No game even comes close.
No game even comes close.
>the only thing improved from the prior game is graphics, and hardly
>perfectly good tits and ass covered up for literally 0 reason
not touching this trash
They made all the chicks ugly and removed staple characters like Mileena. Also Shang Tshung announced as DLC before the game is even out??? Are they retarded? Why would you announce one of the main characters is paid dlc. I'm not even gonna bother.
I'm just here to say that Jade is cute
Yup. Pretty much the same game but no skimpy outfits. :/ Can't stand companies that cather to the SJW's.
and she have some big moderate bazookas
Where's Kitana and Mileena tho... Oh wait they're white.
Modern FG devs are retarded and disconnected from reality.
This, and I can't stand paying money for the same game except this time with less on offer
Kitana is in the game. She looks asian though.
game is not even out yet
anything to shitpost huh? it's a completely different game. mobility is completely different, there's no stamina bar, meter system was overhauled, but no same game lel xd.
so like always
Won't stop marketers
Yes she is.
I'm fine with that. Perfect palmable size.
She looks like a Thai ladyboy.
Ah yes fan favorites like Kitana Smith and Mileena Jones
Have sex
You do know 9 was the only game with stripper outfits right?
Or are you so young that 9 was your first MK?
11 is on par with every other MK as far as skin shown.
Kitana is Asian and she is in the game.
Mileena isn't even human and she died in X.
I only want more outfit variety and unfortunately I don't see that happening
they are both not human but they just have Asian features
Sonya, Cassie, and Frost are white and they are in.
Is this b8? I can't tell if retarded or b8.
>unfortunately I don't see that happening
Edenians are basically humans.
man i love her
>You do know 9 was the only game with stripper outfits right?
t. never touched an MK before 9
Try playing Deadly Alliance and Deception and get back to me, faggot.
You're (deliberately?) misreading the point of his post?
Did you play the Beta?
There was a lot in the Beta and the splash screen even said it was a small fraction of what will be in the real game.
looks better than the trash in mk9
I guess.
Maybe I'm dumb. What was his point?
I can see the final game having a lot of gear but not skins
So far both skarlet and jade have the 3 variations of the same outfit, I fear that's is what going to happen in the final game with most of the characters
The special edition gives each character 7 additional skins and gear
>durr just pay more
Is that really your best defense?
>Mortal Kombat
>without Reptile
Fuck you Ed Boon
corporate cuck
>special edition
I think I'm falling in love
you know like other fighting games you can unlock costumes right hell in mkx you culd unlock a lot of them so yes there will be unlovable ones
Not my point.
You said there wouldn't be many costumes. But each had 9 to 12 in beta alone. SE adds 7 more, im sure you unlock some in krypt. Krypt always has costumes.
Sorry man. Chill
A startlingly telling freudian slip.
meant to say costumes
>scarlett is unironically pretty cute tho the rest of the female designs suck tho
srsly with long hair she looks way better
I think you have that reversed. Skarlet and Sonya look like trash. Jade, Jaqui, and Cassie look okay. Kitana looks like an effeminate man.
Reads like a Pajeet paid poster wrote your post
It has been confirmed both hair cuts will be in the final game
reads like a retard
Why didn't they fix the color?
i dont get how she is ugly
it looks like someone smashed her face until it was flat
so you want something like this?
wow she looks terrible
>looks okay
that's gonna be a yikes from me
literally just fix her faces damn aspect ratio and it's much better
Her head and face are too wide, she looks like a fat israeli woman.
>made by literal male feminist onions boys admitting to pushing left wing politics in the game
>goty any year
Well she's a damn sight better than Skarlet and Stryker at least, at least she looks female.
>well at least she's better than shit
Cool, she's just garbage instead of shit.
Mortal Kombat games have never been good.
Yes? Did you think the bar was high? I only said okay.
>you don't go into a fight wearing revealing clothing
>some guys wearing nothing but loin cloths
>I only said okay.
garbage is not okay.
Fucking hell it's like that filter in nipland that makes your face a literal circle when you push your hair back.
whats with you guys and muslim people
Well what do you think is wrong with her? I can't see anything specific like the two mongrels I mentioned.
oy vey
>Well what do you think is wrong with her?
she's just ugly. her previous game incarnation was much better looking.
It's always been clunky trash that rode on its ultra silly violence appeal.
Jewish actually
Even I don't believe that, she looked like a tranny with trash cornrows.
Pls, go outside anons, you need it.
cringy whitetoid♨️
The way MK11 has handled its costumes for the girls is almost a parody of modern trends at this point, but it really does reveal how little NRS cares about giving their characters any solid direction in terms of how they look. In other fighting games, any redesign still tries to capture the essence of their character. Mortal Kombat, however, has always had notoriously barebones characters, so they can afford to have superfluous redesigns with lots of wiggle room.
Soulcalibur's Ivy is indivisible from her S&M-inspired getup because it reflects her dominating playstyle and its nuances. Every single redesign Ivy has gone through has the same skeleton and aims to reflect who she is and how she fights. The point of the character is that the opponent is humiliated as they're whipped into submission by a half-naked dyke - as a result, the backlash is inevitable, but it has nothing to do with respect for women, but whether or not her kinkiness is socially acceptable.
On the other hand, Sonya in MK9 is the same Sonya you see in MK11; an army girl, plain and simple. If they want to make her sexy, they can give her something revealing but military-themed. If they want to cover her up, they can do that too and still make her look military. Even her personality is just 'yeah she's an army girl so she's gotta be a bitch I guess'. NRS doesn't aim to represent the intricacies of their characters because there are little to none - they're just blank slates that you can change per the times. The current designs of characters such as Jade and Skarlet speak something of how the team behind them sees women. On that note, the fact it's usually the male feminists who clamour for modestly-designed female characters just goes to show that male feminists are sexual predators.
did they remove her short hair?
you can still use it
No Ermac no buy.
>You do know 9 was the only game with stripper outfits right?
Oh look, another NPC that's once again wrong as fuck.
Would bang.
Will I have a chance?
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>No Rain
>No Reptile
>No Ermac
>No Smoke
Gee, I wonder why?
At least you're honest about your trash taste.
you're excited for a game so hackneyed they're going the time travel route? are you 8 years old?