP right now as we speak. Get ready to swallow my cock you dirty nigger.
This year's april fools gimmick is garbage, like if you agree
I swear to god you people are doing it on purpose at this point
> scrub who needed over an hour to clear six stages with an engineer, either way git gud because this is really some cringeworthy shit.
That's me you asshole, I haven't been answering your autism since my legitimate answers of previous tries. I don't care about you, you're the one being bamboozled.
just give me glass already so I don't have to deal with damage sponges
can you mod glass to the game?
is 2 worth buying if I never played the first one?
what am I even getting into?
am I retarded?
I've unlocked all the achievements bar the one for getting Stage 20 which I'm going to get today. Lmao.
they said it's a bit too strong, and i have no doubt they'll target the snapshot mechanic for it to weaken it given that they said its on-hit coefficient was already low, since snapshot is pretty unhealthy in general
engineer ain't gonna change though i don't think, he still gets fucked when things one-shot his turrets, every class will probably get brought to their level though
Stage 4 chest, but a kind user told me that there's a hidden spot where one is 100% guaranteed to spawn
>Am I retarded
Anyone discovered the logbook for that place?
>it's harder than 1
Lol not even
Joke's on you I'm at my grandma's house right now because my parents are fighting I'll be gone by the time you'd get here because they'll get high and go to sleep
yup, on a small island beneath the starting island, found it myself today
Is there even a main server? It’s all peer to peer I thought
You're getting into a really fun sandbox-ish roguelite that despite its early access tag, has a lot to offer right now.
It's genuine unfiltered fun.
Although you should play the first one because it's the best indie game ever made
Would extra mags on engi just give you an 11th mine?
Enjoy your engineer time at drizzle scrub :^)
turrets stop working after a while even if there are enemies around they just STOP working. you have to keep putting new ones out.😃
Can someone post a four-man or a 16 player ID? All the 16 player's I've joined haven't worked.
Play something other than drizzle, user
Give it to me straight, bros. Is Huntress weak?
>Wisps spawn
Artificer sucks
here is the pastebin, use to join 16 man servers and not getting stuck foerver
It's alright🌈
Yes and it doesn't matter because you can only have a max of 10 out at once.
>he can't snipe them
you don't deserve the mage ass
She's as squishy as her ass.
Shoot them with fire
she's not MUL-T or engineer, so technically she's not the best no
i'd say commando is genuinely the weakest though, with huntress being like, maybe on-par with merc?
Yes, you can still only have a max of 10 out and sitting about but it gives you a little more nuke potential so its not the worse pickup. I'd try and turn it into something else at a printer or let someone with more use for it take it instead if you're in multi.
Is it just me or is the amount of chests drastically reduced once you start looping stages?
I never play a game on easy. Not my fault you're ass at the game faggot
>>worm doesn't spend 99% of the time underground or 50 miles away
Do you even play the game? Worms always IMMEDIATELY re-emerge as soon as they're under, the problem is the opposite they often go too high in the air so if you're anyone other than commando you just sort of wait for him to come back down to get shots in.
i'll never beat this and it makes me sad
>tfw 24 seconds off 3 hours even
mods = gods
>50 miles away
Too real, they're so non-aggressive.
I don't know why they made it so bosses just sort of leave you alone until you're right on their ass in this one.
>Kill 4 of them
>Get killed by the remaining while you wait for your M1 to recharge
Artificer sucks
Not that guy but I made it to stage 29 on monsoon on literally my fourth engineer playthrough, unless you place them on top of bosses they nearly never die and if they do it's only a question of putting them up again and running away again. 100% braindead character to play.
does transcendence remove glass's downside
pls respond
>not sniping most of them with the lightning bomb and picking up stragglers
i'll reiterate
you don't deserve the mage ass
2/4 rainstorm
transcendence is fucking aids
NA East 4 Man Rainstorm
More fireworks edition
dos Gilded Coast have an environment log? the hidden area when you enter the golden portal
monsoon makes enemies spawn faster, right?
I hit the teleporter and then get two shotted by some falling rocks, from full health
while i was waiting for the teleporter to go off
nice fucking game you stupid fucking retard
>burn someone to death on purpose
>pretend like it was accidental
post your deeds
First off, wisps attack like wiffle ball bats, they're almost impossible to die from.
Second, your m2 has a giant aoe, you should've killed most of them with the one shot.
Third, they have no range, so if they're close enough that they're actually trying to brain you with their wiffle bats, you should be able to kill all of them with a flamethrower.
Stop being fucking retarded.
crabs are cancer
>LK: death+taxes
>RK: flashbang
>shift: lighter blink, takes a split second to use but travels further than Huntress
>R: temporary Scythe melee
>Get past Easy
>Fully charged M2 doesn't kill wisp
Artificer sucks
it offsets it yeah, never be afraid to pick up beetle boi, healing is fuck anyways
It will yank all of your halved health, and turn it into shields with the 50% capacity bonus. So you should end up with 75% of your max health as shields with that last 1 hp.
god damn. I'll never reach those stages everytime something good happens to me i get fucked over.
yeah but glass
>He stops moving after hitting the tele.
No, you're the fucking retard, retard.
nope you just get half shields instead of health
protip: your lightning ball has a pretty wide radius that creates arcs of lightning that can one-shot wisps with just a couple of items
throw that through a group and watch them die
>Enjoy your engineer time
I don't even play engi you mongoloid lmao
monsoon niggas ww@
Now post mul-t
>Flawless 2 Stone Titans with Trial of the Mountain without ever touching the ground as Merc
>2 Shields
Go fuck yourself
What items for huntress?
What kind of connection do you need to host? How do I know if mine is good enough?
Who's hostin?
I almost killed that golem, but I was wearing the crown so when he finally blew up all my drones and focused on me, he dumped all of my money like a bitcoin.
no this game is fucking retarded. there is absolutely no reason for attacks to still go through after you clear the level
Syringes, Glasses, Magazines.
maybe you're retarded for not adapting to something that isn't that bad
Can we get a RoR2 version of this with Golem lasers
Monsoon time US West
Retards looking to learn welcome as well
>why don't you like eating shit huh? it's not that bad!
>or 50 miles away
Did you even read the rest of the post you fucking imbecile. The point is essentially the same, there's basically no middle ground where the worm is actually accessible to most of the characters.
Invalid, biatch.
Alright now where's your percentages at?
>using CheatEngine
>not coding your own DLL and injecting in runtime
>dead from crabs in one shot on only stage 9 with 3 infusions
I'm calling bullshit here bud
Please give Merc the ability to deflect projectiles
Please i-frame commando roll
Please add skins for being good early buy goys and shit like getting to stage x on difficulty x
Please give me Chef
Please revive Enforcer
Don't talk to me like that you dumb bitch you think I won't fucking knock your teeth in
I believe him, the crabs fuck me up all the time if I think it's safe and I stop moving to take a big sip or something. That's why I like shoving them off the cliff so much.
git fucking gud, shitter
wheres the 16 player rooms YO
It's not greyed out anymore after having the original dlls.
Even put the modded dlls on and there's no change; weird.
But before all this give me sacrifice
Glass would also be good but sacrifice first
does leech seed cap at 2?
I got a shit load on one run, but I only got healed 2 per onhit
does it not proc on the summoned boss, either?
try it, fag. but first, fix your fucking shit
I think if commando roll gets i-frames I literally won't ever be killed ever again.
How in the fuck do you have Artificer unlocked but not Merc? Just fucking do a loop by yourself it's not even remotely difficult
>3d printer eats all your syringes, glasses and goat hooves
>but not these useless ass medkits and fungus
>start monsoon game
>first item is Vultures
Lemurians are cute.
do you want command too, baby?
How do I play monsoon?
you are actually bad if you complain about dying after teleporter
it's happened to me a few times too, but do you know the difference between you and me?
i didn't cry like a punk bitch
i shagged your mom
Who were you playing? I'm assuming it was MUL-T because devs explained his proc chance is lower.
It's also supposed to heal you for +1 each stack so there's also a chance you had Corpsebloom or something which would double the healing but make it a heal over time which explains why it stayed at 2.
kill the baddies
>Please add skins for being good early buy goys and shit like getting to
Even something as simple as alternate color palettes would be kino
>Get Shaped Glass
>First boss afterwards is fucking Clay Dunestrider
>All of the Mercs I-Frames couldn't even save me
This boss is actually bullshit
They never said today, they said this week you autist
I wish I knew what I was doing
Are there any australians playing? I want to buy this (30 dollars? wtf) but if there's no one to play with...
Remember last thread when the guy who said this outed himself as a shitter couldn't imagine playing glass without infusions?
Good times.
Anyway seethe harder you contrarian faggfot it's coming in eventually whether you like it or not.
>when you've played a gorillion times more but still suck so bad you don't have the 20 consecutive run achievement
Hahah, oh wow, this is hilarious.
the difference between you and me is that you're mentally ill and enjoy eating shit?
that much is obvious
doesn't change the fact that this game has braindead indie "design" all over the place
someone make a drizzle lobby so we can get the stage 20 clover
>everyone complaining about randos in multiplayer
>have like 9 steam buds who play this game so I never have to play with randos
feels good man
Artifacts are coming back, but nobody said we'd get 1:1 artifact import from RoR1
Can I ignore the gold orb portal and get it later in the run or is it just for the current level? If the latter, is it balanced for my current loop/difficulty or is it set? I'm like 20 minutes into a monsoon run and I've got shit items, I'm pretty sure I'm not ready.
It's almost better to do it solo. Spend the first couple stages getting items and hoping on something goodd and then focus on clearing the stages as fast as possible. The farther you go, the less item boxes there are.
>can't get it himself
i made it to stage 17 with mul-t last night and then some fire elite asshole ended my run
i-i need some back-up
I go shaped glass once I have speed to escape from the projectiles.
Don't even bother with it unless you want the Aurelionite's log really bad. There's no unlocks from it.
My picked percentages stems almost entirely from Prismatic Trials. Also I never asked to see your huntress, I asked to see engi and mul-t.
>has played the game for at least a few hours
>suddenly once he dies at what I'm sure felt like a large amount of time in it's not worth playing
mad cuz bad
Seem to only be that way for some people, I also have incel turrets who will just look at the ground when cute monsters are near
Just draw a red line from the golem to the commando
It takes over 2 hours fuck off and you need to get enough GOOD items or find GOOD printers because we dont have command artifact
stfu like you didn't luck out with infusions and 100% crit/bleed
US East
>1st time playing merc and finally know how Raiden felt and comboing like a madman with feathers and the wings
give the huntress the ability to sprint sideways and backwards at reduced spped and using abilities doesn't interrupt sprint
there I made her top tier but balanced
But laser cheese and Thicc Artificer
>start game
>get two reds right off the bat
>die because the game spawns 50 golems when I hit the teleporter
It's not fair bros
I wish Hopoo would add/someone would mod a function to choose RoR1/Deadbolt ost ingame.
Chris did a good job with RoR2 ost , but I'm just not feeling it.
>get trapped in the middle of 4 clay striders a merc
>team makes fun of me for dying
Fuck off, braindead Cuntress. Go back to RoR1 or get your life support pulled.
>infusions on engineer
look at this retard
16 man lobby US East, make sure you use the patch or youll be bugged and locked to the lobby menu when we start.
now fight a worm and chain your dashes and eviscerate while it's rising so you soar into the sky
you can actually reenact the opening scene if you have enough feathers or an alien head/hardlight
US WEST 16 man lobby
probably gonna start at around 8+
Is there a consistent way to get lunar coins to drop or is it some RNG bullshit?
>mfw getting a bunch of backup mags, gasoline, sticky bombs, and a preon on Artificer
Join my lobby for funny epic moments on monsoon
I swear the max was over 70k a couple of days ago on steam stats
>have GTX 1070, 3.3ghz 14c/28t cpu, 128gb of 3200mhz ram in quad channel
>Still drop to single digit fps sometimes on lowest quality settings
Nice optimisation
I felt like I was getting way more in single player, might have just been a coincidence. I was getting at least 1 per stage, sometimes 2 or 3.
>Engi Turrets can survive literally anything
>Overloaded Magma Worm consistently deletes them from existence
how do they do it?
it's RNG, but if you find a coin in a trial then you can spam the trial to farm coins, since the trial uses a fixed seed
Sell me on 16 player lobbies
They seem like they'd made things too easy and kill the fun
For me it was the opposite, I played single player for 6 hours and got 2 coins, then got far more when in multi
they proc the flame dot.
that shit is op as fuck.
Shit is scaled for 16 players, son
Whoops, posted wrong id, try now
You dont have enough teddy bears to protect them
>doesnt cuddle with his turrets with teddy bears🙁
i was one of the engies, blessed run :')
Absolutely lmao if you needed this many attempts to complete the prismatic trials, you are even more trash than I thought. This is too embarrassing, I'm done laughing at you, have fun getting carried in the lobbies scrub.
The game scales based on the number of people in the actual game (not the lobby).
So if you had 16 players, then drop down to 12, the game accounts for it.
That being said it doesnt entirely work, if you go from 4 players to 1 it still spawns 4x more loot and drops 4x more boss drops. So amusingly playing online, being host, and having everyone quit is better than playing singleplayer.
Can 3D printers take your rare items?
petition to delete wake of vultures from the game
did this one start or am I bugged? I'm still in the lobby
petition to delete transcendence and the crowdfunder (or at least prevent the latter from spawning before the first loop)
didn't work
Does changing the 16 player dll and the other shit mean I can't join normal 4 player lobbies?
Would it possible to mod Golem laser sound with this?
>gets himself banned
>unbans himself
US East 4 man
it's possible to mod anything with anything if you have the knowhow
Don't you mean space lizard?
>energy drinks increase your running speed
what did they mean by this
It means that energy drinks give you energy
>Playing Commando
>Find a 3d printer for sticky bombs
It's retarded but hilarious with all that beeping
monsoon, east coast, need a 4th
Log also says it contains a cocktail of drugs
How much easier is Drizzle? Does it just start out a bit easier to give you extra time to get some items before basically being simlar to Rainstorm?
it means *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP* heh, Yea Forums meta... now that was some fun.
t. bootyblasted mul-t main
your trash can is getting nerfed and there's nothing you can do about it
wtf i love hopoo now
NA East 3/4 Rainstorm
More Fire Please edition
How do I like posts
US East 16 player. Feel free to bring silly shit like enemies or drones.
Can I unlock characters on drizzle? Games honestly kicking my ass.
From my experience with Artificer:
Tier 1: Backup Mags
Tier 2: Explosive, Gasoline, Crit Goggles, Movement (Speed and/or Jump items)
Tier 3: Sticky Bomb, Bandolier, Bleed Dagger, AP Rounds, Crowbar
You need backup mags so you can spam balls when flamethrower is too dangerous to use
Gasoline and Crit lets you nuke the shit out of smaller mobs around the boss and pass the damage onto them, really good with cube
Movement speed is obvious, I really like the quail thing
Sticky Bombs could be higher if you stack the shit out of them since they proc like nuts on flamethrower, but flamethrower really starts to fall off later when everything will murder you for trying to use it
Attack speed items didn't seem useful at all to me
Everything about it is easier. Less enemies, more money, less elite enemies, enemies do less damage, difficulty increase is slower over time, etc.
>This many tries to complete the prismatic trials
You must be a fucking retard. I was trying to get best time on the board before cheat engine fuckery ruined it, not trying to complete the trial lmao.
3D printers take from the tier of items shown
So if the printer had a red item, you would have to pay with reds and so on
>he's still stacking glasses and not sticky bombs
>Enable niggers
>Golems now shoop da woop
>20 syringes
>2 shaped glasses
Transcendence is a good lunar item, lunars are about risk/reward anyways
Easier at first, but borderline impossible in the later stages due to insufficient sustain, whereas while monsoon starts out hard it's much easier to snowball into destroying everything on sight due to better loot.
.fbx retard?
transcendence is only good if you're playing engineer and didn't get a single healing item over your entire run
Is this as hard to get into as the first one?
By explosive I meant will-o-the-wisp, forgot the name of it
>It's a shrine is hidden under the water episode
>sticky bombs
>Enable niggers
>Stealing items gives stat bonus
They proc so often on flamethrower that you literally delete the boss and everything around it
>can't even complete the basic in game achievements
>I was competing at the leader boards guise
lmao, you bring me so much amusement
i personally would put mags and bandolier on the same level and put hoof, energy drink and quail on tier 1
her cooldowns are fairly workable if you get her rotations right
i really wish her icewall isnt a line and was a small circular aoe like huntress' arrow rain
tell me why i should
they can spawn in the fuckin containers on the snow level too
Transcendence plus 2+ stealth kits literally prevents death by anything but a one shot kill.
yes, therefore not at all
US East
Mul-T only, beep boop
>trade for 20 syringes on huntress
>get flaiming lemurian'd immediately on the next stage
>oh well i'll respawn once the 3 other guys clear the stage
>they all get killed by the same lemurian less than a minute after
>damage stacks by over 200% per bomb
>bombs are aoe
>can apply multiple bombs at once
>dots can apply multiple bombs
>bombs can proc off any damage including other items
Thanks for the shekels goy. Enjoy early access.
4man rainstorm, i'm in us east but join from wherever
I really hope commando gets a buff, he feels really fucking lackluster compared to just about everyone else at the moment.
they dont always proc and then you are fucked
People always die on the fire stage
They fuck around farming gold for 20 minutes then by the time you're ready to hit the teleporter, everyone except for you is dead
Attack speed effects your electroball charge rate user
In order of importance: Backup Mags, Goat Hooves, Quail (its almost like having a dodge), Teddy bears, Syringes, Bandolier, Crit glasses, Crowbars (never worry about wisps again) then Everything else it really doesn't matter past this point.
I fucking hate this map for this reason.
yeah he does, he was fine in 1 but he's just too weak in 2
>got lucky with one of those "Trade item for X" thingies, and slowly traded all my commons for 12 syringes
>attacking as fast as lightning
Fucking hell that was fun, too bad my friends were dumb and I got dumpstered by a boss. It was great to shoot arrows like a machine gun
New thread
Are you sure? Can anyone else confirm it affects skill cooldowns / recharge rate? It doesn't say that in the logbook.
>Can't complete basic in game achievement
>his own achievement book is half empty
Huge as fuck lmao's to be had. Alright kiddo. If it makes you feel any better I ended the time trials with a 1:30.32 before a child CE'd his way to a -35792 time
so what ur telling me is lollipops are underrated and should always be stacked
Sometimes the tele is impossible to see
Oh yeah I'm sure
Stand under a couple of stacked war banners or get a Berserker pauldron, you'll notice that shit immediately.
If you get an early 3D printer with sticky bombs, give it a shot. You will absolutely melt bosses. You just need to be careful around normal enemies until you restock on other items.
if there's a sticky bomb printer get as many as humanly possible. A single bomb was map wiping up until level 28~ with just 15 stacks. it's even better on engi who can apply them 3x as fast
It absolutely does. Attack speed really just means ability cooldown, with your main M1 being essentially just another ability.
lava stage fuckin sucks donkey dick.You get bum rushed by bosses and godzillas as soon as you spawn, it seems everything is way more fucking expensive than the usual hike in prices, the colors either go from can't see shit to blinding neon, everything spews fire and it compounds the last problem 10 fold. Swamp aint got nothing on this shitshow
I have all the achievements that actually require skill rather than zany bullshit like finding random altars or killing yourself on purpose, but I'm not surprised that a scrub like you prioritized the opposite :^)