

Attached: 1549431463428.png (601x582, 167K)

Because I'm pathetic.

here she is

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Because the guy above me is pathetic.

I don't want one.

I said hi to my dream girl last week and everybody heard it but she didn't respond and it was awkward

how do I find an autistic girlfriend?

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I gave up🏳️

I'm not gay


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my peepee does not work, I hate it when people taunt me about it, fuck you.

I have ascended beyond the needs of mortal flesh

Rolled 86 (1d100)

No one's my type and I'm not settling for less check em


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Debilitating fatigue

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I already have a waifu user, no need for inferior 3DPD

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I have the same problem. Blew it with my dream girl because of it. Been suicidal ever since.

Unironically because I have a two inch dick. The game ended before it started for me.

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I keep telling you, lady! I'm married to Kass!

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Nice job faggot

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Women are gay as fuck.

I'm not in a position where I interact with many women.

fuck being a wizard
become a lich

I do. But im not sure how long it will last. We are both really busy right now
Im still admittedly reeling a tiny from ending a really long relationship i ended last year
I dont want to go back to her but after 5 years you really dont realize how much you miss someone until time passes

I have a bf

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Women are literally freaked out that I'm 26 and have never had a real gf

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because i'm a degenerate furry, but at least my mere existence pisses 4channers off

Because my sister made me promise that I won't get a girlfriend. She won't get a boyfriend and so we can remain together forever.

We pretty much do everything a couple does (holding hands, going out, feeding each other, random kissing) so except sex, it's pretty much the same, she's cute enough that I'm fine with this, I wish this could last forever

based and incestpilled


that's kinda hot

No one loves me.

I shat on her on accident and now she hates me

I did and then she died a little over a year ago. I'm still deeply hurt by it.

>mfw still a 22yr old KHV and my 18yr old brother just got his first gf

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because im autistic AND ugly as fuck

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Because the girls I know are either snobs or unatractive fat fucks

Because I'm cursed for leaving a girlfriend 9 years ago.

Too autistic to talk to people and cannot maintain relationships. I probably have some disorder or some kind.

I hope I become a skeleton tonight,

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I'm unattractive with a bad personality and frankly, I'm just plain fed up with it all
>work out and get in decent shape
>improve wardrobe and skin
>get a better job
>purchase a large home and live without any roommates
>I'm still only attractive to women with children and hambeasts
>and even then I'm still treated poorly by them on dating apps
>Since New Years I've been stood up three times and told by people day of that they can't make it due to x bullshit five other times
I'm doing the best that I can. But really, with everybody I meet, I don't even know if they're worth the effort. I just want to find somebody that is comfortable for me to be around.
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>tfw it's too late to me
least i can help a dinobro ascent to greatness

its not worth the effort, you only learn that after you get one though