This is their catalog of racism, this is some of the funniest shit I've read in a long time.
R/Games April Fool's is fucking amazing
Other urls found in this thread:
t. 12 year old
I mean, they're either 100% joking about doing this or they'll be laughed at after the fact because people think it's just an april fools joke.
That's the first based reddit post I've ever seen.
>thinking children being indoctrinated into mutilating their genitals is a bad thing makes you a toxic shitlord
Of course they know that telling people to be nice to eachother on the internet and shutting down a sub for a day to highlight this won't do shit for that cause. But they're reddit mods, they probably think very highly of themselves in their own minds.
what kind of retard takes the time to read all that shit?
lmao there are still people who haven't cracked the code yet?
You should read the whole compilation. Every post they highlighted for toxicity is just the truth. You wont actually see these good posts on reddit because the mods and the user base hide them. That's why reddit is awful. Only the most benign, politically correct shit is upvoted.
The mods finally found out a way to collect and give us all the good posts. It's the first time reddit content has ever been worthy consuming. It's a milestone IMO
>Blacks are the longest established minority in the US
That's Natives
So basically, they're cucks. Nothing new
They hated Jesus because he told the truth
They didn't learn anything from GG did they?
Fist impression: what a load of sanctimonious horseshit.
Second impression: upon reading their hyperlinked examples of racism etc there is NO WAY someone wasn't taking the piss. If they wanted an example of indefensible racism they have hundreds of 'NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER' posts to choose from. Using as an example instead can't be an accident, and all the others are the same: waaay to close to steelmanning the alt-right position for coincidence.
Barely anyone cares about Native Americans. they have always been shoved aside and not even the SJWs care to bring them up.
see that's the joke
natives are literally the most forgotten and worst off minority in the US, nobody cares, it's all about niggers this and niggers that
Why are you obsessed with Reddit, OP?
A sad day for redditors. A glorious day for anons. Just like every day.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
why is this? why do the left care about niggers instead of the natives?
Should i marry my waifu?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
You know they're serious about this. Is this the most cringe and bluepilled thing of all time?
Should i marry my waifu and make her happy?
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
user BTFO
>getting angry at an April's Fools
Yea Forums is truly the smoothest brained board on 4channel
They keep saying it wasn't a joke but it sure seems like one
plz fortune, let me marry my waifu TnT
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
More recent guilt overwrites older guilt?
Or maybe we're all super racist against blacks (implicit association test) and liberals just knee jerk hard in the opposite direction.
no, i just want to marry my waifu give me good luck.
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
natives make up such a small portion of the US population that winning their favor would be completely insignificant to (((them)))
hey bby
TnT. my waifu
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Then why do they care so much about trannies when they make up an even smaller part of the population?
Wow, poor user, not like me. Should i marry my waifu?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Should I fuck anons waifu
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Based, finally someone gets to live the dream.
>you won't marry your waifu
>Instead you'll get blacked
>these people were banned for these posts
It amazes me they decided to virtue signal on April fools day.
i'm gonna marry Yunyun
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
should I fuck anons waifu
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
The fuck kind of fortune is that?
>First of i want to state that i do not in any way agree with or support what this man has done but here's a paragraph about why I agree with and support what this man has done
Faggot deserved it.
apparently, "it's coming"
Holy cannoli! Nobody told me Reddit was so BASED and REDPILLED
a good one
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>telling people to be nice to eachother on the internet
by linking to abortion causes?
Schools don't talk much about the natives, oppression or otherwise. Meanwhile, there are entire units dedicated to slavery, Jim Crow, black suffrage.
I didn't know a CS:GO fag was killed in that Mosque shooting. That makes the whole thing even funnier
>his handle was "crazyarab"
Bit redundant, isn't it?
Should I double team user's waifu with this guy
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
>subforum with 1.2 million subscribers
>mods upset that they have to moderate LIKE, EVERY DAY
>nearly every comment was downvoted to oblivion by the community
Wow, 71 posts across 6 months. It's literally just mods upset that they have to do their jobs despite having the full backing of the community.
fuck reddit
apparently, the boys over on 8 are planning a massive /r/games raid because of this lmao
they're trying to recruit Yea Forumsirgins and Yea Forumstards to use as live ammo
They keep making these threads because they're trying to stir as much shit as possible. Don't fall for it, don't waste your time on this shit raid. Thnx
Should we obliterate resetera?
Imagine a world where this is seen as an objectionable statement. I hope everyone who downvoted this guy dies, they are complicit in child abuse
Feel free to link to evidence of this conspiracy instead of just projecting one, thanks
I kind of hope its real, that way it's even funnier.
What happened to the Native American civilizations was a great shame. Supposedly the population of Central America pre-Columbus was on par with China at the time. Then disease and famine came and wiped 90% of the population. The world greatly developed with the independent growth of Eastern and Western technology and philosophy. They would occasionally exchange ideas and learn how to do things better from each other. Imagine having a third great civilization to interact with, what kinds of achievements could have been made? Such a loss.
There isn’t anything to do about it now, what’s done is done and was irreversible the moment disease swept over the native populations. I just find it very sad.
will i ever get to be with my waifu?
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>the boys
Did you just assume someone's gender?
Perfect post desu. I'd welcome that refugee with open arms.
No one gives a shit about natives who have higher incarceration rate than blacks even. Thats because they are the ultimate gibs and their reservations are just ghetto tier hobbles with the highest unemployment rate
Just be thankful they are dieing off
absolutely eric
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Can I marry my waifu too?
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
I hope he fills me to the brim then.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
this is the only way people can see the messages that they "dont" want you to see
Fancy meeting you here. What's your name?
Their society at the time while impressive in some areas, was highly non compatible with western influence. Many classic journals described them as being the laziest creatures any one ran across and yes while some of this is due to disease, in less disease prone areas they simply did not want to go to school or farm.
I don't entirely blame them though, being able to go hunting a few times a week and make women do most of the work has a certain appeal to it.
The furry is a mega faggot true. But LTG has to be one of the most sorry excuses for a human being who ever lived. Not badly, just pathetically.
really makes you think
Honestly? As long as they trigger /pol/, I support them.
go back
Happy cake day!
/pol/tards act tough but they're so thin skinned and easily offended by little things that it's hilarious
Remember that time they fucked up moderating so badly that they caused Gamergate?
Most classic journalists were coming across them after their entire society and civilization collapsed. Someone once described it like living in some Mad Max type scenario which I thought was appropriate considering the destruction that comes with the collapse of a civilization. Their cultures and practices were incompatible with many western schools of thought because they were entirely alien to the West. Imagine that the collapse hadn’t happened and the West was dealing with a highly populated continent with advanced societies capable of defending themselves and imposing their Will upon any would be settlers. I think we might find more American schools of thought and philosophy in the modern age that are adapted until West and Easts schools of thinking.
There's no way he could say he supported the attack without some CIA nigger knocking on his door. His reply was spot on.
Reddit mods hate the like/dislike system of reddit, ironically.
What is up with SJWs and their insistence that they must achieve perfection? That's fucking creepy.
Was that not r/gaming?
The only reddits I follow are porn and some niche collecting things and the one piece one since they keep track of new chapters easy
I dont get how reddit works still
I want to give Felix head pats while calling him a good girl!
>meanwhile, conservatives are on a crusade for a white ethnostate
hmm ya how creepy and not based!
So much onions in these comments holy shit.
>tfw hispanic and fap to traps and I still hate reddit and the social justice crowd
What now? Not even right winged either.
I member.
you'll commit suicide by 30 tranny🌈
imagine being such a snowflake that you make a political statement on april 1st so everybody will keep wondering if it was serious or not♨️
>0 points
is reddit... based?
I thought the left wants whitey gone. If he's secluded in his own ethno state wouldn't that make everyone happy?
>meanwhile, conservatives are on a crusade for a white ethnostate
Wasn't that just Russian bots?
The look of cold, hard reality dawning on that stupid fucker's face will always make me laugh
>Remember that time they fucked up moderating so badly that they caused Gamergate?
I thought that shit started because of Zoe Quinn?
I love you guys and how you judge me not on the fact that I post on a subreddit you dislike, but how much of a faggot I am in my post
>Imagine being so buttblasted over being called a nigger, lol
I'm black and my gf is white, should I marry her and what's our future like?
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
If i was a tranny id do it at 31 to dab on haters like you
Because perfection is unachievable, so they never have to worry about losing control over you.
Will I ever get a qt gf?
Your fortune: Good Luck
>don't want to end up living in the dirt like third worlders
I remember when there were people that didn't use reddit here and mocked you idiots that do. Then again this board used to be funny and at least occasionally talk about games not from Platinum, From, or full of loli shit.
This guy is 100% correct.
>the literal second image in that gallery is a completely sane person making a completely sane post
I'm starting to think reddit might have been invaded and at some point it was reasonable people♨️
>stop killing, black men!
Like you faggots shout out "Homophobia/c!" and "Transphobia/c!" at the slightest sight of disagreement on the moral arguments of both issues?
>stumping cucks since 87
What happened in 1987?
Simple. Because they destroy their hated enemies: White goys. Every white goy child that gets turned into a tranny gives them one less descendant. It's rare (but not extinct) to see a nigger, muslim, asian or wetback tranny, but for ((them)), destroying white goys is their ultimate plan.
I'm not reading all that shit
Fapping to traps is a sign of high IQ, you're fine don't worry.
>completely sane post
Except it's not.
>being hispanic in current year
buy a race change retard
The first two are entirely rational statements. I'm afraid to keep reading.
^^^ this poster is an astroturfing discord tranny
>that post praising KH3
Don't tell me you think that guy is right.
natives aren't dark enough, so fuck them, blacks on the other hand :^)
remember goy
>this is what MIGApedes look like
lmaoing @ ur lives
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with lolis as they are not real🏴
will I die single?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Is he right?
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>furries don't want to fuck animals, they're not real!
is basically what you just said. it's the same argument.
>if you're not X you must be Y!
I suppose you wonder why you feel persecuted, cutie
Sure, just like how furries aren't into bestiality because anthropoid animals aren't real. People just don't want to see that shit getting spammed all day.
lolis are based
>people that play gta are murderers
this is your brain
Your fortune: Average Luck
help Yea Forums i'm dying
>However, we are profoundly thankful and extremely gratified that the amount of positive responses greatly outweighed the number of negative feedback, both via modmail and in other subreddits as well as other forums of discussion. It shows that our message received an immense amount of support.
>0 points
>48% upvoted
Is this user's fortune right?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
the world would be such a different place if free speech actually existed and libtards didnt spend every waking minute of their lives trying to gain power and control over people, speech, and institutions so they can force their ideology on everyone and suppress dissent.
Nobody was victimized by the creation of loli, therefore there is no sane reason for it to be illegal unless its a tracing of actual cp.
Free speech stops being relevant when its hate speech. It's not worth listening to and shouldn't be tolerated but rightards will keep crying about it because they don't like admitting they are wrong
>even Redditors themselves are telling them that it was a bad idea
>Even that got banned
What the fuck? That's some resetera level shit.
Deep inside we're... kindred spirits...
free speech means free speech you unironic fascist
Life is funny sometimes.
Define hate speech
I honestly agree with the core values of the post but the issue is its the internet, no matter how much politicos try and regulate it its still kind of a wild waste land, whether its shit posters are actually low IQ biggots this shit will just exist as ideas out there, there's no stopping it
This is hate speech you are now going to prison. Too bad you’re rights weren’t protected. But good thing we can tell you what to think and say and tell you what is okay. That is double plus good!
>it didn't even got downvoted
reddit is actually based and you didn't saw it until now
Leftards only care about natives when it's Halloween and they need to whine at you for wearing a Native costume.💢
Playing violent videogames makes you shoot up schools and smoking one joint turns you into a heroin addict.
>Free speech stops being relevant when its hate speech
they are the same thing fuckstick
Just because you CAN say it doesn't mean you should retard
Unironic threats of violence or discrimination against anothers life based on race, religion, sex, creed, sexuality, gender, any form of basic identification
I would consider comedy to fall under ironic, making it a safe place to toy with that kind of humor but that's assuming that the audience all knows its a joke (ie: see Chapelle and why he got tired of his show because of people taking the wrong things seriously)
Score = number of years the next poster has left to live
Bunch of ill informed zoomers in the thread.
Justice for natives was SUPER trendy among the Dems for a long time.
Everyone wanted to be part Native, everyone wanted to protect the natives. Everyone wanted a piece of that culture. And you know you're part of a movement, when white women are backing it. Which they were.
Look at anything made in the 90s and back, and Natives were always a subject for the liberal-minded. I certainly grew up learning about Native shit in school. Not that I remember any of it now. But they tried to teach us.
I find it hard to believe that you all believe, that the left doesn't care. I think it's more likely that you guys are just finding any reason to shit on liberals, even if it's a nice sounding lie.
>getting shredded in the comments
>those hips
The only speech that should be banned is speech that can be reasonably interpreted as a direct incitement or threat of violence.
Everything else should be legal to say. If you think otherwise, whether you're on the right or left, you are a subhuman anti-free speech advocate and should be deported to some shithole communist country.
Why are niggers such pieces of shit?
he's right, there has never been a stable, long-lived "multicultural" place. cosmopolitanism gets quickly replaced by whatever is strongest, and then strife begins in earnest.
dumb ass tranny
>Unironic threats of violence
How do you know it's unironic or not?
>or discrimination against anothers life based on race, religion, sex, creed, sexuality, gender, any form of basic identification
Define discrimination
seeThat's the point i was trying to make
The issue then becomes audience interpretation
What is wrong with abortion?
Stating facts isn't always hate speech. While I can understand were you're coming from, (ie. meming retards spamming "fuck niggers") there's a point where telling the truth and being outed as a "racist" because someone on the opposing side doesn't agree with you, is just censorship and silencing the opposition.
Example: It is illegal to criticize the migrants of wrongdoing in the UK. It's gotten so bad that UK police are afraid of investigating crimes that are related to migrants because they don't want to be called a racist.
oh btw donate to these lgbt degeneracy and negroes charities
So we can agree that this years april fools was the worst, right?
I think it depends on the area, up here in Mapleland easily 90% of social justice wank is aimed towards the Natives. We don't really have black people here, at least not with the kind of drastic racial divisions that are in the US.
>Unironic threats of violence
already covered by more sensible laws
>based on race, religion, sex, creed, sexuality, gender, any form of basic identification
why are these special to you? are you saying threats of violence are less significant or less worthy of punishment? and also, you'd never enforce your law fairly, you'd always let the bahar mustafas of the world go free.
But who should have the authority to define hate speech, the definition of which allows the silence of all dissent if it is classified as such. It is better to have shitheads yelling nigger than to set a precident for the arbitrary limitation of speech in a manner anyone can define differently, and will almost certainly use towards nefarious ends to silence their opponents. The concept of free speech was not invented to deal with talking about the weather, but specifically to protect controversial and popularily disreputable speech to ensure the free market of ideas is as open as possible. If you are assuming you know enough about all ideas and their future impact to decide better than the forum of public debate what is right, history shows you are probably wrong.
Hopefully they all become trannies and kill themselves soon♨️
Yea Forums would be such a difference place, if video game discussions actually existed, and conservatards didn't spend every waking minute of the lives, trying to sow hatred and propaganda about race, religion, and sex, so they can force the ideology on everyone and suppress dissent.
I never implied it does.
>Threats of violence
Those already aren't protected by free speech, so what point are you trying to make?
*threats of violence without those motives
Its even more funny because all these compiled posts sound like they came straight from Yea Forums
So is r/Gaming officially resetera now? no doubt the mods are all resetera trannies.
Call me Light.
what suppression? what forcing of ideology?
same posters probably
Have abstinence.
>How do you know it's unironic or not?
Case by case basis, context matters, especially if its in random internet text
>Define discrimination
Using any of the listed categories (plus any others that could be considered basic human identifiers) as a means of negatively talking about someone for the sole sake of demeaning them
all reddit mods are trannies or trying to fuck trannies
I don't think so. I live in maryland. All my schools had a high population of blacks, and we still learned about Natives.
But beyond that, native support permeates our culture. You see it in movies, TV shows, cartoons... It's just there. Granted, it's not as big of a deal now. But it was back in the day.
I have to agree with this and think the mod went rogue and decided to subtly redpill people. While I could see reddit doing this on any other day, surely even leftists wouldn't be dumb enough to do something like this on April Fools Day, right? Right?
>48% Upvoted
>It's literally at zero score
Funny, did they delete any comments that strictly criticized them? Because it sure is surprising to see no one calling them out as hard as they should
*ting ting ting*
all the threads on this issue are just news posts about leftists forcing their religion into games. why are you attacking the reaction rather than the cause? oh i know why, because youre a reddit tourist libtard.
>Stating facts isn't always hate speech.
Indeed, it is only hate speech when it goes against letting the Left destroy your nation.
Kind of weird that the stickied post is really pathetic and retarded and everything they included in the album to show how awful gamers are is actually pretty normal people just expressing middle-of-the-road opinions on things and not even being wrong. It's almost like a cult or something.
Wait, how are any of those posts not instantly deleted, let around remained there long enough for someone to comb through and screenshot a bunch months later? I thought words like nigger and faggot were auto-bans?
>Using any of the listed categories (plus any others that could be considered basic human identifiers) as a means of negatively talking about someone for the sole sake of demeaning them
oh yes? what's actually significant about those categories? why shouldn't it also be illegal to speak negatively about someone because of their eye colour or their ideology or their opinion on immigration or their job or their education or their taste in food?
>Case by case basis
yeah in other words "white people bad and they're the only people we'll prosecute for typing words".
totalitarian spastic, kill yourself
>and suppress dissent.
Mods only ban off-topic threads and even then only barely. Unlike almost every other website, nobody here is being censored based on which side of a debate they're on. I think you just copy pasted someone else's complaints about the left and changed a few words.
user, he's gonna fill your waifu.
>Tumblr-tier mental illness rules the society norms nowdays
Ist been like 7 years of this shit when will it stop?
Reddit is not that hopeless as I imaginated
>second worst gaming place in the world after resetera
>99.9% of the audience is faggot virtue signalers omg tranny skarlet is so badass
No surprise there.
that only applies in America and some European countries tho, the rest of the world couldn't give less of a shit
But it's also against the white master race meme. If I state that white people ruined thier own nation by being so fucking dumb and letting Jews decide everything that would be a fact but also bluepilled because I suggested thier could be a dumb white person.
/rPCgaming posted about it and the tranny mods locked the comments because nobody was agreeing with it.
This is glorious and sad.
transgenders will be completely phased out within 20 years when all these 45+ year old men realize trying to be a girl was a mistake
The hostility against ideas that conflict with your own. If anyone says anything that goes against the /pol/ script, then it's instantly met with vitriol.
The constant flooding of propaganda and slogans, spoken again and again. Smaller voices get drowned out by many different voices.(sometimes samefagging), in order to make the discussion incredibly one sided, to the point where it's not even worth having.
Shutting down conversations with shitposting. Whenever times get tough, you can always just resort to silliness, or irreverence, to try and make the conversation futile.
pretend-maoist neoliberals don't think you're entitled to your own opinions
But goyim! You must open you hearts and borders to refugees! Anyone that says otherwise is a racist and will be thrown in jail for wrongthink.💯
did any of you gamers show up in their gallery of cyberbullying
Screenshots were taken using ceddit to see deleted posts. That's why they have red borders
I'm glad they're in charge and you aren't.
But Yea Forums thinks immigrants are based and redpilled because Hispanics "act white"
Is this bait? Do you unironically believe it's the conservatards pushing politics in videogames?
Theres going to be some mass die offs as people realize they made a mistake and fix it with a rope.
dangerous levels of truth
Oh, there are plenty of stupid white people. If there weren't, their nations would be in the process of being destroyed to the thunderous applause of the traitor portion of their race.
>The hostility against ideas that conflict with your own. If anyone says anything that goes against the /pol/ script, then it's instantly met with vitriol.
you aren't suppressed, you're argued with. you can say absolutely anything you want, far from what "the left" allows anywhere they have any clout (which is fucking everywhere, let's be honest).
>Shutting down conversations with shitposting. Whenever times get tough, you can always just resort to silliness, or irreverence, to try and make the conversation futile.
beats being banned the minute you say "actually i think we should have borders"
She's a crazy aussie femnist "plus" size model.
That doesn't make you any less of a fag.
How is that one about sonic fox racist/homophobic, better yet how is it not true?
Yes but you wouldn't be banned for stating it. In the UK you will literally be hunted down and prosecuted for any criticism that does not conform to the politically correct culture.
Pic related is what the left supports.
>Case by case basis, context matters, especially if its in random internet text
So your answer is basically "I don't know"
>Using any of the listed categories (plus any others that could be considered basic human identifiers)
Why are they special?
>as a means of negatively talking about someone for the sole sake of demeaning them
What if someone deserves to be demeaned? Why shouldn't it be allowed?
>reddit thread on Yea Forums
what happened to this board not giving attention to plebbit?
No, I'm not a plebbit faggot.
/pol/ shitposting is preferable than leftists shutting down conversations by banning people, getting them fired, or blackmailing them.
I unironically would, holy hell if hips could kill.
yeah, a country formed because some ethnically chinese people couldn't tolerate living with muslims. and a country where the culture is enforced by draconian laws less, no less. good example.
This hits upon a very important concept: when being racist and being correct intersect. The purpose of free speech should be to allow public debate to be as open as possible to move the public consciousness closer to the truth, though the open ability to refute bad ideas and propose good ones. But if whole classes of ideas are labelled as unacceptable a priori, what happens supposing the non-zero chance that one of those ideas happens to be true? If public opinion and policy aren't allowed to reflect the truth, even on seemingly trivial edge cases, society and its functioning will slowly become more and more maladaptive to the world around it. That is why hate speech is a fundamentally disasterous concept: we can't afford to label whole classes of opinions verboten in such a way that even hard evidence can't overcome their socially and legally proscribed status. If an opinion is racist, hateful, and factually correct, the first two shouldn't matter in determining if that idea should be supported and propagated.
>working hard and being civil is acting white
I'm actually genuinely bothered that every charity on their list is targeted towards progressive causes. If "THE WHITE MAN" is so at risk for being the perpetrator of these heinous actions, why not suggest charities that target at risk youth who may be prone to these behaviors? Wouldn't it be a better use of money to try and tackle root causes?
But jesus christ im just a humble mexican villager i only want to play videogames or watch movies without all the liberal nonsense assfuckery-race propaganda on everything ffs 2012 bluckbuster was nuked to get that monkey bastard a second term 2020 will be nothing more than orange man bad!!
You could blame that side for being dumb enough to let the idiots get enough power and litterally refusing to do anything because they could be banned or yelled at by a tranny. Even blacks during the Civil. Rights movments had more balls and brains than the current year whites on both sides of the field
>I will never have friends to be pieces of shit with
no, reddit resetera is r/gamingcirclejerk
none of them play games
And I thought Yea Forums was bad at talking bideo gamez
If it were only in threads that debated against leftist ideologies, then I wouldn't have a problem. But it's more than that. There are many variables to consider. But in the basic sense, either people butt in with their politics, in threads where it doesn't belong. Or people create politics where there are none. Or people use their politics in order to spread hate.
That last one is the worst. Because it usually starts off with a reasonable question like "why do devs always make women ugly in video games?" And, in my head, I'm thinking this is a way to address the matter of art, from different perspectives, and try to understand why people make the decisions they do. But somewhere in the first 10 posts, it turns into "Well, white people are all ugly with square jaws, fuck westerners" Or "Gooks are all plastic surgery monsters." And before you know it, someone is posting their collection of buck tooth asian comics. And someone else is posting their collection of dirty white trash comics. And the whole thing turns into a retarded race war to see who has the most valuable genes.
And it's like, holy shit, is this video games right now?
really activates those almonds
big yikes
Shitty haircut aside, that body is fucking peak performance. You'd be the big gay if you weren't attracted to that in some way.
I'm actually genuinely bothers me that every charity on their list is targeted towards progressive causes. If "THE WHITE MAN" is so at risk for being the perpetrator of these heinous actions, why not suggest charities that target at risk youth who may be prone to these behaviors? Wouldn't it be a better use of money to try and tackle root causes? What the fuck does planned parenthood have to do with fucking cyberbullying?
You just know this faggot is thinking >Goodness, look at how whites caused these strong black men to attack me. I deserve this for slavery.
Gib 20 likes and the Depressed Mermaid Show gets a 2nd Season
You can use other tactics to suppress. Suppression doesn't only come from appointed officials.